Uploaded by Amelia McKinney

Toy Story Mystery: Character Analysis & Timeline Worksheet

The Toy Story Mystery
Jessie was once a little girl’s favorite toy. Until one day when Jessie was given away in a donation box.
Can you put the clues together to figure out who Jessie’s original owner was?
When Jessie’s owner, Emily, was younger what were
some of her favorite things? How do you know this?
Later, Emily started to like new things. Why do you
think she changed? What do you think happened to her
old toys?
Based on how Emily’s bedroom looks what year do you
think she was a young girl?
a.) 1800
b.) 1970
c.) 2000
What do you see that makes you think that?
The picture on the left is from Emily’s room when she still
played with Jessie. The picture on the right is Andy
playing with Woody. Do you notice anything in common?
Around what year do you think your mom was born?
a.) 1800
b.) 1970
c.) 2000
Based on how Andy’s room looks what year do you think
he was a young boy?
a.) 1900
b.) 1960
c.) 2000
What do you see that makes you think that?
Around what year were you born?
a.) 1900
b.) 1960
c.) 2000
Do you think the red hat Andy wears could have been his