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Mechanical Engineering Quiz: Shafts, Columns, Keys

A transmission shaft subjected to bending loads must be designed on the basis of ___.
a. maximum fatigue stress theory
b. maximum normal stress and maximum shear stress theories
c. maximum shear stress theory
d. maximum normal stress theory
A column that fails due to direct stress is called
a. slender column
b. medium column
c. short column
d. long column
Which is correct for hollow saddle key?
a. A taper key which fits in a key way of the hub and the bottom of the key is shaped
to fit the curved surface of the shaft
b. A taper key which fits in a key way of the hub and is flat on the shaft
c. Provided
in pairs at right angles and each key is to withstand torsion in one
direction only
d. A taper key which fits half in the key way of hub and half in the key way of shaft
The direct stress induced in a long column is………….. as compared to bending stress.
a. negligible
b. same
c. less
d. more
This type of sunk key having uniform cross section throughout and taperless is used where
the pulley, gear or other mating piece is required to slide along the shaft.
a. rectangular sunk key
b. parallel sunk key
c. square sunk key
d. feather sunk key
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The strength of a shaft with a keyway is almost reduced by as much as ___.
a. 50%
b. 25%
c. 60%
d. 75%
For a solid circular cross-section, the radius of gyration is___.
a. d/4
b. d/2
c. d/16
d. d/3
A saddle key __________ power through frictional resistance only.
a. none in the list
b. transmits
c. does not transmit
d. either transmit or not
The force/s acting on a sunk key is/are ___.
a. shearing and crushing
b. all in the list
c. crushing
d. compressive
force due to fit of the key in its keyway
A solid circular shaft is subjected to combination of bending moment “M” and twisting
moment “T”. If the maximum bending stress equals the maximum shear stress
developed, then “M” is equal to ___.
a. 2T
b. T
c. 4T
d. T/2
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If a key of square section is made of mild steel, the shear and crushing strength are
related as ___.
a. Shear strength is equal to crushing strength
b. None in the list
c. Shear
strength is less than crushing strength
d. Shear
strength is greater than crushing strength
A connecting rod is considered like __________ for buckling about Y-axis.
a. One end fixed and the other end free
b. both ends fixed
c. both ends hinged
d. One
end fixed and the other end hinged
Two shafts A and B of solid circular cross-section are identical except for their diameters dA and dB. The ratio
of power transmitted by the shaft A to that of shaft B is ___.
a. (dA)3/ (dB)3
b. (dA)4/ (dB)4
c. dA / dB
d. (dA)2/ (dB)2
The angle of twist of shaft is ___.
a. Directly proportional to (shaft diameter)⁴
b. Inversely
c. Directly
proportional to (shaft diameter)²
proportional to (shaft diameter)²
d. Inversely
proportional to (shaft diameter)⁴
A keyseat lowers ___.
a. the rigidity of the shaft
b. the ductility of the shaft
c. Both
the strength and rigidity of the shaft
d. the strength of the shaft
Recommend a gib-head key dimension for a shaft of 130 mm.
a. 36 mm x 20 mm
b. 32
mm x 18 mm
c. 40
mm x 22 mm
d. 28
mm x 16 mm
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Which among the properties should be considered first in the design of shaft?
a. the shaft design should be such that the surface finish is satisfactory
b. the
shaft design should be such that the shaft must have enough mechanical
c. the shaft design should be such that the shaft has enough tensile strength
d. the
shaft design should be such that the shaft must have enough corrosion
The type/s of stress developed in the key is/are ___.
a. bending stress
b. both shear and bearing stresses
c. shearing,
compressive and bending stresses
d. shear stress alone
It is a key that is tapered and fits in a keyway in the hub and is flat on the shaft.
a. Flat saddle key
b. Gib head key
c. Feather key
d. Woodruff key
Which of the following statements is correct?
a. A
parallel sunk key may be rectangular or square in cross-section.
b. A
flat saddle key is a taper key which fits in a key way of the hub and is flat on the
c. A parallel sunk key is a taperless key.
d. All in the list
The buckling load will be maximum for a column, if ___.
a. Both ends of the column are hinged
b. One
end of the column is clamped and the other end is free
c. Both
ends of the column are clamped
d. One
end of the column is hinged and the other end is free
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Which of the following statements is true?
a. Shafts and axles are rotating elements.
b. All in the list.
c. Axles
are used to transmit power.
d. Shafts
transmit power while axles do not transmit power.
The inclined member carrying compressive loads is ____.
a. post
b. strut
c. stanchion
d. column
The strength of a shaft with a keyway is almost reduced to as much as ___.
a. 25%
b. 75%
c. 60%
d. 50%
Which of the following key is preferred for the condition when a large amount of impact
type torque is to be transmitted in both direction of rotation?
a. tangent key
b. feather key
c. Gib-head key
d. woodruff key
If a column has a rectangular cross section of dimensions 90mm x 70mm, determine
the two values of radius of gyration.
a. 22.5 mm; 17.5 mm
b. 15.9
c. 26
mm; 12.4 mm
mm; 20.2 mm
d. 11.25
mm; 8.75 mm
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A piston is subjected to a maximum compression load of 32000 lbs and is 20 in. long. The material for
the rod has a yield strength of 73 ksi. The Rankine’s constant can be taken as 0.00026. What would be
the diameter of the rod for a factor of safety of 4?
1 in
1 ¾ in.
A 5-mm thick mild steel plate is used to form a hollow column of 60 mm outside
diameter. The column length is 1.2 m. Calculate the crippling load using Rankine’s
formula. Take modulus of elasticity and yield strength as 206 GPa and 330 MPa,
respectively. Assume one end is hinged and the other end fixed.
a. 930094 N
b. 263252 N
c. 218212 N
d. 176745 N
A 1.25-in diameter shaft with keyway is subjected to a bending moment of 2800 in-lbs
and a torque of 3500 in-lbs. If the design is based on maximum shear stress theory,
estimate the yield strength for the material of the shaft.
a. 38959 psi
b. 63631 psi
c. 59146 psi
d. 51946 psi
A shaft is transmitting 97.5 kW at 180 rpm. If the allowable shear stress in the material
is 60 MPa, find the suitable diameter for the shaft.
a. 84 mm
b. 103 mm
c. 93 mm
d. 76 mm
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What is the limitations of the Euler’s Formula in terms of the slenderness ratio L/k for a
column made of AISI 3140 OQT 1000°F, assuming both ends pin-jointed? Take
Sy=133000 psi.
a. 46
b. 49
c. 48
d. 50
Two (2) shafts A and B are made of the same material. If he diameter of shaft A is twice
as that of shaft B, find the ratio of the power transmitted by shaft A to that of shaft B.
a. 2
b. 0.5
c. 8
d. 0.125
Two (2) shafts A and B are made of the same material. If he diameter of shaft A is twothirds as that of shaft B, find the ratio of the power transmitted by shaft A to that of shaft
a. 0.667
b. 0.296
c. 1.5
d. 3.375
An axially loaded Admiralty brass strut hinged at both ends is 1m long and is of a
square cross-section of sides 20 mm. The Young’s Modulus for Admiralty brass can be
taken as 15000000 psi. What should be the dimension of a steel strut of the same
length and subjected to the same axial loads. Take Modulus of Elasticity of steel as
30000000 psi. (HINT: apply Euler’s crippling load formula)
a. 16.82 mm
b. 18.62 mm
c. 27.38 mm
d. 23.78 mm
This study source was downloaded by 100000831275972 from CourseHero.com on 05-04-2022 23:05:36 GMT -05:00
A rectangular steel bar is 2” x 3” in cross section and 40” long. The yield point of the
material used is 50 ksi. Compressive axial loads are applied at the ends, which are both
pin jointed. Determine slenderness ratio.
a. 46.3
b. 69.3
c. 46.1
d. 46.2
This study source was downloaded by 100000831275972 from CourseHero.com on 05-04-2022 23:05:36 GMT -05:00
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