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Updated ACP-Cloud1 Exam Questions [2022]

Updated ACP-Cloud1 Exam Questions [2022]
For Passing ACP Cloud Computing Certification
Now you can get the perfect chance to pass ACP Cloud Computing Certification
exam with Killtest updated ACP-Cloud1 exam questions. The most updated ACPCloud1 exam questions of Killtest are available in 2022 for your preparation, we
guarantee that you can pass ACP Cloud Computing Certification with 100% success
guarantee. Alibaba Cloud ACP-Cloud1 practice exam with actual questions and
verified answers containing all the information about the ACP Cloud Computing
Certification Exam, which have been prepared by the professional team of Killtest
according to the syllabus of the Alibaba Cloud Certified Professional ACP-Cloud1
test. Candidates with Killtest ACP-Cloud1 updated questions and answers need to
practice all of them again and again, then you can enjoy the best learning experience
with the Killtest ACP-Cloud1 exam questions [2022].
ACP Cloud Computing Certification ACP-Cloud1 Exam Details
ACP Cloud Computing Certification (ACP-Cloud1) is one of the Alibaba Cloud
certifications, which is designed for those familiar to cloud computing and with a rich
operational knowledge of Alibaba Cloud products. It is one Alibaba Cloud Professional
certification. Alibaba Cloud professional certifications give industry-endorsed
advantages by providing a broad range of exams based on product categories, user
growth stages, and job requirements.
Benefits OF Getting Alibaba Cloud Professional Certifications
● Individuals who earn the Alibaba Cloud Professional certifications are professional
in the corresponding technical field, can solve practical problems based on Alibaba
Cloud products, and get more employment opportunities in the Alibaba Cloud
● Organizations can help you cultivate and tap professional talents, improve the
organization's cloud technology capabilities, and obtain more business opportunities
from Alibaba Cloud ecological projects with the Alibaba Cloud Professional
ACP Cloud Computing Certification (ACP-Cloud1) is the professional-level of Cloud
Computing category, it covers a spectrum of Alibaba Cloud core services, including
architecture, networking, cloud security, and best practices. With ACP Cloud
Computing Certification, you can prove that you have the following capabilities:
▲ Has professional knowledge of IT, Cloud Computing and Network Security.
▲ Is able to develop effective technical solutions and enterprise best practices based
on Alibaba Cloud's products and business needs.
▲ Proficient in the use and operation of Alibaba Cloud's ECS, RDS, Server Load
Balancers, OSS, VPC, Auto Scaling, CDN, Alibaba Cloud Security and CloudMonitor
▲ Able to diagnose common issuesemerged during operation of business systems
structured on Alibaba Cloud Computing products and utilize the best solutionto address
ACP-Cloud1 exam is available in English, which always tests your abilities in nine
Updated ACP-Cloud1 Exam Questions [2022] OF Killtest Are Good For
Updated ACP-Cloud1 exam questions [2022] of Killtest are good for preparation, all
the practice questions and answers are created according to the exam contents. The
updated ACP-Cloud1 exam questions are among the top-rated and leading source for
the preparation from the Alibaba Cloud Professional (ACP) exam and having those
ACP-Cloud1 exam questions will makes a significant distinction more than your
preparation for the ACP Cloud Computing Certification exam. Killtest updated ACPCloud1 exam questions and answers are being verified by the authorities and those
specialists made confident that you simply might be capable to ace the ACP Cloud
Computing Certification exam inside the 1st attempt.
You Can Read Killtest ACP-Cloud1 Free Demo Below First
Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) performs content acceleration
with the support of intelligent DNS resolution. The following function_________is
NOT included in intelligent DNS resolution.
A. A user request is directed to the server nearest to the customer based on location
information of the pre-configured IP section.
B. The intelligent DNS resolution can parse the same domain name into different IP
addresses based on the IP of different visitors.
C. The intelligent DNS resolution supports web page content caching. A user will
receive data from the origin site at first-time access, and then will be reading data from
cache in subsequent requests
D. If a user activates mirror sites in different IDCs, intelligent DNS resolution can
achieve load balancing by guiding customers in different places to different mirror sites.
Answer: D
Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) is a cloud storage service that
features massive capacity, outstanding security, low costs, and high reliability. In
an OSS bucket, all elements are stored as________.
A. Hashes
B. Keys
C. Objects
D. Stubs
Answer: C
Names of the files in each OSS bucket must be unique Also, they can be renamed.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
All RDS for MySQL backups are full backups.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Many websites have suffered DDoS attacks of different volumes. Therefore,
accurate understanding of DDoS attacks is critical to website security protection.
Which of the following statements about DDoS attacks is the MOST accurate?
A. The purpose of a DDoS attack is to steal confidential information.
B. The main purpose of a DDoS attack is to prevent the target server from providing
normal services. Currently, the DDoS attack is one of the strongest and most
indefensible website attacks.
C. A DDoS attacks crack the server's logon password by means of a massive number of
D. DDoS attacks primarily target databases.
Answer: B
If an administrator often needs to manage multiple ECS instances in an Alibaba
Cloud VPC through the Internet.
Which of the following solutions can meet this need at low costs and without
affecting system security.
A. None of these answers are correct.
B. Choose an ECS instance from VPC and make it as the bastion host And then, apply
an EIP and bind it to this ECS instance. After that the administrator can manage other
ECS instances through this bastion host.
C. Modify the VPC Security Group policy, to allow access from the Internet.
D. Bind an EIP to each of the ECS instances, and Jog on to each of these ECS instances
to manage them.
Answer: A
Which of the following privilege is required to manually install Alibaba Clod
Security Center on the server?
A. Database Access privilege
B. Common user privilege
C. System administrator privilege
D. FTP service privilege
Answer: B
Company A constructed a sales management platform using three Elastic
Compute Service (ECS) instances. One of the instances runs MySQL, and is used
as the database server. The other two instances are used as Web servers After some
time, the number of employees in Company A dramatically increases, leading to
higher sales volumes At the same time, the platform response speed is gradually
decreasing too.
According to the report from CloudMonitor, the average CPU utilization rate of
the two Web servers exceeds 70%, and database load reaches 75% Company A
can select Alibaba Cloud_________ services.to cope with the issue and optimize
the performance. (Number of correct answers: 2)
A. Import database data into Object Storage Service (OSS) to share the storage pressure
on the platform
B. Incorporate Server Load Balancer (SLB) and add additional ECS instances to relieve
the load on existing ECS instances
C. Use Content Delivery Network (CDN) to enhance content loading speed
D. Replace the self-built MySQL database with ApsaraDB for RDS to obtain better
database performance, and utilize RDS read-only instances to handle read-only requests
Answer: B,D
SLB is a load balancing service that distributes traffic to multiple cloud servers It
provides a wide range of functions to meet the needs of various business scenarios
If a user wants to use SLB and ECS instances to deploy two-way authenticated
HTTPS websites, the following statement is correct_______.
A. SLB can only host SSL certificates, not CA certificates.
B. You need to host server SSL certificates and client CA certificates on SLB
C. SLB can only host CA certificates, not SSL certificate
D. SLB can only support HTTPS one-way authentication
Answer: D
To meet business requirements, a user requires that the backend server of an SLB
instance include a primary ECS instance and a secondary ECS instance. When the
primary instance is working properly, the traffic is only forwarded to the primary
ECS, when the primary instance is down, traffic is switched to the standby
instance. In this case, you can create an active/standby server group on the
backend of the SLB instance.
Which kind of listener supports this feature? (Number of correct answers: 2)
Answer: C,D