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Military Map Grid Coordinate Training Outline

CIT Outline
Task: Determine the Grid Coordinates of a point on the map.
Conditions: You are a member of a squad or team in a field environment and have
been directed to identify the grid coordinates of a point on the map. You have a
1:50,000 scale military map, a coordinate scale, and protractor or plotting scale, a
pencil, and paper. You have been shown a point on the map.
Standards: Determine the six-digit grid coordinates of the point identified on the map
by: finding the coordinates of the grid square where the point is located and the 4-digit
grid coordinates of the point, with a coordinate scale and protractor or plotting scale.
Include the 100,000-meter square identifier with the grid coordinate.
Risk Assessment:
Weather, Wildlife and Slips, Trips and Falls.
Train the Soldiers:
1. Demonstrate the steps for determining the grid coordinates of a point on a map.
a. Determine the coordinates of the grid square.
i. Select the grid square that contains the point.
ii. Read the east-west number that precedes the point and record the
number associated with that line.
iii. Read the south-north number that precedes he point and record the
number associated with that line.
b. Determine point grid coordinates with GTA 05-02-012 coordinate scale
and protractor.
i. Locate the grid square where the point is located.
ii. Determine the coordinates of the grid square.
iii. Determine the third and sixth digits of the coordinates.
1. Place a coordinate scale and protractor on the bottom
horizontal grid line of the grid square containing the point.
2. Check to see that the zeros of the coordinate scale are in the
lower left-hand (south-west) corner of the grid square where
the point is located.
3. Slide the scale to the right, keeping the bottom of the scale
on the bottom of the gridline until the point is under the
vertical (right-hand) scale.
c. Add the two-letter 100,000-meter square identifier to the determined grid
i. Identify the two-letter 100,000-meter square identifier by looking at
the grid reference box in the margin of the map.
ii. Place the 100,000-meter square identifier in front of the grid
2. Evaluate the Soldiers
a. Record results of Soldiers conducting the training.
b. Determine the test proficiency.
i. T – Trained
ii. P – Needs practice
iii. U – Untrained
1. Untrained Soldiers will require retraining.
c. Report assessment of training to leadership.
3. Conduct AAR
a. What was supposed to happen?
b. What actually happened?
c. Improves / Sustains
4. Review Risk Assessment
a. Discuss if anything was missed from the initial risk assessment.
5. Conduct final inspection of the training location.
6. Close out the training site verbally.