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Human Population Growth Activity

Module Nine Lesson Three Pathway Three Activity
When you think about human population growth, what are some things that have
allowed our population to grow? Are there limits to our growth? Do we also have a
carrying capacity?
Some things that have allowed our population to grow are a decreasing death rate,
more rapidly than birth rate, and an increase in human age. There are no limits to
growth. We don’t have a specified carrying capacity but obviously, there can’t be an
indefinite number of humans. There has to be a maximum amount that the
environment can support.
In this activity, you will take a look at human population growth over time.
Using the information below, graph the year vs. number of people. Be sure to put
time on the x-axis and number of people on the y-axis. You can use the graph paper
below or you can use a graphing program like Excel to create your graph.
Human Population Growth
Year A.D. Number of People (in billions)
(Information from: Biology Corner Human Population Worksheet
Analysis Questions:
1. From the year 1650, how many years did it take the human population to double?
It took 200 years.
2. From the years 1925 - 2004, the human population has increased greatly. What are some
factors that may have contributed to this increase?
Some factors that may have contributed to this increase was immigration and high immigrant
and native fertility kept total population growth high. Also, during this time, technology was
beginning to develop more and would have contributed to higher birth rates and lower death
3. Using your graph, what should the population be currently? Is this the current population of
the world?
Using the graph, the current population would be roughly 7.7 billion people. Yes, this is the
current population of the world.
4. Many scientists believe that the carrying capacity for humans on Earth is 10 billion.
According to your graph, when will we reach this population? 2200
We will reach this population in 2050 according to the graph.
4. What do you think will happen when the human population reaches carrying capacity?
What are some limiting factors that may lead to this carrying capacity?
I think there will definitely be a struggle for land and claim. There might be food shortages
and poverty will increase. Some limiting factors would be space, clean air, clean water, and
food to feed everyone.
6. The following are equations used to calculate population growth and doubling time:
Population growth rate = (birth rate - death rate)/10
Doubling Time = 70/growth rate
Using the data in the table below, answer the questions below. Crude
Birth Rate and Death Rate (per 1000 people)
Country Birth Rate
Death Rate 2007
Birth Rate 1975
Death Rate 1975
Australia 12.0 7.6 16.9 7.9 Japan 9.2 9.4 17.2 6.4 United States 14.2 14.0 8.3 8.9 Tunisia 15.5 36.6
Information from https://www.infoplease.com/world/health-and-socialstatistics/crude-birth-and-death-rates-selected-countries
a. Calculate the growth rate and doubling time and enter in the table below.
ro Growth Rate 2007
Doubling Time 2007
44% 159.09 90% 77.78
-211% -33.18
Growth Rate 1975
-2% -3500 108% 64.81
Doubling Time 1975
United States
2% 3500 -6%
———————— ————————-
b. Choose two of the countries above and describe potential social and cultural issues that
may have contributed to the changes seen between 1975 and 2007.
I feel that Australia had amazing growth rates throughout due to immigration and having
their country experience great superiority in economics and health.
Tunisia I noticed had a huge decrease in growth. When I looked on the map, I see this
country to be on North Africa very close to the
Mediterranean sea. I would assume that it’s a poor country and people depend on that water
for food and it’s not very clean. Also, there could be floods that happen since it’s so close to the
sea. This would explain the decay in population.