CHAPTER 3 PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of data which resulted from the application of the various statistical treatments. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents Table 1 represents the frequency and percentage distributions of the respondents. Respondents Frequency Percentage BS-Psychology 2nd year 45 47.87 BS-Psychology 3rd year 49 52.13 94 100 TOTAL The table showed that from a total of 94 respondents, 45 were identified as 2nd year BS Psychology students, of which this population represents 47.87 percent of the total respondent count. The 49 of the respondents were identified as 3rd year BS Psychology students, who comprised about 52.13 percent of the total respondent count. All respondents included in the study answered the presented questionnaire to conclusively measure all respondents’ levels of psychological anxiety with respect to motivation, self-efficacy, attention, and level of physiological in respect to breathing difficulty, heartbeat, and sleeping disturbances. Reviewing the identified respondents for this study, it became imminent that the 3rd year Psychology students in this study would be more than the other respondents. Computed Mean on the Level of Psychological Anxiety with Respect to its Variables. Table 2 represents the computed mean on the level of psychological anxiety to Motivation. The table shows that the … Table 2 Computed Mean on The Level of Psychological Anxiety in relation to Motivation STATEMENTS I don’t like to learn mathematics topics, especially the difficult ones. Studying mathematics makes me bored. I don't understand my mathematics homework. Mean Verbal Rank Interpretation 3.07 Undecided 4 2.94 Undecided 6 2.81 Undecided 8 Getting a bad grade from mathematics class makes me very sad. I don’t want to show my friends and family that I can’t be successful in mathematics class. I can't use what I learned in a mathematics class in other classes. I am not studying hard to understand the topics in my mathematics class. If I cannot learn the subjects in mathematics class, that is my fault. I am not sure I understand the most difficult topics the professor teaches in mathematics. I don't like the subjects of mathematics class because it's boring. AVERAGE 3.66 Agree 1 3.04 Undecided 5 2.93 Undecided 7 2.70 Undecided 9 3.49 Agree 2 3.34 Undecided 3 2.66 Undecided 10 3.06 Undecided The average mean …… Table 3 presents the computed mean on the level of psychological anxiety in relation to self-efficacy. The table shows that regarding the level of psychological anxiety in relation to selfefficacy due to mathematics-related courses by BS Psychology students, item number 2, "I get tense when I prepare for mathematics test." with the mean of 3.84. Verbally interpreted as "Agree." Furthermore, item number 10, "I am afraid to give an incorrect answer during my mathematics class." with the mean of 3.68, verbally interpreted as "Agree, "are the two items that rank the highest. Item number 5, "I don't believe I can complete all of the assignments in the mathematics course," with the mean of 2.67 and verbally interpreted as "Undecided." Another item, number 8, "I believe I can't understand the content in the mathematics course." with the mean of 2.98 and verbally interpreted as"Undecided," are the last two items that ranked the lowest. The average mean of the level of psychological anxiety regarding self-efficacy due to mathematics-related courses of Bs Psychology students showed a result of 3.38, was verbally interpreted as"Undecided." The average level of psychological anxiety regarding self-efficacy due to mathematics-related courses of BS Psychology showed a result of 3.38 was verbally interpreted as "Undecided." Table 3 Computed Mean on the Level of Psychological Anxiety in Relation to Self-efficacy STATEMENTS I don’t feel confident enough to ask questions in my mathematics class. I get tense when I prepare for a mathematics test. I don’t believe I can do well on a mathematics test. I am worried that I will not be able to use mathematics in my future career when needed. I don’t believe I can complete all of the assignments in a mathematics course. I am worried that I will not be able to do well on mathematics tests. I believe I am not the kind of person who is good at mathematics. Mean Verbal Rank Interpretation 3.54 Agree 4 3.84 3.28 Agree Undecided 1 7.5 3.28 Undecided 7.5 2.67 Undecided 10 3.48 Agree 5 3.62 Agree 3 I believe I can’t understand the content in a mathematics course. I believe I can’t get an “A” when I am in my mathematics class. I am afraid to give an incorrect answer during my mathematics class. AVERAGE 2.98 Undecided 9 3.40 Agree 6 3.68 Agree 2 3.38 Undecided Table 4 presents the computed mean on the level of psychological anxiety in relation to attention. The table shows that for the level of psychological anxiety in relation to attention due to mathematics-related course by BS Psychology students, Item number 1, "It is very hard for me to concentrate on a difficult task when there are noises around," with the mean 3.39, and verbally interpreted as "Always." Furthermore, Item number 5, "When I am reading or studying, I am easily distracted if there are people talking in the same room.", with the mean of 3.10, and verbally interpreted as "Often," are the two items that ranked the highest. Item number 7, "It is difficult for me to coordinate my attention between the listening and writing required when taking notes during lectures.", with the mean 2.48, and verbally interpreted as "Sometimes." Moreover, Item number 3, "I can't concentrate if there is music in the room around me," with the mean of 2.43, and verbally interpreted as "Sometimes," are the last two items that ranked the lowest. The average mean of the level of psychological anxiety regarding attention due to mathematics-related courses of BS Psychology students showed a result of 2.79, and it was verbally interpreted as "Often." The average level of psychological anxiety regarding attention due to mathematics-related courses of BS Psychology students showed a result of 2.79, and it was verbally interpreted as "Often." Table 4 Computed Mean on the Level of Psychological Anxiety in Relation to Attention Mean STATEMENTS It’s very hard for me to concentrate on a difficult task when there are noises around. When I need to concentrate and solve a problem, I have trouble focusing my attention. I can’t concentrate if there is music in the room around me. When concentrating, I can't focus my attention because I'm aware of what's going on in the room around me. When I am reading or studying, I am easily distracted if there are people talking in the same room. When trying to focus my attention on something, I have difficulty blocking out distracting thoughts. It is difficult for me to coordinate my attention between the listening and writing required when taking notes during lectures. When I am working hard on something, I still get distracted by events around me. After being interrupted or distracted, I can’t easily shift my attention back to what I was doing before. I can't become interested in a new topic immediately when I need to. AVERAGE Verbal Rank Interpretation 3.39 Always 1 2.81 Often 5 2.43 Sometimes 10 2.82 Often 4 3.10 Often 2 2.85 Often 3 2.48 Sometimes 9 2.72 Often 6 2.63 Often 7 2.61 Often 8 2.79 Often Computed Mean on the Level of Physiological Anxiety with Respect to its Variables. Table 5 presents the computed mean on the level of physiological anxiety in relation to breathing difficulty. The table shows the level of physiological anxiety as to breathing difficulty due to a mathematics-related course by Bs Psychology students. Item number 8, "I was called during recitation," with the mean 3.96, and verbally interpreted as"often. "Furthermore, item number 7, "the time is up while I still answering math exam" with the mean of 3.89, and verbally interpreted as "often" are two items that ranked the highest. Item number 9 "the professor is discussing new math lesson" with the mean of 2.78 and verbally interpreted as "Sometimes." Moreover, item number 5, "I hear a word related to mathematics," with the mean 2.45 and verbally interpreted as rarely are the last two items that ranked the lowest. The average mean of the level of psychological anxiety regarding breathing difficulty due to the mathematics-related course of Bs Psychology students showed a result of 3.22. It is verbally interpreted as "Sometimes." The average level of psychological anxiety regarding breathing difficulty due to mathematics-related courses of BS Psychology students showed a result of 3.22, which was verbally interpreted as "Sometimes." Table 5 Computed Mean on the Level of Physiological Anxiety in Relation to Breathing Difficulty I experienced breathing difficulty when… I get excited to participate in the mathematics discussion. I have confusion with the topic being discussed. Verbal Rank Interpretation 2.82 Sometimes 8 3.19 Sometimes 5 Mean the professor in mathematics walk into the classroom. the next subject is mathematics. I hear a word related to mathematics. I am called to answer mathematical problem on the chalkboard. the time is up while I still answering math exam. I was called during recitation. the professor is discussing new math lesson. I have a hard time understanding the lesson. AVERAGE 3.12 2.94 2.45 Sometimes Sometimes Rarely 6 7 10 3.86 Often 3 3.89 3.96 2.78 3.22 3.22 Often Often Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes 2 1 9 4 Table 6 presents the computed mean on the level of physiological anxiety in relation to the heartbeat. The table shows the level of physiological anxiety in relation to heartbeat due to mathematics-related courses by BS Psychology students, Item number 7, "My professor is randomly calling names to answer his/her question." with the mean of 4.28. Verbally interpreted as "Always." Moreover, item number 6, "I am next to recite to the oral recitation." with the mean of 4.17, verbally interpreted as "Often, "are the two items that rank the highest. Item number 8, "The date for the final examination is announced," with the mean of 3.11 and verbally interpreted as "Sometimes." Another item, number 2, "The exam in mathematics is about to start." with the mean of 3.84 and verbally interpreted as"Often," are the last two items that ranked the lowest. The average mean of the level of physiological anxiety regarding heartbeat due to mathematics-related courses of BS Psychology students showed a result of 3.90 and was verbally interpreted as"Often." The average level of physiological anxiety regarding heartbeat due to mathematics-related courses of BS Psychology showed a result of 3.90 was verbally interpreted as "Often." Table 6 Computed Mean on the Level of Physiological Anxiety in Relation to Heartbeat I experienced my heart pounding when… my professor looked at me while discussing mathematics class. the exam in mathematics is about to start. I am in front of the chalkboard and the entire class was looking at me. my professor called my name during mathematics recitation. my professor is announcing the score in our math exam. I am next to recite to the oral recitation. my professor is randomly calling names to answer his/her question. the date for final examination is announced. there is a surprise math quiz. my professor tells me that I will be the next reporter. AVERAGE Mean Verbal Rank Interpretation 3.68 Often 7 3.84 Often 9 4.07 Often 4 4.14 3.85 4.17 Often Often Often 3 8 2 4.28 Always 1 3.11 3.94 3.96 3.90 Sometimes Often Often Often 10 6 5 Table 7 presents the computed mean on the level of physiological anxiety in relation to sleep disturbances. The table shows the level of physiological anxiety in relation to sleeping disturbances due to mathematics-related courses by BS Psychology students, Item number 10, "I get negative feedback about my performance in mathematics class." with the mean of 3.70, verbally interpreted; as "Often." Further, item number 4, "I need to finish my activities in mathematics." Also, item number 9, "I get pressure into the math task." Both items have a 3.63 mean and are verbally interpreted as "often," which are the three items that rank the highest. Item number 2, "My professor announced the date of the examination," with the mean of 3.11, verbally interpreted as "sometimes." Additionally, item number 1, "I didn't understand the last topic." with the mean of 3.14 and verbally interpreted as"sometimes," are the last two items that ranked the lowest. The average mean of the level of physiological anxiety regarding sleeping disturbances due to mathematics-related courses of Bs Psychology students showed a result of 3.45, was verbally interpreted as"often." The average level of physiological anxiety regarding sleeping disturbances due to mathematics-related courses of BS Psychology showed a result of 3.45, which was verbally interpreted as "often." Table 7 Computed Mean on the Level of Physiological Anxiety in Relation to Sleeping Disturbances I experienced sleeping disturbances when… Mean I didn’t understand the last topic. my professor announces the date of the examination. the said date of the exam is near. I need to finish my activities in mathematics. I have to do math homework. I do not pass the math quiz. I need to maintain high grade in mathematics. I need to review the last topic in math. I get pressured into the math task. I get negative feedback about my performance in mathematics class. AVERAGE 3.14 3.11 3.32 3.63 3.53 3.56 3.44 3.45 3.63 Verbal Rank Interpretation Sometimes 9 Sometimes 10 Sometimes 8 Often 2.5 Often 5 Often 4 Often 7 Often 6 Often 2.5 3.70 3.45 Often Often Computed Pearson r Between the Variables of the Level of Psychological and Physiological Anxiety. Table 7 shows the correlation between motivation and breathing difficulty The table shows that … Table 7 Correlation of Motivation and Breathing Difficulty Coefficient r N T-test DF p-value -0.16 10 -0.47 8 0.65 1 Table 8 shows the correlation between motivation and heartbeat. The table shows that … Table 8 Correlation of Motivation and Heartbeat Coefficient r N T-test DF p-value -0.42 10 -1.30 8 0.23 Table 9 shows the correlation between motivation and sleeping disturbances. The table shows that … Table 9 Correlation of Motivation and Sleeping Disturbances Coefficient r N T-test DF p-value 0.19 10 0.55 8 1.40 Table 10 shows the correlation between self-efficacy and breathing difficulty. The table shows that … Table 10 Correlation of Self-efficacy and Breathing Difficulty Coefficient r N T-test DF p-value 0.26 10 0.77 8 1.54 .463 Table 11 shows the correlation between self-efficacy and heartbeat. The table shows that … Table 11 Correlation of Self-efficacy and Heartbeat Coefficient r N T-test DF p-value 0.37 10 1.14 8 1.71 .289 Table 12 shows the correlation between self-efficacy and sleeping disturbances. The table shows that … Table 12 Correlation of Self-efficacy and Sleeping Disturbances Coefficient r N T-test DF p-value -0.28 10 -0.84 8 0.43 Table 13 shows the correlation between attention and breathing difficulty. The table shows that … Table 13 Correlation of Attention and Breathing Difficulty -.445 Coefficient r N T-test DF p-value 0.45 10 -1.41 8 0.20 Table 14 shows the correlation between attention and heartbeat. The table shows that … Table 14 Correlation of Attention and Heartbeat Coefficient r N T-test DF p-value -0.31 10 -0.92 8 0.38 Table 15 shows the correlation between attention and sleeping disturbances. The table shows that … Table 15 Correlation of Attention and Sleeping Disturbances Coefficient r N T-test DF p-value -0.34 10 -1.02 8 0.34