MIL-HDBK-ZLi’F CHG N O T I C E 2 7777770 OL770Lb L 4 T INOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE1 ________ ~~~ ~~~ MIL-HDBK-217F 2 DECEMBER 1991 SUPERSEDING MIL-HDBK-217E, Notice 1 2 January 1990 MILITARY HANDBOOK --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- RELIABILITY PREDICTION OF ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT - THIS HANDBOOK IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY DO NOT CITE THIS DOCUMENT AS A REQUIREMENT AMSC NIA DISTRIBUTION STATEMENTA: Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. ~~~ ~ MIL-HDBK-~IJ~F CHG N O T I C E 2 = 9 9 9 9 9 70 1 7 7 0 1 4 NOTICE OF CHANGE 377 NOT MEASUREMENT - THIS HANDBOOK IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY DO NOT CITE THIS DOCUMENT AS A REQUIREMENT MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 28 February 1995 MILITARY HANDBOOK RELIABILITY PREDICTIONOF ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT To all holders of MIL-HDBK-217F 1. The following pages of MIL-HDBK917F have been revised and supersede the pages listed. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-~IJ~F CHG N O T I C E 2 = 9999970 Ol1970I1.5 203 9 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 2. Retain the pages of this notice and insert before the Table 3. Holders of MIL-HDBK-217F will verifythatpagechanges and additions indicatedhavebeen entered. The notice pages will be retainedasachecksheet.Theissuance, together with appended pages, is a separate publication. Each notice is to be retained by stocking points until the military handbookis revised or canceled. - Preparing Activity: Air Force 17 - Project No. RELI-O074 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Custodians: Army - CR Navy - EC Air Force 17 of Contents. Review Activities: Army - MI, AV, ER Navy - SH, AS, OS Air Force - 11, 13,15, 19, 99 Army - AT, ME, GL Navy - CG, MC, YD, TD Air Force - 85 AMSC NIA DISTRIBUTION STATEMENTA: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. FSC RELI 2 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. i' HIL-HDBK-ZI7F NOTICE t I RE H 9 9 9 9 7 7 0 007b088 b NOTICE OF CHANGE NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 1 10 JULY 1992 MILITARY HANDBOOK RELIABILITY PREDICTION OF ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT To all holders of MIL-HDBK-217F New Page(s) vi¡ 5-3 5-4 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-1O 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-19 5-20 6-15 6-16 7-1 7-2 12-3 12-4 A- 1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-1O A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 I Date 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 Superseded Page(s) vi i 5-3 5-4 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-1O 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-19 5-20 6-15 6-16 7-1 7-2 12-3 12-4 A- 1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-1O A-1 1 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-l6 Date 2 December 199 1 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 Reprinted withoutchange 2 December 1991 Reprinted without change Reprinted without change 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 Reprinted without change 2 December 1991 Reprinted without change 2 December 1991 Reprinted without change Reprinted without change 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 Reprinted withoutchange Reprinted withoutchange 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 Reprinted without change 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 Reprinted withoutchange Reprinted without change 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 2 December 1991 Reprinted withoutchange 2 December 1991 AMSC N/A 1 Approved : for public release;distribution unlimited. Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 1. The following pages of MIL-HDBK-217F have been revised and supersede the pages listed. ~~ MIL-HDBK-2L7F N O T I C E L R E ~ ~~ 9399970 O076089 8 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 1 of Contents. 2. Retainthe pages of this noticeandinsertbeforetheTable 3. Holders of MIL-HDBK-217F will verify that page changes and additions indicated have been entered. The notice pages will be retained as a check sheet. The issuance, together with appended pages, is a separate publication. Each notice is to be retained by stocking points until the military handbook is revised or canceled. Custodians: Army - CR Navy - EC Air Force - 17 Preparing Activity: Air Force 17 - Project No. RELI-O068 Review Activities: Army MI, AV, ER Navy SH, AS, OS Air Force - 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19,99 - User Activities: Army - AT, ME, GL Navy - CG, MC,YD, TD Air Force 85 - --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 2 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. H I L - H D B K - 2 1C7 N H FO 6 TICE 2 9 9 9 9 7 7 0 O L 7 3 O L 7 086 m MIL-HDBK-217F DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE WASHINGTONDC 20301 RELIABILITY PREDICTION OF ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT 1. This standardization handbook was developed by the Department of Defense with the assistance of the military departments, federal agencies, and industry. 2. Everyefforthas been made toreflectthelatestinformationonreliability prediction procedures. It is the intent to review this handbook periodically to ensure its completeness and currency. 3. Beneficial comments (recommendations,additions,deletions)and any pertinentdata whichmay be of useinimprovingthis document should be addressed to: RomeLaboratory/ERSR,Attn:Seymour F. Morris, 525Brooks Rd., Griffiss AFB, NY 13441-4505, by using the self-addressed Standardization DocumentImprovement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. .. II --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. NIL-HDBK-217F C H G NOTICE 2 9999970 O L 9 3 O L B TL2 MIL-HDBK-217F TABLE SCOPE Purpose................................................................................................................. Application ............................................................................................................. ComputerizedReliabilityPrediction ......................................................................... 1: SECTION 2: SECTION 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ....................................................................... 3: INTRODUCTION Reliability Engineering ............................................................................................ TheRole of Reliability Prediction.............................................................................. Limitations of Reliability Predictions.......................................................................... PartStressAnalysisPrediction ................................................................................ SECTION 4: RELIABILITY ANALYSIS EVALUATION ................................................... 1-1 1-1 1-1 2-1 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-2 4-1 SECTION 5: MICROCIRCUITS. INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 5.1 Gate/LogicArraysandMicroprocessors .................................................................... 5.2 Memories ............................................................................................................... 5.3VHSlCNHSlC Like .................................................................................................. 5.4 GaAs MMlCandDigitalDevices ................................................................................ 5.5 Hybrids .................................................................................................................. 5.6 SAW Devices ......................................................................................................... 5.7 MagneticBubbleMemories ..................................................................................... 5.8 X.T Table for All ........................................................................................................ 5.9 C2TableforAll ....................................................................................................... 5.1O XE, xL and X.QTables for All .................................................................................... 5.1 1 TJDetermination. (All ExceptHybrids) ...................................................................... 5.1 2TJ Determination,(ForHybrids) ................................................................................ 5.13 Examples ............................................................................................................... 5-1 5-3 5-4 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-17 5-18 5-20 SECTION 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.1 1 6.1 2 6.1 3 6.1 4 6.15 6-1 6-2 6-4 6-6 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-12 6-14 6-16 6-17 6-19 6-20 6-21 6-23 6-25 6: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS Discrete Semiconductors. Introduction.................................................................... Diodes. Low Frequency.......................................................................................... Diodes. High Frequency (Microwave.RF) ................................................................. Transistors. Low Frequency. Bipolar........................................................................ Transistors. Low Frequency. Si FET......................................................................... Transistors, Unijunction ........................................................................................... Transistors, Low Noise, High Frequency, Bipolar...................................................... Transistors, High Power, High Frequency, Bipolar ..................................................... Transistors, High Frequency, GaAs FET ................................................................... Transistors, High Frequency, Si FET ........................................................................ Thyristors andSCRs ............................................................................................... Optoelectronics, Detectors, Isolators, Emitters ......................................................... Optoelectronics, Alphanumeric Displays.................................................................. Optoelectronics, Laser Diode.................................................................................. TJ Determination.................................................................................................... Example................................................................................................................. ... 111 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- SECTION 1. 1 1.2 1.3 OF CONTENTS MIL-HDBK-217F CHG N O T I C E 2 9999970 OL970L9 959 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 7.1 7.2 7.3 7: TUBES AllTypesExcept TWT and Magnetron .................................................................... Traveling Wave ....................................................................................................... Magnetron............................................................................................................. 7-1 7-3 7-4 SECTION 8: LASERS 8.0 Introduction........................................................................................................... 8.1 HeliumandArgon .................................................................................................. 8.2 CarbonDioxide.Sealed ......................................................................................... 8.3 Carbon Dioxide. Flowing ....................................................................................... 8.4SolidState.ND:YAGandRubyRod ...................................................................... 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 SECTION 9: RESISTORS 9.1 Resistors ............................................................................................................... 9-1 SECTION 10: CAPACITORS 10.1 Capacitors ............................................................................................................. 10.2 Capacitors. Example .............................................................................................. SECTION 11.1 11.2 11.3 11 : INDUCTIVE DEVICES Transformers ......................................................................................................... Coils ..................................................................................................................... Determination of Hot Spot Temperature ................................................................ 8-1 10-1 10-6 11-1 11-3 11-4 SECTION 12: ROTATING DEVICES 12.1 Motors .................................................................................................................. 12.2 SynchrosandResolvers ........................................................................................ 12.3 ElapsedTimeMeters .............................................................................................. 12-1 12-4 12-5 SECTION 13: RELAYS 13.1 Mechanical............................................................................................................. 13.2 SolidStateandTimeDelay ..................................................................................... 13-1 13-3 SECTION 14: SWITCHES 14.1 Switches................................................................................................................ 14.2 Circuit Breakers ..................................................................................................... 14-1 14-2 SECTION 15: CONNECTORS 15.1 Connectors. General .............................................................................................. 15.2 Connectors, Sockets ............................................................................................. 15-1 15-3 SECTION 16: INTERCONNECTION ASSEMBLIES 16.1InterconnectionAssemblieswithPlatedThroughHoles 16.2 InterconnectionAssemblies,SurfaceMountTechnology 16-1 16-2 .......................................... ......................................... SECTION 17: CONNECTIONS 17.1 Connections .......................................................................................................... 17-1 SECTION 18: METERS 18.1 Meters. Panel ......................................................................................................... 18-1 SECTION 19: QUARTZ CRYSTALS 19.1 Quartz Crystals ...................................................................................................... 19-1 ¡v Document provided by IHS. page Supersedes --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- iv of Revision F Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. CHG N O T I C E 2 NIL-HDBK-2L7F 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 0177020 b 7 0 m MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- SECTION 20: LAMPS 20.1 Lamps................................................................................................................... 20-1 SECTION 21 : ELECTRONIC FILTERS 21 .1 Electronic Filters. Non-Tunable................................................................................ 21-1 SECTION 22: FUSES 22.1 Fuses ................................................................................................................... 22-1 SECTION 23: MISCELLANEOUS PARTS 23.1 Miscellaneous Parts ................................................................................................ 23-1 APPENDIX A: PARTS COUNT RELIABILITY PREDICTION.......................................... A- 1 APPENDIX B: VHSICNHSIC-LIKE AND VLSl CMOS (DETAILED MODEL) .............. B-1 APPENDIX C: BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................... c-1 LISTOF Table 3-1: Table 3-2: Table 4-1: Table 6-1: Table 6-2: Partswith Multi-Level QualitySpecifications ........................................................ EnvironmentalSymbolandDescription .............................................................. ReliabilityAnalysisChecklist ............................................................................. DefaultCaseTemperaturesfor All Environments (“C) .......................................... ApproximateThermalResistance for SemiconductorDevices ................................................................................ in Various Package Sizes LISTOF Figure 5-1: Figure 8-1: page Revision Supersedes Document provided by IHS. TABLES 6-24 FIGURES Cross Sectional View of a Hybrid with a Single Multi-Layered Substrate ................ Examples of ActiveOpticalSurfaces .................................................................. v of 3-3 3-4 4-1 6-23 F 5-18 8-1 V Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F = 7799770 CHG N O T I C E 2 O377022 443 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 FOREWORD 1.0 THIS HANDBOOK IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY. THIS HANDBOOK SHALL NOT BE CITED AS REQUIREMENT. A IF IT IS, THE CONTRACTOR DOES NOT HAVE TO COMPLY. MIL-HDBK-217F,Notice 2 provides thefollowingchangesbasedupon study (see Ref. 37 listed in Appendix C): Revised resistor and capacitor models, including new models a recentlycompleted to address chip devices. Updated failure ratemodelsfortransformers,coils,motors,relays,switches,circuitbreakers, connectors,printedcircuitboards(withandwithoutsurfacemounttechnology)and connections. Anewmodel to addresssurfacemountedtechnologysolderconnections. 9 ArevisedTravelingWaveTubemodelbasedupondatasuppliedby the ElectronicIndustries Association Microwave Tube Division. This further lowers the calculated failure rates beyond the earlier modifications made in the base document (MIL-HDBK-217F, 2 December 1991). RevisedtheFast RecoveryPower reevaluation of Ref. 28. 2.0 MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice1, errors in the basic F Revision. Rectifierbasefailurerate downward basedon a (10 July 1992) was issued to correctminortypographical 3.O MIL-HDBK-217F, (base document), (2 December 1991) provided the following changes based upon recently completed studies (see Ref. 30 and 32 listed in Appendix C): 1. New failure rate prediction modelsare provided for the following nine major classes of microcircuits: Monolithic Bipolar Digital and Linear Gate/Logic Array Devices Monolithic MOS Digital and Linear Gate/Logic Array Devices Monolithic Bipolar and MOS Digital Microprocessor Devices (including Controllers) Monolithic Bipolar and MOS Memory Devices Monolithic GaAs Digital Devices Monolithic GaAs MMlC Devices Hybrid Microcircuits Magnetic Bubble Memories The 2 December1991 revision provided new prediction modelsfor bipolar andMOS 60,000, linearmicrocircuitswith up to 3000 microcircuitswith gate countsupto transistors, bipolar and MOS digital microprocessorandco-processorsup to 32 bits, to 1 million bits, GaAs monolithic microwave integrated circuits memory devices with up ("ICs) with up to 1,000 active elements, and GaAs digital ICs with up to 10,000 transistors. The C, factors have been extensively revised to reflect new technology devices with improved reliability, and the activation energies representing the temperature sensitivity of the dice ( 7 ~ have ~ ) been changed for MOS devices and for memories. The vi¡ page Supersedes Document provided by IHS. of Revision F, Notice 1 vi¡ Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Surface Acoustic Wave Devices MIL-HDBK-217F CHG N O T I C E 2 W 9999970 0397023 3 8 T MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 FOREWORD C2 factor remains unchanged from the previous Handbook version, but includes pin grid arrays and surface mount packages using the same model as hermetic, solder-sealed dual in-line packages. New values have been included for the quality factor (xa), the learning factor (xL), andthe environmentalfactor (xE). Themodel for hybrid microcircuitshas been revised to be simpler to use, to delete the temperature dependence of the seal and interconnectfailurerate contributions,and to provide a method of calculatingchip junction temperatures. 2. A newmodel for Very High Speed IntegratedCircuits(VHSICNHSICLike) Large Scale Integration (VLSI) devices (gate counts above 60,000). andVery 3. The reformatting of the entire handbook to make it easier to use. 4. A reduction in the number of environmental factors (XE) from 27 to 14. 5. A revised failure rate model for Network Resistors. 6. Revised models for TWTsand Klystronsbased Industries Association Microwave Tube Division. viii Document provided by IHS. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- on datasupplied by theElectronic New Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F C H G N O T I C E 2 7777770 0197024 216 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 - 1.1 Purpose Thishandbook is for guidanceonlyandshallnotbecitedasa T he requirement. If it is, thecontractordoesnothavetocomply(seePage1-2). purpose of this handbook is to establish and maintain consistent and uniform methods for estimating the inherent reliability (Le., the reliability of amaturedesign)of military electronic equipment and systems. It provides a common basis for reliability predictions during acquisition programs for military electronic systems and equipment. It also establishes a common basis for comparing and evaluating reliability predictions of related or competitive designs. The handbook is intended to be used as a tool to increase the reliability of the equipment being designed. - 1.2 Application Thishandbookcontains two methodsof reliability prediction - "Part Stress Analysis" in Sections 5 through 23 and "Parts Count" in Appendix A. These methods vary in degree of information needed to apply them. The Part Stress Analysis Method requires a greater amount of detailed information and is applicable during the later design phase when actual hardware and circuits are beingdesigned.The Parts CountMethodrequiresless information, generally part quantities, quality level, and the application environment. This method is applicable during the early design phase andduringproposal formulation. In general,thePartsCount Method will usually result in amore conservative estimate (Le., higher failure rate) of system reliability than the Parts Stress Method. Supersedes page 1-11-1 of Revision F --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 0177025 1 5 2 MIL-HDBK-217F C H 6 N O T I C E 2 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 1.0 SCOPE OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRmARY OF DEFENSE 9906 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON. DC x U o 1 - 3 # ) 0 FEB 2 8 1995 SUBJECT: Notice 2 to MIL-HDBK-217F, 'Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment', Project RELI-O074 Prior to sending the subject noticet o the M D Single Stock Point f o r printing and distribution, the following additions=st be made: - Across the cover in BIG BOLD BLJu3K LETpisRs ALL CAPS: Insert 'TRIS HANDBOOK IS FOR GUIDANCE =Y. DO NOT CITE T H I S DOCUMENT As A REQmREMENT.. In the POREWORD (Page vii of Notice 2 ) . paragraph 1.0: A d d 'THIS HANDBOOK IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY. TEacS HANDBOOK SHWl NOT BE CITED AS A REQVIREMENT. IF IT I S , TRE RDOES NOT HAVE M COMPLY. Add an entry f o r the SCOPE, paragraph 1.1 (Purpose): 'This handbook is f o r guidance only and shall not be cited as a requirement. If it is, the contractor &es not have to comply. - --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 1-2 Document provided by IHS. Walter B. Ber Chairman, Defense Standards Improvement Council cc: OUSD(A&T)IYTSE&E/SE, Mr. M. Zsak New Page Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-237F CH6 N O T I C E 2 9999970 O377026 079 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 2 . 0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS This handbook cites some specifications which have been cancelled or which describe devices that are not to be used for new design. This information is necessary because someof these devices are used in so-called "off-the-shelf"equipment which the Department of Defense purchases. The documents cited in this section are for guidance and information. TITLE SECTION # Capacitors, Fixed, Mica Dielectric, General Specification for MIL-C-5 10.1 MIL-R-11 9.1 Resistor, Fixed, Composition (Insulated), General Specification for MIL-R-19 9.1 Resistor, Variable, Wirewound (Low Operating Temperature) General Specification for MIL-C90 10.1 MIL-R-22 9.1 Resistor, Variable, Wirewound (Power Type), General Specification for MIL-C-25 10.1 Capacitor, Fixed, Paper-Dielectric, Direct Current (Hermetically Sealed in Metal Cases), General Specification for MIL-R-26 9.1 Capacitor, Fixed, Ceramic Dielectric (Temperature Compensating), Established Reliability and Nonestablished Reliability, General Specification for Resistor, Fixed, Wirewound (Power Type), General Specification for M I L-T-27 11.1 Transformer and Inductors (Audio, Power, High Power Pulse), General Specification for MIL-(2-62 10.1 Capacitor, Fixed Electrolytic (DC, Aluminum, Dry Electrolyte, Polarized), General Specification for MIL-C-81 10.1 Capacitor, Variable, Ceramic Dielectric, General Specification for MIL-C-92 10.1 Capacitor, Variable, Air Dielectric (Trimmer), General Specification for MIL-R-93 9.1 Resistor, Fixed, Wirewound (Accurate), General Specification for M IL- R-94 9.14 Resistor, Variable, Composition, General Specification for MIL-V-95 23.1 Vibrator, Interrupter and Self-Rectifying, General Specification for w-L-111 20.1 Lamp, Incandescent Miniature, Tungsten Filament w-c-375 14.5 Circuit Breaker, Molded Case, Branch Circuit and Service W-F-1726 22.1 Fuse, Cartridge, Class H (this covers renewable and nonrenewable) W-F-1814 22.1 Fuse, Cartridge, High Interrupting Capacity MIL-C-3098 19.1 Crystal Unit, Quartz, General Specification for MIL-C-3607 15.1 Connector, Coaxial, Radio Frequency, Series Pulse, General Specifications for MIL-C-3643 15.1 Connector, Coaxial, Radio Frequency, Series HN and Associated Fittings, General Specification for Supersedes page 2-1 of Revision F Document provided by IHS. 2-1 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- SPECIFICATION flIL-HDBK-217F C H G NOTICE 2 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 0397027 T25 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 2 .O REFERENCE DOCUMENTS MIL-C-3650 15.1 Connector, Coaxial, Radio Frequency, Series LC MIL-C-3655 15.1 Connector, Plug and Receptacle,Electrical (Coaxial Series Twin) and Associated Fittings, General Specification for MIL-S-3786 14.3 Switch, Rotary (Circuit Selector, Low-Current (Capacity)), General Specification for MIL-S-3950 14.1 Switch, Toggle, Environmentally Sealed, General Specification for MIL-C-3965 10.1 Capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic (Nonsolid Electrolyte), Tantalum, General Specification for MIL-(3-5015 15.1 Connector, Electrical, Circular Threaded, AN Type, General Specification for MIL-F-5372 22.1 Fuse, Current Limiter Type, Aircraft MIL-S-5594 14.1 Switches, Toggle, Electrically Held Sealed, General Specification for MIL-R-5757 13.1 Relays, Electromagnetic,General Specification for MIL-R-6106 13.1 Relay, Electromagnetic (Including Established Reliability(ER) Types), General Specification for MIL-L-6363 20.1 MIL-S-8805 2-2 Switches and Switch Assemblies, Sensitive and Push (Snap Action), General Specification for MIL-S-8834 14.1 Switches, Toggle, Positive Break, General Specification for MIL-S-8932 14.1 Switches, Pressure, Aircraft, General Specification for MIL-S-9395 14.1 Switches, Pressure, (Absolute, Gage, and Differential), General Specification for MIL-S-9419 14.1 Switch, Toggle, Momentary Four Position On, Center Off, General Specification for MIL-"10304 18.1 Meter, Electrical Indicating, Panel Type, Ruggedized, General Specification for Resistor, Fixed Film (High Reliability), General Specification for MIL-R-10509 9.1 MIL-C-10950 10.1 Capacitor, Fixed, Mica Dielectric, Button Style, General Specification for MIL-C-11015 10.1 Capacitor, Fixed, Ceramic Dielectric (General Purpose), General Specification for MIL-C-11272 10.1 Capacitor, Fixed, Glass Dielectric,General Specification for --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. 14.1,14.2 Lamp, Incandescent, Aircraft Service, General Specification for page Supersedes 2-2 of Revision F Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F CHG NOTICE 2 9 9 9 9 7 7 0 0197028 961 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 2 . O REFERENCE ~~~~ DOCUMENTS MIL-C-I 1693 10.1 MIL-R-1 1804 9.1 MIL-S-12211 14.1 Switch, Pressure MIL-S-12285 14.1 Switches, Thermostatic MIL-S-12883 15.3 Sockets and Accessories for Plug-ln Electronic Components, General Specification for MIL-C-12889 10.1 Capacitor, By-pass, Radio - Interference Reduction, Paper Dielectric, AC and DC, (Hermetically Sealed in Metallic Cases), General Specification for MIL-R-12934 9.1 Capacitor, Feed Through, Radio Intederence Reduction AC and DC, (Hermetically Sealedin Metal Cases) Established and Nonestablished Reliability, General Specification for Resistor, Fixed, Film (Power Type), General Specification for Resistor, Variable, Wirewound. Precision, General Specification for M IL-S-13484 14.1 Switch, Sensitive: 30 Volts Direct Current Maximum, Waterproof MIL-C-13516 14.2 Circuit Breakers, Manual and Automatic (28 Volts DG) MIL-S-13623 14.1 Switches, Rotary: 28 Volt DC MIL-R-13718 13.1 Relays, Electromagnetic 24 VoltDC MIL-S-13735 14.1 Switches, Toggle: 28 Volt DC MIL-G14409 10.1 Capacitor, Variable (Piston Type; Tubular Trimmer), General Specification for MIL-F-15160 22.1 Fuse, Instrument, Power and Telephone MIL-S-15291 14.1 Switches, Rotary, Snap Action and DetenVSpring Return Action, General Specification for MIL-C15305 11.2 Coils, Electrical, Fixed and Variable, Radio Frequency, General Specification for MIL-GI5370 15.1 Couplers, Directional, General Specification for MIL-F-15733 21.1 Filters and Capacitors, Radio Frequency Interference, General Specification for MIL-S-15743 14.1 Switches, Rotary, Enclosed MIL-G18312 10.1 Capacitor, Fixed, Metallized (Paper, Paper Plastic or Plastic Film) Dielectric, Direct Current (Hermetically Sealed in Metal Cases), General Specification for MIL-F-18327 21 .i Filter, High Pass, Low Pass, Band Pass, Band Suppression and Dual Functioning, General Specification for page Supersedes 2-3 of Revision F 2-3 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F CH6 N O T I C E 2 H 9999970 0197029 8 T 8 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 2-4 Document provided by IHS. MIL-R-18546 9.1 Resistor, Fixed, Wirewound (Power Type, Chassis Mounted), General Specification for MIL-S-19500 6.0 Semiconductor Device, General Specification for MIL-R-19523 13.1 Relays, Control MIL-R-19648 13.1 Relay, Time, Delay, Thermal, General Specificationfor MIL-C-19978 10.1 Capacitor, Fixed Plastic (or Paper-Plastic) Dielectric (Hermetically Sealed in Metal, Ceramic or Glass Cases), Established and Nonestablished Reliability, General Specification for MIL-T-21038 11.1 Transformer, Pulse, Low Power, General Specification for MIL-C-21097 15.1 Connector, Electrical, Printed Wiring Board, General Purpose, General Specification for MIL-S-21277 14.1 Switches, Liquid Level, General Specification for MIL-C-21617 15.1 Connectors, Plug and Receptable- Electrical Rectangular, Polarized Shell, Miniature Type MIL-R-22097 9.1 MIL-S-22614 14.1 MIL-R-22684 9.2 MIL-S-22710 14.4 Switches, Code Indicating Wheel (Printed Circuit), (Thumbwheel, In-line and Pushbutton), General Specification for MIL-S-22885 14.1 Switches, Pushbutton, Illuminated, General Specification for MIL-C-22992 15.1 Connectors, Plugs and Receptacles, Electrical, Water-Proof, Quick Disconnect, Heavy Duty Type, General Specification for MIL-C23183 10.1 Capacitors, Fixed or Variable, Vacuum or Gas Dielectric, General Specification for MIL-C-23269 10.1 Capacitor, Fixed, Glass Dielectric, Established Reliability, General Specification for MIL-R-23285 9.1 Resistor, Variable, Nonwirewound, General Specification for MIL-F-23419 22.1 Fuse, Cartridge, Instrument Type, General Specification for MIL-T-23648 9.1 Resistor, Variable, Nonwirewound (Adjustment Types), General Specification for Switches, Sensitive Resistor, Fixed, Film, Insulated, General Specification for Resistor, Thermal, (Thermally Sensitive Resistor), Insulated, General Specification for MS-24055 15.1 Connector, Plug-Receptacle, Electrical, Hexagonal, 9 Contacts, Female, 7.5 Amps MS-24056 15.1 Connector, Plug-Receptacle, Electrical, Hexagonal, 9 Contacts, Male, 7.5 Amps Supersedes page 2-4 of Revision F Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 2 . O REFERENCE DOCUMENTS MIL-HDBK-ZL7F C H G N O T I C E 2 = 9777770 0377030 5LT MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 2 . O REFERENCEDOCUMENTS MIL-C-24308 15.1 Connectors, Electric, Rectangular, Nonenvironmental, Miniature, Polarized Shell, Rack and Panel, General Specification for MIL-S-24317 14.1 Switches, Multistation, Pushbutton (Illuminated and Non-Illuminated), General Specificationfor M IL-C-255 16 15.1 Connector, Electrical, Miniature, Coaxial, Environment Resistant Type, General Specification for M IL-C-26482 15.1 Connector, Electrical (Circular, Miniature, Quick Disconnect, Environment Resisting), Receptacles and Plugs, General Specification for MIL- C-26500 15.1 Connectors, General Purpose, Electrical, Miniature, Circular, Environment Resisting,General Specification for MIL-R-27208 9.1 MIL-G28731 15.1 Connectors, Electrical, Rectangular, Removable Contact, Formed Blade, Fork Type (For Rack and Panel and Other Applications), General Specification for MIL-G28748 15.1 Connector, Plug and Receptacle, Rectangular, Rack and Panel, Solder Type and Crimp Type Contacts, General Specification for MIL-R-28750 13.2 Relay, Solid State, General Specification for MIL-C-28804 15.1 Connectors, Plug and Receptacle, Electric Rectangular, High Density, Polarized Center Jackscrew,General Specification for, Inactive for New Designs MIL-C-28840 15.1 Connector, Electrical, Circular Threaded, High Density,High Shock Shipboard, Class D, General Specification for MIL-M-38510 5.0 MIL-S-38533 15.3 MIL-H-38534 5.0 Hybrid Microcircuits, General Specification for MIL-1-38535 5.0 Integrated Circuits (Microcircuits) Manufacturing,General Specification for MIL-G38999 15.1 Connector, Electrical, Circular, Miniature, High Density, Quick Disconnect, (Bayonet, Threaded, and Breech Coupling) Environment Resistant, Removable Crimp and Hermetic Solder Contacts, General Specification for MIL-C-39001 10.1 Capacitor, Fixed, Mica-Dielectric, Established Reliability, General Specification for MIL-R-39002 9.1 MIL-G39003 10.1 Microcircuits, General Specification for Sockets, Chip Carrier, Ceramic,General Specification for Resistor, Variable, Wirewound, Semi-Precision, General Specification for Capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic, (Solid Electrolyte), Tantalum, Established Reliability, General Specification for Supersedes page 2-5of Revision F Document provided by IHS. 2-5 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Resistor, Variable, Wirewound, Nonprecision, General Specification for M I L - H D B K - 2 1 7 FC H GN O T I C E 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 OL9703L 456 2 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 2 . O REFERENCE --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Resistor, Fixed, Wirewound (Accurate), Established Reliability, General Specification for MIL-R-39005 9.1 MIL-G39006 10.1 MIL-R-39007 9.1 Resistor, Fixed, Wirewound (Power Type), Established Reliability, General Specification for MIL-R-39008 9.1 Resistor, Fixed, Composition (Insulated), Established Reliability, General Specification for MIL-R-39009 9.1 Resistor, Fixed, Wirewound (Power Type, Chassis Mounted) Established Reliability, General Specification for MIL-G3901O 11.2 Coils, Electrical, Fixed, Radio Frequency, Molded, Established Reliability, General Specification for MIL-G39012 15.1 Connector, Coaxial, Radio Frequency, General Specification for MIL-G39014 10.1 Capacitor, Fixed, Ceramic Dielectric (General Purpose), Established Reliability, General Specification for MIL-R-39015 9.1 MIL-R-3901 6 2-6 DOCUMENTS 13.1 Capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic (Nonsolid Electrolyte) Tantalum Established Reliability, General Specification for Resistor, Variable, Wirewound (Lead Screw Actuated), Established Reliability, General Specification for Relay, Electromagnetic, Established Reliability, General Specification for Resistor, Fixed, Film (Insulated), Established Reliability, General Specification for MIL-R-39017 9.1 MIL-G39018 10.1 Capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic (Aluminum Oxide), Established Reliability and Nonestablished Reliability, General Specification for MIL-C-39019 14.5 Circuit Breakers, Magnetic, Low Power, Sealed, Trip-Free, General Specification for MIL-G39022 10.1 Capacitors, Fixed, Metallized, Paper-Plastic Filmor Plastic Film Dielectric, Direct and Alternating Current (Hermetically Sealed in Metal or Ceramic Cases), Established Reliability, General Specification for MIL-R-39023 9.1 Resistor, Variable, Nonwirewound, Precision, General Specification for MIL-R-39035 9.1 Resistor, Variable, Nonwirewound (Adjustment Type), Established Reliability, General Specification for MIL-S-45885 14.1 Switch, Rotary MlL-G49142 15.1 Connectors, Plugs and Receptacle, Electrical Triaxial, Radio Frequency, General Specification for MIL-G55074 15.1 Connectors, Plug and Receptacle, Telephone, Electrical, Subassembly and Accessories and Contact Assembly, Electrical, General Specification for MIL-P-55110 15.2 Printed Wiring Board, General Specification for MIL-R-55182 9.1 Resistor, Fixed, Film, Established Reliability, General Specification for page Supersedes 2-6 of Revision F Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F C H G N O T I C E 2 9999970 0397032 392 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 2 . 0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS MIL-G55235 15.1 Connectors, Coaxial, Radio Frequency, Series TPS MIL-G55302 15.1 Connector, Printed Circuit, Subassembly and Aocessories MIL-A-55339 15.1 Adaptors, Connector, Coaxial, Radio Frequency, (Between Series and Within Series), General Specification for MlL-R-55342 9.1 MIL-C-55365 10.1 Capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic (Tantalum), Chip, Established Reliability, General Specification for MIL-S-55433 14.1 Switches, Reed, General Specification for MIL-G55514 10.1 Capacitors, Fixed, Plastic (or Metallized Plastic) Dielectric, DC or DCAC, In Non-Metal Cases, Established Reliability, General Specification for MIL-G55629 14.5 Circuit Breaker, Magnetic, Unsealed, or Panel Seal, Trip-Free, General Specification for MIL-T-55631 11.1 Transformer, Intermediate Frequency, Radio Frequency and Discriminator, General Specification for MIL-G55681 10.1 Capacitor, Chip, Multiple Layer, Fixed, Unencapsulated Ceramic Dielectric, Established Reliability, General Specification for MIL-G81511 15.1 Connector, Electrical, Circular, High Density, Quick Disconnect, Environment Resisting and Accessories, General Specification for MIL-S-81551 14.1 Switches; Toggle, Hermetically Sealed, General Specification for MIL-C-81659 15.1 Connectors, Electrical Rectangular, Crimp Contact MIL-S-82359 14.1 Switch, Rotary, Variable Resistor Assembly Type MIL-G83383 14.5 Circuit Breaker, Remote Control, Thermal, Trip-Free, General Specification for MIL-R-83401 9.1 MIL-C83421 10.1 Capacitors, Fixed Metallized Plastic Film Dielectric (DC, AC or DC and AC) Hermetically Sealed in Metal or Ceramic Cases, Established Reliability, General Specification for MIL-C83446 11.2 Coils, Radio Frequency, Chip, Fixed or Variable, General Specification for MIL-C83500 10.1 Capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic (Nonsolid Electrolyte), Tantalum Cathode, General Specification for MIL-S-83504 14.1 Switches, Dual In-line Package (DIP), General Specification for MIL-C-83513 15.1 Connector, Electrical, Rectangular, Microminiature, Polarized Shell, General Specification for Resistors, Fixed, Film, Chip, Established Reliability, General Specification for Resistor Networks, Fixed, Film and Capacitor-Resistor Networks, Ceramic Capacitors and Fixed Film Resistors, General Specification for New Page 2-7 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. M I L - H D B K - 2 1 7CFHN6O T I C E m 2 9999970 0397033 2 2 7 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 2 . O REFERENCEDOCUMENTS MIL-C-83515 Connectors, 15.1 Telecommunication, Polarized Shell, for MIL-R-83516 Relays, 13.1 Reed, Dry, MIL-C-83517 General Specification General Specification for 15.1 Connectors, Coaxial, Radio Frequency Coaxial, for Strip Transmission Line, General Specification for or Microstrip MIL-R-83520 Relays, 13.1 Electromechanical, General Purpose, Non-Hermetically Sealed, Plastic Enclosure (Dust Cover),General Specification for MIL-C-83527 15.1 Connectors, Receptacle, Plug and Electrical, Rectangular Multiple Insert Type, Rackto Panel, Environment Resisting,15OOC Total Continuous Operating Temperature, General Specification for MIL-R-83536 Relays, 13.1 Electromagnetic, Established Reliability, General Specification for MIL-C-83723 Connector, 15.1 Electrical (Circular Environment Resisting), Receptacles and Plugs, General Specification for MIL-R-83725 Relay, Vacuum, 13.1 General Specification for MIL-R-83726 13.1, 13.2, Relays, 13.3 14.1 MIL-S-83731 MIL-G83733 Hybrid and Solid State, Time Delay, General Specification for Switch, Toggle, Unsealed and Sealed Toggle, General Specification for 15.1 MIL-S-83724 15.3 Sockets, Connector, Electrical, Miniature, Rectangular Type, Rackto Panel, Environment Resisting, 200°C Total Continuous Operating Temperature, General Specification for Plug-ln Electronic Components, Dual-ln-Line (DIPS) and Single-ln-Line Packages (SIPS), General Specification for MIL-C-85028 Connector, 15.1 Electrical, Rectangular, Individual Contact Sealing, Polarized Center Jackscrew, General Specification for STANDARD TITLE MIL-STD-756 Reliability Prediction Modeling and for Microelectronics MIL-STD-883 Test Methods Procedures and MIL-STD-975 NASA Standard Electrical, Electronic and Electromechanical (EEE) Parts List MIL-STD-1547 Electronic Parts, Materials and Processes for Space and Launch Vehicles, Technical Requirements for MIL-STD-1772 Certification Requirements for Hybrid Microcircuit Facilities and Lines Copies of specifications and standards required by contractors in connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting officer. Single copies are also available(without charge) upon written requestto: Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robins Ave., Building 4, Section D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, (215) 697-2667 New Page 2-8 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F RE m 9999970 0070706 9 MIL-HDBK-217F 3.O . INTRODUCTION - 3. I Rellablllty Englneerlng Reliability is currentlyrecognized as an essential need in military electronic systems. It is looked upon as a means for reducing costs from the factory, where rework of defective components adds a non-productive overhead expense, to the field, where repair costs include not only parts and laborbut also transportation and storage. More importantly, reliability directly impacts force effectiveness, measured in terms of availability or sortie rates, and determines the size of the "logistics tail"inhibiting force utilization. The achievement of reliability is the function of reliability engineering. Every aspect of an electronic system, from the purity of materials used in its component devices to the operator's interface, has an impact on reliability. Reliability engineering must,therefore,be applied throughout the system's development in a diligent and timely fashion, and integrated with other engineering disciplines. A variety of reliability engineering fools have been developed. This handbook provides the models supporting a basictool, reliability prediction. - The Role of Rellablllty Predlctlon Reliability prediction provides the quantitativebaseline needed to assess progress in reliability engineering. A prediction made of a proposed design may be used in several ways. 3.2 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- A characteristic of Computer Aided Design is the ability to rapidly generate alternative solutions to a particular problem. Reliability predictions for each design alternative provide one measure of relative worth which, combined with other considerations, will aid in selecting the bestof the available options. Once a designis selected, the reliability prediction maybe used as a guide to improvement by showing it may also reveal other fruitful the highest contributorsto failure. If the part stress analysis method is used, areas for change (e.g., over stressed parts). The impactof proposed design changeson reliability canbe determined only by comparing the reliability predictions of the existing and proposeddesigns. level under environmental extremes may be The ability of the designto -maintain an acceptable reliability assessed through reliability predictions, The predictions may be used to evaluate the need for environmental control systems. The effects of complexity on the probability of mission success can be evaluated through reliability predictions. The need for redundant or back-up systems may be determined with the aid of reliability predictions. A tradeoff of redundancy against other reliability enhancing techniques(e.g.: more cooling, higher part quality, etc.)must be based on reliability predictions coupled with other pertinent considerations such ascost, space limitations, etc. The prediction will also help evaluate the significance of reported failures. For example, ifseveral failures of one type or component occur in a system, the predicted failure ratecan be used to determine whether the number of failures is commensurate with the number of components usedin the system, or, that it indicates a problem area. Finally, reliability predictionsare useful to various other engineering analyses.As examples, the location of built-in-test circuitry shouldbe influenced by the predicted failure rates of the circuitry monitored, and maintenance strategy plannerscan make use of the relative probabilityof a failure's location, based on predictions, to minimize downtime. Reliability predictions are also used to evaluate the probabilities of failure events describedin a failure modes, effects and criiticality analysis (FMECAs). 3-1 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. . : flIL-HDBK-ZL7F RE m . 9 9 7 9 9 7 00 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 m MIL-HDBK-217F 3. O INTRODUCTION - Limitations of ReliabilityPredlctions This handbook provides a common basis for reliability predictions, based on analysisof the best available data at the timeof issue. It is intended to make reliability prediction as good a tool as possible. However, like anytool, reliability predictionmust be used intelligently, with due consideration of its limitations. 3.3 The first limitation is that the failure rate models are point estimates which are based on available data. Hence, they are valid for the conditions under which the data was obtained, and for the devices covered. Some extrapolation during model development is possible, but the inherently empirical nature of the models can be severely restrictive. For example, none of the models in this handbook predict nuclear survivability or the effects of ionizing radiation. Electronic technology is noted for its dynamic nature. New types of devices and new processes are continually introduced, compounding the difficulties of predicting reliability. Evolutionary changes may be handled by extrapolation from the existing models; revolutionary changes may defy analysis. Another limitation of reliability predictions is the mechanics of the process. The part stress analysis method requires a significant amount of design detail. This naturally imposes a time and cost penalty. More significantly, many of the details are not available in the early design stages. For this 'reason this handbook contains both thepad stress analysismethod (Sections 5 through 23)and a simpler parts count in early design andbid formulation stages. method (AppendixA) which can be used Finally, a basic limitation of reliability prediction is its dependence on correct application by the user. Those who correctly apply the models and use the information ina conscientious reliability programwill find the prediction a useful tool. Those who view the prediction only asa number which must exceed a specified value can usually find a way to achieve their goal without any impact on the system. 3.4 Part Stress Analysls Predlctlon - 3.4.1 Applicability This method is applicable when most of the design is completed and a detailed parts list including part stressesis available. It can also be used during later design phases for reliability trade-offs vs. part selection and stresses. Sections 5 through 23 contain failure rate models fora broad variety of parts used in electronic equipment. The parts are grouped by major categories and, where appropriate, are subgrouped within categories. For mechanical and electromechanical partsnot covered by this Handbook, referto Bibliography items20 and 36 (Appendix C), The failure rates presented apply to equipment under normal operating conditions, ¡.e.,with power on and performing its intended functionsin its intended environment. Extrapolationof any of the base failure rate models beyond the tabulated values such as high or sub-zero temperature, electrical stress values above 1.0, or extrapolation of any associated model modifiers is completely invalid. Base failure rates can be O to 1 using the underlying equations. interpolated between electrical stress values from The general procedure for determining a board level (or system level) failure rate is to sum individually calculated failure ratesfor each component. This summation is then added to a failure rate for the circuit board (which includes the effects of soldering parts to it) using Section 16, Interconnection Assemblies. 3-2 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Even when used in similar environments, the differences between system applications can be significant. Predicted and achieved reliability have always been closer for ground electronic systems than for avionic systems, because the environmental stresses vary less from system to system on the ground and hence the field conditions are in general closerto the environment under which the data was collected for the prediction model.However, failure rates are also impactedby operational scenarios,operator characteristics, maintenarice practices, measurement techniques and differencesin definition of failure. Hence, a reliability prediction should never be assumed to represent the expected field reliability as measured by the user (¡.e., Mean-Time-Between-Maintenance, Mean-Time-Between-Removals, etc.). This does not negate its value as a reliability engineering tool; note that none of the applications to match the field measurement. discussed above requires the predicted reliability NIL-HDBK-217F 1 RE M 9 9 9 9 7 7 0 0070708 2 MIL-HDBK-217F 3.0 For parts or wires soldered together (e.g.,'a jumper wire between two parts), the connections model is accounted for appearing in Section 17 is used. Finally, the effectsof connecting circuit boards together by adding in a failure rate for each connector (Section 15, Connectors). The wire between connectorsis assumed to have a zero failurerate. For various serviceuse profiles, duty cycles and redundancies the procedures describedin MIL-STD-756, Reliability Modeling and Prediction, shouldbe used to determine an effective system level failure rate. - 3.4.2 Part Quallty .The quality of a part hasa direct effecton the part failure rate and appears in the part models as a factor, ZQ. Many parts are coveredby specifications that have several quality levels, hence, the part models have values of na that are keyedto these quality levels. Such parts with their quality designators are shown in Table 3-1. The detailed requirements for these levels are clearly defined in the applicable specification, except for microcircuits. Microcircuits have quality levels which are dependent on the number of MIL-STD-883 screens(or equivalent) to which they are subjected, Table 3-1: Parts WlthMuitl-LevelQualitySpecifications Quality Designators Microcircuits SIB,B-1 ,Other: Quality Judged by Screening Level Discrete Semiconductors JANTXV, JANTX, JAN Capacitors, Established Reliability (ER) D, C, SIR, B, P, M, L Resistors, Established Reliability (ER) SIR, P, M Coils, Molded, R.F., Reliability (ER) Relays, Established Reliability (ER) Some parts are covered by older specifications, usually referred to as Nonestablished Reliability (Non-ER),. two quality levels designatedas that do not have multi-levels of quality. These part models generally have "MIL-SPEC.",and"Lower". If the part is procured in complete accordance with the applicable If any requirements are waived, or if a specification, the ZQ value for MIL-SPEC should be used. ZQ value for Lower should be used. commercial part is procured, the The foregoing discussion involves the "as procured" part quality. Poor equipment design, production, of the higher quality parts requires a total and testing facilities can degrade part quality. The use equipment design and quality control process commensurate with the high part quality. It would make little sense to procure high quality parts only to have the equipment production procedures damage the parts or introduce latent defects. Total equipment program descriptions as they might vary with different part qualitymixes is beyond thescope of this Handbook. Reliability managementand quality control procedures are described in other DoD standards and publications. Nevertheless, when a proposed equipment development is pushing the state-of-the-art and has a high reliability requirement W equipment program should be given careful scrutiny and not just necessitating high quality parts, the 3-3 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- . INTRODUCTION MIL-HDBK-217F RE 4 99799700070709 MIL-HDBK-217F 3. O INTRODUCTION . the parts quality. Otherwise, the low failure ratesas predicted by the models forhigh quality parts will not be realized. - 3.4.3 Use Environment All part reliability models include the effects of environmental stresses through the environmental factor, K E , except for the effects of ionizing radiation. The descriptions of these environmentsare shown in Table 3-2.The zE factor is quantified within each part failure rate model. These environments encompass the major areas of equipment use. Some equipment will experience more than one environment during its normal use, e.g., equipment in spacecraft. In such a case, the reliability analysis should be segmented, namely, missile launch (ML) conditions during boost into and return fromorbit, and space flight(SF) while in orbit. Environment ITESymbol Equivalent . MIL-HDBK-217E, Notice 1 RE Symbol .Description ~~ ~~ Ground, Benign GB Nonmobile, temperature and humidity controlled environments readily accessible to maintenance; includes laboratory instruments and test equipment, medical electronic equipment, business and scientific computer complexes, and missiles and support equipment in ground silos, Ground, Fixed GF Moderately controlled environments such as installation in permanent racks with adequate cooling air and possible installation in unheated of air buildings; includes permanent installation traff ¡c control radar and communications facilities. . . Ground, Mobile Equipment installed on wheeled or tracked vehicles and equipment manually transported; includes tactical missile ground support equipment, mobile communication equipment, tactical fire direction systems, handheld cammunications equipment, laser designations and range finders. Naval, Sheltered Includes sheltered orbelow deck conditions on surface ships and equipment installed in submarines. Naval, Unsheltered Unprotected surface shipborne equipment exposed to weather conditions and equipment immersed in salt water. Includes sonar on hydrofoil equipment and equipment installed vessels. 3-4 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Table 3-2: Environmental Symbol andDescription MIL-HDBK-217F RE W 9999770 0070710 O MIL-HDBK-217F 3.0 INTRODUCTION Table 3-2: Environmental Symbol and, Descrlptlon (cont’d) Equivalent MIL-HDBK-217E, Notice 1 “E Symbol Environment Description AIC AIT Typical conditions in cargo compartments which can be occupied by an aircrew. Environment extremes of pressure, temperature, shock and vibration are minimal. Examples include long mission aircraft such as the C130, C5,B52, and C141. This category also applies to inhabited areas in lower performance smaller aircraft such as the T38. Airborne, Inhabited, Fighter AIF Same asAIC but installed on high performance aircraft such as fighters and interceptors. 6, F111, FIA 18 Examples include the F15, F1 and A l O aircraft. Airborne, Uninhabited, cargo AUC Alm AUB Environmentally uncontrolled areas which cannot be inhabited by an aircrew during flight. Environmental extremes,of pressure, temperature and shock may be severe. Examples include uninhabited areas of long mission aircraft such as the C130, CS, B52 and C141, This category also applies to uninhabited areaof lower performance smaller aircraft such as the T38. Airborne, Uninhabited, Fighter AUF Same as AUC but installed on high performance aircraft such as fighters and interceptors. Examples include the F15, F16, F1 11 and A10 aircraft. Airborne, Rotary Winged ARW Equipment installed on helicopters. Applies to both internally and externally mounted equipment such as laser designators, fire control systems, and communications equipment. Space, Flight SF Earth orbital. Approaches benign ground conditions. Vehicle neither under powered flight nor in atmospheric reentry; includes satellites and shuttles. Airborne,’lnhabited, Cargo . . AIA %A --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 3-5 MIL-HDBK-217F 3 .O INTRODUCTION fable 3-2: Environmental Symbol and Description(cont'd) Equivalent MIL-HDBKPl7E, Notice 1 Environment ~~ % Symbol Description ~ MR Missile, Flight M~~ Missile, Launch ML "SL Severe conditions relatedto missile launch(air, ground and sea), space vehicle boost into orbit, and vehicle re-entry andlanding by parachute. Also applies to solid rocket motor propulsion powered flight, and torpedo and missile launch from submarines. CL Extremely severe conditions related to cannon launching of 155 mm. and 5 inch guided projectiles. Conditions the projectile from launch to target impact. * . . Cannon, Launch Conditions relatedto powered flight of air breathing missiles, cruise missiles, and missiles in unpoweredfree flight. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- - 3 . 4 . 4 Part Failure Rate Models Part failure rate models for microelectronic parts are significantly different from those for other parts and are presented entirely in Section 5.0. A typical example of the type of model used for most other part typesis the following one for discrete semiconductors: . ~~=%XT~AXR~S~C"QXE where: hp isthepartfailurerate, hb is the base failure rate usually expressedby a model relating the influence of electrical and temperature stresseson the part, XE and the other X factors modify the base failure rate for the category of. environmental application and other parameters that affect the part reliability.. The zE and zQ factors are used in most all models and otherIC factors apply onlyto specific models. The applicability of x factorsis identified in each section. The base failure rate (hb) models are presented in each part section along with identification of the applicable model factors. Tables of calculated+., values are also provided for use in manual calculations. The model equations can, of course, be incorporated into computer programsfor machine processing. The tabulated values of are cut off at the part ratings with regard to temperature and stress, hence, use of parts beyond these cut off points will overstress the part. The use of the hb models in a computer 3-6 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. ' MIL-HDBK-217F RE m 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 0070712 4 m i MIL-HDBK-217F 3.0 INTRODUCTION program should take the part rating limits into account. The At, equations are mathematically continuous the overstressed regions. beyond the part ratings but such failure rate values are in invalid All the part models include failure data from both catastrophic and permanent drift failures (ems.,a resistor permanently falling out of rated tolerance bounds) and are based upon a constant failure rate, except for of parts into motors which showan increasing failure rate over time. Failures associated with connection circuit assemblies are not included within the part failure rate models. Information on connection reliability is provided in Sections 16 and 17. - --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 3.4.5 Thermal Aspects The use of this prediction methodrequires the determination of the temperatures to which the parts are subjected. Since parts reliability is sensitive to temperature, the thermal analysisof any design should fairly accurately provide the ambient temperatures needed in using the part models. 01course, lower temperatures produce better reliability but also can produce increased penalties in terms of added loads on the environmental control system, unless achieved through improved thermal design of the equipment. The thermal analysis should be partof the design process and included in all the trade-off studies covering equipment performance, reliability, weight, volume, environmental control systems, etc. References17 and 34 listed in Appendix C may be usedas guides in determining component temperatures. 3-7 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-237F RE m 9999970 0070733 b W ~ MIL-HDBK-217F 4.0 RELIABILITY ANALYSIS EVALUATION Table 4-1 provides a general c m t to be used as a gui& for evaluating a reliability prediction report. For completeness, the checklist includes categories for reliability modeling and allocation, which are sometimes delivered as part of a prediction report. It should be noted that the scope of any reliability analysis depends on the specific requirements called out in a statement-of-work (SOW) or system specification. The inclusion of this checklist is not intended to change the scope of these requirements. Table 4-1: Major Concerns Re1 bllityAnalysisChecklist dODELS Are all functional elements includedin the reliability block diagram /model? Comments System design drawings/diagrams must be reviewed to be sure thatthe reliability model/diagram agrees with the hardware. Are all modes of operation consideredin the mathnmdel? Duty cydes, alternate paths, degraded conditions and redundant units mustbe defined and modeled. Do the math model results show that the design Unit failure ratesand redundancy equations are used from the detailed part predictions in the system math achieves the reliability requirement? model (See MIL-STD-756, Reliability Prediction and Modeling). 4LLOCATION . Are system reliability requirements allocated (subdivided) to useful levels? Useful levels are defined as: equipment for subcontractors, assemblies for sub-subcontractors, circuit boards for designers. Does the allocation process consider complexity, design flexibility, and safety margins? . Conservative values are needed to prevent reallocation at every design change. PREDICTION Does the sum of the parts equal the value of the moduleor unit? Many predictions neglectto include all the parts producing optimistic results (check for solder connections, connectors, circuit boards). Are environmental conditions and part quality representative the of requirements? Optimistic quality levels and favorable environmental conditions are often assumed causing optimistic results. Are the circuit and part temperatures defined and do they represent the design? Temperature is the biggest driver of part failure rates: low temperature assumptions will &use optimistic results. Are equipment, assembly, subassembly and part reliability drivers identified? Identification is neededso that corrective actions for reliability improvement can be considered. Are alternate (Non MIL-HDBK-217) failure rates highlighted along with the rationale for their. use? Use of alternate failure rates, if deemed necessary, require submission of backupdata to provide credencein the values. Is the levelof detail for thepart failure rate Each component type should be sampled and failure rates completely reconstructed for accuracy. Are critical components such as VHSIC, Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMIC), Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) or Hybrids highlighted? Prediction methods for advanced technology parts should be carefully evaluated for impacton the module and system. 4- 1 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- models sufficient to reconstruct the result? MIL-HDBK-217F RE 9999970 0870734 B B MIL-HDBK-217F 5.0 MICROCIRCUITS, INTRODUCTION This section presents failure rate prediction models for the followingten major classes of microelectronic devices: Section 5.1 MonolithicBipolarDigitalandLinearGate/LogicArrayDevices 5.1 MonolithicMOSDigitalandLinearGatenogicArrayDevices 5.1MonolithicBipolarand MOS DigitalMicroprocessorDevices --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 5.2MonolithicBipolarandMOSMemoryDevices 5.3 VeryHighSpeedIntegratedCircuit(VHSICNHSIC-LikeandVLSI)CMOSDevices Gates) 5.4 Monolithic GaAs Digital Devices 5.4 Monolithic GaAs MMlC 5.5 Hybrid Microcircuits 5.6 Surface Acoustic Wave Devices 5.7 Magnetic Bubble Memories (> 60K In the title descriptionof each n&nolithic device type, Bipolar representsall TTL, ASTTL, DTL, ECL, CML, ALSTTL, HlTL, RTL, F, LTTL, STTL, BiCMOS, LSTTL, IIL, 13L and ISL devices. MOS represents all metal-oxide microcircuits, which includes NMOS,PMOS,CMOS and MNOS fabricated on various substrates such as sapphire, polycrystalline or single crystal silicon. The hybrid model is structured to accommodate all of the monolithic chip device types and various complexity levels. Monolithic memory complexity factors are expressed in the number of bits in accordance with JEDEC STD 21A. This standard, which is used by all government and industry agencies that deal with microcircuit memories, states that memories of 1024bits and greater shallbe expressed as K bits,. where 1 =K1024 bits. For example, a 16K memory has 16,384 bits, a 64K memory has 65,536 bits and a 1M memory has 1,048,576 bits. Exact numbersof bits arenot used for memories of 1024 bits and greater. For devices havingboth linear and digital functionsnot covered by MIL-M-38510 or MIL-1-38535, use the linear model. Line drivers and line receivers are considered linear devices. For linear devices not covered by MIL-M-38510 or MIL-1-38535, use the transistor count from the schematic diagramof the device to determine circuit complexity. For digital devices not covered by MIL-M-38510or MIL-1-38535, use the gate count as determined from an LSI circuit. For the the logic diagram. A J-K or R-S flip flop is equivalent to 6 gates when used as ofpart purpose of this Handbook, a gate is considered to be any one of the following functions: AND, OR, exclusive OR, NAND, NOR and inverter. When alogic diagram is unavailable, use device transistor count to determine gate count using the following expressions: Technoloav Bipolar CMOS All other MOS except CMOS No. Gates= No. Transistors/3.0 No. Gates= No. Transistors/4.0 No. Gates = No. Transistors/3.0 5-1 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-ZL7F RE W 9997970 00707115 T W MIL-HDBK-21I F 5.0 MICROCIRCUITS, INTRODUCTION A detailed form of the Section 5.3 VHSICNHSIC-Like model is included as Appendix B to allow more detailed trade-offs to be performed. Reference 30 should be consultedfor more information about this model. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Reference 32 should be consulted for more information about the models appearing in Sections5.1, 5.2, 5.4,5.5, and 5.6. Reference 13 should be consulted for additional information on Section 5.7. Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. NIL-HDBK-~IJ~F C H G NOTICE 2 = 9999970 OL9703Y 165 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 5.1 MICROCIRCUITS, GATE/LOGIC ARRAYS AND MICROPROCESSORS DESCRIPTION 1. Bipolar Devices, Digital and Linear Gate/Logic Arrays 2. MOS Devices, Digital and Linear Gate/Logic Arrays 3. Field ProgrammableLogicArray(PLA)and Programmable Array Logic (PAL) 4. Microprocessors h = ( C 1 q + C27tE) X Q ~ LFailures/lO 6 Hours P - r- Digital and Linear Gate/Logic Array Die Complexity Failure Rate Cl Digital No. Gates 1 101 1,001 3,001 10,001 30,001 C1 to 100 t o 1,000 t o 3,000 t o 10,000 t o 30,000 t o 60,000 .o025 .O050 .o1 o .o20 Linear No. Transistors 1 101 301 1,001 to 100 to 300 t o 1,000 t o 10,000 PLA/PAL No. Gates C1 .o1 o .o20 C1 .o1o .o2 1 ,042 u p to 200 201 to 1,000 1,001 to 5,000 .O40 .O60 .O40 .O80 - MOS Linear and Digital Gate/Logic Array Die Complexity Failure Rate Cl* Digital No. Gates C1 .o1 o .o20 100 1 to 101 t o 1,000 1,001 t o 3,000 3,001 t o 10,000 10,001 t o 30,000 t o 60,000 .O40 .O80 Linear No. Transistors 1 101 301 1,001 to 100 to 300 t o 1,000 t o 10,000 PLA/PAL No. Gates C1 Up to 500 501 to 1,000 2,001 to 5,000 5,001 to 20,000 .o10 .o20 ,040 .O60 C1 .O0085 .O017 .0034 .0068 .16 .2930,001 *NOTE: For CMOS gate counts above 60,000 use the VHSICNHSIC-Like model in Section 5.3 All Other Model Parameters Parameter Refer to MicroDrocessor Die Complexity Failure Rate - Cl Bipolar No. Bits MOS C1 Up to 8 .O60 .14 c2 Up to 16 .12 .28 XE, ~ Up to 32 .56 Section 5.9 Q I XL Section 5.1 O .24 Supersedes page 5-3 of Revision F Document provided by IHS. Section 5.8 C1 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 5-3 MIL-HDBK-217F = 9999970 0397035 CHG N O T I C E 2 OT3 M MIL-HDBK-217F 5.2 MICROCIRCUITS, MEMORIES DESCRIPTION ReadOnlyMemories(ROM) Programmable Read Only Memories (PROM) UltravioletEraseablePROMs(UVEPROM) "Flash,"MNOSandFloatingGate Electrically EraseablePROMs(EEPROM).Includes both floating gate tunnel oxide (FLOTOX) and textured polysilicon type EEPROMs 5. StaticRandomAccessMemories (SRAM) 6. Dynamic Random Access Memories (DRAM) 1. 2. 3. 4. hp = (C1 XT + C2 X E + hcyc) XQ XL Failures/106 Hours Die Complexity Failure Rate- C, MOS Memory Size, B (Bits) ROM PROM, UVEPROM, EEPROM, EAPROM DRAM ROM, SRAM PROM 3 .O0085 .O078 .O01 .O094 .O052 .O025 .O01 .O1 6 .o1 9 .o1 1 .O050 .O38 .O31 .o21 .o1 o .O42 .O75 .O62 .O0065 .o01 3 7 .O026 64K .O034 .O052 256K .O068 Up to 16K 16K < B 5 64K < B S 256K cBI1M Bipolar SRAM (MOS & BiMOS) I A2 Factor for hcyc Calculation Total No. of Programming Cycles Textured-Poly A2 Over EEPROM Life, C A, Factor for kc c Calculation Total No. of Programming Cycles Over EEPROMLife, C T+ Flotoxl TexturedPoly2 .O0070 .O01 4 .O034 .O068 .o20 .O49 .1o .14 .20 .68 1.3 2.7 3.4 .O097 .O1 4 .O23 .O33 .O61 .14 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 Up to 300K u p to 100 100 c c 5 200 200 < C S 500 500cC51K 1K<C13K 3K c C S 7K 7K<CI15K 15K C 5 20K 20K c C I 30K 30K C 5 100K lOOK < C S 200K 200K C 5 400K 400K < C I500K (C) 1. A, = 6.817 X 2. No underlying equation for TexturedPoly. O 300K < C S 400K 1.1 400K c C I500K 2.3 All Other Model Parameters Parameter I Refer to I I 1 1 *T XE, XQI XL hcyc(EEPROMS only) hcyc= O I Section 5.8 Section 5.9 Section 5.1O Page 5-5 For all otherdevices 5-4 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 1 MIL-HDBK-217F CHG NOTICE 2 9999970 Ol19703b T38 W MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 5.2 MICROCIRCUITS, MEMORIES - EEPROM ReadlWrite Cycling Induced Failure Rate kYc I - k y c=O All Memory Devices Except Flotox and Textured-Poly EEPROMs Flotox and Textured Poly EEPROMs A1 B1 A2 B2 &=[AI Flotox Page 5-4 Page 5-6 Az=O BZ=O Section 5.10 B1 + ed-Pdy Page 5-4 Page 5-6 Page 5-5 Page 5-6 Section 5.10 Error Correction Code (ECC) Options: 1. No On-Chip ECC 2. On-Chip Hamming Code 3. Two-Needs-One Redundant Cell Approach NOTES: i . See Reference24 for modelingoff-chip error detection and correction schemes at the memory system level. 2. If EEPROM type is unknown, assume Flotox. 3. Error Correction Code Options:Some EEPROM manufacturers have incorporated on-chip error correction circuitry into their EEPROM devices. This is representedb) the on-chip hamming codeentry. Other manufacturers havetaken a redundantcell in every memory cell. This approach which incorporates an extra storage transistor is represented by the two-needs-one redundantcell entry. 4. The Ai and A2 factors shownin Section 5.2 were developed based on an assumec system life of 10,000 operating hours. For EEPROMs used in systems with significantly longer or shorter expected lifetimes the Al and A2 factors should be multiplied by: System Lifetime Operating Hours 10,000 page Supersedes Document provided by IHS. 5-5 of Revision F 5-5 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-2L7F CHG NOTICE 2 = 9999970 0397037 974 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 5.2 MICROCIRCUITS, MEMORIES lY - --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- c 5-6 Document provided by IHS. Supersedes page 5-6 of Revision F Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. L MIL-HDBK-ZL7F NOTICE RE 9999970 007bOq3 T MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 1 5.3 MICROCIRCUITS, VHSICNHSIC-LIKE AND VLSl CMOS DESCRIPTION CMOS greater than60,000 gates Die Base Failure Rate- I Part Type All Other Model Parameters i Refer to Parameter ] Logic and Custom Gate Array and Memory Section 5.8 Section 5.10 %T 0.16 0.24 "Es Package Type Correction Factor- npT 55 2.0 QML or QPL Non QMLor Non QPL * I 1 1 Packane Type (Microns) .8O 1.o0 I xCD= I ((-&) (e- I I i:! I Pin Grid Array Chip Carrier (Surface Mount Technolo nv) DIP 2.2 4.7 1,O Die Area (cm2) . 7 c A <1I . O c A S22..00< A I 3 . 0 19 13 8.2 16 A I .4 8.0 5.2 3.5 1.25 .4 c A I .7 14 8.9 5.8 (.64))+ .36 A Total Scribed Chip Die Areaincm2 58 37 24 38 25 X, = Feature Size(microns) P I Die AreaConversion:cm2 = MIL2 f 155,000 - ARP Package Base Failure Rate W . Number of Pins 24 28 40 44 48 52 64 84 120 124 144 'B P ,0026 ,0027 .O029 .O030 ,0030 .O031 ,0033 .O036 .O043 ,0043 .O047 ,0060 1 1 Die Complexity Correction Factor - ICCD Feature Size ZPT . . Hermetic I Nonhermetic - ElectricalOverstress Failure Rate Acne LUV VTH (ESD Susceptibility (Volts))* AEOS 0 - 1000 .065 > 1000 - 2000 .053 - > 2000 4000 .044 > 4000 - 16000 VTH = ESD Susceptibility (volts) Number of Package Pins Supersedes page 5-7of Revision F Document provided by IHS. 5-7 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- - Manufacturing Process Correction Factor ZMFG Manufacturing Process I ~MFG ~ flIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE I RE ~ _ _ _ _ _ ~ 9799970 0 0 7 6 0 9 4 1 MIL-HDBK-217F 5.4 MICROCIRCUITS,GaAsMMlC AND DIGITALDEVICES DESCRIPTION Gallium Arsenide Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit (GaAsMMIC) and GaAs Digital Integrated Circuitsusing MESFET Transistors andGold Based Metallization --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- M:Die Complexity Failure Rates Complexity (No. of Elements) - Cl Device Application Factor ITA I C1 Application MMlC Devices Low Noise & Low Power (I 100 mW) Driver & High Power (> 100 mW) Unknown 1 to 100 1 . Cl accounts for the following active elements: transistors, diodes. Digital Devices Applications DigitalAll U:Die Complexity Failure Rates Complexity 1.o Cl Cl (No. of Elements) All Other Model Parameters I Refer to Parameter 1 to 1000 1. Cl accounts for the following active elements: transistors, diodes. KT Section 5.8 c2 Section 5.9 XE, XLI XQ Section 5.1 O 5-8 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 5.5 MICROCIRCUITS, HYBRIDS DESCRIPTION Hybrid Microcircuits ,X, = [ Z Nc kc J (1 + .2 K E ) KF KQ ‘tL Failures/l O6 HOUE Nc = LC = Number of Each Particular Component Failure Rateof Each Particular Component The general procedure for developing an overall hybrid failure rate is to calculate an individual failure rate for each component type used in the hybrid and then sum them. This summation is then modified to account for the overall hybrid function (zF), screening level (W),and maturity (xL). The hybrid package failure rate is a function of the active component failure modified by the environmental factor(¡.e., (1 + .2 zE) ). Only the component types listed in the following table are considered to contribute significantly to the overall failure rate of most hybrids. All other component types (e.g., resistors, inductors, etc.) are to have a failure considered to contribute insignificantlyto the overall hybrid failure rate, and are assumed rate of zero. This simplification is valid for most hybrids; however,if the hybrid consistsof mostly passive components then a failure rate should be calculated for these devices. If factoring in other component types, assume KQ = 1, X;E=1 andTA = Hybrid Case Temperaturefor these calculations. Determination of h,Make These Assumptions When Determining Handbook Section Determine LCfor These Component Types AC Microcircuits 5 C2 = O, KQ = 1, ZL = 1, TJ as Determined from = O (for VHSIC). Section 5.12, Discrete Semiconductors 6 ZQ = 1, xA = 1, TJ as Determined from Section 6.14, ICE= 1. 10 Capacitors XQ = 1, TA = Hybrid Case Temperature, np= I NOTE: 1. If maximum rated stress fora die is unknown, assume the same as for a discretely package die of the same type. If the same die has several ratings based on the discrete packaged type, assume the lowest rating. Power ratingused should be basedon case temperature for discrete semiconductors. Circuit Function Factor- nF Circuit Type “F Digital 1.o Video, 10 MHz c f c 1 GHz 1.2 f > 1 GHz Linear, f c 10 MHz Power 5.10 Refer to Section 2.6 Microwave, 5.8 21 Supersedes page 5-9 of Revision F, Notice 1 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 5-9 CHG N O T I C E 2 flIL-HDBK-2L7F rn q q q q q 7 0 0397039 7 4 7 MIL-HDBK-217F 5.6 MICROCIRCUITS, SAW DEVICES DESCRIPTION 'SurfaceAcoustic Wave Devices A., = 2.1 ZQ XE FailuresllO6 Hours Environmental Factor - TCQ Screening Level "Q 1O Temperature Cycles (-55°C to +125"C) with end point electrical tests at temperature extremes. .1o None beyond best commerical practices. 1 .o E Environment "E GB .5 GF 2.0 GM 4.0 NS 4 .O NU 6.0 AIC 4.0 AIF AUC 5 .O 5 .O AUF 8 .O ARW 8 .O .50 SF 5 .O MF ML 12 CL 220 5-1O Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- - Quality Factor MIL-HDBK-217F 5.7 MEMORIES MICROCIRCUITS, MAGNETIC BUBBLE --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- The magnetic bubble memory device in its present form is a non-hermetic assembly consisting of the following two major structural segments: 1. A basic bubble chip or die consisting of memory or a storage area (e.g., an array of minor loops), and required control and detection elements (e.g., generators, various gates and detectors). 2. A magnetic structure to provide controlled magnetic fields consisting of permanent magnets, coils, and a housing. These two structural segments of the device are interconnected by a mechanical substrate and lead frame. The interconnect substrate in the present technology is normally a printed circuit board. It should be noted that this model does not include external support microelectronic devices requiredfor magnetic bubble memory operation. The model is based on Reference 33. The general form of the failure rate model is: hp = hl + h2 Failures/106 Hours where: X, = Failure Rate of the Control and Detection Structure h, = Failure Rateof the Memory Storage Area I - Chips Per Package NC I NC = Number of BubbleChips per Packaged Device I - C11 = .00095(N1).40 C21 = .0001(N1)*226 N1 Number of DissipativeElements on aChip (gates, detectors, 1000 generators, etc.), N1 I I I Temperature Factor- "T Document provided by IHS. 1 Device Complexity Failure Rates for Control and Detection Structure C, .I and Ca, Use: Ea = .8 to Calculate Ea = 55 to Calculate nT2 TJ = = JunctionTemperature (OC), 25 I T J I 1 7 5 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. - MIL-HDBK-217F N O T I C E I RE ~____ 7777970 0076078 7 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 1 MICROCIRCUIT, MAGNETIC BUBBLE MEMORIES Write Duty Cycle Factor- nW Device Complexity Failure Rates for Memory Storage Structure- C12 and CZ2 1. OD ” “W = - “W = 1 D = Avq. Device Data Rate “ Mfg. Max. Rated Data Rate WW = ( R N ).3 C12 = .00007(N2)*3 c22 = .00001(~~)~3 N2 Number of Bits, N2 I 9 x for D I.O3or R/W 2 2154 NOTE: For seed-bubble generators, divide nw by 4, or use 1, whicheveris Ireater. 5-12 Document provided by IHS. Avg. Device Data Rate Mfg. Max. Rated Data Rate I I Duty Cycle Factor- “D = lo6 All Other Model Parameters Parameter Section c2 D = No. of ReadsperWrite 5.9 5.10 I, Supersedes page 5-12 of Revision F Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 5.7 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 1 5.8 0 1 I I I I I MICROCIRCUITS, KT TABLE FOR ALL Supersedes page 5-13 of Revision F 5-13 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. -~ UIL-HDBK-ZL7F N O T I C E L RE ~~~ 9799970 0 0 7 b L O O 3 MIL-HDBK-217F 5.9 MICROCIRCUITS, Cp TABLE FOR ALL Package Failure Rate for all Microcircuits - c2 .O0092 .O013 ,0019 ,0026 ,0034 .O041 .O048 .O056 .O064 ,0079 .O087 .o1o .O13 .O 15 .O25 .O32 .O53 .O76 .O97 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 22 24 28 36 40 64 80 128 180 224 .O0047 .O0073 .O013 ,0021 .O029 .O038 .O048 .O059 .O071 .O096 .o 1 1 .O14 .o20 .O24 .O48 .o0022 .O0037 .O0078 .O013 .o020 .O028 .O037 .O047 .O058 .O083 .O098 i cans4 Nonhermetic: DIPS, PGA, SMT (Leaded and N~nleaded)~ i .O0027 .O0049 .o01 1 ,0020 .O031 .O044 ,0060 .O079 .o01 2 .O01 6 .0025 .0034 .0043 ,0053 .0062 ,0072 .0082 .o1 o .o1 1 .O13 .O17 ,019 .032 .041 .068 .098 .i2 NOTES: 1. SMT: Surface MountTechnology 2. DIP: Dualln-LinePackage 3. If DIP Seal type is unknown, assume glass 4. The package failure rate (C2) accounts for failures associated only withthe package itself. to a circuit board are accountedfor in Failures associatedwith mounting the package Section 16, Interconnection Assemblies. 5-14 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Number of Functional Pins, Np Package Type Hermetic: DlPs I w/Solder or Weld Seal, Pin DlPs with Glass Flatpacks with Grid Array Axial Leads on Seal2 150 Mil Centers3 ( P G A ) ~SMT , (Leaded and Nonleaded) MIL-HDBK-217F RE 9999970 0070728 8 MIL-HDBK-217F 5.10 MICROCIRCUITS, ZE, AL AND Environment Factor- ICE Environment .F "E 50 2.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 8.0 8.0 SO. 5.0 12 220 GM NS NU AIC AIF AUC *U.F . ARW SF MF ML CL .. I nL = .O1 exp(5.35 - ,35Y) - zc "L 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.2 I 1 .o "Q Glass S Cateaories: 1: Procured in full accordance O, Class S with MIL-M-3851 requirements. 2. Procured in full accordance with MIL-1-38535 and Appendix B thereto (Class U). .25 Class R Cateaories; 1. Procuredin full accordance with MIL-M-38510, ClassB requirements. 1.o 3.Hybrids:Procured to Class B requirements (Quality Level H) of M1L.H-38534. I - Y = Years generic devicetype has been in production I Quality Factors Description 2.Procured in full accordance with MIL-1-38535, (ClassQ). I ~..1 I TABLES FOR ALL 3.Hybrids:(Procured to Class S requirements (Quality Level K) of MIL-H-38534. - Learning Factor "L Years in Production, Y .5 1 .o 1.5 2 2.0 ZQ 1 Glass ß-1 CategpIy; Fully compliant with all requirements of paragraph 1.2.1 of MIL-STD-883 and procuredto a or MIL drawing, DESC drawing other government approved documentation. (Does not include hybrids), For hybrids use custom screening section below. 2.0 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 5-15 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F RE 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 0070729 T . MIL-HDBK-217F MICROCIRCUITS, ZE,ZL AND 5.10 ZQ TABLES FORALL --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- m Qualii Factors (cont'd): len Calculation for Custom Screening Pro! Group 1. 2' 3 s Point Valuation ior Hybrids) (FinalElect&als @ Temp Extremes) and TM1014 (Seal Test,Cond A, B, or C) and TM 2009 (Extemal Visual) TM 101O (Temwrature Cycle, Cond B Minimum) or TM 2001 (Constant' Acceleration,Cond B Minimum) TM 5004 (or 5008 for Hybrids) (Final Electricals @ Temp Extremes) and TM 1014 (Seal Test, CondA, B, or C) and TM2009 (External Visual) Pre-Bum in Electricals TM 1015 (Burn-in B-LeveVS-Level) and TM 5004 (of 5008 for Hybrids) (Post Bum-in Electricals @ Temp Extremes) 50 TM 2820 Pind(ParticleImpactNoiseDetection) 11 . 37 36 6 TM 2010/17 (InternalVisual) 7 7. TM 1014 (Seal Test, Cond A, B, or C) 7 TM 2012 (Radiography) 7 TM 2009 (ExtemalVisual) 7 10 TM 5007/5013 (GaAs) (Wafer Acceptance) 1 11 TM 2023 (Non-Destructive Bond Pull) 1 . (Note 1) 11 TM 5004 (or 5008 for Hybrids) (Final Electncals @ Temperature Extremes) ZQ=2+ Level) (B (S Level) 30 (Note 2) (Note 2) 89 Point Valuations 'NOT APPROPRIATE FOR PLASTIC PARTS. NOTES: 1 . Point valuation only assigned if used independent of Groups 1, 2 or 3. 2. Point valuation only assigned if used independentof Groups 1 or 2. 3. Sequencing of tests within groups1, 2 and 3 must be followed. 4. TM refers to the MIL-STD-883 Test Method. 5. Nonhermetic parts shouldbe used only in controlled environments(Le., GB and other temperature/humidity controlled environments). EXAMPLES: 87 + 50+30 1. Mfg. performs Group 1 test and Class B bum-in: 2. Mfg.performsinternalvisualtest,sealtestandfinalelectricaltest: XQ =2 = 3.1 RQ = 2 + 87 7+7+1 = 5.5 I Other Commercialor Unknown Screening Levels I ZQ = 10 5-16 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. r ’ MIL-HDBK-217F RE m 9999970 0070730 b m MIL-HDBK-217F MICROCIRCUITS, TJ DETERMINATION, (ALL EXCEPT HYBRIDS) 5.11 Ideally, device case temperatures should be determined from a detailed thermal analysis of the equipment. Device junction temperatureis then calculated with the following relationship: TJ = Worst CaseJunctionTemperature(“C). TC = Case Temperature (“C). If not available, use the following default table. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Defautt Case Temperature(Tc) for all Environments I Tc(OC) I 35 = 45 Dual-ln-Line Flat Package Chip Carrier Pin GridArray Can Document provided by IHS. = I 45 50 I 60 60 75 75 60 I 35 50 60 45 Junctionto-case thermalresistawe (OCrWatt) for a device soldered into a printed circuit board. If eJJc is pot available, use a value contained in a specification for the closest equivalent deviceor use .the following table. Package Type (Ceramic Only) P 50 Die Area> 14,400 mi12 eJC (W 11 10 10 10 - . 28 22 26 20 70 The maximum power dissipation realized in a system application. If the applied power is not available, use the maximum power dissipation from the specification for the closest equivalent device. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. I MIL-HDBK-237F R E m 9999970 0070733 B m MIL-HDBK-217F 5.12 MICROCIRCUITS, TJ DETERMINATION, (FOR HYBRIDS) This section describes a method for estimating junction temperature (TJ) for integrated circuit dice mounted in ahybrid package. A hybrid is normally made up of oneor more substrate assemblies mounted or thin within a sealed package. Each substrate assembly consists of active and passive chips with thick film metallization mountedon the substrate, which in turn may have multiple layers of metallization and dielectric on the surface. Figure substrate.The 5-1 is a cross-sectional view of a hybrid -with a single multi-layered layers within the hybrid aremade up of various materials with different thermal characteristics. The table following Figure 5-1 provides a list of commonly used hybrid materials with typical thicknesses and corresponding thermal conductivities (K). If the hybrid internal structure cannot be . determined, use the following default values for the temperature rise from case to junction: microcircuits, 10°C;transistors, 25°C; diodes, 20°C. Assume capacitors areBt Tc. CHIP (A) --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- SUBSTRATE (D) PACKAGE CASE (F) Figure' 5-1: Cross-sectional View of a Hybrld with a Slngle Multl-Layered Substrate c Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. M I L - H D B K - ~ I I ~ FN O T I C E II RE m 9 9 9 7 9 7 0 007bLOL 5 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 1 Typical Hy! id Characteri CS Thermal Conductivity, Material Typical Usage Typical Thickness, Li (in.) Feature From Figure 5-1 Ki (%) lin* WW) 2.20 ,0045 Silicon Chip Device 0.01 o A GaAs Chip Device 0.0070 A Au Eutectic Chip Attach 0.0001 B 6.9 .o00014 Solder Chip/Substrate Attach 0.0030 B/E 1.3 .O023 Epoxy (Dielectric) Chip/Substrate Attach O. 0035 B/E Epoxy (Conductive) Chip Attach 0.0035 Thick Film Dielectric Glass Insulating Layer Alumina .76 .O092 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- .O060 ,58 B -15 .O23 0.0030 C .66 .O045 Substrate, MHP 0.025 D .64 ,039 Beryllium Oxide Substrate, PHP 0.025 D Kovar Case, MHP 0.020 F Aluminum Case, MHP 0.020 F 4.6 .O043 Copper Case, PHP 0.020 F 9.9 ,0020 .42 .O038 .O48 P NOTE: MHP: Multichip Hybrid Package, PHP: Power Hybrid Package (Pwr: TC 2 2W, Typically) n P Number of Material Layers Ki = ThermalConductivity of thMaterial Li = Thickness of thMaterial(in)(UserProvided or FromTable) A = Die Area (in2). If Die Area cannot be readily determined, estimate as follows: A = [ ,00278 (No.of Die Active Wire Terminals)+ .041q2 (E) (UserProvided or FromTable) = Hybrid Case Temperature (OC). If unknown, use the TC Defautt Table shown in Section 5.1 1. 8JC = Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance (“Cm PD = DiePowerDissipation (W) Supersedes page Document provided by IHS. 6.6 (As determined above) 5-19 of Revision F 5-19 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. - ~~ MIL-HDBK-ZL7F ~ " % N O T I C E L RE 9977970 0076102 7 MIL-HDBK-217F 5.13 MICROCIRCUITS, EXAMPLES Example 1: CMOS DlgltalGateArray Given: A CMOS digital timing chip (4046) in an airborne inhabited cargo application, case temperature 48OC, 75mW power dissipation. The device is procured with normal manufacturer's screening consisting of temperature cycling, constant acceleration, electrical testing, seal test and external visual inspection, in the sequence given. The component manufacturer also performs a B-level to the applicable MILburn-in followed by electrical testing. All screens and tests are performed STD-883 screening method. The packageis a 24 pin ceramic DIP with a glass seal. The device has been manufacturedfor several years and has 1000 transistors. c, = .o20 1O00 Transistors = 250 Gates, MOSC, Table, Digital Column "T = .29 Determine TJ from Section 5.11 TJ = 48OC + (28"C/W)( .075W)= 50°C Determine "T from Section 5.8, DigitalMOS Column. Section 5.9 Section 5.1 O Group 1 Tests Group 3 Tests (B-level) TOTAL 50 Points aQedm 80 Points 87 I C Q = ~ + - = 3.1 80 "L = Section 5.1O 1 hp = [ (.020)(.29) + (.Oll) (4)] (3.1)(1) = .15 Failure/106 Hours Example 2: Given: EEPROM A 128K Flotox EEPROM that is expected to have aTJ of 80°C andexperience 10,000 read/write cycles over the life of the system. The part is procured to all requirements of in Paragraph 1.2.1, MIL-STD-883,Class B screeninglevelrequirementsandhasbeen production for three years. It is packaged in a 28 pin DIP with a glass sealand will be usedin an airborne uninhabited cargo application. tcp = (C1 XT + C2 XE + Awe) C1 XT C2 = = =: .O034 3.8 .O14 XL Section 5.2 5.2 Section Section 5.8 Section 5.9 5-20 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Section 5.10 . . MIL-HDBK-217F 5.13 ICE ' = "L Section 5.1 O Section 5.10 Section 5.10 Section 5.2: 5.0 2.0 1.0 .38 "Q = hcyc = MICROCIRCUITS, EXAMPLES = B2 = O for Flotox Assume NO ECC, XECC = 1 Al ='.1 , 7K IC 5 15K Entry i at bottom of B1 and B2 Table) B1 = 3.8 (Use Equation Acvc A1B1(.1)(3.8) = .38 3p = [ (.0034)(3.8) + (.014)(5.0) + .38] (2.0)(1) = .93 Failures/106 Hours Example 3: GaAs MMlC A MA4GM212 Single Pole Double Throw Switch, DC - 12 GHz, 4 transistors, 4 inductors, 8 resistors, maximum input PD = 30 dbrn, 16 pin hermetic flatpack, maximum TCH = 145OC in a ground benign environment. The part has been manufactured for 1 year and is screenedto Paragraph 1.2.1 of MIL-STD-883, Class B equivalent screen. % = [ C1n-p~+ C p E I X L ~ Q ' c1 = 4.5 XT = = .O61 3.0 .O047 .50 1.5 2.0 "A C2 S. 'FE = "L = KQ = %= [(4.5)(.061)(3.0) Section 5.4 Section 5.4, MMlC Table, 4 Active Elements (See Footnote to Table) Section 5.8, TJ= TCH = 145°C Section 5.4, Unknown Application Section 5.9 Section 5.1 O Section 5.1 O Section 5.10 + (.0047)(.5)] (1.5)(2.0) = 2.5 Failures/106 Hours NOTE: The passive elements are assumed to contribute negligiblyto the overall device failure rate. Example 4: Given: Hybrid A linear multichip hybrid driverin a hermetically sealed Kovar package. The substrate is alumina and there are two thick film dielectric layers. The die and substrate attach materials are conductive epoxy and solder, respectively. The application environment is naval unsheltered, in production for overtwo years. The device is 65OC case temperature and the device has been 5-21 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Given: MIL-HDBK-217F MICROCIRCUITS, EXAMPLES 5.13 screened to MIL-STD-883, Method5808, in accordance with TableVIII, Class B requirements. The hybrid contains the following components: Active Components: --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 1. 1 1 2 2 2 Passive Components: 2 17 . - - - LM106 BipolarComparator/BufferDie (13 Transistors) LM741ABipolarOperationalAmplifierDie (24 Transistors) Si NPN Transistor Si PNP Transistor Si General PurposeDiodes Ceramic Chip Capacitors Thick Film Resistors Estimate Active Device Junction Temperatures If limited informationis available on the specific hybrid materials and'construction characteristics in the introductionto Section 5.12 can be the default case-to-junction temperature rises shown used. When detailed information becomes available the following Section 5.12 procedure should be used to determine the junction-to-case(eJC) thermal resistance and TJ values for . each component. (Equation 1) Layer Figure 5-1 Feature Silicon Chip A Conductive Epoxy B Two Dielectric Layers .O045 ' .O23 = (2)(.0045) C .o09 Alumina Substrate D ,039 Solder Substrate Attachment E .O023 Kovar Case F 948 .1258 A = TJ = Document provided by IHS. Die Area = [ .O0278 (No, Die Active Wire Terminals) TC+~JCPD + .O4172 (Equation 2) (Equation 3) Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 5.13 No. of Pins MICROCIRCUITS, EXAMPLES LM 106 LM741A Si NPN Si PNP Si Diode 8 14 3 3 2 Source Vendor Spec. Sheet Power Dissipation, (W) .33 .35 .6 .6 .42 Circuit Analysis Area of Chip (in.2) .O041 .O065 .O025 .O025 .o022 Equ. 2 Above eJC rCw TJ ("c) 2. 30.8 19.4 50.3 50.3 56.3 Equ. 1 Above 75 72 95 95 89 Equ. 3 Above CalculateFailureRatesforEachComponent: A) LM1 06 Die,13 Transistors (from Vendor Spec. Sheet) X T +% c 2=X [ cE1l X Q n L Section 5.1 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Because C2 = O; hp = C1 XTZQ XL = XT: Section 5.8; X Q , XL Default to 1.O (.01)(3.8)(1)(1) = .O38Failures/106Hours B) LM741 Die, 23 Transistors. Use Same Procedure as Above. kp = Cl XTXQ XL = (.01)(3,1)(1)(1) = .O31 Failures/106 Hours C) Silicon NPN Transistor, Rated Power = 5W (From Vendor Spec. Sheet),VCENCEO = .6, Linear Application hp = % P T ~ A X R ZSXQXE Section 6.3; = (.00074)(3.9)(1.0)(1.8)(.29)(1)(1) = .O015 Failures/106 Hours XA, X Q , XE DefauR to 1.O D) Silicon PNP Transistor, Same as C. Xp = .O015Failures/106Hours E) Silicon General Purpose Diode (Analog), Voltage Stress= 60%, Metallurgically Bonded Construction. hp = = = V T X S xc XQXE Section 6.1 : XQ, XE Default to Supersedes page 5-23of Revision F Document provided by IHS. 1.O (.0038)(6.3)(.29)(1)(1)(1) .O069Failures/106Hours 5-23 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. VIL-HDBK-217F 9997970 OL7704L 3T5 CHG N O T I C E 2 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 5.13 MICROCIRCUITS, EXAMPLES F) Ceramic Chip Capacitor, Voltage Stress = 50°/0, TA = TCASE forthe Hybrid, 1340 pF, 125°C Rated Temp. Ap hbXCVRQ5CE (.0028)(1.4)(1)(1) .O039 Failures/106Hours = = = Section 1O. 11; K Q , ICEDefault to 1.O G) Thick Film Resistors, per instructionsin Section 5.5, the contribution of these devices is considered insignificant relativeto the overall hybrid failure rate and they may be ignored. Section 5.10 Section 5.5 Section 5.10 Section 5.1 O Ap = [ (1)(.038) + (1)(.031) + (2) (.0015) + (2)(.0015) + (2)(.0069) + (2)(.0039)](1 + hp = .2(6.0)) (5.8)(1)(1) 1.2 Failures/l O6 Hours Supersedes page 5-24of Revision F 5-24 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F 6. O DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS, INTRODUCTION The semiconductor transistor, diode and opto-electronic device sections present the failure rates on the basisof device type and construction. An analytical model of the failure rate is also presentedfor each device category. The various types of discrete semiconductor devices require different failure rate models that vary to some degree. The models apply to single devices unless otherwise noted. For multiple devices ina single package the hybrid modelin Section 5.5 should be used. The applicable MIL specification for transistors, and optoelectronic devices is MIL-S-19500. The quality levels (JAN, JANTX, JANTXV) are as defined in MIL-S-19500. The temperature factor (ET) is based on the device junction temperature. Junction temperature should be computed based on worse case power (or maximum power dissipation) and the device junction to case thermal resistance. Determinationof junction temperatures is explainedin Section 6.14. Reference 28 should be consulted for further detailed information on the models appearing in this section. 6- 1 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-237F C H G N O T I C E 2 H 9799970 0397043 37B MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 6.1 DIODES, LOW FREQUENCY SPECIFICATION MIL-S-19500 DESCRIPTION Low Frequency Diodes: General Purpose Analog, Switching, Fast Recovery, Power Rectifier, Transient Suppressor, Current Regulator, Voltage Regulator, Voltage Reference h, = hbn Tn Sn Cn Qn E Failuredl O6 Hours r Base Failure RateDiode Type/Application Temperature Factor - 9 I (Voltage Regulator,Voltage Reference, and CurrentRegulator) ‘b 1 .O038 ,0010 .O25 General Purpose Analog Switching Fast Recovery Power Rectifier Power Rectifier/Schottky Power Diode Power Rectifierwith High Voltage Stacks Transient SuppressorNaristor Current Regulator Voltage Regulator and Voltage Reference (Avalanche and Zener) .O0501 Junction .O013 .O034 ,0020 Temperature Factor - zT (General Purpose Anak , Switching, Fast Recovery, PC mient supe ssor) TJ (“c) zT T J (“C) nT 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 1 75 9.0 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 20 21 23 25 28 30 1.o 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.9 4.4 5.0 5.7 6.4 7.2 8.0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 ao a5 90 95 1O0 = TJ = 3091 ( 1 TJ + 273 - 1.o 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.7 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 1O0 .O030 -I J =T = TJ (“c) 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.4 6.7 7.1 7.5 7.9 8.3 8.7 JunctionTemperature (“C) L 32 1 ) E) JunctionTemperature (“C) I 6-2 Document provided by IHS. Supersedes page 6-2 of Revision F --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 1 - MIL-HDBK-217F RE 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 0070740 9 MIL-HDBK-217F DIODES, LOW FREQUENCY 6.1 r - Quality Factor- x ElectricalStress Factor xs Stress "S " Transient Suppressor, Voltage Regulator, Voltage Reference, Current Regulator 1.o --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- All Others: V, 5 .30. .3 e V, 5 .40 .4 V, 5 .50 .5 e V, 5.60 .6 V, 5 .70 .7 v, 5 .ao .8 c v, 5.90 .9<vs51.00 0.054 0.1 1 0.19 O .29 O .42 0.58 0.77 1.o Quality "Q JANTXV 0.7 JANTX 1 .o JAN 2.4 Lower 5.5 Plastic 8.0 Environment Factor- zc .Environment KE 1 .o 1 L 6.0 For All Except Transient Suppressor, Voltage Regulator, Voltage Reference, or Current Regulator zS = .O54 "s = v, 2.43 (V, I.3) (.3¿ V, = Voltage Stress Ratio = ..vss 1) Voltage Applied Voltage Rated Voltage is Diode Reverse Voltage . GM 9.0 9.0 NS NU 19 AIC 13 AIF 29 AUC ' 20 .AUF- 43 ARW 24 .50 SF I - Contact Consttuction Factor Contact Construction ! Metallurgically Bonded Non-Metallurgically Bonded and1 Spring Loaded Contacts v "C MF 14 ML 32 CL 320 i: 6-3 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. DIODES, HIGH FREQUENCY (MICROWAVE, 6.2 RF) --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- . DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION MIL-S-19500 Si IMPATT;Bulk Effect, Gunn; Tunnel, Back: Mixer, Detector, PIN, Schottky: Varactor, Step Recovery Failures/l O6 Hours Base Failure Rate - I Diode Si IMPAlT (I 35 GHz) . Gunn/Bulk Effect Tunnel and Back (Including Mixers, Detectors) .22 .i8 .O023 .O081 PIN Schottky Barrier (Including Detectors) and Øoint Contact (200 MHz s Frequency I 35 GHz) Varactor and StepRecovery TJ Cc) 70 75 80 85 90 95 1O0 - 1.o 1.l 1.3 1.4 . 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.1 .O27 .O025 . 2100 ( 1.3 1.8 2.3 3.0 3.9 5.0 6.4 ao a5 90 95 1O0 4.4 4.8 5.1 5.5 5.9 6.3 6.7 7.1 7.6 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10 11 - 10 13 16 19 24 29 35 ‘ 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 . 1 75 . 42 50. 60 71 a4 99 120 140 160 1ao 21o 250 280 320 370 1 , ‘T TJ e x p [ 5 2 6T0J( + ! 2 7 3 - K ) ) = JunctionTemperature (“C) Application Factor Application Diodes Control Voltage Varactor, Diodes All Other 1 TJ + 273 1.o 8.1 Multiplier Varactor, 1 T‘ 105 110 . 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 1 70 1 75 25 30 35 40 45 50 .55 60 .65 70 75 ’ Temperature Factor - zT [All Types Ex pt I M P A T TJ (“c) ’LT 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 TJ = TJ (“c) Temperature Factor- ”T (IMF 1 TJ (“c) 7ct T‘ - ICA __ “A .50 2.5 1.o E)) JunctionTemperature (“C) 6-4 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. ’ . RE M 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 0070742 2 M MIL-HDBK-217F . . : MI-HDBK-217F 6.2 DIODES, HIGH FREQUENCY (MICROWAVE, RF) - Quality Factor “Q Power Rating Rated Power, Pr (Watts) PIN Diodes Pr I 10 “R Quality’ .50 JANTXV 10 < Pr I 100 1.3 100 < Pr S 1000 2.0 1000 < Pr 9 3000 2.4 1.o All Other Diodes PIN Diodes K R = .326 &Pr) All Other Diodes nR 5: (Schot - .25 1 .O r) W .50 JANTX 1.o JAN 1.a Lower 2.5 Plastic - For high frequency part classes not specified to MIL-S-19500 equipment quality classes are defined as devices meeting the same requirements as MIL-S-19500. - - (All Types Except Sch, ky) Quality “Q JANTXV .50 . 1.o JANTX 5.0 JAN Environment Factor Environment GB 1.o GF 2.0 GM 5.0 NS 4.0 NU 11 Lower 25 AIC 4.0 Plastic 50 *IF 5.0 AUC ?.O For high frequency patt classes not specified to MIL-S-19500 equipment quality classeq are AUF 12 defined as devices meeting the same requirements as MIL-S-19500. ARW 16 . MF .50 9.0 ML 24 CL 250 6-5 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. “E Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. ci . . NIL-HDBK-217F RE . 9999970 0070743 4 1 , i MIL-HDBK-217F TRANSISTORS, LOW FREQUENCY, BIPOLAR 6.3 DESCRIPTION NPN (Frequency 200 MHz) PNP (Frequency c 200 MHz) SPEClFlCATlON MIL-S-19500 Failures/lO6 Hours - -h Application Factor "A. . Base Failure Rate NPN I ,00074 I.5 Amplification Linear . Switching Temperature Factor 5ET -I -70 - KR T J PC) 7ET Power Rating Factor Rated Power (Pr, Watts) " 1.o I .1 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.3 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 3.6 90 95 1O0 3.9 4.2 1 exp(-2114( TJ = 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 1?O 175 Document provided by IHS. 4.5 4.8 5.2 5.6 5.9 6.3 6.8 7.2 7.7 . 8.1 8.6 9.1 9.7 10 11 - ' "R Pr< .1 .43 Pr = .5 .77 Pr = 1.0 1.o Pr= 5.0 1.8 Pr = 10.0 2.3 Pr = 50.0 Pr = 100.0 Pr 500.0 . 4.3 5.5 10 1 TJ+273-=)) JunctionTemperature ("C) 6-6 I I Application ZR = .43 ER (P,)*37 Rated Power 5.1 W Rated Power> .1W --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 1 MIL-HDBK-217F 6.3 - Environment Environment Voltage Stress Factor ICS Applied VCE/Rated VCEO *S --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- o < vs I .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 '9 .3 <vs I .4 c v, I .5 V, I .6 V, 5 .7 c V, I .8 c V, I .9 c v, s 1.0 .li .16 .21 . .29 .39 .54 .73 1.o. TRANSISTORS, LOW FREQUENCY, BIPOLAR . GB nE 1 .o GF 6.0 GM 9.0 NS 9.0 NU 19 AIC 13 AIF 29 AUC. exp (3.1(Vs)) ns = v, = Applied VCE / Rated VCEO VCE = Voltage, Collector to Emitter ,045 (O V, I 1 .O) Open - XQ Quality Factor I Document provided by IHS. Quality I JANTXV I 20 AUF 43 ARW 24 "F 14 ML 32 CL 320 i .70 I Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. . 50 SF VCEO = Voltage, Collector to Emitter, Base , . ~ TRANSISTORS, LOW FREQUENCY, Si FET 6.4 DESCRIPTION N-Channel and P-Channel Si FET (Frequency 5 400 MHz) SPECIFICATION MIL-S-19500 Failuredl O6 Hours hp= hb7cT7tA7cQ7cE --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- - - Base Failure Rate &,Transistor Type Application Factor ICA Application Rated (Pr, Output Power) I .o1 2 MQSFET JFET .O045 AmplificationLinear (Pr . "A 1.5 W Switching SignalSmall Temperature Factor f J ("C) 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 1O0 ZT TJ ?c) ZT 1.o 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.a 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.7 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 3.9 4.2 1 *T Power F E T ~ (Non-linear, P, 2 2w) 2.0 4.0 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.4 6.7 7.1 7.5 7.9 8.3 8.7 - 1 (-lg2' (T~+273 -=)) 50 <.Pr C %OW 0.0 , 10 Pr 2 250W Environment FactorEnvironment 1 GB ' GF GM NS Xe 1 .o 6.0 9.0 9.0 Nu 19 AIC 13 AIF 29 AUC 20 Quality AUF 43 JANTXV ARW 24 JANTX SF TJ = JunctionTemperature - Quality Factor 'CQ I -I -70 JAN Lower Plastic (OC) .50 MF 14 ML 32 CL 320 6-8 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-2L7F RE W 9999970 0070746 T MIL-HDBK-217F . --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- I TRANSISTORS, UNIJUNCTION 6.5 DESCRIPTION Unijunction Transistors SPECIFICATION MIL-S-19500 h, = hbnTnQnEFailures/l O6 Hours - - XQ Base Failure Rate I+, Quality Factor Quality JANTXV _ . Temperature Factor T J ec) TJ (Oc) 1.o 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1,9 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.04.4 4.9 5.3 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 1O0 'T I . I - a TJ = - *'P (- 2483 (TJ 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 8.1 7.5 8.8 93 10 I JunctionTemperature 1 .o JAN 2.4 Lower 5.5 Plastic 8.0 EnvironmentFactor - xE Environment " "E I.o "I 6.0. 11 9.0 12 13 13 14 15 16 " 9..o 19 " 13 . Zä)) 1 273 .70 JANTX . I , AIF 29 AUC 20 AUF 43 ARW ("C) 24 " .50 SF I l 14 MF ML CL 32 - 320 6-9 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F TRANSISTORS, LOW NOISE, HIGH FREQUENCY, BIPOLAR --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 6.6 DESCRIPTION Bipolar, Microwave RF Transistor (Frequency > 200 MHz, Power 1W) SPECIFICATION MIL-S-19500 h, = h b ~ T ~ R ~Failures/l S ~ Q ~O6EHours Application Note: The model appliesto a single die (for multiple die use the hybrid model). The model does .. apply to ganged transistors on a single die. Power Rating Factor ICR .. Base Failure Rate A,, Rated Power (Pr,Watts) “R - - Temperature Factor vc) TJ Fc) *T TJ 25 i.o 1.1 1.3 1o5 i10 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 1.50 155 160 165 170 î 75 30 35 1.4 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 1.6 1.7 i.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 .2.8 ao as 3.0 3.3 90 3.6 95 1 O0 3.9 - nT *T 4.5 4.8 ’ 5.2 5.6 5.9 .55 .64 .71 .77 .83 .88 7.7 1 a exp(-2114( T J + 2 7 3 . - E ) ) TJ 3 JunctionTemperature(“C) r Voltage Stress Factor - xS - 8.1 8.6 9.1 9.7 10 11 .92 .96 . 7.2 T ‘ Applied VCE/Rated VCEO < v, .3 < v, .4 < v, .5 V, .6 < V, I .3 v, .a c v, .9 < v, I .8 o . .7 c 1 .4 I .5 .6 S -7 I .9 I 1.0 IC, = Document provided by IHS. .43 6.3 6.8 4.2 1 - Pr i .I .I< Pr I .2 .2 < Pr I.3 .3 < Pr S .4 .4 < Pr S -5 .5 < Pr I.6 .6 < Pr I.7 .7 < Pr S .8 .8 < Pr I.9 .O45 exp (3.1 (Vs)) “S .11 .16 .2 1 .29 .39 .54 .73 1.o (O V, 1 1.O) V, = AppliedVCE / Rated VCEo VcE = Voltage,Collector to Emitter VcEo = Voltage,Collector to Emitter,Base Open Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F TRANSISTORS, LOW NOISE, HIGH FREQUENCY, BIPOLAR 6.6 Quality Factor - Quality JANTXV Environment Factor - “Q . Environment i “E 1 .o .50 2.0 JANTX 1.o 5.0 JAN 2.0 4.0 Lower 5.0 11 4.0 NOTE: ‘For these devices, JANTXV quality class must include IR Scan for die attach and screen for barrier layer pinholes on gold metallized devices. 5.0 7.0 12 16 .50 . 9.0 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 24 250 6-1 1 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F 6.7 TRANSISTORS, HIGH POWER, HIGH FREQUENCY, BIPOLAR DESCRIPTION Power, Microwave, RF Bipolar Transistors (Average Power2 1W) SPECIFICATION MIL-S-19500 h, = hbzTzAz,,pQzEFailuresA O6 Hours - Base Failure Rate A+,- t Frequency (GHz) 1.o 5 0.5 ,040 .O39 .O38 1 .O47 .O46 2 .O67 .O65 3 .O95 .O93 4 .14 .13 +, = 10 300 50200 ,050 .42 ,048 .O69 .O98 ,14 .17 5.0 ,060 ,086 .12 - + .00558(P)) ‘F .O32 exp(.354(F) = 100 .O67 ,080 .24 .35 .ll -16 .23 .12 1.1 .14 a20 .28 400 .36 .20 .62 500 600 .74 1.3 o Frequency (GHz) P = (W) Output Power --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- NOTE: Output power refersto the power level for the overall packaged device andtonot individual transistors within the package (if more than one transistor is ganged together). The output power represents the power output from the cycle in pulsed applications. Duty cycle is accounted for when active device and should not account for any duty determining zk TJ (“c) Temperature Factor - . - leT .. 5.40 a l O0 .io 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 .12 .15 .18 .21 .25 .29 .34 .45 . .20 25 .30 .36 .43 6.8 .50 AO - .45 .59 .68 18 .79 i91 .55 .50 .30 -37 .45 .54 .645.1 ’ .75 7.1 -88 1,O13 . 1.2 1.4 200 - Temperature Fadtor ICT (Aluminum Metallization) V, (VCEIBVCES) TJ (“C) 5.40 . -45 .50 s11.1 O0 -.75 .38 110 5 7 1.7 .1.1 2.3 ,84 1.7 2.5 1 130 1.2 2.4 3.6 140 150 160 6.5 3.3 1 23 180 18 12 190 31 23 7.8 15 200 30 . (Gold Metállization) V, ( V C E ~ ~ C E S ) .40 .49 .59 .71 .85 3.4 1.04.7 1.2 8.8 1.4 4.4 1.6 1.8 20 20 1.7 2.4 9.7 70 5.9 10 1 ILT= .38exp( 5794 (TJ + * .55 1.5 3.3 4.8 9.5 13 40 &))I 273 (Vs 5 .M) I 1 (- - XT 2 (VS -35)exp 2903 (.4 c v, 5.55) I i VS = BVCES VCE; VCE BVCES = TJ I = 1 + 273 - K))s RT 7.55 (vs 1 - (.4 < v, (- exp 1 + 273 - E)) I s 55) VS = VCE~BVCES Operating Voltage (Volts) Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage with Base Shorted to Emitter (Volts) VCE = Operating Voltage (Volts) BVCES = Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage with Base Shorted to Emitter (Volts) Peak Junction Temperature TJ = Peak Junction Temperature (OC) (“C) 6-12 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 4 MIL-HDBK-217F RE 7 9 9 9 7 7 0 0070750 L . MIL-HDBK-217F 6.7 TRANSISTORS, HIGH POWER, HIGH FREQUENCY, BIPOLAR Quality Factor - XQ - Application Factor ‘CA Duty Factor Application NIA cw I 1% Pulsed .46 .70 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 2 30% 1.o 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.2 1 XA .= ICA = 7.6,CW I “Q Quality XA 7.6 - .so JANTXV JANTX 1 .o JAN 2.0 Lower 5.0 NOTE: For these devices, JANTXV quality class must include IR Scan for die attach and screenfor barrier layer pinholes on gold metallized devices. .O6 (Duty Factor YO)+ .40 , Pulsed Environment Factor - 7cc Matching Network Factor - “M Matching “M Input and Output 1.o Input 2.0 None 4.0 Environment GM 5.0 t 6-13 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. TRANSISTORS, HIGH FREQUENCY, GaAs FET 6.8 DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION MIL-S-19500 G a & Low Noise, Driver and PowerFETs (r 1GHz) h, = hbnTnAnMnQnE Failuredl O6 Hours Base Failure Rate Average Output Power(Watts) . 1 e .1 1 4 .O52 .O52 .O52 ,052 .O52 ,052 .O52 ,052 5 6 7 '8 9 10 " " .O54 ,084 ,083 .13 .30 .20 .30 .46 ,72 1.1.71 . At., = ,052 A+, = .O093exp(.429(F) F P Frequency (GHz) " 1 .36 ,066 .1o .I6 .24 .37 .56 .87 2 .14 .21 .32 .13 .20 50 2.0 .47 ' .76 1.2 1.8 ' 4 6 " " .96 1.5 2.3 ,' 3.5 .56 .85 1*3 ' Pe.1 1 $F$lO, + .486(P)) 4sFs10, P I .1 < P 1 6 AverageOutputPower(Watts) The average output power represents the power output from the active device and should not account for any duty cycle in pulsed applications. Temperature Factor Tc ("C) 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 1O0 I , KT Tc ("c) ZT 1.o 1.3 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.2 4.0 4.9 5.9 7.2 8.7 10 12 15 18 21 105 110 115 120 . 125 í30 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 24 28 33 38 44 50 58 66 75 85 97 110 120 140 150 Channel Tc Temperature Document provided by IHS. - z- Application Factor - ITA .. Application (P I 6W) I All LowPowerandPulsed I cw I 1 ZA I ' I ' 4 ~~~~~ P = Average Output Power (Watts) - ("C) Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. - .. ~ ~ 1 I I 1 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Operating Frequency.1(GHz) 5 -L ~ IIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 3 RE 9999970 0076303 ~~ 9 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 1 6.8 Matching Network FactorMatching I "M 1 .o Input and Output Input Only 2.0 None 4.0 TRANSISTORS, HIGH FREQUENCY, GaAs FET Environment Factor Environment GB 1 .o GF 2.0 GM 5,O NS 4.0 NU - na Quality Factor Quality JANTXV JANTX JAN T .50 1 .o 2.0 5.0 11 AIC 4.0 AIF 5.0 AUC 7.0 *UF 12 ARW 16 .50 SF MF 9.0 ML 24 CL 250 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Lower "Q - page Supersedes Document provided by IHS. 6-15 of Revision F 6-15 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F 6.9 SI TRANSISTORS, HIGH FREQUENCY, SPECIFICATION MIL-S-19500 FET DESCRIPTION Si FETs (Avg. Power c 300 mW, Freq. > 400 MHz) h, = hb7CTXQ7CE Failures/l O6 Hours Base Failure Rate - +-, Quality Factor- XQ I MOSFET I --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Transistor Type JFET .O23 Temperature Factor TJ vc) 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 1O0 “T 1.o 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.7 - TJ (“c) 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 IZT Quality 1 i .50 JANTXV JANTX 1.o JAN 2.0 Lower 5.0 XT 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.4 6.7 7.1 7.5 7.9 -8.3 - Environment Factor Environment “E GB 1.o GF 2.0 GM 5.0 NS 4.0 NU 11 4.0 AIF 5.0 %C 7.0 8.7 AUF 12 AFIW 16 SF MF 9.0 ML 24 CL 250 6-1 6 Document provided by IHS. .50 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. Y NIL-HDBK-217F RE W 9997770 0070754 9 MIL-HDBK-217F 6.1 O THYRISTORS AND SCRS DESCRIPTION Thyristors SCRs, T r i m SPECIFICATION MIL-S-19500 h, = h b ~ T ~ R n SFailures/l ~ Q ~ EO6 Hours - Base Failure Rate - I I Type Device 1 I All Types I .o022 TJ (“c) 25 30 . 35 40 45‘ 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 1O0 TJ = TJ (“c) 1.o 1.i 1.41.6 1.9 2.2 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.9 4.4 5.0 5.7 6.4 7.2 8.0 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 - .O5 .1o .50 . 1.0 5.0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 . 1O0 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 175 -: %T ’ ’frms JunctionTemperature(“C) - ZR. . ( I I Temperature Factor I Current Rating Factor Rated Forward Current Ifrms (Amps)) = “R. . ,30 . .40 L ,76 1.o 1.9 2.5 3.3 3.9 4.4 4.8 5.1 5.5 5.8 6.0 6.3 6.6 6.8 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 7.9 RMS RatedForwardCurrent(Amps) 6-1 7 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. . . - .. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- ' MIL-HDBK-217F RE m 7 7 9 7 7 7 00 0 7 0 7 5 5 O m MIL-HDBK-217F 6.1 O THYRISTORS AND SCRS Voltage Stress Factor- ns Environment V, (Blocking Voltage Applied/ Blodcing Voltage Rated) V, I; .30 .3 < 1 .4 . .4 < Vs I; .5 .5 Vs S .6 .6 Vs I; .7 .7 vS I.a .a e vS s .9 ,9 e Vs i 1.0 - Environment - us . nS GB 1 .o .io .la GF 6.0 GM 9.0 .27 .3a NS 9.0 .51 .65 .a2 1 .o ' -IrS'.10 (Vs < 0.3) . XE ' NU 19 AIC 13 AIF 29 %C AUF 20 43 ARW 24 .50 SF (V, "s 0.3) - XQ MF 14 ML 32 CL 320 Quality Factor Quality "Cl JANTXV 0.7 JANVX 1 .o JAN 2.4 bower 5.5 Plastic 8.0 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F RE W 9 9 9 9 7 7 0 O070756 2 MIL-HDBK-217F OPTOELECTRONICS, DETECTORS, ISOLATORS, 6.1 1 SPECIFICATION pto-isolators, Photodetectors, MIL-S-19500 EMITTERS DESCRIPTION h, = lLbzTxQxE Failures/l O6 Hours - - Base Failure Rate Optoelectronic Type Photodetectors Photo-Transistor ,0055 Photo-Diode .o040 Quality Factor- ZQ I Quality 1 JANTXV I "Q I .70 Opto-Isolators Photodiode Output, Single Device ,0025 ' Phototransistor Output, Single Device Photodarlington Output, Single Device .O13 Light Sensitive Resistor, Single Device .O064 Photodiode Output, Dual Device Phototransistor Output, Dual Device .O033 .O17 Photodarlington Output, Dual Device .dl 7 Light Sensitive Resistor, Dual Device .o086 ,013 Environment Factor- xE Environment GB 1;o .O013 GF 2.0 - GM 8.0 NS 5.0 Emitters Infrared Light Emitting Diode (IRLD) Light Emitting Diode (LED) I 00023 Temperature Factor TJ ?c) 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 nT TJ = zT 1.o 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.4 ( - nT NU 35 80 85 90 95 1O0 105 110 115 1 TJ . . "E. 3.8 4.3 4.8 5.3 5.9 6.6 7.3 8.0 8.8 1 + 273 - E)) . 12 4.0 AIC AIF '6.0 AUC 6.0 AUF 8.0 ARW , 17 SF .50 MF 9.0 ML 24 CL 450 . 2790 JunctionTemperature ("C) 6-1 9 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. - MIL-HDBK-2L7F RE . 9999970 0070757 I.I ! MIL-HDBK-217F 6.12 OPTOELECTRONICS, ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAYS DESCRIPTION Alphanumeric Display SPECIFICATION MIL-S-19500 h, = hbnTnQnEFailures/l O6 Hours - Base Failure Rate X,, Number Ib Segment Display ,00043 of Characters 1 1 wRogicChip .O0047 2 2 wLÖ& Chip 3 3 w/LÖgic Chip .O0086 4 4 wkogic Chip 5 6 7 8 9 ,00090 * ,0013 .O013 I 1 Ib Diode Array Display .O0026 .O0030 .o0043 ,00047 .O0060 . .o0077 .o022 ,0026 .O030 ,0034 .O039 ,00094 .o01 1 .o043 .O047 10 11 12 13 14 15 .O052 ,0056 .O060 TJ 25 30 35 40 45 50 1.o 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.4 75 80 85 90 95 1O0 105 110 115 - 6.6 8.0 8.8 ‘ 1 *T ,’ (P I . -: 2790 (TJ + 273 298 1 TJ = .Junction Temperature(“C) ,0025 .O065 .O026 A+, =.00043(C) + +, for Segment Displays A+, = .O0009 + .00017(C) + Ao , DMe Array Displays - Environment Factor “E Environment “E GB 1 .o Number of Characters =F 2.0 P ,000043 for Displays with a Logic Chip GM 8.0 = 0.0 for Displays without Logic Chip NS 5.0 C a Ac,. NOTE: The number of characters in a display is the in a && sealed number of characters contained padtage. For example, a 4 character display comprising 4 separately packaged single characters 6.0 character displays, mounted together wouldbe 4-0119 not 1-four character display. Quality JANTXV JANTX JAN Lower Plastic NU I “A 0.7 1.o 2.4 5.5 12 AIC 4.0 AIF AUC AUF - Quality Factor ’FQ I %T 65 70 .O0081 .Oß13 ,0015 .O016 .OP1 8 ,0020 ,0021 .O023 TJ (“c) 55 60 .O0064 .O017 .o018 Temperature Factor ARW . 6.0 8.0 17 SF MF . 50 9.0 ML 24 CL 450 8.0 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. .' MIL-HDBK-217F RE = 9999978 8[378758 b MIL-HDBK-217F OPTOELECTRONICS, LASER DIODE 6.13 í DESCRIPTION Laser Diodes with Optical Flux Densities 3 MW/cm2 and Forward Current< 25 amps SPECIFICATION MIL-S-19500 L, = hbRTAQnlXARp7cE Failuredl O6 Hours Forward Current Factor,1 Forward Peak Current (Amps) .O50 .O75 .1 .5 . 1.0 2.0 GaAdAI GaAs In GaAYlnGaAsP Temperature Factor 1.o 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.7 - 4.1 5.1 6.3 7.7 9.3 60 65 70 75 Tc1 = (ï)a68 I Forward Peak Current(Amps), I I 2 5 = Application Factor X .A. Application Duty Cycle TJ = JunctionTemperature("C) *A """""- +!273 - g )) exp(- 4635 (TJ Pulsed . . 4.4 .I .2 .3 .32 .45 .55 .4 .6 .7 Quality Factor- XQ Document provided by IHS. Quality .8 I nn .9 1.o I - J .a4 .89 ,95 1.00 cw Hermetic Package 1.o XA Nonherrnetic with Facet Coating 1.o "A = Duty Cycle Nonhermetic without Facet Coating 3.3 = 4.4, - .63. .71 .77 .5 I . NOTE: For Variable Current Sources, use the Initial Current Value. 1 T ' 1.o 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.0 4.8 6.3 7.7 8.9 4.0 5.0 10 15 20 25 %T 3.3 0.62 3.0 - nT 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 "I 0.13 0.1 7 0.21 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- - +, Base Failure Rate Laser Diode Type Pulsed NOTE: A duty cycleof one in pulsed application represents the maximum amountit can be driven in a pulsed mode. This is different from continuous wave application whichwill not withstand pulsed operating levelson a cöntinuous basis. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. ~. MIL-HDBK-ZE7F R E 9999970 0670759 B W MIL-HDBK-217F OPTOELECTRONICS, LASER DIODE Power Degradation Factor - - ICE, Ratio P P s Environment nP 0.00 .O5 .so GB .53 6, 2.0 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 ,549 GM 8.0 NS 5,O .I o .56 .63 .67 .71 .77 .83 AO .91 1.o 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.5 .4S o Environment .50 .55 .60. .65 ., .70 .75 .ao .85 .90 .95 3.3 5.0 10 NU 12 AIC 4.0 AIF 6.0 AUC 6.0 AUF 8.0 ARW SF MF. ML CL 17 ' .50 9.0 24 450 (mw) PS Rated Optical Power Output Pr = RequiredOpticalPowerOutput (mw) NOTE: Each laser diode must be replaced when power outputfalls to Pr for failure rate prediction to be valid. Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 6.13 - RE MIL-HDBK-217F m 9 9 9 9 9 7 6 0870760 4 ~ m MIL-HDBK-217F 6.1 4 - DISCRETESEMICONDUCTORS,TJDETERMINATION Ideally, device case temperatures should be determined from a detailed thermal analysis of the equipment. Device junction temperatureis then calculated with the following relationship: TJ = T c + OXP where: = Junction Temperature (“C) TC- = Case Temperature (“C). If no thermal analysis exists, the default case temperatures shownin Table 6-1 should be assumed. eJC = Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance (“Cm. Thisparametershouldbe 6-2, whichever is determined from vendor, military specification sheets or Table greater. It may alsobe estimated by taking the reciprocal of the recommended derating level. For example, a device derating recommendation of.16 W/”C would result in a OJC of 6.25 OCM. If eJC cannot be determined assumea eJC value of 70”CM. . P = DeviceWorse Case PowerDissipation (W) The ‘models are not applicable to devices at overstress conditions. If the calculated junction temperature is greater than the maximum rated junction temperature on the MIL slash sheets or the vendor’s specifications, whichever is smaller, then the device is overstressed and these models ARE NOT APPLICABLE. Table 6-1: Default Case Temperat-ures (TC) for All Environments . Environment GB GF GM NS NU AIC AlF AUC . AUF ARW SF MF ML CL TC (“c) 35 45 50 45 50 60 60 75 75 60 35 50 60 45 6-23 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- TJ MIL-HDBK-ZL7F RE m 9 9 9 9 9 7 00 8 7 8 7 b l b m MIL-HDBK-217F 6.1 4 DISCRETESEMICONDUCTORS,TJDETERMINATION Table 6-2: Approximate Junction-to-CaseThermalResistance Devicesin VariousPackageSizes* Type Package --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- TO-1 TO-3 TO-5 TO-8 TO-9 TO-1 2 TO-18 TO-28 TO-33 TO-39 TO-41 TQ-44 TO-46 TO-52 TO-53 TO-57TO-59 TO-60 TO-61 TO-63 TO-66 TO-71 TO-72 TO-83 . TO-89 TO-92 TO-94 TO-99 TO-1 26 TO-127 TO-204 TO-204AA eJC eJC ?O 10 70 70 70 70 70 5 70 70 10 70 70 70 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 70 70 5 22 70 5 70 5 5 10 10 ' (eJ c ) for Semiconductor - 70 70 5 5 5 -. 1o 5 5 10 5 10 10 10 5 70 5 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 ' ' 70 90 'When available, estimates must be based miliary on specification sheetor vendor values, whichever8Jc s higher. Document provided by IHS. 1 . Type Package TO-205AD TO-205AF T01220 DO-4 DO-5 DO-7 DO-8 DO-9 DO-13 . DO-14 DO-29 DO-35 DO-41 DO-45 DO-204MB DO-205AB PA-42A,B PD-36C PD-50 PD-77 PD-180 PD-319 . PD-262 PD-975 PD-280 PD-21 6 PT-2G PT-GB . PH-1 3 PH-1 6 PH-56 PY-58 PY-373 t Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. c . ... . MIL-HDBK-217F RE m 9979970 00707b2 8 m MIL-HDBK-217F 6.1 5 DISCRETESEMICONDUCTORS,EXAMPLE I Example Silicon dual transistor (complementary), JAN grade, rated for 0.25 W at 25%, one side only, and 0.35 W at 25"C, both sides, with Tmax = 2OO0C, operating in linear service at 55°C case temperature in a sheltered naval environment. Side one, NPN, operating at 0.1 W and 50 percent of rated voltage and side two, PNP, operating at 0.05 W and 30 MHz. percent of rated voltage. The device operates at less than 200 Given: Since the device is a bipolar dual transistor operating at low frequency (c200 MHz), it falls into the Transistor, Low Frequency, Bipolar Group and the appropriate model is given in Section 6.3. Since the device is a dual device, it is necessary to compute the failure rateof each side separately andsum them together. Also, since 0JJc is unknown, eJC = 70°C/W will be assumed. Based on the given information, the following model factors are determined from the appropriate tables shown In Section 6.3. xb 3 "T1 = "T2 = "A = = "st = "s2 = XR ZQ = "E = ,00074 2.2 2.1 1.5 .68 .21 .Il 2.4 9 - Side 1, TJ =TC + 0Jc P = 55 + 70(.1) = 62°C Side 2, TJ = 55 + 70(.05) = 59°C Using equation shown with nR table, P, = .35W Side 1,50% Voltage Stress Side 2,30% Voltage Stress. hp = SIDE 1 SIDE 2% "T1 "A "R "SI ".Q XE -b % "T2 "A ".S2"Q "E hp = (.00074)(2.2)(1.5)(.68)(.21)(2.4)(9+)(.00074)(2.1)(1s)(.68)(.11)(2.4)(9) = .O1 1 Failures/lO6 Hours 6-25 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F L RE NOTICE = 9999970 0076L0.5 2 W MIL-HDBK-217F 7.1 TUBES, ALL TYPES EXCEPT TWT AND MAGNETRON DESCRIPTION All Types Except Traveling Wave Tubes and Magnetrons. Includes Receivers, CRT, Thyratron, Crossed Field Amplifier, Pulsed Gridded, Transmitting, Vidicons, Twystron, Pulsed Klystron, CW Klystron +,= hbxLzE Failures/106 Hours - Type ectifier I Base Failure Rate (Includes Both Randorn and Wearout Failures) Tube I Tube Type Klystron, Low Power, Receiver 5 .O Tetrode, Pentode Triode, YU (e.9. Local Oscillator) Power 10 CRT 9.6 Klystron, Continuous Wave4 3K3000LQ 9.0 Thyratron 50 3K50000LF 54 Crossed Field Amplifier 150 3K21OOOOLQ QK681 260 3KM300LA 64 SFD261 150 19 3KM3000LA Pulsed Gridded 110 3KM50000PA 2041 140 120 3KM50000PA1 390 6952 150 3KM50000PA2 7835 140 61 O 4K3CC Transmitting 4K3SK 29 Triode, Peak Pwr. I 2 0 0 Ava. 75 4K50000LQ 30 Pwr. 2 2KW, Freq. I 200 MHz 4KM50LB 28 Tetrode & Pentode, Peak Pwr. 1O0 4KM50LC 15 I200 KW, Avg. Powers 2KW, 4KM50SJ 38 Freq. I 200 KW 4KM50SK 37 4KM3000LR 140 Vidicon 4KM50000LQ 79 Antimony Trisulfide(Sb&) 4KM50000LR 57 Photoconductive Material 4KM170000LA 15 Silicon Diode Array Photoconductive 8824 130 Material I 48 8825 120 Twystron 8826 280 VA 1 44 850 VA800 E 70 450 VA145E VA853 220 VA145H 490 VA8568 65 VA91 3A 230 VA888E 230 Klystron, Pulsed* ~KMP~OOOOLF 43 Ifthe CW Klystron of interest is not listedabove, 8568 230 L3035 66 use the AlternateCW Klystron ly, Table on the L3250 69 following page. L3403 93 SAC42A 1O0 VA842 18 2501OA 150 ZM3038A 190 I " KW. I I If the pulsed Klystronof interest is not listedabove, use the Alternate Pulsed Klystron hb Table on the following page. 7- 1 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- ' MIL-HDBK-217F L RE I 9 9 7 9 7 7 0 0 0 7 6 3 0 6 Y NOTICE MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 1 7.1 TUBES, ALL TYPES EXCEPT TWT AND MAGNETRON Altern; :e* Base Failure Rate for Pulsed Klystrons - A F(GHz) Po .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 .o 1 16 16 16 17 18 19 21 22 16 16 17 17 16 17 17 18 21 25 16 17 18 18 16 16 16 16 17 20 18 18 25 21 19 2822 25 34 31 45 40 63 45 75 90 160 -30 .80 1,o 3.0 5.0 8.0 10 25 31 20 22 25 28 45 23 28 30 34 35 60 75 40 2.0 4.0 6.0 1 T (years) 10 30 34 51 75 110 XL = = 2.94(F)(P) + 16 F P OperatingFrequency in GHz, 0.2 5 F I 6 PeakOutputPowerin MW, .O1 IP s 25 and P I490 F-2*95 = I 21 hb = = Learning Factor - nL I I T 10(T)-2.1, 1 10, ITS3 T <1 = 1,T23 = Number of Years sinceIntroduction to Field Use Environment Factor - xE 'See previous page for other Klystron Base Failure Rates. Environment "E .50 GB Alternate* Base Failure Rate for CW Klystrons - o. 1 1.o 3.0 5.0 8.0 10 30 50 +,= P F = = GF F(MHz) 300 500 800 10002000 4000 6000 8000 GM 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 30 35 45 46 NU 55 70 80 80 1O0 +, 31 32 33 34 33 33 34 35 34 34 35 36 30 47 39 48 40 58 49 41 50 57 57 66 66 42 36 30 39 56 71 43 48 58 73 49 59 01 0.5P + .0046F + 29 Average Output Power in KW, 0.1 IP 4 100 and P s 8.0(1O)6(F)-1*7 Operating Frequency in MHz, 300SF18000 NS 1 .o 14 8 .O 24 AIC 5 .O AIF 8.0 AUC 6 .O *UF 12 ARW 40 -20 SF MF 22 ML 57 CL 1O00 'See previous pagefor other Klystron Base Failure Rates. 7-2 Supersedes page 7-2 of Revision F --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. M I L - H D B K - 2 1 7 FC H GN O T I C E 2 777q770 L711%?044 004 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 7.2 TUBES, TRAVELING WAVE DESCRIPTION Traveling Wave Tubes h, = hbzE Failures/106 Hours Base Failure Rate - Environment Factor- nc L Frequency (GHz) Environment 1410 8 6Power 4 2(W)1 .1 10 1O0 500 1O00 3000 5000 8000 1O000 15000 20000 30000 40000 - 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 14 15 17 18 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 16 18 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 18 20 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 19 20 22 24 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 26 29 24 24 24 24 24 25 26 26 27 29 32 29 29 29 29 29 30 31 32 33 35 39 35 43 42 42 42 42 43 44 45 46 49 51 56 62 .5 GF 1.5 GM 7.0 64 NS 3.0 66 68 71 75 NU AIC 5.0 83 AIF 7.0 AUC 6.0 9.0 91 ll(l.ooool)p (1.1)F AUF P Rated Power in Watts (Peak, if Pulsed), .O01 I P I40,OOO ARW F a Operating Frequencyin GHz, .1 5 F < 18 If the operating frequencyis a band, ortwo different values, use the geometric mean ofthe end point frequencies when using table. 10 20 .O5 SF MF 11 ML CI 33 Supersedes page 7-3 of Revision F 500 7-3 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. "E GB 61 61 61 62 63 h" 5 I Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F TUBES, MAGNETRON 7.3 DESCRIPTION Magnetrons, Pulsed and Continuous Wave (CW) h, = hbxUxCxEFailures/106 Hours Base Failure Rate- r I Frequency (GHz) . 40 . .50 .1 .5 1 30 5 20 10 P(MW) 7 41 24 .o1 7.6 4.6 1.4 10 6.3 1.9 30028026056 230210 34 180150120 93 .O5 110 64 39 .112 7.2 2.2 130 80 48 .3 15 9.0 2.8 17 10 3.1410 370 330 290 240 200 54150 89 .5 0230170100 621 19 11 3.5 4.4 2458014 680 630 530470410350280 77 210130 3 85 31 230140 4.9 26 16 5 60 70 580 O520460390 I 80 90 100 440 O 480 550 640 760700 I Pulsed Magnetrons: hb = F = CW Magnetrons (Rated Power I~(F)*'~ (P)-2o Operating Frequency in GHz, .15 F s 100 Utillization Factor- xu Utilization (Radiate Hours/ Hours) Filament I o .o RI I .44 .50 .55 .61 .66 .72 .78 0.1 o .2 0.3 O-4 O .5 0.6 O .7 0.8 .83 .89 .94 o .9 5 KW): %=I8 1 Environment Factor- nE Environment GB 1.o GF 2.0 GM 4.0 NS 15 NU 47 AIC 10 AIF 16 %C 12 0.44 + 0.56R AUF 23 R RadiateHours/FilamentHours ARW 80 .50 SF Construction Factor- "C Construction CW (Rated Powerc 5 KW) Coaxial Pulsed Conventional Pulsed MF 43 ML 133 CL 2000 a "C 1.o 1.o 5.4 i 7-4 ! --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. 1 "E RU = = 1 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. .* . MIL-HDBK-217F RE 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 00707b7 7 - , MIL-HDBK-217F 8 .O LASERS, INTRODUCTION those items The models and failure rates presentedin this section apply to Jaserpeculia-, ¡.e., wherein the lasing action is generated and controlled. In addition to laser peculiar items, there are other assemblies used with lasers that contain electronic parts and mechanical devices (pumps, valves, hoses, etc.). The failure ratesfor these parts should be determined with the same procedures as used for other electronic and mechanical devices in the equipment or system of which the laser is a part. The laser failure rate models have been developed at the "functional," rather than "piece part" level because the available data were not sufficient for "piece part" model development. Nevertheless, the laser functional models are included in this Handbook in the interest of completeness. These laser models will be revisedto include piece part models and other laser types when the data become available. Because each laser familycan be designed using a variety of approaches, the failure rate modelshave been structuredon three basic laser functions which are common to most laser families, but may differ in the hardware implementation of a givenfunction. These functions are the lasing media, the laser pumping mechanism (or pump), and the coupling method. Examples of media-related hardware and reliability influencing factors are the solid state rod, gas, gas pressure,vacuumintegrity,gasmix,outgassing,andtubediameter.The electrical discharge,the flashlamp, and energy level are examples of pump-related hardware and reliability influencing factors. The "Q" switch, mirrors, windows, crystals, substrates, coupling function reliability influencing factors are the coatings, and levelof dust protection provided, Some of the laser models require the number otactive optical surfaces as an input parameter.An active optical surfaceis one with which the laser energy (or beam) interacts. Internally reflecting surfaces are not . cwnted. Figure 8-1 below illustrates examples of active optical surfaces and count. Flgure 8-1: Examples of Active OpticalSurfaces 8- 1 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. .. . M I L = H D B K = 2 L 7 F RE m 9999970 0070768 9 m MIL-HDBK-21I F LASERS, HELIUM AND ARGON 8.1 DESCRIPTION ‘Helium Neon Lasers Helium Cadmium Lasers Argon Lasers hp = XMEDIA‘CE - Lasing Media Failure RateAMEDIA Type . I AMEDIA + ~ O U P L I N G ~Failures/l E O6 Hours Environment Environment =B Coupling FailureRate - b u P L I N G Helium Argon I 6 NOTE: The predominant argon laser failure (as mechanism is related to the gas media reflected in AMEDIA; however, when the “E .30 =F 1 .o GM. 4.0 NS 3.0 NU 4.0 AIC 4.0 AIF 6.0 AUC ?,O AUF 9.0 ARW 5.0 SF .1 o MF 3.0 ML 8.0 CL NIA tube is refilled periodically (preventive of maintenance) the mirrors (as part ~ O U P L I N G )can be expectedto deteriorate after approximately104 hours of operationif in contactwith the discharge region. ~ O U ~ L I NisG negligible for helium lasers. 8-2 Document provided by IHS. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. ’ MIL-HDBK-ZL7F RE 99999700070769 O II MIL-HDBK-217F 8.2 LASERS,, CARBON DIOXIDE, SEALED DESCRIPTION CO2 Sealed ContinuousWave Lasers =n;onBhnE +~10 nOsnE ~ ~Failures/106 ~ ~ Hours ~ - Lasing Media Failure Rateh,,,,, ... Optical Surface Factor- "0s Active Optical Surfaces I "OS .. . " I Tube Current (mA) 10 20 30 40 50 AMEDIA 240 930 1620 2310 3000 6450 0 1 O0 150 . .9900 I = Tube Current (mA), 1O s I 5 150 I O * 25 2 2 1 nos = Number of Active Optical Surfaces NOTE: Only active optical surfaces are counted. An active optical surface is one with which the laser energy or beam interacts. Internally reflecting surfaces are not counted. See Figure 8-1 for examples on determining the number of optical surfaces. = 69(l) 4 0 Gas Overfill Factor= "0 CO2 Overfill Percent (%) I 1. . - AMEDIA 1 "O 1.0 Environment Factor- zC Environment .75 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- h GB GF GM no = 1 - .O1 ("hOverfill) . Overfill percentis based onthe percent increase over the optimumCO2 partial pressure which is normally in the rangeof 1.5 to 3 Torr (1 Torr = 1 m m Hg Pressure) for most sealedC02 lasers. NS NU AIC AIF AUC - XB Ballast Factor Percent of Ballast Volumetric Increase . O 50 1 O0 150 AUF ARW "6 1 .o .58 .33 .19 SF MF ML C, i . NIA 8.0 8-3 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F RE 999997[3 0070770 7 MIL-HDBK-217F LASERS, CARBON DIOXIDE, FLOWING 8.3 : DESCRIPTION CO2 Flowing Lasers hp = ~ C O U P L I N G ~ OII:ES Failures/lO6 Hours - Coupling Failure Rate- XWUPLING Environment Factor xc GB L “E -30 GF . 1 .o GM 4.0 NS 3.0 NU 4.0 Beyond the1KW range other glass failure mechanisms AIC 4.0 begin to predominate and alter the XCOU~L~NG values. CO2 flowing laser optical It should also be noted that devices are the primary source of failure occurrence. A tailored optical cleaning preventive maintenance program on optic devices greatly extends laser life. AIF 6.0 AUC 7.0 AUF . 9.0 ARW 5.0 1.o 300 P = Average Power CSutputin M,.O1 S P I l .D ’ SF - Optical Surface Factor %OS Active Optical Surfaces nos I 1 1 2 2 .1o MF 3.0 ML 8.0 CL NIA nos = Number of Active Optical Surfaces NOTE: Only active optical surfaces are counted. with which the laser An active optical surface is one energy or beam interacts. Internally reflecting surfaces are not counted. See Figure 8-1 for examples on determining the number of optical surfaces. 8-4 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- UPL LING Environment x ~ m RE MIL-HDBK-237F ~ 9 9 9 9 9 7 00 0 7 0 7 7 3 ~~~~~~ 9 m MIL-HDBK-217F LASERS, SOLID STATE, ND:YAG AND 8.4 RUBY ROD DESCRIPTION Neodymium-Yttrium-Aluminum-Gamet (ND:YAG) Rod Lasers Ruby Rod Lasers PUMP ~ E D I A+ 16.3 z Pump Pulse Failure Rate - h p u ~ p X, ( + ~ znE~Failures/l ~ ) O6 Hours - Pump Pulse Failure Rate h p " ~ p (Xenon Flashlamps) The empirical formula used to determine The empirical formula used to determine for Krypton lamp is: ' (Failures/l06 Hours) for Xenon lamps is: l c p ~ ~ispthe failure rate contributionof the Xenon flashlamp or flashtube. The flashlamps evaluated herein are linear types used for military solid state laser systems. Typical default model parameters are given below. PPS * Ej is therepetitionpulserate in pulsesper second. Typicalvaluesrangebetween1and 20 pulses per second. is the flashlamp or flashtubeinputenergyper pulse, in joules. Its value is determined from the actual or design Input energy. For values less than30 joules, use Ej = 30. Default value: E 40. u+ ~,P is the failure rate contributionof the krypton flashlamp or flashtube. The flashlamps (CW) evaluted herein are the continuous wave type and are most widely used for commercial solid state applications. They are approximately 7mm in diameter and5 to 6 inches long, P is theaverageinputpowerinkilowatts.Default value: P = 4. L is the flashlamporflashtubearclengthin inches. Default value: L = 2. zmL isthecoolingfactordue to variouscooling media immediately surrounding the flashlamp or flashtube. z c m ~ = 1 for any air or inert gas ' . cooling, i' t WOOL is ttie flashlaniporflashtubearclength inches. Defautt value: L = 2. = .1 .for all liquid designs. Default value: zCmL = .1, liquid cooled. distheflashlamporflashtubeinsidediameter, in millimeters. Default value: d = 4. L zmt Media Failure Räte - AMEDIA in Laser Type. is the truncated pulse width in microseconds. Use t= 1O0 microseconds for any truncated pulse width exceeding 100 microseconds. FOI shorter duration pulses, pulse width is to be measured at1O percent of the maximum current amplitude. Default value: t I 100. &MEDIA ND:YAG O I Ruby 1 is the cooling factor due to various cooling media immediately surrounding the flashlamp or flashtube. zCwL I1.O for any air or inert gas cooling. z c m ~ .1 for all liquid cooled designs. Default value: nCmL = .1 , liquid cooled. . I PPS - F - (3600) (PPS) [43.5 F2*52] isthenumberofpulses persecond is the energy density in Joules per cm.2/pulse over the cross-sectionalarea of the laser beam, whichis nominally equivalent to the cross-sectional area of the laser rod, andits value is determined from the actual design parameter of the laser rod utilized. NOTE: hEDlA is negligible for ND:YAG lasers. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. I I 8-5 MIL-HDBK-2L7F RE E 9 9 9 9 9 7 00 8 7 0 7 7 2 O E MIL-HDBK-217F 8.4 LASERS, SOLID STATE, ND:YAG AND RUBY ROD - Environment Factor xE Environment "E nc Rigorous cleanliness procedures and trained maintenance personnel. Belbws providedovw optical train, 'GB 1 Minimal procau&r duhg oponing, maintenaco, r o p a u . urd tosting. Bdbm pt0vid.d ovor opticaltnin. 30 Minimalpr.cuttionr during op.ning, maintenance, ropair, md tuting. No belbm providd v o r opticrl tmin. 80 .30 GF 1 .o .%A 4.0 NS 3.0 NU 4.0 +F 4.0 . 6.0 *IC AUC 7.0 9.0 ARW SF --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. 1 1 2 2 5.0 .1o MF 3.0 ML 8.0 CL NIA I Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F 9999770 0397046 987 CHG NOTICE 2 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 RESISTORS 9.1 'P = 'bzTRP S QR E Failures/106 Hours X X: RC 11 Resistor, Fixed, Composition (Insulated) .o017 XT Table Use Column: 1 RCR 39008 Resistor, Fixed, Composition (Insulated) Est. Rel. .o017 1 2 RL 22684 Resistor, Fixed, Film, Insulated .O037 2 1 RLR 39017 Resistor, Fixed, Film (Insulated), Est. Rel. .O037 2 1 RN (R, C or N) 551 82 Resistor, Fixed, Film, Established Reliability .O037 2 1 RM 55342 Resistor, Fixed, Film, Chip, Established Reliability .O037 2 1 RN 10509 Resistor, Fixed Film (High Stability) .O037 2 1 RD 11804 Resistor, Fixed, Film (Power Type) .O037 RZ 8340 1 Resistor Networks, Fixed, Film .o01 9 1 VIA, X s = 1 RB 93 Resistor, Fixed, Wirewound (Accurate) .O024 2 1 RB R 39005 Resistor, Fixed, Wirewound (Accurate) Est. Rel. .O024 2 1 RW 26 Resistor, Fixed, Wirewound (Power Type) .O024 2 2 RWR 39007 Resistor, Fixed, Wirewound (Power Type) Est.Rel. .O024 2 2 RE 18546 Resistor, Fixed, Wirewound (Power Type, Chassis Mounted) .O024 2 2 RE R 39009 Resistor, Fixed, Wirewound (Power Type, Chassis Mounted) Est. Rel. .O024 2 2 RTH 23648 Thermistor, (Thermally Sensitive Resistor), Insulated .o019 RT 27208 Resistor, Variable, Wirewound (Lead Screw Activated) .O024 2 1 RTR 39015 Resistor, Variable, Wirewound (Lead Screw Activated), Established Reliability .O024 2 1 RR 1 2934 Resistor, Variable, Wirewound, Precision ,0024 2 1 RA 19 Resistor, Variable, Wirewound (Low Operating Temperature) .O024 1 1 RK 39002 Resistor, Variable, Wirewound, Semi-Precision .O024 1 1 Resistor, Wirewound, Power Type .O024 2 1 Resistor, Variable, Nonwirewound .O037 2 1 Resistor Style --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- RP ;pecification MIL-R- 22 RJ 22097 Description % NIA, =1 ns Table Use Column: 2 1 NIA, XT = 1 NIA, XS = 1 RJ R 39035 Resistor, Variable, Nonwirewound Est. Rel. .O037 2 1 RV 94 Resistor, Variable, Composition .O037 2 1 RQ 39023 Resistor, Variable, Nonwirewound, Precision .O037 1 1 RV C 23285 Resistor, Variable, Nonwirewound .O037 1 1 Supersedes Section 9.0 - 9.17 of Revision F Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 9-1 CHG N O T I C E 2 flIL-HDBK-ZL7F 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 0197047 813 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 RESISTORS 9.1 - XT Power Factor- XP Temperature Factor - TW) Column 1 Column 2 20 .88 .95 nT "P .o01 .o68 30 1.1 1.1 .o1 .i7 40 1.5 1.2 .13 .44 50 1.8 1.3 .25 .5a 60 2.3 1.4 .50 .76 70 2.8 1.5 .75 .89 ao 3.4 1.6 1.o 1.o 90 4.O 1.7 2.0 1.3 1 O0 4.8 1.9 3.0 1.5 110 5.6 2.0 4.0 1.7 120 6.6 2.1 5.0 1.9 130 7.6 2.3 10 2.5 140 8.7 2.4 25 3.5 2.5 50 4.6 1O0 6.0 150 7.1 10 150 I Power Dissipation (Watts) exP -Ea 1 8.617 x 10- Column 1: Ea = .2 np = (Power D i s ~ i p a t i o n ) . ~ ~ Column 2: Ea = .O8 T Resistor Case Temperature. Can be.approximated as ambient component temperature for low power dissipation non-powertype resistors. P NOTE: 'CTvalues shown should only be used up to the temperature ratingof the device. For devices with ratings higher than 150°C, use the equation to determinex,-. Supersedes page Section 9.0 - 9.17 of Revision F 9-2 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F 9999970 0397048 7 5 T CHG N O T I C E 2 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 - Power Stress FactorI Environment Factor- IC€ Environment C ~ Column 1 Column 2 .1 .79 ‘66 GB ICE 1 .o .2 .88 .81 GF 4.0 .3 .99 Power Stress .4 1.1 1.5 .5 1.2 1.8 .6 1.4 .7 1.5 2.8 .8 1.7 I .. c- l 1.9 1.o GM 16 1.2 NS 12 NU 42 18 2.3 I 3.4 Column 1 : zs = .71e1.1( S ) S = AIF 23 AUC 31 AUF 43 ARW 63 .50 SF Actual Power Dissipation Rated Power Quality Factor- I --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- RESISTORS 9.1 C MF 37 ML 87 CL 1728 ~ Quality Established Reliability Styles S I I ICQ .O3 R 0.1 P 0.3 M 1.o Non-Established Reliability Resistors (Most Two-Letter Styles) Commercial or Unknown Screening Level 3.0 10 NOTE: Established reliability styles are failure rate graded(S, R, P, M) based on life testing defined in the applicable military device specification. This category usually applies only to three-letter styles with an “R”Suff ¡x. Supersedes Section 9.0 - 9.17 of Revision F Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 9-3 MIL-HDBK-ZL7F CHG N O T I C E 2 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 0397049 b7b MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 CAPACITORS 10.1 'P=% Capacitor Style I cz, cm CQ, CQR ai CHR m Spec. MIL-C- I Supersedes Section 10.1 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. 'ETTable Use zc Table Use Column: Column: 1 1 1 .O0037 1 1 .O0037 1 1 1 1 .O0051 1 1 1 1 .O0037 1 1 1 1 .O0051 1 1 1 1 .O0051 I 1 1 l 1 1 1 Description Column: Capacitor, Fixed, PaperDielectric, Direct Current (Hermetically Sealed in Metal Cases) Capacitor, By-pass, Radio Interference Reduction, Paper Dielectric, AC and DC (Hermetically sealed in Metallic Cases) 1 1693 Capacitor, Feed through, Radio Interference Reduction AC and DC (Hermetically sealed in metal cases), Established and Nonestablished Reliability 19978 Capacitor, Fixed Plastic (or Paper-Plastic) Dielectric (Hermetically sealed in metal, ceramic or glass cases), Established and Nonestablished Reliability 18312 Capacitor, Fixed, Metallized (Paper, Paper Plastic or Plastic Film) Dielectric, Direct Current (Hermetically Sealed in Metal Cases) 39022 Capacitor, Fixed, Metallized Paper, Paper-Plastic Film or Plastic Film Dielectric 555 14 Capacitor, Fixed, Plastic (or Metallized Plastic) Dielectric, Direct Current in Non-Metal Case: Capacitor, Fixed Supermetallized Plastic Film Dielectric (DC, AC or DC and AC) Hermetically Sealed in Metal Cases, Established Reliability Capacitors, Fixed, Mica Dielectric 39001 Capacitor, Fixed, Mica Dielectric, Established Reliability 10950 Capacitor, Fixed, Mica Dielectric, Button Style 11272 Capacitor, Fixed, Glass Dielectric Capacitor, Fixed, Glass 23269 Dielectric, Established Reliability T CY T C V SR 'TCQ7cE Failures/106 Hours X 'TC 7~ 'TC .O0037 E ',, Table - U se %R 1 ~ .O0051 1 1 .O0076 .O0076 2 2 1 2 2 .O0076 2 1 2 1 .O0076 .O0076 2 2 1 2 1 I 2 1 - 10.20 of Revision F Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 1 10-1 MIL-HDBK-217F C H G N O T I C E 2 9999570 0397050 308 D MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 10.1 CAPACITORS I I Description CK 1 1O1 5 CKR C C , CCR 4 20 Capacitor, Fixed, Ceramic Dielectric (General Purpose) Capacitor, Fixed, Ceramic 3901 Dielectric (General Purpose), Established Reliability .o0099 Capacitor, Fixed, Ceramic Dielectric (Temperature Compensating), Established and Nonestablished Reliabilihr .o0099 Capacitor, Chip, Muttiple Layer, Fixed, Ceramic Dielectric, Established Reliability .o020 CSR 39003 capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic (Solid Electrolyte), Tantalum, Established Reliability .O0040 CWR 55365 Capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic (Tantalum), Chip, Established Reliability .O0005 CL 3965 Capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic (Nonsolid Electrolyte), Tantalum ,00040 CLR 39006 Capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic (Nonsolid Electrolyte), Tantalum, Established Reliability .O0040 CRL 83500 Capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic (Nonsolid Electrolyte), Tantalum Ca?hode .O0040 Capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic (Aluminum Oxide), Established Reliability and Nonestablished Reliability .o0012 CE Capacitor, Fixed Electrolytic (DC, Aluminum, Dry Electrolyte, Polarized) 62.o0012 cv 81 Capacitor, Variable, Ceramic Dielectric (Trimmer) .O079 PC 14409 Capacitor, Variable (Piston Type, Tubular Trimmer) .O060 Capacitor, (Trimmer) (TT CG 10-2 83 Variable, Air Dielectric.O000072 92 Capacitor, Fixed or Variable, 231 .O060 Vacuum Dielectric Supersedes Section 10.1 - 10.20 of Revision F --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F CHG 9999770 0377053 244 D NOTICE 2 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 CAPACITORS 10.1 Temperature Factor nT - - Capacitance Factor TC XT T(%) Column 1 Column 2 20 .91 .79 .r Capacitance, C(cLF) Column 1 - Column 2 .000001 .29 .04 30 1.1 1.3 .o0001 .35 .07 40 1.3 1.9 .o001 .44 .12 50 1.6 2.9 .o01 .54 .20 60 1.8 4.2 .o1 .66 .35 70 2.2 6.0 .O5 .76 .50 80 2.5 8.4 .1 .81 .5 9 90 2.8 11 .5 .94 .85 1O0 3.2 15 1 1 .o 1 .o 110 3.7 21 3 1.1 1.3 120 4.1 27 8 1.2 1.6 130 4.6 35 18 1.3 1.9 140 5.1 44 40 1.4 2.3 150 5.6 56 200 1.6 3.4 1O00 1.9 4.9 3000 2.1 6.3 1O000 2.3 8.3 = exp ( 1 T + 273298 Column 1: Ea = .15 30000 2.5 11 Column 2: Ea = .35 60000 2.7 13 T = Capacitor Ambient Temperature 120000 NOTE: 1. zT values shown should only be use up to the temperature fatingof the device. 2.9 A 15 7tc = c .o9 Column 2: TC = c.23 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 2. For devices with ratings higher than 150°C, use the equation to determin ~ C(for T applications above 15OOC). Column 1: s Supersedes Section 10.1 - 10.20 of Revision F Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 10-3 MIL-HDBK-217F CHG N O T I C E 2 9 9 9 9 907109 7 0 5 2 180 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 10.1 CAPACITORS - Voltage Stress Factor xv Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 0.1 1 .o 1 .o 1 .o 1 .o 1 .O 0.2 1 .o 1 .o 1 .o 1 .o 1.1 0.3 1 .O 1 .o 1 .1 1 .O 1.2 O .4 1 .1 1 .O 1.3 1 .O 1.5 0.5 1.4 1.2 1.6 1 .O 2.0 0.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.7 0.7 3.2 5.7 2.6 0.8 5.2 19 0.9 8.6 59 Voltage Stress Column 1: 'zv = ( Column 2: nv = ($)'O column 3: 'zv = 3 5 + 3.7 15 130 3.4 5.1 4.4 990 6.8 5.6 5900 9.0 1 +1 (2>"+ 1 S = Operating Vpltage Rated Voltage Note: Operating voltage is the sum of applied DC voltage and peakAC voltage. Series Resistance Factor (Tantalum CSR Style Capacitors Only) - xSR Circuit Resistance, CR (ohms/volt) L - >0.8 .66 >0.6 to 0.8 1 .O >0.4 to 0.6 1.3 >0.2 to 0.4 2.0 >0.1 to 0.2 2.7 o to 0.1 CR = 10-4 Document provided by IHS. - 3.3 Eff. Res. Between Cap. and Pwr. Supply Voltage Applied to Capacitor Supersedes Section 10.1 - 10.20 of Revision F --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. flIL-HDBK-217F CHG NOTICE 2 9 9 9 7 9 7 0 0 3 9 7 0 5 3 0x7 a MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 CAPACITORS 10.1 - Environment Factor X- ~~~ Non-Established Reliability Capacitors (Most Two-Letter Styles) Commercial or Unknown Screening Level 3.0 1o. NOTE: Established reliability styles are failure rate graded (D, C, S, etc.) basedon life testing defined in theapplicable military device specification. This category usually applies only to three-letter styleswith an "R" Suff¡x. Supersedes Section 10.1 - 10.20 of Revision F 10-5 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. VIL-HDBK-217F CHG NOTICE 2 H 9997970 0397054 T53 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 10.2 CAPACITORS, EXAMPLE Example Given: A 400 VDC ratedcapacitortypeCQ09AlKE153K3isbeingusedinafixedground environment, 50°C component ambient temperature, and200 VDC applied with50 Vrms @ 60 Hz. The capacitoris being procured in full accordance with the applicable specification. The letters "CQ"in the type designation indicate that the specification is MIL-C-19978 and thatit is a NonEstablished Reliability quality level. The "E" in the designation correspondsto a 400 volt DC rating. The "153" in the designation expresses the capacitance in picofarads. The first two digits are significant and the third is the number of zeros to follow. Therefore, this capacitor has a capacitance of 15,000 picofarads. (NOTE: Pico = 1O-1 2, p = 1O-6) Based on the given information the following model factors are determined from the tables shown in Section 10.1. hb = .O0051 XT = 1.6 xc = .69 Use Table Equation (Note 15,000pF = .O15 pF) 2.9 + fi (AC Volts Applied) S = DC Volts Applied DC Rated Voltage xv S = nSR 10-6 Document provided by IHS. 200 + fi (50) = 40 O 1 XQ = 3.0 XE = 10 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Supersedes Section 10.1 - 10.20of Revision F Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. flIL-HDBK-237F 9999970 0397055 99T CHG N O T I C E 2 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 11.1 DESCRIPTION STY LE Power Pulse High Audio, Power and TF TP Low Power Pulse Intermediate Frequency (IF), RF and Discriminator - Base Failure Rate 3.0 Transformer hb (F/1O6 hrs.) Flyback (< 20 Volts) .O054 Audio (15 -20K HZ) .O1 4 Low Power Pulse (Peak Pwr.< 300W, Avg. Pwr. 5W) .o22 High Power, High Power Pulse (Peak Power 2 300W, Avg. Pwr. 2 5W) ,049 RF (10K - 10M HZ) .13 Temperature Factor- nT 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1O0 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 XT .93 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.1 4.3 ! - xn Quality Factor MIL-SPEC Lower - x, Environment Factor 1 Environment 1 GB XE 1.o GF 6.0 GM NS NU 5.0 16 6.0 AIF 8.0 AUC 7.0 AUF 9.0 ARW SF 24 .50 MF 13 ML 34 CL 61 O 4.6 11.3. This prediction model assumes that the for insulation rated temperature is not exceeded Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 1 12 AIC THS = Hot Spot Temperature(“C), See Section Document provided by IHS. 1 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- SPECIFICATION MIL-T-27 MIL-T-21038 MIL-T-55631 INDUCTIVE DEVICES, TRANSFORMERS flIL-HDBK-217F C H G NOTICE 2 m 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 0197056 826 m MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 11.1 INDUCTIVE DEVICES, TRANSFORMERS Transformer Characteristic Determination Note MIL-T-27 Example Designation TF I MIL-T-27 G4 i i Grade O¡ 576 I Insulation Family Case Class Symbol Family Type Codes Are: O1 through 09, Power Transformer and Filter: 37 through 41 Audio Transformer: 10 through 21, through 50 53 Pulse Transformer: 22 through 36,54 MIL-T-21036 Example Designation TP 4 I I Grade MIL-T-21038 Q I X1 1OOBCOOl Insulation Class MIL-T-55631. The Transformers are Designated with the following Types, Grades and Classes. Type I Type II Type 111 Grade 1 - Grade3 Class O Class A Class B Class C Grade2 Intermediate Frequency Transformer Radio Frequency Transformer Discriminator Transformer For Use When immersion and Moisture Resistance Tests are Required For Use When Moisture Resistance Test is Required For Use in Sealed Assemblies 85°C Maximum Operating Temperature 105°C Maximum Operating Temperature 125% Maximum Operating Temperature > 125°C Maximum Operating Temperature The class denotesthe maximum operating temperature (temperature rise plus maximum ambient temperature). 11-2 Supersedes page 11-2 of Revision F --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F CHG N O T I C E 2 9999970 0397057 762 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 INDUCTIVE DEVICES, 11.2 STYLE - RF Variable, and Fixed Variable, and Fixed RF, Chip Molded, RF, Est. Rel. - n: Failures/106 Hours 'P=', T Q E Base Failure Rate- & Quality Factor - XQ Quality or Choke Fixed Inductor .O00030 Temperature Factor THs(°C) 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1O0 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 THs "T .93 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.5 1 "Q S .03 R .1o P .30 M 1.o MIL-SPEC 1.o Lower 3.0 Environment Factor- IC, 1 Environment 1 "E GB 1 .o GF 6.0 GM NS NI I 12 5.0 16 6.0 AIF 8.0 3.8 AUC 7.0 4.1 4.3 4.6 *UF 9.0 = Hot Spot Temperature ("C), ARW 24 .50 SF MF 13 ML 34 CL 61 O --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- SPECIFICATION DESCRIPTION MIL-C-15305 M IL-C-83446 MIL-C-39010 COILS See Section 11.3 Supersedes page 11-3 of Revision F Document provided by IHS. 11-3 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 11.3 INDUCTIVE DEVICES, DETERMINATION OF HOT SPOT TEMPERATURE Hot Spot temperaturecan be estimated as follows: THS = TA + 1.1 (AT) where: THS = TA = AT = HotSpotTemperature("C) InductiveDeviceAmbientOperatingTemperature("C) AverageTemperatureRiseAboveAmbient("C) AT can either be determined bythe appropriate "Temperature Rise" Test Method paragraph in thedevice base specification (e.g., paragraph 4.8.12 for MIL-T-27E), or byapproximation using one of the procedures described below. For space environments a dedicated thermal analysis should be performed. AT Approximation (Non-space Envir Iments) Information Known 1. MIL-C-39010SlashSheetNumber MIL-C-39010/1C-3C, 5C, 7C, 9A, 10A, 13,14 MIL-C-39010/4C, 6C, 8A, 11, 12 AT Approximation AT = 15°C AT = 35°C 2. Power Loss Case Radiating Surface Area AT = 125 WL/A 3. Power Loss Transformer Weight AT = 11.5 WL/(Wt.).6766 4. Input Power Transformer Weight (Assumes 80% Efficiency) AT = 2.1 Wl/(Wt.). 6766 WL = Power Loss (W) A = RadiatingSurfaceArea ofCase (in2).See below forMiL-T-27CaseAreas Wt. = TransformerWeight(Ibs.) W, = Input Power (W) NOTE: Methods are listedin preferred order(Le., most to least accurate). MIL-C-39010 are microminiature deviceswith surface areas less than1 in2. Equations 2-4 are applicableto devices with surface areas from 3 in2to 150 in2. Do not includethe mounting surface when determining radiating surface area. Case AF AG AH AJ EB EA FB FA MIL-T-27 Case Radiatinc Areas (Excludes Mounting Surface) Case Case Area (in2) Area (in2) 4 GB 33 7 LA 43 GA 11 HB MB 42 MA 18 HA 53 NB 21 58 JB 71 NA 23 JA KB 72 OA 25 KA 31 84 Area (in2) 82 LB 98 98 115 117 139 146 Supersedes pages 11-4 and 11-5 of Revision F 11-4 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F 9999970 0397059 5 3 5 CHG N O T I C E 2 m MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 12.1 ROTATING DEVICES, MOTORS The following failure-rate model applies to motors with power ratings below one horsepower. This model is applicable to polyphase, capacitor start and run and shaded pole motors. It's application may be extended to other types of fractional horsepower motors utilizing rolling elementgrease packed bearings. The model is dictated by two failure modes, bearing failures and winding failures. Application of the model to D.C. brush motors assumes that brushes are inspected and replaced and are not a failure mode. Typical applications include fans and blowers as well as various other motor applications. The model is based on References 4 and 37, which contain a more comprehensive treatment of motor life , prediction methods. The references should be reviewed when bearing loads exceed 10 percent of rated load, speeds exceed 24,000rpm or motor loads include motor speed slip of greater than 25 percent. [- 1P = AUB hl + ] h2 BC~W x lo6 Failures/106 Bearing & Winding Characteristic Life TA ?c) aB (Hr.1 3600 70 13000 39000 78000 80000 55000 35000 7.56+03 O 10 20 30 40 50 60 aB = TAaw (HI.) - a~ and aw ("c) 6.48+06 3.28+06 1.6e+06 8.9e+05 5.08+05 4200 2900 2.98+05 1.8e+05 21 1500 7.0e+04 80 90 1O0 110 120 130 140 Hours aB (Hr.) aw e+05 22000 14000 91O0 61O0 e+04 1.1 O0 I L 2357 [TA + 273 - 1.831 clw = 10 aB = Weibull Charact aw E Weibull Characteristic Life for the Motor Windings TA = Ambient Temperature ("C) eristic Life forthe Motor Bearing NOTE: See page 12-3 for method to calculate aB and a,,,,when temperatureis not constant. Supersedes page 12-1 12-1 of Revision F Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. W.) 4.6e+04 3.1 e+04 2.1 1.56+04 1.08+04 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- The instantaneous failure rates, or hazard rates, experienced by motors are not constant but increase with time. The failure rate model in this section is an average failure rate for the motor operating over time period '7". This time period is either the system design life cycle (LC) or the time period the motor must last between complete refurbishment (or replacement). The model assumes that motors are replaced upon failure and that an effective constant failure rate is achieved after a given time due to the fact that the effective "time zero" of replaced motors becomes random after a significant portion of the population is replaced. The average failure rate, A , can be treated as a constant failure rate and P added to other part failure rates from this Handbook. 2 M I L - H D B K - 2 1 7 FC H GN O T I C E 9999970 01'170b0 257 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 ROTATING DEVICES, MOTORS A and B Determination Motor TvDe I A I 1 1.1 Electrical (General) .48 Sensor I B 2.4 1.7 Stepper 11 5.4 Example Calculation A general purpose electrical motor is operating at 50°C in a system witha 10 year design life(87600 hours) expectancy, aB = 55000 Hrs. + 5 Hrs. aW = 2.9e LC "B - 87600 Hrs. 55000 Hrs. LC - " " "W hl = = 87600 Hrs. + 5 Hrs. = (for .3 E= 1.6) .11 - -20 .15 .21 - .30 .23 .31 - .40 .31 .41 - .50 .4 1 .51 - .60 .51 .61 - .70 .6 1 .71 - .80 .68 .81 - .90 .76 1 .o -Cis the system design life cycle(in hours), or he motor preventive maintenance interval,if notors will be periodically replaced or .efurbished. Determine hl and separately I lased on the respective h2 = .23 A = 1.9 B = 1.1 %= 1.0 [(1.9)(55000) hp = 12-2 Document provided by IHS. h2 .13 I I Or o - .10 z 1.0 2.9e 1.0 1.6 hl 1.9 .29 Servo h, and Determination n I,-. and ratios. aB "W + (1.1)(2.9e + 5) 10.3 Failures/lO6 Hours Supersedes page 12-2 of Revision F Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 12.1 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 12.1 ROTATING DEVICES, MOTORS aCalculation for Cycled Temperature The following equation canbe used to calculate a weighted characteristiclife for both bearings and windings (e.g., for bearings substituteaB for all a's in equation). + hl a =h 2h l -+ a where: 1 a h2 + h3 +-""-h, -+ h- 3 + 2 "3 """_ a = either aB or aw hl = TimeatTemperature Tl h2 = Time to Cycle From Temperature Tl to T3 h3 = TimeatTemperatureT3 hm = TimeatTemperatureTm al = a2 = NOTE: hm am Bearing (or Winding) Life atTl Bearing (or Winding) Life at T2 T2 = T1 + T 3 , T4 = T3 2 + Hours (h) Thermal Cycle Supersedes page 12-3 of Notice 1 Document provided by IHS. 12-3 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. CHG N O T I C E 2 MIL-HDBK-217F H 9999970 0397062 02T MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 AND RESOLVERS ROTATING DEVICES, SYNCHROS 12.2 DESCRIPTION Rotating Synchrosand Resolvers IC %=‘b n x Failures/106Hours S N E NOTE: Synchros and resolvers are predominately used in service requiring only slowand infrequent motion. so that the electrical failure mode dominates, and no Mechanical wearout problems are infrequent in the model above. mechanical mode failure rate is required ‘b .O083 .O088 .O095 .o1 o .o1 1 .O1 3 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- \ TF .O32 .O41 .O69 ,094 .13 .19 .29 .45 .74 1.3 110 115 120 125 .o1 9 .o22 .O27 ( TF+273 = .O0535 exp 334 ) 8.5 - Size 8 or Smaller xS Size 10-16 Size 18 or 2.5 4 3.2 2 1.5 1 Resolver 3 2.25 1.5 J Environment Factor- IC= L Environment TE GB 1.o GF 2.0 NU 12 7.O 18 AIC 4.0 AIF 6.0 AUC 16 AUF 25 ARW 26 .50 SF Synchro Document provided by IHS. 3 NS Size Factor nS 12-4 1.4 GM Frame Temperature (“C) If Frame Temperatureis Unknown Assume TF = 40 “C + Ambient Temperature DEVICE TYPE 12 .O52 .O14 .O16 = Number of Brushes Factor- nN Number of Brushes ICN MF 14 ML 36 CL 680 Supersedes page 12-4 of Notice 1 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. ~~ ~ MIL-HDBK-217F C H G N O T I C E 2 7 9 9 9 9 7 0 0197063 T b b MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 12.3 ROTATING DEVICES, ELAPSED TIME METERS DESCRIPTION Elapsed Time Meters h, = hbynEFailures/l O6 Hours Environment Factor - nCE Base Failure Rate- A,+. I I I Type Inverter Driven Commutator D.C. Environment I I “E 1 .o 2o 2.0 30 12 I 80 7.0 18 5.0 Temperature Stress Factor - ‘CT 8.0 Operating T (OC)/Rated T (“c) o to 16 .5 25 .a 1 .o I .50 .8 14 1.0 38 NIA Supersedes page 12-5 of Revision F Document provided by IHS. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 26 12-5 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 13.1 SPECIFICATION MIL-R-5757 MIL-R-83516 MIL-R-6106 MIL-R-83520 MIL-R-83536 MIL-R-13718 MIL-R-83725 MIL-R-19648 MIL-R-19523 MIL-R-83726 (Except Class MIL-R-39016 P' DESCRIPTION Mechanical Relay Type) C, Solid State X = 'bxLKC"CYC F7tQ E Failures/106 Hours Load Stress Factor - xI Base Failure Rate- A+, TA ("C) 25 30 35 40 45 1. l,, --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- = ( ( .1 o .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.o0 .O066 .O073 .O081 .O089 .O098 .o1 1 .o12 .O13 .O14 .O15 .O17 .O18 .o19 .o2 1 .o22 .O24 .O26 .O27 .O29 .O067 .O075 .O084 .O094 .o1 o .o12 .O13 .O14 .O1 6 .O1 7 .o1 9 .o21 .O059 exp -.19 8.617 X 10-5 [ 1 -.17 8.617 X 10-5 [ 1 2. SPDT 4PST 4PDT 6PDT 1.O6 1.28 1.76 2.72 4.77 9.49 21.4 2.72 9.49 2.1 5 2.72 3.55 4.77 1 nL = exp 1.28 54.6 a (3) E rating Load Current HatzResistive Load Current For single devices which switch two different load types, evaluate nL for each possible stress load type nL). combination and use the worse case (largest 1 - z]) - z]) 1 Cycling Factor- xcYc Cycle Rate (Cycles per MIL-SPEC Hour) 2 1.0 Ambient Temperature ("C) Contact Form Factor - xc (Applies to Active Conducting Contacts) Contact Form nC SPST Resistive .05 .o059 2. l,,= .O059exp TA 5 850C1 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 1O0 105 110 115 120 125 RELAYS, MECHANICAL Rate xcYc > 1000 1.o0 1.50 DPST 1.75 2.00 3PST 2.50 3.00 DPDT 4.25 3PDT 5.50 8.00 Cycle (Cycles Hour) per (Commercial Quality) 1 - 10 10 1000 1 Cycles per Hour basic design limitationsof the relay are not valid. Design specifications should be consulted prior to evaluation of %YC 1 Supersedes page 13-1 of Revision F Document provided by IHS. 13-1 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F CHG NOTICE 2 m 9999970 0397065 839 = MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 RELAYS, MECHANICAL Quality Factor - 7cC 1 r Quality - R .1o P .3O X .45 U .60 M 1 .o L 1.5 MIL-SPEC, Non-Est. Rel. - "F APlplication and Construction Factor Application Construction Contact Rating TV De Type Dry Circuit Armature (Long) Signal Dry Reed Current Mercury Wetted (Low mv Magnetic Latching and ma) Balanced Armature Solenoid 1 0-5 Amp Armature (Long) 1 General Armature Purpose Sensitive - (O 100 mw) 1.5 Commercial 2.9 L GB "E 1 .o =F 2.0 GM Vibrating Reed High Speed 15 8.0 27 AIC 7.0 AIF 9.0 AUC 11 AUF 12 ARW 46 SF 13-2 Document provided by IHS. 5-20 Amp .50 MF 25 ML CI 66 1O0 Polarized Environment Factor- SC, Environment Armature (Long and Short) Mercury Wetted Magnetic Latching Movement Meter Balanced Armature i 7 3 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 13.1 Short) Thermal Time Delay Electronic Time Delay, Non-Thermal Latching, Reed Dry Magnetic Wetted Mercury armature Balanced High Voltage 20 (Glass) Vacuum (Ceramic) Vacuum Medium Armature (Long and Power Short) Wetted Mercury Latching Magnetic Mechanical Latching 2 Balanced Armature I r 10 5 Solenoid 25-600 Amp Contactors (High Current) Armature (Short) Mechanical Latching Balanced Armature N/A page Supersedes 13-2 of Revision F Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 5 5 3 1 2 3 2 MIL-HDBK-217F 7999970 OL970bb 7 7 5 CHG NOTICE 2 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 13.2 RELAYS, SOLID STATE AND TIME DELAY DESCRIPTION Relay, Solid State Relay, Time Delay, Hybrid and Solid State SPECIFICATION MIL-R-28750 MIL-R-83726 of solid state (and solid state time delay) relays is to sum The most accurate method for predicting the failure rate the failure rates forthe individual components which makeup the relay. The individual component failure rates can either be calculated from the models provided in the main body of this Handbook (Parts Stress Method) or from the Parts Count Method shown in Appendix A, depending upon the depth of knowledge the analyst has about the components being used. If insufficient information is available, the following default model can be used: hp A ~ ~ c c Failures/106 Q~c~ Hours = Base Failure Rate- I Environment Factor- xE I Type Relay hh Solid State .O29 Solid State Time Delay .O29 I Environment GB 1.o GF 3.0 GM .O29 Hybrid NS Quality Factor- zQ --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- I Quality I "0 MIL-SPEC 1.o Commercial 1.9 I 12 6.0 NU 17 AIC 12 AIF 19 AUC 21 AUF 32 ARW 23 .40 SF MF 12 ML 33 CL 590 Supersedes page 13-3 of Revision F Document provided by IHS. 13-3 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-ZL7F m 9999770 CHG N O T I C E 2 Ol1970b7 bDL m MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 SWITCHES 14.1 X X 'P='b LC E Failures/106 Hours IC 7[: Q Load Stress Factor- Base Failure Rate- 2 Description Centrifugal Dual-In-line Package Limit Liquid Level Microwave (Waveguide) Pressure Pushbutton Reed Rocker Rotary Sensitive Thermal Thumbwheel Toggle Spec. M IL-S- Ab (F/106 Hrs.) NIA 83504 8805 21 277 N/A 3.4 .o0012 4.3 2.3 1.7 8932 9395 121 1 8805 22885 2431 7 55433 3950 22885 3786 13623 15291 15743 22604 2271O 45885 82359 8805 13484 2261 4 12285 24286 2271 O 3950 5594 8805 8834 941 9 13735 81551 83731 2.8 .1o Stress S 0.05 o. 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.o 1.28 1.48 1.76 2.1 5 2.72 3.55 Operating Load Current Rated Resistive Load Current S= .o010 .O23 XL .11 xL p Load Type Inductive 1.o2 1.O6 1.28 1.76 1.15 2.72 4.77 9.49 21.4 Resistive 1.o0 1 .o2 1.O6 = exp (S/.8)2 for Resistive Load = exp (S/.4)2 for Inductive Load = exp (S/.2)2 for Lamp Load NOTE: When the switch is rated by inductive load, then use resistive xI . .49 Contact Configuration Factor'- X- L Ø .O31 ## of Contacts, Contact Form -18 .1o SPST DPST SPDT 3p5t 4p5t DPDT 3PDT 4PDT 6PDT NC 1 2 2 3 4 4 6 8 12 ICC 1.o 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.3 KC = (NC). 33 Applies to toggle and pushbutton switches only, all others usexC = 1. Supersedes page Document provided by IHS. 14-1 through 14-4 of Revision F --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 14-1 MIL-HDBK-ZL7F C H G N O T I C E 2 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 OL970b8 5 4 8 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 SWITCHES 14.1 Quality Factor - xQ I Quality 1 Environment XQ 1 I Environment MIL-SPEC 1 GB 1 .o Lower 2 GF 3.0 I I I GM 18 8.0 NS NU 29 AIC 10 AIF 18 13 AUC AUF 22 ARW 46 .50 SF I MF 25 ML 67 CL 1200 Supersedes page 14-1 through 14-4 of Revision F 14-2 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 SWITCHES, CIRCUIT BREAKERS 14.2 DESCRIPTION Circuit Breakers, Manual and Automatic Circuit Breakers, Magnetic, Unsealed, Trip-Free Circuit Breakers, Remote Control, Thermal, Trip-Free Circuit Breakers, Magnetic,Low Power, Sealed, Trip-Free Service Circuit Breakers, Molded Case, Branch Circuit and Service SPECIFICATION MIL-C-13516 MIL-C-55629 MI L-C-83383 MIL-C-39019 w-c-375 h, = h b ~ C 7 t U ~Failures/l Q~E O6 Hours Quality Factor- ~n Base Failure RateDescription ‘b Magnetic .34 Thermal .34 Thermal-Magnetic .34 1 I I I Quality nQ MIL-SPEC 1.o I Lower 8*4 I Environment Factor- 7tr L Environment Configuration Factor- nc Configuration GB 1 .o GF 2.0 GM DPST NS 3PST 3.0 4PST 4.0 Use Factor- zu Use Also Used as a Power On/Off Switch I I 1.o Not Used as a Power On/Off Switch I NU 2.5 27 7.0 AIF 9.0 AUC 11 AUF 12 ARW 46 50 SF MF 25 ML 66 CL NIA 14-3 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- b 8.0 AIC Supersedes page 14-5 of Revision F Document provided by IHS. 15 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F CHG N O T I C E 2 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 0377070 17’6 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 15.1 3Lp = hb~TnKnQnE Failuredl O6 CONNECTORS, GENERAL Hours APPLICATION NOTE: The failure rate model is for a mated pair of connectors. It is sometimes desirable to assign half of the overall mated pair connector (Le., single connector) failure rateto the line replaceable unit and half to the chassis (or backplane). An example of when this would be beneficial is for input to maintainability prediction to allow a failure rate weighted repair time to be estimated for both the LRU and chassis. This accounting procedure could be significant if repair times for the two halves of the connector are substantially different. For a single connector divide A,, by two. Temperature Factor- nT Specification Description MIL-CCircular/Cylindrical 501 5 26482 26500 27599 28840 29600 38999 83723 3151 1 To (“C) Card Edge (PCB)* 21 097 55302 .O40 Hexagonal 24055 24056 .15 Rack and Panel 243 08 2873 1 28748 835 15 .o21 Rectangular 21617 24308 28748 28804 81 659 835 1 3 83527 83733 85028 .O46 RF Coaxial 3607 3643 3650 3655 15370 25516 26637 39012 55235 8351 7 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1O0 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 .o01 o .O0041 Telephone 55074 .O075 Power 22992 .O070 Triaxial 491 42 .O036 nT .9 1 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.4 3.7 4.1 4.6 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.1 8.6 9.2 9.8 1o. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Base Failure Rate- hU. To = Connector Ambient + AT AT = Connector Insert Temperature Rise (See Table) Printed Circuit Board Connector Supersedes page 15-1 through 15-5’ of Revision F Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 15-1 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 CONNECTORS, GENERAL DefauIlt Insert Temperature Rise lation Amperes ict Gau(L PerContact 20 16 30 1 2 2 10 2 8 5 3 22 4 4 0 37 13 5 5 56 13 19 8 6 18 27 79 7 23 10 36 8 30 13 46 9 57 37 16 45 19 10 70 15 96 41 70 20 25 106 30 35 40 - ~ 12 -O L AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT = 3.256 (i)’.85 = 2.856 (i)’ .85 = 2.286 (i)’ = 1.345(i)’ = 0.989 (i)’ = 0.640 (i)’ .85 = 0.429 (i)’ .85 = 0.274 = 0.100 (i)’ .85 AT = i = 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 15 26 39 54 72 92 RF Coaxial Connectors AT = 5°C RF Coaxial Connectors (HighPowerApplications) AT = 50°C - zK IFK O to .O5 1 .o > .O5 to .5 1.5 > .5 to 5 2.0 > 5 to 50 3.0 *One cycle includes both connect and disconnect. Quality Factor - X Q Quality - 32 Gauge Contacts 30 Gauge Contacts 28 Gauge Contacts 24 Gauge Contacts 22 Gauge Contacts 20 Gauge Contacts 18 Gauge Contacts 16 Gauge Contacts 12 Gauge Contacts Insert Temperature Rise Amperes per Contact MatingNnmating Factor MatingNnmating Cycles’ (per 1000 hours) --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 15.1 MIL-SPEC Lower Environment Factor Environment - nE GB XE 1 .o GF 1 .o GM 8.0 NS 5.0 NU 13 *IC 3.0 AIF 5.0 AU c 8.0 AU F 12 ARW 19 .50 SF 15-2 Document provided by IHS. MF 10 ML 27 CL 490 Supersedes page 15-2 through 15-5 of Revision F Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. ~~ CHG N O T I C E 2 MIL-HDBK-217F 9997970 0197072 T77 H MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 CONNECTORS, SOCKETS 15.2 'P=% II: Failures/106 Hours P Q E 5~ IC Active Pins Factor- x p Base Failure Rate- Ilt, Spec. MIL-S 'b Dual-ln-Line Package 83734 .O0064 Single-ln-Line Package 83734 .O0064 Chip Carrier 38533 .O0064 NIA .O0064 Description Pin Grid Array Relay 12883 .O37 Transistor 12883 .O051 Electron Tube, CRT 12883 .o1 1 Quality Factor- xQ Qualit MIL-SPEC. 1 .o Lower Environment Factor- x= Number of Active Contacts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 ZP Active Contacts 1.o 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.1 4.5 5.0 5.5 5.9 6.4 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 1O0 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 q = N = Number of ActivePins nP 6.9 7.4 7.9 8.4 8.9 9.4 9.9 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 .39 An active contactis the conductive element which mateswith another elementfor the purpose of transferring electrical energy. Supersedes page 15-6 of Revision F Document provided by IHS. 15-3 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Number of MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 INTERCONNECTION ASSEMBLIES WITH PLATED THROUGH HOLES 16.1 kp = hb[N1 xC + N2(xc + 1 Failures/106 Hours 13) APPLICATION NOTE: This model applies to board configurations with leaded devices mounted into the plated through holes and assumesfailures are predominately defect related. For boards using surface mount technology, use Section 16.2. For a mix of leaded devices mounted into plated through holes and surface 16.2 for the surface mountcontribution. mount devices, usethis model for the leaded devices and use Section A discrete wiring assembly withelectroless deposit plated through holesis basically a pattern of insulated wires laid down on an adhesive coated substrate. The primary cause of failure for both printed wiring and discrete wiring assemblies is associated with plated through-hole (PTH) problems (e.g., barrel cracking). - Quality Factor- "Q Base Failure Rate hb --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Printed Wiring Assembly/Printed Circuit Boards with PTHs b ' .O00017 Discrete Wiring with Electroless .o001 1 Deposited PTH(2 2 Levels of Circuitry) - Number of PTHs Factor N1 and N2 Factor Quantity N1 Automated Techniques: Quantity of Wave Infrared (IR) or Vapor Phase Soldered Functional PTHs N2 Quality . Technology - MIL-SPEC or Comparable Institute for Interconnecting, and Packaging Electronic Circuits (!PC) Standards (IPC Level3) 1 Lower 2 - Environment Factor Environment Quantity of Hand Soldered PTHs Complexity Factor - "C Number of Circuit Planes, P s2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Discrete Wiring w/PTH "C = .65 P.63 1 .o "C 1 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.9 4.0 I GB 1 .o GF 2.0 GM 7.0 NS 5.0 NU 13 AIC 5.0 AIF 8.0 AUC 16 AUF 28 *RW 19 .50 SF MF 10 ML 27 CL 500 1 2SP118 Supersedes page 16-1 of Revision F Document provided by IHS. "E 16-1 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F CHG N O T I C E 2 9999970 0377074 841 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 INTERCONNECTIONASSEMBLIES,SURFACEMOUNTTECHNOLOGY 16.2 APPLICATION NOTE: The SMT Model was developedto assess the life integrityof leadless and leaded devices. It provides a relative measureof circuit card wearout due to thermal cycling fatigue failure of the "weakest link SMT device. An analysis should be performed on all circuit board SMT components. The component with the largest failure rate value (weakest link) is assessed as the overall board failure rate due to SMT. The model assumes the board is completely renewed upon failure of the weakest link and the results do not consider solder or lead manufacturing defects. This model is based on thetechniques developed in Reference 37. h s =~ Average ~ failure rate overthe expected equipment life cycle due to surface mount device wearout. This failure rate contribution to the system is for theSurfaceMountDeviceon each board exhibiting the highest absolute value of the strain range: ECF = Temperaturecyclingrate in cycles per calendar hour. Base on a thermal analysisof the circuit board. Use table default values if other estimates do not exist. Nf = Averagenumberofthermal cycles to failure where: d = Distance from center of device to the furthest solder joint in mils (thousandths of an inch) h = Solder joint height mils in for leadless devices. Default to h = 8 for all leaded configurations. as = Circuit board substrate thermal coefficient of expansion(TCE) .41 .51 AT = -61 .68 .76 Use environment temperature extreme difference WC = Package material thermal coefficient of expansion (TCE) Effective cumulative number failures Weibull the over characteristic life. = of Effective Cumulative Failures- ECF LC ECF aSMT 0 -.1 .11 .20 .21 - .30 .31 - .40 .41 - 50 .51 - .60 .61 - .70 .71 - .80 .81 - .90 > .9 .13 .15 - I LC = ~ S M T= where: CR .23 .31 I 1.o Design life cycle of the equipment in which the circuit board is operating. TheWeibull characteristic life. C~SMT is a functionof device and substrate material, themanufacturing methods, and the application environment used. Pd = eJCP 8JC = = Thermal resistance "/Watt Power Dissipation (Watts) P nLC = to power Temperaturerisedue dissipation (Pd) TRISE = Leadconfigurationfactor New Page 16-2 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. VIL-HDBK-217F 9 9 9 7 9 7 0 0397075 788 CHG NOTICE 2 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 16.2 INTERCONNECTIONASSEMBLIES,SURFACEMOUNTTECHNOLOGY as - - Default TCE Substrate Values --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- CR - Cycling Rate Defat Values Number of Equipment Type Cycles/Hour 1.o Automotive .O8 Consumer (television, radio, recorder) .17 Computer Telecommunications .O042 Commercial Aircraft .25 .o21 Industrial .O3 Military Ground Applications .12 Military Aircraft (Cargo) .5 Military Aircraft (Fighter) I "LC Substrate Material - Lead Configuration Factor Lead Configuration Leadless J or S Lead Gull Wing I "LC 1 150 5,000 a m - TCE Packaae Values 1 -Material I orcc AverageValue I I I I Plastic Ceramic 7 6 AT - Use Environment Default Temperature Difference AT Environment 7 GB GM 21 26 NS 26 NU 61 AIC AIF AUC AUF ARW 31 GF 31 57 57 31 F R 4 Laminate F R 4 Multilayer Board FR-4 Multilayer Board w/Copper Clad Invar Ceramic Multilayer Board Copper Clad Invar Copper Clad Molybdenum Carbon-Fiber/Epoxy Composite Kevlar Fiber Quartz Fiber Glass Fiber Epoxy/Glass Laminate Polyamide/Glass Laminate Polyamide/Kevlar Laminate PolyamidelQuartz Laminate Epoxy/Kevlar Laminate Alumina (Ceramic) Epoxy Aramid Fiber Polyamide Aramid Fiber Epoxy-Quartz Fiberglass Teflon Laminates Porcelainized Copper Clad Invar Fiberglass Ceramic Fiber 7 MF N/A N/A MT = - 5 5 1 3 1 5 15 13 6 8 7 7 7 6 9 20 7 7 N/A aSMT = Nf CR ECF aSMT New Page Document provided by IHS. 7 EXAMPLE: A large plastic encapsulated leadless chip carrier is mounted on a epoxyglassprintedwiringassembly.Thedesign considerations are: a square package is 1480 mils on a side, solder height is 5 mils, power is dissipationis .5 watts,thermalresistance 20°C/watt,thedesignlife is 20yearsand environment is military ground application. The failure rate developed is the impact of SMTfor a single circuit board and accounts for all SMT devices on this board. This failure rate is added to the sum of all of the component failure rates on the circuit board. SF ML CL 18 20 11 16-3 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. flIL-HDBK-237F CHG N O T I C E 2 m 9999970 039307b b 3 4 m MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 16.2 INTERCONNECTIONASSEMBLIES, SURFACE MOUNTTECHNOLOGY = 5 mils hFor h: For as: as = 15 (Table - EpoxyGlass) For AT: AT = 21 (Table - GF) For act: W C = 7 (Table - Plastic) For TRISE: TRISE = 8JcP = 20(.5)= 10°C For nLC: ~ L =C1 (Table - Leadless) For CR: CR = .O3 cycles/hour(Table Nf LC = 18,893 thermal cycles to failure = .O3 18,893 cyledhour cycles = 629,767 hours (20 yrs.) (8760 - F) " %MT ECF MT h s - MilitaryGround) 629,767 hrs. = .28 = .23 failures (Table - EffectiveCumulativeFailures) = .23 failures= ,0000004 failuredhour aSMT E 629,767 hours = ~ .4 ~failures/l O6 hours ECF New Page 16-4 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. NIL-HDBK-217F CHG N O T I C E 2 9999970 0377077 550 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 17.1 CONNECTIONS APPLICATION NOTE: The failure rate model in this section applies to connections used on all assemblies except those using plated through holes or surface mount technology. Use the Interconnection Assembly Model in Section 16 to account for connections to a circuit board using either plated through hole technology or surface mount technology. The failure rate of the structure which supports the connections and parts, e.g., non-plated-through hole boards and terminal straps, is considered to be zero. Solderless wrap connections are characterized by solid wire wrapped under tension arounda post, whereas hand soldering with wrapping does not depend on a tension induced connection. The following model isfor a single connection. 3p = %xE Base Failure Rate- L U Environment Factor- x , +, (FAO6 hrs) Hand Solder, w/o Wrapping .O013 Hand Solder, w/Wrapping .O00070 Crimp .O0026 Weld .O00015 Solderless Wrap .O000068 Clip Termination .o001 2 Reflow Solder .O00069 Spring Contact .17 Terminal Block .O62 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Connection Type Failures/l O6 Hours Supersedes page 17-1 17-1 of Revision F Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. NIL-HDBK-ZL7F m 9999970 O070860 8 m RE : . MIL-HDBK-217F METERS, PANEL 18.1 DESCRIPTION Meter, Electrical Indicating, Panel Type, Ruggedized SPECIFICATION MIL-M-1 0304 X P % AXF XQ X n:E Failures/106 Hours - - Ease Failure Rate L I Quality Factor zn I I All I .o90 - .. I Quality "O MIL-"10304 1 .o Lower 3.4 Application Factor I I Application 1 XA Environment Factor- x , L 1 .o Direct Current Alternating Current I Environment 1.7 I I I NS 12 NU 35 AIC 28 AlF 42 1.o AUC 58 Other' 2.8 AUF 73 ARW 60 *F 1.o Ammeter .Voltmeter - I I ~~ ~ ' Meters whose basic meter movement construction is an ammeterwith associated conversion elements. I --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. 4.0 25 - Function GF GM Function Factor xc I GB "E 1 .o - SF 1.1 MF 60 ML NIA CL NIA Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. I I I . . . . . . . ~ . .. . - " " . .. . . . ' MIL-HDBK-237F - . : RE m 9 9 9 9 9 7 00 0 7 0 8 6 3 T m ~~ MIL-HDBK-217F 19.1 QUARTZ CRYSTALS DESCRIPTION Crystal Units, Quartz SPECIFICATION MIL-C-3098 x Failures/106Hours X 'P = 'b Q E - Environment Factor zE Base Failure Frequency, f(MHz) 0.5 1.O 5.0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 Environment "b GB . .o1 1 .O13 .o19 .o22 ,024 .O26 .O27 .O28 ,029 .O30 .O31 ,032 ,033 .O33 .O34 .O35 .O35 .O36 .O36 .O37 .O37 .O37 ,038 . . GF GM NS NU r . . . AIC AIF "E 1 .o 3 .O 10 6.0 16 12 17 AUC 22 AUF 28 ARW 23 .50 SF i MF 13 ML 32 CL 500 _ . hb = .013(f)*23 - I Quality I Xn --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Quality Factor zQ I MIL-SPEC Lower 19-1 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. NIL-HDBK-ZL7F R E 9999970 0070862 L MIL-HDBK-217F SPECIFICATION escent,Lamps, MIL-L-6363 w-L-111 Tungsten-Filament Miniature,Incandescent, Lamps, DESCRIPTION h, = X , , ~ C ~ I CFailuredl ~K~ O6 Hours L APPLICATION NOTE: The data used to develop this model included randomly occurring catastrophic failures and failures dueto tungsten filament wearout. - - Environment Factor K, Base Failure Rate?+, I l V, (Volts) Voltage, Rated I I I Ah I I I ::: II 5 6 12 14 24 59 .75 1.8 . 5.4 28 37.5 - I Utilization Factor nu Utilization (IlluminateHourd Equipment Operate Hours) leu < 0.10 0.10 0.10 to 0.90 0.72 > 0.90 . I . 1.0 I - Application Factor K .A _ Application I Alternating Current 1 .o Direct Current 3.3 20-1 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. . . .. . ' RE MIL-HDBK-217F .. 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 0070863 3 E MIL-HDBK-217F --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 2 1.1 . ELECTRONICFILTERS,NON-TUNABLE DESCRIPTION Filters, Radio Frequency Interference Filters, High Pass, Low Pass, Band Pass, Band Suppression, and Dual Functioning (Non-tunable) SPECIFICATION MIL-F-15733 MIL-F-18327 is to sum the failure rates for the individual The most accurate wayto estimate the failure rate for electronic filters components which makeup the filter (e.g., IC's, diodes, resistors, etc.) using the appropriate models provided in this Handbook. The Parts Stress models or the Parts Count method given in Appendix A can be used to determine individual component failure rates. If insufficient information is. available then the following default model canbe used. A,, = XQ - Environment Factor - 7cc . Base Failure Rate At, , XE FailuresUO6 Hours I: TY Pe 'b MIL-F-15733, Ceramic-Ferrite Construction (StylesF i 10-16, 22, 24, 30-32, 34,35, 38, 41-43, 45, 47-50, 61-65, 70, 81-93, 95, 96) ,022 MIL-F-15733, Discrete LC Componentsi (Styles FL 37, 53, 74) .12 MIL-F-18327, Discrete LC Components (Composition 1) .12 MIL-F-18327, Discrete LC and CrystalComponents . (Composition 2) .27 Environment. I "E 7.0 9.0 11 13 11 .80 7.0 Quality Factor- Z n 15 Quality 120 MIL-SPEC Lower Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F RE 7777778 0870Bb4 5 : ~~ MIL-HDBK-217F FUSES 22.1 DESCRIPTION Fuse, Cartridge ClassH Fuse, Cartridge, High Interrupting Capacity Fuse, Current Limiter Type, Aircraft Fuse, Instrument Type Fuse, Instrument, Power and Telephone (Nonindicating), Style F01 SPECIFICATION W-F-1726 W-F-1814 MIL-F-5372 ML-F-23419 MIL-F-15160 b hp = +,ICEFailures/106 Hours APPLICATION NOTE: The reliability modeling of fusespresentsauniqueproblem.’Unlikemostother components, there is very little correlation between the numberof fuse replacements and actual fuse failures. Generally whena fuse opens, or “blows,” something elsein the circuithas created-anoverload conditionand the fuse is simply functioning as designed. This model is based on life test data and represents fuse open and A short failure mode is most commonly shorting failure modes due primarily to mechanical fatigue and corrosion. caused by electrically conductive material shorting the fuse terminals together causing a to failure open condition when rated current is exceeded. - Environment Factor- xE Base Failure Rate $ TY Pe I I L I Environment W-F-1726, W-F-1814, MIL-F5372, MIL-F-23419, ML-F-15160 I GB xCE 1.o GF 2.0 GM 8.0 NS 5.0 I 11 NU 9.0 AIC 12 AlF AUC a 15 . AUF 18 ARW 16 .9o SF MF 10 ML 21 CL 230 22-1 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. .. : MIL-HDBK-217F . . RE m 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 0070865 7 MIL-HDBK-217F 23.1 MISCELLANEOUS PARTS --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- h,-. Failure P Rates for Miscellaneous Parts (Failures/lO6 Hours) Failure Rate Part Type Vibrators (MIL-V-95) 60-cycle 120-cycle 400-cycle 15 20 40 Lamps Neon Lamps 0.20 Fiber Optic Cables (Single Fiber Types Only) 0.1 (Per Fiber Km) Single Fiber Optic Connectors' 0.10 Microwave Elements (Coaxial &Waveguide) Attenuators (Fixed& Variable) - See Resistors, TypeRD Fixed Elements (Directional Couplers, Fixed Stubs & Cavities) Negligible 0.10 Variable Elements (Tuned Stubs& Cavities) Microwave Ferrite Devices Isolators & Circulators (51OOW) Isolators & Circulators (>1OOW) Phase Shifter (Latching) Dummy Loads < 1oow 1oow to I 1ooow 0.030 X ZE > 1ooow -Terminations (Thin or Thick Film Loads Used in Stripline and Thin Film Circuits) 0.030X "E 'Caution: Excessive Mating-Demating Cycles May Seriously Degrade Reliability 23-1 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. . . . - I ,NIL-HDBK-217F RE m 9999978 e30708bb 9 U MIL-HDBK-217F 23.1 MISCELLANEOUS PARTS - IC, Environment Factor- nE Environment Factor L (Dummy L .ds) Environment --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- (Microwave Ferri Devices) Environment "E 1.o 2.0 8.0 5.0. 12 , "E GB 1 .o GF 2.0 10 GM 5.0 NS NU ' 17 5.0 *IC 6.0 8.0 AlF 8.0 7.0 AUC 14 11 AUF 22 17 ARW 25 .50 9.0 24 ML 450 CL - .50 SF MF . - . 14 36 660 . 23-2 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-237F W 9999970 0 3 9 7 0 7 8 4 9 7 W CHG N O T I C E 2 MIL-HDBK-217F APPENDIX A: PARTS COUNT RELIABILITY PREDICTION - Parts Count Reliability Prediction This prediction method is applicable during bid proposal and early design phases when insufficient information is available to use the part stress analysis models shown in the main bodyof this Handbook. The information needed to apply the method is (1) generic part types (including complexity for microcircuits) and quantities, (2) pait quality levels, and (3)equipment environment. The equipment failure rate is obtained by looking up a generic failure rate in one of the following tables, multiplyingit by a quality factor, andthen summing it with failure rates obtainedfor other components in the equipment. The general mathematical expression for equipment failure rate with this method is: Equation 1 for a given equipment environment where: hEQUIP = Totalequipmentfailurerate(Failures/106Hours) = Generic failure rate for thei th generic part (FailuredlO6 Hours) "Q = Quality factor for the i th generic pari Ni = Quantity of n = Numberofdifferentgeneric hg --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- i th generic part pari categories in the equipment Equation 1 applies if the entire equipment is being used in one environment. If the equipment comprises several units operating in different environments (such as avionics systems with units in airborne inhabited (Al) and uninhabited (AU) environments), then Equation 1 should be applied to the portions of the equipment in each environment. These "environment-equipment" failure rates should be added to determine total equipment failure rate. Environmental symbols are defined in Section 3. The quality factorsto be usedwith each part type are shown with the applicable hgtables andare not necessarily the same values that are used in the Part Stress Analysis. Microcircuits have an additional multiplying factor, xL, which accounts for the maturity of the manufacturing process. For devices in production two years or more, no modification is needed. For those in production less than two years, h 9 should be multiplied by the appropriate 5tL factor (See pageA-4). It should be noted that no generic failure rates are shown for hybrid microcircuits. Each hybrid is a fairly uniquedevice. Sincenone of thesedevices have beenstandardized, their complexitycannot be determined from their name or function. Identically or similarly named hybrids can have a wide rangeof complexity that thwarts categorizationfor purposes of this prediction method. If hybrids are anticipated for a design, their use and construction should be thoroughly investigated on an individual basis with application of the prediction modelin Section 5. The failure rates shown in this Appendix were calculated by assigning model default values to the failure rate models of Section 5 through 23. The specific defauR values used forthe model parameters are shown with theh Tables for microcircuits. Default parameters for all other part classes are summarized in 9 the tables starting on Page A-12. For partswith characteristics which differ significantly from the assumed defaults, or parts used in large quantities, the underlying models in the main body of this Handbook can be used. A-1 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. flIL-HDBK-217F m CHG N O T I C E 2 9999970 0397079 323 m MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 APPENDIX A: PARTS COUNT I I I I l N?? -4 "mNIC- ( 1 I "NO "4s/ I Oln *CON 99- r-mN N*m 999 marN o m l 999 warm -Nm 1 1 999 w o mm-mNln oormlnr. 999999 - W - N O - N 999 I I l l A- 2 Supersedes page A-2 of Notice 1 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. CHG NOTICE 2 NIL-HDBK-217F 9999970 0397080 045 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 APPENDIX A: PARTS COUNT r m m o ?".cy . . ommm ommm 9999 r-mI- *mm- 000- 9999 -mm r-mm- 999" b o m r-mmz 999 . mom m 999'1 9997 o w w r Lnmm0 bmmm 9999 ~ b(DI-N n OUIbmI-N 999" mm-m o m w m mplmo m-mm mommbPI- I-wmrNmom 9999 9999 r-mmm mwzflc 9999 mmwm mwwm 9999 CIzf-tW 9999 wmmm m**W 9999 mNmW r N N O 9999 9999 9999 m ~ z f m -rmmcu rNNm --Nm 9999 9999 I-mr- bmW- 000- 9999 1 Supersedes page A-3 of Notice 1 A-3 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. APPENDIX A: PARTS COUNT k: I I + N h 9 N --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- m C I' d .- A-4 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-2L7F C H G N O T I C E 2 7777770 OI197082 918 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 9 O r ci 2 r r r N W O Y r OD r t W 7 o) Cu O O O m m 9 N 9 Y r- 2 3 O 9 9 Cu Cu '4 o r r T. r v) 9 T. r Q P N I- v) O 2 O o) O O 9 9 N N 4 9 9 P v) P r r (D N 9 r o! o! T: Cu 2 N R W W r O x d P! r N v) T: v) 9 P v) 9 P N d F r s Cu o! Y ? r? T. W ? o! r (D W o! 9 7 . o! G r r o) W 3 N 3 N v) P T: 9 '4 5 ? P F I- v) 7 . : t r F r rn O N O W 9 9 m W 9 9 o! W 9 9 In 3 Nm 9 8 9 N I- R O 3 ID 9 F m N 9 9 P3 O N ô! 9 6 W 9 o '4 7 o 9 Cu I- P o) 9 9 N s 4 J!O In o) 9 O 9 9 55 55 I I I Q 9 M c c t t u. U : a a W W A-5 Supersedes page A-5 of Notice 1 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. W W Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F C H G N O T I C E 2 m 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 0397083 8 5 4 m MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 1 PARTS COUNT --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- APPENDIX A: A-6 Document provided by IHS. Supersedes page A-6 of Revision F Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-ZLi'F CHG N O T I C E 2 m 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 O L 9 7 0 8 Y 790 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 APPENDIX A: E E 3 O 9 PAR' 5 COUNT 22: ": w 8 w m w N N N y z c Y gg 8 ? m m m . m. m. v) c d N N N N 5. 2. 2. N r W 2 N - O " c r c m m N o! 9 r . . . t r? y o 9 2 S v) " r z. : . : . Q N W v) 9 9 9 r 9 9 IC m 9 'O 'O R9 h 9 9 r- o g x 8 9 8 O d 9 Supersedes page A-7 of Notice 1 A- 7 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 APPENDIX A: PARTS COUNT m O O v) r? r? r? m m a9 O O 9 9 9 9 9 2 2 2 2 Cu 9 9 e v) v) m m 9 9 v) W v) a 9 t P v) 2 O v) N v) g O O 8 N N N c7 N 9 m 9 O 9 m 9 O m 9 O 4 m 9 v) v) v) 9 9 m 9 N m 9 N m 9 U! a, N U! m m '9 N x9 3 8 9 r. r. R! Y 'o P N d N m v) m v) v) O 9 m O 9 2 ? ? 9 z z9 o9 P 'o 'o m m m P m v) N N (D 9 9 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 2 8 9 9 $ $ r ã9 A-8 Document provided by IHS. ,- 39 r? 9 m O 8 r? N 2 9 9 N N 'U 9 9 m 9 r 'U 9 O N O O m U! 9 9 b P (D 9 m W N P (D 9 P N i N P 9 r t '9 E E 9 9 P 4 9 O 2 9 $ ,- 39 9 9 9 O 9 9 r ,- 9 (o (D r 9 9 9 9 9 O M P m m O $9 o O N N 8 2 9 OD 9 O c. R! 9 9 F m 9 9 8 8 8 r. v) r. ã9 39 m 9 s v) v) P r. ss page Supersedes A-8 of Notice 1 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F C H G NOTICE 2 rn 9999770 OL9708b 563 rn MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 APPENDIX A: PARTS COUNT ..... . . 0o)oo)o LO??mvl o u! r- o B """N ""r- N r """ r Supersedes page A-9 of Revision F A-9 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 APPENDIX A: A-1 O Document provided by IHS. PARTS COUNT Supersedes page A-IO of Notice 1 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. APPENDIX A: PARTS COUNT Em a 6 a c o, r U) o, U) 3 L x v- Supersedes page A-1 1 of Notice 1 A-1 1 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-ZL7F C H G N O T I C E 2 9999970 OL97089272 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 : A: PARTS COUNT E a --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 7 u m u C u m u C II x u m u C c C E f o U C cå22 cå U? c o m s' h: -2 O m x 9999 T-7" 9 -l""" A-1 2 Document provided by IHS. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 Supersedes page A-12 of Notice 1 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. flIL-HDBK-ZL7F CHG NOTICE 2 W 9999970 0397090 T 9 4 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 1 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Supersedes page A-13 of Revision F Document provided by IHS. A-1 3 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F APPENDIX B: ' a , b VHSICIVHSIC-LIKE AND VLSl CMOS-(DETAILED MODELL This appendix contains the detailed version of the VHSICNLSI CMOS model containedin Section 5.3. It is provided to allow more detailed device level design trade-offs to be accomplishedfor predominate failure modes and mechanisms exhibited in CMOS devices. Reference30 should be consulted for a detailed derivationof this model. VHSICNHSIC-I IKF FAll URF RATF MODFL +..&TCt) b N ( t ) + &Ac + km + hls(t) Predicted Failure Rate asa Function of Time Oxide Failure Rate *Metallization Failure Rate Hot Carrier Failure Rate Contamination Failure Rate Package Failure Rate EOS/ESD Failure Rate Miscellaneous Failure Rate The equations for each of the above failure mechanism failure rates are as follows: . A l 3 ATYPEo~ a --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- I Total Chip Area(in cm2) .77 for Custom and Logic Devices, 1.23 for Memories and Gate Arrays B- 1 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. .. 1 MIL-HDBK-ZL7F RE m 9999970 0070886 4 m ! MIL-HDBK-217F APPENDIX B: VHSIC-VHSIC-LIKE AND VLSl CMOS (DETAILED MODEL) OXlnF FAll URF RATF FQUATION (CONTINUED) .21 cm2 3 gJ - Oxide Defect Density (If unknown, use where X. = 2 prn and X, is the feature size of the device) .. 1 Defect/cm2 Effective Screening Time (Actual Time of Test (in I O 6 hrs.)) (ATox (at junction screening temp.)’ (in OK))* ATOX 3 TemperatureAccelerationFactor, = (where TJ = Tc e -192 (P 1 EOX + ~ J C P( i n exp [ -.3 8 . 6 1 7 ~ 1 0 ’(L ~TJ - k)] OK)) - 2 1. 5 ) Maximum Power Supply Voltage VDD, divided by the gate oxide thickness(in MV/cm) / (QML) = 2 if on QML, .5 if not. If Sigma obtained from test data of oxide failures from the same or similar process. not available, use aooxvalue of 1. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 9999970 0 0 7 0 8 8 7 b RE MIL-HDBK-217F MIL-HDBK-217F APPENDIX B: VHSICIVHSIC-LIKE AND VLSl CMOS (DETAILED MODEL) jylFTAl FAll URF RATF EQUATION 2 Total Chip Area (incm ) .88 for Custom and LogicDevice;, 1,12 for Memory and Gate Arrays 2 X0 Metal Defect Density (If unknown use (-) where X0 = 2 pm and Xs is the feature size of XS the device) 2 1 DefecVcm Temperature Acceleration Factor Effective Screening Time (in 106 hrs.) A(atScreeningTemp. (in OK)) TMET (QML) 3 8 8 (Metal Type) 6 . (ActualScreeningTime (in 10hrs)) (in lo6 hrs.) J2 A TMET (QML) = . 2 if on QML, .5 if not. Metal Type = 1 for AI, 37.5 for AI-CU or for Al-Si-Cu The mean absolute value of Metal Current Density (in 1O6 Amps/cm2) sigma obtained from test data on electromigration failures from the same or a similar process. If this data isnot available usedMET = 1. time (in lo6 hrs.) Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 2 -21 cm RE MIL-HDBK-217F I m 9 9 9 9 9 7 00 0 7 0 8 8 8 8 m MIL-HDBK-217F APPENDIX B: VHSIC-VHSIC-LIKE AND VLSl CMOS (DETAILED MODEL) HOT CARqlFR F M URF RATF FQUATION (QML) = 2 if on QML, .5 if not o --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- . .O39 8.61 7x1O'5 ( 1 TJ k)] (where TJ = T ~ eJ$ + = DrainCurrentatOperatingTemperature. 'sub = SubstrateCurrentatOperatingTemperature. -0058 e -*o0689TJ (in OK) (mA) 'sub = %c = sigmaderivedfromtestdata, t0 = .hcoN = .O00022 e 10 = Effective Screening Time = ATcon = time (in lo6 hrs.) Id (at Screening Temp.(in -.O028 to ATCON (in OK)) If unknownuse Id = 3.5 e -.O0157 TJ (in O K ) ( m ~ ) If unknownuse if not availableuse 1. OK)) e * (Test Duration -.O028 in lo6 hours) t (at screening junction temperature (in O K ) ) (actual screening timein lo6 hrs.) B-4 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-217F RE m 9999970 0070889 T ~- MIL-HDBK-217F APPENDIX B: VHSlCNHSlC-LIKE AND VLSl CMOS (DETAILEDMODEL) PACKAGF FAILURF RATF F-QUATION xPAC = (.O024 + 1.85 X 10-5(#Pins)) ZE nQ "PT xE = See Section ZQ = See Section 5.10 + %H Package Type Factor(llpT) Type I I Package DIP Pin Grid Array' Chip Carrier (Surface Mount Technology) I =PT 1.o 2.2 4.7 - Package Hermeticity Factor O for Hermetic Packages I . -exp tapH '399 H; [ %( ln(t) - In(t50pH)) 1' forplasticpackages Ambient Temp. (in OK) [ (k e)] 5230 + (1-DC)(RH) whereTJ =Tc (WRH) e (for example,for 50% Relative Humidity, use RH= 50) + eJCP (in OK) .74 time (in lo6 hrs.) Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 5.10 . MIL-HDBK-217F RE . ' 1 . . . i . m 9999970 0070890 b W , MIL-HDBK-217F APPENDIX B: VHSIC-VHSIC-LIKE AND VLSl CMOS (DETAILED MODEL) FOS/FSD FA11 URF RATF FQUATION -.O002 VTH kOS -ln (1 - .O0057 e ,00876 = . VTH = ESD Threshold of the device using a100 pF, 1500 ohm discharge model = Temperature Acceleration Factor = exp[ -.423 where TJ = Tc + eJ$ to = t (in O K ) EffectiveScreeningTime = ATMls (at Scleening Temp, (in = time (in lo6 hrs.) OK)) * Actual Screening Time(in lo6 hours) 6-6 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. . .. . .. .. . ., . .. . . . . ' . . MIL-HDBK-217F RE = 9999970 c1070891 B W MIL-HDBK-217F APPENDIX C : z r . BIBLIOGRAPHY Publications listed with "AD" numbers may be obtained from: i National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA22151 (703) 487-4650 U.S. Defense Contractors may obtain copies from: Defense Technical Information Center ' CameronStation FDA,Bldg. 5 Alexandria, VA 22304-61 45 (703) 274-7633 - "L": These documents arein a Documents with AD number prefix with the letter "B" or with the suffix "Limited Distribution" category. Contact the Defense Technical Information Center for ordering procedures. Standardization Document Order Desk 700 Robins Ave. Building 4, Section D Philadelphia, PA 191 11-5094 (215) 697-2667 The year of publication of the Rome Laboratory (RL) (formerly Rome Air Development Center (RADC)) documents is part of the RADC (or RL) number; e.g., RADC-TR-88-97 was published in 1988. 1 . "Laser Reliability Prediction," RADC-TR-75-21 O, ADA016437. 2. "Reliability Model for Miniature Blower Motors Per MIL-8-23071 B," RADC-TR-75-178, AD A013735. 3. "High Power Microwave Tube Reliability Study," FAA-RD-76-172, AD A003361 2. 4."ElectricMotorReliabilityModel,"RADC-TR-77-408, 5. ' ADA050179. "Development of Nonelectronic Part Cyclic Failure Rates," RADC-Tk-77-417, AD A050678. This study developed new failure rate models for relays, switches, and connectors. 6. "Passive Device Failure Rate Models for MIL-HDBK-2178," RADC-TR-77-432, AD A050180. This study developed new failure rate models for resistors, capacitors and inductive devices. 7. "Quantification of Printed Circuit Board Connector Reliability," RADC-TR-77-433, AD A049980. 8. "CrimpConnectionReliability,"RADC-TR-78-15,ADA050505 9. "LSI/Microprocessor Reliability Prediction Model Development," RADC-TR-79-97, AD AO689 1O . "A Redundancy Notebook," RADC-TR-77-287, AD A050837. Y P. 11. "Revision li. of Environmental Factors for MIL-HDBK-2178," RADC-TR-80-299, AD A091837. c-1 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copies of MIL-STDS's, MIL-HDBKs, and specifications are available from: I MIL-HDBK-ZL7F RE 9999970 0070892 T D MIL-HDBK-217F APPENDIX C: BIBLIOGRAPHY 12. "Traveling Wave Tube Failure Rates," RADC-TR-80-288, AD A096055. 13. "Reliability Prediction Modeling of New Devices," RADC-TR-80-237,AD A090029. This study-developed failure rate models for magnetic bubble memories and charge-coupled memories. 14. "Failure Rates for Fiber Optic Assemblies," RADC-TR-80-322, AD A09231 5. "Printed Wiring Assembly and Interconnection Reliability," RADC-TR-81-318, ADA l 11214. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 15. for printed wiring assemblies, solderless wrap This study developed failure rate models assemblies, wrapped and soldered assemblies and discrete wiring assemblies with electroless deposited plated through holes. 16. "Avionic Environmental Factors for MIL-HDBK-217," RADC-TR-81-374, AD B064430L. 17. "RADC Thermal Guide for Reliability Engineers," RADC-TR-82-172, A AD l 18839. 18. "Reliability Modelingof Critical Electronic Devices," RADC-TR-83-108, AD A l 35705. This report developed failurerate prediction procedures for magnetrons, vidicions, cathode ray tubes, semiconductor lasers, helium-cadmium lasers, helium-neon lasers, Nd: YAG lasers, electronic filters, solid state relays, time delay relays (electronic hybrid), circuit breakers, LC. Sockets, thumbwheel switches, electromagnetic meters, fuses, crystals, incandescent lamps, neon glow lamps and surface acoustic wave devices. 19. "Impact of Nonoperating Periodson Equipment Reliability," RADC-TR-85-91, AD A l 58843. This study developed failure rate models for nonoperating periods. 20. "RADC Nonelectronic Reliability Notebook," RADC-TR-85-194, ADA l 63900. This report contains failure rate data on mechanical and electromechanical parts. 21 a "Reliability Prediction for Spacecraft," RADC-TR-85-229, AD A149551. This study.investigated the reliability performance histories of 300 Satellite vehicles and the is basisfor the halvingof all model nEfactors for MIL-HDBK-217Eto MIL-HDKBPl7E, Notice 1. 22. "Surface Mount Technology: A Reliability Review," 1986, Available from Reliability Analysis Center, PO Box 4700, Rome, NY 13440-8200, 800-526-4802. 23. "Thermal Resistances of Joint Army Navy (JAN) Certified Microcircuit Packages," RADC-TR-86-97, AD B108417. 24. "Large Scale Memory Error Detection and Correction," RADC-TR-87-92, AD B117765L. to calculate memory system reliability for memories This study developed models incorporating error detecting and correcting codes. For a summary of the study see 1989 IEEE Reliability and Maintainability Symposium Proceedings, page 197, "AccountingSoft for Errors in Memory Reliability Prediction." 25. "Reliability Analysisof a Surface Mounted Package Using Finite Element Simulation," RADC-TR-87177, AD A189488. c-2 Document provided by IHS. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. MIL-HDBK-237F CHG N O T I C E 2 m 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 0397093 920 MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 APPENDIX C: BIBLIOGRAPHY 26. "VHSICImpact on System Reliability," RADC-TR-88-13,AD8122629. 27. "Reliability Assessment of Surface Mount Technology," RADC-TR-88-72, AD A193759. 28."ReliabilityPredictionModels A200529. for Discrete SemiconductorDevices," RADC-TR-88-97, AD This study developed new failure rate prediction models for GaAs Power FETS, Transient Suppressor Diodes, Infrared LEDs, Diode Array Displays and Current Regulator Diodes. 29. "Impact of FiberOptics A201 946. 30. "VHSICNHSIC Like Reliability PredictionModeling,"RADC-TR-89-171,ADA214601. , on System Reliability and Maintainability,"RADC-TR-88-124, This study provides the basis 5. 31. for the VHSIC model appearing AD in MIL-HDBK-217F, Section "Reliability Assessment Using Finite Element Techniques," RADC-TR-89-281 , AD A216907. This study addresses surface mounted solder interconnections and microwire board's platedthrough-hole (PTH) connections. The report givesadetailedaccountofthefactors to be considered when performing an FEA and the procedure used to transfer the results to a reliability figure-of-merit. "Reliability Analysis/Assessment of Advanced Technologies," RADC-TR-90-72, ADA 223647. This study provides the basis for the revised microcircuit models (except VHSIC and Bubble Memories) appearing in MIL-HDBK-217F, Section 5. 33. "Improved Reliability PredictionModel for Field-AccessMagneticBubbleDevices,"AFWAL-TR81 -1052. 34. "Reliability/Design ThermalApplications,"MIL-HDBK-251 35. "NASAPartsApplicationHandbook,"MIL-HDBK-978-B(NASA). This handbook is a five volume series which discusses afull range of electrical, electronic and electromechanical component parts. It provides extensive detailed technical information for eachcomponent part such as: definitions, construction details, operating characteristics, parts, environmental derating,failuremechanisms,screeningtechniques,standard considerations, and circuit application. 36. "NonelectronicParts Reliability Data1991 ," NPRD-91. Thisreportcontains fieldfailureratedataon a variety of electrical,mechanical, electromechanicalandmicrowavepartsandassemblies(1400 different part types). It is available fromtheReliability AnalysisCenter,POBox4700,Rome, NY 13440-8200, Phone: (315) 337-0900. 37. "Reliability Assessment of Critical ElectronicComponents,"RL-TR-92-197,AD-A256996. This study is the basis for new or revised failure rate models in MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2, for the followingdevice categories: resistors, capacitors, transformers,coils, motors, relays, switches, circuit breakers,connectors,printed circuitboardsandsurface mount technology. page Supersedes Document provided by IHS. C-3of Revision F c-3 Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 32. vIL-HDBK-217F CHG NOTICE 2 M 9 7 9 7 9 7 0 0397092 8b7 M MIL-HDBK-217F NOTICE 2 APPENDIX 38. C: BIBLIOGRAPHY "Handbook of Reliability Prediction ProceduresforMechanicalEquipment,"NSWC-94/L07. ThisHandbookincludes a methodology for nineteenbasicmechanicalcomponentsfor evaluating a design for R&M that considers the material properties, operating environment and critical failure modes. It is available from the Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Bethesda,MD20084-5000,Phone(301)227-1694. Custodians: Army - CR Navy - EC Air Force - 17 Preparing Activity: Air Force 17 - ProjectNo.RELI-O074 Review Activities: Army - MI, AV, ER Navy - SH, AS, OS Air Force - 11, 13, 15, 19, 99 User Activities: Army AT, ME, GL Navy - CG, MC, YD, TD Air Force - 85 --``,,,``,,,``,,`,,`,,`,,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- - c -4 Document provided by IHS. Supersedes page C-4 of Revision F Document provided by IHS Licensee=Lockheed Martin/4667500100, 05/05/2004 10:42:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.