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Marketing Research Assignment

Competency Requirement: 55%
This assignment consists of 7 pages
ID: ______________________________Student Number:______________
Instructions for completion:
Read the following instructions carefully before attempting to complete this
 This assignment is based on content covered throughout the following
o Marketing Research
 Complete the front cover of the assignment with your details in full.
 All questions are to be handwritten in a blue or black pen only.
 All questions are to be answered in the spaces provided on the assignment.
 Answer all questions, except if/where a choice is provided.
 Write clearly – illegible assignments cannot be marked.
 Read the question carefully before answering.
 All questions are to be answered in your own words as far as possible. You
should ensure that you are familiar with the term Plagiarism and note that
assignments which are plagiarised may not be accepted.
 All candidates are required to sign the declaration of authenticity below.
Assignments which have not been signed will not be marked.
 Assignments are to be completed individually and collaboration between
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 Dishonesty will result in your assignment being unaccepted.
 Assignment submissions are to be hand delivered to your campus and
signed in on or before the submission deadline.
(Learner must complete and sign this document)
(Full names and surname)
Hereby declare that all evidence contained in this assignment was compiled by me and is a true
reflection of my abilities and understanding.
I further declare that the importance of completing this Final Integrated Summative Assignment
was explained to me by the Facilitator, in the process of guiding me, and that I was made fully aware
of the Assessment Plan prior to commencement of the module.
Learner Signature:____________________________Date________________________________
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1. Multiple choice – select the correct answer. Circle your answer, e.g. 1.1) a
1.1 An item built or produced to satisfy the needs of a certain group of people.
a) Price
b) Place
c) Product
d) Promotion
1.2 Direct spoken communication between sellers and potential customers, either face to
face or over a telephone.
a) Personal selling
b) Mass selling
c) Bulk selling
d) Sales promotion
1.3 The development and spread of new ideas and products and any good service or idea
that is perceived by someone as new.
a) Promotion plan
b) Action plan
c) Innovation Plan
d) Marketing Plan
1.4 The purpose of the marketing concept is to help organisations achieve their objectives.
The major objective is
a) Sales
b) Maketing
c) Profit
d) Customers
1.5 Needs concerned with love, friendship, status and esteem are called
a) Physiological needs
b) Safety needs
c) Personal needs
d) Social needs
1.6 The value of a brands total overall strength in the market is known as
a) Brand strength
b) Brand equity
c) Brand power
d) Brand equality
1.7 The point at which buyer is aware of a particular brand but has no preference for it.
a) Brand recognition
b) Brand relevance
c) Brand ritual
d) Brand repositioning
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1.8 Reserch seeking in-depth, open ended responses, as opposed to yes or no answers
a) Quantitative research
b) Qualitative research
c) Observation
d) Interviews
1.9 The process of systematically applying statistical and logical techniques to describe,
illustrate, condense, recap and evaluate data is known as
a) Data interpretation
b) Data manipulation
c) Data analysis
d) Data processing
1.10 Managers make use of this term to describe objectives that are specific with respect to
magnitude and time
a) Milestones
b) Targets
c) Deadlines
d) Goals
2. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false. Write down only the question
number followed by your answer.
a) During the production orientation era, marketing management principles were applied
in great detail. ______________
b) It has been said many times in business that if you do not know your target market
well enough, your organisation may inevitably fail. ____________
c) When setting the product price, marketers should conider the perceived value that
the product offers. _____________
d) Place is the least important part of the prodution mix definition. ___________
e) Marketers need not study consumer needs and wants in detail, but should rather
market the product as they see fit. _____________
f) Advetising agencies are specialists in planning and handling mass-selling details for
advertisers. ____________
g) Developing a profitable plan will always ensure that customers are satisfied and that
the company makes a profit. ____________
h) A persons occupation affects the goods and services which are bought. __________
i) Personal needs are concerned with protection and physical well-being, such as
health, food, medicine and exercise. ___________
j) A brand audit is a comprehenive and systematic examination of a brands strategy
and a brands identity. ______________
3. Briefly define the following terms:
a) Brand ritual
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b) Financial Analysis
c) Observation
d) Organisational Culture
Answer the following questions:
4. The 4 P’s of marketing are often referred to. What are the 4 P’s?
5. Once your product is well defined, you need to develop your pricing strategy. In
developing this strategy, name five questions which you should ask yourself.
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6. Name and briefly explain the three promotion methods.
7. List the three basic promotion objectives which try to affect buyer behaviour.
8. When deciding on the content of an advertisment, the AIDA concept serves as a guide.
Name the four components of the AIDA concept.
9. In marketing, a product purchase results from a drive to satisy some need. Name and
briefly explain four needs
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10. Identify and briefly explain the five characteristics of major markets.
11. Name and briefly explain the five stages through which users of new products move
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