Oracle Advanced Pricing Tables: QP_LIST_HEADERS_TL QP_LIST_HEADER_PHASES QP_LIST_LINES QP_LIST_LINES_EBS_LOG QP_LIST_LINES_TEMP QP_PARAMETERS_B QP_PARAMETERS_TL QP_PARAMETER_VALUES QP_PATTERNS QP_PATTERN_PHASES QP_PB_INPUT_HEADERS_B QP_PB_INPUT_HEADERS_TL QP_PB_INPUT_LINES QP_PRC_CONTEXTS_B QP_PRC_CONTEXTS_TL QP_PREQ_LINES_TMP_T QP_PREQ_LINE_ATTRS_TMP_T QP_PREQ_QUAL_TMP_T QP_PRICE_BOOK_ATTRIBUTES QP_PRICE_BOOK_BREAK_LINES QP_PRICE_BOOK_HEADERS_ALL_B QP_PRICE_BOOK_HEADERS_TL QP_PRICE_BOOK_LINES QP_PRICE_BOOK_LINE_DETAILS QP_PRICE_BOOK_MESSAGES QP_PRICE_FORMULAS_B QP_PRICE_FORMULAS_TL QP_PRICE_FORMULA_LINES QP_PRICE_REQ_SOURCES QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES QP_PRICING_ATT_EBS_LOG QP_PRICING_PHASES QP_PTE_REQUEST_TYPES_B QP_PTE_REQUEST_TYPES_TL QP_PTE_SEGMENTS QP_PTE_SOURCE_SYSTEMS QP_QUALIFIERS QP_QUALIFIERS_EBS_LOG QP_QUALIFIERS_FWK_DUMMY QP_QUALIFIER_RULES QP_RLTD_MODIFIERS QP_RLTD_MOD_EBS_LOG QP_SEGMENTS_B QP_SEGMENTS_TL QP_SOURCESYSTEM_FNAREA_MAP QP_UI_QUERIES_TL QP_UI_QUERY_COLUMNS QP_UPGRADE_ERRORS QP_UPG_LINES_DISTRIBUTION Views in Price Protection Module ORACLE APPS COMMUNITY > Tutorial > Order Management > Oracle Advanced Pricing > Technical Design Views in Oracle Price Protection Module DPP_CUSTOMER_CLAIMS_ALL_DFV DPP_INV_DET_ADJ_ALL_DFV DPP_INVENTORY_DETAILS_ALL_DFV DPP_LOOKUPS DPP_TRANSACTION_HEADER_DFV DPP_TRANSACTION_LINES_DFV DPP_TXN_DASHBOARD_V DPP_WEBADI_V DPP_XLA_CLAIM_HEADERS_V DPP_XLA_CLAIM_LINES_V DPP_XLA_CP_V DPP_XLA_INV_CU_V DPP_XLA_INV_HEADERS_V DPP_XLA_INV_LINES_V Tables QP_LIST_HEADERS_B QP_LIST_HEADERS_B stores the header information for all lists. List types can be, for example, Price Lists, Discount Lists or Promotions. QP_LIST_LINES QP_LIST_LINES stores all list lines for lists in QP_LIST_HEADERS_B. This table stores all types of list lines; price list lines, all types of modifiers including price modifier list lines used to derive factors. The different types of list lines are based on Lookup Type, 'LIST_LINE_TYPE_CODE'. QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES stores product information and pricing attributes. The PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE and PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE columns identify the product or level in the item hierarchy, i.e item context at which the price or modifier is set. The PRICING_ATTRIBUTE_CONTEXT, PRICING_ATTRIBUTE and PRICING_ATTR_VALUE_FROM columns store the pricing attributes which further define what is being priced. If the PRICING_ATTRIBUTE_CONTEXT is VOLUME the pricing attributes column stores the break unit attribute, e.g. item quantity and both the PRICING_ATTR_VALUE_FROM and PRICING_ATTR_VALUE_TO columns can be populated. The Product information is repeated for all pricing attributes. A record is always created for the VOLUME context which may or may not have an attribute defined. Relationship QP_LIST_HEADERS_B <---LIST_HEADER_ID QP_LIST_LINES ---> QP_LIST_LINES <---LIST_HEADER_ID,LIST_LINE_ID ---> QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES <---PRODUCT_ATTR_VALUE TO_CHAR(MSI.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID)---> mtl_system_items_b Useful Queries SELECT * FROM QP_LIST_HEADERS_B WHERE list_header_id IN ( SELECT list_header_id FROM QP_LIST_HEADERS_TL WHERE name = 'Corporate');--Price List Name SELECT line.* FROM QP_LIST_LINES line,QP_LIST_HEADERS_B header WHERE line.LIST_HEADER_ID = header.LIST_HEADER_ID AND line.list_header_id IN (SELECT list_header_id FROM QP_LIST_HEADERS_TL WHERE name = 'Corporate'); --Price List Name <> SELECT * FROM QP_LIST_HEADERS_B SP, QP_LIST_LINES SPLL ,QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES QPA WHERE SPLL.LIST_HEADER_ID= SPL.LIST_HEADER_ID AND QPA.LIST_HEADER_ID= SPL.LIST_HEADER_ID AND SPLL.LIST_LINE_ID= QPA.LIST_LINE_ID AND QPA.LIST_HEADER_ID IN ( SELECT list_header_id FROM QP_LIST_HEADERS_TL WHERE name = 'Corporate'); SELECT qpa.* FROM QP_LIST_HEADERS_B SPL,QP_LIST_LINES SPLL, QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES QPA MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B MSI WHERE MSI.ORGANIZATION_ID = 244 AND MSI.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID= 434257 AND SPL.LIST_HEADER_ID= 164075 AND SPLL.LIST_HEADER_ID= SPL.LIST_HEADER_ID AND QPA.LIST_HEADER_ID = SPL.LIST_HEADER_ID AND SPLL.LIST_LINE_ID = QPA.LIST_LINE_ID AND QPA.PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE_CONTEXT = 'ITEM' AND QPA.PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE = 'PRICING_ATTRIBUTE1' AND QPA.PRODUCT_ATTR_VALUE = TO_CHAR(MSI.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID) AND QPA.PRODUCT_UOM_CODE AND QPA.PRICING_ATTRIBUTE_CONTEXT IS NULL AND QPA.EXCLUDER_FLAG AND QPA.PRICING_PHASE_ID =1; = MSI.PRIMARY_UOM_CODE = 'N' Oracle Pricing Table list QP_LIST_HEADERS_B QP_LIST_HEADERS_B stores the header information for all lists. List types can be, for example, Price Lists, Discount Lists or Promotions. QP_LIST_LINES QP_LIST_LINES stores all list lines for lists in QP_LIST_HEADERS_B. This table stores all types of list lines; price list lines, all types of modifiers including price modifier list lines used to derive factors. The different types of list lines are based on Lookup Type, 'LIST_LINE_TYPE_CODE'. QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES stores product information and pricing attributes. The PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE and PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE columns identify the product or level in the item hierarchy, i.e item context at which the price or modifier is set. The PRICING_ATTRIBUTE_CONTEXT, PRICING_ATTRIBUTE and PRICING_ATTR_VALUE_FROM columns store the pricing attributes which further define what is being priced. If the PRICING_ATTRIBUTE_CONTEXT is VOLUME the pricing attributes column stores the break unit attribute, e.g. item quantity and both the PRICING_ATTR_VALUE_FROM and PRICING_ATTR_VALUE_TO columns can be populated. The Product information is repeated for all pricing attributes. A record is always created for the VOLUME context which may or may not have an attribute defined. Tables Qp_interface_list_header qp_interface_list_lines qp_interface_qualifiers qp_interface_pricing_attribs qp_interface_errors qp_list_headers_b qp_list_headers_tl qp_list_lines qp_qualifiers qp_pricing_attributes qp_rltd_modifiers Relationship QP_LIST_HEADERS_B <---LIST_HEADER_ID ---> QP_LIST_LINES QP_LIST_LINES <---LIST_HEADER_ID,LIST_LINE_ID ---> QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES <---PRODUCT_ATTR_VALUE <> TO_CHAR(MSI.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID)---> mtl_system_items_b Useful Queries /* Formatted on 7/18/2014 11:02:10 AM (QP5 v5.115.810.9015) */ SELECT * FROM qp_list_headers_b WHERE list_header_id IN (SELECT list_header_id FROM qp_list_headers_tl WHERE name = 'Corporate'); --Price List Name /* Formatted on 7/18/2014 11:02:04 AM (QP5 v5.115.810.9015) */ SELECT line.* FROM qp_list_lines line, qp_list_headers_b header WHERE line.list_header_id = header.list_header_id AND line.list_header_id IN (SELECT list_header_id FROM qp_list_headers_tl WHERE name = 'Corporate'); --Price List Name /* Formatted on 7/18/2014 11:01:59 AM (QP5 v5.115.810.9015) */ SELECT * FROM qp_list_headers_b spl, qp_list_lines spll, qp_pricing_attributes qpa WHERE spll.list_header_id = spl.list_header_id AND qpa.list_header_id = spl.list_header_id AND spll.list_line_id = qpa.list_line_id AND qpa.list_header_id IN (SELECT list_header_id FROM qp_list_headers_tl WHERE name = 'Corporate');--Price List Name /* Formatted on 7/18/2014 11:01:53 AM (QP5 v5.115.810.9015) */ SELECT qpa.* FROM qp_list_headers_b spl, qp_list_lines spll, qp_pricing_attributes qpa, mtl_system_items_b msi WHERE msi.organization_id = 244 AND msi.inventory_item_id = 434257 AND spl.list_header_id = 164075 AND spll.list_header_id = spl.list_header_id AND qpa.list_header_id = spl.list_header_id AND spll.list_line_id = qpa.list_line_id AND qpa.product_attribute_context = 'ITEM' AND qpa.product_attribute = 'PRICING_ATTRIBUTE1' AND qpa.product_attr_value = TO_CHAR (msi.inventory_item_id) AND qpa.product_uom_code = msi.primary_uom_code AND qpa.pricing_attribute_context IS NULL AND qpa.excluder_flag = 'N' AND qpa.pricing_phase_id = 1; /* Formatted on 7/18/2014 11:01:45 AM (QP5 v5.115.810.9015) */ SELECT * FROM qp_list_headers_b WHERE list_header_id IN (SELECT list_header_id FROM qp_list_headers_tl WHERE name = 'Corporate'); --Price List Name /* Formatted on 7/18/2014 11:01:35 AM (QP5 v5.115.810.9015) */ SELECT line.* FROM qp_list_lines line, qp_list_headers_b header WHERE line.list_header_id = header.list_header_id AND line.list_header_id IN (SELECT list_header_id FROM qp_list_headers_tl WHERE name = 'Corporate'); --Price List Name /* Formatted on 7/18/2014 11:01:29 AM (QP5 v5.115.810.9015) */ SELECT * FROM qp_list_headers_b spl, qp_list_lines spll, qp_pricing_attributes qpa WHERE spll.list_header_id = spl.list_header_id AND qpa.list_header_id = spl.list_header_id AND spll.list_line_id = qpa.list_line_id AND qpa.list_header_id IN (SELECT list_header_id FROM qp_list_headers_tl WHERE name = 'Corporate'); --Price List Name /* Formatted on 7/18/2014 11:01:23 AM (QP5 v5.115.810.9015) */ SELECT qpa.* FROM qp_list_headers_b spl, qp_list_lines spll, qp_pricing_attributes qpa, mtl_system_items_b msi WHERE msi.organization_id = 244 AND msi.inventory_item_id = 434257 AND spl.list_header_id = 164075 AND spll.list_header_id = spl.list_header_id AND qpa.list_header_id = spl.list_header_id AND spll.list_line_id = qpa.list_line_id AND qpa.product_attribute_context = 'ITEM' AND qpa.product_attribute = 'PRICING_ATTRIBUTE1' AND qpa.product_attr_value = TO_CHAR (msi.inventory_item_id) AND qpa.product_uom_code = msi.primary_uom_code AND qpa.pricing_attribute_context IS NULL AND qpa.excluder_flag = 'N' AND qpa.pricing_phase_id = 1; EAM Work Order Along With PO Details Query Some users have a requirement to have the data for WO and PO together. 1. WO Information. 2. WO Operation 3. Project 4. Resource 5. GL Account 6. Asset 7. PTW Information 8. PO - If the WO is having PO. /* Formatted on 11/18/2016 12:33:21 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */ SELECT a.ORGANIZATION_ID, a.WIP_ENTITY_ID, b.OPERATION_SEQ_NUM, b.DESCRIPTION OP_DESC, b.FIRST_UNIT_START_DATE OP_SCHEDULE_START_DATE, b.LAST_UNIT_COMPLETION_DATE OP_SCHEDULE_END_DATE, (b.LAST_UNIT_COMPLETION_DATE - b.FIRST_UNIT_START_DATE) * 24 WO_OP_Duration, f.ACTUAL_START_DATE OP_ACTUAL_START_DATE, f.ACTUAL_END_DATE OP_ACTUAL_END_DATE, (a.SCHEDULED_COMPLETION_DATE - a.SCHEDULED_START_DATE) * 24 WO_Duration, a.PROJECT_ID, a.TASK_ID, a.PM_SCHEDULE_ID, a.STATUS_TYPE WO_STATUS_ID, h.USER_DEFINED_STATUS_ID WO_USER_DEFINED_STATUS_ID, a.CLASS_CODE WIP_Account, a.MATERIAL_ACCOUNT MATERIAL_ACCOUNT_ID, a.NOTIFICATION_REQUIRED Scaffolding_Required_Flag, a.TAGOUT_REQUIRED Insulation_Required_Flag, b.ATTRIBUTE2 Permit_Number, b.ATTRIBUTE3 Permit_Type, b.ATTRIBUTE4 PTW_Status, b.ATTRIBUTE6 PTW_DATE, c.RESOURCE_ID, c.USAGE_RATE_OR_AMOUNT Quantity_Required, g.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER, g.FULL_NAME EMPLOYEE_NAME, PO.PR_NUMBER, PO.PR_LINE, PO.PR_REQUEST_DATE, PO.REQUESTER_NUMNER, PO.REQUESTER_NAME, PO.PR_STATUS, PO.PO_NUMBER, PO.PO_LINE, PO.RELEASE_NUM, PO.PO_CREATION_DATE, PO.PO_STATUS, PO.ITEM_ID, PO.QUANTITY_REQUESTED, PO.UNIT_PRICE, PO.QUANTITY_ONHAND, PO.QUANTITY_RECEIVED, PO.DELIVERY_TO, PO.DELIVERY_DATE, PO.TOTAL_COST, a.CREATION_DATE WO_CREATION_DATE, b.CREATED_BY OP_CREATED_BY, b.CREATION_DATE OP_CREATION_DATE, b.DEPARTMENT_ID OP_DEPARTMENT_ID, a.OWNING_DEPARTMENT WO_OWNING_DEPARTMENT, cii.INSTANCE_ID ASSET_ID, wr.WORK_REQUEST_ID WORK_REQUEST_ID, PO.PO_RELEASE_STATUS FROM WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS a, WIP_OPERATIONS b, WIP_OPERATION_RESOURCES c, WIP_OP_RESOURCE_INSTANCES d, BOM_RESOURCE_EMPLOYEES e, CSI_ITEM_INSTANCES CII, WIP_EAM_WORK_REQUESTS WR, (SELECT person_id, full_name, EMPLOYEE_NUMBER FROM PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F WHERE TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN EFFECTIVE_START_DATE AND EFFECTIVE_END_DATE) g, eam_work_order_details h, (SELECT ACTUAL_START_DATE, ACTUAL_END_DATE, WIP_ENTITY_ID, OPERATION_SEQ_NUM, LAST_UPDATE_DATE, TRANSACTION_TYPE, CREATION_DATE FROM EAM_OP_COMPLETION_TXNS WHERE (TRANSACTION_ID, WIP_ENTITY_ID, OPERATION_SEQ_NUM) IN ( SELECT MAX (TRANSACTION_ID) MAX_TRANSACTION, WIP_ENTITY_ID, OPERATION_SEQ_NUM FROM EAM_OP_COMPLETION_TXNS WHERE EAM_OP_COMPLETION_TXNS.TRANSACTION_TYPE = 1 GROUP BY WIP_ENTITY_ID, OPERATION_SEQ_NUM)) f, (SELECT porl.wip_entity_id, porl.wip_operation_seq_num OPERATION_SEQ_NUM, porh.segment1 PR_NUMBER, porl.line_num PR_LINE, porh.creation_date PR_Request_date, g.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER Requester_Numner, g.FULL_NAME Requester_NAME, porh.authorization_status PR_STATUS, poh.segment1 PO_NUMBER, pol.line_num PO_LINE, por.RELEASE_NUM, por.authorization_status PO_RELEASE_STATUS, -(SELECT RELEASE_NUM -FROM po_releases_all -WHERE po_release_id = poll.po_release_id) -release_num, poh.CREATION_DATE PO_CREATION_DATE, poh.authorization_status PO_STATUS, pol.item_id, NVL (pol.quantity, poll.quantity) Quantity_requested, pol.unit_price, (SELECT SUM (mohq.TRANSACTION_QUANTITY) FROM MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES mohq WHERE pol.item_id = mohq.inventory_item_id AND poll.SHIP_TO_ORGANIZATION_ID = mohq.ORGANIZATION_ID) QUANTITY_ONHAND, poll.QUANTITY_RECEIVED, --poll.SHIP_TO_LOCATION_ID, (SELECT DESCRIPTION FROM hr_locations WHERE LOCATION_ID = poll.SHIP_TO_LOCATION_ID) Delivery_To, rsh.creation_date Delivery_Date, (NVL (pol.unit_price, 0) * NVL (poll.QUANTITY_RECEIVED, 0)) TOTAL_COST FROM po_requisition_headers_all porh, PO_REQUISITION_LINES_ALL porl, po_req_distributions_all pord, po_distributions_all pod, po_lines_all pol, po_headers_all poh, po_line_locations_all poll, rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh, po_releases_all por, (SELECT person_id, full_name, EMPLOYEE_NUMBER FROM PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F WHERE TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN EFFECTIVE_START_DATE AND EFFECTIVE_END_DATE) g WHERE porh.requisition_header_id = porl.requisition_header_id(+) AND porl.requisition_line_id = pord.requisition_line_id(+) AND pord.distribution_id = pod.req_distribution_id(+) AND pod.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id(+) AND pod.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id(+) AND pol.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id(+) AND pod.po_header_id = poll.po_header_id(+) AND pod.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id(+) AND pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id(+) AND pod.po_header_id = rsl.po_header_id(+) AND pod.po_line_id = rsl.po_line_id(+) AND pod.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id(+) AND rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id(+) AND porl.to_person_id = g.person_id(+) AND poll.po_release_id = por.po_release_id(+) AND porl.wip_entity_id IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT a.WIP_ENTITY_ID, a.OPERATION_SEQ_NUM, c.REQUEST_NUMBER PR_MO_NUMBER, b.line_number LINE_NUMBER, c.CREATION_DATE REQUEST_DATE, -- c.CREATED_BY, g.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER, g.FULL_NAME EMPLOYEE_NAME, (SELECT MEANING FROM FND_LOOKUP_VALUES_VL WHERE LOOKUP_TYPE = 'MTL_TXN_REQUEST_STATUS' AND LOOKUP_CODE = c.HEADER_STATUS) STATUS, NULL PO_NUMBER, NULL PO_LINE, NULL RELEASE_NUM, NULL PO_RELEASE_STATUS, NULL PO_CREATION_DATE, NULL PO_STATUS, b.inventory_item_id ITEM_ID, b.quantity QUANTITY_REQUESTED, d.ITEM_COST UNIT_PRICE, (SELECT SUM (mohq.TRANSACTION_QUANTITY) FROM MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES mohq WHERE b.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = mohq.inventory_item_id AND b.ORGANIZATION_ID = mohq.ORGANIZATION_ID) QUANTITY_ONHAND, b.QUANTITY_DELIVERED QUANTITY_RECEIVED, NULL DELIVERY_TO, NULL DELIVERY_DATE, NVL ( (b.quantity * d.ITEM_COST), 0) TOTAL_COST FROM WIP_REQUIREMENT_OPERATIONS a, mtl_txn_request_lines b, mtl_txn_request_headers c, cst_item_costs d, (SELECT person_id, full_name, EMPLOYEE_NUMBER FROM PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F WHERE TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN EFFECTIVE_START_DATE AND EFFECTIVE_END_DATE) g WHERE a.WIP_ENTITY_ID = b.TXN_SOURCE_ID(+) AND a.inventory_item_id = b.inventory_item_id(+) AND a.operation_seq_num = b.TXN_SOURCE_LINE_ID(+) AND b.header_id = c.header_id AND b.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = d.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID(+) AND b.ORGANIZATION_ID = d.ORGANIZATION_ID(+) AND c.CREATED_BY = g.person_id(+)) PO WHERE a.WIP_ENTITY_ID = b.WIP_ENTITY_ID(+) AND b.WIP_ENTITY_ID = c.WIP_ENTITY_ID(+) AND b.OPERATION_SEQ_NUM = c.OPERATION_SEQ_NUM(+) AND c.WIP_ENTITY_ID = d.WIP_ENTITY_ID(+) AND c.OPERATION_SEQ_NUM = d.OPERATION_SEQ_NUM(+) AND c.RESOURCE_SEQ_NUM = d.RESOURCE_SEQ_NUM(+) AND d.instance_id = e.instance_id(+) AND c.WIP_ENTITY_ID = f.WIP_ENTITY_ID(+) AND c.OPERATION_SEQ_NUM = f.OPERATION_SEQ_NUM(+) AND a.WIP_ENTITY_ID = h.WIP_ENTITY_ID(+) AND e.PERSON_ID = g.PERSON_ID(+) AND b.WIP_ENTITY_ID = po.WIP_ENTITY_ID(+) AND b.OPERATION_SEQ_NUM = po.OPERATION_SEQ_NUM(+) AND a.MAINTENANCE_OBJECT_ID = cii.INSTANCE_ID(+) AND a.WIP_ENTITY_ID = wr.wip_entity_id(+) -- AND b.DEPARTMENT_ID=63234 --AND a.WIP_ENTITY_ID=63234 Oracle Projects API to update and assign Project Roles in an Oracle Project Oracle has provided a seeded package called PA_PROJECT_PARTIES_PUB to create, update or delete a project party (or Key member) in an oracle project. From front end, the navigation is Project Billing Super User (or related responsibility) > Projects > Find Projects > Open > Options > Key Members. The records in the form are displayed through a view (PA_PROJECT_PLAYERS) and the base table is PA_PROJECT_PARTIES. PA_PROJECT_PARTIES_PUB.UPDATE_PROJECT_PARTY: /* Formatted on 3/27/2017 2:43:17 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */ DECLARE l_project_id PA_PROJECT_PARTIES.PROJECT_ID%TYPE := NULL; l_project_role VARCHAR2 (240) := NULL; l_resource_name PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.FULL_NAME%TYPE := NULL; l_start_date_active DATE := NULL; l_end_date_active DATE := NULL; l_project_role_id pa_project_role_types.PROJECT_ROLE_ID%TYPE := NULL; l_project_role_type pa_project_role_types.PROJECT_ROLE_TYPE%TYPE := NULL; l_resource_source_id PA_PROJECT_PARTIES.RESOURCE_SOURCE_ID%TYPE := NULL; l_project_party_id PA_PROJECT_PARTIES.PROJECT_PARTY_ID%TYPE := NULL; l_object_id PA_PROJECT_PARTIES.OBJECT_ID%TYPE := NULL; l_resource_id PA_PROJECT_PARTIES.RESOURCE_ID%TYPE := NULL; l_record_version_number pa_project_parties.record_version_number%TYPE := NULL ; l_project_end_date DATE; l_return_status VARCHAR2 (20) := NULL; l_assignment_id NUMBER := NULL; l_wf_type VARCHAR2 (240) := NULL; l_wf_item_type VARCHAR2 (240) := NULL; l_wf_process VARCHAR2 (240) := NULL; l_msg_count NUMBER := NULL; l_msg_data VARCHAR2 (240) := NULL; BEGIN ---Input Parameters---l_project_id := '7033'; l_project_role := 'Project Manager'; l_resource_name := 'Koch, Dibyajyoti'; l_start_date_active := '24-NOV-2011'; l_end_date_active := '24-NOV-2012'; SELECT PROJECT_ROLE_ID, PROJECT_ROLE_TYPE INTO l_project_role_id, l_project_role_type FROM PA_PROJECT_ROLE_TYPES WHERE UPPER (MEANING) = UPPER (l_project_role); SELECT DISTINCT PERSON_ID INTO l_resource_source_id FROM PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F WHERE UPPER (FULL_NAME) = UPPER (l_resource_name); SELECT PROJECT_PARTY_ID, OBJECT_ID, RESOURCE_ID, RECORD_VERSION_NUMBER INTO l_project_party_id, l_object_id, l_resource_id, l_record_version_number FROM PA_PROJECT_PARTIES WHERE PROJECT_ID = l_project_id AND PROJECT_ROLE_ID = l_project_role_id AND RESOURCE_SOURCE_ID = l_resource_source_id; l_project_end_date := pa_project_dates_utils.get_project_finish_date (l_project_id); PA_PROJECT_PARTIES_PUB.UPDATE_PROJECT_PARTY ( P_API_VERSION => 1.0, P_INIT_MSG_LIST => FND_API.G_TRUE, P_COMMIT => FND_API.G_FALSE, P_VALIDATE_ONLY => FND_API.G_FALSE, P_VALIDATION_LEVEL => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL, P_DEBUG_MODE => 'N', P_OBJECT_ID => l_object_id, P_OBJECT_TYPE => 'PA_PROJECTS', P_PROJECT_ROLE_ID => l_project_role_id, P_PROJECT_ROLE_TYPE => l_project_role_type, P_RESOURCE_TYPE_ID => 101, --EMPLOYEE P_RESOURCE_SOURCE_ID => l_resource_source_id, P_RESOURCE_NAME => l_resource_name, P_RESOURCE_ID => l_resource_id, P_START_DATE_ACTIVE => l_start_date_active, P_SCHEDULED_FLAG => 'N', P_RECORD_VERSION_NUMBER => l_record_version_number, P_CALLING_MODULE => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR, P_PROJECT_ID => l_project_id, P_PROJECT_END_DATE => l_project_end_date, P_PROJECT_PARTY_ID => l_project_party_id, P_ASSIGNMENT_ID => NULL, P_ASSIGN_RECORD_VERSION_NUMBER => l_record_version_number + 1, P_MGR_VALIDATION_TYPE => 'FORM', P_END_DATE_ACTIVE => l_end_date_active, X_ASSIGNMENT_ID => l_assignment_id, X_WF_TYPE => l_wf_type, X_WF_ITEM_TYPE => l_wf_item_type, X_WF_PROCESS => l_wf_process, X_RETURN_STATUS => l_return_status, X_MSG_COUNT x_msg_data => l_msg_count, => l_msg_data ); COMMIT; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Status:' || l_return_status); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Message:' || l_msg_data); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Try Again!!'); END; PA_PROJECT_PARTIES_PUB.CREATE_PROJECT_PARTY: /* Formatted on 3/27/2017 2:44:48 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */ DECLARE l_project_id PA_PROJECT_PARTIES.PROJECT_ID%TYPE := NULL; l_project_role VARCHAR2 (240) := NULL; l_resource_name PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.FULL_NAME%TYPE := NULL; l_start_date_active DATE := NULL; l_end_date_active DATE := NULL; l_project_role_id pa_project_role_types.PROJECT_ROLE_ID%TYPE := NULL; l_project_role_type pa_project_role_types.PROJECT_ROLE_TYPE%TYPE := NULL; l_resource_source_id PA_PROJECT_PARTIES.RESOURCE_SOURCE_ID%TYPE := NULL; l_project_party_id PA_PROJECT_PARTIES.PROJECT_PARTY_ID%TYPE := NULL; l_object_id PA_PROJECT_PARTIES.OBJECT_ID%TYPE := NULL; l_resource_id PA_PROJECT_PARTIES.RESOURCE_ID%TYPE := NULL; l_record_version_number pa_project_parties.record_version_number%TYPE := NULL ; l_project_end_date DATE; l_return_status VARCHAR2 (20) := NULL; l_assignment_id NUMBER := NULL; l_wf_type VARCHAR2 (240) := NULL; l_wf_item_type VARCHAR2 (240) := NULL; l_wf_process VARCHAR2 (240) := NULL; l_msg_count NUMBER := NULL; l_msg_data VARCHAR2 (240) := NULL; BEGIN ---Input Parameters---l_project_id := '7033'; l_project_role := 'Project Accountant'; l_resource_name := 'Koch, Dibyajyoti'; l_start_date_active := '24-NOV-2011'; l_end_date_active := '24-NOV-2012'; SELECT PROJECT_ROLE_ID, PROJECT_ROLE_TYPE INTO l_project_role_id, l_project_role_type FROM PA_PROJECT_ROLE_TYPES WHERE UPPER (MEANING) = UPPER (l_project_role); SELECT DISTINCT PERSON_ID INTO l_resource_source_id FROM PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F WHERE UPPER (FULL_NAME) = UPPER (l_resource_name); l_project_end_date := pa_project_dates_utils.get_project_finish_date (l_project_id); PA_PROJECT_PARTIES_PUB.CREATE_PROJECT_PARTY ( P_API_VERSION => 1.0, P_INIT_MSG_LIST => FND_API.G_TRUE, P_COMMIT => FND_API.G_FALSE, P_VALIDATE_ONLY => FND_API.G_FALSE, P_VALIDATION_LEVEL => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL, P_DEBUG_MODE => 'N', P_OBJECT_ID => l_project_id, P_OBJECT_TYPE => 'PA_PROJECTS', P_PROJECT_ROLE_ID => l_project_role_id, P_PROJECT_ROLE_TYPE => l_project_role_type, P_RESOURCE_TYPE_ID => 101, --EMPLOYEE P_RESOURCE_SOURCE_ID => l_resource_source_id, P_RESOURCE_NAME => l_resource_name, P_START_DATE_ACTIVE => l_start_date_active, P_SCHEDULED_FLAG => 'N', P_CALLING_MODULE => NULL, P_PROJECT_ID => l_project_id, P_PROJECT_END_DATE => l_project_end_date, P_MGR_VALIDATION_TYPE => 'FORM', P_END_DATE_ACTIVE => l_end_date_active, X_PROJECT_PARTY_ID => l_project_party_id, X_RESOURCE_ID => l_resource_id, X_ASSIGNMENT_ID => l_assignment_id, X_WF_TYPE => l_wf_type, X_WF_ITEM_TYPE => l_wf_item_type, X_WF_PROCESS => l_wf_process, X_RETURN_STATUS => l_return_status, X_MSG_COUNT => l_msg_count, X_MSG_DATA => l_msg_data ); COMMIT; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Status:' || l_return_status); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Message:' || l_msg_data); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Try Again!!'); END; Project & Change Order Approval Action History in oracle projcts query /* Formatted on 3/27/2017 2:42:17 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */ SELECT ROWNUM, ACTION_DATE, ACTION, from_user, from_role, to_user, to_role, Details, SEQUENCE, NOTIFICATION_ID, ACTION_TYPE FROM ( SELECT ACTION_DATE, ACTION, from_user, from_role, to_user, to_role, Details, SEQUENCE, NOTIFICATION_ID, ACTION_TYPE FROM (SELECT c.comment_date DATE1, TO_CHAR (c.comment_date, 'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS') action_date, c.action action, c.from_user from_user, c.from_role from_role, c.to_user to_user, c.to_role to_role, c.user_comment Details, C.SEQUENCE SEQUENCE, C.NOTIFICATION_ID NOTIFICATION_ID, C.ACTION_TYPE ACTION_TYPE FROM WF_NOTIFICATIONS WFN, pa_wf_processes pa, wf_item_activity_statuses wfitems, wf_comments c WHERE wfitems.notification_id = wfn.GROUP_ID AND wfitems.NOTIFICATION_ID = C.NOTIFICATION_ID AND pa.item_type = wfitems.item_type AND pa.item_key = wfitems.item_key AND pa.entity_key1 = :p_project_id AND pa.item_type IN ('PAPROWF', 'PAWFCISC') UNION ALL SELECT c.comment_date DATE1, TO_CHAR (c.comment_date, 'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS') action_date, c.action action, c.from_user from_user, c.from_role from_role, c.to_user to_user, c.to_role to_role, c.user_comment Details, C.SEQUENCE SEQUENCE, C.NOTIFICATION_ID NOTIFICATION_ID, C.ACTION_TYPE ACTION_TYPE FROM WF_NOTIFICATIONS WFN, pa_wf_processes pa, WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H wfitems, wf_comments c WHERE wfitems.notification_id = wfn.GROUP_ID AND wfitems.NOTIFICATION_ID = C.NOTIFICATION_ID AND pa.item_type = wfitems.item_type AND pa.item_key = wfitems.item_key AND pa.entity_key1 = :p_project_id AND pa.item_type IN ('PAPROWF', 'PAWFCISC')) ORDER BY DATE1 DESC, notification_id, sequence); Financial Plan CI Impact in oracle projects query /* Formatted on 3/27/2017 2:41:06 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */ SELECT pbv.ci_id, NVL (, task_name, rlm.alias planning_resource_name, (NVL (rac.total_projfunc_burdened_cost, 0) + NVL (NULL, 0)) total_cost, DECODE (pfpt.plan_class_code, 'FORECAST', TO_NUMBER (NULL), rac.total_txn_raw_cost) AS raw_cost_txn_cur, ROUND ( DECODE (pra.rate_based_flag, 'Y', rac.txn_raw_cost_rate_override, TO_NUMBER (NULL)), 5 ) AS raw_cost_rate_override, DECODE (pfpt.plan_class_code, 'FORECAST', TO_NUMBER (NULL), rac.total_projfunc_raw_cost) AS raw_cost_proj_func_cur, ROUND ( DECODE (pra.rate_based_flag, 'Y', rac.txn_average_burden_cost_rate, TO_NUMBER (NULL)), 5 ) AS avg_burd_cost_rate, ROUND ( DECODE (pra.rate_based_flag, 'Y', rac.txn_burden_cost_rate_override, TO_NUMBER (NULL)), 5 ) AS burd_cost_rate_override, DECODE (pfpt.plan_class_code, 'FORECAST', TO_NUMBER (NULL), rac.total_projfunc_burdened_cost) AS burd_cost_proj_func_cur, DECODE (pfpt.plan_class_code, 'FORECAST', TO_NUMBER (NULL), rac.total_txn_burdened_cost) AS burd_cost_txn_cur, NVL (pe.element_number, p.segment1) || '(' || NVL (, || ')' task_name_num, NVL (ppe.element_version_id, 0) element_version_id FROM pa_resource_assignments pra, pa_proj_elements pe, pa_resource_list_members rlm, pa_resource_asgn_curr rac, pa_budget_versions pbv, pa_fin_plan_types_b pfpt, pa_proj_fp_options po, pa_proj_element_versions ppe, pa_control_items ci, pa_projects_all p WHERE pra.resource_assignment_id = rac.resource_assignment_id AND pra.resource_list_member_id = rlm.resource_list_member_id AND p.project_id = :p_project_id AND pra.project_id = p.project_id AND pbv.budget_version_id = rac.budget_version_id AND pbv.budget_version_id = pra.budget_version_id AND pbv.project_id = pra.project_id AND pbv.ci_id = ci.ci_id AND pbv.ci_id = :p_change_order_id AND pbv.fin_plan_type_id = pfpt.fin_plan_type_id AND pbv.budget_version_id = po.fin_plan_version_id AND po.fin_plan_option_level_code = 'PLAN_VERSION' AND po.fin_plan_version_id = pbv.budget_version_id AND pra.task_id = pe.proj_element_id(+) AND ppe.parent_structure_version_id(+) = pa_project_structure_utils.get_fin_struc_ver_id ( pe.project_id ) AND pe.proj_element_id = ppe.proj_element_id(+) AND ( rac.total_quantity IS NOT NULL OR rac.txn_burden_cost_rate_override IS NOT NULL OR rac.total_txn_burdened_cost IS NOT NULL OR rac.txn_bill_rate_override IS NOT NULL OR rac.total_txn_revenue IS NOT NULL OR rac.txn_raw_cost_rate_override IS NOT NULL OR rac.total_txn_raw_cost IS NOT NULL); Oracle projects Budget Planning Element Information query /* Formatted on 3/27/2017 2:39:29 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */ SELECT NVL (, AS task_name, rlm.alias AS planning_resource, ra.TOTAL_PLAN_RAW_COST FROM pa_budget_versions bv, pa_fin_plan_types_b pt, pa_proj_fp_options po, pa_resource_assignments ra, pa_resource_list_members rlm, pa_projects_all p, pa_proj_elements pe, pa_proj_element_versions pev WHERE bv.budget_version_id = (SELECT budget_version_id FROM pa_budget_versions WHERE project_id = :p_project_id AND fin_plan_type_id = (SELECT fin_plan_type_id FROM pa_fin_plan_types_vl WHERE migrated_frm_bdgt_typ_code = 'AC' AND UPPER (NAME) = UPPER ('Approved Cost Budget')) AND budget_status_code = 'B' AND current_flag = 'Y') AND bv.project_id = p.project_id AND bv.fin_plan_type_id = pt.fin_plan_type_id AND bv.budget_version_id = po.fin_plan_version_id AND po.fin_plan_option_level_code = 'PLAN_VERSION' AND po.fin_plan_version_id = bv.budget_version_id AND bv.budget_version_id = ra.budget_version_id AND ra.resource_list_member_id = rlm.resource_list_member_id AND ra.task_id = pev.proj_element_id(+) AND pev.parent_structure_version_id(+) = pa_planning_element_utils.get_fin_struct_id ( ra.project_id, ra.budget_version_id ) AND pev.proj_element_id = pe.proj_element_id(+); Approved Cost Budget Version Detail in oracle projects /* Formatted on 3/27/2017 2:37:59 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */ SELECT po.project_id, bv.version_name, AS plan_type_name, bv.description, po.fin_plan_preference_code, bv.budget_version_id, bv.record_version_number, bv.budget_status_code, bv.raw_cost Row_Cost_Total FROM pa_proj_fp_options po, pa_fin_plan_types_vl pt, pa_budget_versions bv WHERE bv.project_id = :p_project_id AND bv.budget_version_id = (SELECT budget_version_id FROM pa_budget_versions WHERE project_id = :p_project_id AND fin_plan_type_id = (SELECT fin_plan_type_id FROM pa_fin_plan_types_vl WHERE migrated_frm_bdgt_typ_code = 'AC' AND UPPER (NAME) = UPPER ('Approved Cost Budget')) AND budget_status_code = 'B' AND CURRENT_FLAG = 'Y') AND bv.budget_version_id = po.fin_plan_version_id AND bv.ci_id IS NULL AND po.fin_plan_option_level_code = 'PLAN_VERSION' AND po.fin_plan_type_id = pt.fin_plan_type_id AND pt.fin_plan_type_id = (SELECT fin_plan_type_id FROM pa_fin_plan_types_vl WHERE migrated_frm_bdgt_typ_code = 'AC' AND UPPER (name) = UPPER ('Approved Cost Budget')); Project Parties (Project Key Members) query in R12 /* Formatted on 3/27/2017 2:37:02 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */ SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT PPP.PROJECT_ID project_id, DECODE (PA.ASSIGNMENT_ID, NULL, PPRT.MEANING, PA.ASSIGNMENT_NAME) project_role_meaning, PPP.RESOURCE_SOURCE_ID resource_source_id, PE.FULL_NAME resource_source_name, PPP.PROJECT_ROLE_ID project_role_id, PPRT.PROJECT_ROLE_TYPE project_role_type, PPP.START_DATE_ACTIVE start_date_active, ppp.end_date_active end_date_active, pa_project_parties_utils.active_party ( ppp.start_date_active, ppp.end_date_active ) active, 'EMPLOYEE' party_type FROM PA_PROJECT_PARTIES PPP, PA_PROJECTS_ALL PPA, PA_PROJECT_ROLE_TYPES PPRT, PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F PE, PA_PROJECT_ASSIGNMENTS PA, fnd_user u, (SELECT job_name, haou.organization_id org_id, org_name, paf.person_id, paf.assignment_type FROM per_all_assignments_f paf, per_jobs pj, hr_all_organization_units haou WHERE TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(paf.effective_start_date) AND TRUNC(paf.effective_end_date) AND paf.primary_flag = 'Y' AND paf.organization_id = haou.organization_id AND NVL (paf.job_id, -99) = pj.job_id(+)) prd WHERE PPP.RESOURCE_TYPE_ID = 101 AND PPP.PROJECT_ID = PPA.PROJECT_ID AND PPP.PROJECT_ROLE_ID = PPRT.PROJECT_ROLE_ID AND PPP.RESOURCE_SOURCE_ID = PE.PERSON_ID AND PE.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE = (SELECT MIN (PAPF.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE) FROM PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F PAPF WHERE PAPF.PERSON_ID = PE.PERSON_ID AND PAPF.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE >= TRUNC (SYSDATE)) AND PE.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE >= TRUNC (SYSDATE) AND PPP.PROJECT_PARTY_ID = PA.PROJECT_PARTY_ID(+) AND NVL (prd.assignment_type, '-99') IN ('C', DECODE ( DECODE ( PE.CURRENT_EMPLOYEE_FLAG, 'Y', 'Y', DECODE (PE.CURRENT_NPW_FLAG, 'Y', 'Y', 'N') ), 'Y', 'E', 'B' ), 'E', '-99') AND ppp.resource_source_id = prd.person_id(+) AND u.employee_id(+) = ppp.resource_source_id AND ppp.object_type = 'PA_PROJECTS' AND ppp.object_id = ppa.project_id UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT ppp.project_id, pprt.meaning, ppp.resource_source_id, hzp.party_name, ppp.project_role_id, pprt.project_role_type, ppp.start_date_active, ppp.end_date_active, pa_project_parties_utils.active_party ( ppp.start_date_active, ppp.end_date_active ), 'PERSON' FROM pa_project_parties ppp, pa_projects_all ppa, pa_project_role_types pprt, hz_parties hzp, hz_parties hzo, hz_relationships hzr, hz_contact_points hzcp, fnd_user u WHERE ppp.resource_type_id = 112 AND ppp.project_id = ppa.project_id AND ppp.project_role_id = pprt.project_role_id AND ppp.resource_source_id = hzp.party_id AND hzp.party_type = 'PERSON' AND hzo.party_type = 'ORGANIZATION' AND hzr.relationship_code IN ('EMPLOYEE_OF', 'CONTACT_OF') AND hzr.status = 'A' AND hzr.subject_id = hzp.party_id AND hzr.object_id = hzo.party_id AND hzr.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES' AND hzr.directional_flag = 'F' AND hzcp.owner_table_name(+) = 'HZ_PARTIES' AND hzcp.owner_table_id(+) = hzp.party_id AND hzcp.contact_point_type(+) = 'PHONE' AND hzcp.phone_line_type(+) = 'GEN' AND hzcp.primary_flag(+) = 'Y' AND u.person_party_id(+) = ppp.resource_source_id AND ppp.object_type = 'PA_PROJECTS' AND ppp.object_id = ppa.project_id UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT ppp.project_id, pprt.meaning, ppp.resource_source_id, hzo.party_name, ppp.project_role_id, pprt.project_role_type, ppp.start_date_active, ppp.end_date_active, pa_project_parties_utils.active_party ( ppp.start_date_active, ppp.end_date_active ), 'ORGANIZATION' FROM pa_project_parties ppp, pa_projects_all ppa, pa_project_role_types_vl pprt, hz_parties hzo, hz_contact_points hzcp WHERE ppp.resource_type_id = 112 AND ppp.project_id = ppa.project_id AND ppp.project_role_id = pprt.project_role_id AND ppp.resource_source_id = hzo.party_id AND hzo.party_type = 'ORGANIZATION' AND hzcp.owner_table_name(+) = 'HZ_PARTIES' AND hzcp.owner_table_id(+) = hzo.party_id AND hzcp.contact_point_type(+) = 'PHONE' AND hzcp.phone_line_type(+) = 'GEN' AND hzcp.primary_flag(+) = 'Y' AND ppp.object_type = 'PA_PROJECTS' AND ppp.object_id = ppa.project_id UNION ALL SELECT ppc.project_id, 'Customer Person' meaning, NULL, ppc.customer_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, DECODE (ppc.customer_status, 'A', 'Y', 'I', 'N'), 'ORGANIZATION' party_type FROM pa_project_customers_v ppc, hz_parties hzo, hz_contact_points hzcp WHERE hzcp.owner_table_name(+) = 'HZ_PARTIES' AND hzcp.owner_table_id(+) = hzo.party_id AND hzcp.contact_point_type(+) = 'PHONE' AND hzcp.phone_line_type(+) = 'GEN' AND hzcp.primary_flag(+) = 'Y' AND ppc.party_type = 'PERSON' AND ppc.party_id = hzo.party_id) WHERE (project_id = :p_project_id AND party_type <> 'ORGANIZATION' AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN start_date_active AND NVL (end_date_active, TRUNC (SYSDATE))); Project Basic Info qurey in R12 /* Formatted on 3/27/2017 2:35:45 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */ SELECT proj.carrying_out_organization_name project_organization, proj.segment1 project_number, Project_Short_Name,, proj.region, proj.long_name project_long_name, proj.start_date transaction_start_date, proj.target_finish_date Target_Finish_Date, proj.project_type, proj.project_type_class_code, proj.completion_date, proj.public_sector_flag, proj.project_status_name, proj.project_status_code, proj.wf_status_code, proj.country_name, proj.country_code, proj.record_version_number, proj.target_start_date, proj.scheduled_start_date, proj.scheduled_finish_date, proj.actual_start_date, proj.actual_finish_date, operating_unit FROM pa_projects_prm_v proj, hr_all_organization_units_vl opr WHERE proj.org_id = opr.organization_id AND proj.project_id = :p_project_id; Query to find Project Manager Info of an Oracle Project /* Formatted on 3/27/2017 2:34:34 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */ SELECT PE.FULL_NAME, PE.EMAIL_ADDRESS FROM PA_PROJECT_PARTIES PPP, PA_PROJECTS_ALL PPA, PA_PROJECT_ROLE_TYPES PPRT, PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F PE, PA_PROJECT_ASSIGNMENTS PA, FND_USER U, (SELECT PJ.NAME JOB_NAME, HAOU.ORGANIZATION_ID ORG_ID, HAOU.NAME ORG_NAME, PAF.PERSON_ID, PAF.ASSIGNMENT_TYPE FROM PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F PAF, PER_JOBS PJ, HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS HAOU WHERE TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC (PAF.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE) AND TRUNC (PAF.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE) AND PAF.PRIMARY_FLAG = 'Y' AND PAF.ORGANIZATION_ID = HAOU.ORGANIZATION_ID AND NVL (PAF.JOB_ID, -99) = PJ.JOB_ID(+)) PRD WHERE PPA.PROJECT_ID = :P_PROJECT_ID AND DECODE (PA.ASSIGNMENT_ID, NULL, PPRT.MEANING, PA.ASSIGNMENT_NAME) = 'Project Manager' AND PPP.PROJECT_ID = PPA.PROJECT_ID AND PPP.PROJECT_ROLE_ID = PPRT.PROJECT_ROLE_ID AND PPP.RESOURCE_SOURCE_ID = PE.PERSON_ID AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC (PPP.START_DATE_ACTIVE) AND NVL (TRUNC (PPP.END_DATE_ACTIVE), SYSDATE) AND PE.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE = (SELECT MIN (PAPF.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE) FROM PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F PAPF WHERE PAPF.PERSON_ID = PE.PERSON_ID AND PAPF.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE >= TRUNC (SYSDATE)) AND PE.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE >= TRUNC (SYSDATE) AND PPP.PROJECT_PARTY_ID = PA.PROJECT_PARTY_ID(+) AND NVL (PRD.ASSIGNMENT_TYPE, '-99') IN ('C', DECODE ( DECODE (PE.CURRENT_EMPLOYEE_FLAG, 'Y', 'Y', DECODE (PE.CURRENT_NPW_FLAG, 'Y', 'Y', 'N')), 'Y', 'E', 'B' ), 'E', '-99') AND PPP.RESOURCE_SOURCE_ID = PRD.PERSON_ID(+) AND U.EMPLOYEE_ID(+) = PPP.RESOURCE_SOURCE_ID AND PPP.OBJECT_TYPE = 'PA_PROJECTS' AND ppp.object_id = ppa.project_id; API to add Classification to an Oracle Project /* Formatted on 3/27/2017 2:33:29 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */ DECLARE l_project_id pa_projects_all.project_id%TYPE := NULL; l_class_category pa_project_classes.class_category%TYPE := NULL; l_class_code pa_project_classes.class_code%TYPE := NULL; l_return_status VARCHAR2 (20); l_msg_count NUMBER; l_msg_data VARCHAR2 (240); BEGIN L_PROJECT_ID := &P_PROJECT_ID; L_CLASS_CATEGORY := &P_CLASS_CATEGORY; l_class_code := &p_class_code; pa_projects_maint_pub.create_classifications ( p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, p_validate_only => fnd_api.g_false, p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full, p_calling_module => 'SELF_SERVICE', p_debug_mode => 'N', p_max_msg_count => fnd_api.g_miss_num, p_object_id => l_project_id, p_object_type => 'PA_PROJECTS', p_class_category => l_class_category, p_class_code => l_class_code, p_code_percentage => fnd_api.g_miss_num, p_attribute_category => fnd_api.g_miss_char, p_attribute1 => fnd_api.g_miss_char, p_attribute2 => fnd_api.g_miss_char, p_attribute3 => fnd_api.g_miss_char, p_attribute4 => fnd_api.g_miss_char, p_attribute5 => fnd_api.g_miss_char, p_attribute6 => fnd_api.g_miss_char, p_attribute7 => fnd_api.g_miss_char, p_attribute8 => fnd_api.g_miss_char, p_attribute9 => fnd_api.g_miss_char, p_attribute10 => fnd_api.g_miss_char, p_attribute11 => fnd_api.g_miss_char, p_attribute12 => fnd_api.g_miss_char, p_attribute13 => fnd_api.g_miss_char, p_attribute14 => fnd_api.g_miss_char, p_attribute15 => fnd_api.g_miss_char, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data ); COMMIT; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Status:' || l_return_status); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Message:' || l_msg_data); END; API to Update Task Information in Oracle Projects /* Formatted on 3/27/2017 2:32:15 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */ DECLARE l_return_status VARCHAR (10); l_msg_count VARCHAR (240); l_MSG_DATA VARCHAR (240); l_rowid VARCHAR2 (240); task_record PA_TASKS%ROWTYPE; task_struc_record PA_PROJ_ELEMENTS%ROWTYPE; l_last_updated_by NUMBER := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID; l_last_update_date DATE; l_last_update_login NUMBER := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID; pt_task_name PA_TASKS.TASK_NAME%TYPE; l_task_name PA_PROJ_ELEMENTS.NAME%TYPE; l_task_name1 PA_PROJ_ELEMENTS.NAME%TYPE; l_project_id PA_PROJECTS_ALL.PROJECT_ID%TYPE; l_task_id PA_TASKS.TASK_ID%TYPE; l_task_manager_person_id PA_TASKS.TASK_MANAGER_PERSON_ID%TYPE; l_output VARCHAR2 (2000); l_msg_dummy VARCHAR2 (2000); n NUMBER := 0; BEGIN l_project_id := 590; l_task_id := 3355; l_task_manager_person_id := 136263; --Koch, Dibyajyoti BEGIN SELECT * INTO task_record FROM pa_tasks WHERE project_id = l_project_id AND task_id = l_task_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; BEGIN SELECT * INTO task_struc_record FROM pa_proj_elements WHERE PROJECT_ID = l_project_id AND PROJ_ELEMENT_ID = l_task_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; BEGIN SELECT ROWID INTO l_rowid FROM pa_tasks WHERE project_id = l_project_id AND task_id = l_task_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; BEGIN SELECT SYSDATE INTO l_last_update_date FROM DUAL; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; BEGIN SELECT task_name INTO pt_task_name FROM pa_tasks WHERE task_id = l_task_id; SELECT name INTO l_task_name FROM pa_proj_elements WHERE proj_element_id = l_task_id; IF pt_task_name = l_task_name THEN l_task_name1 := l_task_name; ELSE l_task_name1 := pt_task_name; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; PA_TASKS_PKG.UPDATE_ROW ( X_ROWID => l_rowid, X_TASK_ID => task_record.task_id, X_PROJECT_ID => task_record.project_id, X_TASK_NUMBER => task_record.task_number, X_LAST_UPDATE_DATE => l_last_update_date, --Updated Value X_LAST_UPDATED_BY => l_last_updated_by, --Updated Value X_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN => l_last_update_login, --Updated Value X_Task_Name => task_record.task_name, X_Long_Task_Name => task_record.long_task_name, X_TOP_TASK_ID => task_record.top_task_id, X_WBS_LEVEL => task_record.wbs_level, X_READY_TO_BILL_FLAG => task_record.ready_to_bill_flag, X_READY_TO_DISTRIBUTE_FLAG => task_record.ready_to_distribute_flag, X_PARENT_TASK_ID => task_record.parent_task_id, X_DESCRIPTION => task_record.description, X_CARRYING_OUT_ORGANIZATION_ID => task_record.carrying_out_organization_id, X_SERVICE_TYPE_CODE => task_record.service_type_code, X_TASK_MANAGER_PERSON_ID => l_task_manager_person_id, --Updated Value X_CHARGEABLE_FLAG => task_record.chargeable_flag, X_BILLABLE_FLAG => task_record.billable_flag, X_LIMIT_TO_TXN_CONTROLS_FLAG => task_record.limit_to_txn_controls_flag, X_START_DATE => task_record.start_date, X_COMPLETION_DATE => task_record.completion_date, X_ADDRESS_ID => task_record.address_id, X_LABOR_BILL_RATE_ORG_ID => task_record.labor_bill_rate_org_id, X_LABOR_STD_BILL_RATE_SCHDL => task_record.labor_std_bill_rate_schdl, X_LABOR_SCHEDULE_FIXED_DATE => task_record.labor_schedule_fixed_date, X_LABOR_SCHEDULE_DISCOUNT => task_record.labor_schedule_discount, X_NON_LABOR_BILL_RATE_ORG_ID => task_record.non_labor_bill_rate_org_id, X_NL_STD_BILL_RATE_SCHDL => task_record.non_labor_std_bill_rate_schdl, X_NL_SCHEDULE_FIXED_DATE => task_record.non_labor_schedule_fixed_date, X_NON_LABOR_SCHEDULE_DISCOUNT => task_record.non_labor_schedule_discount, X_LABOR_COST_MULTIPLIER_NAME => task_record.labor_cost_multiplier_name, X_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY => task_record.attribute_category, X_ATTRIBUTE1 => task_record.attribute1, X_ATTRIBUTE2 => task_record.attribute2, X_ATTRIBUTE3 => task_record.attribute3, X_ATTRIBUTE4 => task_record.attribute4, X_ATTRIBUTE5 => task_record.attribute5, X_ATTRIBUTE6 => task_record.attribute6, X_ATTRIBUTE7 => task_record.attribute7, X_ATTRIBUTE8 => task_record.attribute8, X_ATTRIBUTE9 => task_record.attribute9, X_ATTRIBUTE10 => task_record.attribute10, X_COST_IND_RATE_SCH_ID => task_record.cost_ind_rate_sch_id, X_REV_IND_RATE_SCH_ID => task_record.rev_ind_rate_sch_id, X_INV_IND_RATE_SCH_ID => task_record.inv_ind_rate_sch_id, X_COST_IND_SCH_FIXED_DATE => task_record.cost_ind_sch_fixed_date, X_REV_IND_SCH_FIXED_DATE => task_record.rev_ind_sch_fixed_date, X_INV_IND_SCH_FIXED_DATE => task_record.inv_ind_sch_fixed_date, X_LABOR_SCH_TYPE => task_record.labor_sch_type, X_NON_LABOR_SCH_TYPE => task_record.non_labor_sch_type, X_ALLOW_CROSS_CHARGE_FLAG => task_record.allow_cross_charge_flag, X_PROJECT_RATE_DATE => task_record.project_rate_date, X_PROJECT_RATE_TYPE => task_record.project_rate_type, X_CC_PROCESS_LABOR_FLAG => task_record.cc_process_labor_flag, X_LABOR_TP_SCHEDULE_ID => task_record.labor_tp_schedule_id, X_LABOR_TP_FIXED_DATE => task_record.labor_tp_fixed_date, X_CC_PROCESS_NL_FLAG => task_record.cc_process_nl_flag, X_NL_TP_SCHEDULE_ID => task_record.nl_tp_schedule_id, X_NL_TP_FIXED_DATE => task_record.nl_tp_fixed_date, X_RECEIVE_PROJECT_INVOICE_FLAG => task_record.receive_project_invoice_flag, X_WORK_TYPE_ID => task_record.work_type_id, X_JOB_BILL_RATE_SCHEDULE_ID => task_record.job_bill_rate_schedule_id, X_emp_bill_rate_schedule_id => task_record.emp_bill_rate_schedule_id, X_taskfunc_cost_rate_type => task_record.taskfunc_cost_rate_type, X_taskfunc_cost_rate_date => task_record.taskfunc_cost_rate_date, X_non_lab_std_bill_rt_sch_id => task_record.non_lab_std_bill_rt_sch_id, X_labor_disc_reason_code => task_record.labor_disc_reason_code, X_non_labor_disc_reason_code => task_record.non_labor_disc_reason_code, x_retirement_cost_flag => task_record.retirement_cost_flag, x_cint_eligible_flag => task_record.cint_eligible_flag, X_CINT_STOP_DATE => task_record.cint_stop_date, X_GEN_ETC_SRC_CODE => task_record.gen_etc_source_code ); PA_PROJ_TASK_STRUC_PUB.UPDATE_TASK_STRUCTURE2 ( p_calling_module => 'FORMS', p_task_id => task_record.task_id, p_task_number => task_record.task_number, p_task_name => l_task_name1, P_TASK_DESCRIPTION => TASK_RECORD.DESCRIPTION, p_task_manager_id => l_task_manager_person_id, --Updated Value p_carrying_out_organization_id => task_record.carrying_out_organization_id, p_pm_product_code => task_record.pm_product_code, p_pm_task_reference => task_record.pm_task_reference, p_location_id => task_struc_record.location_id, p_ref_task_id => NULL, p_project_id => task_struc_record.project_id, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data, x_return_status => l_return_status ); COMMIT; IF l_return_status <> 'S' THEN FOR n IN 1 .. l_msg_count LOOP fnd_msg_pub.get (n, fnd_api.g_false, l_msg_data, l_msg_dummy); l_output := (TO_CHAR (n) || ': ' || l_msg_data); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Error: API Error while updating the Task: ' || l_output ); COMMIT; END LOOP; ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Sucessfully Update the task'); COMMIT; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Other Error in Project: ' || SQLERRM); END; PLSQL Scripts Intercompany Setups in Oracle Apps Inter-company Transactions are the transactions between two legal entities related to same Organization. Following are the setups need to be defined for Inter-company Transactions. Selling Operating Unit: Vision Japan Shipping Operating Unit: Vision Operations Step 1: Define Transaction Type Responsibility: Receivables Manager, Vision Operations Navigation: Setup → Transactions → Transaction Type Define New transaction type as shown below. Step 2: Assign Document Sequence to new Transaction Type (Defined in Step1) Responsibility: General Ledger Manager, Vision Operations Navigation: Setup : Financials → Sequences → Document → Assign Assign a document sequence to the transaction type 'Intercompany' as shown below. Step 3: Define Intercompany Transaction Flow and Intercompany Relations Responsibility: Inventory Manager, Vision operations Navigation: Setup → Organizations → Intercompany Transaction Flows Define Intercompany Transaction flow and Intercompany Relations as shown below. Mandatory Setups to Check: 1. Make Sure there are no security rules defined when shipping the item from other Operating unit and Auto Accounting rules are defined(for Selling OU) to default the balancing segment values with Table Name as Standard Lines(Which will get the values from Standard line item or Inventory Item used) Path for Security Rules: Responsibility: General Ledger Responsibility Navigation: Setup → Financials → Flexfields → Validation → Security → Define Path for Auto Accounting: Responsibility: Receivables Responsibility Navigation: Setup → Transactions → Auto Accounting 2. Make Sure Shipping parameters are defined for both Shipping and Selling operating units. Responsibility: Order Management Responsibility Navigation: Shipping → Setup → Shipping Parameters 3. Make Sure that the COGS account is assigned to the Transaction Type used for SO in Selling Organization. Responsibility: Order Management Responsibility Navigation: Setup-> Transaction Type 4. Make sure that a value is assigned for System parameter 'Inventory Item For Freight' Responsibility: Order Management Responsibility Navigation: Setup → System Parameters → Values Intercompany Transaction Process: 1. Create and Book Sales Order: Responsibility: Vision Japan Order Management Responsibility Navigation: Orders, Returns → Sales Orders Create a Sales Order with Vision Operations Shipping Warehouse and book the order as shown below. 2. Release the Order and Ship the Item Responsibility: Vision Operations Order Management Responsibility Navigation: Shipping → Release Sales Orders → Release Sales Orders Release and ship the order. Then notice the transaction status as 'Shipped' or 'Interfaced' on Shipping Transactions form as shown below. Navigation: Shipping → Transactions 3. Run Workflow Background process Responsibility: Vision Japan Inventory Responsibility Navigation: Workflow Background Engine Run Workflow Background Process. 4. Run Auto Invoice Master Program to create Customer Invoice Responsibility: Vision Japan Receivables Responsibility Navigation: View → Requests → Auto Invoice Master Program The invoice created is shown below. Navigation: Transactions → Transactions 5. Create Intercompany AR Invoice Responsibility: Vision Operations Inventory Responsibility Navigation: Reports → Intercompany Invoicing Run the Program 'Create Intercompany AR Invoices' to create Intercompany AR invoice. 6. Import Intercompany AR invoice Responsibility: Vision Operations Receivables Responsibility Run Auto Invoice Master Program with parameter Source as 'Intercompany'. The Intercompany invoice created is shown below. Navigation: Transactions → Transactions 7. Create Intercompany AP Invoice Responsibility: Vision Japan Inventory Responsibility Navigation: Reports → Intercompany Invoicing Run the Program 'Create Intercompany AP Invoices' to create Intercompany AP invoice. 8. Import Intercompany AP invoice Responsibility: Vision Japan Payables Responsibility Run Payables Open Interface Program with parameter Source as 'Intercompany'. The Intercompany AP invoice created is shown below. Navigation: Invoices → Inquiry → Invoices Possible Errors while making Intercompany Transactions: 1. Please correct the revenue account assignment 2. INCIAP - Create Intercompany AP Invoices Terminated By Signal 11 Error 3. Can not retrieve payment term from bill-to site information 4. Returned warning from extra function Solution: Check Mandatory Setups Section. Posted by Elangovan Ragavan இளங் க ோவன் ரோ வன் at 09:15 3 comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: AIGS FRIDAY, 10 MAY 2013 Advanced Global Intercompany System (AGIS) Functional Setup – Part 1 OVERVIEW ..... Part one on setup offers a broad view on how AGIS is Setup in R12 The setups are divided into four parts 1. Environmental setups 2. General Ledger (GL) setups 3. Receivable (AR) setups 4. Payables(AP) setups 5. Advanced Global Intercompany System (AGIS) Part two on transaction processing discusses the setups those are required for processing the transaction in AGIS Transaction Processing in AGIS The summaries of steps those are used for AGIS transaction processing are As follows. 1. Initiation of a transaction by an intercompany organization 2. Completion of accounting from the initiator side 3. Completion of accounting from recipient side 4. Approval of the transaction by the recipient If the invoicing is opted for, in transaction type setups then, 1. Processing of Invoice from Receivables (For the initiator subsidiary side) 2. Processing of invoice in Payables (For the Recipient subsidiary side) Part three discusses the reports in AGIS and reconciliation features in AGIS 1. Standard reports Available in AGIS 2. econciliation features in AGIS The setup steps are explained in the subsequent sections, from start to finish The details of the examples used in this document is as follows, -Initiator Subsidiary-‘Blink AGIS INV ORG’. This organization is a part of BCR Singapore Legal Entity. This Legal Entity uses 001 balancing segment value. The user that is having access to initiator subsidiary is called BCR_S -Recipient Subsidiary–‘Blink AGIS INVJ ORG’. This organization is a part of BCR Japan Legal Entity. This Legal Entity uses 002 balancing segment values. The user having access to initiator subsidiary is called BCR_J PART ONE- AGIS SETUP Welcome to the Advanced Global Intercompany System (AGIS) setup Description of the setup that is used in this viewlet is as follows One ledger called Blink ledger. Two legal entities under that ledger called BCR Singapore legal entity and BCR Japan legal entity. Two operating units Blink AGIS Singapore OU, Blink AGIS Japan OU respectively. *Note: Setting up of receivable setup is mandatory, for using invoicing functionality. And for setting up of receivables mandatory that inventory Organization are created as well. The transactions in this example are assumed to be happening from BCR Singapore to BCR Japan. For theses two create Two employees: BCR Singapore and BCR Japan Two Users : BCR_S and BCR_J Create receivables and GL Responsibilities. As the first step we should define employees in HRMS. These employees are used later on in the AGIS security setups. Navigation: HRMS, Progress Admin S&L>>People>>Enter and Maintain Define an employee ‘BCR, Singapore’ .This person will be attached to the user initiating the transaction in AGIS. In our example transaction gets initiated by BCR Singapore Similarly create another employee (Recipient) BCR Japan and Save your new creations. Create a users like BCR_S & BCR_J. Note the Person attached to this User is (BCR, Singapore) he is now the contact Person Next step is to define Custom responsibilities like GL Super User, AP Super User, AP Super User, HRMS Management, OM, & AGIS Super user Resposibilities and attach it to our users. Our next setup in AGIS set id to define a business group Login to HRMS Responsibility and create Business group called Blink AGIS, Which you will later require to attach with the operating Units. Navigation: HRMS Management>>HRMS Manager>>Work Structures>>Organization>>Description Click on Other button at line Level and set the Business Group settings: Next step is to set some of the system profile options. Navigation: System Administrator>>Profile>>System Profile options where set for 1. HR: Business Group, 2. HR: Security, 3. MO: operating Unit, 4. MO: security profile, 5. MO: Default Operating Unit Profile, 6. GL Ledger name One might already know, If MO: Security profile is defined the MO: Operating unit profile becomes redundant. Advanced Global Intercompany Setup – Part 2 In this part we will see about GL ,AR, AP, setups Now our next step is to create Legal entities namely BCR Singapore legal entity and BCR Japan legal entity of which one will be Our Initiator and other will be Recipient for our Intercompany transactions. In BCR General Ledger Super User Responsibility *Note: When you create our business group HRMS security profile gets automatically created with the same name of our Business Group. Navigation: Setup>>Financials>>Accounting Setup Manager>>Accounting Setup Click on Legal Entity tab in Accounting Setup Manager page to create new legal entity. Fill in all the mandatory columns like Territory, Legal Entity Name, Organization name, RCB Number and Legal Address. The screen shot below shows the sample of legal entity creation. Values such as Place of Registration, Inspection date, Primary Activity, Secondary Activity, Type of Company, and Fiscal year end are optional fields. Similarly Create BCR Japan Legal Entity. And query the names in Legal entity form for confirming the creation of legal entities. Our next step in the process is to create a valid ledger. Here I have a valid ledger called Blink Ledger highlighted on the screen shot below. Now attach the legal entities we have created in the previous step to this valid ledger. In the screen shot below you can see the legal entities attached to the Ledger. Then define the operating unit by clicking the Operating unit update icon as shown below. Create Operating units Namely ‘Blink AGIS Singapore OU’ and ’Blink AGIS Japan OU’. While creating attach the business group we created in the initial steps. (Blink AGIS) Query the operating Units as show below for confirming the creation. Here you can see your operating units, Short code, Business group to which they are attached and the corresponding legal entities they are assigned to So far what is covered is assignment of Legal entities and Operating units to Ledger. Next step would be to define Inter-company Balancing Rules. Options to define intercompany rules would be visible, If and only if the inter company option is enabled. Clink on Update icon to define Intercompany balancing rule Under Intercompany company accounts link, there is a link called ‘Define Relationships’ where one can create relationship between various legal entities. This is the place where GL is noticed of ‘from where’ and’ to where’ the transactions are going to flow.In case, define the relationships for the BCR Singapore Legal Entity to BCR Japan Legal entity. As of now reverse way transactions is not happening so only one way relationship (Singapore LE to Japan LE) would suffice. Define the relationship here. There are two parties in a relationship. First one is the Transacting Entity and the second is Trading Partner Entity. Note: The relationship can be defined individual / multiple Balancing segment values of the transacting and trading entity. Now we have just finished the required setups in GL for AGIS. Before entering AR setup the prerequisite is to have a Inventory organization. Below screen shots will tell you the creation of INV organization: Complete the Accounting Information, Receiving Information, Inventory Information to complete the INV. Organization creation. Now set the following system profile option at this responsibility level Profile options where set for 1. HR: Business Group, 2. HR: Security, 3. MO: operating Unit, 4. MO: security profile, 5. MO: Default Operating Unit Profile, 6. GL Ledger name *Note: When you create our business group HRMS security profile gets automatically created with the same name of our Business Group. Now we will move on to Payables setups. In AP Define Financial Options,Payable Option, and System profile Option.setting up of Financial & payables options are more are less similar to 11i. We will see obout AGIS Advanced Global Intercompany Setup – Part 3 Login to Intercompany Super user responsibility assigned to our user. The First step is defining organizations. These are the organizations which will be used by AGIS Navigation: Intercompany Super user>>Setup>> Organization Define Organization as shown below. Similarly create organization for Japan legal entity also. And Query the same in organization form for confirming your creation. Note that in the above Screen while creating organization select ‘Yes’ for enabled column. This flag indicates that this organization is enabled for intercompany transactions. Without this processing of transactions in those organizations, through AGIS is not possible Next Step is to security definition. Security is defined as, which user/person will have access to which and how many intercompany organizations Navigation: Intercompany Super User>>Setup>>security Query the Person name and the Respective organization on which the person should be given access. And enable “Yes” for the options as shown below In the same way shown above give access for BCR_S to Singapore Org. and BCR_J to Japan Org. Next set is to define Transaction types in AGIS. Your transaction type will decide whether invoicing is required for the transaction and manual approval is required. Our next step inthe process is to define AGIS system options Next we will define invoicing options Under invoicing option Define Receivable Assignment and Customer/Supplier association as shown in the below screen shots Example setup of one of the operating unit is shown in figure. Note that Receivables Transaction Type and Receivables Memo lines can be linked only id Receivable setups are complete.If those setups are not complete then trhe LOV will not appear.The values like “Intercompany” , “Global Intercompany” respectively are seeded values in Receivables. These have been specifically seeded in Receivables for AGIS In the above step definition of Customer/ Supplier Association is done.There are two tabs in the setup. 1.Customer/Supplier association tab to define the Association 2.Trading partner tab to reviewthe earlier Created association. The second step in the creation of customer supplier association is selection of customer and entering a “Bill To Site” for the customer Note that both are mandatory. With this we have completed AGIS setup required for processing AGIS transactions We will discuss on AGIS Transaction process in the next part. Advanced Global Intercompany(AGIS) Setup – Part 4 AGIS – Transaction Processing Now we are ready with the setups for processing AGIS transaction. Login using Initiator Account . In our example BCR_S (Singapore is the initiator) and select Outbound transaction This is the first form for data entry. notice the Transaction type, Initiator fields entered at the top of the screen. In the second half, Receipient Details are entered. The next screen is to complete accounting from the initiator side. Click on Add line button and enter The second effect of transaction from initiator side. Once the transaction entry is complete click On Submit button. After submition you can see the status of the transaction appears as “Submitted” which is Shown below Now Login as Recipient. in our example BCR_J (Japan is Our Recipient) and click on Inbound transaction as shown below Query for the same batch number. And you will find the Status of the trasaction appears as “Received” for the Recipient. Click on update icon for entering Recipient side accounting information. OPM TRANSACTION FLOW OPM TRANSACTION FLOW: - - - - 8D OPM TRANSACTION FLOW: Check whether the organization has the Process Manufacturing Enabled Flag checked or not. Navigation : Inventory -> Setup -> Organization -> Parameters Check the status of the flag as per below querySELECT process_enabled_flag FROM MTL_PARAMETERS WHERE ORGANIZATION_CODE='SDM'; Now create an end product item and the items which form the main item. Here in my case the main item is Choclate_FG_Test and the components which form this are Choclate_Syrup_Test and Choclate_Water_Test and assing it to the SDM organization as below:Navigation : Inventory -> Items -> Master Items1. Item finished Good 2. Item Component 1: 3. Item Component 2 Ensure that we have the following flags as Y :1. .PROCESS_COSTING_ENABLED_FLAG2. PROCESS_QUALITY_ENABLED_FLAG3. PROCESS_EXECUTION_ENABLED_FLAG4. RECIPE_ENABLED_FLAG from mtl_system_items_b Below is the outline of the OPM transaction:BatchProductRecipeFormulaRoutingOperationsActivitiesResources Creating a resource for the creation of CHOCLATE_FG_TESTNavigation : OPM Supply Chain Planner > Setup -> Generic Resource SELECT * FROM CR_RSRC_MST_B WHERE RESOURCES='CHOCLATE_MIX_TES';SELECT * FROM CR_RSRC_MST_TL WHERE RESOURCES='CHOCLATE_MIX_TES' AND LANGUAGE='US';SELECT * FROM CM_CMPT_MST_B WHERE COST_CMPNTCLS_ID=17 ;-MACHINE Create an operation which consist of list of activity and each activity must be assigned to a resource which is created in the previous step Navigation : Process Engineer -> Process Routing SELECT * FROM GMD_OPERATIONS_B WHERE oprn_no LIKE 'CHOCLATE_OP_TEST ';select * from gmd_operation_activities where oprn_id=201; Change the status to Approved for General Use by clicking on Actions -> Change status Create a routing with the operation created in the previous step and change the status to Approved for General Use:Navigation: Process Engineer -> Process Routings SELECT * FROM GMD_ROUTINGS_B WHERE ROUTING_NO LIKE 'CHOCLATE%';SELECT * FROM FM_ROUT_DTL WHERE ROUTING_ID=181; Check if the organization is defined as Plant/Laboratory Creation of FormulaNavigation : Formulator -> Formulas SELECT * FROM FM_FORM_MST_B WHERE FORMULA_NO LIKE 'CHOCLATE%';-CHOCLATE_FOR_TESTSELECT * FROM GMD.FM_MATL_DTL WHERE FORMULA_ID=262; Create Recipe and validity rulesNavigation: Formulator -> Recipes SELECT * FROM GMD_RECIPES_B WHERE RECIPE_NO='CHOCLATE_RECIPE_TEST';select * From gmd_recipe_validity_rules where recipe_id=181; Creating a batch:Check whether the batch number is set to automaticNavigation : Production Supervisor -> Setup -> Paramters Now create a batch from Production supervisor responsibility: Now go to batch details and search for the batch number and click on Actions Release. The status would be changed from New to WIP Click on Transact Material, then click on ingredients and there should be WIP Issue and then click on transactRequery to check the actual qty is 10 Then click on the product and choose the transaction type and the subinventory and click on transact Now check whether the inventory is incremented with the Target Quantity of the product 8D - What Operations and Supply Chain Managers Do What is Operations Management? design, operation, and improvement of productive systems What is Operations? a function or system that transforms inputs into outputs of greater value What is a Transformation Process? a series of activities along a value chain extending from supplier to customer activities that do not add value are superfluous and should be eliminated Transformation Process Physical : as in manufacturing operations Locational: as in transportation or warehouse operations Exchange : as in retail operations Physiological: as in health care Psychological : as in entertainment Informational: as in communication Operations as a Transformation Process