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"Thank You, Ma'm" Test: Comprehension & Analysis

Part 1: Basic Understanding (45 points)
1. Mrs. Jones wants Roger to learn how to....
be tough
behave himself (correct answer)
get a job
trust people
2. Which words best describe Mrs. Jones?
foolish and trusting
tough and ruthless
meek and shy
wise and kind (correct answer)
3. To show that she does not assume Roger will rob her again, Mrs. Jones....
• turns her back on him while she cooks (correct answer)
• asks him to go to the store
• asks if there is anyone at his house to feed him
• tells him he should have snatched her purse
4. After Mrs. Jones brings Roger home, she...
• treats him cruelly, as if he were her enemy
• coddles him, as if he were a helpless puppy
• disciplines him as if he were her own child (correct answer)
• watches him suspiciously, as if he were a thief
5. Why do you think the author decides to name the story "Thank you, Ma'm"? Give
information from the story to support your answer. (10 points)
Part 2: HOTS- the motives we have learnt
1. At the beginning of the story, Mrs. Jones is aggressive towards Roger, and then she
changes her behavior. Why do you think she changes? Give information from the
story to support your answer. When answering the question use one of the thinking
skills we have learnt- inferring/uncovering motives.
2. Mrs. Jones says, "I have done things, too, which I would not tell you, son". What can
you infer was her purpose when she told him that?
Thinking skill I chose: Inferring. I infer that Mrs. Jones wants to teach Roger that people can
change if they want to. She tells him that she also did bad things in the past, she probably
stole too. However, now she has a decent job and a place to live in. By telling Roger her life
story, she teaches him that though he tried to steal, he can change his future, like she did.
3. Why did Mrs. Jones choose to help Roger instead of calling the police? In your
answer, refer to their environment of living.
4. Mrs. Jones handles the situation in an expected way. How do you think this
experience affected Roger? How do you think the day with Mrs. Jones will change
Roger ?Give examples from the story to support your answer.
Part 3: Bridging Text to Context
1. “When people care for you and cry for you, they can straighten out your soul.”
(Langston Hughes)
"Trust and kindness go hand in hand. We need to learn that acts of kindness,
no matter how small, can have a big influence on someone’s life. The only
way to make people honest is to show them that you trust them." — Adapted
from Henry L. Stimson
Explain how this quote relates to the story "Thank you M'am". In your answer
mention Langston Hughes's goals
2. Research shows that elderly African-Americans are often involved in the discipline of
young people in their community. They sometimes help them with money and often
act as parents. They also see themselves as teachers. The lessons they give to young
people are about manners, values and morals. – Adapted from an article by Susan
Make a connection between the above description and the story. In your answer include
facts/explanations from the background information about the author