IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOL. 24, NO. 2, APRIL 2016 489 Short Papers Designing Fuzzy Sets With the Use of the Parametric Principle of Justifiable Granularity Witold Pedrycz and Xianmin Wang Abstract—This study is concerned with a design of membership functions of fuzzy sets. The membership functions are formed in such a way that they are experimentally justifiable and exhibit a sound semantics. These two requirements are articulated through the principle of justifiable granularity. The parametric version of the principle is discussed in detail. We show linkages with type-2 fuzzy sets, which are constructed on a basis of type-1 fuzzy sets. Several experimental studies are reported, which illustrate a behavior of the introduced method. Index Terms—Coverage of data, interval-valued fuzzy set, membership function determination, principle of justifiable granularity, specificity, type-2 fuzzy set. I. INTRODUCTION Determining membership functions has been one of the essential research pursuits in fuzzy sets implicating the developments of their fundamentals and supporting a realization of applied aspects. There are several views at fuzzy sets: likelihood view, random set view, and typicality view. One can refer to a number of important studies in the area including results published in [2], [4]–[6], [10], [17], [20], and [21]. Depending upon the particular view of membership functions one focuses on, we can distinguish between two main classes of methods considered in the problems of membership function estimation, namely: 1) Expert-driven approaches: Here, elicitation of membership functions is viewed as a process of less or more sophisticated knowledge acquisition through an interaction with a domain expert. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) [19] is one of the systematic ways of constructing membership functions by offering a mechanism of validation of consistency of pairwise evaluations provided by the expert. 2) Data-driven approaches: In this category, we confine ourselves to the elicitation of membership functions on a basis of organization (structuralization) of data. Fuzzy clustering methods [15] are the most visible scheme present in this category. Manuscript received October 16, 2014; revised January 27, 2015 and March 30, 2015; accepted May 11, 2015. Date of publication July 8, 2015; date of current version March 29, 2016. This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Canada Research Chair Program. This work was also supported by the National Centre for Research, Poland, under Grant UMO-2012/05/B/ST6/03068 and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 41372341. W. Pedrycz is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2R3, Canada, with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia, and with the Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 01-447, Poland (e-mail: X. Wang is with the Hubei Subsurface Multi-scale Imaging Key Laboratory, Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China (e-mail: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TFUZZ.2015.2453393 Although these two classes exhibit advantages when supporting a buildup of fuzzy sets, they are not free from limitations and eventual bias. There are a number of compelling reasons, which permeate the essential way the technology of fuzzy sets is positioned within a realm of their applications. The expertdriven technique could be general and might not be necessarily reflective of the experimental data for which these fuzzy sets are constructed. This becomes particularly visible when such fuzzy sets are a part of the ensuing fuzzy model. This may happen because of the lack of experimental support behind some membership functions. On the other hand, the data-driven approaches may result in fuzzy sets that are not semantically meaningful: Fuzzy clustering could produce some “crowded” fuzzy sets whose meaning is not so apparent. Their further adjustments when optimizing the fuzzy model fuzzy sets become a part of, could substantially hamper the interpretability facet of the fuzzy sets and the overall model. With the growing interest and visibility of type-2 fuzzy sets, the issue of determination of their membership functions (which are more elaborate than the plain numeric counterparts of type-1 fuzzy sets) becomes more acute. A number of systematic studies devoted to reasoning, modeling, and prediction have been growing steadily [3], [7], [22]; nevertheless, the specific studies on the elicitation of the type-2 membership are still lacking. The existing methods in this area (see, e.g., [1] and [8]) are data-driven and embedded into the complete fuzzy model rather than the individual fuzzy sets. In this study, we are concerned with a systematic determination of membership functions with the use of the principle of justifiable granularity [13], [14]. Alluding to the discussion above, a construction of membership functions is guided by the two apparent criteria of forming information granules so that they are experimentally justified and semantically sound. The relevance of the two requirements is visible from the arguments posed above, and an elimination of such possible shortcomings outlined above was stressed in [18]. The principle of justifiable granularity is of a general nature as it supports building descriptions of not only fuzzy sets but information granules, in general. Here, we introduce a complete algorithm based on a parametric version of this principle. Addressing the growing needs to construct membership functions of type-2 fuzzy sets (or type-2 information granules, in general), we propose a constructive and efficient way of building membership bounds of interval-valued fuzzy sets adhering to the principle of justifiable granularity. Furthermore, it is demonstrated how type-2 fuzzy sets help alleviate limitations of type-1 fuzzy sets. The 1063-6706 © 2015 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information. 490 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOL. 24, NO. 2, APRIL 2016 Fig. 1. Interval information granules A and B with their characterization with regard to coverage of the data and specificity. principle of justifiable granularity, which is one of the fundamentals of granular computing, leads to the construction of information granules, especially fuzzy sets, whose relevance becomes crucial when used in system modeling or classification. For instance, information granules are building blocks of discrimination mappings encountered in classification problems. Here, each of the granule has to exhibit some properties (such as being homogeneous with regard to its classification content) so that it serves as a meaningful entity when used as a building block of a classifier. This paper is structured as follows. In Section II, we briefly recall the principle of justifiable granularity and then introduce its parametric version. In the following, we discuss two essential augmentations including the use of weighted data and inhibitory data. Section III is focused on the linkages with type-2 fuzzy sets, where we show how to construct interval-valued fuzzy sets. Experimental studies are presented in Section IV. Concluding comments are drawn in Section V. II. PRINCIPLE OF JUSTIFIABLE GRANULARITY AND ITS PARAMETRIC EXTENSION The principle of justifiability granularity [13] comes as one of the underlying fundamentals of granular computing and is about forming an information granule on a basis of some experimental evidence (numeric data). The essence of the method can be summarized as follows. Given some numeric data X = {x1 , x2 , . . . , xN }, X ⊂ R, construct an information granule G so that it satisfies two sound and intuitively appealing requirements of sufficient experimental evidence and high specificity. Let us express these requirements in a more descriptive fashion. First, by stating that the information granule should be experimentally justified, we mean that it should be justified (supported) by the available data. This way, one can envision that the information granule “covers” (represents) enough experimental data and as such is supported by the existing experimental evidence. Second, the information granule should be specific enough, which implies that the granule has to exhibit some tangible meaning (semantics). The more specific (less abstract) the information granule is, the higher becomes its specificity. As a simple example, consider a collection of 1-D data of age reported in a certain community. Our intent is to describe the data (capture their essence) by a certain information granule, say an interval. The two extreme situations are displayed in Fig. 1. The first information granule A “covers” all the data; however, its specificity is low. A does not convey any useful and actionable knowledge—it becomes apparent that the data are distributed between xm in and xm ax . B is located on the other extreme of the scale—it is very specific, but it does “cover” just a single data point. The example presented above clearly shows that to assess the usefulness of the produced information granule (interval), one has to look at the two fundamental aspects: to which extent the information granule is justified (supported) by the available experimental evidence and how specific the information granule is. The information granule of age formed on a basis of the data has to embrace (cover) most of the data; hence, it has to be experimentally justifiable. The data should match (be included) the produced information granule. Yet making the information granule too broad (striving for the high satisfaction of the coverage criterion) may easily result in the granule, which has no meaning, and, equally important, does not substantially support any actionable conclusion. For instance, an information granule such as the interval [1, 110] years of age covers all experimental data; however, its specificity is practically nonexistent—we cannot take any reasonable action as to eventual investment in social services or education. On the other hand, a very detailed (degenerated) information granule, say 45.44, is very specific; however, it may not cover any data point. In statistics, it is well known that an average (which is a degenerate information granule, type-0 information granule) viewed as a generic estimator of the population does not come alone, but we always augment it by a confidence interval (which in terms of our study, is an interval-valued information granule itself). It becomes evident that these two requirements are in conflict, and the formation of the information granule is a result of achieving a sound compromise between them. The principle of justifiable granularity addresses this problem by producing a certain optimization problem. The realized construct is accomplished in two steps: First, a numeric representative of the data is being formed, and around it, built is an information granule. The granule can be sought as an elastic band, which could be adjusted (stretched or contracted) so that the two requirements can be met to the significant extent [13]. We again emphasize that the principle of justifiable granularity is of a general character and produces information granules in terms of sets (intervals), fuzzy sets, rough sets, etc. In this study, we consider a parametric principle of justifiable granularity and focus on information granules in the form of fuzzy sets. We also extend it to deal with two generalizations of the generic problem: 1) Incorporation of weights of data (different levels of contribution of data to the realization of information granule) that are the membership grades associated with the data. 2) Involvement of inhibitory experimental evidence (viz., data that have to be excluded for the constructed information granules). The experimental data X are given. Its numeric representative m is formed (either by taking average, median, or their weighted versions). The parametric version of the membership function is given in terms of some bounded functions (left- and righthand parametric representations) f and g (see Fig. 2). These functions are continuous and have bounded support. Their form is specified in advance (say in the form of triangular, parabolic, and trapezoidal membership functions). The bounds a and b have to be determined (optimized). The bounds a and b are optimized separately. Here, we discuss the calculations for the upper bound b. They are guided by the criteria of coverage and specificity: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOL. 24, NO. 2, APRIL 2016 491 partial results over [0,1] yielding Sp = 0 Fig. 2. Construction of membership function. (a) Use of data to be covered. (b) Use of weighted data. (c) Use of weighted data and inhibitory data (marked by shaded squares). Coverage: The criterion of coverage is expressed by computing a sum of membership grades of the data contained in the fuzzy set (σ-count), that is, f (xk ). (1) cov = x k :x k ∈[m ,b] One can generalize this measure by taking any nondecreasing function Ф, say x k :x k ∈[m ,b] Φ[f (xk )]. Specificity is expressed by quantifying how detailed (specific) the fuzzy set is. As discussed in [23], a specificity measure Sp(.) exhibits several self-evident properties: Sp({x}) = 1, Sp(U ) = 0, if X1 ⊂ X2 , Sp(X1 ) ≥ Sp(X2 ), where U is a universe of discourse over which all fuzzy sets are defined. In case of an interval [m, b], the specificity is computed as Sp([m, b]) = 1 − |b − m|/range where range = |xm ax − m| with xm ax being the largest element in the dataset. For the fuzzy set described by f (we consider only the right-hand side of the membership function), one can determine the corresponding cut and integrate 1 1− |m − bα | dα range (2) where bα = f −1 (α). For instance, for the triangular membership function (f) with the modal value m and upper bound b, the resulting specificity computed by (2) is equal to 1 – 0.5|m – b|/range. One has to stress that the proposed construct is of general character with regard to the parametric form of the membership functions. They could be of any form, and typically, one assumes that the support of such fuzzy sets is finite. In case of infinite support and as such a situation occurs in case of Gaussian membership functions, one has to consider these segments of membership functions where the membership grades are above some minimal (practically sound) threshold and consider only those data in the development of the membership function. As the two design objectives (coverage and specificity) are in conflict, the optimized performance index is taken as a product of them, namely Q(b) = cov∗ Sp and bopt = arg maxb Q(b). The optimization of the lower bound a is realized in the same way, where the fuzzy set is now described by some function g. Alluding to the concise formulation of the problem presented above, some additional comments could be helpful, especially in the context of the existing methodology and practice of constructing fuzzy sets. First, it has to be stressed that we are concerned with a formation of a single fuzzy set describing a collection of available experimental numeric data, not a family of fuzzy sets. As such, the produced fuzzy set can be used as a descriptor (identifier) of the numeric data and serve as its abstraction to be further used in data analysis, reasoning, and modeling. In contrast, in clustering and fuzzy clustering, we are concerned with a formation of a family of fuzzy sets and not a single fuzzy descriptor of the data. Obviously, fuzzy clusters can be further processed using the principle of justifiable granularity. The multidimensional data belonging to a single cluster are used to construct a membership function of a fuzzy set in a 1-D space in the presence of weighted 1-D data with the weights being the membership grades coming from fuzzy clustering. With regard to the validation of the resulting fuzzy set, the validity of the construct is implied by the sound criteria used in the principle of justifiable granularity. This way of building a fuzzy set assures us that it retains its meaningful features of experimental legitimacy and semantic soundness. One can contrast here the common approach when fuzzy sets are constructed altogether with the formation of the fuzzy model, and their formation is not guided by any directly optimized performance index but the overall performance index of the model. Not surprisingly, this does not necessarily assure us that the fuzzy sets formed this way are really meaningful in the sense of the criteria outlined above. There might be a situation that the optimized performance index Q(b) or Q(a) assumes quite low values. This stipulates that in building fuzzy sets, we encounter some strongly conflicting requirements that cannot be easily reconciled when developing a single fuzzy set. In such situations, original data are split into 492 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOL. 24, NO. 2, APRIL 2016 some sets (e.g., using clustering), and the principle of justifiable granularity is applied to the individual subsets. In this manner, a hierarchy of fuzzy sets is being formed. There are two useful augmentations of the above construct [see Fig. 2(b) and (c)]. Weighted data: The data points come with their corresponding weights wk assuming values in [0,1] and identifying their relevance [see Fig. 2(b)]. Constructing the fuzzy set in the presence of the weighted data (x1 , w1 ) (x2 , w2 ) . . . (xN , wN ) requires a prudent refinement of the coverage criterion. Here, we do the counting by considering the impact of each data point expressed with regard to the value of f (xk ) and wk and taking their minimum, namely min(f (xk ), wk ). The coverage criterion now reads as min(f (xk ), wk ). (3) Cov = x k :x k ∈[m ,b] The specificity criterion is computed in the same way as before. The weights of the data could come from fuzzy clustering. Consider the ith cluster, viz., the ith row of the partition matrix produced by the fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm. The elements of this row are treated as the weights of the corresponding data, w1 , w2 , .., wN . Similarly, when it comes to the inhibitory data, their weights are formed on a basis of a function of the membership values located in the rows different from the ith one. Inhibitory data: Along with the original data, there are some weighted data (y1 , z1 ), (y2 , z2 ), . . . , (yM , zM ) with weights zi located in the unit interval, which are of inhibitory nature, viz., the fuzzy set constructed should exclude them from its content. The higher the weight zk , the stronger the inhibitory nature of the data. This type of data can be encountered in classification problems; the elements not belonging to a class the information granule is focused on should be excluded from it. The presence of the inhibitory data implies changes to the coverage criterion, which now consists of the two components (again, we are concerned with xk and yk ): cov = max(0, min(f (xk ), wk ) x k :x k ∈[m ,b] −γ min(f (xk ), zk )) (4) where the inhibitory data are coming with some discount coefficient γ, γ ≥ 0. This coefficient is used to impact an influence of the inhibitory data; the higher the value of this parameter, the more significant is the resulting information granule impacted by the inhibitory data. Obviously, if we assume excessively high values of γ, this may lead to the zero value of the coverage measure, thus preventing us from building a fuzzy set at all. To account for a different number of data in these two sets, one can modify (4) as follows: min(f (xk ), wk ) Cov = max(−, x k :x k ∈[m ,b] x k :x k ∈[m ,b] III. BUILDING MEMBERSHIP FUNCTIONS OF TYPE-2 FUZZY SETS The principle of justifiable granularity can be used to build type-2 membership functions and, more precisely, intervalvalued membership functions. The underlying idea is motivated by a suitable (optimized) allocation of information granularity, where information granularity is regarded as an essential design asset [12], [13], [16], [24]. Given that a type-1 fuzzy set has been provided, we generalize it to the type-2 information granule, more specifically interval-valued fuzzy set (type-2 information granule). Let us consider a membership function of type-1 fuzzy set f, which has been formed by running the principle of justifiable granularity. The elevation of type-1 fuzzy set to the interval-valued membership function is motivated by the intent to “cover” the experimental data by introducing intervals of membership grades. To do so, we admit two membership functions f − and f + such that f ≥ f − and f + ≥ f . If one assumes that the original membership function f is convex, then the bounds of the interval-valued set can be considered convex. A location of these two functions is controlled by a parameter ε assuming values from [0,1] such that the functions f − and f + are move away from f [see Fig. 3(a)]. In a descriptive way, by changing the value of ε, we cause a “sliding” effect of f − and f + , which with the increase of ε makes the functions to become more remotely positioned from f. As before, there are two measures involved in the construction of the information granule, namely coverage and specificity. As the functions f − = and f + form a certain band (interval) of membership grades produced for each xk , we count the number of cases where the membership grade (weight) wk falls within the interval [f − (xf ), f + (xk )]. The higher the value of ε, the higher the coverage of the membership values, cov. Having this in mind, the coverage measure for the membership function f decreasing in Ω+ = [m, xm ax ], cov, is defined as follows: cov = card{xk ∈ Ω+ |wk ∈ [f −1 (xk ), f + (xk )]}. x k :x k ∈[m ,b] − γN/M The optimization is carried out in the same way as discussed before. min(f (xk ), zk )). (5) (6) It quantifies an ability of the interval-valued fuzzy set formed in this manner to “cover” (represent) experimentally available membership grades. An example plot of the coverage versus ε is displayed in Fig. 3(b). It is noticeable that this relationship is a nondecreasing function of ε. Furthermore, its shape could imply a choice of a suitable level of granularity (ε); any “knee” point suggests a feasible value of ε, beyond which further increase of the level of information granularity does not translate into a substantial increase of the coverage. The inclusion predicate used in (6) is Boolean returning 0 or 1. A useful generalization is a multivalued version of the original binary inclusion. We consider a multivalued inclusion predicate incl(w, z) defined on a basis of a continuous t-norm, incl(w, z) = sup{z ∈ [0, 1]|wty ≤ z}, w, z ∈ [0, 1]. The predicate returns a degree to which w is included in z. For instance, for the minimum (t = min) and algebraic product (t = ∗), one IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOL. 24, NO. 2, APRIL 2016 493 Fig. 4. Linear segment of membership function (dotted line) along with the lower and upper linear bounds. Shown are numeric data to be covered (black dots) and inhibitory data (open dots) and their weights. function f): 1 sp = 1 − range = 1− Fig. 3. (a) Membership functions f − and f + of interval-valued fuzzy set. (b) Relationship between coverage treated as a function of the spread of the bounds of the interval-valued fuzzy sets. (c) Specificity–coverage characteristics. has incl(w, z) = incl(w, z) = 1, if w ≤ z z, otherwise 1, if w ≤ z z/w otherwise. (7) The coverage formula (6) is now rewritten in the following form: min[incl(f −1 (xk ), wk ), incl(wk , f + (xk ))]. cov = k :x k ∈Ω + (8) The specificity is concerned with the type-2 fuzzy construct, which entails the difference between the upper and lower bounds, which in this case yields the following expression (the formula applies to the decreasing portion of the membership b+ f (z)dz − b + m A(FOU) . range f −1 (z)dz m (9) range = |xm ax − m|. In fact, the specificity measure is related to an area of the footprint of uncertainty (FOU), namely A(FOU). Note that the specificity of interval-valued fuzzy set is a decreasing function of ε. The relationship between ε and the specificity depends upon the form of f − and f + . Furthermore, one can form a coverage–specificity plot [see Fig. 3(c)], in which we plot the coverage provided by the interval-valued fuzzy set and its specificity. It is a redrawn dependence visualized in Fig. 3(b), and this clearly emphasizes the competitive nature of the two criteria and leads to an informed selection of ε0 producing a sound selection. The allocation of information granularity could be realized in a more advanced manner by admitting a refined allocation of information granularity. In other words, we consider two translation levels δ1 and δ2 controlling a position of the translated bounds around b with the requirement that δ1 + δ2 =ε. This is a constraint to retain an overall balance of the level of granularity of the construct and, at the same time, admit more flexibility to the construct (in comparison with these two values δ1 and δ2 being equal). As an example, let us consider a decreasing portion of a linear membership function (see Fig. 4), which is now augmented by the two new membership functions (bounds) such that when ε changes, the point at which f − (x) attains zero moves in between modal value and b. The same sliding effect is realized for b+ . The intensity of this sliding effect is impacted by the value of ε. The detailed formulas read as b+ = b + ε(xm ax –b) and b− = b–ε(b–m). Apparently, when ε = 0, b− and b+ collapse to b. If ε = 1, then b− = m and b+ = xm ax . The coverage is determined using (6) or (8) when considering the generalized version of the inclusion predicate. The A(FOU) becomes a linear function of ε, A(FOU) = 1/2b+ –1/2b− = 1/2ε(xm ax –m), and the specificity is computed as sp = 1–A(FOU)/range = 1–1/2ε. The choice of the classes of membership functions to which f and g belong to could be an interesting design alternative supporting an overall optimization. For instance, admitting that the area under curve (AUC) for the plot in Fig. 3(b) serves as 494 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOL. 24, NO. 2, APRIL 2016 Fig. 5. Plots of 1-D data and their weights: data to be covered shown by black dots, and inhibitory data marked by open dots. a viable optimization criterion, we can decide upon the class of membership functions and choose the one for which AUC attains its maximal value. One can note that in the design of type-2 fuzzy set (intervalvalued fuzzy set, to be more specific), we established a twophase process: First, type-1 fuzzy set has been formed, and then, it was extended to interval-valued construct in an attempt to cover data. In contrast, the existing methods of building type2 fuzzy sets are realized in a single shot usually resulting in a far more challenging optimization problem involving more parameters to be estimated at the same time. Building type-2 fuzzy sets could be accomplished by combining the proposed algorithm with one of the efficient schemes of representation of fuzzy sets [9], [11], [25], [26]. IV. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES In this section, we cover some examples illustrating how the principle of justifiable granularity is realized for numeric data. In all cases, the constructed fuzzy sets are described by triangular membership functions T(x; a, m, b) with a and b standing for the lower and upper bound of the fuzzy set and m being its modal value. Synthetic data: We consider 1-D data illustrated in Fig. 5. Some of the data are of an inhibitory nature. We build a fuzzy set by starting with a determination of the numeric representative (modal value of the membership function) computed as a weighted average, whose value is 1.53. We consider here an auxiliary parameter ε, where γ is computed in the form γ = (N/M )∗ ξ. Given that the number of the inhibitory data (M) is different from the number of data used to construct fuzzy set (N), this helps us keep the balance between these two types of data. The plots of the performance index Q determined for the bounds of the triangular membership function obtained for selected values of ξ are included in Fig. 6. The corresponding bounds obtained here visualize an expected phenomenon: Higher values of γ (emphasizing the impact of inhibitory data) give rise to a more specific fuzzy set: ξ = 0.0: a = 1.1, b = 4.9, T(x; 1.1, 1.53, 4.9); ξ = 1.0: a = 1.1, b = 2.7, T(x; 1.1, 1.53, 2.7); ξ = 2.0: a = 0.9, b = 2.7, T(x; 0.9, 1.53, 2.7). Fig. 6. Plots of the performance index versus the bounds of the triangular membership function; shown are results obtained for selected values of ξ: (a) Q versus b, (b) Q versus a; black circles −ξ = 0.0; open circles −ξ = 1.0; triangles- ξ = 2.0. Machine Learning Repository ( ml/): In these two examples, we consider data coming from this repository, namely Boston housing (housing) and energy efficiency (energy). Initially, the data are clustered using FCM with the fuzzification coefficient p = 2. The obtained membership grades are regarded as weighs associated with the corresponding data points. The prototypes are regarded as numeric representatives of the fuzzy sets. For the ith cluster, the weights wk are coming from the corresponding row of the partition matrix U = [uik ], namely uik , k = 1, 2, . . . , N . As the inhibitory weights, we take the maximal values of membership located in the remaining rows, namely maxj =1,2,..c,j = i uj k . The size of the inhibitory data is the same as the data to be covered; hence, we use the parameter γ. In light of the available information, the constructed fuzzy sets can be viewed as granular (rather than numeric) prototypes being capable of offering a more comprehensive description of the data; cf., [14]. Housing dataset: The housing data comprises 506 data points, each of them described by 14 attributes. For this dataset, we form three fuzzy sets for the house price. We consider one of the prototypes formed there, namely m = 22.35. The plots of the data along with their weights for the three fuzzy sets to be constructed are displayed in Fig. 7. It is noticeable that the inhibitory data overlap quite visibly the data to be used to support the constructed information granule. By running the principle of justifiable granularity, the maximized performance index Q is shown in a series of figures (see Fig. 8); both the optimization of the lower and upper bounds are reported on separate plots. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOL. 24, NO. 2, APRIL 2016 Fig. 7. Data along with their weights used for the construction of three fuzzy sets: (a) data to be covered and (b) inhibitory data. 495 Fig. 9. Performance index for the three fuzzy sets versus the bounds: (a) Q(b) and (b) Q(a). The results are reported for γ = 0.0 (gray dots) and γ = 0.4 (black dots). The obtained triangular fuzzy sets we obtained for γ equal to 0.0 and 0.4 are given as T(x; 20.70, 22.35, 26.20) and T(x; 22.00, 22.35, 26.20), respectively. Energy efficiency dataset: The dataset concerns data coming as a result of assessing the heating load and cooling load requirements of buildings (energy efficiency) as a function of building parameters. There are 768 data with eight variables. We form a fuzzy set describing energy consumption. As before, a triangular fuzzy set is formed for one of the prototypes equal to m = 31.38. The values of the performance index Q are displayed in Fig. 9. Subsequently, the obtained triangular fuzzy sets obtained for the inhibition coefficient γ equal to 0.0 and 0.4 are given as T(x; 30.45, 31.38, 32.07) and T(x; 31.28, 31.38, 31.80), respectively. V. CONCLUSION Fig. 8. Performance index for a fuzzy set versus the bounds (a and b). The results are reported for (a) γ = 0.0 and (b) γ = 0.4. The approach presented in this study underlines the fact that any information granule builds on a basis of experimental data and, at the same time, incorporates domain knowledge supplied by the designer (coming here in the form of the predefined type of membership function). The criteria of coverage and specificity are the essential components well reflecting the nature of the build-up of information granules. When contrasting this method with the existing approaches, we note that each of them build upon different conceptual settings. The expert-driven 496 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOL. 24, NO. 2, APRIL 2016 constructs (such as the AHP approach) focus on a systematic involvement of domain knowledge; however, quite commonly, there are no explicit performance indexes invoked. The dataoriented techniques are not guided by any available mechanisms of domain knowledge. Fuzzy sets formed by the principle of justifiable granularity retain their semantics (which is originally captured by the coverage and specificity criteria). This stands in contrast with the construction of fuzzy sets, which is a part of the optimization process of fuzzy models, and because of this, the semantics of fuzzy sets cannot be guaranteed. The construction of type-2 fuzzy sets is realized sequentially on a basis of the already formed type-1 construct. This prevents us from more demanding optimization required to build type-2 from scratch (as usually reported in the literature). To cast the study in the general setting of system modeling with fuzzy sets (where fuzzy sets are directly used), one could remark that the membership functions formed this way can form a starting point of all modeling constructs and are eventually further adjusted to optimize the model. REFERENCES [1] H. Cao, L. Jia, G. Si, and Y. Zhang, “A clustering-analysis-based membership functions formation method for fuzzy controller of ball mill pulverizing system,” J. Process Control., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 34–43, Jan. 2013. [2] J. L. Chameau and J. C. Santamarina, “Membership functions I: Comparing methods of measurement,” Int. J. Approx. Reason., vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 287–301, Jul. 1987. [3] B. I. Choi and F. C. H. Rhee, “Interval type-2 fuzzy membership function generation methods for pattern recognition,” Inf. Sci., vol. 179, no. 13, pp. 360–377, Jun. 2009. [4] M. 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