DONNABELLE P. CABRAL – MAED Language Teaching DM No. 103, s. 2009 – Pilot Test of the Special Program in Journalism at the Secondary Level School Publication serves as an avenue for the learners who aspire to be a journalist. While it is deemed that freedom of expression should be exercised, SPO or School Publication Organization is an essential venue for the students to bring up and raise their voices to the proper school authorities. Of course, this doesn’t limit only to the students, but this could also be a way of uniting everyone in the school. On August 19, 1992, the central office circulated DepEd Order 94, s. 1992 also known as “PROMULGATING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS NECESSARY FOR THE EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF RA 7079 OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE “CAMPUS JOURNALISM ACT OF 1991”. This goes to show that the Department of Education supports the establishment of School Publication and that every SPO should abide by the rules just like how our estimable journalists uphold theirs. In consonance with the above-mentioned DepEd Order, the significance of SPO is undeniably essential in training young journalists and giving them the chance to practice their craft and share their thoughts and insights about certain issues and why is it important. Special Program in Journalism is one of the Special Interest Programs issued by DepEd. Before implementing these SIPs, here’s the guideline for its implementation. Level School Objective To prepare different documents, resources and facilities needed Activities a. Preparation for the implementation Documents to be prepared and submitted 1. Application Letter 2. Feasibility studies and Project Proposal 3. List of Qualified learners 4. Assessment tool in identifying qualified learners 5. Assessment Results 6. Parents' Consent 7. Class Program 8. Teachers' Program Timeline October to December 9. Teachers' Qualification Standards SO To review documents submitted by the schools a. Receive the application letter with the required documents 10. Inventory of facilities and needed resources 1. Endorsement January of the succeeding year b. Evaluate documents RO To issue endorsement/a approval for the applications c. Endorse the RO a. Receive the application with the required documents 1. Accomplished Checklist of Requirements b. Review the documents School To implement the program c. Do on-site validation 2. On-site Validation Report d. Issue endorsement/approval a. Implement the program 3. Endorsement/A approval 1. Narrative Report February to April (succeeding year) June (succeeding year) Source: SPJ is founded on the following legal bases: 1. Section 2 of RA 7079 also known as the Campus Journalism Act of 1991. 2. Rule 2, Section 2 of the Implementing Rules, and Regulations of CJA of 1991. 3. DepEd Memorandum No. 149 s. 2011, Career Pathways for High School Students. 4. DepEd Memorandum No. 46 s. 2012, Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of the Special Curricular Programs at the Secondary Level. 5. DepEd Order No. 021 s. 2019, Policy Guidelines on the K to 12 Basic Education Program. What is its Focus? The program is a four-year course in journalism at the secondary level. It is designed to develop the learners’ skills in mass communication, print, online, and broadcast media. Its main focus is primarily on writing as a process and as an art. SPJ aims to: • Strengthen free and responsible journalism in secondary schools; • Identify areas of development in various aspects of journalism; • Formulate concrete plans of action for the pilot implementation of the program; • Orient the participants on the program, its scope, target clientele, implementing guidelines, and its learning standards; • Enhance students’ and teachers’ journalistic skills and competencies; • Promote a spirit of camaraderie, cooperation, and commitment of our youths to contribute to the common good, national unity, and progress. • Ensure commitment and shared responsibility towards the attainment of program goals. What is the coverage of the four-year specialization program? THE CURRICULUM The curriculum is a four-year specialization program covering the following subjects: FIRST-YEAR 1. JOURNALISM I The course introduces the learners to the basics of journalism. It prepares them for the tasks of writing articles for publication and facilitates them in editing articles in the newsroom. 2. ADVANCED ENGLISH I The course will further develop the learners’ language proficiency to equip them with the enabling tools in journalistic writing. SECOND-YEAR 1. JOURNALISM 2 The course will develop the learners’ skills in scriptwriting and broadcasting. 2. ADVANCED ENGLISH II The course will further develop the learners’ skills in speech development and public speaking. THIRD-YEAR 1. JOURNALISM 3 The course will enhance the learners’ talent in radio and television news script production and broadcasting. 2. ADVANCED ENGLISH III The course will further develop the learners’ skills in technical writing and research. FOURTH-YEAR 1. JOURNALISM 4 The course will provide the learners with hands-on experience in producing a school paper through print and online publishing through the World Wide Web (WWW). 2. ADVANCED ENGLISH IV The course will provide the learners with complete exposure and hands-on experience in the actual workplace. What are the instructional materials to be used? The program shall utilize print and non-print materials. No specific textbook is recommended, but schools are encouraged to provide instructional references and courseware related to the program. Source: Admission Requirements: From what I have researched, DepEd Batangas’ admission is open to incoming first-year high school learners who have obtained an average of at least 88% in English and Filipino and a general average of 85% and above in Grade Six, who exhibit talent in journalism and who have passed the qualifying test and interview to be conducted by the school. Recommendation/s: