Uploaded by Alyssa A. Escamillas

Escamillas - Activity 2.3

1. Are Mr. Hernandez and Ms. Cohen overly concerned about being able to meet their
students’ needs? Why or why not?
It is a great duty for a teacher to address the demands of his or her pupils while teaching
with impairments. They must fulfill their obligations and responsibilities to their pupils on a
daily basis. Mr. Hernandez and Ms. Cohen both work with students who have learning
problems or who are unable to learn effectively. They are working hard in order to
accomplish their responsibilities and show compassion for their kids. This is not a simple
profession; you must devote your entire time to making the youngsters feel safe and loved.
2. What advice would you give them about working with special education teachers regarding the
supports and services that may be specified in their students’ IEPs?
 My advised will be collaborating with the family. Families and children are critical to the
successful preparation and execution of IEPs. It might be difficult to figure out how to organize a
conference with all attendees present. There are a variety of reasons why certain relatives are
able to attend IEP sessions while others are unable to. Some of your pupils could be in the foster
care system and moving from one foster home to another. Some children with IEPs may come
from homes where one or both parents find it difficult to take time off work to attending a
classroom session or engage with a teacher. Skipping labor frequently means losing a salary for
households who are paid hourly. It is your obligation as the student's teacher to do all in your
power, using your institution's assistance programs, to ensure that family members should be
included in IEP formulation and management. Family engagement and cooperation are
necessary to guarantee that kids have the resources they require to flourish academically,
socially, and emotionally.
3. What kind of help and assistance should Mr. Hernandez and Ms. Cohen expect from the IEP
team members?
 The IEP is only as effective as the quality of the cooperation among the implementation team.
Understanding what an IEP is, how you can be a part of its creation and execution, and how you
can collaborate with families to guarantee success is important to the achievement of disabled
students. Make contact if you see any behavioral changes or educational achievement.
Strategies learned in school may frequently be applied at home, providing the pupil with greater
consistency. Home visits can assist instructors and families in better understanding one other's
practices and approaches. Support families and/or guardians to provide consistent and
enhanced learning settings so that kids may thrive at home, school, and in their environments.
4. Is Mr. Hernandez justified in expressing concerns about the educational progress of Emily’s
classmates? Why or why not?
 Yes, because he did his full time and duty for the students to have a better learning. Individual
achievement, individual growth, and individual learning are essential for the success of the
student with learning difficulties. For kids who are struggling, this necessitates targeted,
concentrated, customized, rigorous remedial teaching. Focus the programs on analyzing human
students to evaluate their performance through the curriculum, whether the student is in a
regular classroom or a special class environment. Individual needs should prevail over
considerations for the group, the curriculum, or the structure and administration of general
education classroom content.
5. How can special education and related service professionals help Mr. Hernandez and Ms. Cohen
support their students’ needs and enable them to teach the rest of their class?
 Providing a high-quality education entails addressing diversity in the classroom. The teaching
assistant is a critical role in meeting the diverse educational demands of children. Special school
administrators, in particular, are extremely important since they are the ones that provide
support to normal classroom instructors as well as specific educational aid to children who
require it. As a result, special education differs from what occurs in the ordinary classroom,
necessitating a larger commitment on the part of the instructor. There are specific behaviors,
known as excellent teaching practices, that instructors have traditionally been associated with in
order to produce successful teaching and learning. It is vital to evaluate these instructors in
order to guarantee that they are carrying out their instructional duties appropriately.
6. How does the response to intervention (RTI) model affect instruction in Mr. Hernandez’s and
Ms. Cohen’s classes?
 Response to intervention (RTI) is a procedure used by educators to assist students who are
struggling with a skill or lesson; any schoolteacher will employ treatments with any learner to
enable them to achieve in the classroom—it is not limited to children with special needs or a
learning disability. If a kid is having difficulty learning, his or her teacher will utilize test results
and other indicators of progress to select a studied and tested intervention to assist the child
learn. If a kid does not respond to the early treatments, further targeted interventions are
employed to assist the youngster in mastering the skill. RTI techniques take into account both
learning and behavior