Typeat tissue Characteristics Location Simple squamous Singlelayered flat kidney Almon Function Passive diffusion Filtration Simple Cuboidal Simple Columnar Singlelayered Cuboidshape Transitional Pancreas Absorbhon Singlelayered Smallintestine Absorbtion Columnshaped Stomach Protection stratified squamous salivaryglands secretion Flat t layered Becomemore Mouth h Esophagus Bladder urethra flattowardsthe Allow organ toexpands stretch surfacecondianay Pseudo stratified Ciliated layered have cilia Unevenlyshaped Trachea Brong secretion Moving particles Eric Atogno Connective Tissue Typeof Tissue Characteristics Location Areolar loose CT Lamina Flexible respiratory fats Reticular Tissue ense Regular my Irregular Dense Regular Dense fibro Elastic ConnectiveTissue Bone Blood underskin bone or muscle Packed but nor all touchina elastic fibres collagen Strongpulling nutrition Thermo regular Energy reserves Support marrow structuring spleen Tendon 9mm Attachmuscle to bone or bone tobone Withstand iii Skin Elastic inmany Cartilage Spongy Bone tissue Collagenfibers Hyaline cartilage All touching Provide forcei 1direction Denise Elastic tracts Breast Loose A Acushion propiaat to organs thedigestives Adipose Function Structural n Denseirregular Vertabal highproportionat Hyaline Cartilage Cartilage cushionfrom stress Endoflong straining Amorphous Firm A Fibro tension lessfirmthan Thinkcollagenfiber bones at joints Support Nose Invertebral disc hip Joining Absorbshock stregnm Hardrigid Compact Bone Calcifiedrigid smanylongerfibers Spongy Bone Blood I the Femur Tibia Strength structure Protection Sponge Lite InsideFemur Gate blood Vascularized Insidetibia liquid Veryloose fluid epithelium in the ski Brain hear Makebone lighter Transport oxygen Snutrients squamous whereas the ones in the intestine columnar That is benarse the flat is layered for protection S the columnar is for absorbhon in is digestion 2 Thecartilage in the flexible as it still needs to support the skin in and around the nasal cavity Thecartilage in the intervertebral discs is for shockabsorbnon and reducingfriction nose is more rigid but still 3 Be lame it is tonne it throughout the body and it still has fibre but they are solvable