Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Magnetic Resonance journal homepage: A master equation for spin systems far from equilibrium Christian Bengs, Malcolm H. Levitt ⇑ School of Chemistry, Southampton University, University Road, SO17 1BJ, UK a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 17 October 2019 Accepted 8 November 2019 Available online 19 November 2019 Keywords: Relaxation Spin isomers Master equation Lindblad Superoperator a b s t r a c t The quantum dynamics of spin systems is often treated by a differential equation known as the master equation, which describes the trajectories of spin observables such as magnetization components, spin state populations, and coherences between spin states. The master equation describes how a perturbed spin system returns to a state of thermal equilibrium with a finite-temperature environment. The conventional master equation, which has the form of an inhomogeneous differential equation, applies to cases where the spin system remains close to thermal equilibrium, which is well satisfied for a wide variety of magnetic resonance experiments conducted on thermally polarized spin systems at ordinary temperatures. However, the conventional inhomogeneous master equation may fail in the case of hyperpolarized spin systems, when the spin state populations deviate strongly from thermal equilibrium, and in general where there is a high degree of nuclear spin order. We highlight a simple case in which the inhomogeneous master equation clearly fails, and propose an alternative master equation based on Lindblad superoperators which avoids most of the deficiencies of previous proposals. We discuss the strengths and limitations of the various formulations of the master equation, in the context of spin systems which are far from thermal equilibrium. The method is applied to several problems in nuclear magnetic resonance and to spin-isomer conversion. Ó 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( 1. Introduction Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) experiments are usually performed on samples which are allowed to reach thermal equilibrium in a large magnetic field, perturbed by radiofrequency (for NMR) or microwave (for EPR) pulses resonant with the Zeeman transitions in order to induce an observable electromagnetic response, and allowed to return to thermal equilibrium before the process is repeated. Under most circumstances, the behaviour of the spin system is described by a differential equation which is usually known as the inhomogeneous master equation (IME) and is given by [1–14] d ^ qðt Þ q qðtÞ ¼ i½Hcoh ðtÞ; qðtÞ þ C eq dt ð1Þ Here qðtÞ is the spin density operator which describes the quantum state of the ensemble of spin systems, and is given by q ¼ j wihw j ð2Þ where j wi is the quantum state of an individual member of the spin ensemble, and the bar represents an average over all ensemble members. The term Hcoh is the coherent part of the spin Hamiltonian, which is uniform for all spin ensemble members. The relaxation of the spin system is described by a relaxation ^ , and which may be constructed from superoperator, denoted C the fluctuating part of the spin Hamiltonian; some construction procedures are discussed later in this paper. The spin density operator at thermal equilibrium with the molecular environment is denoted qeq . The last term in Eq. (1) depends on the deviation of the spin density operator from its thermal equilibrium value, and causes the density operator to reach thermal equilibrium when left unperturbed for a long time. For example, consider an operator Q which commutes with the ^: coherent Hamiltonian Hcoh and which is also an eigenoperator of C ½Q; Hcoh ¼ 0 ^ Q ¼ T 1 Q C Q ð3Þ ð4Þ where T Q is the relaxation time constant of spin density components proportional to the operator Q. The expectation value of Q follows the trajectory ⇑ Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: (C. Bengs), (M.H. Levitt). URL: (M.H. Levitt). hQ iðt Þ ¼ hQ ieq þ hQ ið0Þ hQ ieq exp t=T Q 1090-7807/Ó 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( ð5Þ 2 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 where n o hQ iðtÞ ¼ Tr Q y qðt Þ ð6Þ and n o hQ ieq ¼ Tr Q y qeq ð7Þ Eq. (5) indicates that the deviation of the expectation value of Q from its thermal equilibrium value decays exponentially, so that hQ iðt Þ tends to hQ ieq at long times t. Another corollary of Eq. (5) is that the trajectory of the expectation value for the relaxation eigenoperator Q depends only on the initial value of the same expectation value and the time constant T Q , and not on any other expectation values. All of this seems unremarkable, and indeed, Eq. (1) has been a fixture in spin dynamical theory for a long time. This is despite the caveats used by the early developers of spin relaxation theory, including Bloch and Wangsness [1,2], Redfield [3], Abragam [4], and Hubbard [5]. For example, in the derivation in his 1957 paper [3], Redfield used the following phrase at a key step: ‘‘unless the system is prepared in an unusual way”. So what is ‘‘a system prepared in an unusual way”? The discussion in the Redfield paper makes it clear that the term implies a large deviation of the density operator from thermal equilibrium, such that the density operator ventures outside the hightemperature and weak-order approximation: kHcoh =kB T k 1 ð8Þ 1 q N 1 1 ð9Þ where 1 is the unity operator, N is the dimension of Hilbert space and the Frobenius norm is defined kAk ¼ X 2 jhr jAjsij ð10Þ r;s In his classic textbook [4], Abragam makes the same approximations en route to the derivation of the IME (at the top of pages 287 and 288). Hence, Eq. (1) only applies in the high-temperature limit for spin systems exhibiting a small degree of order, and this restriction was well-known at the time this equation was first developed. There is great current interest in the preparation of nuclear spin systems ‘‘in an unusual way”, i.e. far from equilibrium, or with large amounts of spin order. Such preparations include hyperpolarized spin systems with a large level of Zeeman polarization, enhanced with respect to thermal equilibrium polarization by many orders of magnitude [15–28], as prepared by methods such as dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) [15–18] and optical pumping [19–22]. In addition, nuclear spin systems may be prepared in states corresponding to non-equilibrium spin isomer distributions, such as hydrogen enriched in the para spin isomer [23,25,26,24,27,29,28] and rapidly rotating methyl groups prepared with non-equilibrium distributions of populations between the spin isomers of the three equivalent protons [30–36]. In some circumstances these different modes of non-equilibrium spin order interconvert, leading for example to the phenomena of parahydrogen-induced hyperpolarization (PHIP), in which the non-equilibrium singlet spin order of para-enriched hydrogen gives rise to large magnetization components after a chemical reaction [25–28], and quantum-rotor-induced polarization (QRIP) in which non-equilibrium methyl rotor order also gives rise to enhanced NMR signals [30–36]. In many cases, hyperpolarization leads to a situation in which the populations of long-lived states are strongly enhanced, or greatly depleted [34,35,37–45]. A ‘‘thought experiment” involving the preparation of a sample ‘‘in an unusual way” is shown in Fig. 1(a). Consider an ensemble of nuclear spin-1/2 pairs. The magnetic environments of the two spins-1/2 are considered to be either identical (magnetic equivalence) or nearly identical (near-equivalence) [41], so that the Hamiltonian eigenstates are given, to a good approximation, by the singlet state and the three triplet states, defined as follows: jS0 i ¼ 21=2 ðjabi jbaiÞ jT þ1 i ¼ jaai jT 0 i ¼ 21=2 ðjabi þ jbaiÞ jT 1 i ¼ jbbi ð11Þ These states are eigenstates of total spin angular momentum with quantum number I ¼ 0 for the singlet state and I ¼ 1 for the triplet states. Hence, the singlet state is non-magnetic and all NMR observables are associated with the triplet states. In a magnetic field, the degeneracy of the triplet states is split by the nuclear Larmor frequency. Suppose that the sample is prepared ‘‘in an unusual way”, such that only the singlet state is populated, see Fig. 1(a, (a, top). Clearly, there can be no nuclear magnetization in this I ¼ 0 state. Now suppose that relatively inefficient processes enable the slow conversion of the singlet state to the triplet states, and denote the corresponding time constant T S . Assume also, for the sake of simplicity, that the transition probabilities are the same for all three triplet states. In this case, there is no magnetization associated with the triplet manifold when it is first populated by conversion from the singlet state, see Fig. 1(a, middle). However, the triplet manifold rapidly magnetizes in the magnetic field due to spin-lattice relaxation, leading to the establishment of a Boltzmann distribution between its Zeeman-split energy levels, see Fig. 1(a, bottom). Assume that the spin-lattice relaxation time constant T 1 is much smaller than the time constant T S for singlet-totriplet conversion. Now we ask: what is the time constant for the build-up of Zeeman magnetization along the field? The answer is obvious: since the singlet state has no nuclear spin, and no nuclear magnetization, the singlet population must convert to triplet populations before any magnetization can build up. Since the rate of singlet-to-triplet conversion is much smaller than the rate of triplet relaxation, the rate of magnetization build-up is determined by the slowest process, which is the singlet-to-triplet conversion. Hence, the magnetization builds up along the field with a slow time constant of the order of T S . This is illustrated by the solid line in Fig. 1(b), which was simulated using the techniques described later in the paper. This result is obvious, but it is not predicted by the standard master equation of Eq. (1)! The IME predicts that the expectation value z-magnetization builds up with a time constant T 1 , irrespective of the initial distribution of singlet and triplet populations, and even in the case that the triplet states are totally unpopulated. The standard IME leads to the prediction given by the dashed line in Fig. 1(b), with the magnetization building up with the fast time constant T 1 . The IME therefore predicts that a sample in which only the non-magnetic singlet state is populated somehow rapidly acquires a magnetization which is almost as large as a sample in full thermal equilibrium and with a triplet:singlet population ratio of 3:1. This makes no physical sense. A real experiment of this form has been performed on a material containing freely rotating water molecules encapsulated in fullerene (C60 ) cages [46]. This experiment utilizes the spin isomerism of freely rotating water molecules, in order to generate the required over-population of the non-magnetic singlet state. In freely rotating water molecules, the nuclear singlet state is associated with the para spin isomer of water, which has a significantly C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 3 Fig. 1. An experiment which illustrates the failure of the IME for spin systems far from equilibrium. The horizontal lines represent the Hamiltonian eigenvalues (energy levels) and the balls represent state populations. (a) An ensemble of spin-1/2 pairs is prepared so that only the non-magnetic (I ¼ 0) singlet state is populated. Conversion from the singlet state to the magnetic triplet states (I ¼ 1) occurs with a time constant T S . The triplet manifold reaches thermal equilibrium in a magnetic field with time constant T 1 , such that T 1 T S . (b) Trajectories of the spin magnetization along the field Mz , normalized to the thermal equilibrium value. The IME predicts recovery of M z with time constant T 1 (dashed line), which is physically unreasonable. The correct behaviour is that M z recovers with the much longer time constant T S (solid line). The simulations are for the case T 1 ¼ 2 s and T S ¼ 22:5 s. lower rotational energy than the triplet states, which belong to the ortho spin isomer. It is therefore possible to enrich the endofullerene sample in the para spin isomer of water by leaving it to equilibrate at low temperature, as verified by low-temperature NMR and electrical measurements [47,48]. The para-enriched material is brought rapidly to room temperature using a fast dissolution apparatus, and the NMR signal observed in the presence of a large magnetic field. The NMR signal slowly increases in time since the para-water molecules, which are in a non-magnetic nuclear singlet state providing no NMR signal, convert into ortho-water molecules, which have nuclear spin-1, and rapidly polarize along the field, providing an NMR signal upon radiofrequency excitation. The slow increase in the NMR signal with time therefore allows determination of the para-to-ortho spin-isomer conversion kinetics. The time constant for this signal build-up was found to be about 30 s, while the measured value of T 1 is only 0.75 s [46]. This is in clear contradiction with the prediction of the IME. Although this experimental example exploits spin isomerism in order to prepare the required initial state, the phenomenon of spin isomerism is by no means essential for highlighting the problematic features of the IME. Identical behaviour would be observed for molecules lacking spin isomers, but which still exhibit slow conversion between singlet and triplet states. Such examples are widespread [34,35,37–45]. In one case, the singlet-triplet conversion time constant exceeds 1 h [43]. If a system of this kind were prepared in a pure singlet state through hyperpolarization techniques, the recovery of the longitudinal magnetization in a strong magnetic field would also be on a timescale far longer than T 1 , in contradiction to the predictions of the inhomogeneous master equation. The early pioneers of NMR relaxation theory [49,2,1,3–5] did not address the problem of nuclear spin relaxation far from equilibrium. For a long time there was no need, since the vast majority of NMR experiments are performed on spin systems which are very close to equilibrium. The inhomogeneous master equation (Eq. (1)) rapidly became established as a fixture in the field and plays a central role in standard textbooks [6]. A series of alternative master equations were proposed in the 1980s and 1990s [50–53]. However, the primary motivation was not to address the relaxation dynamics of far-from-equilibrium spin systems, but to circumvent the mathematical inconvenience of the IME, which has the form of an inhomogeneous differential equation. The alternative master equations have the form of a homogeneous differential equation, of the type d ^ h qðt Þ qðtÞ ¼ i½Hcoh ðtÞ; qðtÞ þ C dt ð12Þ ^ h is a ‘‘thermalized” variant of the relaxation superoperator where C ^ C, adjusted in such a way that the spin density operator q tends to the correct thermal equilibrium value qeq in thermal equilibrium with the environment [50–57]. A spin dynamical equation of the form in Eq. (12) is referred to here as a homogeneous master equation (HME). ^ h are examined below. Although this Some proposed forms for C was not their primary intention, some of the HME formulations do provide a partial treatment of far-from-equilibrium spin systems, as well as being mathematically more convenient than the IME. However none of the proposed solutions treat the behaviour of coherences correctly far from equilibrium. The rest of this paper discusses the construction of an alternative HME which does not suffer from these restrictions and which retains validity for spin systems far from equilibrium. This class of problem is, of course, not unique to nuclear magnetic resonance. Other forms of coherent spectroscopy, such as electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and coherent optical spectroscopies, also encounter quantum systems which are strongly ordered or in transient states which are far from equilibrium. The large field of research into open quantum systems addresses the problems of quantum dynamics of systems which exchange energy 4 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 with a thermal reservoir [58–63]. Some of the techniques presented in the current paper will be familiar to open quantum theorists, so we do not claim great originality. Nevertheless, techniques such as Lindbladian superoperators, which are widely used in open quantum theory, are seldom encountered in magnetic resonance, with notable exceptions [64,65]. Our aim in this paper is to make an explicit connection between magnetic resonance theory on the one hand, and open quantum theory on the other, in order to address the pressing issue of how to treat the behaviour of nuclear spin systems far from equilibrium. 3. The commutation superoperator is defined as follows: 2. Theoretical background The matrix representation of a superoperator in a particular operator basis has matrix elements defined as follows: The theoretical background of NMR relaxation theory is reviewed briefly in order to establish the notation and to resolve ambiguities in some of the key terms. h 2.1. Hilbert space 2.3. Spin Hamiltonian The sample is considered to consist of a large number of duplicates of identical spin systems, each consisting of N coupled spins with spin quantum numbers fI1 ; I2 . . . IN g. The quantum state of each system may be described by a state vector jwi which is an element of a Hilbert space H. The dimension of Hilbert space is equal to the number of independent spin states, and is given by The organization of the spin Hamiltonian terms for the individual ensemble members is shown in Fig. 2. The spin Hamiltonian is expressed as a sum of coherent and fluctuating contributions: NH ¼ N Y ð2Ii þ 1Þ ð13Þ i¼1 Spin operators may be represented by N H N H -dimensional matrices in Hilbert space. 2.2. Liouville space and Superoperators b ¼ ðMÞ ðM Þ M ð18Þ such that b jNÞ ¼ j½M; NÞ ¼ jMN NM Þ M ð19Þ b implies a general In the current article, a symbol of the form M superoperator of unspecified type, unless M is already defined as b implies the commuthe symbol for an operator, in which case M tation superoperator of the operator M. b M i rs h i b s b j Os ¼ Tr Oy MO ¼ Or j M r HðtÞ ¼ Hcoh ðt Þ þ Hfluc ðtÞ ð20Þ ð21Þ The coherent part is assumed to be the same for each member of the ensemble, whereas the fluctuating part may differ for ensemble members at a given point in time, and is responsible for the relaxation of the system. For typical solution-state NMR experiments the coherent part consists of Zeeman, chemical shift and scalar coupling interactions [4,6,12]. Other interactions are readily accommodated, such as residual dipole-dipole couplings and quadrupolar interactions in anisotropic phases. 2.2.1. Liouville space A complete set of linear operators forms a linear vector space called Liouville space, with dimension N L ¼ N 2H . An operator O may be regarded as a vector of length N L in this space and denoted jOÞ. The inner product between any two operators (called the Liouville bracket) is defined as follows: ðM j NÞ ¼ Tr M y N ð14Þ A set of NL basis operators Op with p 2 f1; 2 . . . N L g is said to be orthonormal if it satisfies the condition Op j Oq ¼ dpq ð15Þ Such a set of operators forms a suitable basis for Liouville space. 2.2.2. Superoperators Superoperators transform operators into other operators [66,50]. The following superoperators are used in the current article: 1. The left-multiplication superoperator is denoted here by M, where the bullet symbol is a placeholder for an operator argument. The superoperator M multiplies its operand by an operator from the left, as follows: ðMÞjOÞ ¼ jMOÞ ð16Þ 2. The right-multiplication superoperator is denoted here by M, and multiplies its operand by an operator from the right, as follows: ðMÞjOÞ ¼ jOMÞ ð17Þ Fig. 2. The organization of spin Hamiltonian terms used in this article. The Hamiltonian HðtÞ consists of a coherent term Hcoh ðt Þ and a fluctuating term Hfluc ðt Þ. The coherent term contains a dominant part HA , a static (or quasi-static) perturbation HB , and a time-dependent perturbation HC ðt Þ. The static perturbation may be decomposed into a secular part HkB which commutes with HA , and a nonsecular part H? B , which does not. The time-dependent perturbation HC may be res divided into a resonant part Hres and an off-resonant part Hoff . Standard C C approximations lead to a corrected perturbation H0B which commutes with HA . The main coherent Hamiltonian H0 is constructed by adding HA and H0B . 5 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 2.3.1. Coherent Hamiltonian The discussion below makes extensive use of a division of the coherent Hamiltonian into three parts, called HA ; HB and HC , as follows: Hcoh ðt Þ ¼ HA þ HB þ HC ðt Þ ð22Þ The properties of these three terms is as follows: The dominant Hamiltonian HA . The term HA is much larger than the HB ; HC and Hfluc terms: kHA k kHB k; kHC k; kHfluc k ð23Þ The operators HB and HC may therefore be regarded as perturbations to the dominant Hamiltonian HA . In this article we also demand that all eigenvalues of HA are either degenerate or widely spaced compared to the corresponding matrix elements of the perturbations HB and HC in the eigenbasis of HA (see Fig. 3). This strong constraint on the eigenvalue spectrum of HA is very important and underpins much of the theory described below. Denote the eigenvalues and eigenstates of the dominant term HA by xAr and jriA respectively: HA jriA ¼ xAr jriA ð24Þ ð27Þ In typical high-field NMR applications, the term HB contains spin-spin couplings, chemical shift terms, and interactions with slowly varying fields such as magnetic field gradient pulses. In solid-state NMR, anisotropic spin interactions such as chemical shift anisotropies, quadrupolar interactions, and dipole–dipole couplings are also included. These terms may acquire a slow time-dependence satisfying Eq. (27) through sample rotation. Since the eigenvalues of HA are combinations of the Larmor frequencies for the nuclides in the spin system, Eq. (26) implies the validity of a high-field approximation for the nuclear spin Hamiltonian. The HB term may be further subdivided into a ‘‘secular” term HkB k HB ¼ HB þ H?B where ð25Þ The perturbations HB and HC are both assumed to fulfil the following condition: hr jA HB jsiA ; hr jA HC ðt ÞjsiA xAr xAs 8 xAr – xAs d A hr j HB jsiA xA xA 8 xA – xA r s r s dt and a ‘‘non-secular” term H? B: where r 2 f1; 2 . . . N H g, and the eigenstates are orthogonal: hr jA jsiA ¼ drs exchange interaction, is included in the HA term (see Section 6.4). The (quasi) static perturbation term HB . The term HB is assumed to be small in magnitude with respect to HA (Eq. (23)) and either time-independent or with a slow time-dependence. The latter condition may be written as follows: ð26Þ Eq. (26) implies that the matrix representations of HB and HC , expressed in the eigenbasis of HA , has off-diagonal terms which are either between degenerate states of HA , or which are always small in magnitude compared to the corresponding separation of non-degenerate HA eigenvalues. In typical high-field NMR experiments, HA represents the dominant Zeeman interaction with a strong external magnetic field. However in some cases, a different Hamiltonian, such as an k HB commutes with HA , while h i HA ; HkB ¼ 0 ð28Þ H? B does not: HA ; H?B – 0 ð29Þ The time-dependent perturbation term HC ðtÞ. The term HC is also small in magnitude with respect to HA (Eq. (23)) but has a rapid time-dependence such that the following condition is satisfied: d A hr j HC ðtÞjsiA ¥xA xA 8 xA – xA r s r s dt ð30Þ In typical NMR experiments, HC ðt Þ includes the interaction of the spin system with a resonant radiofrequency field. The HC ðt Þ term may be further divided into a term Hres C ðt Þ with frequency comres ðt Þ ponents close to resonance and an off-resonance term Hoff C with frequency components far from resonance. For example, in the case of an amplitude-modulated radiofrequency field, the near-resonant term which rotates in the same sense as the Larmor frequency is included in Hres C , while the counterres . rotating term is included in Hoff C Since Eq. (26) is assumed to be satisfied, the ‘‘non-secular” term H? B may either be ignored, or treated approximately by a small correction to the eigenvalues of HkB (second-order quadrupolar shifts res are a typical example [67]). The off-resonant term Hoff ðtÞ also C gives rise to small shifts which may be taken into account through a small correction to HB . For simplicity, we now assume that any non-secular corrections induced by H? B , and any off-resonance res (for example, Bloch-Siegert shifts [68]), shifts induced by Hoff C are incorporated into a corrected version of HB , denoted H0B , which commutes with HA : HA ; H0B ¼ 0 Fig. 3. Schematic eigenvalue spectra of the coherent Hamiltonian terms HA and HB . Degenerate eigenvalues are indicated by square brackets. The eigenvalue spectrum of HA consists of degenerate or widely-spaced eigenvalues, such that the eigenvalue spacing is large compared to kHB k, and also kHC k and kHfluc k (not shown). Degeneracy is broken when H0 is constructed by combining HA and HB , after correction for non-secular and off-resonant contributions (Eq. (32)). ð31Þ The main part of the coherent Hamiltonian, denoted here H0 , is now constructed by combining the HA and H0B terms: H0 ¼ HA þ H0B The operators HA and H0 commute: ð32Þ 6 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 ½H A ; H 0 ¼ 0 ð33Þ Hence it is possible to define a set of states that form a simultaneous eigenbasis of both operators. The states which form this simultaneous eigenbasis are denoted fj1i . . . jN H ig, where N H is the dimension of Hilbert space. The corresponding eigenequations are as follows: H0 jr i ¼ xr jr i ð34Þ HA jr i ¼ xAr jr i where hrjsi ¼ drs . Note that although the eigenvalues xAr of HA are the same as in Eq. (24), the set of eigenstates jr i may not be identical to the set of jAa Þ ¼ NH X NH X jX rs ÞðX rs j Aa Þ d xArs xAa where dðxÞ ¼ 1 for x ¼ 0 and 0 otherwise. It is desirable to choose eigenoperators fjA1 Þ . . .g which have convenient properties under three-dimensional rotations of the nuclear spin angular momenta. Whether this is possible depends on the commutation properties of the dominant Hamiltonian HA . In high-field NMR, the dominant Hamiltonian HA is usually identified with the Zeeman Hamiltonian, ignoring any chemical shifts or other perturbations: high field NMR : A eigenstates jri , since eigenstates belonging to degenerate subspaces of HA may be mixed by the HB term. The term H0 determines the coherent dynamics of the spin system. In typical NMR experiments in high field, H0 contains the Zeeman interaction of the nuclei with the static magnetic field, as well as the secular parts of the chemical shift and spin-spin coupling terms. The H0 eigenstates may be used to define a set of transition operators (or shift operators) X rs , as follows: X rs ¼ jrihsj ð35Þ where the states jri satisfy Eq. (34). The operator X rs converts the state jsi into the state jr i. There are N L ¼ N 2H transition operators since the indices r and s both run from 1 to NH . The set of all eigenstate transition operators {X rs } forms an orthonormal operator basis of Liouville space, being orthonormal in both indices: ðX rs j X kl Þ ¼ drk dsl ð36Þ The eigenstate transition operators X rs are eigenoperators of the commutation superoperator of H0 : b 0 jX rs Þ ¼ xrs jX rs Þ H ð37Þ ð38Þ The eigenstate transition operators X rs are also eigenoperators of the commutation superoperator of HA , but with different eigenvalues: b A jX rs Þ ¼ xA jX rs Þ H rs ð39Þ where xArs ¼ xAr xAs ð40Þ In the case that HA is chosen to be the Zeeman Hamiltonian for the spin system, the eigenvalues xArs are given by linear combinations of the nuclear Larmor frequencies of the relevant nuclides. The transition operators X rs have inconvenient rotational properties which derive from the complexity and low rotational symmetry of the operator HB . It proves convenient to define a new b A , with operators jAa Þ satisfying the eigenoperator basis for H eigenequation: b A jAa Þ ¼ xA jAa Þ H a ð41Þ where the set of eigenoperators fjA1 Þ . . .g is orthonormal: ðAa j Aa0 Þ ¼ daa0 ð42Þ The eigenvalues are denoted xa with a 2 f0; 1 . . . N L g. Each eigenvalue xAa corresponds to one of the frequencies xArs in Eq. (40), and each eigenoperator may be expressed as a linear superpob A: sition of transition operators with the same eigenvalue of H A HA ¼ H Z HZ ¼ ð44Þ N X x0i Iiz ð45Þ i¼1 In cases involving spin isomerism, the nuclear exchange interaction may also be included in HA (see Section 6.4). The commutation properties of the Zeeman Hamiltonian are different for homonuclear and heteronuclear systems: In homonuclear systems (all nuclides of the same type), all Larmor frequency terms x0i are identical, and hence HA is proportional to the total angular momentum operator along the z-axis, P Iz ¼ Ni¼1 Iiz . In this case HA commutes with the total spin angular momentum along the field, and also the total square angular momentum of all nuclei: h i ½H A ; I z ¼ H A ; I 2 ¼ 0 ð46Þ PN where I2 ¼ I2x þ I2y þ I2z and Im ¼ i¼1 Iim ; m 2 fx; y; zg. Hence, each eigenoperator jAa Þ may be identified with an irreducible spheri cal tensor operator (ISTO) T akl : jAa Þ ¼ ca T akl ð47Þ obeying the following standard eigenequations: where the transition frequencies are given by xrs ¼ xr xs ð43Þ r¼1 s¼1 b I2 T akl ¼ ka ðka þ 1ÞT akl bI z T a ¼ l T a kl a kl 2 2 2 b I2 ¼ bI x þ bI y þ bI z ð48Þ Here bI x is the commutation superoperator of the total angular P momentum along the x-axis, Ix ¼ Ni¼1 Iix , and similarly for the 2 x and y-operators [69]. Note that bI x is not the same superopPN b2 erator as i¼1 I ix . The rotational rank and azimuthal quantum number of the eigenoperator jAa Þ are denoted ka and la respectively. The normalization factor ca in Eq. (47) ensures that ðAa jAa Þ ¼ 1. In heteronuclear systems, the Zeeman Hamiltonian does not commute with the total square angular momentum operator of all spins but with the total square angular momentum operators of individual groups of spins, organized by their isotopic types fI; S; . . .g. If the numbers of spins of the different isotopic types are denoted fN I ; N S . . .g, the relevant z- angular momenP I P S tum operators are denoted Iz ¼ Ni¼1 Iiz ; Sz ¼ Ns¼1 Ssz , etc. and the total-square angular momentum operators by I2 ¼ NI X I2ix þ I2iy þ I2iz i¼1 NS X S2sx þ S2sy þ S2sz S ¼ 2 s¼1 ð49Þ 7 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 h 2 i h ½ H A ; I z ¼ H A ; I ¼ ½ H A ; Sz ¼ H A ; S h i ½Iz ; Sz ¼ I2 ; S2 ¼ 0 . . . 2 i ¼0 ... ð50Þ b A eigenoperators is given by the tensor An appropriate set of H product of the individual spherical tensor operator sets: n o n o fAa g ¼ T Ik;l T Sk;l . . . ð51Þ 2.3.2. Fluctuating Hamiltonian The fluctuating Hamiltonian Hfluc , which is responsible for spin relaxation, typically contains contributions from several different nuclear spin interactions: Hfluc ðt Þ ¼ þ 2 HKfluc ðt Þ þ ... ð53Þ The interactions fK1 ; K2 . . .g typically include nuclear dipole–dipole interactions, chemical shift anisotropies, etc. The random fluctuations of these interactions, due to molecular motion, are responsible for nuclear spin relaxation. In general, the fluctuations of different interactions are correlated with each other. Each fluctuating Hamiltonian term may be expressed as a b A eigenoperators, as follows: superposition of H X K K F a ðt ÞjAa Þ Hfluc ðt Þ ¼ F a ðtÞ ¼ Aa jHKfluc ðt Þ K K GKK aa0 ðsÞ ¼ F a ðt þ sÞF a0 ðt Þ An alternative approach is to expand the fluctuating Hamiltonian in transition operators as follows: The correlation functions of the fluctuating matrix elements are defined as follows: 0 Gaa0 ðsÞ ¼ Gaa0 ð0Þg aa0 ðsÞ ð56Þ ð57Þ 0 where g KK aa0 ð0Þ ¼ 1. The correlation functions are assumed to decay monotonically with increasing s and become vanishingly small for s larger than an interval called the correlation time denoted sc . In general the correlation time may be different for different mechanisms, but we will overlook this complication here, for the sake of simplicity. In the case of rotational diffusion, the correlation functions may be shown to decay approximately exponentially [70], with the following form KK0 g aa0 ðsÞ ’ exp js=sc j ð58Þ For simplicity we assume that the correlation time is independent of the interaction and eigenoperator indices. The spectral density functions are defined as the Fourier transform of the correlation functions: 0 J KK aa0 ðxÞ ¼ KK0 jaa0 ðxÞ ¼ such that R1 0 GKK ðsÞ expfixsg ds 1 aa0 R 1 KK0 g ð 1 aa0 sÞ expfixsg ds ð63Þ which are again assumed to be independent of t through the assumption of stationary random processes. The spectral density functions of the transition matrix elements are defined as follows: J ijkl ðxÞ ¼ X KK0 J ijkl ðxÞ ð64Þ K;K0 from which the contributions of the individual correlation functions are given by: 0 J KK ijkl ðxÞ ¼ Z 1 1 0 GKK ijkl ðsÞ expfixsg ds ð65Þ Their real parts are again proportional to absorption-mode Lorentzians, as in Eq. (61). ð59Þ ð66Þ The time evolution of the density operator in Liouville space is governed by the Liouville-von-Neumann (LvN) equation, and takes the form: 0 KK0 0 K K GKK ijkl ðsÞ ¼ hijHfluc ðt þ sÞjjihkjH fluc ðt Þjli jrÞ ¼ j jwihwjÞ where the overbar indicates an ensemble average. The correlation KK0 ð62Þ r;s ð55Þ functions GKK aa0 ðsÞ are assumed to be independent of t (stationary assumption), and have the form KK0 ð61Þ 2.4.1. Liouville-von Neumann equation The density operator of a single ensemble member is defined as follows: and have the following correlation functions: 0 2sc 1 þ x2 s2c 2.4. Equation of motion where the coefficients are defined as follows: 0 n 0 o KK Re jaa0 ðxÞ ¼ ð54Þ a K ð60Þ For an exponential correlation function (Eq. (58)), the real part of the spectral density has the simple form of an absorption-mode Lorentzian: ð52Þ with a set of rotational ranks kIa ; kSa . . . and azimuthal quantum I S numbers la ; la . . . for the spin species fI; S . . .g. 1 HKfluc ðt Þ 0 X K hr jHKfluc ðtÞjsijX rs Þ Hfluc ðtÞ ¼ Each eigenoperator has the form jAa Þ ¼ ca T I;k;al T S;k;al... KK0 0 KK J KK aa0 ðxÞ ¼ jaa0 ðxÞGaa0 ð0Þ The following commutation relationships apply: d j dt rðtÞÞ ¼ i Hb ðtÞjrðtÞÞ b ðt Þ ¼ H b0 þ H b res þ H b fluc ðt Þ H C ð67Þ The solution to the LvN may be written as b ðt; t a Þjrðt a ÞÞ jrðtÞÞ ¼ U ð68Þ where t P t a and the propagation superoperator is given by a timeordered product of exponential superoperators: b ðt; t a Þ ¼ Tb expfg i U Z t b ðt0 Þdt0 H ð69Þ ta 2.4.2. Ensemble density operator The ensemble-averaged density operator is defined jqÞ ¼ jrÞ ¼ j jwihw jÞ ð70Þ where the overbar denotes an average over ensemble members. It is assumed that the evolution of the system may be approximated by an equation of the type: b ðt; t a Þjqðt a ÞÞ jqðtÞÞ ¼ V ð71Þ b is in general not unitary. where the propagation superoperator V The primary aim of relaxation theory is the systematic construction 8 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 b valid within appropriate limits. Methods which have been used of V include semi-classical (SC) relaxation theory [1,3,4], the generalized cumulant expansion method [71–73] or the Fokker-Plank formalism frequently encountered in EPR. [74,75] A conceptually different approach is the Quantum Monte Carlo approach, which is widely used in the field of quantum optics. [76–78] b d qðt Þ ¼ L SC ðt ÞqðtÞ dt where the semi-classical Liouvillian superoperator, in the interaction frame, is given by b b b y ðt Þ C b lab U b A ðt Þ L SC ¼ i H coh þ U SC A The semi-classical relaxation theory of nuclear spin systems is widely covered in the standard literature [1,2,4,6–11]. To underpin the later discussion we give a concise overview of the basic concepts and key approximations. We also include a brief discussion of the handling of the relaxation superoperator in the interaction frame, which is the source of occasional confusion. b lab ¼ C SC In order to prepare for the application of second-order perturbation theory, the spin Hamiltonian is expressed in the interaction frame of the dominant part of the coherent Hamiltonian HA : ð72Þ In the case that HA is identified with the Zeeman Hamiltonian, as is common in high-field NMR, the interaction frame is also known as the ‘‘rotating frame”. The LvN equation, in the interaction frame, is given by b b lab ¼ C SC ð73Þ Hðt Þ ¼ Hcoh þ Hfluc ðt Þ with the interaction-frame fluctuating Hamiltonian: n o b A t Hfluc ðtÞ Hfluc ðt Þ ¼ exp þi H ð74Þ and the interaction-frame coherent Hamiltonian: Hcoh ðt Þ ¼ H0 HA þ Hres C ðt Þ ð75Þ In the case of single-frequency near-resonant irradiation, HA may be Hres C is piecewise time-independent, the timechosen so that independent ‘‘pieces” corresponding to the elements of the applied pulse sequence. The solution to the LvN equation for the time evolution of individual ensemble members may be approximated by timedependent perturbation theory [4,6–11,62,63]. The following standard approximations and assumptions are made: The density operator and the fluctuating contributions are uncorrelated. The ensemble average of the fluctuating contributions vanishes. The fluctuating contributions represent a weakly stationary process, so that two-time correlations only depend on their time difference t0 t ¼ s. There exists a correlation time sC such that the ensemble average becomes negligible for time differences s sC . The terms HB ; HC and Hfluc are all sufficiently small that kHB sC k 1; kHC sC k 1 and kHfluc sC k 1, so that the interaction frame density operator does not change significantly over the timescale of sC . Note that there is no assumption at this stage, of the spin system being close to equilibrium. These assumptions lead to the following equation of motion for the ensemble-average density operator in the interaction frame: 0 1 b b H fluc ð0Þ H fluc ðsÞds ð78Þ 1 XX KK0 A b b y J 0 xa0 A a A a0 2 K;K0 a;a0 aa ð79Þ Eq. (79) is a convenient expression for the semi-classical relaxation superoperator. This form is basis-independent and gives no special status to the eigenstates of the coherent Hamiltonian. It has been used for many purposes in solution NMR, and proves particularly useful for the analysis of long-lived states [34,35,37–45, 79–84]. An alternative expression, making use of the transition operators between the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian H0 , is as follows: b lab ¼ C SC rðtÞ ¼ i H ðtÞrðtÞ Z If small dynamic frequency shifts are neglected [1,3,4,62,63], this may be written as follows: 3.1. Semi-classical relaxation superoperator d dt ð77Þ and the relaxation superoperator in the laboratory frame is as follows [1,3]: 3. Semi-classical relaxation theory n o b A t H ðt Þ Hðt Þ ¼ exp þi H ð76Þ 1X b ij X by J ðxkl Þ X kl 2 i;j;k;l ijkl ð80Þ where the spectral densities are given in Eq. (64), and the differences xAkl between eigenvalues of the dominant Hamiltonian HA are defined in Eq. (40). Most spin dynamical calculations are performed in the interaction frame of the dominant Hamiltonian HA , since this greatly simplifies the treatment of resonant radiofrequency fields. However, the interaction-frame Liouvillian given in Eq. (77) is difficult to b A ðt Þ. This problem is use, because of the time-dependent terms U avoided by making another approximation. The laboratory frame b A: relaxation superoperator is expanded in eigenoperators of H b lab ¼ C SC X a;a0 b lab jAa0 Þ jAa ÞðAa0 j ðAa j C SC ð81Þ This allows the second term in Eq. (77) to be written as follows: b lab U b y ðt Þ C b A ðt Þ ¼ U SC A X b lab jAa0 Þ exp iðaa aa0 Þt jAa ÞðAa0 j ðAa j C SC ð82Þ a;a0 The rapidly oscillating terms in this equation may be ignored under the assumption that the relaxation rate constants are small compared to the eigenvalue separation of the dominant Hamiltonian HA . Note that this approximation is readily defensible for the eigenvalues of HA , since these are defined to be either degenerate or widely spaced, but would not be fully justifiable if the Hamiltonian H0 had been used to construct the interaction frame, since H0 may have near-degenerate eigenvalues. The omission of rapidly oscillating components in Eq. (82) allows use of the following secularized relaxation superoperator in the interaction frame: b sec C SC ’ X b lab jAa0 Þdðaa aa0 Þ jAa ÞðAa0 j ðAa j C SC ð83Þ a;a0 where dðxÞ ¼ 1 if x ¼ 0 and dðxÞ ¼ 0 otherwise. The Liouvillian superoperator in the interaction frame of HA is therefore given, to a very good approximation, by b b sec b L SC ’ i H coh þ C SC ð84Þ 9 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 b sec where C SC is time-independent. Spin dynamical calculations may therefore be conducted in the interaction frame of the dominant Hamiltonian HA , using the interaction-frame coherent Hamiltonian Hcoh and the secularized semi-classical relaxation superoperator b sec C SC of Eq. (83). In the solution NMR of homonuclear spin systems in high magnetic field, HA may be chosen to equal the dominant Zeeman interaction. In this case, selection rules on the rotational correlation functions [85] render the secularization procedure in Eq. (83) b lab jAa0 Þ vanish in any unnecessary, since the matrix elements ðAa j C SC case for aa – aa0 . However, this is not always true for heteronuclear spin systems. An example of relaxation superoperator secularization in heteronuclear systems may be found in reference [35]. For simplicity, the secularized relaxation superoperator in the b: interaction frame is now simply denoted as C b b ¼ C sec C SC ð85Þ b sec From the definition of C SC , this superoperator is identical when expressed in the laboratory frame: b lab C ¼ by bA bU U A C b ¼C ð86Þ 3.2. Transition probabilities The transition probability per unit time from an eigenstate jr i of H0 to a different eigenstate jsi may be derived from the secularized relaxation superoperator as follows [6]: W r!s b j X rr ¼ J ðxsr Þ ¼ X ss j C srsr ð87Þ The semi-classical approach leads to identical rate coefficients for forward and backward transitions, as sketched in Fig. 4(a): W r!s ¼ W s!r ð88Þ As is well-known, symmetrical transition probabilities are incompatible with the establishment of thermal equilibrium at a finite temperature [1–14]. Fig. 4. A section of the energy level structure of an arbitrary quantum system. Relaxation phenomena induce transitions between the states jri and jsi. Transitions that cause the system to gain energy are indicated in green, transitions that cause the system to lose energy are indicated in red. (a) Semi-classical transition probabilities. The ‘‘upwards” and ‘‘downwards” transition probabilities W r!s and W s!r are equal. (b) After thermalization, the ‘‘downwards” transition probability W hs!r (thick arrow) is larger than the ‘‘upwards” transition probability W hr!s (thin arrow). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 3.2.1. Coherence decay rate constants The decay rate constant for a coherence between the eigenstates jr i and jsi of the coherent Hamiltonian H0 may be expressed as: b j X rs krs ¼ X rs j C ð89Þ which may be written as the sum of an ‘‘adiabatic” and ‘‘nonadiabatic” contributions [4,6–10]: na krs ¼ kad rs þ krs ð90Þ with hr jHfluc ðsÞjr i hsjHfluc ðsÞjsi ds X KK0 0 KK0 KK0 ¼ 12 Jrrrr ð0Þ J KK rrss ð0Þ J ssrr ð0Þ þ J ssss ð0Þ kad rs ¼ R0 1 hr jHfluc ð0Þjr i hsjHfluc ð0Þjsi K;K0 ð91Þ and kna rs X 1 X ¼ W r!k þ W s!k 2 k–r k–s ! ð92Þ The adiabatic contributions are due to random fluctuations of the energy levels. The non-adiabatic contributions arise from the finite lifetimes of the spin states, due to transitions to other states. As an illustrative example, the non-adiabatic contribution for an arbitrary three-level system is illustrated in Fig. 5(a). The coherence between states j2i and j3i is indicated by a wavy line. The non-adiabatic contribution to the decay of this coherence is due to all transitions out of the states j2i and j3i. 3.3. Semi-classical equation of motion The master equation for the dynamics of the spin density operator, under semiclassical relaxation theory, is therefore given by d b SC jqÞ jqÞ ¼ L dt ð93Þ where the Liouvillian is n o b0 þ H b res ðt Þ þ C b SC b SC ’ i H L C ð94Þ and the secularized semi-classical relaxation superoperator is given by Eq. (83). Since the semi-classical relaxation superoperator predicts equal probabilities for transitions gaining and losing energy (Eq. (88)), Fig. 5. Energy levels of a three-level quantum system. A coherence between the states j2i and j3i is indicated by a blue wavy line. The non-adiabatic contribution to the coherence decay process is given by the summed transition probability for all transitions out of the states j2i and j3i as indicated by the arrows. (a) In the semiclassical treatment, ‘‘upwards” and ‘‘downwards” transition probabilities are equal. (b) At finite temperature the non-adiabatic contributions to the coherence decay rate must be adjusted to reflect the different transition probabilities in the two directions. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 10 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 the true thermal equilibrium state of the spin density operator is not correctly predicted by Eqs. (93) and (94). This problem is often addressed by arbitrarily introducing a thermal equilibrium term in the relaxation part, leading to the widely used inhomogeneous master equation (IME) of the form [1–14]: d b SC jqÞ q b0 þ H b res ðt Þ jqÞ þ C jqÞ ¼ i H eq C dt ð95Þ However, as described in the introduction, Eq. (95) gives incorrect results in general for spin systems which are far from equilibrium. In this article we present a deeper solution. 4.1. Thermal equilibrium At thermal equilibrium the spin-state populations adopt the Boltzmann distribution, leading to the following expression for the thermal equilibrium density operator: ð96Þ where the temperature parameter is defined as follows: bh ¼ h kB T ð97Þ An initially perturbed system eventually returns to thermal equilibrium for sufficiently long times in the absence of time-dependent perturbations. The semi-classical relaxation superoperator of Eq. (79) fails to predict the correct thermal equilibrium state, since the transition probabilities are symmetric, as in Eq. (88). Instead the state of comb SC and lies plete disorder represents the stationary distribution of C in its null-space: b SC j1Þ ¼ j0Þ C ð98Þ b SC therefore drives the The semi-classical relaxation superoperator C system to the unphysical state of infinite temperature. The correct thermal equilibrium state may be forced by adjusting the semi-classical relaxation superoperator using a procedure known as ‘‘thermalization”. Most techniques [50–54] achieve this by multiplying the SC-relaxation superoperator by a thermal corb: rection superoperator H ð99Þ b forces q b h: where H into the null-space of C eq b h j q Þ ¼j 0Þ C eq 1j d b h j qðtÞ ¼ 0 qðtÞ ¼ 1 j C dt ð102Þ preserves hermiticity: The density matrix must remain hermitian at all points in time to be in agreement with the statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics. d d q ðtÞ ¼ qsr ðtÞ dt rs dt ð103Þ bh qsseq C Wh ¼ ssrr ¼ r!s ¼ expfbh xrs g rr bh qeq C W hs!r rrss ð104Þ The detailed balance condition indicates that transitions from higher energy states to lower energy states are slightly more likely than vice versa. It follows that qeq is a stationary distrib h [86]. bution and lies in the null-space of C predict consistent coherence decay rates: The thermalized coherence decay rate constants are composed of adiabatic and non-adiabatic contributions: h;na khrs ¼ kh;ad rs þ krs ð105Þ The adiabatic contributions to the coherence decay rate constants should be independent of the thermal correction: kh;ad ¼ kad rs rs ð106Þ The non-adiabatic contributions, on the other hand, depend on the transition probabilities and should be adjusted according to the detailed balance condition, as follows: kh;na rs X h 1 X h ¼ W þ W 2 k–r r!k k–s s!k ! ð107Þ 4.2.1. Jeener’s method Jeener’s seminal article on superoperators in magnetic resonance [50] contains a proposed thermalization method for relaxb ation superoperators. This is based on the energy superoperator E defined as follows: n b J ¼ exp b E b H h o b0 þ H b0 b ¼1 H E 2 ð100Þ The thermalized equation of motion for the density operator is given by d b h jqÞ b coh þ C jqÞ ¼ i H dt A variety of methods have been proposed for the thermalization of the relaxation superoperator. Their properties and limitations are summarized in Table 1. 4.2. Thermal corrections b bh ¼ C b SC H C d ð1 j qðt ÞÞ ¼ dt obeys detailed balance: At thermal equilibrium the detailed balance condition applies [63]. The transition probabilities of b h should therefore fulfill the following condition: C 4. Thermalization jexp bh H0 Þ qeq ¼ Tr½exp bh H0 preserves the trace: This condition captures the fact that the sum of all populations should be a constant of motion. Populations are free to be redistributed among each other, but there is no ‘‘loss” of populations. ð101Þ b coh is the commutation superoperator of the coherent where H Hamiltonian Hcoh . The thermalized relaxation superoperator should have the following properties: ð108Þ The thermally corrected relaxation superoperator is given by: n bJ ¼ C bh ¼ C b SC H b SC exp b E b C h J o ð109Þ The method works by transforming the thermal equilibrium density operator j qeq Þ into j1Þ. This may be seen as follows: The action of the energy superoperator on a population operator of the coherent Hamiltonian is given by: b jX kk Þ ¼ xk jX kk Þ E ð110Þ 11 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 Table 1 The methods for treating nuclear spin relaxation discussed in this paper, and their properties in the context of a finite-temperature molecular environment. The following abbreviations are used: SC = semi-classical relaxation theory; IME = inhomogeneous Master equation; Jeener = Jeener’s thermalized relaxation superoperator [50]; LdB = Levitt-di Bari method for thermalizing the relaxation superoperator [51–53]; sLdB = simplified Levitt-di Bari method as implemented in SpinDynamica 3.2 software [87]; Lb = Lindblad method. Correct thermal equilibrium Valid outside high-temperature regime Valid outside weak-order regime Transition probabilities fulfil detailed balance Coherence decay rates: correct adiabatic contributions Coherence decay rates: correct non-adiabatic contributions Equation number References SC IME Jeener LdB sLdB Lb U (83) [1,3] U U (1), (95) [1,3,4] U U U U (108), (109) [50] U U U U U (118), (119) [51,52] U U (125) [51–53] U U U U U U (140) This article The thermal equilibrium density operator may be expressed in terms of the population operators: j qeq Þ ¼ Z 1 Z¼ X X exp bh xk jX kk Þ k ð111Þ exp bh xk k According to Eqs. (110) and (111), the result of applying the total energy superoperator to the thermal equilibrium density operator is given by: b j q Þ ¼ Z 1 E eq X xk expfbh xk gjX kk Þ k b J j q Þ ¼ Z 1 H eq X expfbh xk g k X ðb h xk Þ n! n jX kk Þ ¼ Z 1 j1Þ ð112Þ n Since the state of total disorder lies within the null-space of the b h: SC-relaxation superoperator, qeq lies in the null-space of C J b h j q Þ ¼ Z 1 C b j1Þ ¼ j0Þ C eq J coherence decay rates, which does not make physical sense, since the adiabatic contributions are not related to state transitions and are energy-preserving. The properties of the Jeener method are summarized in Table 1. The Jeener method fulfils most of the required conditions of a thermalization method, but does not treat the coherence decay rate constants correctly. To the best of our knowledge, no application of the Jeener thermalization method has been reported in the literature. 4.2.2. Levitt-di Bari and Levante-Ernst method An alternative thermalization technique was proposed by Levitt and di Bari [51,52] and further developed by Levante and Ernst [53]. This method is termed here the LdB method and uses projection superoperators onto the population operators of the coherent Hamiltonian, weighted by the eigenvalue of the associated eigenstate: b ¼ x X xk jX kk ÞðX kk j ð118Þ k ð113Þ The thermal correction superoperator is given by: The transition probabilities per unit time are modified in the following way: b LdB ¼ exp b x b H h W h;J r!s b onto the thermal equilibrium density operator is The action of x b (compare with Eq. (112)). identical to the action of E b h j X rr ¼ X ss j C b exp b E b j X rr ¼ X ss j C h J ¼ exp bh xr W r!s ð114Þ and the ratio between forward and backwards transition probabilities is given by: W h;J r!s W h;J s!r ¼ exp bh xrs ð115Þ showing that the thermalized transition probabilities obey the detailed balance condition (Eq. (104)). However, Jeener’s method does not handle the coherence decay rate constants correctly. The thermalized decay rate constants of a particular coherence are given by: kh;J rs kh;J sr b h j X rs ¼ exp b ðxr þ xs Þkrs ¼ X rs j C h J h b ¼ X sr j C J j X sr ¼ exp bh ðxr þ xs Þksr ð116Þ h;J The equality kh;J rs ¼ ksr follows from krs ¼ ksr and maintains the hermiticity of the density operator. However, there is still a problem. The adiabatic and non-adiabatic contributions to the coherence decay rate constants are given in Jeener’s method by: kh;ad;J ¼ exp 12 bh ðxr þ xs Þ kad rs rs 1 na kh;na;J ¼ exp b ð x þ x Þ k r s rs rs 2 h ð117Þ where the adiabatic and non-adiabatic rate constants are given by Eqs. (91) and (92) respectively. The terms kh;ad;J and kh;na;J are both rs rs in conflict with the requirements of Eqs. (106) and (107). In particular, Jeener’s method adjusts the adiabatic contributions to the b j qeq Þ ¼ Z 1 x ð119Þ X xk exp bh xk jX kk Þ ð120Þ k b LdB transforms the thermal equilibrium density operaAs a result H tor into the state of total disorder: b LdB j q Þ ¼ Z 1 j1Þ H eq ð121Þ bh . and qeq lies in the null-space of C LdB b h j q Þ ¼ j0Þ C eq LdB ð122Þ The modification of the transition probabilities is identical to Jeener’s method: bh b b W h;LdB r!s ¼ X ss j C LdB j X rr ¼ X ss j C SC exp bh x j X rr ð123Þ ¼ exp bh xr W r!s b h obey the detailed balance Hence the transition probabilities of C LdB condition. A defect of the LdB method is that the coherence decay rates are not adjusted at all, since the coherence operators lie in the nullb. space of x b j X rs Þ ¼ j0Þ ) exp bh x b jX rs Þ ¼ jX rs Þ x kh;LdB rs b SC exp b x b SC j X rs ¼ krs b j X rs ¼ X rs j C ¼ X rs j C h ð124Þ 12 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 Hence the Levitt-di Bari method obeys the condition of Eq. (106) for the adiabatic decay rate contribution, but not that of (107) for the non-adiabatic contribution. A simplified version of the LdB method (sLdB), which employs the high-temperature and weak-order approximations, is currently implemented in version 3.3.2 of the SpinDynamica software package [87]. This method uses the following thermalization correction: b sLdB ¼ ^1 j q Þð1 j H eq ð125Þ The thermally adjusted transition probabilities are given by: W h;sLdB ¼ W r!s r!s X W j!s hjjqeq jji ð126Þ j ð127Þ 5. Lindblad thermalization In this article we propose a different thermalization method, called the Lindblad (Lb) method, based on a quantum-mechanical treatment of the molecular environments and incorporating thermal corrections to the spectral densities to account for the finite sample temperature [1,2,59,58,60]. Unlike the Jeener, LdB and sLdB methods, the Lb method does not lead to a relaxation superoperator which may be expressed as the product of the semi-classical relaxation superoperator and a thermal correction superoperator, as in Eq. (99). Instead one performs thermal corrections to the individual components of the relaxation superoperator. A Lindbladian formulation of relaxation processes has been extensively used in quantum optics, quantum computing, quantum information theory and laser physics [76,78]. Lindbladian description of relaxation of nuclear spin relaxation is used rarely [64,65], presumably because the inhomogeneous master equation is sufficient in most cases. 5.1. Quantum-mechanical spectral densities The starting point of the Lindblad method is to treat both the environment and the spin system quantum mechanically [2,1,5,60–63]. The fluctuating contributions are replaced by a Hamiltonian of the following type: X Aa BKa ð128Þ a K;K0 a;a0 Aa Aya0 Aya0 Aa D E 0 BKa0 y ðsÞBKa ð0Þ exp ixAa0 s K;K0 a;a0 ð130Þ D 0 E Here BKa0 y ðsÞBKa ð0Þ are quantum–mechanical correlation functions, defined as follows: D 0 E n o 0 BKa0 y ðsÞBKa ð0Þ ¼ Trbath U bath ðsÞBKa0 y U ybath ðsÞBKa qbath eq D 0 E ¼ BKa0 y ð0ÞBKa ðsÞ b lab ¼ C QM where Ba is an environmental (‘‘bath”) operator. The environment represents a thermal reservoir with sufficient heat capacity to always remain close to thermal equilibrium due to its size and complexity, and is described by a density operator qbath eq . It is not necessary to assume that the spin system remains close to equilibrium. The combined density operator of the spin system and the environment is assumed to be of the form: ð129Þ The relaxation superoperator may be derived by substituting the expression for Hfluc from Eq. (128) into Eq. (78), and taking the trace over the environmental degrees of freedom [4,5,62,63]. XX Z 0 1 K;K0 a;a0 ð131Þ D 0 E Aa Aya0 Aya0 Aa BKa0 y ðsÞBKa ð0Þ XX exp ixAa0 s D Z 0 1 K;K0 a;a0 E Aa0 Aya Aya Aa0 Ba ð0ÞBa0 ðsÞ exp ixAa0 s K0 Ky ð132Þ The sum is invariant under the exchange of the labels (a $ a0 ) and (K $ K0 ) which we perform on the second part. b lab ¼ C QM XX R 0 1 K;K0 a;a0 Aa Aya0 Aya0 Aa D E 0 BKa0 y ðsÞBKa ð0Þ exp ixAa0 s D 0 E XX R 0 Aa Aya0 Aya0 Aa BKa0 y ðsÞBKa ð0Þ exp ixAa s 1 K;K0 a;a0 ð133Þ A simple transformation of variables (s # s) in the second sum leads to the following expression: b lab ¼ C QM XX Z K;K0 a;a0 0 1 E D 0 Aa Aya0 Aya0 Aa BKa0 y ðsÞBKa ð0Þ XX exp ixAa0 s Z K;K0 a;a0 D E 1 0 Aa Aya0 Aya0 Aa BKa0 y ðsÞBKa ð0Þ exp ixAa s 0 ð134Þ By considering only the secular contributions xa ¼ xa0 and neglecting dynamical frequency shifts, the two sums may be combined to form a complete Fourier transform (see Appendix A.1): b sec ¼ C QM i XX h 0 b Aa ; Ay 0 K KK0 xA0 d xA xA0 D a aa a a a ð135Þ K;K0 a;a0 where the quantum-mechanical spectral densities are given by 0 K qtot ðtÞ ¼ qðtÞ qbath eq 1 D E XX R 0 y 0 Aa0 Aa Aa Aya0 BKa ð0ÞBKa0 y ðsÞ exp ixAa0 s 1 The sLdB method generates the correct thermal equilibrium density operator in the high-temperature approximation but does not obey detailed balance in general, and fails to handle coherence decay rate constants correctly. HKfluc ¼ XX R 0 Since the system-bath interaction is hermitian it is permissible to replace the second part of Eq. (130) by its hermitian conjugate: whereas the coherence decay rates remain unchanged: kh;sLdB ¼ krs rs b lab ¼ C QM K KK aa0 ðxÞ ¼ Z 1D 1 E 0 BKa0 y ðsÞBKa ð0Þ expfixsgds ð136Þ b defines the so-called Lindbladian dissipator [62,63]: and D b ½ A; B ¼ A B 1 ðBA þ BAÞ D 2 ð137Þ In contrast to the classical correlation functions, the quantum mechanical correlation functions are not symmetric with respect to frequency, i.e. K ðxÞ – K ðxÞ. In thermal equilibrium they obey the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger(KMS)-condition [5,4,62,63]. 0 0 KK K KK aa0 ðxÞ ¼ K a0 a ðxÞ expfbh xg ð138Þ 13 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 Detailed knowledge of the quantum mechanical spectral densities is rarely available. Nevertheless they may be approximated by classical spectral densities by an invoking an appropriate quantum mechanical correction [88]. One possibility is given by the Schofield method [89]: 0 1 KK0 K KK aa0 ðxÞ # J aa0 ðxÞ exp bh x 2 ð139Þ Corrections of this form have been previously used in the description of vibrational relaxation effects [90]. This leads to the following expression for the secularized relaxation superoperator: bh ¼ C Lb XX 0 a;a0 K;K h i 0 b Aa ; Ay 0 J KK0 xA D a aa a 1 exp bh xAa dðxa xa0 Þ 2 ð140Þ 0 where JKK aa0 ðxÞ are the classical spectral densities defined in Eq. (64). Eq. (140) is the central result of this paper. It has a clear relationship with the semiclassical form of Eq. (79). The double commutation superoperator is replaced by a Lindbladian dissipator (multiplied by 1/2), and thermal correction factors exp 12 bh xAa are introduced. It might appear that a similar result would be obtained by sim ply introducing the thermal factors exp 12 bh xAa into the semiclassical relaxation superoperator of Eq. (79). Indeed, this construction was proposed by Abragam (see page 288) as part of the quantum-mechanical treatment of relaxation [4]. However, that version of the quantum-mechanical procedure fails for spin systems exhibiting a large degree of spin order, as is clear from the context of Abragam’s expressions (see top of page 288). The double-commutator form does not provide a clear separation of the forward and backwards transition probabilities and is therefore incompatible with detailed balance at finite temperature, even after the inclusion of thermal corrections. It is only at infinite temperature that the Lindblad formalism and double commutator formalism coincide. These issues are discussed in more detail in Appendices A.2 and A.3. The Lindblad dissipators have a clear relationship with the physical picture of Fig. 4. They may be understood as inducing forward and backward transition processes as illustrated below: h i b X ij ; X y j X rr ¼ dis djr X ss j D ij h i b X y ; X ij j X rr ¼ djs dir X ss j D ij ð141Þ cesses across the same pair of H0 eigenstates but in opposite directions. The transition probabilities per unit time are given by W h;Lb r!s ð142Þ Hence the transition probabilities for the forward and backwards processes are related as follows: h;Lb W h;Lb r!s ¼ W s!r exp fbh xsr g ð143Þ in agreement with the detailed balance condition and the physical picture in Fig. 4. The Lindbladian formalism also handles the coherence decay rate constants correctly. The adiabatic contributions to the coherence decay rates are unaffected by thermalization, as should be the case: kh;ad ¼ kad rs rs kh;na rs X 1 X 1 1 ¼ exp bh xkr W r!k þ exp bh xks W s!k 2 k–r 2 2 k–s ! 1 X h;Lb X h;Lb ¼ W þ W 2 k–r r!k k–s s!k ð144Þ ! ð145Þ It follows that the thermalized Lindblad representation of Eq. (140) preserves the trace and hermiticity of the density operator, obeys the detailed balance condition, and handles coherence decay processes correctly. 6. Case studies In this section the Lindblad approach is applied to some simple cases. The first two cases concern ‘‘ordinary” high-field NMR in the high-temperature and weak-order approximation, where the Lb formulation reproduces well-known results which may also be derived using the inhomogeneous master equation. In the last two examples we consider a spin system far from equilibrium, where the conventional IME equation breaks down. 6.1. Homonuclear spin-1/2 pairs Consider an ensemble of rigid molecules undergoing rotational diffusion, with each molecule containing a homonuclear spin-1/2 pair. The electronic environments of the two spins are distinct (chemical inequivalence). The nuclear spin relaxation is assumed to be dominated by dipole–dipole relaxation. The dipole-dipole r 3 coupling constant is given by b12 ¼ l0 =4p c2I h 12 where cI is the magnetogyric ratio and r12 is the internuclear distance. The rotational correlation time is denoted sC . In the presence of resonant radiofrequency irradiation, the coherent Hamiltonian is given in the laboratory frame, by Hcoh ¼ HA þ HB þ HC ð146Þ The dominant part of the Hamiltonian (see Section 2.3.1) is given in the laboratory frame by HA ¼ x0 ð1 þ dref ÞðI1z þ I2z Þ h i h i b X y ; X ij are associated with relaxation prob X ij ; X y and D Terms D ij ij b h j X rr ¼ exp 1 b xsr W r!s ¼ X ss j C Lb 2 h The non-adiabatic contributions to the coherence decay rate constants are sums of thermalized transition probabilities. This is also physically reasonable (see Fig. 5). ð147Þ while the terms HB and HC are given in the interaction frame of HA (rotating frame) by: HB ¼ X1 I1z þ X2 I2z þ 2pJ 12 I1 I2 HC ¼ xnut Ix cos/ þ Iy sin / ð148Þ The Larmor frequency is x0 ¼ cB0 and the chemical shift offsets are given by Xi ¼ x0 ðdi dref Þ, where fd1 ; d2 g are the chemical shifts of the two sites and dref is the chemical shift position of the carrier frequency of the radiofrequency irradiation. The amplitude of the resonant field is specified in terms of the nutation frequency xnut and its phase is denoted /. These choices of HA ; HB and HC fulfil the constraints in Section 2.3.1: The eigenvalues of HA are either degenerate or spaced by multiples of the spectrometer reference frequency x0 ð1 þ dref Þ, which is much larger than the matrix elements of HB and HC . Following Eq. (47), the eigenoperators of the commutation b A are proportional to the irreducible spherical tensuperoperator H bA sor operators, as in Eq. (48). The corresponding eigenvalues of H are given by: xAa ¼ la x0 ð149Þ 14 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 The fluctuating part of the spin Hamiltonian, which is responsible for the dipole–dipole relaxation, takes the form [6]: Hfluc ðt Þ ¼ þ2 X l¼2 ð12Þ ð12Þ F 2l XPL ðtÞ T 2l ð12Þ where both F 2l and T 2l ð150Þ transform as second-rank irreducible ð12Þ spherical tensors under rotations. The operator T 2l indicates coupling of spins I1 and I2 as defined in Appendix 2. ð12Þ The spatial components F 2l depend on the Euler angles XPL ðt Þ that relate the principal axis system of the dipole–dipole coupling to the laboratory frame. This transformation is time-dependent due to rotational diffusion of the molecule. We assume a single exponential decay for the corresponding correlation functions as indicated by Eq. (58), leading to Lorentzian spectral densities. Following the recipe of Eq. (140), and assuming isotropic rotational diffusion, the secular and thermalized relaxation superoperator may be expressed as follows: 6 5 b h ¼ b2 C Lb 12 þ2 X l¼2 h i b T ð12Þ ; T ð12Þy J h D 2l 2l l x0 ð151Þ where the thermally corrected spectral density functions are given by 1 J h ðxÞ ¼ exp bh x J ðxÞ 2 2sC 1 þ x2 s2C Lb to treat well-known relaxation phenomena such as the transient and steady-state nuclear Overhauser (NOE) effects [12,11]. The simulations shown in Fig. 6 were performed by integrating the homogeneous equation of motion in the interaction frame (Eq. (101)) using SpinDynamica software [87]. Fig. 6(a) shows a transient NOE effect in which inversion of the magnetization of one set of spins induces a transient increase in the magnetization of the second set of spins through dipoledipole cross-relaxation. Fig. 6(b) shows a steady-state NOE effect. Saturation of the longitudinal magnetization of one set of spins by a continuous resonant rf field establishes a steady state in which the magnetization of the second set of spins is enhanced with respect to thermal equilibrium. These phenomena are well understood and the simulated trajectories using the Lindblad method agree with the literature [51,52]. For the steady-state NOE it is straightforward to show that within the fast motion limit (x0 sC 1) and high-temperature approximation the maximal achievable polarisation enhancement 3 on the passive spin is given by SS NOE ¼ 2 which is in agreement with Fig. 6(b) [12,11]. 6.2. Heteronuclear spin-1/2 pairs ð152Þ In the case of heteronuclear spin pairs (one I-spin coupled to one S-spin, with magnetogyric ratios cI and cS ), the dominant part of the coherent Hamiltonian, in the laboratory frame, is given by and J ðxÞ ¼ region of low magnetic field [91], or by applying a resonant radiofrequency field [83]. b h may also be used The thermalized relaxation superoperator C ð153Þ b is defined in Eq. (137). The Lindbladian D The thermalized relaxation superoperator may be represented as a 16 16 matrix in a basis of orthogonal operators. One possible basis involves all ket-bra products for the singlet and triplet states of the 2-spin-1/2 system, defined in Eq. (11). The 4 4 block involving the population operators for these states is as follows: HA ¼ x0I 1 þ dIref Iz þ x0S 1 þ dSref Sz 0 ð155Þ 0 where x ¼ cI B and x ¼ cS B are the Larmor frequencies of the two species, and dIref ; dSref are the chemical shifts of the two spectrometer reference frequencies. The HB and HC components of the coherent spin Hamiltonian have the following form in the interaction frame of HA : 0 I 0 S Lb ð154Þ The row and column of zeros indicate that the singlet population is disconnected from the triplet populations under dipole-dipole relaxation processes. The population of the singlet state is therefore a long-lived state [79–84], in the case that coherent Hamiltonian terms mixing the singlet and triplet states are suppressed. In the current example, the relevant singlet–triplet mixing term is proportional to the chemical shift frequency difference jX1 X2 j. The long-lived nature of the singlet population is revealed by suppressing this mixing term, either by transporting the sample to a HB ¼ XI Iz þ XS Sz þ 2pJ IS Iz Sz ð156Þ HC ¼ xInut Ix cos /I þ Iy sin /I þ xSnut Sx cos /S þ Sy sin /S The chemical shift offset frequencies for the two isotopes are given by XI ¼ x0I dI dIref and XS ¼ x0S dS dSref , where dI and dS are the chemical shifts of the two spin species. Resonant radiofrequency fields applied to the two spin species have amplitudes correspond ing to the nutation frequencies xInut ; xSnut , and phases f/I ; /S g. C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 15 Fig. 6. Simulations of nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) in a system of homonuclear proton pairs at a temperature of 300 K and a magnetic field of 11.4 T using the Lindbladian form of the relaxation superoperator (Eq. (151)). The vertical scales correspond to the ratio of the longitudinal spin magnetization M z to its thermal equilibrium value M eq . (a) Simulation of the transient NOE. Starting from thermal equilibrium, a selective p-rotation is applied to one set of spins at time point t ¼ 5 s, and the expectation values of the z-magnetization components tracked in the subsequent interval. No resonant rf field is applied (xnut ¼ 0). (b) Simulation of the steady-state NOE. Starting at t ¼ 5 s, a continuous rf irradiation with nutation frequency xnut ¼ 2p 2:5 Hz is applied to a thermal equilibrium state. The simulation parameters are as follows: X1 ¼ 0; X2 ¼ 2p 200 Hz, J12 ¼ 15 Hz; b12 ¼ 2p 30 kHz, and sC ¼ 10 ps. The resulting T 1 time constant is 5.64 s. According to Eq. (51), the eigenoperators of HA are given in the heteronuclear case by products of spherical tensor operators. These may be labelled by their individual total and z-angular momentum ðijÞ (T k1 k2 l1 l2 ). The relevant eigenoperators for heteronuclear dipolar relaxation are given by column ðk1 ; k2 Þ ¼ ð1; 1Þ of Table 3. The thermalized relaxation superoperator for the heteronuclear case may be expressed as follows: 6 5 b h ¼ b2 C 12 Lb þ2 X þ2 X l01 ;l02 ¼2 l1 ;l2 ¼2 h i A A b T ð12Þ ;T ð12Þy0 0 J h xA D l1 l2 d xl1 l2 xl01 l02 11l1 l2 11l1 l2 ð157Þ The relaxation dynamics of the Zeeman spin state populations are governed by the following matrix: tories were generated by SpinDynamica software [87] using Eq. (157). The maximum achievable enhancement of the 13C magnetization for a coupled 13C-1H pair in the steady-state NOE experiment is given by ’ 3. The numerical simulations of Fig. 7(b) confirm that this well-known result [12,11] may be reproduced by using the Lindbladian relaxation superoperator. 6.3. Singlet-triplet conversion We now return to the problem given in the introduction: namely, the build-up of longitudinal magnetization in a system of magnetically equivalent (or near-equivalent) spin-1/2 pairs, prepared ‘‘in an unusual way” such that only the singlet state is populated. In this Lb ð158Þ Simulations of the z-magnetisation dynamics during heteronuclear transient-NOE and steady-state-NOE experiments [12,11] involving pairs of 13C and 1H spins are shown in Fig. 7. The trajec- section, we consider an ensemble of ‘‘conventional” two-spin-1/2 systems which do not exhibit spin isomerism. The problem of spin-isomer conversion is examined in the next section. 16 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 Fig. 7. Simulations of heteronuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) in a system of 1H-13C pairs at a temperature of 300 K and a magnetic field of 11.4 T using the Lindbladian form of the relaxation superoperator (Eq. (151)). The black curves show the ratio of the 1H (I-spin) magnetization MIz to its thermal equilibrium value M Ieq . The red curves show the ratio of the 13C (S-spin) magnetization MSz to its thermal equilibrium value M Seq . (a) Simulation of the transient NOE. Starting from thermal equilibrium, a selective p-rotation is applied to the 1H spins at time point t ¼ 5 s and the expectation values of the z-angular momentum components of both spin species tracked in the subsequent interval. No resonant rf field is applied (xInut ¼ xSnut ¼ 0). (b) Simulation of the steady-state NOE. Starting from a thermal equilibrium state, continuous rf irradiation with nutation frequency xInut ¼ 2p 100 Hz is applied to the 1H spins, starting at time point t ¼ 5 s. No rf field is applied to the 13C spins (xSnut ¼ 0). The dipolar relaxation was treated using Eq. (157). The simulation parameters are as follows: XI ¼ XS ¼ 0; sC ¼ 10 ps, b12 ¼ 2p 30 kHz. For this choice of parameters the 1H and 13C T 1 time constants are T I1 ¼ T S1 ¼ 5:62 s. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) As explained in the introduction, the inhomogeneous master equation (Eq. (1)) incorrectly predicts a build-up of longitudinal magnetization with the ordinary rate constant T 1 1 , starting from a pure singlet population. In reality, longitudinal magnetization for the singletbuilds up with the much slower rate constant T 1 S triplet conversion (see Fig. 1). We now examine how this problem may be addressed by using the Lindbladian form of the relaxation superoperator. The dominant and perturbative parts of the coherent Hamiltonian in the absence of resonance rf fields are given by: HA ¼ x ðI1z þ I2z Þ 0 ð159Þ HB ¼ 2pJ 12 I1 I2 This assignment of HA and HB assumes that the scalar coupling interaction is much smaller than the Zeeman interaction. This condition is easily met for NMR under ordinary conditions. The relaxation of the system may be modelled as a superposition of the dipole–dipole (DD) and fluctuating random field mechanisms. The fluctuating random field mechanism may include spin-rotation interactions as well as external random fields deriving from, for example, paramagnetic species in solution. The DD mechanism does not induce spin-isomer conversion, which is entirely driven by uncorrelated random fields. Using spherical tenb A , the relaxation superopsor operators as the eigenoperators of H erator in the Lindblad formalism is given by: bh ¼ C b h;DD þ C b h;ran C Lb Lb Lb ð160Þ where the dipole-dipole term is given by Eq. (151). A suitable relaxation superoperator for the fluctuating random fields is given by the following expression: b h;ran ¼ C Lb 2 X iÞ jÞ jij xðrms xðrms þ1 X l¼1 i;j¼1 h i b T ðiÞ ; T ðjÞy J h mx0 D ran 1l 1l ð161Þ where ð1Þ ð2Þ (xrms ¼ xrms ¼ xrms ). The coefficient 1 6 j12 6 1 describes the correlation between random field fluctuations at spin sites I1 and I2 . By definition, j11 ¼ j22 ¼ 1. Perfectly correlated random fields are described by j12 ¼ 1 while uncorrelated random fields have j12 ¼ 0. In the extreme narrowing limit, the spectral density functions are frequency-independent (J ðxÞ ’ 2sC Þ. The relaxation rate constant R1 is given by ran R1 ¼ RDD 1 þ R1 ð164Þ where the individual contributions to R1 are given by the following matrix elements: RDD 1 ¼ I z jb C h;DD jI z Lb ðIz jIz Þ 2 3 ¼ 10 b12 sC cosh Rran 1 ¼ I z jb C h;ran jIz Lb ðIz jIz Þ 1 b 2 h x0 þ 4 cosh bh x0 ¼ 2x2rms sran cosh 1 b 2 h x0 ð165Þ The relaxation rate constant for singlet order (the mean population difference between the singlet and triplet states) is given by the following matrix element: b h;ran jI1 I2 Þ ðI1 I2 j C Lb ðI1 I2 jI1 I2 Þ 4 1 bh x0 ¼ x2rms sran ð1 j12 Þ 1 þ 2 cosh 3 2 RS ¼ Rran ¼ S ð166Þ There is no dipole-dipole contribution to RS . In the Lindblad formalism, the temperature-dependence of the relaxation rate constants derives not only from the temperaturedependence of the correlation time sC , but also from the explicit temperature dependence of the hyperbolic functions in Eqs. (165) and (166). In the high-temperature limit, which is applicable to NMR at ordinary temperatures, the rate constants are given by 2 1 J hran ðxÞ ¼ J ran ðxÞ exp bh x 2 R1 ’ 32 b12 sC þ 2x2rms sran ð162Þ and the spectral density function for random-field fluctuations is given by J ran ðxÞ ¼ to be isotropic and with the same rms value for the two sites 2sran 1 þ x2 s2ran ð jÞ ð163Þ The term xrms is the root-mean-square amplitudes of the local field fluctuations at the location of spin Ij . The random fields are assumed RS ’ 4x2rms sran ð1 j12 Þ ð167Þ The relaxation rate constant for singlet order RS vanishes for perfectly correlated random fields (j12 ¼ 1). As shown in Appendix A.5, the trajectory of the z-magnetisation is well approximated within the fast-motion and high-temperature limit by the following expression: D hIz ðt Þi= Iz ieq ’ 1 þ A1 exp R1 t þ AS exp RS t ð168Þ 17 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 where the coefficients are A1 ¼ RS 2ðR1 RS Þ ð169Þ 1 þRS AS ¼ 2R 2ðR1 RS Þ The first exponential in Eq. (168) represents the fast equilibration of the outer triplet states due to T 1 processes. The second exponential represents the singlet-triplet conversion process. The coefficients approach A1 ! 0 and AS ! 1 in the limit R1 RS , in which case the recovery of z-magnetization is dominated by the small rate constant RS for the singlet-triplet conversion. The solid line in Fig. 1b shows the solution to Eq. (168) with the following parameters: xrms ¼ 2p 10 kHz, sran ¼ 60:31 ps, j12 ¼ 0:955; sC ¼ 107 fs and b12 ¼ 2p 34:88 kHz. The resulting relaxation time constants are given by: T 1 ¼ 2 s and T S ¼ 22:5 s. In contrast to the IME, the Lindblad method correctly describes the recovery of the longitudinal magnetization starting from a pure singlet population, with the long time constant T S T 1 . In the example above, it was assumed that the scalar coupling term I1 I2 is much smaller than the Zeeman term, allowing the Zeeman Hamiltonian to be assigned to the dominant term HA , while the scalar coupling is assigned to the perturbation HB (see Eq. (159)). This assumption is well-satisfied for the vast majority of physical systems, but breaks down at low temperatures for systems exhibiting spin isomerism. In such cases the scalar coupling term acquires a large contribution from the nuclear exchange interaction, which derives from the Pauli-principle restrictions on the spatial quantum states accessible to nuclear spin states of a given symmetry. In some cases, nuclear exchange interactions exceed the nuclear Zeeman interactions by several orders of magnitude [92]. This can be the case, for example, for dihydrogen (H2 ), and for freely-rotating water molecules (H2 O) encapsulated in symmetrical cavities, such as fullerenes [47,46,48]. In spin-1/2 pair systems with a large nuclear exchange interaction, the spin Hamiltonian terms may be assigned as follows: HA ¼ x ðI1z þ I2z Þ þ fðT ÞI1 I2 0 ð170Þ HB ¼ 2pJ 12 I1 I2 In general, the temperature-dependent exchange splitting fðT Þ is given by the thermally-averaged energy difference between the spatial quantum states accessible to the different nuclear spin isomers. For example, in the case of freely-rotating diatomic molecules such as H2 in the gas phase, this exchange splitting is given by hfðT Þ ¼ Eortho ðT Þ Epara ðT Þ Eortho ðT Þ ¼ X Epara ðT Þ ¼ X J¼0;2... ð171Þ , X g J EJ exp EJ =kB T g J exp EJ =kB T J¼1;3... defined in Eq. (170), this is not the case for the first-rank spherical tensor operators T a1l . Nine first-rank eigenoperators are constructed from symmetrical combinations of the single-spin and b A eigenopspin-pair spherical tensor operators of rank 1. The 16 H erators fjAa Þg, with a 2 f1 . . . 16g, are given by: 6.4. Ortho-para conversion where low temperature. In such cases, the exchange splitting fðT Þ may be larger than the thermal energy kB T. In triatomic molecules displaying spin isomerism, such as H2 O, Eq. (172) should be modified to reflect the more complex relationship between the rotational quantum numbers and the nuclear spin states [93]. However, the principle is the same and the form of the exchange Hamiltonian is identical. Similar phenomena are observed for tunneling methyl groups [30–35]. The theory above requires identification of the eigenoperators b A (Eq. (41)). Although, jAa Þ of the commutation superoperator H the zero- and second-rank spherical tensor operators T K and 00 K b A as T 2l , defined in Eq. (47), are already eigenoperators of H n uþ u 12 0 12 g g fjAa Þg ¼ T 12 2 2 ; T 1 1 ; T 1 1 ; T 1 1 ; T 2 1 ; T 00 ; T 00 ; T 10 ; uþ u 12 g uþ u 12 12 o T ; T ; T ; T ; T ; T ; T ; T ð173Þ 10 10 20 11 11 21 22 11 where the symmetrical combinations are: pffiffiffi ðuþÞ ð12Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ T 1l ¼ 2T 1l þ 12 T 1l 12 T 1l pffiffiffi ðuÞ ð12Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ T 1l ¼ 2T 1l 12 T 1l þ 12 T 1l g ð1 Þ ð2 Þ T 1l ¼ p1ffiffi2 T 1l þ T 1l ð174Þ with l 2 f1; 0; þ1g. The subscripts u and g refer to operators that are antisymmetric and symmetric with respect to particle b A are exchange, respectively. The corresponding eigenvalues of H given by: xAa ¼ 2x0 ; x0 ; f x0 ; f x0 ; x0 ; 0; 0; 0; f; f; 0; x0 ; f þ x0 ; f þ x0 ; x0 ; 2x0 ð175Þ These eigenoperators and eigenvalues may be used to construct the Lindbladian form of the relaxation superoperator for the fluctuating random field mechanism: b h;ran ¼ C Lb 2 X iÞ jÞ jij xðrms xðrms i;j¼1 16 X a;a0 ¼1 h i b AK ; AK0y J h xA d xA xA0 D a a a a a ran ð176Þ The thermal equilibrium density operator may be derived from the null-space of this superoperator, i.e. by solving the equation b h;ran q Þ ¼ 0 C eq Lb ð177Þ n o with the constraint Tr qeq ¼ 1. The solution is as follows: J¼1;3... , X g J EJ exp EJ =kB T g J exp EJ =kB T J¼0;2... ð172Þ Here EJ is the rotational energy of the spatial quantum state with rotational quantum number J, and the degeneracies of the rotational levels are g J ¼ 2J þ 1. The use of Eq. (172) for the average exchange splitting assumes that the transitions between rotational states (caused by collisions, in the case of a liquid) are much faster than all terms in the spin Hamiltonian. The exchange splitting (orthopara splitting) becomes very small at temperatures large compared to the rotational level splittings, but may exceed hundreds of GHz at qeq ðT Þ ¼ Z 1 jS0 ihS0 j þ exp bh fðT Þ þ x0 jT þ1 ihT þ1 j ð178Þ þ expfbh fðT ÞgjT 0 ihT 0 j þ exp bh fðT Þ x0 jT 1 ihT 1 j where the partition function is: Z ¼ 1 þ exp bh fðT Þ þ x0 þ expfbh fðT Þg þ exp bh fðT Þ x0 ð179Þ Note that qeq depends on temperature through the exchange splitting fðT Þ. 18 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 The singlet state jS0 i may be identified with the para spin isomer, while the triplet states jT M i; M 2 f1; 0; þ1g, belong to the ortho spin isomer. The equilibrium para and ortho populations are given by: 1 peq para ðT Þ ¼ jS0 ihS0 jjqeq ¼ Z eq peq ortho ðT Þ ¼ 1 ppara ðT Þ ð180Þ This displays the well-known temperature dependence of orthopara equilibrium. In equilibrium at high temperature bh ! 0, the partition function tends to Z ! 4, all four states are approximately equally populated, and the ortho and para populations tend to ! 3=4 and peq ! 1=4. At very low temperature, on the other peq ortho ortho hand (bh ! 1), the partition function tends to Z ! 1, and only the para state jS0 i is populated at thermal equilibrium. The Lindbladian superoperator in Eq. (176) also allows analysis of the dynamics of spin-isomer conversion, under the fluctuating random field model. Since singlet order corresponds to the difference between the population of the singlet state and the mean population of the triplet states, the rate constant for spin-isomer conversion is equal to the decay rate constant RS for singlet order. This is given by the following matrix element: b h;ran jI1 I2 Þ ðI1 I2 j C Lb ðI1 I2 jI1 I2 Þ 1 ¼ ð1 jÞ x2rms J hran ðfÞ þ J hran f þ x0 þ J hran f x0 6 1 þ ð1 jÞ x2rms J hran ðþfÞ þ J hran þf þ x0 þ J hran þf x0 2 ð181Þ RS ¼ where the explicit temperature dependence of the ortho-para splitting has been suppressed for simplicity. Note that the spin-isomer conversion requires spectral density of the random fields at combinations of the exchange splitting frequency f and the Larmor frequency x0 , and that the conversion process is suppressed for correlated random fields (j ! 1). These results are unsurprising. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that the semi-classical relaxation method, and the inhomogeneous master equation, are incapable of generating them. This formalism may readily be extended to include additional nuclei and mechanisms in the relaxation processes. Such techniques were used to analyze quantum-rotor-induced polarization effects in fullerene-encapsulated 17 O-labelled water, in which the quadrupolar 17 O nucleus catalyzes the generation of antiphase magnetization during the spin-isomer conversion of para-water to ortho-water, at the same time as undergoing rapid quadrupolar relaxation [46,94]. mathematical inconvenience of the IME. Much insight into spin dynamical problems such as steady-state NMR properties could be gained by expressing the nuclear spin dynamics, including thermally induced relaxation, as solutions to a homogeneous differential equation. This formulation allowed the development and application of attractive theoretical approaches such as the average Liouvillian theory [52,55]. This provided an intuitive tool for understanding how certain relaxation processes may effectively be turned on and off by applying resonant radiofrequency fields, allowing unusual insights into phenomena such as the steadystate nuclear Overhauser effect [12,11]. Insights of this kind played a role in the development of techniques exploiting long-lived spin states [34,35,37–45]. However, although the mathematical awkwardness of the IME was widely recognized, its validity was not generally called into question at this time. Its restriction to nearequilibrium and weakly-ordered spin systems was largely overlooked or forgotten [50–57]. More recently, technological developments have made spin systems which are prepared ‘‘in an unusual way”, to use the phrase of Redfield [3], increasingly accessible to the magnetic resonance community. Hyperpolarization techniques such as dynamic nuclear polarization [15–18], optical pumping [19–22], quantumrotor-induced polarization [30–36], parahydrogen-induced polarization [23,25,26,24,27,29,28], and chemically-induced dynamic nuclear polarisation [95–97] all involve spin systems which are far from equilibrium. As discussed in the current article, the relaxation behaviour of these systems is not always consistent with the IME, and in some cases, very substantial deviations from the IME are observed, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Some variants of the homogeneous master equation do succeed in describing certain features of non-equilibrium nuclear spin dynamics correctly. Nevertheless the Lindbladian formalism, as described in the current article, seems to be the only one which passes all tests (subject to its own restrictions and approximations, of course, as indicated above). This will not come as a great surprise to researchers in many other spectroscopies, where the approximations underpinning the IME were never valid in the first place, and where Lindbladian techniques have been current for a long time. We hope that the current work will help bring the magnetic resonance community into mutual contact with other research areas facing similar problems, including the vigorous theoretical field of open quantum systems [62,63,76–78]. Declaration of Competing Interest None. Acknowledgements 7. Conclusions The correct treatment of spin systems in contact with a thermal reservoir is one of the oldest problems in magnetic resonance theory. The early founders of semiclassical relaxation theory were fully aware that semiclassical relaxation theory fails to describe thermal equilibration correctly and that the most readily available ‘‘fix” (the inhomogeneous master equation, IME) is of limited validity. Nevertheless, this venerable equation has served the nuclear magnetic resonance community well for more than 60 years, presumably because the underpinning assumptions (weakly ordered and near-equilibrium spin systems) were well-satisfied for the vast majority of systems under study. In the period 1980–2000, there was interest in formulating homogeneous master equations as alternatives to the IME [50– 54]. The main motivating factor for these developments was the This research was supported by the European Research Council (786707-FunMagResBeacons) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC-UK), Grant No. EP/P009980/1). Appendix A A.1. Lindblad form First consider the Fourier transformation of the unit-step function. Z 1 1 Z hðtÞ expfixtg dt ¼ 0 1 expfixtg dt ¼ pdðxÞ i PV 1 x ð182Þ 19 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 where hðt Þ denotes the unit-step function and PV the Cauchy principal value. The bath correlation functions are related to the spectral densities as follows: follows that thermal correction of the spectral density functions within the double commutator formalism cannot lead to a valid thermalized relaxation superoperator, at finite temperature. D A.3. Equivalence of double commutator and Lindbladian at infinite temperature Z 1 E 0 0 1 BKa0 y ðsÞBKa ð0Þ ¼ K KK0 ðxÞ expfixsg dx 2p 1 aa ð183Þ The one-sided Fourier transformation of the bath correlation functions in Eq. (134) may then be expressed as shown below: R 1D 0 E R1 R1 0 0 0 0 0 BKa0 y ðsÞBKa ð0Þ expfixsgds ¼ 21p 0 1 K KK aa0 ðx Þexpfiðx x Þsg dx ds R 1 KK0 0 R 1 1 0 0 ¼ 2p 1 K aa0 ðx Þ 0 expfiðx x Þsg dsdx 0 R1 0 0 0 1 ¼ 21p 1 K KK aa0 ðx Þ pdðx x Þ i PV xx0 dx R 0 0 1 1 KK 0 1 0 K ðxÞ 2ip 1 K KK aa0 ðx ÞPV xx0 dx 2 aa0 ð184Þ in a similar manner one can show the following: Z E 0 BKa0 y ðsÞBKa ð0Þ expfixsg ds 1 Z 1 0 1 i 1 KK0 0 dx0 ¼ K KK ð x Þ þ K ð x ÞPV 0 0 2 aa 2p 1 aa x x0 0 The Lindblad formalism and the double commutator formalism only coincide at infinite temperature, because the spectral densities become temperature-independent. To see this the relaxation superoperator in the double-commutator formalism at infinite temperature may be written as shown below: bh ¼ C 1 1X by þ X by b ij X b ji X X J xij ij ij 2 ij ijij 2 since exp 12 bh xij ¼ 1 for T ! 1. To proceed the following identity is employed: h i h i 1 b by b by b X ij ; X y þ D b X ji ; X y X ij X ij þ X ji X ij ¼ D ij ji 2 D ð185Þ The above representations of the one-sided Fourier transformation may then be substituted into Eq. (134). The combination of the principal value leads to a commutator that is known as dynamic frequency shift. The decaying part is proportional to the spectral density K aa0 ðxÞ. The minus sign preceding the sum of Eq. (134) and the factor of 1=2 are usually absorbed into the definition of the Lindbladian resulting in the presented Lindblad equation. ð190Þ ð191Þ The relaxation superoperator in the double-commutator formalism is then readily expressed in Lindblad form: bh ¼ 1 C 2 i h i X h b X ij ; X y þ D b X ji ; X y J ijij xij D ij ji ij i i X h h bh ¼ 1 b X ij ; X y þ J ijij xij D b X ji ; X y C J ijij xij D ij ji 2 ij i i X h h bh ¼ 1 b X ij ; X y þ J jiji xji D b X ji ; X y C J ijij xij D ij ji 2 ð192Þ ij i X h bh ¼ b X ij ; X y C J ijij xij D ij A.2. Double commutator thermalization ij In this section we show that thermal adjustment of the correlation functions within the double commutator formalism does not lead to a correct thermalization of the relaxation superoperator. This may be demonstrated by making use of the eigenoperator formulation of the relaxation superoperator as presented in Eq. (80). A thermally adjusted and secularized double-commutation form of the relaxation superoperator is as follows: bh ¼ C 1X 1 by b ij X exp bh xij J ijij xij X ij 2 ij 2 ð186Þ The transition probability per unit time W k!l from the eigenstate jki to the eigenstate jli of the Hamiltonian HA may be identified with the following matrix element: b h j X kk W k!l ¼ X ll j C ¼ 1X 1 exp bh xij 2 ij 2 J ijij xij dli dki dli dkj dlj dki þ dlj dkj ð187Þ Similarly, the transition probability for the reverse process is given by W l!k b h j X ll ¼ X kk j C ¼ 1X 1 exp bh xij 2 ij 2 A.4. Eigenoperators b A for the homonuclear case are The relevant eigenoperators of H ðijÞ summarised in Table 2. The eigenoperators are denoted by T kl . The superscript ðijÞ indicates angular momentum coupling of spins Ii and Ij resulting in a spherical tensor operator of total angular momentum k and z-angular momentum l. b A for the heteronuclear case are The relevant eigenoperators of H ðijÞ summarised in Table 3. The eigenoperators are denoted by T k1 k2 l1 l2 . For the heteronuclear case the superscript ðijÞ indicates the direct product of spherical tensor operators of spins Ii and Ij with total angular momentum k1 and k2 and z-angular momentum l1 and l2 , respectively. A.5. Longitudinal recovery for singlet-triplet conversion We briefly outline the derivation of Eq. (168). First we project out the population block of the relaxation superoperator. J ijij xij dki dli dki dlj dkj dli þ dkj dlj ð188Þ Clearly these two transition probabilities are equal: W k!l ¼ W l!k by noticing that Jijij xij ¼ Jjiji xji at infinite temperature. ð189Þ This indicates that forward and backward transitions are equally likely, violating detailed balance, except at infinite temperature. It Table 2 b A for a homonuclear coupled spin-1/2 pair. Eigenoperators of H l nk 2 2 1 2 I1 I 2 1 0 1 ffiffi 2p 6 1 2 I1 I2z þ I1z I2 þ Iþ 1 I2 þ I 1 I2 4I1z I2z 1 p1ffiffi I 2 j Ijz 20 C. Bengs, M.H. Levitt / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310 (2020) 106645 Lb ð193Þ where Rj indicates the sum over all the other elements in one column. To proceed it is advantageous to perform a change of basis. The transformation matrix is given by the expression below: leading to the following set of equations: ð194Þ ð198Þ The solution for P1 ðt Þ and P 2 ðt Þ are easily found: P1 ðt Þ ¼ P1 ð0Þ P2 ðtÞ ¼ expfðr22 t ÞgP2 ð0Þ To simplify notation we denote the transformed population block as follows: The solution for P3 ðt Þ is formally given by: Z P3 ðt Þ ¼ expðr33 tÞP3 ð0Þ þ r34 ð195Þ Lb and enumerate the transformed populations: 0 t expfðr33 ðt sÞÞgP4 ðsÞds ð200Þ We interpret the variable ðt sÞ as a ‘‘memory time” and perform a 0-th order Markov approximation [98]. P3 ðt Þ expðr33 tÞP3 ð0Þ þ ð196Þ ð199Þ r34 P ðt Þ r33 4 ð201Þ The dynamics for P4 ðtÞ then reduce to the following: d P4 ðt Þ ¼ r41 P 1 ð0Þ þ r42 expðr22 t ÞP2 ð0Þ dt To a good approximation the dynamics of P 2 are decoupled from the dynamics of P 4 . ð197Þ þ r43 expðr33 t ÞP3 ð0Þ þ r34 P ðtÞ þ r44 P4 ðt Þ r33 4 ð202Þ which is easily solved. The solution may then be transformed back into the original representation. Using the appropriate initial condipffiffi tions:P1 ð0Þ ¼ 12 ; P 2 ð0Þ ¼ 23 ; P3 ð0Þ ¼ 0 and P4 ð0Þ ¼ 0 in combination with the high-temperature and fast-motion approximation results in Eq. (168). Table 3 b A for a heteronuclear coupled spin-1/2 pair. Eigenoperators of H (l1 ; l2 )\(k1 ; k2 ) (1,1) (1,0) (0,1) ð 1; 1Þ 1 2 I1 I2 1 ffiffi 2p I I 6 1 2 1 I 2 1 I2z – – – – ð 1; 1Þ ð 1; 0Þ ð0; 1Þ ð0; 0Þ 1 2 I1z I2 qffiffi 2 3I1z I 2z p1ffiffi I 2 1 – I1z – (0,0) – p1ffiffi I 2 2 – I2z – C. Bengs, M.H. 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