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Cisco Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms & Error Guide

Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite,
Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error
Messages Guide
July 3, 2015
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The following information is for FCC compliance of Class A devices: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant
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environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case users will be required
to correct the interference at their own expense.
The following information is for FCC compliance of Class B devices: The equipment described in this manual generates and may radiate radio-frequency energy. If it is not
installed in accordance with Cisco’s installation instructions, it may cause interference with radio and television reception. This equipment has been tested and found to
comply with the limits for a Class B digital device in accordance with the specifications in part 15 of the FCC rules. These specifications are designed to provide reasonable
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Modifying the equipment without Cisco’s written authorization may result in the equipment no longer complying with FCC requirements for Class A or Class B digital
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You can determine whether your equipment is causing interference by turning it off. If the interference stops, it was probably caused by the Cisco equipment or one of its
peripheral devices. If the equipment causes interference to radio or television reception, try to correct the interference by using one or more of the following measures:
• Turn the television or radio antenna until the interference stops.
• Move the equipment to one side or the other of the television or radio.
• Move the equipment farther away from the television or radio.
• Plug the equipment into an outlet that is on a different circuit from the television or radio. (That is, make certain the equipment and the television or radio are on circuits
controlled by different circuit breakers or fuses.)
Modifications to this product not authorized by Cisco Systems, Inc. could void the FCC approval and negate your authority to operate the product.
The Cisco implementation of TCP header compression is an adaptation of a program developed by the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) as part of UCB’s public
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Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
© 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Document Revision History
Document Organization
Document Conventions
Related Documentation
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
Alarm and System Message Overview
System Message Structure
Searching for System Error Messages
Critical Alarms
Major Alarms
Minor Alarms
SNMP Alarm Traps
Severity Level
System Error Message Example
Alarm Structure
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
ABRMGR Messages
ACL Messages
ACQ Messages
AUTH Messages
BANDWD Messages
CDNFS Messages
CLEAN-AD Messages
CLI Messages
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
CMGR Messages
CMS Messages
DHCP Messages
DISK Messages
DIST Messages
DS Messages
FastCache Messages
FMS Messages
HTTP Messages
ICAP Messages
LOGGING Messages
MS Messages
NHM Messages
NODEMGR Messages
NTP Messages
PAM Messages
PARSER Messages
POSTGRE Messages
RPC Messages
RTSP Messages
RTSPG Messages
RULES Messages
SCHED Messages
SERMON Messages
SNMP Messages
SSHD Messages
SSRV Messages
STATS Messages
STDBY Messages
SYS Messages
LIBCMN Messages
SR Messages
SYSMON Messages
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
SYSUTL Messages
TFTP Messages
UNILOG Messages
UPG Messages
XXX Messages
URLFLT Messages
WMT Messages
Web Engine Status Codes
Web Engine Status Codes
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Adapter-Related Faults 5-2
Chassis-Related Faults 5-2
fltEquipmentChassisThermalThresholdCritical 5-2
fltEquipmentChassisThermalThresholdNonCritical 5-3
fltEquipmentChassisThermalThresholdNonRecoverable 5-4
Fan-Related Faults 5-5
fltEquipmentFanDegraded 5-5
fltEquipmentFanModuleThermalThresholdNonCritical 5-5
fltEquipmentFanModuleThermalThresholdCritical 5-6
fltEquipmentFanModuleThermalThresholdNonRecoverable 5-7
fltEquipmentFanPerfThresholdNonCritical 5-8
fltEquipmentFanPerfThresholdCritical 5-8
fltEquipmentFanPerfThresholdNonRecoverable 5-9
fltEquipmentFanMissing 5-10
I/O Card-Related Faults 5-10
fltEquipmentIOCardRemoved 5-10
fltEquipmentIOCardThermalProblem 5-11
fltEquipmentIOCardThermalThresholdNonCritical 5-12
fltEquipmentIOCardThermalThresholdCritical 5-12
fltEquipmentIOCardThermalThresholdNonRecoverable 5-13
Memory-Related Faults 5-14
fltMemoryUnitDegraded 5-14
fltMemoryUnitInoperable 5-15
fltMemoryUnitThermalThresholdNonCritical 5-15
fltMemoryUnitThermalThresholdCritical 5-16
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
fltMemoryUnitThermalThresholdNonRecoverable 5-17
fltMemoryArrayVoltageThresholdCritical 5-18
fltMemoryArrayVoltageThresholdNonRecoverable 5-18
fltMemoryUnitIdentityUnestablishable 5-19
Processor-Related Faults 5-19
fltProcessorUnitInoperable 5-19
fltProcessorUnitThermalThresholdNonCritical 5-20
fltProcessorUnitThermalThresholdCritical 5-21
fltProcessorUnitThermalThresholdNonRecoverable 5-22
fltProcessorUnitVoltageThresholdNonCritical 5-23
fltProcessorUnitVoltageThresholdCritical 5-23
fltProcessorUnitVoltageThresholdNonRecoverable 5-24
fltProcessorUnitDisabled 5-24
Power Supply-Related Faults 5-25
fltEquipmentPsuInoperable 5-25
fltEquipmentPsuThermalThresholdNonCritical 5-26
fltEquipmentPsuThermalThresholdCritical 5-26
fltEquipmentPsuMissing 5-27
fltEquipmentPsuThermalThresholdNonRecoverable 5-28
fltEquipmentPsuVoltageThresholdNonCritical 5-29
fltEquipmentPsuVoltageThresholdCritical 5-29
fltEquipmentPsuVoltageThresholdNonRecoverable 5-30
fltEquipmentPsuPerfThresholdNonCritical 5-31
fltEquipmentPsuPerfThresholdCritical 5-31
fltEquipmentPsuPerfThresholdNonRecoverable 5-32
fltEquipmentPsuIdentity 5-32
fltEquipmentPsuOffline 5-33
fltPowerChassisMemberChassisPsuRedundanceFailure 5-34
fltEquipmentPsuPowerThreshold 5-34
fltEquipmentPsuInputError 5-35
Server-Related Faults 5-35
fltComputeBoardPowerError 5-35
fltComputePhysicalBiosPostTimeout 5-36
fltComputePhysicalUnidentified 5-36
fltComputeBoardCmosVoltageThresholdCritical 5-37
fltComputeBoardCmosVoltageThresholdNonRecoverable 5-37
fltComputeIOHubThermalNonCritical 5-38
fltComputeIOHubThermalThresholdCritical 5-38
fltComputeIOHubThermalThresholdNonRecoverable 5-39
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
fltComputePhysicalPostFailure 5-40
fltComputeBoardPowerFail 5-40
fltComputeBoardThermalProblem 5-41
fltComputeBoardMotherBoardVoltageUpperThresholdCritical 5-41
fltComputeBoardPowerUsageProblem 5-42
fltComputeBoardMotherBoardVoltageLowerThresholdCritical 5-43
Storage-Related Faults 5-44
fltStorageControllerPatrolReadFailed 5-44
fltStorageLocalDiskRebuildFailed 5-45
fltStorageLocalDiskInoperable 5-45
fltStorageLocalDiskDegraded 5-46
fltStorageRaidBatteryInoperable 5-46
fltStorageLocalDiskCopybackFailed 5-47
fltStorageRaidBatteryDegraded 5-48
fltStorageRaidBatteryRelearnAborted 5-48
fltStorageRaidBatteryRelearnFailed 5-49
fltStorageVirtualDriveConsistencyCheckFailed 5-49
fltStorageVirtualDriveDegraded 5-50
fltStorageVirtualDriveInoperable 5-50
fltStorageVirtualDriveReconstructionFailed 5-51
fltStorageControllerInoperable 5-51
fltStorageFlex Flash VirtualDrive HV Degraded 5-52
fltStorageFlex Flash VirtualDrive HV Inoperable 5-52
fltStorageFlex Flash LocalDisk missing 5-53
System Event Log-Related Faults 5-53
fltSysdebugMEpLogMEpLogLog 5-53
fltSysdebugMEpLogMEpLogVeryLow 5-54
fltSysdebugMEpLogMEpLogFull 5-55
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
This preface describes the audience, objectives, organization, and conventions of the Cisco Videoscape
Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Message Guide. It also references related
documentation and describes how to obtain documentation and submit a service request:
Document Revision History, page ix
Audience, page ix
Objective, page x
Document Organization, page x
Document Conventions, page x
Related Documentation, page xi
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request, page xii
Document Revision History
Change Summary
July 3, 2015
Added New
Alarms and
CDE280 faults
Chapter 2, “Alarms” and Chapter 5, “CDE280 Integrated
Management Controller Faults”
March 27, 2015
Initial Release
This publication is designed for the installer and user with a working knowledge of the Cisco Videos
cape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer (VDS-IS) software. Users of this publication might also
include network administrators and other people responsible for setting up and maintaining the Content
Delivery Engines (CDEs).
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
This guide describes the VDS-IS alarms and system error messages that you might encounter. This guide
does not describe how to install your VDS-IS or how to configure software features on your system. It
also does not provide detailed information about commands that have been created or changed for use
by the CDEs. For hardware installation information, see the hardware installation guide for your CDE.
For software information, see the software configuration guide and the command reference for this
release, which are listed in the “Related Documentation” section on page xi.
Document Organization
Chapter 1, “Alarm and System Message
Describes the error message and alarm structure
and provides sample messages and alarms.
Chapter 2, “Alarms”
Lists the VDS-IS alarms and provides
explanations and recommended actions.
Chapter 3, “Error Messages and Recovery
Lists the VDS-IS error messages and provides
explanations and recommended actions.
Chapter 4, “Web Engine Status Codes”
Lists the VDS-IS web engine status codes.
Chapter 5, “CDE280 Integrated Management
Controller Faults”
Provides information about the faults that may be
raised in and reported by Cisco Integrated
Management Controller (CIMC) Web UI of
Appendix A, “List of Abbreviations and
Lists the abbreviations and acronyms used in this
guide and provides their expansions.
Document Conventions
This guide uses basic conventions to represent text and table information.
boldface font
Commands, keywords, and button names are in boldface.
italic font
Variables for which you supply values are in italics. Directory names and
filenames are also in italics.
Terminal sessions and information the system displays are in screen font.
boldface screen font
italic screen
Information you must enter is in boldface screen font.
Variables you enter are in italic screen font.
The symbol ^ represents the key labeled Control. For example, the key
combination ^D in a screen display means hold down the Control key while
you press the D key.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Defined as a nonquoted set of characters. For example, when setting a
community string for SNMP to “public,” do not use quotation marks around
the string, or the string will include the quotation marks.
vertical bars ( | )
Vertical bars separate alternative, mutually exclusive, elements.
Elements in braces are required elements.
Elements in square brackets are optional.
{x | y | z}
Required keywords are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars.
[x | y | z]
Optional keywords are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars.
[{ }]
Braces within square brackets indicate a required choice within an
optional element.
Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to materials not contained in
the manual.
Related Documentation
These documents provide complete information about the VDS-IS and are available from Cisco.com:
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Software Configuration Guide
Cisco VDS Internet Streamer 3.0–3.1 Quick Start Guide
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Command Reference Guide
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 API Guide
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Release Notes for Cisco Videoscape Distributions Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1.1
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Software Installation Guide for
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer Virtualization Guide
Cisco Content Delivery Engine 205/220/250/420 Hardware Installation Guide
Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco Content Delivery Engines
Open Sources Used in VDS-IS Release 4.1
You can access the software documents at the following URL:
You can access the hardware documents at the following URL:
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional
information, see the monthly What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and
revised Cisco technical documentation, at:
Subscribe to the What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation as a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed
and set content to be delivered directly to your desktop using a reader application. The RSS feeds are a free
service and Cisco currently supports RSS Version 2.0.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Alarm and System Message Overview
This guide lists and describes the error messages for the CiscoVidescape Distribution Suite, Internet
Streamer (VDS-IS). The system software sends these error messages to the console, local disk, and
logging server on another system. Not all error messages indicate problems with your system. Some
messages are purely informational, whereas others may help diagnose problems with communications
lines, internal hardware, or the system software.
This chapter contains the following sections:
System Message Structure, page 1-1
System Error Message Example, page 1-4
Searching for System Error Messages, page 1-4
Alarm Structure, page 1-5
System Message Structure
System error messages are structured as follows:
For example:
SE-XXX-7-100000: <various messages>
VDS-IS error messages also indicate where the system condition occurred. These messages are
structured as follows:
For example:
SE-ACQ-2-100010 Failed to acquire start-url
Facility Code
The facility code consists of two or more uppercase letters that indicate the facility to which the message
refers. A facility can be a hardware device, a protocol, or a module of the system software.
In the VDS-IS context, the facility code is SE and refers to Service Engine.
Source indicates the location of the condition. Examples of source are ACQ, which indicates that the
condition occurred in the Acquirer component, or SYSMON, which indicates that the condition occurred
in the System Monitor component. Table 1-1 lists the source codes in VDS-IS.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 1
Alarm and System Message Overview
System Message Structure
Table 1-1
VDS-IS Source Codes
Component Description
Access control list
Content Delivery Network File System
Cleanup AD
Command Line Interface
Content Management Service
Common EDM
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Data Server
Firewall Feature Set
Flash Media Streaming
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Interactive Communicating Application Protocol
Common Library
Movie Streamer
Node Health Manager
Node Manager
Network Time Protocol
Port to Application Mapping
Postgres server
Remote Proxy Caching (UniRPC)
Real-Time Streaming Protocol
Real-Time Streaming Protocol Gateway
URL filtering rules
Service Monitor
Simple Network Management Protocol
Service Router
Secure Shell
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 1
Alarm and System Message Overview
System Message Structure
Table 1-1
VDS-IS Source Codes (continued)
Component Description
Streaming Server
Statistics Provider Application
System monitor
System utility
Trivial File Transfer Protocol
Unified log
URL filter
Windows Media Technologies
General Debugging message
Severity Level
The severity level is a single-digit code from 0 to 7 that reflects the severity of the condition. The lower
the number, the more serious the situation. Table 1-2 lists the message severity levels.
Table 1-2
Message Severity Level
Severity Level
0 (emergency)
System unusable
1 (alert)
Immediate action required
2 (critical)
Critical condition
3 (error)
Error condition
4 (warning)
Warning condition
5 (notification)
Normal but significant condition
6 (informational)
Informational message only
7 (debugging)
Message that appears during debugging only
Mnemonic Code
The mnemonic code uniquely identifies the error message.
Message Text
Message text is a text string that describes the condition. The text string sometimes contains detailed
information about the event, including terminal port numbers, network addresses, or addresses that
correspond to locations in the system memory address space. Because variable fields change from
message to message, they are represented here by short strings enclosed in brackets ([ ]). The variables
give you more information about the system condition. A decimal number, for example, is represented
as [dec]. Table 1-3 lists a sample of the variable fields that are used in this document.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 1
Alarm and System Message Overview
System Error Message Example
Table 1-3
Representation of Variable Fields in Messages
Type of Information
[chars] or [char]
Character string
[failure description]
The type and nature of the system failure
[x] or [y]
Error code
Name of the module
Name of the procedure
[additional information]
Additional information about the error message
Command entered at the command-line interface
Error description
System Error Message Example
The following is an example of a system error message:
SE-ACQ-2-100010 Failed to acquire start-url
In this system error message example:
SE is the facility code.
ACQ is the source code.
2 is the severity level.
100010 is the mnemonic code.
Failed to acquire start-url is the message text.
Searching for System Error Messages
If you search for the explanation and recommended action of a message that contains a source code,
remove the source code from the text first, and then search for the message in the documentation. For
example, instead of searching the documentation for the message SE-ACQ-2-100010, remove the source
code and search for the message SE-2-100010.
When searching for a message in the Error Message Decoder (EMD), you should also remove the source
The EMD is located at this URL:
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 1
Alarm and System Message Overview
Alarm Structure
Alarm Structure
Cisco VDS-IS alarms are structured as follows:
Alarm 330001 (svcdisabled) -service name- service has been disabled.
Mnemonic Code
A unique code for identifying the alarm.
Alarm Text
A brief description of the alarm.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 1
Alarm Structure
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Alarm and System Message Overview
This chapter lists the Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer (VDS-IS) alarms. Each
alarm is followed by an explanation and recommended action. The chapter also defines the six generic
SNMP alarm traps.
Severity Level
An alarm can have one of the following three severity levels: critical, major or minor:
Critical alarm indicates that a critical problem exists somewhere in the network. Critical alarms
cause failover and should be cleared immediately.
Major alarm indicates that a serious problem exists that is disrupting service. Major alarms differ
from critical alarms in that they do not cause failovers. Major alarms should also be cleared
Minor alarms should be noted and cleared as soon as possible.
Critical Alarms
Alarm 330001 (svcdisabled)—service name—service has been disabled.
Explanation The Node Manager tried restarting the specified service but the service kept restarting.
The number of restarts has exceeded an internal limit and the service has been disabled.
Recommended Action The device may have to be reloaded for the service to be re-enabled.
Alarm 330002 (servicedead)—service name—service died.
Explanation A critical service has died. Attempts are made to restart this service, but the device may
run in a degraded state.
Recommended Action The device could reboot itself to avoid instability. Examine the syslog for
messages relating to the cause of service death.
Alarm 335000 (alarm_overload) Alarm Overload State has been entered.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Critical Alarms
Explanation The Node Health Manager issues this alarm to indicate that the device is raising alarms
at a rate that exceeds the overload threshold.
Recommended Action Access the device and determine what services are raising the alarms. Take
corrective action to resolve the individual services’ issues.
Alarm 335003 (test1) NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Explanation This alarm is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
Recommended Action No action is required. This alarm should never occur during normal operation.
Alarm 335006 (test4) NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Explanation This alarm is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
Recommended Action No action is required. This alarm should never occur during normal operation.
Alarm 335008 (test1) NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Explanation This alarm is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
Recommended Action No action is required. This alarm should never occur during normal operation.
Alarm 445002 (disk_smartinfo) An SE disk has severe early-prediction failure which requires immediate
Explanation The SYSMON issues this alarm to indicate that one of the disks attached to the SE has
severe early-prediction failure (for example, the disk has failed SMART self-check).
Recommended Action Back up data immediately on the disk to prevent data loss, and replace the disk
after it is marked bad by the SE.
Alarm 445005 (disk_softraidcrit) A SoftRAID device has malfunctioned and requires immediate action.
Explanation The SYSMON issues this alarm to indicate that a SoftRAID device has malfunctioned
(for example, both component disks of a RAID-1 array have become inaccessible or faulty).
Recommended Action Replace the disks and restore the data from backup storage, or remanufacturing
and reload the disks.
Alarm 445012 (crit_hw_validation) Critical hardware validation failure.
Explanation The System Monitor issues this whenever it fails to validate critical hardware
components. Critical hardware components are vital to the system's overall functionality, and should
be addressed immediately.
Recommended Action Access the device, retrieve hardware information from the show inventory
command, and contact Cisco TAC as soon as possible.
Alarm 445023 A critical thermal condition(s) exceeded or unrecoverable error on chassis.
The temperature LED status in the front panel is Amber blinking.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Critical Alarms
Explanation Critical thermal condition exceeded or unrecoverable error on modules/component (I/O
module, memory, processor and so on) is due to The current temperature has exceeded the critical
threshold for that modules/component; the system is operating at temperatures well beyond the
normal safe limit ranges or The system has determined an unrecoverable thermal condition.
Recommended Action The following are the recommended actions:
From CDE280 CIMC GUI review Server open the Fault Summary page using Faults and Logs. This
will show fault code of Thermal state and take the “Recommended Action” for that fault code in the
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults chapter.
In CDE280 CIMC GUI review Server-->Summary page, review “Server Status” section and check
Temperature status.
In CDE280 CIMC GUI review Server-->Sensors--> Temperature page, check status and
temperatures that are falling beyond the thresholds values.
To locate the detailed error information, execute “show hardware health | include degrees” in the
VDS-IS CLI window.
To determine the alarm error, execute “show alarms detail support” in VDS-IS CLI window.
Check the environment whether the room or rack is cooled properly. The environment provides an
inlet air temperature not colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
Check to make sure there’s no airflow blockage.
Alarm 445025 More than one fan has encounter error or encounter unrecover error
The fan LED status in the front panel is Amber blinking.
Explanation The possible reasons for the occurrence of the alarm - “More than one Fan has encounter
error or encounter unrecoverable error” are as follows:
– Low Fan speed or low Fan Speed reading
– Fan has failed and is not operational
– Fan module slot is not equipped or removed from its slot
– Indicate a problem with a fan or with the reading from the fan controller
– Unrecoverable error has occurred, which may require replacement of component.
Recommended Action The following are the recommended actions:
FromCDE280 CIMC GUI review Server open the Fault Summary page using Faults and Logs. This
will show fault code of FAN state and take the “Recommended Action” for that fault code in the
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults chapter.
In CDE280 CIMC GUI review Server-->Summary page, review “Server Status” section and check
FAN status.
In CDE280 CIMC GUI review Server-->Sensors-->FAN page and check status and FAN's outside
of thresholds values.
To locate the detailed error information, execute “show hardware health | include FAN” in VDS-IS
CLI window.
To determine the alarm error, execute “show alarms detail support” in VDS-IS CLI window
Check to see if fan is installed properly
Check to see if fan is not blocked, spinning properly or making loud sounds
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Critical Alarms
Alarm 445027 Critical or unrecoverable condition has occurred on power supply
The power supply LED status in the front panel is Amber blinking.
Explanation The possible reasons for the occurrence of the alarm “Critical or unrecoverable
condition has occurred on power supply” are as follows:
– High voltage or no voltage on the power supply.
– Input voltage or output voltage is not within specific hardware values on the power supply
– High temperature or temperature of a power supply module has exceeded a critical threshold
value and has been out of operating range, the issue is not recoverable.
Field replaceable unit information corrupted or malformed
Possible faulty or damaged power supply
The system has determined an unrecoverable power supply condition.
– The power supply unit is drawing too much current.
Recommended Action The following are the recommended actions:
In CIMC GUI review Server-->Faults and Logs-->Fault Summary page. This will show fault code
of Power Supply state and take the “Recommended Action” for that fault code.
In CIMC GUI review Server-->Summary page, review “Server Status” section and check Power
Supplies status.
In CIMC GUI review Server-->Sensors--> Power Supply page and check status and threshold
values outside of normal range.
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show hardware health | include PSU” to locate the detailed error
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show alarms detail support” to determine alarm error
Check power to rack or to server Check to make sure that power cords are fully inserted
Check to make sure that power supply is fully plugged into server chassis
Alarm 445029 The system has detected a drive fault on one or more disk(s).The system has detected a
drive fault on one or more disk(s). It may have been caused by a bad sector, poor voltage to drive,
input/output errors, drive inaccessible, etc.
Recommended Action The following are the recommended actions:
FromCDE280 CIMC GUI review Server, open the Fault Summary page using Faults and Logs. This
will show fault code of storage state and take the “Recommended Action” for that fault code in the
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults chapter.
In CDE280 CIMC GUI review Server-->Summary page, review “Server Status” section and check
Overall Storage status. In CIMC GUI review Server-->Sensors--> Storage page and check status
In CDE280 CIMC GUI review Storage-->Controller Info page and check Health/Status section
In CDE280 CIMC GUI review Storage-->Physical Drive Info page and check Status and Health
In CDE280 CIMC GUI review Storage-->Virtual Drive Info page and check Status and Health
columns In CIMC GUI review Storage-->Storage Log page, look for error in logs
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Critical Alarms
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show alarms detail support” to determine alarm error Execute in VDS-IS
CLI “show disks health”, check health, bad sectors and I/O errors
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show disks details”; look for missing drives or error status.
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show disks raid-state”, look for non-normal status.
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show disks SMART-info details”, look for test result that failed and failing
drive attributes
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show disks error-handling details”, checking for failed or failing drives.
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show alarms detail support”, look for drive alarms Check to make sure that
drives are fully inserted.
Alarm 700004 (device_offline_alarm) Device is offline. Re-register device to cdsm is strongly
Explanation The device is offline.
Recommended Action Check the device or network status. It may be necessary to re-register the
device to the CDSM.
Alarm 700005 (rep_status_failed) Replication status failed.
Explanation Replication status has failed.
Recommended Action Check all SEs assigned to the delivery service.
Alarm 700009 (lic_srTps_3) [41-60 Days Violation] SR TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses.
Explanation [41-60 Days Violation] SR TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [41-60 Days Violation] SR TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses. Please
contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700010 (lic_srTps_4) [>60 Days Violation] SR TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses.
Explanation [>60 Days Violation] SR TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [>60 Days Violation] SR TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses. Please contact
Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700013 (lic_proxTps_3) [41-60 Days Violation] Proximity TPS usage exceeds purchased
Explanation [41-60 Days Violation] Proximity TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [41-60 Days Violation] Proximity TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses.
Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700014 (lic_proxTps_4) [>60 Days Violation] Proximity TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses.
Explanation [>60 Days Violation] Proximity TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [>60 Days Violation] Proximity TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses. Please
contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Critical Alarms
Alarm 700017 (lic_bw_3) [41-60 Days Violation] Streaming Capacity exceeds purchased licenses.
Explanation [41-60 Days Violation] Streaming Capacity exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [41-60 Days Violation] Streaming Capacity exceeds purchased licenses. Please
contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700018 (lic_bw_4) [>60 Days Violation] Streaming Capacity exceeds purchased licenses.
Explanation [>60 Days Violation] Streaming Capacity exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [>60 Days Violation] Streaming Capacity exceeds purchased licenses. Please
contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700021 (lic_feature_url_3) [41-60 Days Violation] Url Signature Feature exceeds purchased
Explanation [41-60 Days Violation] Url Signature Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [41-60 Days Violation] Url Signature Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700022 (lic_feature_url_4) [>60 Days Violation] Url Signature Feature exceeds purchased
Explanation [>60 Days Violation] Url Signature Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [>60 Days Violation] Url Signature Feature exceeds purchased licenses. Please
contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700025 (lic_http_expired) [Expired] HTTP annual license is expired.
Explanation [Expired] HTTP annual license is expired.
Recommended Action [Expired] HTTP annual license is expired, its capacity will be removed in 60
days. Please contact Cisco to buy new license.
Alarm 700026 (lic_mp_expired) [Expired] Multi-Protocol annual license is expired.
Explanation [Expired] Multi-Protocol annual license is expired.
Recommended Action [Expired] Multi-Protocol annual license is expired, its capacity will be
removed in 60 days. Please contact Cisco to buy new license.
Alarm 700029 (lic_app_miss_3) [41-60 Days Violation] Application License is missed.
Explanation [41-60 Days Violation] Application License is missed.
Recommended Action [41-60 Days Violation] Application License is missed. Please contact Cisco to
buy it.
Alarm 700030 (lic_app_miss_4) [>60 Days Violation] Application License is missed.
Explanation [>60 Days Violation] Application License is missed.
Recommended Action [>60 Days Violation] Application License is missed. Please contact Cisco to
buy it.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Critical Alarms
Alarm 700033 (lic_app_limit_3) [41-60 Days Violation] Streamers number exceeds management limit.
Explanation [41-60 Days Violation] Streamers number exceeds management limit.
Recommended Action [41-60 Days Violation] Streamers number exceeds management limit. Please
contact Cisco to buy upgrade license.
Alarm 700034 (lic_app_limit_4) [>60 Days Violation] Streamers number exceeds management limit.
Explanation [>60 Days Violation] Streamers number exceeds management limit.
Recommended Action [>60 Days Violation] Streamers number exceeds management limit. Please
contact Cisco to buy upgrade license.
Alarm 700037 (lic_feature_hsl_3) [41-60 Days Violation] HTTPS Secure PDL Feature exceeds
purchased licenses.
Explanation [41-60 Days Violation] HTTPS Secure PDL Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [41-60 Days Violation] HTTPS Secure PDL Feature exceeds purchased
licenses. Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700038 (lic_feature_hsl_4) [>60 Days Violation] HTTPS Secure PDL Feature exceeds purchased
Explanation [>60 Days Violation] HTTPS Secure PDL Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [>60 Days Violation] HTTPS Secure PDL Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700041 (lic_feature_qta_3) [41-60 Days Violation] Peak Session and Bandwidth Quota
Enforcement Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Explanation [41-60 Days Violation] Peak Session and Bandwidth Quota Enforcement Feature
exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [41-60 Days Violation] Peak Session and Bandwidth Quota Enforcement
Feature exceeds purchased licenses. Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700042 (lic_feature_qta_4) [>60 Days Violation] Peak Session and Bandwidth Quota
Enforcement Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Explanation [>60 Days Violation] Peak Session and Bandwidth Quota Enforcement Feature exceeds
purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [>60 Days Violation] Peak Session and Bandwidth Quota Enforcement Feature
exceeds purchased licenses. Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700045 (lic_feature_mcs_3) [41-60 Days Violation] Multicast Sender Feature exceeds purchased
Explanation [41-60 Days Violation] Multicast Sender Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [41-60 Days Violation] Multicast Sender Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Major Alarms
Alarm 700046 (lic_feature_mcs_4) [>60 Days Violation] Multicast Sender Feature exceeds purchased
Explanation [>60 Days Violation] Multicast Sender Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [>60 Days Violation] Multicast Sender Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700005 (rep_status_failed) Replication status failed.
Explanation Replication status has failed.
Recommended Action Check all SEs assigned to the delivery service.
Alarm 700049 (lic_feature_mcr_3) [41-60 Days Violation] Multicast Receiver Feature exceeds
purchased licenses.
Explanation [41-60 Days Violation] Multicast Receiver Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [41-60 Days Violation] Multicast Receiver Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700050 (lic_feature_mcr_4) [>60 Days Violation] Multicast Receiver Feature exceeds purchased
Explanation [>60 Days Violation] Multicast Receiver Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [>60 Days Violation] Multicast Receiver Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700053 (lic_feature_sbe_3) [41-60 Days Violation] Session Base Encryption Feature exceeds
purchased licenses.
Explanation [41-60 Days Violation] Session Base Encryption Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [41-60 Days Violation] Session Base Encryption Feature exceeds purchased
licenses. Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700054 (lic_feature_sbe_4) [>60 Days Violation] Session Base Encryption Feature exceeds
purchased licenses.
Explanation [>60 Days Violation] Session Base Encryption Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [>60 Days Violation] Session Base Encryption Feature exceeds purchased
licenses. Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Major Alarms
Alarm 100002 (ManifestFetchFail) Fail to fetch manifest file for Delivery Service.
Explanation There is a problem fetching the manifest file for this delivery service.
Recommended Action Log in to the CA, execute the show stat acq err command to check the
problem, and resolve the problem.
Alarm 100003 (ManifestParseFail) Fail to parse manifest file for Delivery Service.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Major Alarms
Explanation There are some syntax errors in the manifest file for this delivery service.
Recommended Action Log in to the CA, execute the show stat acq err command to check the
problem, and resolve the problem.
Alarm 100005 (ExceedQuota) Total content size could not fit into the Delivery Service disk quota.
Explanation The total content size acquired for this delivery service is larger than allowed from the
delivery service disk quota.
Recommended Action Either remove some contents from the manifest file, or increase the delivery
service disk quota.
Alarm 100006 (CrawlStartUrlFail) The start-url for a crawl job in the Delivery Service failed.
Explanation There is a problem fetching the start URL of a crawl job in this delivery service.
Recommended Action Log in to the CA, execute the show status acquirer error command to check
the problem, and resolve the problem.
Alarm 100007 (ContentFail) There are some contents that failed to be acquired.
Explanation There are some contents that failed to be acquired.
Recommended Action Log in to the CA, execute the show status acquirer error command to check
the problem, and resolve the problem.
Alarm 213501 (svcnomcastenable) Alarm multicast is disabled although the SE is a multicast sender and
receiver, or it is subscribed to a multicast Delivery Service.
This alarm only applies to Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 3.1.1 Release.
Explanation The unicast data receiver issues this alarm to indicate that the device does not have
multicast service enabled, although it is expected to be involved in multicast distribution.
Recommended Action Enable the multicast license and service on the device.
Alarm 330003 (servicedead)—service name—service died.
Explanation The node manager found the specified service to be dead. Attempts are made to restart
this service.
Recommended Action Examine the syslog for messages relating to the cause of service death. The
alarm is cleared if the service stays alive and does not restart soon.
Alarm 335002 (test) NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Explanation This alarm is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
Recommended Action No action is required. This alarm should never occur during normal operation.
Alarm 335004 (test2) NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Explanation This alarm is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
Recommended Action No action is required. This alarm should never occur during normal operation.
Alarm 335009 (test2) NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Major Alarms
Explanation This alarm is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
Recommended Action No action is required. This alarm should never occur during normal operation.
Alarm 335010 (test3) NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Explanation This alarm is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
Recommended Action No action is required. This alarm should never occur during normal operation.
Alarm 445001 (core_dump) A User Core file or Kernel Crash dump has been generated.
Explanation The SYSMON issues this alarm to indicate that one or more of the software modules or
the kernel has generated core files.
Recommended Action Access the device and check the directory /local1/core_dir, or /local1/crash,
retrieve the core file through FTP, and contact Cisco TAC.
Alarm 445003 (disk_smartinfo) An SE disk has early-prediction failure.
Explanation The SYSMON issues this alarm to indicate that one of the disks attached to the SE has
early-prediction failure. This alarm indicates the disk could fail in the near future.
Recommended Action Make proper preparations for the incoming disk drive failure, such as making
data backups and preparing a replacement disk.
Alarm 445008 (rootfs_lowmem) Rootfs is low on memory.
Explanation The root filesystem is low on memory. If the rootfs runs out of memory completely,
applications start to fail.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC immediately for a diagnosis.
Alarm 445009 (system_hitemp) System Temperature Warning!
Explanation The System Monitor issues this alarm to indicate that the motherboard sensor reports
high temperatures.
Recommended Action Check the temperature of the lab and the airflow inside the CDE.
Alarm 445010 (local) Directory /local1 usage exceeds the threshold.
Explanation This directory runs out of space at 80%. If this directory runs out of space, some
applications will not work properly. Clean up the files under /local1 now, otherwise the system will
automatically delete log files to save space.
Recommended Action Clean up the files under /local1 to save space.
Alarm 445013 (major_hw_validation) Critical hardware validation failure.
Explanation The System Monitor issues this whenever it fails to validate critical hardware
components. Critical hardware components are vital to the system's overall functionality, and should
be addressed immediately.
Recommended Action Access the device, retrieve hardware information from the show inventory
command, and contact Cisco TAC as soon as possible.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Major Alarms
Alarm 445016 (nas_failiure) NAS on SE failed and could not recover even after multiple failure-retries.
Explanation NAS on SE failed and could not recover even after multiple failure-retries.
Recommended Action Check whether the NAS server is online and has sufficient mount permissions.
Alarm 445018 (MegaRAID_battery) MegaRAID SAS Controller Battery Backup Unit has failed.
Explanation The MegaRAID SAS Controller Battery Backup Unit (BBU) may fail at any time;
failure is imminent. If a UPS is not installed, in the event of a power-outage, there is a risk that the
contents of the MegaRAID Controller Cache may be compromised, thereby causing potential
filesystem corruption to the SYSTEM disk(s).
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC for further assistance.
Alarm 445022 Thermal warning condition(s) exceeded on chassis
The temperature LED status in the front panel is Amber steady.
Explanation Thermal condition(s) exceeded on modules/component (I/O module, memory,
processor, etc.) are operating outside the safe thermal operating range. The current temperature has
exceeded the warning threshold, but has not passed the critical threshold for that
Recommended Action Following are the recommended actions:
FromCDE280 CIMC GUI review Server, open the Fault Summary page using Faults and Logs. This
will show fault code of thermal state and take the “Recommended Action” for that fault code in the
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults chapter.
In CDE280 CIMC GUI review Server-->Summary page, review “Server Status” section and check
Temperature status.
In CDE280 CIMC GUI review Server-->Sensors--> Temperature page and check status and
temperatures outside of thresholds values.
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show hardware health | include degrees” to locate the detailed error
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show alarms detail support” to determine alarm error
Check the environment whether the room or rack is cooled properly. The environment provides an
inlet air temperature not colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
Check to make sure there’s no airflow blockage
Alarm 445024 A Fan has encountered error.
Explanation A Fan has encounter error, possible reason may be either due to Low Fan speed or Low
Fan Speed reading or Fan has failed and is not operational or Fan module slot is not equipped or
removed from its slot or Indicate a problem with a fan or with the reading from the fan controller.
Recommended Action Following are the recommended actions:
FromCDE280 CIMC GUI review Server, open the Fault Summary page using Faults and Logs. This
will show fault code of FAN state and take the “Recommended Action” for that fault code in the
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults chapter. Avoid further service requests to the
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Major Alarms
In CDE280 CIMC GUI review Server-->Summary page, review “Server Status” section and check
FAN status.In CIMC GUI review Server-->Sensors-->FAN page and check status and FAN's outside
of thresholds values.
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show hardware health | include FAN” to locate the detailed error
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show alarms detail support” to determine alarm error.
Check to see if fan is installed properly.
Check to see if fan is not blocked, spinning properly or making loud sounds.
Alarm 445026 Warning conditions has occurred on power supply
The power supply LED status in the front panel is Amber steady.
Explanation Warning conditions has occurred on power supply due to one of the reasons - High
voltage or no voltage on the power supply or Input voltage or output voltage is not within specific
hardware values on the power supply or High temperature or temperature of a power supply module
has exceeded a critical threshold value or Field replaceable unit information corrupted or
Recommended Action Following are the recommended actions:
FromCDE280 CIMC GUI review Server, open the Fault Summary page using Faults and Logs. This
will show fault code of Power Supply state and take the “Recommended Action” for that fault code
in the CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults chapter.
From CDE280 CIMC GUI review Server-->Summary page, review “Server Status” section and
check Power Supplies status.
In CDE280 CIMC GUI review Server, open the Power Supply page from Sensors, then check status
and threshold values that are beyond the normal range.
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show hardware health | include PSU” to locate the detailed error
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show alarms detail support” to determine alarm error, then check power to
rack or to server.
Check to make sure that power cords are fully inserted.
Check to make sure that power supply is fully plugged into server chassis.
Alarm 512001 (tpsquotaexceed) RTSP request rate has reached service threshold limit.
Explanation RTSP request rate has reached service threshold limit. Further requests will wait in TCP
queue until the service quota is re-filled in the next 2 seconds.
Recommended Action Avoid further service requests to the box.
Alarm 520004 (GroupDown)—group—Specified standby group is down.
Explanation None of the member interfaces in the specified standby group could be brought up.
Recommended Action Check the member interfaces configuration and cabling.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Major Alarms
Alarm 540002 (linkdown) Network interface is inactive or down.
Explanation The network interface is inactive or down.
Recommended Action Check the cables connected to the network device.
Alarm 540003 (speed_mismatch) An alarm is raised for a portchannel if an interface within a
portchannel has a different negotiated data rate than the rest of the interfaces in the portchannel.
Explanation Speed mismatch among interfaces assigned to portchannel.
Recommended Action Check the switch settings and verify cables are connected.
Alarm 540004 (lacp_link_down) Network LACP interface is inactive or down.
Explanation Network LACP interface is inactive or down.
Recommended Action Check the cables connected to the network device.
Alarm 540005 (lacp_no_neighbor) Network LACP interface has no neighbor.
Explanation Network LACP interface can not receive any LACPDU packet.
Recommended Action Check if switch side has LACP turned on.
Alarm 550001 (SEKeepalive) SE keepalive timed-out or SE is not reachable.
Explanation Either the SR has not received keepalives from the SE, or the SE is not reachable.
Recommended Action Check the cables connected to the network device and the SE.
Alarm 550004 (DsSession) Delivery service session quota exceeded.
Explanation Global delivery service session quota exceeded on an SR.
Recommended Action None.
Alarm 550005 (DsAugmentedSession) Delivery service augmented session quota exceeded.
Explanation Global delivery service augmented session quota exceeded on an SR.
Recommended Action None.
Alarm 550006 (DsBandwidth) Delivery service bandwidth quota exceeded.
Explanation Global delivery service bandwidth quota exceeded on an SR.
Recommended Action None.
Alarm 550007 (DsAugmentedBandwidth) Delivery service augmented bandwidth quota exceeded.
Explanation Global delivery service augmented bandwidth quota exceeded on an SR.
Recommended Action None.
Alarm 550008 (GeoServerFail) Geo location server fail.
Explanation Geo location server fail.
Recommended Action Check the failed Geo location server and network connection.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Major Alarms
Alarm 550009 (DsgSession) DSG Session Quota Exceeded Alarm.
Explanation DSG counters aggregation exceeded Session quota thresholds.
Recommended Action Log in to the CDSM, increase DSG Session quota threshold, and resolve the
Alarm 550010 (DsgAugSession) DSG Augmented Session Quota Exceeded Alarm.
Explanation DSG counters aggregation exceeded Augmented Session quota thresholds.
Recommended Action Log in to the CDSM, increase DSG Session Quota Augment Buffer or increase
Session Quota threshold, and resolve the problem.
Alarm 550011 (DsgBandwidth) DSG Bandwidth Quota Exceeded Alarm.
Explanation DSG counters aggregation exceeded Bandwidth quota thresholds.
Recommended Action Log in to the CDSM, increase DSG Bandwidth quota threshold, and resolve the
Alarm 550012 (DsgAugBandwidth) DSG Augmented Bandwidth Quota Exceeded Alarm.
Explanation DSG counters aggregation exceeded Augmented Bandwidth quota thresholds.
Recommended Action Log in to the CDSM, increase DSG Bandwidth Quota Augment Buffer or
increase Bandwidth Quota threshold, and resolve the problem
Alarm 560001 (threshold) Service monitor CPU threshold exceeded.
Explanation The Service Monitor CPU threshold has been exceeded.
Recommended Action Check the file /tmp/threshold_exceeded.txt.
Alarm 560002 (threshold) Service monitor memory threshold exceeded.
Explanation The Service Monitor memory threshold has been exceeded.
Recommended Action Check the file /tmp/threshold_exceeded.txt.
Alarm 560003 (threshold) Service monitor kernel memory threshold exceeded.
Explanation The Service Monitor kernel memory threshold has been exceeded.
Recommended Action Check the file /tmp/threshold_exceeded.txt.
Alarm 560004 (threshold) Service monitor NIC threshold exceeded.
Explanation The Service Monitor Network Interface Card (NIC) threshold has been exceeded.
Recommended Action Check the file /tmp/threshold_exceeded.txt.
Alarm 560005 (threshold) Service monitor Disk threshold exceeded.
Explanation The Service Monitor disk threshold has been exceeded.
Recommended Action Check the file /tmp/threshold_exceeded.txt.
Alarm 560006 (threshold) Service monitor Disk Failure count threshold exceeded.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Major Alarms
Explanation The Service Monitor disk failure count threshold has been exceeded.
Recommended Action Check the file /tmp/threshold_exceeded.txt.
Alarm 570001 (licensethresholdexceeded) WMT service has reached burstcnt threshold limits.
Explanation WMT service has reached the burstcnt threshold or the limits configured with the wmt
max-concurrent-sessions bandwidth wmt outgoing command.
Recommended Action Avoid further service requests to the CDE.
Alarm 570002 (licensethresholdexceeded) WE service has reached burstcnt threshold limits.
Explanation WE service has reached the burstcnt threshold or the limits configured with the
web-engine max-concurrent-sessions command.
Recommended Action Avoid further service requests to the CDE.
Alarm 570003 (licensethresholdexceeded) FMS service has reached burstcnt threshold limits.
Explanation FMS service has reached the burstcnt threshold or the limits configured with the
flash-media-streaming max-concurrent-sessions flash-media-streaming max-bandwidth
Recommended Action Avoid further service requests to the CDE.
Alarm 570004 (licensethresholdexceeded) MS service has reached burstcnt threshold limits.
Explanation MS service has reached the burstcnt threshold or the limits configured with the
movie-streamer max-concurrent-sessions bandwidth movie-streamer outgoing command.
Recommended Action Avoid further service requests to the CDE.
Alarm 661001 (svclowdisk) Alarm database is running low in disk space in the STATEFS partition.
Explanation The database monitor service issues this alarm to indicate that it is running low in disk
space in the STATEFS partition, and therefore content replication service (acquisition and
distribution) has been temporarily stopped.
Recommended Action Execute the cms database maintenance command or schedule database
maintenance more frequently to reclaim the disk space.
Alarm 700002 (cms_clock_alarm) The device clock is not synchronized with the primary Content
Delivery System Manager (CDSM). Enabling NTP on all the devices is strongly recommended.
Explanation If this device is an SE, its clock must be synchronized with the primary CDSM to make
replication status, statistics monitoring, and program files work correctly. If this device is a standby
CDSM, its clock must be synchronized with the primary CDSM to make the CDSM failover work.
Recommended Action Fix the clock on either this device or the primary CDSM.
Alarm 700008 (lic_srTps_2) [21-40 Days Violation] SR TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses.
Explanation [21-40 Days Violation] SR TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [21-40 Days Violation] SR TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses. Please
contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Major Alarms
Alarm 700012 (lic_proxTps_2) [21-40 Days Violation] Proximity TPS usage exceeds purchased
Explanation [21-40 Days Violation] Proximity TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [21-40 Days Violation] Proximity TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses.
Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700016 (lic_bw_2) [21-40 Days Violation] Streaming Capacity exceeds purchased licenses.
Explanation [21-40 Days Violation] Streaming Capacity exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [21-40 Days Violation] Streaming Capacity exceeds purchased licenses. Please
contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700020 (lic_feature_url_2) [21-40 Days Violation] Url Signature Feature exceeds purchased
Explanation [21-40 Days Violation] Url Signature Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [21-40 Days Violation] Url Signature Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700028 (lic_app_miss_2) [21-40 Days Violation] Application License is missed.
Explanation [21-40 Days Violation] Application License is missed.
Recommended Action [21-40 Days Violation] Application License is missed. Please contact Cisco to
buy it.
Alarm 700032 (lic_app_limit_2) [21-40 Days Violation] Streamers number exceeds management limit.
Explanation [21-40 Days Violation] Streamers number exceeds management limit.
Recommended Action [21-40 Days Violation] Streamers number exceeds management limit. Please
contact Cisco to buy upgrade license.
Alarm 700036 (lic_feature_hsl_2) T[21-40 Days Violation] HTTPS Secure PDL Feature exceeds
purchased licenses.
Explanation [21-40 Days Violation] HTTPS Secure PDL Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [21-40 Days Violation] HTTPS Secure PDL Feature exceeds purchased
licenses. Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700040 (lic_feature_qta_2) [21-40 Days Violation] Peak Session and Bandwidth Quota
Enforcement Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Explanation [21-40 Days Violation] Peak Session and Bandwidth Quota Enforcement Feature
exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [21-40 Days Violation] Peak Session and Bandwidth Quota Enforcement
Feature exceeds purchased licenses. Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Major Alarms
Alarm 700040 (CMS_ALMID_LIC_FEATURE_QTA_2) [21-40 Days Violation] Peak Session and
Bandwidth Quota Enforcement Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Explanation [21-40 Days Violation] Peak Session and Bandwidth Quota Enforcement Feature
exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [21-40 Days Violation] Peak Session and Bandwidth Quota Enforcement
Feature exceeds purchased licenses. Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700044 (lic_feature_mcs_2) [21-40 Days Violation] Multicast Sender Feature exceeds purchased
Explanation [21-40 Days Violation] Multicast Sender Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [21-40 Days Violation] Multicast Sender Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700048 (lic_feature_mcr_2) [21-40 Days Violation] Multicast Receiver Feature exceeds
purchased licenses.
Explanation [21-40 Days Violation] Multicast Receiver Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [21-40 Days Violation] Multicast Receiver Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700052 (lic_feature_sbe_2) [21-40 Days Violation] Session Base Encryption Feature exceeds
purchased licenses.
Explanation [21-40 Days Violation] Session Base Encryption Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [21-40 Days Violation] Session Base Encryption Feature exceeds purchased
licenses. Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 710001 (ftp_export_failed) FTP export failed.
Explanation The alarm is raised when the system fails to export transaction logs to an FTP server.
Recommended Action Check the network connectivity to the FTP server. Check the user name and
password to access the server.
Alarm 720001 (GeoServerFail) Geo location server fail.
Explanation Geo location server fail.
Recommended Action Check the failed Geo location server and network connection.
Alarm 730001 (ds_ven_timeout) Dataserver ven stock timeout.
Explanation The alarm is raised when the dataserver fails to read/write to ven socket.
Recommended Action Please contact Cisco TAC for further assistance.
Alarm 900003 (WebCalLookupThreshold) Maximum outstanding storage lookup threshold exceeded.
Explanation The maximum outstanding storage lookup threshold has been exceeded.
Recommended Action Reducing the number of concurrent sessions would help to recover from this
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Major Alarms
Alarm 9000013 (WebCalLookupAugThreshold) Maximum outstanding storage lookup augmentation
threshold exceeded.
Explanation The maximum outstanding storage lookup augmentation threshold has been exceeded.
Recommended Action Reducing the number of concurrent sessions would help to recover from this
Alarm 9000015(OriginServerFailure) Origin Server failure is detected.
Explanation Origin Server failure is detected by CA.
Recommended Action Check or repair the Origin Server.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Minor Alarms
Minor Alarms
Alarm 100001 (zerobandwidth) specified content acquisition bandwidth is 0.
Explanation The device has been assigned as CA for some delivery services, but its acquisition
bandwidth is 0.
Recommended Action On the CDSM devices page, select this device and select Edit and the Select
Preposition link on the left of the screen, then change its default bandwidth.
Alarm 100004 (ManifestUpdateFail) Fail to recheck manifest file for Delivery Service.
Explanation There is a problem rechecking the manifest file for this delivery service.
Recommended Action Log in to the CA, execute the show status acquirer error command to check
the problem, and resolve the problem.
Alarm 100008 (ContentUpdateFail) There are some contents that failed to be rechecked.
Explanation There are some contents that failed to be rechecked.
Recommended Action Log in to the CA, and execute the show status acquirer error command to
check the problem, and resolve the problem.
Alarm 100009 (ManifestParseWarning) Fail to parse manifest file for Delivery Service.
Explanation There are some syntax warnings in the manifest file for this delivery service.
Recommended Action Log in to the CA, and execute the show status acquirer error command to
display the warnings, and resolve the problem.
Alarm 212500 (svcbwclosed) Alarm Dout bandwidth is set to zero while jobs are scheduled.
Explanation The unicast data sender issued this alarm to indicate that the Dout is scheduled to be
zero, but currently the unicast data sender has a job running.
Recommended Action Access the CDSM and determine if the bandwidth values and bandwidth
schedules are correctly configured, and verify on the device the effective bandwidth and job
Alarm 213500 (svcbwclosed) Alarm Din bandwidth is set to zero while jobs are scheduled.
Explanation The unicast data receiver issued this alarm to indicate that the Din is scheduled to be
zero, but currently the unicast data receiver has a job scheduled or running.
Recommended Action Access the CDSM and determine if the bandwidth values and bandwidth
schedules are correctly configured, and verify on the device the effective bandwidth and job
Alarm 213502 (svcnomcastconnectivity) There is no multicast network connectivity between the
multicast sender and this device.
This alarm only applies to Cisco Videsocape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 3.1.1 Release.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Minor Alarms
Explanation The unicast data receiver issues this alarm to indicate that the device as multicast
receiver cannot receive Pragmatic General Multicast packets from a multicast sender. There is no
multicast network connectivity between the multicast sender and this device.
Recommended Action Check and fix the multicast network connectivity between the sender and the
Alarm 213503 (svcunsspaceproblem) There is a UNS problem while replicating and so some NACKs
are suppressed.
Explanation The unicast data receiver issues this alarm to indicate that the device as multicast
receiver cannot receive files due to a problem with the Unified Name Space (UNS). It stops sending
NACKs for the UNS failed files.
Recommended Action Check and fix the UNS-related issues in the multicast receiver SE.
Alarm 213504 (svcnacksuppressed) Alarm that Multicast Receiver has stopped NACKs due to heavy
This alarm only applies to Cisco Videsocape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 3.1.1 Release.
Explanation The unicast data receiver issues this alarm to indicate that the device as multicast
receiver cannot receive multicast files for some considerable time and has stopped sending NACKs
for the files.
Recommended Action Check the multicast network for any problems. The sending of NACKs starts
after at least one file is successfully received.
Alarm 215003 (svcdevfailover) Alarm backup multicast sender has been activated.
This alarm only applies to Cisco Videsocape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 3.1.1 Release.
Explanation The backup multicast sender issues this alarm to indicate that it has been activated and
either the primary backup sender has a problem, or the primary and backup multicast senders cannot
communicate with each other due to possible network connection issues.
Recommended Action Troubleshoot the multicast sender service on the primary multicast sender and
check the network connectivity between the primary and backup multicast senders.
Alarm 215500 (svcbwclosed) Alarm Mout bandwidth is set to zero while jobs are scheduled.
Explanation The multicast data sender issues this alarm to indicate that the device has Mout
scheduled to be zero, but currently the multicast data sender has a job scheduled or is running.
Recommended Action Access the CDSM and determine if the bandwidth values and bandwidth
schedules are correctly configured, and verify on the device the effective bandwidth and job
Alarm 330004 (servicedead)—service name—service died.
Explanation The node manager found the specified service to be dead. Attempts are made to restart
this service.
Recommended Action Examine the syslog for messages relating to the cause of service death. The
alarm is cleared if the service stays alive and does not restart in a short while.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Minor Alarms
Alarm 335005 (test3) NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Explanation This alarm is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
Recommended Action No action is required. This alarm should never occur during normal operation.
Alarm 335007 (test5) NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Explanation This alarm is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
Recommended Action No action is required. This alarm should never occur during normal operation.
Alarm 400000 (wesvcthresholdexceeded) WebEngine has reached service threshold limits.
Explanation The Web Engine service has reached license limits, or the limits were configured with
the webengine max-concurrent-sessions command.
Recommended Action Avoid further service requests to this device.
Alarm 445000 (disk_failure) An SE disk has failed.
Explanation The SYSMON issues this alarm to indicate that one of the disks attached to the SE is
not responding.
Recommended Action Access the device and execute the show disk details command. If the problem
persists, replace the disk.
Alarm 445004 (disk smartfailminor)A SE disk has minor early-prediction failure.
Explanation The SYSMON issues this alarm to indicate that one of the disks attached to the SE has
a minor early-prediction failure. It warns that the disk may fail soon.
Recommended Action Monitor the disk for early indications of errors occurring. If more severe
SMART errors occur, or if disk errors occur, take the appropriate action.
Alarm 445006 (SoftRAID_Event) A SoftRAID device has become degraded and requires immediate
Explanation The SYSMON issues this alarm to indicate that a SoftRAID device has become
degraded (for example, one disk of a RAID-1 array has become inaccessible or faulty).
Recommended Action If the system suspects an inconsistency in the RAID volume, it will initiate a
resync to restore the volume’s integrity. Check the RAID status using the show disk raid command
to verify whether a disk failure or resync is occurring. For a resync, wait for the sync(s) to complete.
For a degraded array, replace the disk.
Alarm 445007 (psu_down) A power supply power cable is unplugged or the power supply has failed.
Explanation The System Monitor issues this alarm to indicate that at least one power supply failed
or is unplugged.
Recommended Action Check the back of the CDE and locate the power supplies. Verify the power
cables are plugged in and replace any failed power supplies.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Minor Alarms
Alarm 445011 (diskXX_badsector) Bad sector(s) on disk.
Explanation The system came across a corrupted disk sector(s) that it may (or may not) have been
able to identify in the description above.
Recommended Action Contact tech support. The sector(s) might be recoverable by executing the 'disk
repair' command. When running 'disk repair', all data on the drive will be lost; however, any repaired
sector(s) will be available for data storage again.
Alarm 445014 (minor_hw_validation) Minor hardware validation failure.
Explanation The System Monitor issues this whenever it fails to validate minor hardware
components. Minor hardware components are vital to the system's overall functionality, and should
be addressed immediately.
Recommended Action Inspect the alarm’s instance information. If the alarm is raised for a removable
component, such as disk00, replace the component according to documentation. For additional
assistance, contact Cisco TAC and provide the output of show alarms detail support and show
Alarm 445015 (filesystem_failure) Critical hardware validation failure.
Explanation The System Monitor raises this alarm to indicate that an unexpected filesystem error has
Recommended Action If the problem is isolated to a single CDNFS disk, it may be possible to
reformat the disk to recover. Contact Cisco TAC for further assistance.
Alarm 445017(nas_offline) NAS attached to SE seems to be offline.
Explanation NAS attached to SE seems to be offline.
Recommended Action Check whether the NAS server is online and has sufficient mount permissions.
Alarm 445019 (MegaRAID_battery) MegaRAID SAS Controller Battery Backup Unit imminent failure
Explanation The MegaRAID SAS Controller Battery Backup Unit (BBU) may fail at any time;
failure is imminent. If a UPS is not installed, in the event of a power-outage, there is a risk that the
contents of the MegaRAID Controller Cache may be compromised, thereby causing potential
filesystem corruption to the SYSTEM disk(s).
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC for further assistance.
Alarm 445020 (disk_bucket_thresh) Disk Bucket Fail Threshold reached.
Explanation The number of disks failed in a particular disk-bucket has reached the threshold.
Recommended Action Check if all the CDNFS disks in that disk bucket are mounted, or if a disk
failure alarm exists for any of the disks. Try to recover the disks which are failed or not mounted.
Alarm 445028 One or more disk(s) is (are) absent.One or more disk(s) is (are) absent for some reason.
Recommended Action The following are the recommended actions:
In CDE280 CIMC GUI review Storage-->Physical Drive Info page select the drive that you want to
find, then go to the HW to check whether the disk is absent or just offline because of any issue, then
replace it.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Minor Alarms
FromCDE280 CIMC GUI review Server, open the Fault Summary page using Faults and Logs. This
will show fault code of storage state and take the “Recommended Action” for that fault code in the
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults chapter.
In CDE280 CIMC GUI review Server, open the Storage page using the Sensors and check the status.
In CDE280 CIMC GUI review Storage-->Storage Log page, look for error in logs. Execute in
VDS-IS CLI “show alarms detail support” to determine alarm error.
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show disks health”, check health, bad sectors and I/O errors
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show disks details”, look for missing drives or error status
Execute in VDS-IS CLI “show alarms detail support”, look for drive alarms
Check to make sure that drives are fully inserted.
Alarm 511010 (svcthresholdexceeded) WMT has reached service threshold limits.
Explanation Windows media technologies service has reached license limits, or the limits are
configured with the wmt max-concurrent-sessions bandwidth wmt outgoing command.
Recommended Action Avoid further service requests to this device.
Alarm 511011 (fmsthresholdexceeded) FMS has reached service threshold limits.
Explanation FMS service has reached concurrent connection limits.
Recommended Action Avoid further service requests to this device, or contact Cisco TAC for more
connection licenses.
Alarm 511012 (mssvcthresholdexceeded) Movie Streamer has reached service threshold limits.
Explanation MS service has reached license limits, or the limits are configured.
Recommended Action Avoid further service requests to the device.
Alarm 511013 (encoderfailure) Encoder:/program_IP_Address/encoder_name/encoder_url :failed.
Explanation Encoder is stopped or down or some issues happened.
Recommended Action Check the encoder to make sure it works correctly or try to use other corrected
encoders. Enter the show alarms detail support command to see the alarm details.
Alarm 511014(wmtaugmentexceeded) WMT has reached augmentation threshold limits.
Explanation WMT service has reached augmentation limits on maximum concurrent connections/
allowed bandwidth.
Recommended Action No service disruption. Monitor device to see if it exceeds service threshold
limits and add more devices if necessary.
Alarm 511015 (FmsAugThreshold) FMS has reached augmentation threshold limits.
Explanation FMS service has reached augmentation limits on maximum concurrent connections/
allowed bandwidth.
Recommended Action No service disruption. Monitor device to see if it exceeds service threshold
limits and add more devices if necessary.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Minor Alarms
Alarm 511016 (msaugmentexceeded) Movie Streamer has reached augmentation threshold limits.
Explanation Movie Streamer service has reached augmentation limits on maximum concurrent
connections/ allowed bandwidth.
Recommended Action No service disruption. Monitor device to see if it exceeds service threshold
limits and add more devices if necessary.
Alarm 511017 (rtspgaugmentexceeded) RTSP Gateway TPS has reached augmentation threshold limits.
Explanation RTSP Gateway TPS has reached augmentation limits on maximum concurrent
connections/allowed bandwidth.
Recommended Action No service disruption. Monitor device to see if it exceeds service threshold
limits and add more devices if necessary.
Alarm 520001 (LinkDown) -group-ifc-slot-port- Specified interface in the standby group is down.
Explanation The specified interface in the standby group is down. There could have been a link
failure on the interface or it may have been shut down on purpose.
Recommended Action Check the configuration and cabling of the specified interface.
Alarm 520002 (RouteDown) -group-ifc-slot-port- Unable to reach the configured default gateway on the
specified interface.
Explanation Unable to reach the configured default gateway on the specified interface in the standby
Recommended Action Check the network configuration on the specified interface.
Alarm 520003 (MaxError) -group-ifc-slot-port- The specified interface has seen errors exceeding
maximum allowable error count.
Explanation The specified interface has seen errors exceeding the maximum allowable error count.
Recommended Action Check the cabling or configuration of the specified interface.
Alarm 540001 (shutdown) Network interface is shutdown.
Explanation The network interface is shut down.
Recommended Action Check the interface configuration.
Alarm 550002 (CdsAvgThreshold) Cds average load threshold is exceeded.
Explanation Average load of SEs has exceeded the threshold.
Recommended Action Check the load of all SEs and add additional SE if required.
Alarm 550003 (CdsMaxThreshold) Cds maximum load threshold is exceeded.
Explanation Maximum load of SEs has exceeded the threshold.
Recommended Action Check the load of all SEs and add additional SE if required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Minor Alarms
Alarm 560007 (CpuAugThreshold) Service Monitor CPU augmentation alarm.
Explanation Service monitor CPU augmentation alarm.
Recommended Action Check augmentation threshold, threshold and average load for the above alarm
Instance. Add more devices if necessary.
Alarm 560008 (MemAugThreshold) Service Monitor Memory augmentation alarm.
Explanation Service Monitor Memory augmentation alarm.
Recommended Action Check augmentation threshold, threshold and average load for the above alarm
Instance. Add more devices if necessary.
Alarm 560009 (KmemAugThreshold) Service Monitor Kernel Memory augmentation alarm.
Explanation Service Monitor Kernel Memory augmentation alarm.
Recommended Action Check augmentation threshold, threshold and average load for the above alarm
Instance. Add more devices if necessary.
Alarm 560010 (NicAugThreshold) Service Monitor NIC augmentation alarm.
Explanation Service Monitor NIC augmentation alarm.
Recommended Action Check augmentation threshold, threshold and average load for the above alarm
Instance. Add more devices if necessary.
Alarm 560011 (DiskAugThreshold) Service Monitor Disk augmentation alarm.
Explanation Service Monitor Disk augmentation alarm.
Recommended Action Check augmentation threshold, threshold and average load for the above alarm
Instance. Add more devices if necessary.
Alarm 560012 (DiskFailCntAugThreshold) Service Monitor disk failure count augmentation alarm.
Explanation Service Monitor disk failure count augmentation alarm.
Recommended Action Check augmentation threshold, threshold for the above alarm Instance. Add
more devices if necessary.
Alarm 640001 (admin_shutdown) Network interface is admin shutdown.
Explanation Network interface is admin shutdown.
Recommended Action Check the interface configuration.
Alarm 700001 (cms_test_alarm) CMS test alarm with instance value - instance was raised. The title is
used in the CDSM GUI.
Explanation This is a test alarm defined and used in CMS code. This alarm is identified by a tuple
(340001, instance). This means the system may have several raised alarms with the 340001 ID
having different instance values. Instance is usually used to link an alarm to a particular data item
(such as a particular failed disk, or a delivery service that is having A&D troubles).
Recommended Action Advise the user how to handle this raised alarm. This is shown in the CDSM
GUI or command-line interface (CLI).
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Minor Alarms
Alarm 700006 (content_replication_failed) Some content or crawl jobs are failed to be acquired or
Explanation Some content or crawl jobs are failed to be acquired or replicated.
Recommended Action Check if all contents or crawl jobs defined in manifest file are available.
Alarm 700007 (lic_srTps_1) [1-20 Days Violation] SR TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses.
Explanation [1-20 Days Violation] SR TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [1-20 Days Violation] SR TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses. Please
contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700011 (lic_proxTps_1) [1-20 Days Violation] Proximity TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses.
Explanation [1-20 Days Violation] Proximity TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [1-20 Days Violation] Proximity TPS usage exceeds purchased licenses. Please
contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700015 (lic_bw_1) [1-20 Days Violation] Streaming Capacity exceeds purchased licenses.
Explanation [1-20 Days Violation] Streaming Capacity exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [1-20 Days Violation] Streaming Capacity exceeds purchased licenses. Please
contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700019 (lic_feature_url_1) [1-20 Days Violation] Url Signature Feature exceeds purchased
Explanation [1-20 Days Violation] Url Signature Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [1-20 Days Violation] Url Signature Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700023 (lic_http_expiring) [Expire in days] HTTP annual license will expire in 90 days.
Explanation [Expire in days] HTTP annual license will expire in 90 days.
Recommended Action [Expire in days] HTTP annual license will expire in 90 days. Please contact
Cisco to buy new license.
Alarm 700024 (lic_mp_expiring) [Expire in days] Multi-Protocol annual license will expire in 90 days.
Explanation [Expire in days] Multi-Protocol annual license will expire in 90 days.
Recommended Action [Expire in days] Multi-Protocol annual license will expire in 90 days. Please
contact Cisco to buy new license.
Alarm 700027 (lic_app_miss_1) [1-20 Days Violation] Application License is missed.
Explanation [1-20 Days Violation] Application License is missed.
Recommended Action [1-20 Days Violation] Application License is missed. Please contact Cisco to
buy it.
Alarm 700031 (lic_app_limit_1) [1-20 Days Violation] Streamers number exceeds management limit.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
Minor Alarms
Explanation [1-20 Days Violation] Streamers number exceeds management limit.
Recommended Action [1-20 Days Violation] Streamers number exceeds management limit. Please
contact Cisco to buy upgrade license.
Alarm 700035 (lic_feature_hsl_1) [1-20 Days Violation] HTTPS Secure PDL Feature exceeds
purchased licenses.
Explanation [1-20 Days Violation] HTTPS Secure PDL Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [1-20 Days Violation] HTTPS Secure PDL Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700039 (lic_feature_qta_1) [1-20 Days Violation] Peak Session and Bandwidth Quota
Enforcement Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Explanation [1-20 Days Violation] Peak Session and Bandwidth Quota Enforcement Feature exceeds
purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [1-20 Days Violation] Peak Session and Bandwidth Quota Enforcement
Feature exceeds purchased licenses. Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700043 (lic_feature_mcs_1) [1-20 Days Violation] Multicast Sender Feature exceeds purchased
Explanation [1-20 Days Violation] Multicast Sender Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [1-20 Days Violation] Multicast Sender Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700047 (lic_feature_mcr_1) [1-20 Days Violation] Multicast Receiver Feature exceeds purchased
Explanation [1-20 Days Violation] Multicast Receiver Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [1-20 Days Violation] Multicast Receiver Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 700051 (lic_feature_sbe_1) [1-20 Days Violation] Session Base Encryption Feature exceeds
purchased licenses.
Explanation [1-20 Days Violation] Session Base Encryption Feature exceeds purchased licenses.
Recommended Action [1-20 Days Violation] Session Base Encryption Feature exceeds purchased
licenses. Please contact Cisco to buy adequate license.
Alarm 900001 (memory_exceed) Web Engine memory exceeds the threshold value.
Explanation The Web Engine reached the memory threshold.
Recommended Action Avoid further Web Engine service requests to this SE.
Alarm 900002 (max_session_exceed) Web Engine concurrent sessions exceeds the threshold value.
Explanation The Web Engine reached the session threshold (29000 concurrent sessions).
Recommended Action Avoid further Web Engine service requests to this SE.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
SNMP Alarm Traps
The maximum concurrent sessions limit for the Web Engine is based on the CDE; for the CDE220-2M0
and CDE220-2S6 the maximum is 30,000 and for the CDE205 the maximum is 20,000.
Alarm 900004 (WebCalDiskWriteThreshold) Maximum outstanding storage disk write operation
threshold exceeded.
Explanation The maximum outstanding storage disk write operation threshold was exceeded for
CAL Create, Delete, Update, or Popularity Update.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Alarm 9000011 (aug_memory_exceeded) Web Engine service has reached augmentation limits for
Memory Usage.
Explanation The Web Engine service has reached the augmentation limits for Memory Usage.
Recommended Action No service disruption. Monitor the device to see if it exceeds the service
threshold limits and add more devices if necessary.
Alarm 9000012 (aug_session_exceeded) Web Engine service has reached augmentation limits for
Concurrent Sessions.
Explanation The Web Engine service has reached the augmentation limits for Concurrent Sessions.
Recommended Action No service disruption. Monitor the device to see if it exceeds the service
threshold limits and add more devices if necessary.
Alarm 9000014 (WebCalDiskWriteAugThreshold) Maximum outstanding augmentation storage disk
write operation threshold exceeded.
Explanation The maximum outstanding augmentation storage disk write operation threshold has
been exceeded for CAL Create, Delete, Update, or Popularity Update.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Alarm 9000016 (Origin Server Recovery) Origin server is recovered.
Explanation Origin server is recovered.
Recommended Action None.
Alarm 1000010 (ManifestEmptyContent) Parsed Manifest file does not have any items to process.
Explanation There are no single or crawl items mentioned in the manifest file to process.
Recommended Action Edit the manifest file of this delivery service to have one or more items to
SNMP Alarm Traps
Cisco Internet Streamer Release 3.3 software supports six generic alarm traps. Table 2-1 presents the
trap number and trap type of the six generic alarm traps. Alarm traps sent from a VDS-IS device contain
a numeric alarm identifier, a trap number, a module identifier, and a category identifier. To enable the
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
SNMP Alarm Traps
VDS-IS device to send SNMP alarm traps for a specific alarm condition, use the snmp-server enable
traps command. You can configure the generation of alarm traps based on the severity of the alarm and
on whether the alarm is raised or cleared.
Table 2-1
Generic Alarm Traps
Trap Number
Trap Type
Critical alarm raised
Critical alarm cleared
Major alarm raised
Major alarm cleared
Minor alarm raised
Minor alarm cleared
Table 2-2 below presents the mapping of module names to module identifiers.
Table 2-2
Mapping of Module Names to Module Identifiers
Module Name
Module Identifier
Active Directory Database
Content Management Service
Flash Media Streaming
Movie Streamer
Multicast data sender
Node Health Manager
Node Health Manager 2
Network Interface Card
Node Manager
Remote Execution Agent
Service Router
Service Monitor
System Monitor
Unicast data receiver
Unicast data sender
Web Engine
Windows Media Technologies
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 2
SNMP Alarm Traps
Table 2-3 below presents the mapping of category names to category identifiers.
Table 2-3
Mapping of Category Names to Category IDs
Category Name
Category Identifier
Service Quality
Processing Error
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
This chapter lists the Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release 3.3 system error messages. Each message is
followed by an explanation and recommended action.
The messages are grouped by the following Facility Codes and listed numerically within each Facility
ABRMGR Messages, page 3-2
ACL Messages, page 3-3
ACQ Messages, page 3-5
AUTH Messages, page 3-7
BANDWD Messages, page 3-7
CDNFS Messages, page 3-11
CDSORIGINMGR Messages, page 3-13
CLEAN-AD Messages, page 3-14
CLI Messages, page 3-16
CMGR Messages, page 3-26
CMS Messages, page 3-27
COMMONEDM Messages, page 3-70
DHCP Messages, page 3-71
DISK Messages, page 3-72
DIST Messages, page 3-79
DS Messages, page 3-84
FastCache Messages, page 3-87
FMS Messages, page 3-87
HTTP Messages, page 3-88
HTTPSCFGMGR Messages, page 3-89
ICAP Messages, page 3-89
LIBCMN Messages, page 3-90
LOGGING Messages, page 3-94
MS Messages, page 3-95
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
ABRMGR Messages
NHM Messages, page 3-96
NODEMGR Messages, page 3-97
NTP Messages, page 3-113
PAM Messages, page 3-114
PARSER Messages, page 3-122
POSTGRE Messages, page 3-128
RPC Messages, page 3-129
RTSP Messages, page 3-130
RTSPG Messages, page 3-131
RULES Messages, page 3-133
SCHED Messages, page 3-140
SERMON Messages, page 3-141
SNMP Messages, page 3-142
SR Messages, page 3-145
SSHD Messages, page 3-150
SSRV Messages, page 3-151
STATS Messages, page 3-152
STDBY Messages, page 3-155
SYS Messages, page 3-157
SYSMON Messages, page 3-157
SYSUTL Messages, page 3-160
TFTP Messages, page 3-160
UNILOG Messages, page 3-163
UPG Messages, page 3-164
URLFLT Messages, page 3-176
WMT Messages, page 3-176
XXX Messages, page 3-182
Web Engine Status Codes, page 3-182
ABRMGR Messages
Error Message SE-ABRMGR-6-801090: <message>
Explanation None.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
ACL Messages
ACL Messages
Error Message SE-ACL-3-533010:Failed to clear acl statistics.
Explanation Failed to clear ACL statistics.
Recommended Action Enter the command later. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-ACL-3-533011:directory /tmp doesn't exist.
Explanation The system does not have a configured TMP directory.
Recommended Action The system has serious software image setup or configuration problems.
Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-ACL-3-533012:can't open /tmp/.acl_request file to get acl query.
Explanation The system cannot open the ACL request file.
Recommended Action Reconfigure the ACL, query the ACL through the debug commands, try to
access the ACL later, and reboot the SE. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-ACL-3-533013:ACL lock failed. Internal error.
Explanation The system cannot lock the ACL table.
Recommended Action Reconfigure the ACL, try to access the ACL later, and reboot the SE. Contact
Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-ACL-3-533014:ACL unlock failed. Internal error.
Explanation The system cannot unlock the ACL table.
Recommended Action Reconfigure the ACL, try to access the ACL later, and reboot the SE. Contact
Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-ACL-3-533015:Internal error: Incorrect permission flag.
Explanation An incorrect permission flag was entered.
Recommended Action Check the entered command and reconfigure the ACL.
Error Message SE-ACL-3-533016:Internal error: Incorrect username or groupname flag.
Explanation An incorrect username or groupname flag was entered.
Recommended Action Check the entered command and reconfigure the ACL.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
ACL Messages
Error Message SE-ACL-3-533017:Username string length exceeds the limit.
Explanation A limited string length for the username can be configured.
Recommended Action Reconfigure the ACL username string.
Error Message SE-ACL-3-533018:Groupname string length exceeds the limit.
Explanation A limited string length for the groupname can be configured.
Recommended Action
Reconfigure ACL groupname string.
Error Message SE-ACL-3-533019:Groupname string can't be empty.
Explanation Incorrect ACL command’s groupname string.
Recommended Action Check the entered command’s groupname string and reconfigure the ACL.
Error Message SE-ACL-3-533020:Group name shouldn't have delimited comma symbol.
Explanation Incorrect ACL command’s groupname string.
Recommended Action Check the entered command’s groupname string and reconfigure the ACL.
Error Message SE-ACL-3-533021:Access List entry position in the access list should
be above 1.
Explanation Incorrect ACL command’s position value configuration.
Recommended Action Check the entered command for ACL configuration and set the correct position
Error Message SE-ACL-3-533022:Internal error: Problem to allocate memory.
Explanation Memory allocation failure.
Recommended Action Reload the SE. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-ACL-3-533023:Problem to obtain ACL entry.
Explanation Failure to get a record from the ACL.
Recommended Action Check the entered command and reconfigure the ACL. Reload the SE. Contact
Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
ACQ Messages
ACQ Messages
Error Message SE-ACQ-2-100001: Acquirer failed in Database operation: [failure
Explanation The service acquirer encountered a critical error in database operation.
Recommended Action Execute the cms database maintenance command. If this error persists, reload
the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-ACQ-2-100002: Acquirer failed to connect to UNS server: [failure
Explanation The unified name space (UNS) server fails to start or is busy.
Recommended Action Reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-ACQ-2-100003: Failed to disable request=[chars] due to Database
error: [chars] Restarting the acquirer process.
Explanation This error is a result of database data corruption. The acquirer is restarted.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-ACQ-2-100004: Failed to create Rpc Server: [failure description].
Explanation It is possible that another instance of service acquirer is running or the port the remote
procedure call (RPC) server wants to listen on is being used by other services.
Recommended Action Reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-ACQ-2-100005: Request with url=[chars] has been disabled due to
Database error: Failed to read [chars] = [chars] from [chars], error = [dec].
Explanation This error is a result of data corruption in the database. The acquirer has tried to recover
the error by reparsing the manifest file, but the recovery failed. The acquirer must disable this
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
ACQ Messages
Error Message SE-ACQ-2-100006: Failed to get delivery service lock: [failure
Explanation The acquirer has a conflict with distribution and failed to start the acquisition for the
delivery service.
Recommended Action Configure another SE as a root SE, then reconfigure the original root SE to be
the root again. If the problem persists, unassign the root SE from the delivery service and reassign
it. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-ACQ-2-100007: Request hangs, will restart acquirer to correct the
Explanation This error is a result of an internal error. The acquirer is restarted.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-ACQ-2-100008: Corrupt data received via rpc for call [chars].
Explanation The acquirer received corrupt RPC data.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-ACQ-2-100009: Failed to read Delivery Service=[chars], delivery
service table may have been dropped accidentally. Restarting acquirer to wait for
its creation.
Explanation This error occurs because a delivery service table was accidently dropped by a
command. The acquirer is restarted so it can wait for the delivery service table creation.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-ACQ-2-100010 Unable to acquire start-url = [chars], status =
Explanation The acquirer is unable to acquire the start-URL for the crawl job.
Recommended Action Correct the start-URL in the manifest file and retry. Contact Cisco TAC if this
problem persists.
Error Message SE-ACQ-2-100011 Failed to write in to NAS.
Explanation The acquirer is unable to write to the network access server (NAS) device.
Recommended Action Examine the NAS device. Check for free space on this file system by executing
the show statistics cdnfs command and looking at the physical file system space free line. If there
is no more free space, remove excess files on the file system (but do not remove files in the SE
directory), and assign the SE space inline with that available on the NAS device. Ensure that other
applications are not filling up the NAS file system that the SE is using. If this problem persists, and
there is sufficient free space, contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
AUTH Messages
Error Message SE-ACQ-2-100012 delivery service id=[chars] for Task: [chars] is not
in an active root delivery service.
Explanation A database problem prevented the acquirer from reading the delivery service table, but
it was able to read other tables.
Recommended Action Check if the acquirer is running normally by executing the show acquirer
command. If it is not running, contact Cisco TAC.
AUTH Messages
Error Message SE-AUTH-6-110001:General AUTH module debug message.
Explanation None.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-AUTH-3-110002:authenticate: username is too long.
Explanation None.
Recommended Action Verify the username is less than 250 bytes.
Error Message SE-AUTH-3-110003:Failed to release pam handler.
Explanation None.
Recommended Action Try to log in again. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-AUTH-3-110004:Failed to add transient user [chars].
Explanation None.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
BANDWD Messages
Error Message SE-BANDWD-3-115001:Failed to bind to [item] error number [x].
Explanation The bandwidth module failed to bind the item in the data server. The error number for
the bind is x.
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
BANDWD Messages
Error Message SE-BANDWD-3-115002:The failed operation is retried in two seconds.
Explanation The bandwidth module retries the failed operation in two seconds.
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-BANDWD-3-115003:Failed verification registration with dataserver
with error [x].
Explanation The bandwidth module failed to register with the data server for verification. The error
number is x.
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-BANDWD-4-115004:Failed to create a thread for notification.
Explanation The bandwidth module failed to create a notification thread from the database. It is
restarted by the Node Health Manager.
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-BANDWD-3-115005:Bandwidth setting failed.
Explanation The bandwidth module failed to set the bandwidth because of an invalid module.
Recommended Action If this error persists or occurs frequently, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-BANDWD-6-115006:Set bandwidth for module [name] to [value].
Explanation The bandwidth module set the bandwidth for module name to value.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-BANDWD-5-115007:Error [x] retrieving item [name] from dataserver.
Explanation The bandwidth module failed to get the item name from the data server. The error
number for the get is x.
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
BANDWD Messages
Error Message SE-BANDWD-3-115008:Bandwidth module got error [x] from dataserver.
Explanation The bandwidth module got error x while trying to receive the entire message from the
data server.
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-BANDWD-3-115009:Bandwidth module lost connection to data server.
Explanation The bandwidth module lost the connection to the data server. It automatically retries the
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-BANDWD-3-115010:Bandwidth module got error [x] on
Explanation The bandwidth module got error x while retrieving verification information from the
data server.
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-BANDWD-3-115011:Bandwidth module got error [x] on
Explanation The bandwidth module got error x while building a verification acknowledgement to the
data server.
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-BANDWD-3-115012:Bandwidth module got error [x] on
Explanation The bandwidth module got error x while sending a verification acknowledgement to the
data server.
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-BANDWD-3-115013:Bandwidth module got bad type [x] on
Explanation The bandwidth module got error x while receiving a message from the data server.
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
BANDWD Messages
Error Message SE-BANDWD-3-115014:Bandwidth module got socket error and is
Explanation The bandwidth module received a socket error and is restarting.
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-BANDWD-5-115015:Bandwidth module failed to connect to the Multicast
Explanation The bandwidth module failed to send a message to the Multicast Sender.
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-BANDWD-6-115016:Bandwidth module: Configured WMT bandwidth is [x]
but a lower value is being set [y] due to a lower WMT bandwidth license.
Explanation The bandwidth module is setting the Windows Media Technologies (WMT) value to y,
which is lower than the configured value of x. This is because the bandwidth license configured
allows for a lower value.
Recommended Action This is an informational message to indicate the difference between the actual
value of bandwidth available and the configured value.
Error Message SE-BANDWD-3-115017:Failed notification registration with dataserver
with error [x].
Explanation The bandwidth module failed to register with the data server for notification. The error
number is x.
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-BANDWD-3-115018:Bandwidth module got error [x] on
Explanation The bandwidth module received error x while retrieving notification information from
the data server for the WMT license.
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CDNFS Messages
Error Message SE-BANDWD-3-115019:Bandwidth module could not update bandwidths of
Explanation The bandwidth module tries to update sprayer bandwidths via a thread after receiving a
message from the data server, but is unable to create a thread.
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-BANDWD-3-115020:Failed to set Bandwidth for module [chars] to
Explanation The bandwidth module failed to set the bandwidth for module name to value.
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-BANDWD-3-115021:The bandwidth module failed to fetch data from the
Explanation The bandwidth module failed to fetch data from the database.
Recommended Action Verify that the CMS service correctly started and that the CMS database is
initialized. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
CDNFS Messages
Error Message SE-CDNFS-6-480000:[message].
Explanation Information relating to CDNFS file handling is being logged. Many of these messages
are informational only. Depending on the specific message and severity, a problem might be
Recommended Action Most messages do not require any action. If specific problematic behavior is
seen (such as delivery service content not being replicated or being served), contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CDNFS-3-480001:[message].
Explanation An internal URL-specific metadata file was detected on a disk as being truncated
(possibly of length 0).
Recommended Action The system should recover automatically. If content fails to replicate, execute
the cdnfs cleanup command. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CDNFS Messages
Error Message SE-CDNFS-3-480002:[message].
Explanation An internal URL-specific metadata file was opened using one particular lookup file.
When the file was opened, the URL stored in the file did not match the lookup URL. Possible file
system corruption occurred.
Recommended Action If content fails to replicate or fails to be playable, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CDNFS-3-480003:hit limit on number of UNS-UFM table entries.
Explanation Too many CDNFS entries were created. The limit is currently 1 million files. However,
certain internal features also create CDNFS entries on an automated basis. Also, there could be a
bug in the code for these other features, as too many CDNFS entries have been created and not
cleaned up.
Recommended Action Ensure that user website delivery services do not contain over 1 million URLs.
Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CDNFS-3-480004:less than <number> bytes of unreserved space.
Explanation A CDNFS entry (a URL) was being created, but insufficient unreserved (free) disk
space was available.
Recommended Action Ensure that there is sufficient CDNFS disk space assigned for the delivery
services in use. Check that no disk drives have failed. Check the show statistics cdnfs command for
more information on current CDNFS usage. If the problem persists (for example, if delivery service
content fails to replicate), contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CDNFS-3-480005:count not find a usable file system.
Explanation A CDNFS entry (a URL) was being created, but no file system could be found to store it.
Recommended Action Ensure that sufficient CDNFS disk space is assigned for the delivery services
in use (check the show statistics cdnfs and show disks commands for current information). Check
that no disk drives have failed. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CDNFS-6-480006:xact_replay: [message].
Explanation An ongoing transaction is being replayed to completion upon startup of the UNS-server
subsystem. This is an informational message only.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CDNFS-5-480007:[message].
Explanation On startup, information about CDNFS file systems is printed. These are informational
messages only.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
Error Message SE-CDNFS-3-480008:unsfs.c: non-zero sequence number.
Explanation An internal metadata file with a non-zero sequence number in its filename was
observed. This might indicate some sort of file system corruption.
Recommended Action If CDNFS content fails to replicate, if content is not properly servable, or if
other problems persist, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CDSORIGINMGR-5-802100:CDS Origin Manager: <string>.
Explanation Failed to mount or unmount NFS share.
Recommended Action If this error occurs during a mount operation, check network connectivity and
access rights. Contact Cisco TAC if the problem persists. If this error occurs during an unmount
operation, ignore it as there is no operational impact.
Error Message SE-CDSORIGINMGR-5-802101:CDS Origin Manager: <string>
Explanation Failed to mount CIFS share.
Recommended Action Check network connectivity and access rights. Contact Cisco TAC if the
problem persists.
Error Message SE-CDSORIGINMGR-5-802102 CDS Origin Manager: <string>.
Explanation NFS server is down.
Recommended Action Check network connectivity and access rights. Contact Cisco TAC if the
problem persists.
Error Message SE-CDSORIGINMGR-5-802103:CDS Origin Manager: <string>
Explanation CIFS server is down.
Recommended Action Check network connectivity and access rights. Contact Cisco TAC if the
problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CLEAN-AD Messages
CLEAN-AD Messages
Error Message SE-CLEAN-AD-2-210101:There was a problem while trying to connect to
Explanation There was a problem while trying to connect to the database during Active Directory
(AD) cleanup.
Recommended Action If this problem persists, troubleshoot the database, review the error logs,
execute the show cms database command, and check the system overall status before retrying to
connect to the database.
Error Message SE-CLEAN-AD-2-210102:Problem with [UNS/CAL] operation [Error].
Explanation There was a problem while trying to connect to UNS during AD cleanup.
Recommended Action If this problem persists, troubleshoot the cdnfs using related debug commands
(such as, show stat cdnfs). Review the syslog to see if the disk hardware or RPC system has any
problems. Fix the problems accordingly and retry connecting to the UNS.
Error Message SE-CLEAN-AD-2-210103:Error with Database tables.
Explanation Some of the tables which are accessed by AD do not exist.
Recommended Action Troubleshoot the database (check error logs) to see why the tables are missing.
Possible reasons include upgrade or downgrade issues, disk problems, or errors in communicating
with the CDSM. Fix the problem accordingly and retry.
Error Message SE-CLEAN-AD-2-210104:Error during Memory allocation.
Explanation The Malloc operation failed while cleaning up AD.
Recommended Action Retry cleaning up AD at a later time. If this problem persists, reboot the device
and then retry.
Error Message SE-CLEAN-AD-2-210107:Error getting list of delivery services for
orphan content [Error].
Explanation While cleaning up AD, there is orphaned content, which does not have corresponding
delivery services.
Recommended Action This is a log alert. Check the specific database error and take actions
accordingly. Possible actions include checking database error logs, performing CMS database
maintenance, or performing recovery procedures.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CLEAN-AD Messages
Error Message SE-CLEANAD-2-210107:Error getting list of delivery services for orphan
content [Error]
Explanation While cleaning up AD, orphaned content is found that does not have corresponding
delivery services.
Recommended Action This is a log alert. Check the specific DB error and take actions accordingly.
Possible action includes checking DB errorlogs, performing CMS database maintenance and
Error Message SE-CLEAN-AD-2-210108:Error in AD process [INFO].
Explanation There was an error while trying to start or stop the AD process.
Recommended Action This is a log alert. Execute the acquisition-distribution stop command and
retry the process.
Error Message SE-CLEAN-AD-2-210109:AD Cleanup called with incorrect argument:
Explanation AD Cleanup was called with an incorrect argument.
Recommended Action This is a log alert. Check the arguments entered and retry.
Error Message SE-CLEAN-AD-2-210110:AD-UNS Cleanup completed.
Explanation AD-UNS cleanup has completed successfully.
Recommended Action This is log information. No action is needed.
Error Message SE-CLEAN-AD-2-210111:UNS operation error [INFO].
Explanation An error occurred during UNS operation.
Recommended Action This is a log alert. If this problem persists, check the specific CDNFS error
returned, and troubleshoot CDNFS (such as, check if CDNFS is running out of space, the UNS
server is down, or the disk is corrupted), and take appropriate actions before retrying the operation.
Error Message SE-CLEAN-AD-2-210112:Error restarting AD.
Explanation An error occurred when trying to restart the AD process.
Recommended Action This is a log alert. Check the errorlog and cli-util-errorlog.current
commands for details about the error. Take appropriate action and retry the process.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CLI Messages
CLI Messages
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170000:Can't bind to SysDB at “ENABLE_CFG_PREFIX” error
Explanation EXEC could not establish the connection to the data server.
Recommended Action Log out and log in again. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170001:[Procedure]: opendir([dirname]).
Explanation opendir() failed in the EXEC.
Recommended Action Log out and log in again. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170002:[Procedure]: opendir(<dirname>).
Explanation opendir() failed in the EXEC.
Recommended Action Log out and log in again. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170003:File [filename] has problem: <error>.
Explanation File operations (open, write) failed.
Recommended Action Log out and log in again. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-5-170005:CDP-EV: No more interfaces running CDP - removing CDP
Explanation This message informs the user about the Cisco Delivery Protocol (CDP) status.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170006:cannot open [filename] file, errno: [dc].
Explanation Failed to open the memory configuration template file.
Recommended Action Retry the command. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-5-170007:Wrong arguments.
Explanation The memory configuration program received the wrong number of arguments.
Recommended Action Retry. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CLI Messages
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170008:CLI:sysdb_bind failed in cfs_clear error = [dec].
Explanation The CLI could not establish a connection with the data server.
Recommended Action Retry. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170009:CLI:sysdb_bind failed in cfs_sync, error = [dec].
Explanation The CLI could not establish a connection.
Recommended Action Retry. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170010:CLI:sysdb_bind failed in cfs_mount, error = [dec].
Explanation The CLI could not establish a connection.
Recommended Action Retry. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170011:CLI:sysdb_bind failed in cfs_unmount, error = [dec].
Explanation The CLI could not establish a connection.
Recommended Action Retry. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170012:CLI:Copy [str] to SS failed status = ([dec],[dec]).
Ignore if you didn't change RealProxy config.
Explanation Safe manager could not copy the files.
Recommended Action If the RealProxy configuration has not changed, ignore this message. Contact
Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170013:run_command: [cmd] [description].
Explanation The command failed.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170016:[str]: failed to pick up startup-configuration:
[cmd] = ([dc],[dc]).
Explanation Cannot retrieve the startup configuration.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CLI Messages
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170017:cannot open interface stat file to read.
Explanation A file is missing.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170018:Error when extracting interface status for [dc].
Explanation Cannot retrieve statistics for a specific interface.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170019:failed when reading interface stat file <str>.
Explanation Failed to read the interface statistics file.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170021:Can't open file [filename] for reading: [error].
Explanation Failed to open a file mentioned in the message.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170022:CDP platform is unknown.
Explanation Cannot find expected CDP information.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170023:Can't open file [filename] for writing.
Explanation Failed to open a file mentioned in the message.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170024:Hostname string length is incorrect.
Explanation Found incorrect hostname string length.
Recommended Action Use the correct hostname length and retry.
Error Message SE-CLI-7-170025:[CLI debug message].
Explanation This message indicates CLI debug information.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CLI Messages
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170026:Failed to delete old gateway from route table (no, no).
Explanation The software failed when trying to remove the previously configured default gateway.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170027:Failed to configure the default gateway (no, no).
Explanation The software failed when trying to configure the new default gateway.
Recommended Action Check if the default gateway is valid and correct. If so, reconfigure it. Contact
Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170028:Failed to modify default gateway in sysconfig (no).
Explanation The software failed when trying to configure the new default gateway.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170029:Failed to stop evaluation for <string>, ret <number>.
Explanation Cannot stop evaluation for the application (the application is usually WMT, Real Proxy,
Real Subscriber, or Multicast).
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-6-170030:Stopped evaluation for <string>.
Explanation Stopped evaluation for application.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CLI-5-170032:Syslog cleared.
Explanation The syslog cleared.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170033:populate_ds: verifier registration failed for <string>
error = <num> (errno = <num>/<string>).
Explanation The verifier verifies the validity of some CLIs. If this occurs, many CLIs will not work.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CLI Messages
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170034:NOTE: populate_ds: unable to set default value via
verifier for <string>, rc = <num>; [description].
Explanation Cannot set the default value for some configuration items.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-CLI-7-170035:<various messages>.
Explanation This message indicates debug messages.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170036:rule_operation_ds_rule(): rule table is NULL, Cannot
read any rules.
Explanation The rules could not be read.
Recommended Action
Retry. Contact Cisco TAC if this error persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170037:rule_operation_ds_pattern(): Invalid rules pattern,
pattern structure corrupted.
Explanation There is an error in the rules pattern.
Recommended Action
Retry. Contact Cisco TAC if this error persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170038:rule_item_action_string(): Invalid rules action,
Action structure corrupted.
Explanation The rules action could not be determined.
Recommended Action
Retry. Contact Cisco TAC if this error persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170039:print_valid_patterns(): Invalid rules action, action
structure corrupted.
Explanation The rules action could not be determined.
Recommended Action
Retry. Contact Cisco TAC if this error persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170040:rule_action_string(): Invalid rules action, action
structure corrupted.
Explanation The rules action could not be determined.
Recommended Action
Retry. Contact Cisco TAC if this error persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CLI Messages
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170041:rule_pattern_string(): Invalid rules pattern, pattern
structure corrupted.
Explanation There is an error in the rules pattern.
Recommended Action
Retry. Contact Cisco TAC if this error persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170042:rule_item_pattern_string(): Invalid rules pattern,
pattern structure corrupted.
Explanation There is an error in the rules pattern.
Recommended Action
Retry. Contact Cisco TAC if this error persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170043:ver_webserver: SIGTERM received!
Explanation A termination signal was received by the process.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170044:ver_webserver: signal(SIGTERM, ...) failed.
Explanation The Process could not successfully issue a termination signal.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-CLI-5-170045:Auto registration is enabled on this interface. Either
disable auto registration, or enable auto registration on a different interface,
before proceeding with IP address/dhcp configuration.
Explanation Autoregistration is currently enabled on this interface, and it must be disabled before
the IP address and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) configuration can be made.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CLI-5-170046:Disabling auto registration... (num, num).
Explanation When carrying out IP address and DHCP configuration, because the SE is not already
registered with the Content Delivery System Manager (CDSM), the system disabled
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CLI-5-170049:Could not read proc interface for smbios.
Explanation The proc interface to smbios could not be read. The information provided by the CLI
might be incomplete.
Recommended Action Enter the command again. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CLI Messages
Error Message SE-CLI-5-170050:Cisco CDS starts booting.
Explanation This is an informational message to indicate system reboot in syslog.txt.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CLI-5-170051:create_etc_hosts.sh: <message>.
Explanation This is an informational message to indicate when a new IP address, hostname, or
domain name is configured.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170052:Failed to recreate etc_hosts <num, num>.
Explanation The system failed to recreate an important internal file.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CLI-5-170053:Recreated etc_hosts <num, num>.
Explanation Successfully recreated an important internal file.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170055:Copy running-config to startup-config failed!.
Explanation An error occurred when copying running-config to startup-config.
Recommended Action Execute the copy running-config command again. It is mostly a transient
problem. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170056:Show running couldn't access data server rc=<num>.
Explanation An error occurred when retrieving the running-configuration.
Recommended Action Execute the copy running-config command again. It is mostly a transient
problem. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170058:get_config: failed to (pickup | save) initial (disk |
CLI) configurations [description].
Explanation Encountered errors while applying the configurations specified at the bootup time.
Recommended Action All the configurations generated should be available on the disk. Compare this
configuration and the running configuration and reconfigure the CLIs that are missing in the running
configuration. Finally, save the configuration to the flash memory with the copy running-config
startup-config command.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CLI Messages
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170059:[application] could not open temp file (errmsg).
Explanation The specified application could not open a temporary file. The reason is included in
Recommended Action Retry the operation (CLI configuration). If the error suggests that a volume is
full, try to clean up the disk volume.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170060:Default Gateway CLI retry proc failed during route
config (%d,%d).
Explanation The background process that configures the default gateway experienced an error while
attempting to configure a route. Error codes are included in parentheses.
Recommended Action Unconfigure and reconfigure the ip default-gateway command.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170061:Netrcm callback could not be invoked due to fork
Explanation Internal processes interested in default gateway IP changes could not be notified.
Recommended Action Unconfigure and reconfigure the ip default-gateway command.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170062:CLI [identifier] will be retried in the background.
Explanation The command identified by the identifier was not configurable but was retried in the
background. This might occur if the command has a dependency that is not satisfied at the time of
configuration, but might be satisfied at a later time (that is, during network connectivity).
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170063:Fork Failed - [additional info].
Explanation An internal CLI process could not start another process and might be unable to complete
an operation. This operation can be identified by the additional information included in the syslog
message. This could be a result of system resource constraints.
Recommended Action Unconfigure and reconfigure the associated command. Some other process
might be using system resources, and it is recommended that you verify correct operation of that
process. It might be helpful to inspect the syslog.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170064:Ipchains modification failed: [message].
Explanation A change in a Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP) service or l4-switch
configuration could not be completed successfully because an internal packet redirection rule could
not be added or deleted. This message provides more specific information.
Recommended Action Unconfigure and reconfigure the WCCP or l4-switch service. If this problem
persists, try to disable and enable WCCP. If the error prints, reboot the device and reconfiguring the
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CLI Messages
Error Message SE-CLI-5-170065:Setting <pathname> to be <type> (dhcp=<number>).
Explanation This is an informational message. Interfaces are identified with types and recorded in
the internal database.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170066:CLI [cli] is deprecated [message].
Explanation The CLI entered is deprecated in this release. The CLI is accepted, but it is being
translated to the new format. The message provides more information specific to the CLI that is
Recommended Action Check the show running-config command to make sure the translation is the
same as what is mentioned in the message. If it is not, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170067:Could not open <filename> for reading/writing:
Explanation A system file that needs to be updated to modify an IP configuration could not be
Recommended Action Try the CLI again. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-4-170068:Warning! Old(<num>) != current(<num>) <filename>.
Explanation The value read from a system file did not correspond to the value stored in the device’s
data repository.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CLI-5-170070:Memory size (<num> bytes) is too big, expected <num>.
Explanation The system physical memory size is bigger than expected. This usually shows up on
unsupported pre-FCS systems. The user should never see this.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170071:Could not [allocate/deallocate] port [num] for the
[application] error [errorno].
Explanation The port failed to be allocated or deallocated for the particular application. The port
might already be in use.
Recommended Action Enter the command again. Contact Cisco TAC if this occurs frequently.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CLI Messages
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170072:Unknown application.
Explanation An unknown application was encountered.
Recommended Action Enter the command again. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem occurs
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170073:Unlock/lock operation for file [description].
Explanation Cannot lock or unlock the file.
Recommended Action Log out and log in again. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-2-170074:ver_port_channel_load: cannot open bond_mode file.
Explanation The configuration of the load balancing method for a port channel has failed.
Recommended Action Remove and reconfigure the port channel load balancing method and reboot. If
this message persists, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CLI-6-170075:config.c: Failed to set signal handler for SIGPIPE to
Explanation The initialization of the CLI configuration shell experienced difficulties with a standard
system call.
Recommended Action No action is required. This information might be useful for diagnosis in the
context of other problems encountered on the device.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170076:[cli component]: Failed to execute the command due to
accounting problem.
Explanation The AAA accounting of the command could not be performed; therefore, the command
was not allowed to be executed.
Recommended Action Verify that the accounting server is operating correctly and can be reached by
the device, and enter the command again. If this error persists, reboot the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CLI-5-170077:informational messages to find safestate failures.
Explanation These are informational messages printed when populate_ds comes up.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMGR Messages
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170078:ip route CLI retry proc failed during route config
Explanation The background process that configures the static route experienced an error while
attempting to configure a route. Error codes are included in parentheses.
Recommended Action Unconfigure and reconfigure the ip route command.
Error Message SE-CLI-3-170079:Encountered incorrect advanced bandwidth
configuration file: ss(%s).
Explanation While saving the advanced bandwidth configuration file to a safe state disk partition, an
incorrect configuration filename was found.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CLI-5-170080:This address (%s) is in the subnet that is assigned to
another interface.
Explanation This address is in the subnet that is assigned to another interface.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CLI-4-170501:Interface [name] is admin down.
Explanation When the Admin user shuts down an interface, an admin shutdown alarm is raised.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CLI-4-170502:Interface [name] is admin up.
Explanation When the Admin user brings up an interface, the admin shutdown alarm is cleared.
Recommended Action No action is required.
CMGR Messages
Error Message SE-CMGR-6-801070:<message>.
Explanation None.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-7-700000:<message>.
Explanation An event has occurred that might be interesting for debugging.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CMS-6-700001:<message>.
Explanation An event has occurred for which no further explanation has been provided.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CMS-7-700002:<exception-name> [: <exception-message>] :
Explanation An unhandled exception has been thrown.
Recommended Action If this message occurs periodically, ignore it. If this message appears
frequently, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-0-700003:<exception-name> [: <exception-message>]:
Explanation An error has caused the program to exit.
Recommended Action If this message occurs frequently or under specific circumstances, contact
Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-700004:<message>.
Explanation Uncaught exception if a stack trace is printed. Otherwise, unexpected conditions exist
but are solved by the system.
Recommended Action If it is an uncaught exception, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-5-700005: <message>.
Explanation Significant conditions about the current system status.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CMS-6-700006: <message>.
Explanation Information about current system status.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-7-700007: <message>.
Explanation An event has occurred that may be interesting for debugging.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-701001:Software image downgrade detected.
Explanation A software image downgrade has been detected by the CMS software. A database
downgrade is required to enable CMS services.
Recommended Action Execute the cms database downgrade command to perform a database
Error Message SE-CMS-4-701002:Error executing downgrade script.
Explanation An error occurred while attempting to execute a CMS downgrade script.
Recommended Action Verify that the specified script is a valid downgrade script. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-701003:Error setting permissions for emdb data and log files.
Explanation An error occurred while attempting to set permissions for the database data and log
Recommended Action Reload the SE. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-701004:Synchronization of device local CLI configuration with
device CDN configuration on CDSM has been disabled or enabled.
Explanation This is not an error. This message is a result of the cms lcm {enable | disable} EXEC
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-704001:register(): ClassNotFoundException raised [exception].
Explanation JVM cannot find some unicorn class during ConsumerAdapter.register.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-704002:No BoxConfig is found in store.
Explanation The database has not been initialized.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-704003:Timeout when setup a rpcConnection to UNS.
Explanation The UNS server is not up.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705001:Store has not been initialized yet.
Explanation Store has not been initialized yet.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705002:No CeConfig object for [id].
Explanation The CDSM does not recognize the node ID reported by the SE.
Recommended Action Re-register the offending SE. Execute the cms deregister force command, and
then the cms enable command.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705003:No CeStatus object for [ceConfig].
Explanation The CDSM does not have the status for one SE with ceConfig.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705004:No report is found from SE's getUpdate request
Explanation The getUpdate request from SE contains nothing.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705005:report is null in SE's getUpdate request message.
Explanation The report contained in the SE’s getUpdate request is null.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705006:Invalid report: Wrong Device ID = [node-id] or
nodeGenId = [node-gen-id].
Explanation The report contained in the SE’s getUpdate request is invalid.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705007:No CrConfig object for [id].
Explanation The CDSM does not recognize the node ID reported by the SR.
Recommended Action Re-register the offending SE. Execute the cms deregister force command and
then the cms enable command.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705008:No CrStatus object for [crConfig].
Explanation The CDSM does not have the status for one SR with crConfig.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705009:No report is found from SR’s getUpdate request
Explanation The getUpdate request from the SR contains nothing.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705010:report is null in SR’s getUpdate request message.
Explanation The report contained in the SR’s getUpdate request is null.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705011:Unable to preserve cli config while changing cdm role.
Explanation Unable to preserve CLI configuration while changing the CDM role.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705012:AControllerUtils.getCEStatus encounter Null register.
Explanation The register has not been initialized yet.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705013:Node [id] claims to have a gen ID [genid] which is
higher than CDSM’s [genId] [additional information].
Explanation The SE/SR/Standby CDSM claims to have some data that is unknown by the primary
Recommended Action On the offending node (id), execute the following commands in this order: cms
database delete, cms database create, and cms enable.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705014:Request from an unknown node [id].
Explanation The CDSM does not know the node.
Recommended Action Find the offending node, and execute the cms deregister force command on it.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705015:getConfigProperties(): wrong node object: [object].
Explanation The getConfigProperties() received the wrong parameter.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705016:No Upgrade currently in progress for node [id].
Explanation The CDSM does not have an on-going upgrade for the node.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705017:CeConfig has no clusterId: [ceConfig].
Explanation The CeConfig has no clusterId.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705018:No cluster exists in store with clusterId [id].
Explanation The CDSM database does not cluster the record with ID = id.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705019:getListUpdates: set size was changed strangely.
Explanation This is an internal error.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705020:Could not find SE named > [name].
Explanation The CDSM database does not have an SE with Name = name.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705021:Could not find the CeStatus associated with
Explanation The CDSM database does not have a CeStatus record corresponding to CeConfig.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705022:Could not find SR named > [name].
Explanation The CDSM database does not have an SR with Name = name.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705023:Could not find the CrStatus associated with
Explanation The CDSM database does not have a CrStatus record corresponding to CrConfig.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705024:Could not find CDSM named > [name].
Explanation The CDSM database does not have a CDSM with Name = name.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705025:Could not find the CdmStatus associated with
Explanation The CDSM database does not have a CdmStatus record corresponding to CdmConfig.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705026:ServantUI::whatPasswordsAreDefault received an
unexpected Class type.
Explanation ServantUI::whatPasswordsAreDefault received an unexpected Class type.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705027:Going to be careful and alerting the user that all
(system and this node) passwords are default.
Explanation Going to be careful and alerting the user that all (system and this node) passwords are
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705028:ConfigProperty [name] does not have a
ConfigPropertyDefinition associated with it. Skipping...
Explanation The ConfigProperty is not defined.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705029:Bandwidth obj. get failed. id [id].
Explanation The CDSM database does not have a bandwidth record with ID = id.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705030:Can find Config Property: [name].
Explanation The CDSM database does not have a ConfigProperty record with Name = id.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705031:Atempting to add ConfigProperty [name]with invalid
nodeType [nodeType] or sendToNode id [sendToNode].
Explanation Attempting to add ConfigProperty [name]with invalid nodeType [nodeType] or
sendToNode ID [sendToNode].
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705032:address [addr] has no hostname.
Explanation The IP address [addr] is not reverse-resolvable.
Recommended Action Make sure there is a hostname corresponding to this IP address.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705033:Unable to get hostname for [addr]: [exception].
Explanation The IP address [addr] is not reverse-resolvable.
Recommended Action Make sure there is a hostname corresponding to this IP address.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705034:CeConfig has no clusterId: [ceConfig].
Explanation The CeConfig has no clusterId.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705035:DbUpgrade Backup record status failed to be set
Explanation DbUpgrade Backup record status failed to be set properly.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705036:No current DbUpgrade record found continuing with
Explanation No current DbUpgrade record found continuing with restore.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705037:DbUpgrade Table doesn't exist, creating table now.
Explanation DbUpgrade table does not exist; creating table now.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705038:Error opening log file [exception].
Explanation Cannot open validation.log for store.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705039:Test user does not exist.
Explanation The user does not exist in the database.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705040:Embedded database maintenance failed.
Explanation The database fails at maintenance.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705041:No BoxConfig object exists in store
Explanation The database has not been initialized.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705042:Unable to get own CdmConfig object with id [id].
Explanation The database does not have a CdmConfig object for ID = id.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705043:Unable to find standby CDSM’s address.
Explanation The database does not have an IP address for the standby CDSM.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705044:No CdmConfig object for [id].
Explanation The CDSM does not recognize the node ID reported by the standby CDSM.
Recommended Action On the offending node (id), execute the following commands in this order: cms
database delete, cms database create, and cms enable.
Recommended Action Re-register the offending Standby CDSM, and execute the cms deregister
force and cms enable commands.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705045:No CdmStatus object for [cdmConfig].
Explanation The CDSM does not have the status for the standby CDSM.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705046:No report is found from CDSM’s getUpdate request
Explanation The getUpdate request from the standby CDSM contains nothing.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705047:report is null in CDSM’s getUpdate request message.
Explanation The report contained in the CDSM’s getUpdate request is null.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705048:No host parameter found in ProbeCdm request message.
Explanation Another CDSM’s probe message contains no parameter.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705049:CDSM assuming halted role: Multiple primary CDSMs
detected during probe from primary CDSM at [host].
Explanation Multiple primary CDSMs have been detected. Another CDSM’s probe message
contains no parameter.
Recommended Action Select the CDSM that should be the primary, do: cdm role primary.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705050:CDSM address points to itself, trying to use next
available backup cdm address.
Explanation The CDM IP on this CDSM is configured to point to itself.
Recommended Action Change the CDM IP to the correct configuration.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705051:cannot get a free distribution message!
Explanation No free distribution message is available.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705052:Unable to send probe request to CDSM [host]
Explanation This CDSM cannot connect to another CDSM [host].
Recommended Action Verify the network connection between these two CDSMs is good.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705060:Unknown Update status: [status] returning false.
Explanation The CDSM does not recognize this update status.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705061:Encountered a CmdUpdate not linked to either CeConfig
or CrConfig.
Explanation Encountered a CmdUpdate not linked to either CeConfig or CrConfig.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705062:Can't find object CeStatus. Invalid ID# [CeStatusId].
Explanation The CeStatus object with the given ID does not exist.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705063:Can't find object CrStatus. Invalid ID# [CrStatusId].
Explanation The CrStatus object with the given ID does not exist.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705064:Can't find object CdmStatus. Invalid ID#
Explanation The CdmStatus object with the given ID does not exist.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705065:Invalid nodeType [nodeType] in heartbeat message from
[hostname]: [message].
Explanation NodeType is not recognized by the CDSM.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705066:Invalid number of system messages.
Explanation There is an invalid number of system messages.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705067:Cannot connect with URL: [url].
Explanation Cannot connect with the URL.
Recommended Action Make sure the URL is valid and reachable.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705068:Coverage zone file [file] is not valid [error
Explanation The coverage zone file is not valid.
Recommended Action Specify the valid coverage zone file.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705069:Unhandled AAADomain.EntityType: [entity type].
Explanation Unhandled AAA Domain Entity Type.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705070:cannot store the CLI(SE/SR) update to CDSM db.
Explanation Cannot store the CLI update to the CDSM database.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705071:mgmtType is not valid for MgmtIncomingType enum.
Explanation The value in the schema is invalid.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705072:CDSM cannot determine [SE/SR] IP Address.
Explanation Notification failed because the CDSM cannot determine the SE IP address.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705073:An error occurred while opening the database update
log file [file] : [execption].
Explanation An error occurred while attempting to open the database upgrade or downgrade log for
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-705074:Version mismatch while processing update from the
primary CDSM.Updates discarded.
Explanation The standby CDSM and primary CDSM must run on the same software version.
Recommended Action
Install the same version of CDS software on the primary CDSM and standby
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706001:Sequence IDSET not found.
Explanation During the test for database existence, the IDSET object ID generator was not found.
Recommended Action This is only an error if the system fails to later create the database. In this case,
contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706002:Sequence GENSET not found.
Explanation During the test for database existence, the GENSET generation ID generator was not
Recommended Action This is only an error if the system fails to later create the database. In this case,
contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706003:Table not found.
Explanation During the test for database existence, the database table [table] was not found.
Recommended Action This is only an error if the system fails to later create the database. In this case,
contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706004:Sequence IDSET not found.
Explanation During the test for database validity, the IDSET object ID generator was not found.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706005:Sequence GENSET not found.
Explanation During the test for database validity, the GENSET generation ID generator was not
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706006:Table not found [table].
Explanation During the test for database validity, the database table [table] was not found.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706007:Error in ConsumerAdapter: cannot find class [class].
Explanation ConsumerAdapter getAllSince failed to find the class object [class].
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706008:Error in ConsumerAdapter: cannot find class [class].
Explanation ConsumerAdapter getAllClass failed to find the class object [class].
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706009:Relationship not found when loading [object].
Explanation An object relationship was missing during database load [object].
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706010:Relationship set to an invalid null[object].
Explanation An object relationship was found to have an unexpected empty value [object].
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706011:Parent Relationship not found when loading [object].
Explanation An object parent relationship was missing during database load [object].
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706012:Child Relationship not found when loading [object].
Explanation An object child relationship was missing during database load [object].
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706013:Parent ID reference mismatch [object].
Explanation During a parent reference removal, the parent object ID did not match [object].
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706014:Object reference child doesn't contain inverse
relationship for [object].
Explanation During a child reference removal, the parent object ID did not match [object].
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706015:Object reference not found in [object].
Explanation During a child reference removal, the child object ID was not found [object].
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706016:Object reference not found in [object].
Explanation During a child reference removal, the child object ID was not found [object].
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706017:Error while removing table [table].
Explanation An error occurred while removing a database table [object].
Recommended Action If the problem is anything other than that the table does not exist, contact Cisco
Error Message SE-CMS-4-706018:hasExistingStore() did not find table [table].
Explanation During the check for an existing database table, an exception occurred and the table was
not found.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-707001:Received an update not matching its Id from CDSM.
Explanation The node ID in the update message does not match the SE’s ID.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-707002:Cannot find the cluster this SE belongs to.
Explanation The SE database did not have the cluster object to which this SE belongs.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-707003:Null Replication Status Handler.
Explanation The replication status handler was not initialized or died.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-707004:Null FileSysHandler.
Explanation The module FileSysHandler was not initialized or died.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-707005:ClassNotFoundException.
Explanation Cannot find Class com.cisco.unicorn.schema.ClusterConfig.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-707006:Database does not have the BoxConfig object.
Explanation The database does not have the BoxConfig object.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-707007:Database does not have the CeConfig for this SE.
Explanation The CDSM has not sent a CeConfig object to this SE.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-707008:DiskQuota is null.
Explanation The value of disk quota does not exist.
Recommended Action Reconfigure disk quota from GUI. Contact Cisco TAC if the warning message
appears again.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-707009:Cannot retrieve legacy value.
Explanation The legacy value output from the legacy script is not a long value.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-707010:Cannot delete the file.
Explanation Cannot delete the file.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-707011:Unable to obtain UnsAdapter reference. [action]
Explanation The CMS module was unable to obtain a reference to the UnsAdapter module.
Recommended Action Wait 30 seconds, then retry the requested operation. Contact Cisco TAC if this
problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-707012:Error while invoking UNS RPC - message.
Explanation An error occurred while invoking a UNS RPC.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-709001:Cannot delete the file : [exception].
Explanation Cannot delete the file.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-709002:Cannot create or write a file [file] : [exception].
Explanation The file system disallowed creating or writing a file, possibly because no disk space is
Recommended Action Check the disk space to see if no space is left. Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-709003:ClassNotFoundException.
Explanation Cannot find class.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-709004:Cannot concatenate two files into a file.
Explanation Cannot concatenate two files into a file, possibly because no disk space is left.
Recommended Action Check the disk space to see if no space is left. Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-709005:Cannot rename a file.
Explanation Cannot rename a file, possibly because no disk space is left.
Recommended Action Check the disk space to see if no space is left. Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-709006:Cannot copy a file.
Explanation Cannot copy a file, possibly because no disk space is left.
Recommended Action Check the disk space to see if no space is left. Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-709007:Box name, IP and/or Keepalive port are undefined.
Explanation Box name, IP, or keepalive port are undefined.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-709008:NULL object.
Explanation An unexpected null object was detected.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-709009:Wrong FileInfo type.
Explanation The wrong FileInfo type was detected.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-711001:Received async eProbeCdm message,skipping.
Explanation Received incorrect envelope type in the message.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-711002:Received async eGetDeRegistration message, skipping.
Explanation Received incorrect envelope type in the message.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-711003:Received async ePutSoftwareUpgradeStatus message,
Explanation Received incorrect envelope type in the message.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-711004:Received async eGetRegistration message, skipping.
Explanation Received incorrect envelope type in the message.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-711005:CDSM received eGetNodeStatus message, skipping.
Explanation Received incorrect envelope type in the message.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-711006:Error in dispatching cdm request type [type].
Explanation Received incorrect envelope type in the message.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-711007:Received async eProbeCdm message, skipping.
Explanation Received incorrect envelope type in the message.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-711008:Error in dispatching cdm request type [type].
Explanation Received incorrect envelope type in the message.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-711009:SE received ePutNodeStatus message, skipping.
Explanation Received incorrect envelope type in the message.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-711010:SR received ePutNodeStatus message, skipping.
Explanation Received incorrect envelope type in the message.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-711011:RMI interface was not bound.
Explanation RMI not bound error. RMI is used internally only. The user will never see this error.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-711012:ConnectException while talking to other node.
Explanation Cannot connect to another node using RMI. RMI is used internally only. The user will
never see this error.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-711013:ConnectIOException while talking to node.
Explanation An IO error while talking to another node using RMI. RMI is used internally only. The
user will never see this error.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-712001:Cannot retrieve a reference to the Store.
Explanation Cannot connect to the database.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-712002:[detail of the exception].
Explanation An exception has occurred.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-712003:Invalid input: [Message].
Explanation Unexpected behavior has occurred.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-712004:RPC to [A&D/acquirer/meta-replicator] failed.
Explanation Cannot communicate with acquisition and distribution services. This might happen if
the services are down.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if A&D services should be running and this message
Error Message SE-CMS-4-712005:Cannot retrieve a reference to DataFeedAgent.
Explanation Cannot connect to an internal module.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-712006:[detailed message].
Explanation Issues with messaging, such as unexpected message type or content.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-712007:Replication Status Error. [exception]
Explanation An error occurred in getting replication status.
Recommended Action Restart A&D by executing the acquisition-distribution stop command and
then the acquisition-distribution start command. If the error persists, reload the problem device.
Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713001:Unable to unlink file.
Explanation The PCM module creates log files of changes for recovery purposes. When the current
running configuration is written to startup configuration, these log files are cleared.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713002:Failed to save cli config.
Explanation Periodically, management service preserves CLI configuration.
Recommended Action Check whether there are other errors related to this problem. Contact Cisco
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713003:command failed. [exception]
Explanation The command received from CDSM failed for some reason. This might be caused by
passing invalid hostnames or IP addresses.
Recommended Action Check for output related to this command in the cms_* log file. Contact Cisco
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713004:transaction log is empty in onRollbackUpdate.
Explanation In some cases, management service cannot complete a transaction, which results in this
Recommended Action Look for error messages during the same period of time. Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713005:FAILED to clear cli config.
Explanation When management service receives a full update from CDSM, it clears existing CLI
settings before applying the new configuration. This operation might fail.
Recommended Action Look for error messages during the same period of time. Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713006:Invalid [detail].
Explanation Management service received from a CDSM object that cannot be processed.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713007:The active field of Bandwidth is null. [bw object]
Explanation Invalid bandwidth settings are received from the CDSM.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713008:CfgFtpMaxttl read from data server has changed
Explanation Incompatibility of data format and code.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713009:CfgHttpMaxttl read from data server has changed
Explanation Incompatibility of data format and code.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713010:Object is null.
Explanation Some PCM hook executes a CLI that is related to a null object.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713011:PcmHandler is null.
Explanation The PCM handler is null when CMS is executing a CLI.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713012:CLI string is null or blank.
Explanation Some PCM hook executes a null or blank CLI.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713013:show running-config exits with errors. [exception]
Explanation The show running-config command gives an error.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713014:[list name] is null.
Explanation A schema object has a null list.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713015:can not understand CLI: [exception].
Explanation LCM cannot understand a command.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713016:Error accessing PCM state file: [file name].
Explanation An error occurred while accessing a PCM state file.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713017:CLI Error. [exception]
Explanation An error occurred when executing the local command.
Recommended Action Make sure the CLI values are valid and retry. If the error persists, reload on the
problem device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-713018:Sprayer Bandwidth Hook Error.
Explanation An error occurred when setting the sprayer bandwidth.
Recommended Action Make sure the bandwidth settings are valid and retry. Contact Cisco TAC if this
problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715001:Error setting CDNFS from SE CLI. [exception details].
Explanation From SE CLI, the CDNFS is set to less than the quota needed for all the assigned
delivery services.
Recommended Action Correct the CDNFS settings, delete some delivery services, or unassign the
affected SE from some delivery services.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715002:No definition for property [property name].
Explanation No definition for the configuration property.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715003:No action for property [property name].
Explanation No action for the configuration property.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715004:Type of a store does not support SqlConnection.
Therefore not creating DataBase VIEWs!
Explanation Type of a store does not support SqlConnection; therefore, it is not creating DataBase
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715005:[details of the SQL exception].
Explanation An SQL exception has occurred.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715006:IP ranges overlapped.
Explanation Multiple multicast clouds are assigned with overlapping IP address ranges.
Recommended Action If this is an input error, correct the IP address so no overlapping exists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715007:Drop user [user name] failed. [details of the
Explanation Cannot drop a database user.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715008:Failed Drop table of [table name]. [details of the
Explanation Cannot drop a database table.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715009:Store restore failed.
Explanation Cannot restore the database.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715010:Store backup failed. [details of the exception].
Explanation Cannot backup the database.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715011:Error while removing failed store backup. [details of
the exception].
Explanation An error occurred while removing a failed store backup.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715012:Could not create temp table for [table name].
Explanation Cannot create the temp database table.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715013:Could not create replacement table [table name].
Explanation Cannot create the replacement database table.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715014:Could not re-insert data into table [table name].
Explanation Cannot re-insert data into the database table.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715015:Could not drop temp table for [table name].
Explanation Cannot drop temp database table.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715016:Sql Exec ... [sql].
Explanation An error occurred while executing the above SQL.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715017:Upgrade failed to set not null on field.
Explanation Cannot set null on a field.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715018:Failed to create SYS_MESSAGE_LOG index.
Explanation Cannot create an index for the system message log.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715019:PSqlStore VACUUM failed.
Explanation Cannot vacuum the database.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715020:[details of the error].
Explanation An error occurred while assigning an SE to a delivery service.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715021:ClusterConfig RdToClusterMap HashMap was not found for
[Cluster Config ID].
Explanation Missing mapping for the above cluster.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715022:Delivery Service RdToClusterMap HashMap was not found
for [Delivery Service ID].
Explanation Missing mapping for the above delivery service.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715023:Unable to create ExpiresRecord for RdToClusterMap:
[details of the exception].
Explanation Unable to create an expires record for the SE assignment to delivery services.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715024:Expires record missing from store.[Delivery Service
ID] and [Cluster Config ID].
Explanation An expires record is missing from store.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715025:Could not load the node.dat file.
Explanation The node.dat file is either missing or invalid.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715026:SchemaSetup: No CdmConfig objects found while trying
to set CdmConfig Id: [node ID] active.
Explanation Cannot find the CDSM using the node ID.
Recommended Action Make sure the CDSM is registered. If this problem persists after successful
registration, contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715027:SchemaSetup: Unable to find CdmConfig object for this
CDM; id: [node ID].
Explanation Cannot find the CDSM using the node ID.
Recommended Action Make sure the CDSM is registered. If this problem persists after successful
registration, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715028:Could not load or update the system configuration
Explanation An error occurred loading the system configuration file.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715029:Database doesn't exist [database file name].
Explanation Cannot locate the database.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715030:Address [address] is allocated multiple times,
deallocating from SE [SE ID].
Explanation Deallocating SE because of multiple IP addresses.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715031:Address [address] of SE [SE ID] is not in the internal
subnet [subnet], deallocating.
Explanation Deallocating SE because of an invalid subnet.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715032:This primary IP [primary IP] is not unique across the
Explanation The primary IP set by the CLI is not unique across the system.
Recommended Action Correct the primary IP so that it is unique.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715033:Error validating [variable] configuration properties:
Explanation An error occurred while attempting to validate configuration properties.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715034:Error closing SQL statement for [name] configuration
property [validation or upgrade]: [exception].
Explanation An error occurred while attempting to close a database connection after validating
configuration properties.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715035:Error deleting FactoryInfo for [class].
Explanation An error occurred while attempting to remove a FactoryInfo record while creating a new
table during the database update process. FactoryInfo records are used for internal data tracking.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-715036:Invalid use-proxy-failover configuration; ignore.
Explanation The upgrade script encountered an invalid Service Rule configuration for
use-proxy-failover. Therefore, only the action type was updated from use-proxy-failover to
Recommended Action Manually fix the Service Rule configuration; check the syntax in the
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716001:[detail of the exception].
Explanation An exception has occurred.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716002:UpdateMonitor's consumer cannot be null on
Explanation The UpdateMonitor’s consumer cannot be null on registration.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716003:UpdateMonitor's consumer cannot be null on
Explanation The UpdateMonitor’s consumer cannot be null on deregistration.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716004:Store has more than one BoxConfig objects.
Explanation Store has more than one BoxConfig objects.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716005:BoxConfig is null.
Explanation BoxConfig contains no information.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716006:CeUpdateMonitor:processPostCommit(): genId is null.
Explanation CeUpdateMonitor:processPostCommit(): genIdreturns no information.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716007:Update Status can not be read. File will be removed.
Explanation There are invalid values inside the gStatus File.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716008:Unable to remove update status file: [updateFile].
Explanation Unable to remove the update distribution file.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716009:Unable to connect to Host [host]:[port] [exception].
Explanation Unable to connect to the host.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716010:Unable to generate certificate hash.
Explanation Unable to generate the certificate hash.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716011:Certificate hash not found: [certificateHash].
Explanation The certificate hash was not found.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716012:Update did not die when told to.
Explanation Unable to terminate the update when the command was given.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716013:Failed to retrieve Update after [retryTimes] times.
Cannot update [status].
Explanation Failed to retrieve update after a number of times. Cannot update status.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716014:Error retrieving Update File. Upgrade Failed.
Explanation An error occurred retrieving the update file. The upgrade failed.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716015:Software Upgrade/downgrade status: [status] due to
version mismatch on reload, expected [version].
Explanation A software upgrade or downgrade failed because of a version mismatch after device
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716016:Software Upgrade/downgrade status: [status].
Explanation Software upgrade or downgrade status.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716017:Error creating CDSM IP file: [gCdmIpFilePath].
Explanation An error occurred while creating the CDSM IP file.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716018:Aborting s/w downgrade.
Explanation Aborting software downgrade.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716019:Software Upgrade/Downgrade: Initiated Command + [cmd].
Explanation Software upgrade or downgrade: initiated the command.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716020:Command [cmd] FAILED.
Explanation The command failed.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716021:Software Upgrade/Downgrade: [action].
Explanation Software upgrade or downgrade: initiated reload force command.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716051:Cannot get host address of primary controller from
Explanation The node.dat file does not include the IP address of the primary CDM.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716052:Cannot save the inactive CDSM IP address to node.dat.
Explanation Cannot save node.dat file after it is modified, possibly because the disk space is full.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716053:Error opening file NodeState.xml.
Explanation Cannot open the file NodeState.xml to write, possibly because the disk space is full.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716054:The number of consecutive store failure excesses
system limits [number].
Explanation The database keeps failures for 10 times.
Recommended Action The system restarts after this failure. If this problem persists after restarting,
hard reboot the device.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716055:Alert:Current primary CDSM activation time stamp is
older than this node's CDSM time stamp.
Explanation This device’s clock is not synchronized with the CDM’s clock.
Recommended Action Synchronize this node’s clock with the CDM’s clock.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716056:Cannot decode the response from CDM.
Explanation Cannot decode the message from the CDM.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716057:Cannot get updates from the [backupAddress]
Explanation Cannot get the update from the backup controller.
Recommended Action Make sure the backup CDSM is on and connected.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716058:RPC Exception prevents this machine from getting
update from CDSM [address] : [exception]
Explanation Cannot get the update from the controller due to an RPC Exception.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716059:Module thread failed.
Explanation A Java thread failed due to an unknown reason.
Recommended Action No action is required. The system restarts.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716060:Failed to redirect stdout and stderr, using default.
Explanation Failed to redirect stdout and stderr.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716061:Config property with name: [name] does not exist!.
Explanation An unknown configure property is passed from the CDM.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716062:the group property does not have parent.
Explanation The group property does not have a parent.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716063:property is a parent, but does not hold a boolean
Explanation The parent property does not have a boolean value.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716064:MAC address is null.
Explanation The device has a null MAC address.
Recommended Action Check the device’s network configuration to see if the MAC address is set up.
If so, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716065:Unable to get dns name for primary interface ip [ip].
Explanation The DNS name for the primary interface IP cannot be resolved.
Recommended Action Check the DNS server to make sure that there is an entry for the primary IP
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716066:Error: Unable to download file from [url]:
Explanation This error could be because (1) the FTP server is not a valid server, (2) the username or
password is not valid, or (3) the file does not exist.
Recommended Action Verify the FTP server, username, and password are correct, and make sure the
file exists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716067:rpc call [name] to ADCertMgr server failed after
[number] times.
Explanation The ADCertMgr might die or the RPC has problems connecting to it.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716068:Failed to read certificate from the file.
Explanation The file does include the valid certificate.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716069:Software Update Error. [exception]
Explanation An error occurred when upgrading or downgrading the software.
Recommended Action Make sure the upgrade parameters are valid and there is no network problem.
Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716070:DataFeed Error.
Explanation An error occurred while processing a configuration update from the CDM.
Recommended Action Make sure there is no network problem. This error should correct itself. If not,
reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716071:Restart Error.
Explanation There is an error that requires a restart to be corrected.
Recommended Action If the device does not restart itself, reload the device.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-716072:Clock mismatches between the primary CDSM and this
device [detail].
Explanation The clock on the primary CDSM and this device must be synchronized with each other.
Recommended Action Fix the clock on either the primary CDSM or this device.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-718001:Unable to connect to data server.
Explanation The process cannot connect to the data server.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-718002:Failed to get statistics.
Explanation Failed to get content services statistics from the data server.
Recommended Action Make sure the required content service is enabled. If the service is enabled and
the corresponding show statistics command works, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-718003:Invalid configuration value(<configuration parameter
Explanation The management service was given an incorrect configuration parameter.
Recommended Action Re-enable the management service. If this does not help, reload the node.
Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-718004:Data Server access error.
Explanation The management service could not get or set information in the data server.
Recommended Action Re-enable the management service. If this does not help, reload the node.
Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-718005:Unable to find syslog fifo.
Explanation The management service could not open a named pipe to syslog.
Recommended Action
Reload the node. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-718006:I/O error while accessing syslog fifo file.
Explanation The management service could not read from the syslog fifo file.
Recommended Action
Restart the management service. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-718007:SE [se_id] clock is wrong or mismatch with CDM.
Explanation The SE clock is wrong or there is a mismatch with the CDM.
Recommended Action
Correct the SE or CDSM clock.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719001:Store Hook Rollback has caused an exception.
Explanation During a CMS store rollback, a store extension caused an error.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719002:AConnection.rollback() Rollback in progress.
Explanation While processing a transaction, an error or constraint caused the transaction to be rolled
Recommended Action This is not an error.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719003:AConnection processClose() caused the follow
Explanation While closing the store connection, an exception was generated. See the following
exception stack trace in the log.
Recommended Action This is not an error.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719004:AConnection.transactionThread not set.
Explanation This represents the misuse of a store connection by some processing thread.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719005:AConnection.transactionThread not set.
Explanation This represents the misuse of a store connection by some processing thread.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719006:AConnection.transactionThread not set.
Explanation This represents the misuse of a store connection by some processing thread.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719007:The number of references were less than the expected.
Explanation During object validation, the number of specified references was less than expected.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719008:The following number of references were found to be
invalid. [reference]
Explanation During object validation, the given number of references was found to be invalid.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719009:The following number of references were found to be
invalid. [reference]
Explanation During object validation, the given number of references was found to be invalid.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719010:SQL error executing command[command].
Explanation An error occurred while executing an SQL command.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719011:Force insert delete failed, [exception].
Explanation During an object store forced insertion command, the object deletion failed.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719012:Exception closing reallocated connection [exception].
Explanation While reconnecting to the database, the old connection produced an exception when
Recommended Action This is a warning and should be fine if the database is able to reconnect.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719013:Failed to connect using connect string[connection].
Explanation An exception occurred while connecting to the database.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719014:Trim DELETE_SINCE log failed [sql] [exception].
Explanation An exception occurred while trimming the number of records maintained in the deleted
record log.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719015:Factory not found for[class].
Explanation While reporting statistics, a schema class factory was not found.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719016:Error opening log file[filename].
Explanation While reporting statistics, the XML log file could not be opened.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719017:Error opening log file[filename]
Explanation While reporting statistics, the XML log file could not be opened.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719018:Object was found to be modified at the end of
transaction, [objectId]
Explanation At the end of processing a transaction, an object was found to still be modified.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719019:AStore.testModified() found modified object.
Explanation At the end of processing a transaction, an object was found to still be modified.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719020:SqlConnection.commit() found object in modified state.
Explanation At the end of processing a transaction, an object was found to still be modified.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719021:SqlConnection.rollback() Rollback in progress...
Explanation While processing a transaction, an error or constraint caused the transaction to be rolled
Recommended Action This is not error.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719022:Sql Rollback failed.
Explanation An error occurred while processing a rollback.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719023:Exception closing connection [exception].
Explanation An exception occurred while closing a connection.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719024:Connection reallocation failed.
Explanation An exception occurred while reallocating a connection.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719025:SqlConnection.generateObjId Failed [sqlcommand].
Explanation The SQL command failed while generating a new unique object ID.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719026:SqlConnection.generateNum Failed [sqlcommand].
Explanation The SQL command failed while generating a new unique object ID.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719027:SQL error in[sqlcommand].
Explanation An error occurred while performing an SQL query.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719028:Error writing log:[exception].
Explanation An error occurred while attempting to write to the database upgrade or downgrade log
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719029:DbColumnDef.getSqlColTypeDef() - Undefined sqlType:
Explanation An error occurred while attempting to calculate the type of a database column in an
internal data structure.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719030:The specified downgrade script does not support the
installed database version.
Explanation A downgrade script was invoked that does not support the currently installed database
Recommended Action Download and execute a downgrade script that supports the previously
installed software version.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719031:Downgrade failed.
Explanation An error occurred while processing a downgrade script. The system log contains
additional information.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719032:Constraint Error.
Explanation An error occurred while processing invalid input values.
Recommended Action Make sure the input values are valid and retry.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719033:Store Error.
Explanation An error occurred while executing a transaction with the local data store.
Recommended Action If this problem persists, do a reload on the problem device. If it is not corrected,
contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-719034:DeletedSince Id Class type not found [className].
Explanation An error occurred while initializing the log of deleted objects.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-720001:retrieveMediaFilesInChannel: null channel; using id =
Explanation The delivery service assigned to the playlist does not exist anymore.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-720002:retrieveMediaFilesInChannel: null root SE; using chid
= [chId].
Explanation The delivery service assigned to the playlist does not have a Root SE.
Recommended Action Assign a Root SE to the playlist and retry.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-720003:retrieveMediaFilesInChannel: null criteria.
Explanation The delivery service assigned to the playlist does not have a criteria.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-720004:No RoutingConfigs in CDM.
Explanation No RoutingConfig objects exist in the CDSM database.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-720005:Not able to get the IP Address for node [nodeId].
Explanation Unable to get the IP Address for a device or node.
Recommended Action Correct the IP Address.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-720006:[detail of the error].
Explanation An error has occurred.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-720007:[detail of the exception].
Explanation An exception has occurred.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-720008:Invalid parent config property record. UserSelectedId
[id] should be the same as sendToNodeId [id].
Explanation An invalid parent configuration property record was initiated. The userSelectedId
should match the sendToNodeId.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-721001:[error message].
Explanation An illegal argument exception has occurred.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-721002:RMI connection failure:Rebinding.
Explanation Cannot bound to RMI and is retrying.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-721003:[path] is not specified in bypass set or
Explanation Cannot find mapping to service right map.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-721004:Error during system initialization on attempt [n] of
Explanation An error occurred during system initialization.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-721005: [error message]
Explanation An internal thread locking check failed, but the system was able to recover by releasing
the lock.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-722001:Error creating the parser.
Explanation Unable to create the parser when executing an API.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-722002:bean lost from session, recreating. This should happen
only if the session was lost somehow, or user opened multiple browsers using the
same session.
Explanation This error should happen only if the session data was somehow lost, or you opened
multiple browsers using the same session.
Recommended Action Close all browser windows accessing the CDSM GUI, open a new browser
window, and keep only one browser window open with the CDSM GUI.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-722003:[detail of exception].
Explanation An exception has occurred.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-722004:[detail of error].
Explanation An error has occurred.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-722005:Cannot receive writer.
Explanation Cannot receive writer when executing the API.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-722006:API servlet sendError() received null response.
Explanation An error occured while running the API.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-722007:Caught exception when APIs send an error [exception].
Explanation An error occured while running the API.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-722008:[pageName] caught [exception].
Explanation An error has occurred.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-722009:RMI error communicating with CDM: Rebinding.
Explanation The GUI cannot connect to the CDM.
Recommended Action Make sure the CMS process is running before accessing GUI.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-722010:System command timeout error.
Explanation Received a timeout when executing a system command.
Recommended Action Make sure there is no network problem and retry the command. If this problem
persists, reload on the problem device. If it is not corrected, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-723001:[detail of the exception].
Explanation An exception has occurred.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-723002:Illegal NumberFormatException found for property [key]
= [value], defaulting to [default].
Explanation The input is not a valid number.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-723003:Invalid value for boolean property [key] = [value].
Explanation The input is not a valid boolean.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-723004:IP_SOURCE_ADDR does not resolve to an IP address.
Explanation An invalid IP address is used.
Recommended Action Correct the IP address.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
CMS Messages
Error Message SE-CMS-4-723005:Missing environment variable CISCO_HOME.
Explanation An environment variable is not set up correctly.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-723006:Missing environment variable NODE_TYPE.
Explanation An environment variable is not set up correctly.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-723007:[command] passed timeout of [# of seconds], killing.
Explanation Cannot execute the command within the allotted timeout period.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-723008:Exited badly [command] [exit value].
Explanation The command is not executed correctly.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-723009:Unable to read seed from [random File] more than [# of
bytes] bytes.
Explanation Received an error getting a seed for random numbers.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-723010:[details of the SAX exception].
Explanation An SAX exception occurred.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-723011:Monitoring API Error.
Explanation An error occurred when providing monitoring statistics.
Recommended Action Make sure the parameters to get monitoring statistics are correct and retry. If
this problem persists, reload the problem device.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
Error Message SE-CMS-4-723012:Releasing [read or write] lock for thread [thread].
Explanation An internal thread locking check failed, but the system was able to recover by releasing
the lock.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if you observe anomalous system behavior.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-725001:Showing running config returns an error.
Explanation The showing running config command returns an error when doing LCM.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-CMS-4-725002:LCM Error.
Explanation An error occurred while processing local configuration changes on the device.
Recommended Action Make sure the settings are valid and retry. If this problem persists, reload the
problem device. If the problem is not corrected, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-COMMONEDM-4-185000:[register_verifier/unregister_verifier]: ver
[reg/unreg] err (ret = [error number]).
Explanation The common Extended Data Manager (EDM) could not register its verifier with the data
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-COMMONEDM-4-185001:[register_notifier/unregister_notifier]:
[reg/unreg] err (ret = [error number]).
Explanation The common EDM could not register its notifier with the data server.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-COMMONEDM-4-185002:get verification info err (ret=[error number]).
Explanation The common EDM could not get information from the data server in the verifier.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-COMMONEDM-4-185003:get notification info err (ret=[error number]).
Explanation The common EDM could not get information from the data server in the notifier.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
DHCP Messages
Error Message SE-COMMONEDM-4-185004:could not create /tmp/syslogd_cw2kmode (ret =
[errorcode], [description]).
Explanation The common EDM could not create the specified flag file. The CiscoWorks 2000 mode
of syslogd remains unchanged.
Recommended Action Try to enable and disable CiscoWorks 2000 mode again. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-COMMONEDM-4-185006:could not open /tmp/syslogd_cw2k_timezone for
writing (ret=[errorcode], [description]).
Explanation The common EDM could not open the time zone information file. The time zone
information used by syslogd remains unchanged.
Recommended Action Try to change the time zone information again. Contact Cisco TAC if this
problem persists.
Error Message SE-COMMONEDM-4-185007:could not write to /tmp/syslogd_cw2k_timezone.
Explanation The common EDM could not write to the time zone information file. The time zone
information used by syslogd remains unchanged.
Recommended Action Try to change the time zone information again. Contact Cisco TAC if this
problem persists.
DHCP Messages
Error Message SE-DHCP-5-191010:Default dhcp interface is already configured.
Skipping dhcp configuration.
Explanation The system found that the interface on which DHCP should be enabled by default has
already been configured, and skipped enabling DHCP.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-DHCP-3-191011:Failed to get default dhcp interface.
Explanation The system by default enables DHCP on the first interface and the software failed to get
the first interface on the system.
Recommended Action Reboot the system. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DHCP-5-191012:DHCP enabled on the default interface.
Explanation The system successfully enabled DHCP on the first interface of the system.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
DISK Messages
Error Message SE-DHCP-3-191013:Failed to enable DHCP on the default interface
Explanation The system failed while trying to enable DHCP on the first interface.
Recommended Action Check if the cable is connected and a DHCP server is available on the network.
Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
DISK Messages
Error Message SE-DISK-1-200001:disk_check_io(): fork failed (<error>).
Explanation Fork failed. The system is unstable.
Recommended Action Reload. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200002:disk_check_io(<device>): open (<error>).
Explanation Possible bad disk.
Recommended Action Execute the show disks details command to determine which disk is bad, and
replace the bad disk.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200003:disk_check_io(<device>): lseek (<error>).
Explanation Possible bad disk.
Recommended Action Execute the show disks details command to determine which disk is bad, and
replace the bad disk.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200004:disk_check_io(<device>): read (<error>).
Explanation Possible bad disk.
Recommended Action Execute the show disks details command to determine which disk is bad and
replace the bad disk.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200005:disk_check_io(<device>): bad disk.
Explanation Possible bad disk.
Recommended Action Execute the show disks details command to determine which disk is bad and
replace the bad disk.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
DISK Messages
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200006:disk_check_io(<device>): waitpid (<error>).
Explanation Possible bad disk. The disk operation hangs.
Recommended Action Execute the show disks details command to determine which disk is bad and
replace the bad disk.
Error Message SE-DISK-6-200007:[Debug message].
Explanation This is a debug message.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200008:<diskname> is bad. Check cable or replace it.
Explanation Possible bad disk.
Recommended Action Replace the bad disk and re-install the software if the bad disk is disk00.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200009:read signature: open device failed: <device> <error>.
Explanation Possible bad disk.
Recommended Action Execute the show disks details command to determine which disk is bad and
replace the bad disk. Re-install the software if the bad disk is disk00.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200010:read signature: seek device failed: <device> <error>.
Explanation Possible bad disk.
Recommended Action Execute the show disks details command to determine which disk is bad and
replace the bad disk. Re-install the software if the bad disk is disk00.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200011:read signature: read device failed: <device> <error>.
Explanation Possible bad disk.
Recommended Action Execute the show disks details command to determine which disk is bad and
replace the bad disk. Re-install the software if the bad disk is disk00.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200012:write signature: open device failed: <device>
Explanation Possible bad disk.
Recommended Action Execute the show disks details command to determine which disk is bad and
replace the bad disk. Re-install the software if the bad disk is disk00.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
DISK Messages
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200013:write signature: seek device failed: <device>
Explanation Possible bad disk.
Recommended Action Execute the show disks details command to determine which disk is bad and
replace the bad disk. Re-install the software if the bad disk is disk00.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200014:write signature: write device failed: <device>
Explanation Possible bad disk.
Recommended Action Execute the show disks details command to determine which disk is bad and
replace the bad disk. Re-install the software if the bad disk is disk00.
Error Message SE-DISK-0-200015:First disk %s has problems. You need to check cable
or replace it, then run “disk recover” command from CLI and re-install software.
Explanation Possible bad disk00.
Recommended Action Replace disk00. Execute the disk recover command and re-install the software.
Error Message SE-DISK-4-200016:diskman: allocation data corrupted <magic> <version>
< magic2>.
Explanation Allocation data created by the disk configure command is corrupted.
Recommended Action Execute the disk configure command again. Contact Cisco TAC if this
problem persists.
Error Message SE-DISK-3-200017:diskman: physical disk setup appears to have changed
effecting 'disk config' changes.
Explanation Allocation data created by the disk configure command is not used because the disk
setup has changed.
Recommended Action Execute the disk configure command again.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200018:cannot create log directory <dir>: <error>.
Explanation Cannot create the necessary directory.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200019:cannot create log export directory <dir>: <error>.
Explanation Cannot create the necessary directory.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
DISK Messages
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200020:cannot symlink from <dir> to <dir>: <error>.
Explanation Cannot symlink from one directory to another.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200021:cannot create crash directory <dir>: <error>.
Explanation Cannot create the necessary directory.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DISK-0-200024:First disk not in standard configuration. Run 'disk
recover' command and re-install software.
Explanation The first disk does not have the correct partition configuration.
Recommended Action Execute the disk recover command and re-install the software.
Error Message SE-DISK-4-200025:diskXX is too small <size>MB (<size>MB is needed).
Explanation The specified disk is smaller than 2 GB. This is usually because the fiber channel
configuration is not set correctly.
Recommended Action Replace with a Cisco disk if it is a direct attached disk and not a Cisco disk.
Reconfigure the fiber channel with a size greater than 2 GB if it is an FC disk.
Error Message SE-DISK-5-200026: ' Disk configure' command has been
Explanation The disk configuration command has been issued or canceled. This message is
informational only.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-DISK-0-200029:[diskXX] is having serious problems. Reloading ...
Explanation DiskXX containing the SYSFS is having problems and the system automatically
Recommended Action Replace the drive then execute the disk policy apply commands. The software
may also need to be reinstalled.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200030:[diskXX] is having serious problems. Won't use it
after reboot.
Explanation DiskXX is having problems. The disk is marked as bad and will not be used after reboot.
Recommended Action Replace the drive and then execute the disk policy apply commands.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
DISK Messages
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200031:There appear to be no SYSFS file system(s) present on
this system. Software requires SYSFS for transaction logging and certain other
features, and also for logging of internal status information. use “disk
configure” or, if applicable, use the CDSM GUI to configure SYSFS disk space for
this system.
Explanation See the error message.
Recommended Action Execute the disk configure command.
Error Message SE-DISK-0-200032:First disk <name> is marked as bad.
Explanation The first disk drive (usually disk00) has been marked as bad and is not used by the
software. The device loses most of its functionality without the first disk drive.
Recommended Action Execute the disk mark command to bring disk drive online if there is no
hardware error. See error message 200015 if there is a hardware problem.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200033:<text>.
Explanation Something unexpected happened.
Recommended Action No action is required. If the system is behaving improperly, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DISK-3-200034:<text>.
Explanation An unexpected memory allocation error occurred.
Recommended Action If the system behavior is not as expected or is deficient, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200037:fopen (<file_name>): <error>.
Explanation The system failed to open one of the critical files that maintains disk quota information
for some applications.
Recommended Action Reload the system. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DISK-3-200038:assign_fs_space(): internal error, static_mediafs is
set, should not be called.
Explanation A part of the code that should get called only when MEDIAFS is configured to use
unused CDNFS space got invoked even in the case where space for MEDIAFS is allocated statically.
Recommended Action Reload the system. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
DISK Messages
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200039:fopen (/etc/fsinfo.new): <error>,
rename(/etc/fsinfo.new, /etc/fsinfo): <error>, cannot create /etc/fsinfo.new:
Explanation The system failed to open one of the critical files that maintains file system space
allocation information.
Recommended Action Reload the system. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200040:handle_unuse_file system: fork(): <error>.
Explanation The system failed to fork a process that stops applications from using a specified file
Recommended Action Reload the system. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200041:file system_server: fs_svr_init() failed.
Explanation A critical system program failed to initialize.
Recommended Action Reload the system. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DISK-2-200042:statfs('<path>'): <error>.
Explanation The system failed to retrieve the size of the specified file.
Recommended Action Reload the system. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DISK-3-200043:ver_channel_quota.c:verify: v->new_len = <num>,
expected <num>.
Explanation An internal variable size check failed.
Recommended Action Reload the system. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DISK-3-200044:ver_channel_quota.c:verify: fsc setquotasum <num>
returned <num>.
Explanation The system failed to adjust the file system allocation based on the channel quota or
subscription change.
Recommended Action Reload the system. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
DISK Messages
Error Message SE-DISK-0-200045:Preparing/entering reboot runlevel for CDNFS
Explanation The disk recover-cdnfs-volumes command is preparing/entering a temporary reboot
run level in order to recover CDNFS volumes.
Recommended Action No action normally required. If the system does not automatically reboot,
contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DISK-0-200046:Updating inittab
Explanation The disk recover-cdnfs-volumes command is updating the system init tab file to
recover CDNFS volumes.
Recommended Action No action is required. If the system does not automatically reboot, contact
Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DISK-0-200047:Stopping all services (this may take several minutes)
Explanation The disk recover-cdnfs-volumes command is stopping all system services prior to
recovering CDNFS volumes.
Recommended Action No action is required. If the system does not automatically reboot, contact
Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DISK-0-200048:Failed to recover CDNFS volumes: [<detailed error
Explanation The disk recover-cdnfs-volumes command failed to recover one or more CDNFS
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DISK-4-200049:[Disk repair notification messages].
Explanation This is a status/notification message from the disk repair command. If the disk repair
process fails to consistently repair bad sectors, the drive may have to be returned.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
DIST Messages
DIST Messages
Error Message SE-DIST-2-210000:metadata sender failed in database operations:
[failure description].
Explanation A critical database error occurred in metadata sender operations.
Recommended Action Typically, the metadata sender service restarts automatically. If this error
persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-210001:metadata sender failed in delivery service table
operations:[failure description].
Explanation A critical error occurred in metadata sender operations on the delivery service table.
Recommended Action Typically, the metadata sender service restarts automatically. Collect the
technical support information and contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-210002:metadata sender failed in system calls:[failure
Explanation A critical error occurred when the metadata sender makes systems calls (such as select).
Recommended Action Typically, the metadata sender service restarts automatically. Collect the
technical support information and contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-210003:metadata sender failed in initialization.
Explanation A critical error occurred in metadata sender initialization.
Recommended Action Typically, the metadata sender service restarts automatically. Collect the
technical support information and contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-211000:metadata receiver failed in database
operations:[failure description].
Explanation A critical database error occurred in metadata sender operations.
Recommended Action Typically, the metadata receiver service restarts automatically. If this error
persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-211001:metadata receiver failed in uns operations: [failure
Explanation A critical UNS error occurred in the metadata receiver operations.
Recommended Action Typically, the metadata receiver service restarts automatically. Collect the
technical support information and contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
DIST Messages
Error Message SE-DIST-2-211002:metadata receiver failed in system calls: [failure
Explanation A critical system call error occurred in metadata receiver operations.
Recommended Action Typically, the metadata receiver service restarts automatically. Collect the
technical support information and contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-211003:metadata receiver failed in initialization: [failure
Explanation A critical error occurred in meta sender starting phase.
Recommended Action Typically, the meta receiver service restarts automatically. Collect the technical
support information and contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-211004:metadata receiver full reload failed: error[error_no]
delivery_service_id[delivery_service_id] | root_se_id[root_se_id]
Explanation The metadata receiver failed to do a full reload of the specified delivery service from
the root SE.
Recommended Action Typically, the metadata receiver service restarts automatically. Collect the
technical support information and contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-211005:metadata receiver saw inconsistent gen id in
replication [req/claimed/max gen ids].
Explanation The metadata receiver saw inconsistent generation IDs during metadata replication.
Recommended Action Typically, the metadata receiver service restarts automatically. Collect the
technical support information and contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-211006:metadata receiver failed since Synch job queue has
more than [num] jobs.
Explanation The metadata receiver failed due to a large number of jobs in the sync queue.
Recommended Action Typically, the metadata receiver service restarts automatically. Collect the
technical support information and contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-212000:unicast sender failed in database operations:
[failure description].
Explanation The unicast data sender service encountered a critical database error.
Recommended Action Execute the cms database maintenance command. If this error persists, reload
the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
DIST Messages
Error Message SE-DIST-2-212001:unicast sender failed in semaphore operations:
[failure description].
Explanation The unicast data sender service encountered a critical error in semaphore/mutex
deployment for its internal data structure.
Recommended Action Execute the acquisition-distribution stop and acquisition-distribution start
commands and check the syslog files. Try to correct any reported problems. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-212002:unicast sender failed in uns operations: [failure
Explanation The unicast data sender service encountered a critical error in UNS operations.
Recommended Action Execute the cdnfs cleanup start command. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem
Error Message SE-DIST-2-212003:unicast sender failed in bandwidth operations
[failure description].
Explanation The unicast data sender service encountered a critical error in bandwidth control.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-212004:unicast sender failed in apache operations: [failure
Explanation The unicast data sender service encountered a critical error in the HTTP server library.
Recommended Action Execute the acquisition-distribution stop and acquisition-distribution start
commands and check the syslog files. Try to correct any reported problems. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-213000:unicast receiver failed in database operations
[failure description].
Explanation The unicast data receiver service encountered a critical error in database operations.
Recommended Action Execute the cms database maintenance command. If this error persists, reload
the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-213001:unicast receiver failed in [uns/cal] operations:
[failure description].
Explanation The unicast data receiver service encountered a critical error in UNS operations.
Recommended Action Execute the cdnfs cleanup start command. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
DIST Messages
Error Message SE-DIST-2-213002:unicast receiver failed in system calls: [failure
Explanation The unicast data receiver service encountered a critical error in system calls.
Recommended Action Execute the acquisition-distribution stop and acquisition-distribution start
commands and check the syslog files. Try to correct any reported problems. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-213003:unicast receiver failed in bandwidth control:
[failure description].
Explanation The unicast data receiver service encountered a critical error in bandwidth control.
Recommended Action Execute the acquisition-distribution stop and acquisition-distribution start
commands and check the syslog files. Try to correct any reported problems. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-213004:unicast receiver failed in HT operations: [failure
Explanation The unicast data receiver service encountered a critical error in the HTTP client library.
Recommended Action Execute the acquisition-distribution stop and acquisition-distribution start
commands and check the syslog files. Try to correct any reported problems. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-213005:multicast receiver lose multicast connectivity:
[failure description].
Explanation The multicast receiver does not receive advertisements or heartbeats for more than 30
minutes, which disables NACK to the multicast sender. The cause is most likely a multicast
networking problem between the sender and receiver.
Recommended Action Execute the multicast connectivity-test command to verify multicast
connectivity loss and then fix the multicast networking problem for the receiver SE.
Error Message SE-DIST-4-214001:Home SE is multicast sender for include multicast
cloud. Application error OR Topology error. Delivery Service ID [id] error.
Explanation The delivery SR detected the multicast sender for the receive multicast cloud is the
home SE itself.
Recommended Action The system should recover from this transient error automatically. Contact
Cisco TAC if this error persists or occurs frequently.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
DIST Messages
Error Message SE-DIST-2-215000:multicast sender failed in database operations:
[failure description].
Explanation The multicast file sender service encountered a critical database error.
Recommended Action Execute the cms database maintenance command. If this error persists, reload
the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-215001:multicast sender plug-in failed in database
operations [failure description].
Explanation The multicast file sender daemon service encountered a critical database error.
Recommended Action Execute the cms database maintenance command. If this error persists, reload
the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-215002: multicast sender failed in rpc operations[failure
Explanation The multicast file sender service failed to create the RPC server. It is possible that the
port the RPC server wants to listen on is being used by other services.
Recommended Action Reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-215003: multicast_file_sender failover/fallback service:
[msg description].
Explanation This message contains significant information from the file sender failover and fallback
service. This class includes informational messages, such as change of a sender state (backup sender
becomes active) and error messages.
Recommended Action In case of an error condition, check if the network connectivity between the
primary and backup senders is working and check if the sender service on the primary and backup
sender SEs is running well. If the sender service is not running, verify that multicast is enabled on
the sender SE. If there is no network connectivity problem and the sender services are running well
on both sender SEs, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-215004:Multicast sender cannot send file in the delivery
service since the maximum carousel is reached: [failure description].
Explanation The multicast sender cannot send files in the delivery service because the maximum
carousel is reached.
Recommended Action Increase the maximum carousel of the multicast cloud that is associated with
the delivery service.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
DS Messages
Error Message SE-DIST-2-216000:multicast receiver failed in database operations
[failure description].
Explanation The multicast file receiver service encountered a critical database error.
Recommended Action Execute the cms database maintenance command. If this error persists, reload
the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-216001:multicast receiver plug-in failed in database
operations [failure description].
Explanation The multicast file receiver daemon service encountered a critical database error.
Recommended Action Execute the cms database maintenance command. If this error persists, reload
the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-216002: multicast receiver failed in rpc operations [failure
Explanation The multicast file receiver service failed to create the RPC server. It is possible that the
port the RPC server wants to listen on is being used by other services.
Recommended Action Reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DIST-2-216004:McastReceiver has high loss rate.
Explanation The multicast file receiver has a high loss rate and it might not be getting all the contents
from the multicast file sender. This might be a result of a network problem.
Recommended Action If there is a network-related problem, rectify it. Contact Cisco TAC if this
problem persists.
DS Messages
Error Message SE-DS-3-230300:Unexpected msg type, ds client and server out of sync:
Explanation The data server client sees an unexpected message type in response from the data server.
This means the communication between the data server and the client is out of sync.
Recommended Action The client process should recover. If it does not, restart the system.
Error Message SE-DS-3-230301:Client read error: [description].
Explanation The client side gets a read error when reading from the data server.
Recommended Action The client recovers. If it cannot recover, there might be a problem with the data
server. Restart the system.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
DS Messages
Error Message SE-DS-3-230302:Invalid response header from data server:
Explanation The client gets an invalid response header from the data server. This means the
communication between the data server and the client is out of sync or the data server is running in
an abnormal state.
Recommended Action The client process should recover. If it cannot recover, restart the system.
Error Message SE-DS-3-230303:Client timed out on read: [description].
Explanation The client timed out while reading from the data server.
Recommended Action If this message persists, then the data server is having a problem. Collect the
system state information and contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DS-5-230500:remaining time is 0: [description].
Explanation Calc_remaining_time sees a timeout and returns to 0.
Recommended Action If this message persists, then there is something wrong with the data server.
Restart the system.
Error Message SE-DS-2-231200:SYSFS is not mounted. Will not be able to dump stack
trace to disk.
Explanation Detected no sysfs mounted and cannot dump stack trace.
Recommended Action Verify SYSFS has been configured. If not, configure SYSFS and restart the
Error Message SE-DS-2-231203:Data Server has too many open connections (<number>).
Explanation The data server has too many open connections.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC immediately.
Error Message SE-DS-2-231204:
Dataserver encountered error while reading socket
<number>, error: <error>/<string>.
Explanation The Dataserver encountered an error while reading the socket.
Recommended Action Call Cisco TAC to report this error.
Error Message SE-DS-3-231300:Failed to send verification msg.
Explanation Failed to send message to verifier through vensock (the special socket used by the data
server for the verifier or notifier or EDM).
Recommended Action If this message persists, restart the system.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
DS Messages
Error Message SE-DS-3-231301:DS svr failed to set signal handler for SIGPIPE to
Explanation The data server failed to set the signal handler for SIGPIPE to SIG_IGN.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-DS-2-232200:malloc returned NULL [errorno] in ds_malloc.
Explanation Failure in malloc, which might indicate a memory problem.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-DS-3-232300:connect error: [description].
Explanation The device failed to establish a connection.
Recommended Action Restart the system.
Error Message SE-DS-3-232301:select error: [description].
Explanation This is a select return error.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-DS-3-232302:getsockopt error [description].
Explanation This is a getsockopt return error.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-DS-3-232303:write error.
Explanation This is a write return error.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-DS-3-232304:read error.
Explanation This is a read return error.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
FastCache Messages
FastCache Messages
Error Message SE-FASTCACHE-6-801080:<message>
Explanation None.
Recommended Action No action is required.
FMS Messages
Error Message SE-FMS-6-801090:FMS edge process memory usage is high for [num] sec.
Explanation The memory occupied by the process FMS edge is very high.
Recommended Action Observe for some time as the process may restart. Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-FMS-4-801091:FMS max connections are exceeded.
Explanation The FMS has reached the limit of the maximum number of concurrent sessions allowed
on the system. The maximum number of allowed connections can be displayed by executing the
show flash-media-streaming command.
Recommended Action Reduce the number of connections to allow requests. If you need more
connections, contact Cisco TAC to purchase a new license.
Error Message SE-FMS-4-801092:FMS allowed bandwidth is exceeded.
Explanation The FMS has reached the maximum bandwidth allowed limit on the system. The
maximum bandwidth allowed can be displayed by executing the show flash-media-streaming
Recommended Action Reduce number of connections so that bandwidth is available. If you need more
bandwidth, contact Cisco TAC to purchase a new license.
Error Message SE-FMS-6-801093:FMS augmentation threshold is exceeded.
Explanation FMS service has reached augmentation limits on maximum concurrent connections/
allowed bandwidth.
Recommended Action No service disruption. Monitor the device to see if it exceeds the service
threshold limits and add more devices if necessary.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
HTTP Messages
Error Message SE-FMS-4-801094:[error message].
Explanation An FMS error message.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-FMS-3-801095:FMS Wholesale license expiring soon.
Explanation FMS Wholesale license will be expiring in time indicated in message.
Recommended Action If license is expiring soon contact Cisco TAC to buy a new license.
HTTP Messages
Error Message SE-HTTP-3/5-270000:Proxy failover service failed in ds ops: [failure
Explanation The outgoing proxy service fails in data server operations.
Recommended Action If this message occurs occasionally, ignore it because either the service itself
will retry a few times or eventually the node manager restarts the service. Contact Cisco TAC if this
message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-HTTP-3-270001:Proxy failover service failed in sys calls: [failure
Explanation The outgoing proxy service fails in system calls (such as select).
Recommended Action If this message occurs occasionally, ignore it because the node manager restarts
the service (and therefore retries the system calls). Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears
Error Message SE-HTTP-3-270002:Outgoing Proxy monitor failure: [description].
Explanation The outgoing proxy service fails because of a timeout in system calls (such as select).
Recommended Action If this message occurs occasionally, ignore it. If this message appears
frequently, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-HTTP-4-270011:Warning message about memory allocation failure.
Explanation Failed to allocate memory for saving the Camiant request ID.
Recommended Action This is an internal error. A request continues without using guaranteed
bandwidth. If this error occurs frequently, collect the technical support information and contact
Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
Error Message SE-HTTP-4-270012:Unable to identify device personality.
Explanation Failed to identify if the device is an SR.
Recommended Action This is an internal error and the request is ignored. If this error occurs
frequently, collect the technical support information and contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-HTTP-6-270013:Request redirected to [location].
Explanation The request was redirected to the URL mentioned.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-HTTP-3-270014:Warning message about Content request support.
Explanation The scheme present in the request is not supported.
Recommended Action The request is ignored. If this error occurs frequently, collect the technical
support information and contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-HTTPSCFGMGR-5-802111: HTTPS Config Manager: <message>
Explanation None.
Recommended Action No action is required.
ICAP Messages
Error Message SE-ICAP-3-690100: [Procedure]: Unable to [operate] to ICAP server
error [failure description].
Explanation Some errors have occurred during the RPC communication between the cache process
and the ICAP daemon. The [failure description] provides the actual error.
Recommended Action Retain a copy of the cache errorlog that covers the time frame the syslog
message is seen. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-ICAP-3-690130:<debug message>.
Explanation These are debug messages from ICAP.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
LIBCMN Messages
LIBCMN Messages
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-5-520001:Errorlog - messed up file name: <file name>.
Explanation The errorlog file naming code has done something wrong.
Recommended Action Delete all the files in the /localX/errorlog directory.
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-3-520002:Errorlog directory can't be created/accessed, errno
= <number>.
Explanation The errorlog module has failed to create or access the directory where it places all the
log messages.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-2-520004:platform.c:platform_internal_type: can't figure
out model from /etc/MODEL.
Explanation The SE failed to recognize the system cookie.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-3-520005:The standby group <group no> could not be brought
down ([dev_name]).
Explanation The interface that just failed could not be brought down.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-3-520006:Error while removing arp entries <error>.
Explanation The SE could not remove the ARP entries associated with the failed interface.
Recommended Action The stale ARP entries are eventually timed out, and fresh ones are cached. If
this happens every time a failover happens, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-6-520007:Could not reach the default gateway on <interface>.
Explanation The SE could not reach the configured default gateway through <interface>. This is an
informational message.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
LIBCMN Messages
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-6-520008:Standby interface <interface> of group <group no>
could not be brought up!
Explanation Seeing more than the allowed number of errors, the SE could not bring up the
<interface> while searching for a usable interface. This is an informational message.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-5-520009:Standby group <group no> is up on interface
Explanation The SE found the <interface> to be usable and brought up the standby group on this
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-5-520010:No interface of the standby group <group no> are
Explanation The SE could not find any usable interfaces in the standby group.
Recommended Action Check if any of the member interfaces of the standby are up. If not, check for
cabling, SE interface configuration, and switch configuration. If yes, the standby feature has a
problem. Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-3-520011:Error while trying to reach the gateway <error>.
Explanation The SE encountered a problem while trying to reach the gateway.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-3-520012:Error opening socket for checking link status
Explanation The SE encountered a problem while trying to check the interface link status.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-3-520013:Route <net_ip> <netmask> <gateway> could not be
Explanation The SE encountered a problem while trying to add or remove the static IP routes after a
failover link status.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
LIBCMN Messages
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-5-520014:Could not load kernel module [module name].
Explanation The specified kernel module could not be loaded. This error was most likely invoked as
part of a command.
Recommended Action Enter the command again. If this problem persists after a reload, contact Cisco
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-5-520015:Could not unload kernel module [module name].
Explanation The specified kernel module could not be unloaded. This error was most likely invoked
as part of a command.
Recommended Action Enter the command again. If this problem persists after a reload, contact Cisco
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-5-520016:Could not read proc interface for smbios.
Explanation The proc interface to smbios could not be read. This error was most likely invoked as
part of a command.
Recommended Action Enter the command again. If this problem persists after a reload, contact Cisco
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-5-520019:Could not read proc interface for TVOut pci
Explanation The proc interface used to access TV-out PCI information could not be read. This error
was most likely invoked as part of a command.
Recommended Action Enter the command again. If this problem persists after a reload, contact Cisco
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-7-520020:[Procedure]: system() return value :[errorno].
Explanation The system returned a value greater than 255.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-2-520021:uudecode_binary(): malloc error for out buffer,
return NULL.
Explanation The SE failed to obtain memory required to perform a uudecode.
Recommended Action If this problem persists after a reload, contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
LIBCMN Messages
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-3-520022:fork_and_detach: [operation] failure: [error
Explanation The specified operation failed due to the error information specified. This is most likely
a resource issue.
Recommended Action If this problem persists after a reload, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-3-520023:get_ext_ip: Got NULL pointer from data server,
item_name= [object name].
Explanation The specified object could not be retrieved from the data server. These operations are
usually performed as part of a command.
Recommended Action Enter the command again. If this problem persists after a reload, contact Cisco
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-7-520024:<debug_print message>.
Explanation This is a debug message.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-3-520025:validate_url_signature: <message describing
Explanation This error occurred while validating the URL signature so the request for this URL
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-6-520026:[Procedure]: <informational message>.
Explanation This is an informational message indicating that the URL signature was successfully
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-6-520027:Standby interface (<interface>) of group <group no>
has either link down or is seeing more than the allowed number of errors.
Explanation The SE could not bring up interface while searching for a usable interface. This is an
informational message.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
LOGGING Messages
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-6-520028:Loopback interface <interface> could not be brought
Explanation The SE could not bring up interface while searching for a usable interface. This is an
informational message.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-LIBCMN-6-520029:SIOCDEVPRIVATE on <interface> failed while checking
status <error>.
Explanation The SE encountered a problem while trying to check the interface link status.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
LOGGING Messages
Error Message SE-LOGGING-2-580003:table pointer NULL. Module: <module>.
Explanation The module does not have access to a critical shared memory area.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-LOGGING-1-580005:Sysfs space dangerously low. Either remove some
files on the SYSFS manually, or increase the SYSFS space.
Explanation SYSFS is necessary for various critical functions of the system, and the system has
found that the free space on the SYSFS is very low.
Recommended Action Either remove some files on the SYSFS manually to make some free space
available, or consider increasing the size of the SYSFS.
Error Message SE-LOGGING-1-580006:Kernel crash dumps were found. Immediate attention
Explanation Kernel crashes happened on this system earlier.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
MS Messages
MS Messages
Error Message SE-MS-2-632000:[Procedure] - System call error:<systemcall name> <err
Explanation The system call failed. The system might be in an unstable state.
Recommended Action If this message occurs periodically, ignore it. Contact Cisco TAC if this
message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-MS-3-633011:[Procedure] Failed to set Movie Streamer bandwidth <bw>
Explanation The system failed to change the bandwidth configuration of an SE.
Recommended Action Retry the command. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-MS-3-633012:[Procedure] Failed to start Movie Streamer
Explanation An error occurred while starting a Movie Streamer.
Recommended Action Retry the command. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-MS-3-633013:[Procedure] Failed to stop Movie Streamer
Explanation An error occurred while stopping a Movie Streamer.
Recommended Action Retry the command. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-MS-3-633015:[Procedure] Failed to move temp file with accesslog
filename to configuration file <error_message>.
Explanation Failed to move the temp file to the configuration file.
Recommended Action Retry the command. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-MS-3-633016:[Procedure] Failed to build EDM/verification ACK
Explanation Failed to build verification/EDM acknowledgment.
Recommended Action Retry the command. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NHM Messages
Error Message SE-MS-6-636000: [Procedure] - Movie Streamer Started.
Explanation The MS has started and is running.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-MS-6-636001:[Procedure] - Movie Streamer Stopped.
Explanation The MS has stopped.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-MS-7-637000:Movie Streamer CLI bin Debug.
Explanation Debug messages for the MS.
Recommended Action No action is required.
NHM Messages
Error Message SE-NHM-6-335001:Node Health Manager debug message.
Explanation These messages are for debugging the NHM.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NHM-6-335002:Node Health Manager debug message.
Explanation These messages are for error debugging of the NHM.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NHM-4-335010:Keepalive timeout expired for [app].
Explanation The NHM does not receive keepalive messsage from app for the timeout duration. This
app will be marked as expired.
Recommended Action If the message repeats frequently for one application, contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NODEMGR Messages
NODEMGR Messages
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330001:Memconfig: cannot get the config from flash
Explanation The Memconfig tool could not be saved in configuration flash.
Recommended Action Reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330002:Memconfig: cannot get the cookie info [errno].
Explanation The Memconfig tool could not read the cookie.
Recommended Action Reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330003:Memconfig: cannot determine platform!
Explanation The Memconfig tool could not determine the hardware device type.
Recommended Action Reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330004:Memconfig: cannot open [template] file, [errno].
Explanation The Memconfig tool could not open the memconfig template file for reading.
Recommended Action Reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330005:Memconfig: cannot open [memconfig file] for write,
Explanation The Memconfig tool could not open the memconfig file for writing.
Recommended Action Reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330006:External Flash operation completed.
Explanation In case a reboot is requested when a flash operation is in progress, the reboot is delayed
until the flash operation is completed. This message specifies that the flash operation completed
successfully and the device will reboot shortly.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NODEMGR Messages
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330007:Flash device is busy, a software image upgrade
might be under way, waiting for it to finish.
Explanation In case a reboot is requested when a flash operation is in progress, the reboot is delayed
until the flash operation is completed.
Recommended Action No action is required; wait for the flash device to be free.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-2-330008:Wait flash device timeout. Forcing a reboot now.
Explanation In case a reboot is requested when a flash operation is in progress, the reboot is delayed
until the flash operation is complete. This message implies that the flash device was not free even
after 15 minutes. The device is rebooted.
Recommended Action No action is required; the device should reboot soon.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-0-330009:Nodemgr Exiting.
Explanation This message could be generated by a large set of unrecoverable error conditions. A
more specific error message should precede this message.
Recommended Action Reboot the device to recover. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330010:system call '[system call]' failed, ret: [return
code] errno: [error no] at [filename:lineno].
Explanation A system call made by the node manager was unsuccessful. A more specific error
message should precede this message.
Recommended Action
Refer to the action of the preceding more specific error message.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-0-330011:Rebooting the device because of fatal system
Explanation A system call made by the node manager was unsuccessful and the only way to recover
is to reboot. A system call failed message should precede this message.
Recommended Action No action is required; the device should reboot soon.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-0-330012:Could not fork process while attempting to reload:
Explanation Forking off a process was unsuccessful during an attempted reload.
Recommended Action The device should reboot. Power down the system if the device fails to reboot
and reload it again after power up. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NODEMGR Messages
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330013:Child failed to reload successfully.
Explanation The child process forked to invoke reload was unsuccessful.
Recommended Action The device should reboot. Power down the system if the device fails to reboot
and attempt a reload again after power up. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-0-330014:Hard reboot the device now due to timeout.
Explanation This process is a safety net when all else fails and the system hangs on a reboot request.
This message is printed by an alarm handler which reboots the device.
Recommended Action The device should reboot. Power down the system if the device fails to reboot.
Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Explanation A reboot has been requested and the device is undergoing a reboot soon.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-0-330016:Rebooting the device because of unrecoverable
Explanation An unrecoverable system error has occurred. A more specific message about the system
error should precede this message. The device reboots itself.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330017:open failed(“/dev/null”, O_RDONLY) returned
[retcode], errno = [errno].
Explanation An attempt to open the null device for reading failed. This signifies a more general
system-level failure. Another more detailed message should accompany this message.
Recommended Action The system is in an unstable condition. If it fails to reboot, power cycle it.
Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330018:open [filename] failed: [errno].
Explanation The node manager failed to open a file for logging a service’s messages.
Recommended Action No action is required; the messages are not logged. Contact Cisco TAC if this
problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NODEMGR Messages
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330019:dup failed: [errno].
Explanation The node manager could not duplicate a file descriptor to redirect the messages from the
application or service to the log file.
Recommended Action No action is required; the messages are not logged. Contact Cisco TAC if this
problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-4-330020:chmod for [directory] failed: [error] [errno].
Explanation The node manager could not change access permissions on the core dump directory
while starting an application or service.
Recommended Action No action is required. If the application causes a core dump, it might not be
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-4-330021:chdir to [directory] failed: [errno].
Explanation The node manager could not change the directory for changing directory attributes.
Recommended Action No action is required. The core dump size might not be limited. Contact Cisco
TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330022:setrlimit for RLIMIT_CORE failed: [errno].
Explanation The node manager could not set the core dump limit.
Recommended Action No action is required. The core dump size might not be limited. Contact Cisco
TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330023:exited pid [process id] not my direct child.
Explanation A process has terminated but was not directly spawned by the node manager.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330024:Service [program name] exited normally with code
Explanation The specified service has exited as expected.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NODEMGR Messages
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330025:Service [program name] died due to signal [signal
no]:[signal name].
Explanation The specified service that was started by the node manager died unexpectedly due to the
specified signal.
Recommended Action If this message occurs periodically, ignore it. If it appears frequently, contact
Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330026:Service [program name] died abnormally with status
[status no].
Explanation The specified service that was started by the node manager died due to some abnormal
Recommended Action If this message occurs periodically, ignore it. If it appears frequently, contact
Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330027:pid [process id] exits
Explanation A process has exited.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330028:healthprobe pid [process id] exits.
Explanation A health probe process has exited.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330029:Someone is trying to kill with pid of [process id].
Explanation This message is printed if a kill attempt was made with a zero or non-negative process
Recommended Action If this message occurs periodically, ignore it. If it appears frequently, contact
Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330030:Process [process id] killed with SIGTERM does not
return within [millisecond] ms, trying to use SIGKILL.
Explanation The node manager attempted to terminate a process using SIGTERM, but the process
did not return in the specified time.
Recommended Action The process is killed using SIGKILL. If this message occurs periodically,
ignore it. If it appears frequently, contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NODEMGR Messages
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330031:cannot kill process with pid: [process id].
Explanation An unsuccessful attempt was made by the node manager to kill the specified process
using SIGKILL.
Recommended Action If a service is affected, try disabling and enabling the service. Contact Cisco
TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330032:Stopping service: [service name].
Explanation The node manager is stopping the specified service.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330033:Service [service name] is already stopped.
Explanation An attempt was made to stop a service that is already stopped.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-0-330034:fork failed while stopping service [service name].
Explanation The node manager could not fork a child process while attempting to stop a service.
Recommended Action No action is required; the device will reboot.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330035:Service [service name] can not be successfully
Explanation The node manager was unable to stop the specified service.
Recommended Action No action is required; the device will reboot.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330036:Stop service [service name] using: [command] with
pid: [process id].
Explanation This message is a notification from the node manager that the specified service is being
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330037:execve error while trying to stop service:
Explanation The node manager could not execute the stop command to stop a service.
Recommended Action No action is required. The node manager kills the process directly.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NODEMGR Messages
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330038:Start service fork failed: [error].
Explanation The node manager could not fork a process to start a service.
Recommended Action No action is required. An attempt is made again to start the service after some
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330039:Service [service] has not returned within [sec]
seconds. Will try stopping it.
Explanation The node manager has started a service, but it has not responded for the specified
seconds. It is probably waiting on some resource.
Recommended Action No action is required; the node manager stops the process and restarts it later.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330040:Started service [service] using: [cmd] with pid:
Explanation The node manager has started the specified service.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330041:Start Service execve error: [error]
Explanation The node manager tried to start a service but the execve command failed. Restart of the
service is attempted.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330042:Service start program [program] does not exist?
err: [errorno]
Explanation While checking service support binaries, the node manager could not find a specific
binary to start a service.
Recommended Action The software installation could be incomplete or corrupt. Reinstall the software
using the copy ftp install or other installation commands. Refer to the software upgrade and
installation documentation.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330043:Service stop program [program] does not exist?
err: [errorno].
Explanation While checking service support binaries, the node manager could not find a specific
binary to stop a service.
Recommended Action The software installation could be incomplete or corrupt. Reinstall the software
using the copy ftp install, or other installation commands. Refer to the software upgrade and
installation documentation.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NODEMGR Messages
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330044:Service health_probe program [program] does not
exist? err: [errno]
Explanation While checking service support binaries, the node manager could not find a specific
binary to stop a service.
Recommended Action The software installation could be incomplete or corrupt. Reinstall the software
using the copy ftp install or other installation commands. Refer to the software upgrade and
installation documentation.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-0-330045:Rebooting the device because service [service] is
Explanation A critical service has died. The only way to recover is by rebooting the device.
Recommended Action No action is required; the device should reboot shortly. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330046:Stopping the service [service] because it is
restarting too often.
Explanation The specified service has had to be restarted by the node manager more often than
normally required.
Recommended Action Check the related config or show commands to see why the service could not
run normally. Check if there is a core dump generated in the /local1/ directory. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330047:Rebooting the device because service [service]
keeps restarting.
Explanation The node manager has restarted the specified service more often than normally required.
The recommended way to resolve this problem is to reboot the device.
Recommended Action No action is required; the device will reboot automatically. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330048:DEBUG: respawn_count = [count], period: [secs].
Explanation The node manager had to restart a process. This is the restart of the process. The process
was restarted within seconds.
Recommended Action No action is required. The node manager might restart certain processes. If a
process restarts very often, contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NODEMGR Messages
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-6-330049:Service [service] is dead, do nothing according to
the config.
Explanation The specified service is not operational and, according to specifications, should not be
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330050:Fork for health_probe failed: [error].
Explanation The node manager could not fork to run a health probe.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this error appears frequently.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330051:Start health_probe for service [service] using:
[cmd] with pid: [pid].
Explanation The node manager has started a heath probe service.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330052:health probe execve error: [error].
Explanation The node manager could not execute running a health probe.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this error appears frequently.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330053:Health_probe for service [service] timed out.
Explanation The health probe for the specified service timed out.
Recommended Action No action is required. Contact Cisco TAC if this error appears frequently.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330054:DEBUG: service health probe took [sec] seconds to
Explanation The health probe started by the node manager has completed in the given number of
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330055:Health probe for service [service] failed, ret
code: [error].
Explanation The health probe for the specified service failed. The node manager will stop and restart
the service if needed.
Recommended Action No action is required. Contact Cisco TAC if this error appears frequently.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NODEMGR Messages
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330056:Health probe exit with a signal [signal].
Explanation A health probe started by the node manager has exited with a specified signal. The node
manager stops the service and restarts it if needed.
Recommended Action No action is required. Contact Cisco TAC if this error appears frequently.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330057:Health_probe for service [service] died abnormally
with status [error].
Explanation A health probe started by the node manager has exited in an abnormal fashion. The node
manager stops the service and restarts it if needed.
Recommended Action No action is required. Contact Cisco TAC if this error appears frequently.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-7-330058:nodemgr: entering start_loop.
Explanation This is a debug message printed by the node manager. The node manager has started
running its main code loop.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330059: Switching to run level [runlevel no].
Explanation This is a debug message printed by the node manager. The node manager is switching
its run level and starts services based on the new run level.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330060:waitpid returns error: [error no].
Explanation The node manager was interrupted by an error when waiting in waitpid.
Recommended Action No action is required; it is normal to see this message during a reboot.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330061:no child alive.
Explanation The node manager was waiting in waitpid and was awakened because there were no
children of the node manager left alive.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-7-330062:loop_counter = [count], child_pid = [pid].
Explanation This is a debug message printed by the node manager. It provides information useful for
development purposes.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NODEMGR Messages
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330063:Putenv error adding new path [path].
Explanation The node manager could not set the path environment variable. The node manager might
not be able to properly start services.
Recommended Action Reboot the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-1-330065:nodemgr: signal [signal no] received.
Explanation The node manager has received a critical signal. A backtrace should follow this message
and the node manager will most likely exit.
Recommended Action The node manager should restart automatically, and the device might run in an
unstable mode. Reboot the device.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330066:Failed to open [error], ret : [ret code], errno:
[error no].
Explanation The node manager could not open the specified file. The node manager might not be
able to get information about local disks, and services might be affected.
Recommended Action The system might be in an unstable condition. Reboot the device.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330067:Too many local disks.
Explanation The node manager found too many disks attached to the system. The user is probably
using an unsupported configuration.
Recommended Action Check the disk configuration. Disconnect any unsupported drives and reboot.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330068:personality_allows_service called for [service].
Explanation The personality_allows_service was called for the specified service.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330069:Device personality: [device personality], Service
personality = [service personality].
Explanation The device personality and the service personality are printed for debugging purposes.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-4-330070:nodemgr:touch_service_enabled_flag_file: could
create /tmp/service_enabled ([service]).
Explanation The node manager could not create a flag file for the specified service.
Recommended Action This could be a transient problem. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NODEMGR Messages
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-4-330071:nodemgr:touch_service_enabled_flag_file: could
not open [filename] ([error]).
Explanation The node manager could not open a flag file for the specified service.
Recommended Action This could be a transient problem. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-4-330072:nodemgr:delete_service_enabled_flag_file: could
not unlink [filename]([error]).
Explanation The node manager could not delete the flag file for the specified service.
Recommended Action This could be a transient problem. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-0-330073:execl /sbin/mingetty failed: ret [return code],
errno: [errno].
Explanation The mingetty process could not be started for debugging.
Recommended Action This is an internal debugging message. If you see this error, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330074:No personality found, setting default personality:
Explanation The node manager could not determine the device type SE, SR, or CDSM. It is assumed
to be an SE.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330075:Reboot requested by CLI.
Explanation A reboot was requested using the reload command.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330076:Reboot requested by [reboot source].
Explanation A reboot was requested by the specified source.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330077:Reload config requested by [source].
Explanation A request was made by the specified source to reload the node manager configuration
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NODEMGR Messages
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330078: Stop all services (except mingetty) requested by
Explanation A request was made by the specified source to the node manager to stop all services.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330079:Shutdown requested by [source].
Explanation The specified source has requested the device be shut down.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330080:[source] requests start service [service].
Explanation The specified source has requested the node manager to start the specified service.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330082:[source] requests stop service [service].
Explanation The specified source has requested the node manager to stop the service.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330084:[source] requests restart service [service].
Explanation The specified source has requested the node manager to restart the specified service.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330085:[source] requests forcestart service [service].
Explanation The specified source has requested the node manager to start the specified service
irrespective of the device mode.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330087:Error in read the req, errno: [error].
Explanation The node manager server could not read a request.
Recommended Action The requesting application should print out a separate error that specifies the
action to be carried out.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NODEMGR Messages
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330088:Failed to set NONBLOCK for new_fd, ret [status],
errno [error code].
Explanation The node manager could not set the NONBLOCK attribute for a new file descriptor. The
corresponding request is not processed by the node manager.
Recommended Action The requesting application should print out a separate error that specifies the
action to be carried out.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330089:Check request, select: ret = [status], errno =
Explanation A select call failed while checking a request in the node manager server. The request is
not processed.
Recommended Action The requesting application should print out a separate error that specifies the
action to be carried out.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-0-330090:Memory allocation of [size] bytes failed!
Rebooting the device.
Explanation The node manager could not allocate memory. The device might be in an unstable state.
Recommended Action No action is required; the device reboots itself.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330091:ERROR: Not enough timer allocated, should never
Explanation The node manager has run out of timer resources. The device might be under a heavy
load. Additional memory is allocated for the timer.
Recommended Action It might be safer to reduce the load on the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this
message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330092:Program error, cancel NULL timer.
Explanation A call was made to cancel a timer that does not exist.
Recommended Action No action is required. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330093:Program error, cancel failed.
Explanation The node manager was called to cancel a timer; however, the timer was not found in the
node manager’s internal structures. This might be because of a memory corruption.
Recommended Action
Reboot the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NODEMGR Messages
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330094:killtilldead: iteration count reached 60, bailing
out (trying to kill [process] ...).
Explanation The node manager was unable to successfully disable the specified process. The process
could still be running and might interfere with normal device operations.
Recommended Action Reboot the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330095:parse_get_str: cannot allocate more memory!
Explanation The node manager could not allocate memory while parsing its configuration file.
Recommended Action Do not reboot the device. Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-0-330096:REBOOT BOX NOW FROM WITHIN nodemgr_clt!!!
Explanation A reload request was made to the node manager client.
Recommended Action No action is required. The device reboots itself.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-6-330097:Created codecoverage directory [dir path].
Explanation This message is informational only to indicate a codecoverage directory is created for
a process. This should only be seen when running an instrumented image.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-6-330098:Error while creating codecoverage directory [dir
Explanation The code coverage directory could not be created successfully for a process. This should
only be seen for an instrumented image. If this message appears, the process will not work properly.
Recommended Action Contact the code coverage change owner to investigate the problem.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-5-330099:Service log cleanup: [error].
Explanation There was a problem while cleaning up the service logs. The node manager might not
be able to clean up the service logs, but they are taken care of by the logging monitor.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330100:nodemgr_accept_req: accept(...): [error].
Explanation The accept system call unexpectedly failed.
Recommended Action No action is required. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NODEMGR Messages
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-0-330101:Nodemgr appears to have got restarted.Rebooting
the system to avoid further damage, and to stabilize the system.
Explanation The node manager appears to have restarted for some reason. The node manager restarts
are associated with multiple instances of same services running on the system, and this results in
various problems. Reboot to stabilize the system.
Recommended Action No action is required. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330102:Could not create a flag to indicate that the
nodemgr has been started. This may result in nodemgr deaths going undetected.
Explanation The software maintains a flag to detect node manager deaths, but for some reason this
flag could not be created. With this problem, if the node manager cannot restart, several instances
of various services would run resulting in problems.
Recommended Action Reload the system, and verify that the error message does not appear upon
reboot. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330103:Raise alarm fail <service name> <alarm ID>
Explanation The node manager detected a problem but could not raise an alarm.
Check the syslog files for other alarm-related failures. Alarm information on
the device could be inconsistent and a reload of the device might be required for recovery.
Recommended Action
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330104:Raise alarm fail <service name> <alarm ID>
Explanation The node manager could not clear an alarm.
Recommended Action Check the syslog files for other alarm related failures. Alarm information on
the device could be inconsistent and a reload of the device might be required for recovery.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-3-330105:Keepalive problem: <description> [retcode].
Explanation The node manager had a problem while sending keepalives to the NHM. The description
provides specific details.
Recommended Action Check the syslog files for other alarm-related failures. Reboot the device if the
keepalive alarm has been raised.
Error Message SE-NODEMGR-6-330106:Process<pid> is terminated by parent<ppid>
Explanation The process is terminated by its parent.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
NTP Messages
NTP Messages
Error Message SE-NTP-5-340001:[host-ip/name]: not a valid host address.
Explanation An invalid NTP server host address was specified.
Recommended Action Retry with the correct NTP server host address.
Error Message SE-NTP-5-340002:Maximum NTP servers reached.
Explanation The maximum NTP server limit has been reached.
Recommended Action Do not configure more NTP servers than the maximum limit.
Error Message SE-NTP-5-340003:Must configure NTP servers before enabling NTP
Explanation No NTP server has been configured, so NTP service cannot be enabled.
Recommended Action Configure at least one NTP server before enabling NTP service.
Error Message SE-NTP-3-340004:failed to open ntp [drift|config] file: [file-name].
Explanation The NTP service failed to open an NTP drift file or configuration file.
Recommended Action Check the NTP configuration and check the device status. Contact Cisco TAC
if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-NTP-3-340005:nodemgr failed to start/stop ntpd.
Explanation An NTP command failed because the node manager could not start or stop NTPD.
Recommended Action Check the device status and reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this
message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-NTP-3-340006:failed to retrieve configuration from data-server,
Explanation The NTP command failed because the NTP binary could not retrieve a configuration
from the data server.
Recommended Action Check the device status and reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this
message appears frequently.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
PAM Messages
Error Message SE-NTP-7-340007:[NTP debugging message].
Explanation The message indicates NTP debugging information.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-NTP-5-340008:failed to pre-sync system time and calendar.
Explanation The configured NTP servers fail to roughly synchronize the system time.
Recommended Action Check whether the configured NTP servers are valid and reachable. Manually
execute the ntpdate [ntp_server] command to find the reason for the failure.
PAM Messages
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345000:Wrong authentication method to get authentication
Explanation The wrong authentication method has been selected for debugging.
Recommended Action If an error message occurs, reconfigure the authentication method parameters,
check the disks’ condition, and set the debug option again by executing the debug authentication
command. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345001:Can't open file (TACACS+).
Explanation The system fails to open the configuration file etc/pam.d/ce_http_tacacs_config for
request authentication via the TACACS+ protocol. The parameters of authentication cannot be
Recommended Action Check the TACACS+ protocol configuration and check the condition of the
disks. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345002:Can't open (RADIUS) file.
Explanation The system fails to open the configuration file etc/pam.d/ce_http_radius_config for
request authentication via the RADIUS protocol. The parameters of authentication cannot be saved.
Recommended Action Check the RADIUS protocol configuration and check the condition of the
disks. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345003:Can't open (NTLM) file.
Explanation The system fails to open the configuration file etc/pam.d/ce_http_ntlm_config for
request authentication via the NTLM protocol. The parameters of authentication cannot be saved.
Recommended Action Check the NTLM protocol configuration and check the condition of the disks.
Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
PAM Messages
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345004:Can't open (LDAP) file.
Explanation The system fails to open the configuration file etc/pam.d/ce_http_ldap_config for
request authentication via the LDAP. The parameters of authentication cannot be saved.
Recommended Action Check the LDAP configuration and check the condition of the disks. Contact
Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345005:Wrong option to set authentication debugging.
Explanation The wrong authentication method has been set for debugging.
Recommended Action Reconfigure authentication method parameters, check the disks’ condition, and
set the debug option again by executing the debug authentication command. Contact Cisco TAC if
this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345007:can’t open /tmp/request_authenticate_debug file to set
debugging in formation.
Explanation The system fails to open the configuration file tmp/request_authenticate_debug to set
debugging information.
Recommended Action Check the disks’ condition and set the debug option again by executing the
debug authentication command. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-2-345008:cannot create directory for pam module <reason>
Explanation The system does not have a configured TMP directory.
Recommended Action The system has a serious software image setup or configuration problem.
Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345009:Can't open /etc/pam.d/content_engine_config file.
Explanation The system fails to open the configuration file etc/pam.d/content_engine_config for the
user’s authentication. The parameters of authentication cannot be saved.
Recommended Action Check the user’s authentication configuration and check the condition of the
disks. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345011:can't open /tmp/user_authenticate_stats file.
Explanation The system fails to open the authentication statistical file /tmp/user_authenticate_stats
to reset statistics. The statistical information of authentication cannot be cleared.
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
PAM Messages
Error Message SE-PAM-2-345013:Failed to lock authentication statistical file.
Explanation The system fails to set the software lock for the request authentication statistical file to
reset statistics. The statistical information of the request authentication cannot be cleared.
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears
Error Message SE-PAM-2-345014:cannot create log directory for pam module.
Explanation The system does not have a configured TMP directory.
Recommended Action The system has a serious software image setup or configuration problem.
Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345015:can't open /tmp/user_ldap_stats file.
Explanation The system fails to open the LDAP authentication statistical file /tmp/user_ldap_stats
to reset statistics. The statistical information of LDAP authentication cannot be cleared.
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks and check if the system /tmp directory exists.
Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345016:can't open /tmp/user_radius_stats file.
Explanation The system fails to open the RADIUS authentication statistical file
/tmp/user_radius_stats to reset statistics. The statistical information of RADIUS authentication
cannot be cleared.
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks and check if the system /tmp directory exists.
Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345017:can't open /tmp/user_tacacs_stats file.
Explanation The system fails to open the TACACS+ authentication statistical file
/tmp/user_tacacs_stats to reset statistics. The statistical information of TACACS+ authentication
cannot be cleaned.
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks, check if the system /tmp directory exists.
Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345018:can't open /tmp/user_ntlm_stats file.
Explanation The system fails to open the NTLM authentication statistical file /tmp/user_ntlm_stats
to reset statistics. The statistical information of NTLM authentication cannot be cleared.
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks and check if the system /tmp directory exists.
Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
PAM Messages
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345019:Failed to write authentication statistical file.
Explanation The system fails to write the authentication statistical file to reset statistics. The
statistical information of authentication method cannot be cleared.
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks and check if the system /tmp directory exists.
Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345020:Failed to close authentication statistical file after
Explanation The system fails to close the authentication statistical file after statistics are cleared.
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks and check if the system /tmp directory exists.
Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345021:Failed to lock authentication statistical file.
Explanation The system fails to lock the authentication statistical file after statistics are cleared.
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks and check if the system /tmp directory exists.
Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-2-345022:Failed to lock authentication statistical file.
Explanation The system fails to lock the authentication statistical file to display statistics.
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks and check if the system /tmp directory exists.
Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345023:Unknown authentication method.
Explanation The wrong authentication method has been selected.
Recommended Action Reconfigure the authentication method parameters, and check the disks’
condition. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345024:Filed to open statistical file for authentication.
Explanation The system fails to open the authentication statistical file. An authentication method’s
statistics cannot be displayed.
Recommended Action Check an authentication method’s configuration. Check the condition of the
disks. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
PAM Messages
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345025:Statistical file is corrupted.
Explanation The authentication statistical file has incorrect or corrupted information.
Recommended Action Check an authentication method’s configuration, check the condition of the
disks, clear authentication statistical information, and display statistical information again. If the
statistical file is corrupted again, contact Cisco TAC, otherwise continue to authenticate the users.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345026:Failed to close authentication statistical file after
Explanation The system fails to close the authentication statistical file after statistics are displayed.
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks and check if the system /tmp directory exists.
Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345027:A field of Statistical file is corrupted.
Explanation The authentication statistical file has incorrect or corrupted information in one of the
Recommended Action Check an authentication method’s configuration, check the condition of the
disks, clear authentication statistical information, and display statistical information again. If the
statistical file is corrupted again, contact Cisco TAC, otherwise continue to authenticate the users.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345028:Failed to read authentication statistical file.
Explanation The system fails to read the authentication statistical file to display statistics.
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks and check if the system /tmp directory exists.
Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345029:tmp directory doesn't exist.
Explanation The system does not have a configured TMP directory.
Recommended Action The system has serious software image setup or configuration problems.
Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345030:Failed to lock authentication statistical file.
Explanation The system fails to lock the authentication statistical file to display statistics.
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks and check if the system /tmp directory exists.
Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
PAM Messages
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345031:Can't open /etc/pam.d/print_services file.
Explanation The system fails to open the configuration file etc/pam.d/print_services for the print
service’s authentication. The parameters of authentication cannot be saved.
Recommended Action Check the print service’s authentication configuration, and check the condition
of the disks. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-PAM-7-345032:PAM debugging message.
Explanation The messages provide PAM debugging information.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345033:Can’t open [/etc/pam.d/content_engine_cli_config]
Explanation This message indicates that the system fails to open the configuration file
/etc/pam.d/content_engine_cli_config for the aaa command. The parameters for the aaa command
cannot be saved.
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks. Contact Cisco TAC if the problem persists.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345034: Can’t open [/etc/pam.d/content_engine_enable_config]
Recommended Action This message indicates that the system fails to open the configuration file
/etc/pam.d/content_engine_enable_config for the enable authentication command. The parameters
for the enable authentication command cannot be saved.
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks. Contact Cisco TAC if the problem persists.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345035:Can’t [open/create] [/tmp/user_accounting_stats]
Explanation This message indicates that the system fails to open the accounting statistical file
/tmp/user_accounting_stats to reset statistics. The statistical information for accounting cannot be
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks. Contact Cisco TAC if the problem persists.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345036:clipam: Failed to register ds notification at name
<string>, ds erron:<error>.
Explanation This message indicates that the DS notification registration failed.
Recommended Action Check the condition of the disks. Contact Cisco TAC if the problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
PAM Messages
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345037:clipam: Received unknown event <string> from ds during
Explanation This message indicates that the aaa command module received an unknown event from
the DS during authorization.
Recommended Action If this message appears frequently, reboot the SE. Contact Cisco TAC if the
problem persists.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345038:clipam: Received unknown event <string> from ds during
Explanation This message indicates that the aaa command module received an unknown event from
the DS during accounting.
Recommended Action If this message appears frequently, reboot the SE. Contact Cisco TAC if the
problem persists.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345039:clipam: Failed to reset cli pam.
Explanation This message indicates that the aaa command module failed to reset PAM
Recommended Action If this message appears frequently, reboot the SE. Contact Cisco TAC if the
problem persists.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345040:clipam: Received unknown ds notification item
Explanation This message indicates that the aaa command module received an unknown DS
Recommended Action If this message appears frequently, reboot the SE. Contact Cisco TAC if the
problem persists.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345041:clipam: Failed to receive ds msg, ds errno:<error>.
Explanation This message indicates that the aaa command module failed to receive a DS message.
Recommended Action If this message appears frequently, reboot the SE. Contact Cisco TAC if the
problem persists.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345042:clipam: Failed to receive ds msg, ds errno:<error>.
Explanation This message indicates that the aaa command module received a message from the DS,
but the message type has not been supported by the aaa command module yet.
Recommended Action If this message appears frequently, reboot the SE. Contact Cisco TAC if the
problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
PAM Messages
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345043:clipam: Failed to initialize clipam ds.
Explanation This message indicates that the aaa command module failed to initialize some DS
Recommended Action If this message appears frequently, reboot the SE. Contact Cisco TAC if the
problem persists.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345044:clipam: Failed to allocate memory for <string>,
Explanation This message indicates that the aaa command module failed to allocate memory.
Recommended Action If this message appears frequently, reboot the SE. Contact Cisco TAC if the
problem persists.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345045:clipam: Failed to get env <string>, errno:<error>.
Explanation This message indicates that the aaa command module failed to get some of the system
env variables.
Recommended Action If this message appears frequently, logoff and login the system, or reboot the
SE. Contact Cisco TAC if the problem persists.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345046:clipam: Failed to set pam env <string>, pam
Explanation This message indicates that the aaa command module failed to set some PAM env
Recommended Action If this message appears frequently, logoff and login the system, or reboot the
SE. Contact Cisco TAC if the problem persists.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345047:clipam: Failed to start pam, pam errno:<error>.
Explanation This message indicates that the aaa command module failed to start the PAM module.
Recommended Action If this message appears frequently, logoff and login the system, or reboot the
SE. Contact Cisco TAC if the problem persists.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345048:clipam: Authorization <string> succeeds since all
servers are dead.
Explanation This message indicates that the aaa command module accepted the authorization
request for the <string> because the if-authenticated option is enabled and all of the remote servers
configured are unreachable.
Recommended Action Check the status of the Authorization Servers.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
PARSER Messages
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345049:clipam: Authentication <string> failed, pam
Explanation This message indicates that the aaa command module denied the authorization request
for the <string> due to an authentication problem.
Recommended Action If this message appears, check a) the status of Authorization Servers, b) the aaa
authorization configurations, c) whether the user still exists in the the Authorization Server
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345050:clipam: Accounting <string> failed, pam errno:<error>.
Explanation This message indicates that the aaa command module failed to audit the accounting
Recommended Action If this message appears: check a) the status of Accounting Servers, b) the aaa
accounting configurations.
Error Message SE-PAM-3-345051:clipam: Authorization <string> failed, pam
Explanation This message indicates that the aaa command module denied the authorization request
for the <string> due to an authorization problem.
Recommended Action If this message appears: check a) the status of Authorization Servers, b) the aaa
authorization configurations, c) whether permission for the <string> in the Authorization Server
database has been denied.
PARSER Messages
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350000:sysdb_bind failed: <str>.
Explanation The parser server failed to establish a connection with the data server, which contains
the configuration registry.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350001:Bad arguments to parser_malloc.
Explanation The parser attempted to allocate zero size memory.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
PARSER Messages
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350002:Bad pointer to parser_free.
Explanation The parser got the null memory pointer to be freed.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350003:parser_free before parser_malloc called.
Explanation The parser attempted to free the memory that was never allocated.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350004:Bad magic in parser free 1.
Explanation An unexpected magic number was detected in the memory block.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350005:Bad magic in parser free 2.
Explanation An unexpected magic number was detected in the memory block.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350006:sysdb_item_set of uint32 <str><dc><str>.
Explanation Cannot set an item in the data server
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350007:wrong sysdb datatype at <str>, <dc>, expect <dc>.
Explanation Did not receive expected “packed” type data from the data server.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350008:sysdb_directory_get_last: '<error>'.
Explanation The sysdb_directory_get_last() failed.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
PARSER Messages
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350009:sysdb_item_set of packed <str> : <str>.
Explanation An error occurred while retrieving data from the data server.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350010:sysdb_iterator_create: <str>.
Explanation An error occurred while setting an option in the data server.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350011:sysdb_iterator_next_data() failed <str>.
Explanation An error occurred in a data server operation.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350012:sysdb_iterator_free: <str>.
Explanation An error occurred in a data server operation.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350013:<str> Coption Not Present:<str>, <str>.
Explanation Expected coptions are not present.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350014:<str>: new_cmd buffer null <function name>.
Explanation Expected coptions are not present.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350015:<str> No endcoption mark for <hex>: <str>.
Explanation No endcoption mark was found.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
PARSER Messages
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350016:<str> Incomplete endcoption mark for <hex>: <str>.
Explanation An incomplete endcoption mark found.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350017:<str>:invalid input (no 'B'): '<str>'.
Explanation An invalid coption was found.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350018:<str>: bgcoption missing ',' after id: '<str>'.
Explanation The bgcoption is missing.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350019:<str>: bgcoption missing ',' after type: '<str>'.
Explanation The bgcoption is missing.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350020:<str>: bgcoption missing ',' after path count:
Explanation The bgcoption is missing.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350021:<str>:no nxcoption:'<str>'.
Explanation An expected nxcoption is missing.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350022:<str>: incorrect nested coption:'<str>'.
Explanation An incorrect nested coption was found.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
PARSER Messages
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350023:<str>: invalid NXCOPTION mark:'<str>'.
Explanation An incorrect NXCOPTION mark was found.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350024:<str>: missing '=' in sysdb string <str> for
command '<str>'.
Explanation Missing'=' in sysdb string.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If the problem persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco
TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350025:<str>: Possible loop detected in command '<str>'.
Explanation A loop was detected in the command.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350026:<str>: missing equal '<' in sysdb string '<str>'
for command '<str>'.
Explanation Missing equal in sysdb string found.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350027:<str>: Unknown object type <dec> in nvgen_command.
Explanation An unknown object type was found.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350028:<str>: Unknown object type <dec> in replace_type.
Explanation An unknown object type was found.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350029:Invalid object format '<str>'.
Explanation An invalid object type was found.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
PARSER Messages
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350030:<str>: debug registration failed: <dc>.
Explanation The debug registration failed.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350031:sysdb_bind: <str>.
Explanation An error occurred while establishing the connection with the data server.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350034:parser_server reconnect succeeded.
Explanation The shell process was able to reconnect to the parser server.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-2-350035:parser_server reconnect failed.
Explanation The shell failed to connect to the parser server.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350036:Endoption doesn't match! <dec>.
Explanation Syntax error: Endoption does not match.
Recommended Action Retry the command. If this error persists, reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-PARSER-4-350037:Too many parser jobs from the shells. save your work
and exit some shells.
Explanation The number of sessions that are concurrently submitted to the parsing requests have
reached 34 or above.
Recommended Action This is a warning message. Try limiting the number of login sessions to the SE
to 34 or fewer.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
POSTGRE Messages
Error Message SE-PARSER-3-350038:Too many parser jobs from the shells. Have to
Explanation The parser server process has been terminated as the number of concurrent parsing
requests exceed the maximum limit of 34.
Recommended Action Limit the number of login sessions to 34.
POSTGRE Messages
Error Message SE-POSTGRE-1-661001:Lower free disk space on STATEFS partition:
[failure description].
Explanation The database is filling the STATEFS partition. A&D content replication is temporarily
Recommended Action To reclaim disk space on STATEFS, execute the cms database maintenance
regular and cms database maintenance full commands, or schedule database maintenance more
frequently. Database maintenance impacts certain services on an SE such as live stream splitting and
CMS. If the free disk space on STATEFS is still less than 10 percent after database maintenance, it
is possible too many contents are replicated to the SE. Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-POSTGRE-1-661002:Unique index violation: [failure description].
Explanation The database server failed to hold a constraint for a unique index and allowed it to insert
a duplicate key into the unique index.
Recommended Action Execute the cms database maintenance command. If this problem persists,
reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-POSTGRE-1-661003:Foreign key referential integrity violation:
[failure description].
Explanation The database server failed to hold a foreign key constraint and allowed it to insert a
record into a reference table with a foreign key, which is not found in master table. It is possible that
the database was corrupted.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-POSTGRE-1-661005:Unable to create Database connection: [failure
Explanation The database client cannot create a connection with the backend server. It is possible
that the Postgres server process was killed, or it is hanging, or all of the database connections are
run out.
Recommended Action Reload the device. If this problem persists, contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
RPC Messages
Error Message SE-POSTGRE-1-661008:Database reindexing is started. [description]
Explanation A&D content replication is temporarily stopped until the re-indexing is complete.
Recommended Action Wait until re-indexing is complete.
Error Message SE-POSTGRE-1-661009:Database full vacuuming is started.
Explanation A&D content replication is temporarily stopped until the vacuuming is complete.
Recommended Action Wait until full vacuuming is complete.
Error Message SE-POSTGRE-1-661010:Delete database records with non-unique value for
primary key [description].
Explanation Detected and deleted the bad database records with a duplicate value for the primary
Recommended Action Check if any content is missing for the delivery service by executing the show
distribution delivery services command. If some contents are missing, execute the distribution
refresh meta-data channel-name command to recover metadata for the delivery service for the
receiver SE, or execute the acquirer stop-channel and acquirer start-channel commands for the
root SE.
Error Message SE-POSTGRE-1-661011:[POSTGRE database Debug].
Explanation This is a debug message for POSTGRE.
Recommended Action No action is required.
RPC Messages
Error Message SE-RPC-2-620000:Usage [failure description].
Explanation Incorrect usage while invoking the program.
Recommended Action Check the usage and retry. If the error occurred without any intervention from
the user, report it to Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RPC-2-620001:Malloc failed [failure description].
Explanation Malloc failed.
Recommended Action Check the errorlog for more information. The program restarts by the node
manager. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
RTSP Messages
Error Message SE-RPC-2-620002:Failed to create [server description] server.
Explanation Failed to create a UniRPC server for inter-process communication.
Recommended Action Check the errorlog for more information. The program restarts by the node
manager. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-RPC-2-620003:Child process [pid] was killed unexpectedly with
signal [signal number].
Explanation A dispatcher process trying to communicate outside the device died unexpectedly. This
is a very rare situation.
Recommended Action The dispatcher recovers automatically. If this happens on a CDSM and if an
item that was being configured at the time did not reach its intended destination, redo the
configuration. Check the CMS errorlog to see if it has any more information. If this happens on a
non-CDSM device, check the appropriate inter-box modules (distribution or CMS errorlogs) to see
if you find any information. If there is no affect on the system, the error might be ignored, because
some inter-box messages are not expected to be reliable and the system continues to function.
Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
RTSP Messages
Error Message SE-RTSP-3-403000:ipchain rule failure - [description].
Explanation Failed to configure ipchain.
Recommended Action Re-enable the service that caused this error. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem
Error Message SE-RTSP-3-403018:[Procedure] Failed to set [sprayer] bandwidth to
Explanation Failed to set streaming sprayer bandwidth.
Recommended Action Retry the command. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-RTSP-7-407001:[RTSP CLI Bin Debug Msg].
Explanation This is a debug message.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-RTSP-7-407002:[Procedure] Failed to get correct PID [pid].
Explanation Failed to get the sprayer PID.
Recommended Action Retry the command. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
RTSPG Messages
Error Message SE-RTSP-7-407003:[Procedure] Application is not enabled.
Explanation The application is not enabled.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-RTSP-7-407004:[RTSP Debug Msg].
Explanation This is a debug message.
Recommended Action No action is required.
RTSPG Messages
Error Message SE-RTSPG-2-408200:[Procedure] - RTSP Gateway error log init failed
Explanation RTSP Gateway error log initialization failed.
Recommended Action If this message occurs periodically, ignore it. If this message appears
frequently, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RTSPG-2-408201:[Procedure] - Failed to generate RTSP Gateway error
log config file <mesg>.
Explanation Failed to generate RTSP Gateway error log configuration file when the RTSPG debug
level is changed.
Recommended Action If this message occurs periodically, ignore it. If this message appears
frequently, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RTSPG-2-408202:[Procedure] - Memory allocation failed during
errorlog initialization for RTSP Gateway.
Explanation A memory allocation failure occurred. The system attempted to allocate zero size
Recommended Action Reload. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-RTSPG-2-408203:[Procedure] - Failed to create/open RTSP Gateway
errorlog client configuration file: <file_path>.
Explanation Failed to create or open the RTSP Gateway configuration file.
Recommended Action If this message occurs periodically, ignore it. If this message appears
frequently, contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
RTSPG Messages
Error Message SE-RTSPG-2-408204:[Procedure] - Failed to initialize debug library for
RTSP Gateway.
Explanation Failed to initialize the debug library.
Recommended Action If this message occurs periodically, ignore it. If this message appears
frequently, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RTSPG-2-408205:[Procedure] - Interface IP address not configured.
Explanation RTSPG failed to start. It requires an interface IP address. RTSPG sleeps for 15 seconds
and exits.
Recommended Action Configure an interface IP address.
Error Message SE-RTSPG-3-408300:[Procedure] - Failed to set item <mesg>.
Explanation Failed to set an item in the data server.
Recommended Action If this message occurs periodically, ignore it. If this message appears
frequently, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RTSPG-3-408301:[Procedure] -Unable to signal self to get errlog
config <mesg>.
Explanation Unable to send a signal to itself to get the errlog configuration.
Recommended Action If this message occurs periodically, ignore it. If this message appears
frequently, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RTSPG-3-408302:[Procedure] - Failed to restart RTSPG after incoming
port change.
Explanation Failed to restart RTSPG after an incoming port change.
Recommended Action If this message occurs periodically, ignore it. If this message appears
frequently, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RTSPG-3-408303:Failed to get/set item [name] configuration in data
Explanation The RTSP Gateway module failed to get or set an item from the data server. The error
number for the get/set is [x].
Recommended Action The system should recover from the error automatically. Contact Cisco TAC if
this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
RULES Messages
RULES Messages
Error Message SE-RULES-2-412001:<procedure>: invalid switch.
Explanation Encountered an invalid pattern or action type.
Recommended Action Check the rule configuration. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-RULES-2-412002:<procedure>: rule is NULL.
Explanation The argument rule passed a null pointer.
Recommended Action Check the rule configuration. Contact Cisco TAC if the messages appears
Error Message SE-RULES-2-412003:rule_del(): <parameter> entry not found.
Explanation Tried to remove a parameter that is not configured.
Recommended Action Execute the show rule all command to check for configured parameters.
Error Message SE-RULES-2-412004:default switch in <procedure>.
Explanation Encountered an invalid pattern type.
Recommended Action Check the rule configuration. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-RULES-2-412005:<procedure> error: invalid else.
Explanation The pattern type is neither SRC_IP or DST_IP.
Recommended Action Check the rule configuration. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-RULES-2-412006:error allocating new pattern table.
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory for a new pattern table.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-2-412007:Error allocating new action table.
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory for a new action table.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
RULES Messages
Error Message SE-RULES-2-412008:error allocating new Rule table.
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory for a new rule table.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-2-412009:rule_of_port_sort() error: NULLP.
Explanation The argument passed a null pointer for sorting.
Recommended Action Check the rule configuration for configured destination ports. Contact Cisco
TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-RULES-2-412010:Rule:pattern_match_request: failed to alloc memory.
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory for a new pattern list.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-2-412011:rule_show_stat(); Internal error.
Explanation The rule statistics entry is null.
Recommended Action Check the rule configuration. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-RULES-2-412012:[procedure]: Unable to allocate memory for
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory for the new rule.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-2-412013:[procedure]: Memory allocation failed for
Explanation A memory allocation failure.
Recommended Action Reload SE. If problem persists, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413001:<procedure>: Can't create new list.
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory for a new list.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
RULES Messages
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413002:rule_add_port(): new_list_head is NULL.
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory for a new port list.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413003:rule_add_port(): cur_list NULL.
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory for a new port list.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413004:rule_create_port_list(): failed to malloc
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory for a new port list.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413005:rule_create_ip_list() new_list is NULL.
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory for a new IP list.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413006:rule_del_ip(): error creating new list.
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory for a new IP list.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413007:rule_add_regex(): failed to create new list.
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory for a new regex list.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413008:rule_create_regex_list(): memory allocation failed.
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory for a new regex list.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413009:rule_create_regex_list() can't allocate regex.
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory for a new regex list.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
RULES Messages
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413010:rule_del_regex(): failed to create new list.
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory for a new regex list.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413011:[member] is null.
Explanation The member in the response header might have a null value.
Recommended Action No action is required because the system might purposely check for this null
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413012:error allocation new action table.
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory for a new action table.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413013:Malloc for action_sel failed.
Explanation The system failed to allocate memory.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413014:rule_process_verif_msg(): <filename> <line_no>
<ds_get_verification_info call failed> errno = <error_no>.
Explanation The ds_get_verification_info call failed with error number <error_no> in file
<filename> line <line_no>.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413015:register_verifier(): <filename> <line_no>
<register_verifier failed for item> <item>.
Explanation The register_verifier call failed for item <item> in file <filename> line <line_no>.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413016:rule_server_main(): ERROR request processing timed
Explanation The request timed out.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
RULES Messages
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413017:rule_server_rpc_main(): RpcUdsServer_new() returned
NULL server.
Explanation Launching of new rule_server might have failed.
Recommended Action Reload the SE. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413018:rules_daemon : RpcUdsServer_accept returned a NULL
Explanation The RpcUdsServer_accept returned a null client.
Recommended Action No action is required. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413019:rules_daemon() client_thread_create failed err =
Explanation Creation of new client thread failed with an error number <error_no>.
Recommended Action No action is required. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413020:rule_init_cfg() Failed to bind to sysdb.
Explanation Failed to bind to the data server. The Cache process is automatically restarted.
Recommended Action No action is required. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-RULES-3-413021:rule_init_cfg() Failed to get the list from sysdb.
Explanation Failed to get the list from the data server. A new connection is opened to retry the
Recommended Action No action is required. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-RULES-5-415001:Ignoring invalid URL rewrite original URL=<old_url>
new URL=<new_url>.
Explanation Ignores invalid URL rewrite.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-RULES-5-415002:Ignoring invalid URL transformation URL=<old_url>
new URL=<new_url>.
Explanation Ignores invalid URL transformation.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
RULES Messages
Error Message SE-RULES-5-415003:rule_show_stat(); Error opening tty.
Explanation Failed to open the terminal for writing rules statistics.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-RULES-5-415004:rule_check_request(): [info] NULL.
Explanation Some information in the rule may be null.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-RULES-6-416001:rule_del_port(): old_list is NULL.
Explanation The old port list might be empty.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-RULES-6-416002:send_verif_ack(): error building ack, error =
Explanation An error occurred in building the acknowledgment message.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-RULES-6-416003:rule_process_verif_msg(): unknown event =
Explanation An unknown event was encountered while receiving the rule process verification
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-RULES-6-416004:rule_process_notif_msg(): <file_name> <line_no>
<ds_get_notification_info call failed>errno = <error_no>.
Explanation An error <error_no> occurred in file <file_name> in line <line_no> while receiving the
rule process notification message.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-RULES-6-416005:rule_process_notif_msg(): <file_name> <line_no>
ds_free_ven_resource failed.
Explanation An error occurred in file <file_name> line <line_no> when the data server tries to free
the resource.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
RULES Messages
Error Message SE-RULES-6-416006:Failed to get the full message from the ds.
Explanation The rule process failed to receive the complete message from the data server.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-RULES-6-416007:rule_register_notifier(): <file_name> <line_no>
<rule_register_notifier failed for item> <rule_action_notif_tuple> Err
Explanation Error <error_no> occurred in file <file_name> in line <line_no> for item
<rule_action_notif_tuple> when the rule process registers notification.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-RULES-6-416008:rule_register_notifier(): <file_name> <line_no>
<rule_register_notifier failed for item> <rule_pattern_notif_tuple>.
Explanation An error occurred in file <file_name> in line <line_no> for item
<rule_pattern_notif_tuple> when the rule process registers notification.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-RULES-6-416009:rule_register_notifier(): <file_name> <line_no>
<rule_register_notifier failed for item> <rule_pattern_delta_tuple>.
Explanation An error occurred in file <file_name> in line <line_no> for item
<rule_pattern_delta_tuple> when the rule process registers notification.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-RULES-6-416010:rule_register_notifier(): <file_name> <line_no>
<rule_register_notifier failed for item> <rule_debug_notif_tuple>.
Explanation An error occurred in file <file_name> in line <line_no> for item
<rule_debug_notif_tuple> when the rule process registers notification.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-RULES-6-416011:rule_register_notifier(): <file_name> <line_no>
<rule_register_notifier failed for item> <rule_action_delta_tuple>.
Explanation An error occurred in file <file_name> in line <line_no> for item
<rule_action_delta_tuple> when the rule process registers notification.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
SCHED Messages
Error Message SE-RULES-6-416012:Rule Item Not found in the Sequence.
Explanation The rule item is not found in the fetched sequence.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-RULES-6-416013:rule_daemon : Bind failed in sysdb.
Explanation The data server failed to bind the socket.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-RULES-6-416014:send_verif_ack(): error sending ack, error =
Explanation An error is in the acknowledgment message.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-RULES-6-416015:rule_process_notif_msg (): Unknown Event.
Explanation An unknown event occurred when sending the rule process notification message.
Recommended Action No action is required.
SCHED Messages
Error Message SE-SCHED-2-189000:Missing scheduler working thread.
Explanation One of the worker threads that the scheduler uses for assigning work has unexpectedly
terminated. The SE web proxy cache attempts to recover by restarting itself.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-SCHED-4-189002:Scheduler CLI memory allocation failure.
Explanation Upon receiving a command to perform an action to modify the behavior of the
scheduler, a memory resource allocation failed, which might result in some commands failing.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-SCHED-4-189003:Scheduler CLI file open failure on [description].
Explanation Upon receiving a command to perform an action to modify the behavior of the
scheduler, a file could not be opened, which might result in some commands failing.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
SERMON Messages
SERMON Messages
Error Message SE-SERMON-7-690300:<debug message>.
Explanation This is a debug message from the Service Monitor process.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-SERMON-6-690301:<info message>.
Explanation This is an information message from the Service Monitor process.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-SERMON-4-690302:Unable to perform Data Server operations.
Explanation The Service Monitor process failed to get data from the data server. This can indicate a
major system problem if it is persistent.
Recommended Action No action is required. If this problem is persistent, reboot the system.
Error Message SE-SERMON-3-690303 Interface [name] is down.
Explanation The system detects a link down on an interface. Possibly the cable on the interface is
not properly plugged in. Usually the LED on the interface is not on.
Recommended Action Check if the cable is plugged in on both sides, and make sure the LED on the
interface is on.
Error Message SE-SERMON-3-690304 Interface [name] is up.
Explanation The system detects a link is up on the interface.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-SERMON-3-690305 Speed mismatch among interfaces [name] assigned to
Explanation The system detects a speed mismatch on an interface within the port channel. Possibly,
the interface is not properly configured, or the auto-negotiation negotiated the interface into a
different speed within the port channel. This results in the port channel improperly performing.
Recommended Action If it is due to the auto-negotiation, then remove that interface from the port
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
SNMP Messages
Error Message SE-SERMON-3-690306 Speed match among interfaces [name] assigned to
Explanation The system detects a speed mismatch on one interface within the port channel.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-SERMON-3-690307 LACP Interface [name] is down.
Explanation The system detects an LACP link down on an interface. Possibly the interface is plugged
into a different port channel, or the interface is auto-negotiated into a different link speed.
Recommended Action If it is due to auto-negotiation, then remove the interface from the port channel.
Error Message SE-SERMON-3-690308 LACP Interface [name] is up.
Explanation The system detects a LACP link up on an interface.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-SERMON-3-690309 LACP Interface [name] no neighbor detected.
Explanation The LACP interface cannot receive a LACPDU packet.
Recommended Action Check the interface on the switch to make sure the LACP is turned on.
Error Message SE-SERMON-3-690310 LACP Interface [name] neighbor is detected.
Explanation The LACP interface has received a LACPDU packet.
Recommended Action No action is required.
SNMP Messages
Error Message SE-SNMP-2-430001:bind_data server_sock() failed: <return value>.
Explanation Cannot connect to the data server. If this message is seen, the SNMP Agent cannot
accept configurations from the CLI, send traps, or retrieve any CISCO-CONTENT-ENGINE-MIB
Recommended Action Re-enable SNMP. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
SNMP Messages
Error Message SE-SNMP-5-430002:ds_edm_register() failed: <item name return value>.
Explanation EDM registration failed with the data server <return value>.
Recommended Action If this message is seen, usually the SNMP Agent recovers from it. Execute the
show snmp event command to see if this CLI is functioning properly. Re-enable SNMP. Contact
Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-SNMP-5-430003:ds_verification_register() failed: <str>.
Explanation Verification registration failed with the data server.
Recommended Action If this message is seen, the user is unable to configure SNMP-related features.
Re-enable SNMP. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-SNMP-5-430004:ds_notification_register() failed: <str>.
Explanation Notification registration with the data server failed.
Recommended Action If this message is seen, the SNMP Agent might not be able to generate traps.
Re-enable SNMP. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-SNMP-3-430005:[Procedure]:Failed open [filename]. errno: [dc],
Explanation An error occurred while opening the [filename] file.
Recommended Action Re-enable SNMP. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-SNMP-3-430006:[Procedure]: Failed to read [filename]. errno: [dc],
Explanation Encountered an error while reading a procedure file.
Recommended Action Re-enable SNMP. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-SNMP-3-430007:[Procedure]: Failed to read [filename]. End-of-file.
Explanation Encountered unexpected end-of-file in a procedure file.
Recommended Action Re-enable SNMP. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-SNMP-2-430008:[filename] has more data than SNMP Agent
expects:possible kernel version and SNMP Agent application code mismatch.
Explanation An unexpected number of data fields were found in a procedure file.
Recommended Action Re-enable SNMP. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
SNMP Messages
Error Message SE-SNMP-2-430009:Incorrect number of data items found in [filename].
Explanation An unexpected number of data fields were found in a procedure file.
Recommended Action Re-enable SNMP. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-SNMP-2-430010: / proc/net/snmp header line has unexpected format.
Possible kernel version and SNMP Agent application code mismatch.
Explanation Unknown header information was found in /proc/net/arp.
Recommended Action Re-enable SNMP. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-SNMP-2-430011: / proc/net/snmp sscanf parsing error STAT_NET_ICMP
entry.num_items read = <dc>, num_items expected = 26.
Explanation An unknown number of data fields were found in /proc/net/snmp.
Recommended Action Re-enable SNMP. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-SNMP-2-430012: / proc/net/snmp has more data than SNMP Agent
expects: chars read = [dc] chars processed = [dc] possible kernel version and snmp
application code mismatch.
Explanation An unknown number of data fields were found in /proc/net/snmp.
Recommended Action Re-enable SNMP. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-SNMP-2-430013:snmp Agent process terminated.
Explanation An SNMP Agent process terminated due to connection failure with the data server.
Recommended Action The SNMP Agent process restarts by the node manager process. Re-enable
SNMP. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-SNMP-3-430014:SNMP server could not set Contact data item in Data
Server (error code).
Explanation A change was made in the SNMP server contact information, but the change could not
be recorded in the data server.
Recommended Action Try setting the contact data item again. Re-enable SNMP. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
SR Messages
Error Message SE-SNMP-3-430015:SNMP server could not set Location data item in Data
Server (error code).
Explanation A change was made in the SNMP server location information, but the change could not
be recorded in the data server.
Recommended Action Try setting the location data item again. Re-enable SNMP. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-SNMP-5-430016:SNMP server is resetting the connection with the Data
Explanation Due to a previous data server communication error, the SNMP server is going to reset
the data server connection.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-SNMP-2-430018:SNMP server:malloc error. <size> <function_name>.
Explanation Memory allocation error.
Recommended Action Re-enable SNMP and then reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this
problem persists.
SR Messages
Error Message SE-SR-3-180101:Memory allocation failure - [description].
Explanation The SR failed to allocate memory from the system. This failure can cause the SR to
function improperly and might affect other software modules in the system. This message should
appear whenever a memory allocation failure of the SR occurs. This problem can be caused by a
software error and requires investigation. The system should restart the SR if a failure occurs and
reboot the device if necessary.
Recommended Action Execute the show process memory command to confirm that the system
memory has been used up. Restarting the system provides an immediate workaround in most cases.
To help debug this problem, gather the output of the show content-routing route, show statistics
content-routing all, and show process memory commands. Also, turn on debug logging by
executing the debug content-routing all and logging disk priority debug commands for when this
problem occurs. Send the output of the commands and all syslog files to Cisco TAC for further
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
SR Messages
Error Message SE-SR-5-180102:Routing table is rebuilt for the config file changes:
Explanation The routing table of the SR has been rebuilt because of configuration changes. This
message is informational only and should appear whenever a configuration change has occurred and
information level logging is enabled.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-SR-5-180201:Service Engine '<ce name>' is up (keepalives have
started or resumed).
Explanation The SR has started to receive keepalives from the SE whose name is in the message. The
liveness state of the SE has changed as a result. This message is informational only and should
appear whenever keepalives are received that cause a change in the liveness state, and when
information level logging is enabled.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-SR-4-180202:Service Engine '<ce name>' is down (keepalives have
Explanation The SR has stopped receiving keepalives from the SE whose name is in the message.
The liveness state of the SE changed to “down” as a result, and no client requests are routed to it
until the SR once again receives keepalives from the SE. This message is notice level only and
should appear whenever notice level logging is enabled and an SE state change occurs because the
SR stops receiving keepalives from the SE.
Recommended Action Check the network connectivity between the SE and the SR. Use a Sniffer
network analyzer to verify that DNS traffic is passing from the SE to the SR and is successfully
received by the SR. If the connectivity is satisfactory, check the state of the SE on the CDSM to see
if it is online and check the Content Distribution Manager syslog file for messages that might
indicate why the SE went down. Finally, execute the show process memory command on the SE to
see if a crka-start.pl process is running. If you can find no reason for the error message, send all
syslog files on the SE and the output of the show cms info and show cms database context xml
commands to Cisco TAC for further assistance.
Error Message SE-SR-3-180301:Failed to open a connection to the data server after
<num> tries.
Explanation The SR cannot communicate with the data server module that stores system-wide
configuration data. This can cause commands related to service routing to fail, including the show
content-routing, clear statistics content-routing, show statistics content-routing, and debug
content-routing commands. This message requires immediate attention and only appears when the
SR starts up.
Recommended Action Send all syslog files to Cisco TAC for further analysis.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
SR Messages
Error Message SE-SR-4-180302:Failed to close a connection to the data server at
<string> <string>.
Explanation The SR failed to close a connection to the data server. This message only appears if the
service routing module fails to close a connection to the data server. No serious consequences result
from this error.
Recommended Action Send all syslog files to Cisco TAC for further analysis if some service
routing-related commands cannot be executed.
Error Message SE-SR-3-180303:Failed to register notifications at <string> <string>.
Explanation The SR failed to register with the data server to be notified when any of the debug
content-routing commands are executed. After this message appears, the SR keeps trying to register
every 60 seconds. This message only occurs when the SR starts up. This message is a notice level
message if the problem occurs fewer than five times and is escalated to an error level message if it
occurs more than five times. Ignoring this error message can cause failure of the debug
content-routing commands.
Recommended Action Restarting the node provides a temporary workaround. Send all syslog files to
Cisco TAC for further analysis.
Error Message SE-SR-4-180304:Failed to unregister notifications.
Explanation The SR failed to unregister from the data server to be notified when the debug
content-routing commands are executed. This error message occurs when the SR exits or when it
tries to reregister after a communication error has occurred.
Recommended Action No serious consequences result from this error. Send all syslog files to Cisco
TAC for further analysis if some service routing-related commands cannot be executed.
Error Message SE-SR-3-180305:Failed to receive notifications from the data server at
<string> - <string>.
Explanation The SR failed to receive data from the data server when the debug content-routing
commands are executed. This error message appears when the debug content-routing commands
are executed and an error occurs in the communication process. If this message appears only
occasionally, it is an informational message. Otherwise, its appearance requires investigation, and
the debug content-routing commands will always fail.
Recommended Action If the debug content-routing commands always fail, restarting the system
should provide a temporary workaround. Send all syslog files to Cisco TAC for further analysis.
Error Message SE-SR-3-180306:Failed to create thread at <string>.
Explanation This message appears whenever the SR starts up and fails to create a thread. This error
can significantly affect normal functioning of the SR and requires immediate attention.
Recommended Action Restarting the system might provide a temporary workaround. Send all syslog
files to Cisco TAC for further analysis.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
SR Messages
Error Message SE-SR-4-180307:Failed to free resources at <string> - <string>.
Explanation The SR failed to free resources when executing the debug content-routing commands.
This message appears every time the debug content-routing commands are executed. The message
might indicate failure of those commands and might affect subsequent execution of other service
routing-related commands.
Recommended Action Restarting the system might provide a temporary workaround. Send the output
of the show process memory command and all syslog files to Cisco TAC for further analysis.
Error Message SE-SR-4-180308:Failed to receive entire message at <string> <string>.
Explanation The SR failed to receive data from the data server when executing commands related to
service routing. This message appears whenever service routing-related commands are executed.
The message might indicate failure of the commands and might affect subsequent execution of other
service routing-related commands.
Recommended Action Restarting the system might provide a temporary workaround. Send the output
of the show process memory command and all syslog files to Cisco TAC for further analysis.
Error Message SE-SR-5-180309:Failed to register to with data server - <string>.
Explanation The SR failed to register with the data server for service routing-related commands
other than the debug content-routing commands. The SR then tries to register every 60 seconds.
This message only appears when the SR starts up. This message should be treated as a notice level
message only if it appears fewer than five times. It should be escalated to a critical level message if
it appears more than five times in a row. Ignoring this error message can cause service
routing-related commands other than the debug content-routing commands to fail.
Recommended Action Restarting the system might provide a temporary workaround. Send the output
of the show process memory command and all syslog files to Cisco TAC for further analysis.
Error Message SE-SR-4-180310:Failed to unregister from data server at <string> <string>.
Explanation The SR failed to unregister from the data server for service routing-related commands
other than the debug content-routing commands. This error message appears when the SR exits or
when it tries to reregister after a communication error.
Recommended Action No serious consequences result from this error. Send the output of the show
process memory command and all syslog files to Cisco TAC for further analysis.
Error Message SE-SR-3-180311:Failed to get CLI action information from data server
at <string> - <string>.
Explanation The SR failed to receive data from the data server when executing service
routing-related commands other than the debug content-routing commands. This message appears
whenever a single service routing-related command other than the debug content-routing
commands is executed and there is an error in communication. If this message appears only
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
SR Messages
occasionally, it is an information level message. Otherwise, its appearance requires investigation,
and service routing-related commands other than the debug content-routing commands will always
Recommended Action If service routing-related commands other than the debug content-routing
commands always fail, restarting the system should provide a temporary workaround. Send the
output of the show process memory command and all syslog files to Cisco TAC for further analysis.
Error Message SE-SR-3-180312:Failed to build response to data server at <string> <string>.
Explanation The SR failed to build a response to the data server when executing service
routing-related commands other than debug content-routing commands. This message appears
whenever a service-routing related command other than debug content-routing is executed and an
error occurs in building a response. If this message appears only occasionally, it is an informational
message. Otherwise, its appearance requires investigation, and service routing-related commands
other than the debug content-routing commands will always fail.
Recommended Action If service routing-related commands other than the debug content-routing
commands always fail, restarting the system should provide a temporary workaround. Send the
output of the show process memory command and all syslog files to Cisco TAC for further analysis.
Error Message SE-SR-3-180313:Failed to send response to data server at <string> <string>.
Explanation The SR failed to send a response to the data server when executing service
routing-related commands other than the debug content-routing commands. This message appears
whenever a single service routing-related command other than debug content-routing is executed
and an error occurs in responding to the data server. This error message is informational only if it
occurs occasionally. Otherwise, its appearance requires investigation, and service routing-related
commands other than the debug content-routing commands will always fail.
Recommended Action If service routing-related commands other than the debug content-routing
commands always fail, restarting the system should provide a temporary workaround. Send the
output of the show process memory command and all syslog files to Cisco TAC for further analysis.
Error Message SE-SR-5-180501:Service router lastresort domain: <string>.
Explanation The SR’s lastresort configuration is used when the client IP address does not match the
coverage zone’s subnets that are configured, or when all configured SEs are overloaded.
Recommended Action Add the client subnet to the coverage zone. Also check the SE’s capacity.
Error Message SE-SR-5-180502:Service router lastresort domain: <string> and file:
Explanation The SR’s lastresort configuration is used when the client IP address does not match the
coverage zone’s subnets that are configured.
Recommended Action Add the client subnet to the coverage zone. Also check the SE’s capacity.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
SSHD Messages
SSHD Messages
Error Message SE-SSHD-3-440001: read [ssh_session_file] failed,
Explanation The SSH service fails in reading ssh_session_file.
Recommended Action If this message occurs occasionally, ignore it. If this message appears
frequently, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-SSHD-3-440002:write [ssh_session_file] failed,
Explanation The SSH service fails in writing ssh_session_file.
Recommended Action If this message occurs occasionally, ignore it. If this message appears
frequently, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-SSHD-3-440003:lseek [ssh_session_file] failed,
Explanation The SSH service fails in seeking ssh_session_file.
Recommended Action If this message occurs occasionally, ignore it. If this message appears
frequently, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-SSHD-3-440004:can't open [ssh_session_file],
Explanation The SSH service fails in opening ssh_session_file.
Recommended Action If this message occurs occasionally, ignore it. If this message appears
frequently, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-SSHD-3-440005:can't create [ssh_session_file],
Explanation The SSH service fails in creating ssh_session_file.
Recommended Action If this message occurs occasionally, ignore it. If this message appears
frequently, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-SSHD-3-440006:failed to start /usr/sbin/sshd,
Explanation The SSH service fails in starting the SSHD process.
Recommended Action Retry the related ssh command, restart SSH service, and reboot the device.
Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
SSRV Messages
Error Message SE-SSHD-3-440007:usr/sbin/sshd did not exit, [failure-description].
Explanation The SSH service fails because the SSHD process did not exit.
Recommended Action Retry the related ssh command, restart SSH service, and reboot the device.
Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-SSHD-3-440008:ssh session failed, possibly because of incorrect
Explanation The active SSH session fails, possibly because of an incorrect login, or because of
internal SSHD errors.
Recommended Action Retry the SSH login with the correct username or password.
Error Message SE-SSHD-3-440009:ssh session succeeded.
Explanation The active SSH session proceeded successfully.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-SSHD-3-440010:Internal error: Could not change owner (error).
Explanation SSH could not be enabled due to an internal error.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-SSHD-3-440011:Remote host [host] RSA key has just been changed.
Explanation This message indicates that someone could be eavesdropping on you right now
(man-in-the-middle attack)! It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC or reset the key through the CLI.
SSRV Messages
Error Message SE-SSRV-4-678400:The stream bitrate(bitrate) is greater than limit,
refuse the request.
Explanation The stream bitrate is greater than the incoming or outgoing limit. The request is refused.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
STATS Messages
Error Message SE-SSRV-4-678401:The live session bitrate(bitrate) is greater than
limit, not starting it.
Explanation The live session bitrate is greater than the incoming or outgoing limit. The streaming
server refuses to create it.
Recommended Action No action is required.
STATS Messages
Error Message SE-STATS-4-600000:register_edm: edm reg err (ret = [error_code]).
Explanation The statistics provider application could not register with the data server.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-STATS-4-600001:ds_connect: ds connect err (ret = [error_code]).
Explanation The statistics provider application could not connect to the data server.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-STATS-4-600002:msg get err (ret=[error_code]).
Explanation The statistics provider application could not retrieve a message from the data server.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-STATS-4-600003:get edm info err (ret=[error_code])
Explanation The statistics provider application could not retrieve information from the data server.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-STATS-3-600004:Failed to open /proc/net/netstat.
Explanation The statistics provider application could not open the proc interface.
Recommended Action
Check the CLI again. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-STATS-3-600005: / proc/net/netstat header line has unexpected
format. Possible kernel version and cache application code mismatch. header line
= [line], cache expects line = [line].
Explanation The /proc/net/netstat format and the format expected by the statistics provider
application vary.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
STATS Messages
Error Message SE-STATS-3-600006: / proc/net/netstat had sscanf parsing error.
num_items read = %d, num_items expected = 65.
Explanation The /proc/net/netstat format and the format expected by the statistics provider
application vary.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-STATS-3-600007:Failed to open /proc/net/snmp. errno: [error],
Explanation The statistics provider application could not open the proc interface.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-STATS-3-600008:Failed to read /proc/net/snmp. errno: [error],
Explanation The statistics provider application could not read the proc interface.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-STATS-3-600009:Failed to read /proc/net/snmp. End-of-file.
Explanation The statistics provider application could not read the proc interface. No data was read.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-STATS-3-600010: / proc/net/snmp has more data than cache expects:
possible kernel version and cache application code mismatch.
Explanation The format of the /proc/net/snmp interface varies from the expected format.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-STATS-3-600011: / proc/net/snmp header line has unexpected format.
Possible kernel version and cache application code mismatch. ix = [itemno], header
line = [header], cache expects line = [expected].
Explanation The format of the /proc/net/snmp interface varies from expected the format.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-STATS-3-600012: / proc/net/snmp sscanf parsing error STAT_NET_IP
entry. num_items read = %d, num_items expected = 19.
Explanation The format of the /proc/net/snmp interface varies from expected the format.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
STATS Messages
Error Message SE-STATS-3-600013: / proc/net/snmp sscanf parsing error STAT_NET_ICMP
entry. num_items read = %d, num_items expected = 26.
Explanation The format of the /proc/net/snmp interface varies from the expected format.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-STATS-3-600014: / proc/net/snmp sscanf parsing error STAT_NET_TCP
entry. num_items read = %d, num_items expected = 21.
Explanation The format of the /proc/net/snmp interface varies from the expected format.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-STATS-3-600015: / proc/net/snmp sscanf parsing error STAT_NET_UDP
entry num_items read = %d, num_items expected = 4.
Explanation The format of the /proc/net/snmp interface varies from the expected format.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-STATS-3-600016: / proc/net/snmp has more data than cache expects:
chars read = [chars read] chars processed = [chars processed] possible kernel
version and cache application code mismatch.
Explanation The format of the /proc/net/snmp interface varies from the expected format.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-STATS-6-600018:Returning IP/ICMP/UDP/TCP stats.
Explanation Statistics for the specified protocol were returned.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-STATS-6-600019:Clearing IP/ICMP/UDP/TCP stats.
Explanation Statistics for the specified protocol were cleared.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-STATS-5-600020:Statistics thread startup notice.
Explanation Logs the thread and process IDs of the statistics thread of the SR.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
STDBY Messages
Error Message SE-STATS-5-600021:Statistics thread stack space notice.
Explanation Logs the location of the thread stack space for the statistics thread of the SR.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-STATS-3-600022:Failed to create Service Router statistics thread.
Explanation The SR statistics thread could not be created for some reason. Statistics are not
Recommended Action The device should be restarted because such a problem might be indicative of
a system-wide memory shortfall. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
STDBY Messages
Error Message SE-STDBY-3-522001:Standby item protection semaphore
open/write/signal/close error.
Explanation The standby process encountered a problem while trying to access the semaphore that
protects the standby data server item.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-STDBY-4-522002:Interface <interface> is down.
Explanation The standby process has found that the interface <interface> is down.
Recommended Action Check the cable, switch configuration, and the SE’s interface configuration for
any problems. Execute the shut and no shut commands on the SE interface. If the interface is still
down, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-STDBY-4-522003:Unable to reach the gateway.
Explanation The standby process has found that the SE is no longer able to reach the default gateway.
Recommended Action Manually ping the default gateway. If the ping does not work, look for any
network problems and the router configuration. If the ping works, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-STDBY-4-522004:Interface <interface> has seen more errors than
Explanation The standby process has found that the currently active interface is experiencing
excessive input and output errors.
Recommended Action Look for any problems in the switch and SE interface configurations. If you
find any problems, contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
STDBY Messages
Error Message SE-STDBY-7-522005:Standby group <group no> is up on <interface>.
Explanation The standby group is currently active on the interface <interface>.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-STDBY-3-522006:Standby group <group no> can't be brought up.
Explanation No member interfaces can be brought up in the specified standby group.
Recommended Action
Check the syslog files for failures on the related member interfaces.
Error Message SE-STDBY-3-522007:Error <err no> when raising alarm <alarm
item>(<alarm description>).
Explanation The standby process failed to raise the specified alarm.
Recommended Action Check the syslog files for other alarm-related failures. Alarm information on
the device could be inconsistent and a reload of the device might be required for recovery.
Error Message SE-STDBY-3-522008:Error <err no> when clearing alarms in module
<module name>.
Explanation The standby process failed to clear raised alarms in the group. The standby group name
is represented in <module name>.
Recommended Action Check the syslog files for other alarm-related failures. Alarm information on
the device could be inconsistent and a reload of the device might be required for recovery.
Error Message SE-STDBY-3-522009:Error <err no> when binding to nodehealthds.
Explanation The standby process failed to bind to the node health monitor database.
Recommended Action
Check the syslog files for more specific failures on the node health monitor
Error Message SE-STDBY-3-522010:[Standby interface CLI bin Debug].
Explanation This is a debug message for standby interface configuration.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
SYS Messages
SYS Messages
Error Message SE-SYS-0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7-900000:[Kernel Message].
Explanation These messages are generated by the kernel and might be useful for debugging a
problem that is encountered. More severe priorities (0 is the highest, 7 the lowest) are more likely
to be of concern.
Recommended Action Give these messages to Cisco TAC when a problem is encountered.
Error Message SE-SYS-5-900001:[system bootup messages].
Explanation These are system bootup messages.
Recommended Action These messages are mostly informational, but could be of help when debugging
certain bootup problems.
Error Message SE-SYS-5-900002:[system bootup messages].
Explanation These are system bootup messages (from system initialization until syslogd is started).
Recommended Action These messages are mostly informational, but could be of help when debugging
certain bootup problems.
Error Message SE-SYS-5-900003:[Kernel crash analysis messages].
Explanation These messages indicate that the kernel crashed in the past and contain information that
might help in diagnosing the problem.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
SYSMON Messages
Error Message SE-SYSMON-3-445000:Error in read the req, errno: [error].
Explanation The System Fault Monitor could not read a request, so it was skipped.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-SYSMON-3-445001:Failed to set NONBLOCK for new_fd, ret [status],
errno [error no].
Explanation The System Fault Monitor could not set the NONBLOCK attribute on a request, so it
was skipped.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
SYSMON Messages
Error Message SE-SYSMON-3-445002:select: ret = [status], errno = [error no].
Explanation The select call within the System Fault Monitor failed.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-SYSMON-3-445003:Incorrect system id [system identifier].
Explanation An unknown system identifier was received by the System Fault Monitor.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-SYSMON-3-445004:Incorrect device id [device id].
Explanation An unknown device identifier was received by the System Fault Monitor.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-SYSMON-3-445005:Incorrect timestamp [timestamp].
Explanation An improper time stamp was received by the System Fault Monitor.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-SYSMON-3-445006:Incorrect severity [severity level].
Explanation An unknown severity level was received by the System Fault Monitor.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-SYSMON-3-445007:error [error code] when binding to data server.
Explanation The System Fault Monitor could not make a connection to the data server. A fault might
not be reported.
Recommended Action Reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-SYSMON-3-445008:error [error code] when setting [data item name].
Explanation The System Fault Monitor could not set a value for the specified data server item name.
A fault might not be reported.
Recommended Action Reload the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists
Error Message SE-SYSMON-5-445009:sysmon: entering start_loop.
Explanation The System Fault Monitor is starting up.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
SYSMON Messages
Error Message SE-SYSMON-3-445010:Fault detected: [description].
Explanation The System Fault Monitor has detected a fault.
Recommended Action Take corrective action to fix the fault. If no fault actually exists, contact Cisco
Error Message SE-SYSMON-5-445011:Fault cleared: [description].
Explanation The System Fault Monitor has cleared a fault.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-SYSMON-1-445012:disk[%02d] has a serious file system problem.
Please reload the system to recover from this failure.
Explanation A disk has a serious but recoverable file system-related problem.
Recommended Action Reload the system.
Error Message SE-SYSMON-3-445013:Failed to turn off journaling on num:num.
Explanation A disk has a serious but recoverable file system-related problem.
Recommended Action Reload the system. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-SYSMON-3-445014:Could not add num:num to the list of failed
Explanation A disk has a serious but recoverable file system-related problem.
Recommended Action Reload the system.
Error Message SE-SYSMON-3-445015:[Disk health monitoring internal error messages].
Explanation The System Fault Monitor has encountered an internal processing error while
attempting to monitor the health of the SYSTEM/CDNFS disks.
Recommended Action Reload the system. Contact Cisco TAC if the problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
SYSUTL Messages
Error Message SE-SYSMON-4-445016:[diskname]: [SMART_attribute] error count
[change_direction] from [previous_value] to [current_value].
Explanation The System Fault Monitor has detected a disk-related health monitoring event.
[diskname] identifies the disk (for example, “disk08”). [SMART_attribute] indicates the SMART
attribute (for example, “Current_Pending_Sector”). [change_direction] indicates the attribute
value’s direction of change: “increased” or “decreased”. [previous_value] is the previous value of
the attribute. [current_value] is the current value of the attribute.
Recommended Action Actively monitor the disk for similarly recurring failures. Specifically, for
sector related failures, the sector(s) might be recoverable through a process that requires
reformatting or repairing the disk. Contact Cisco TAC for further assistance.
Error Message SE-SYSMON-3-445017:[MegaRAID SAS Controller health monitoring internal
error messages].
Explanation The System Fault Monitor has encountered an internal processing error while
attempting to monitor the health of the MegaRAID SAS Controller. This is normally a non-recurring
health monitoring issue; the CDS-IS system should automatically recover.
Recommended Action If the problem persists, reload the system. Contact Cisco TAC for further
SYSUTL Messages
Error Message SE-SYSUTL-5-800006:File removed <filename> And other <number> file(s)
removed Core file(s) removed <filename>.
Explanation SYSFS space is low. The system starts to automatically remove certain files.
Recommended Action Execute the show sysfs volumes command to check the SYSFS usage. Remove
any old files if SYSFS is over 80 percent used.
TFTP Messages
Error Message SE-TFTP-7-450001:tftpd: <various tftpd debug messages>.
Explanation This debug ID is used for debugging TFTP code.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-TFTP-3-450002:tftpd: Cannot create transaction logs: <error_code>.
Explanation The system could not create a TFTP transaction-log socket.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
TFTP Messages
Error Message SE-TFTP-3-450003:tftpd: Unable to send transaction log data: return=
<return-code> errno= <error-no> errstr= <error-string>.
Explanation The system was unable to send the data to the TFTP transaction-log socket.
Recommended Action Check if the transaction log command is enabled. If it is not enabled, then
enable it.
Error Message SE-TFTP-3-450004:tftp main(): Failed to bind to SysDB-Root with error
Explanation The system was unable to bind to the data from SysDB.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-TFTP-3-450005:tftp main(): SYSDB returned NULL tftp_ptr.
Explanation The system was successful in reading the item from SysDB, but the item has a null value
assigned to it.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-TFTP-3-450006:tftp main(): Item not found on the data server.
Explanation The system was unable to find the data on SysDB. sysdb_itm_get() failed with a return
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-TFTP-3-450007:tftp main(): sysdb_item_get failed with error code
Explanation sysdb_item_get() failed with an error code.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-TFTP-5-450008:NO TFTP-access-list is configured: A <read or write>
request denied for client <client-ip> for file <file-name>.
Explanation For TFTP to be functional, a TFTP server access list must be configured on the SE.
Recommended Action Configure a TFTP server access list and Standard Access List on the SE.
Error Message SE-TFTP-5-450009:NO Valid access-list is configured for access-list#
<#> A <read or write> request denied for client <client-ip> for file <file-name>.
Explanation For TFTP to be functional, a Standard Access List is needed.
Recommended Action Configure a Standard Access List for TFTP on the SE.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
TFTP Messages
Error Message SE-TFTP-5-450010:Failed to open tftp config file.
Explanation The TFTP daemon could not open the /etc/tftpd.conf file.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-TFTP-3-450011:tftpd: ioctl call failed: <error details>.
Explanation The TFTP daemon ioctl (FIONBIO) call to open the configuration file failed.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-TFTP-3-450012:tftpd: recvfrom() failed: <error details>.
Explanation The TFTP daemon call to recvfrom() returned an error.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-TFTP-3-450013:tftpd: fork failed: <error details>.
Explanation The TFTP daemon call to fork() failed.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-TFTP-2-450014:tftpd: can't drop root privileges: <error details>.
Explanation The TFTP daemon has to keep root privileges to allow files to be created.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-TFTP-3-450015:tftpd: socket creation to peer failed: <error
Explanation The TFTP daemon call to socket() failed.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-TFTP-3-450016:tftpd: socket bind to peer failed: <error details>.
Explanation The TFTP daemon call to bind() failed.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-TFTP-4-450017:tftpd: Cannot access base file system.
Explanation The TFTP daemon could not access the /local directory.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
UNILOG Messages
Error Message SE-TFTP-4-450018:tftpd: Invalid default directory: <default
Explanation The TFTP daemon could not access the default directory to search the requested file.
Recommended Action
Verify the default directory exists, and create it if it does not.
Error Message SE-TFTP-4-450019:tftpd: Blocked illegal request for <filename>.
Explanation The TFTP daemon cannot access the parent directory.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-TFTP-3-450022:tftpd: ACK send error: <error details>.
Explanation There was a TFTP daemon error while sending the acknowledgement to the client.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-TFTP-3-450023:tftpd: Read error: <error details>.
Explanation There was a TFTP daemon error while reading the data from the client.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-TFTP-3-450024:tftpd: NAK error: <error details>.
Explanation There was a TFTP daemon error while sending the NAK (negative acknowledgment).
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
UNILOG Messages
Error Message SE-UNILOG-2-650001:failed to bind data server to.
Explanation Failed to bind to the data server.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-UNILOG-2-650002:logger daemon to exit!
Explanation Unable to initialize data server connection; logger daemon to exit.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
UPG Messages
Error Message SE-UNILOG-2-650003:Cannot open logd.conf file, exiting!
Explanation Unable to open logd.conf file; logger daemon to exit.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-UNILOG-2-650004:Exiting, failed to register notifier on item [item
Explanation Failed to register notifier on item; logger daemon to exit.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-UNILOG-2-650005:log dir is not a directory.
Explanation The log directory is not a directory; logger daemon to exit.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-UNILOG-3-650006:Error: log directory cannot be created, errno =
Explanation The log directory cannot be created.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-UNILOG-3-650007:Error: log directory cannot be accessed. errno =
Explanation The log directory cannot be accessed.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-UNILOG-3-650008:cannot start translog service.
Explanation The translog service cannot be started.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
UPG Messages
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300001:<text>.
Explanation Invalid command-line parameters were passed. Another program in CDS has incorrectly
invoked this software.
Recommended Action Reboot and retry the installation. If this error prevents you from installing an
image, contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
UPG Messages
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300002:<text>.
Explanation An invalid component number was specified on the command line. Most likely this
means that another program in CDS incorrectly invoked this program.
Recommended Action Reboot and retry the installation. If this error prevents you from installing an
image, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300003:<text>.
Explanation An invalid component number was specified on the command line. Most likely this
means that another program in CDS incorrectly invoked this program.
Recommended Action Reboot and retry the installation. If this error prevents you from installing an
image, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300004:<text>.
Explanation A program was requested to write a component file to a terminal. The program output
should be directed to a file. Another program in CDS has incorrectly invoked this program.
Recommended Action Reboot and retry the installation. If this error prevents you from installing an
image, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300005:<text>.
Explanation Internal error processing command-line arguments.
Recommended Action Reboot and retry the installation. If this error prevents you from installing an
image, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300006:<text>.
Explanation Unable to open specified image file.
Recommended Action Ensure the path to the image file is correct. If automated software is generating
this message, it might indicate a bug or an operational problem on the device. Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300007:<text>.
Explanation Unable to get file status for a specified input file.
Recommended Action This is an internal problem on the device. Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
UPG Messages
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300008:<text>.
Explanation The input file was 0 bytes.
Recommended Action Ensure the input .bin file is a proper CDS image and is not truncated or corrupt.
Check the MD5 checksum. If necessary, download a new image file from Cisco.com.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300009:<text>.
Explanation Received an unexpected error while reading an image file header (see message the text
for details).
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300010:<text>.
Explanation Received an unexpected end-of-file error while reading an image file header.
Recommended Action Ensure the input .bin file is a proper CDS image and is not truncated or corrupt.
Check the MD5 checksum. If necessary, download a new image file from Cisco.com.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300011:<text>.
Explanation There is an incomplete header on the image file (missing MANIFEST-CHECKSUM
Recommended Action Ensure the input .bin file is a proper CDS image and is not truncated or corrupt.
Check the MD5 checksum. If necessary, download a new image file from Cisco.com.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300012:<text>.
Explanation There is an incomplete header on the image file (missing
Recommended Action Ensure the input .bin file is a proper CDS image and is not truncated or corrupt.
Check the MD5 checksum. If necessary, download a new image file from Cisco.com.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300013:<text>.
Explanation The image file is not compatible with this software release.
Recommended Action If attempting to downgrade, use the special downgrade image to downgrade.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300014:<text>.
Explanation The image file header contains invalid characters in a checksum string.
Recommended Action Ensure the input .bin file is a proper CDS image and is not truncated or corrupt.
Check the MD5 checksum. If necessary, download a new image file from Cisco.com.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
UPG Messages
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300015:<text>.
Explanation The image file header contains a checksum string of incorrect length.
Recommended Action Ensure the input .bin file is a proper CDS image and is not truncated or corrupt.
Check the MD5 checksum. If necessary, download a new image file from Cisco.com.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300016:<text>.
Explanation The page file header checksum was bad (possibly a corrupt or edited file).
Recommended Action Ensure the input .bin file is a proper CDS image and is not truncated or corrupt.
Check the MD5 checksum. If necessary, download a new image file from Cisco.com.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300017:<text>.
Explanation Failed to allocate memory.
Recommended Action Retry the installation. If necessary, reboot the system and retry the installation.
Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300018:<text>.
Explanation The image file header has a syntax error.
Recommended Action Ensure the input .bin file is a proper CDS image and is not truncated or corrupt.
Check the MD5 checksum. If necessary, download a new image file from Cisco.com.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300019:<text>.
Explanation The image file header contains a checksum string that contains an invalid character.
Recommended Action Ensure the input .bin file is a proper CDS image and is not truncated or corrupt.
Check the MD5 checksum. If necessary, download a new image file from Cisco.com.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300020:<text>.
Explanation The image file header contains a checksum string of length not equal to 32 characters.
Recommended Action Ensure the input .bin file is a proper CDS image and is not truncated or corrupt.
Check the MD5 checksum. If necessary, download a new image file from Cisco.com.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300021:<text>.
Explanation A component of the image file failed to match its checksum in the image header.
Recommended Action Ensure the input .bin file is a proper CDS image and is not truncated or corrupt.
Check the MD5 checksum. If necessary, download a new image file from Cisco.com.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
UPG Messages
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300022:<text>.
Explanation Failed to seek to desired file offset on input file.
Recommended Action This error indicates an internal error in the logic of the program. Contact Cisco
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300023:<text>.
Explanation An error occured while reading an image component. This might be due to transient
network failure (interrupted download). Alternatively, it might indicate a serious operational
problem on the device, such as a failed disk drive.
Recommended Action Retry the installation. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300024:<text>.
Explanation Reached end of file while reading an image component.
Recommended Action Ensure that the image file is not truncated or otherwise corrupted. You might
need to obtain a new image file from Cisco.com. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300025:<text>.
Explanation Failed to write component data to disk (see the message text for cause). This could be
because an internal error caused a system-use file system to fill up. Alternatively, the disk drive with
system-use file systems (typically disk00) might be failing.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC and provide syslog messages logged by default to the file
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300026:<text>.
Explanation Failed to write data to component output file.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300027:<text>.
Explanation Failed to open an existing component file on the disk. More information about this
failure is in the message text. This could be a hardware problem, such as a failed disk drive.
Recommended Action Check the disk drives and cables. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
UPG Messages
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300028:<text>.
Explanation Failed to create a temporary lock file. More information about this failure is in the
message text.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300029:<text>.
Explanation Failed to lock the lock file. This means another upgrade is in progress.
Recommended Action Wait for the other upgrade to finish. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300030:<text>.
Explanation Failed to read a directory listing to examine existing components. More information
about this failure is in the message text.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300031:<text>.
Explanation Failed to open an existing component file on the disk. More information about this
failure is in the message text. This could be a hardware problem, such as a failed disk drive.
Recommended Action Check the disk drives and cables. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300032:<text>.
Explanation Failed to read an existing component file on disk. More information about this failure
is in the message text. This could be a hardware problem, such as a failed disk drive.
Recommended Action Check the disk drives and cables. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300033:<text>.
Explanation Failed to create the manifest file on the disk. More information about this failure is in
the message text. This could be a hardware problem, such as a failed disk drive.
Recommended Action Check the disk drives and cables. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300034:<text>.
Explanation Failed to write to the manifest file on the disk. More information about this failure is in
the message text. This could be a hardware problem, such as failed disk drive. Check the disk drives
and cables.
Recommended Action Check the disk drives and cables. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
UPG Messages
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300035:<text>.
Explanation The image that is being installed is a partial image and is not compatible with the
software already installed on the device.
Recommended Action Ensure that the image you are trying to install is the proper image.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300036:<text>.
Explanation At boot time, the program “install-to-sw” failed to exit. More information is available
in the boot log messages in the syslog file.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300038:<text>.
Explanation Failed to open file /etc/MODEL. More information is in the message text.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300039:<text>.
Explanation The image to be installed is not compatible with the current device model type.
Recommended Action Ensure that the image you are installing is the desired image. Contact Cisco
TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300041:<text>.
Explanation Failed to create a temporary file to hold the pre-install script. This error indicates an
operational error on the device. More information about this failure is in the message text.
Recommended Action Reboot and retry the installation. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300042:<text>.
Explanation Failed to change working directory to /swstore (an internal directory used for storing
image file components). More information about this failure is in the message text.
Recommended Action Execute the show disk details command and verify that the system-use disk
space shows up on the first disk drive (typically disk00). If nothing shows up, you might need to
execute the disk recover command and reinstall. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300043:<text>.
Explanation Failed to create the flag file /swstore/GOOD. More information about this failure is in
the message text.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
UPG Messages
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300044:<text>.
Explanation Checksum failed for an image file after it was written to disk. More information about
this failure is in the message text. This could be a hardware problem, such as a failed disk drive.
Recommended Action Check the disk drives and cables. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300045:<text>.
Explanation fsync/close failed for an image file after it was written to disk. More information about
this failure is in the message text. This could be a hardware problem, such as a failed disk drive.
Check the disk drives and cables.
Recommended Action Check the disk drives and cables. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300090:<text>.
Explanation The pre-install script failed to exit. It probably performed an illegal operation and was
terminated by the system.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300091:<text>.
Explanation The pre-install script found an invalid CDSM IP address specified.
Recommended Action Check the metadata file or other CDSM IP address source and ensure the
address is syntactically correct.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300092:<text>.
Explanation The pre-install script observed that system-use file systems were not mounted.
Recommended Action Ensure that the disk configuration is correct. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300093:<text>.
Explanation The pre-install script could not detect any SYSFS file systems on the device.
Recommended Action Ensure that the device has non-zero disk space allocated to SYSFS. If
necessary, execute the disk config command, specifying non-zero SYSFS along with your other
desired file system type amounts, and reboot to have the SYSFS file systems created.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
UPG Messages
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300094:<text>.
Explanation The device-mode command has been used to make this device operate in a non-SE
Recommended Action Remove the device-mode configuration before downgrading.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300095:<text>.
Explanation The pre-install script prompted the user on the terminal to continue, and the user
decided to exit the installation.
Recommended Action Proceed with the installation when ready.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300096:<text>.
Explanation The pre-install script could not understand the internal file system layout on the disk
drive with system-use file systems (typically disk00).
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300097:<text>.
Explanation An internal error occurred with the pre-install script.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300098:<text>.
Explanation The wrong product is being installed.
Recommended Action
Download the correct CDS or Wide Area File Server (WAFS) image.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300099:<text>.
Explanation The network module with WAFS requires at least an 80GB-disk.
Recommended Action
Check the disk size on the module.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300100:<text>.
Explanation This specific disk model is not supported by the network module.
Recommended Action Proceed with the installation when ready.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
UPG Messages
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300101:<text>.
Explanation The network module running WAFS requires 512 MB of RAM.
Recommended Action Proceed with the installation when ready.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300140:<text>.
Explanation The installer script failed to exit. It probably performed an illegal operation and was
terminated by the system.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300141:<text>.
Explanation The installer failed to reclaim some unused flash sectors.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300142:<text>.
Explanation The installer failed to install a phase 3 bootloader to flash.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300143:<text>.
Explanation The installer failed to write the flash system image to the flash device.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300144:<text>.
Explanation The installer failed to write the upgrade or downgrade parameter packet to flash.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300145:<text>.
Explanation The installer failed to install the new rescue image to flash.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
UPG Messages
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300200:<text>.
Explanation The program was invoked with incorrect command-line arguments. This error probably
indicates a bug in another part of the CDS software.
Recommended Action Reboot and retry the installation. If this error prevents you from installing an
image, contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300201:<text>.
Explanation Failed to log in to the FTP server.
Recommended Action Check that the supplied username and password are correct, and that the
specified FTP server is the desired server. Try a manual FTP transfer to verify.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300202:<text>.
Explanation Failed to set BINARY FTP MODE.
Recommended Action Check that the FTP server is RFC-compliant.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300203:<text>.
Explanation Failed to change the directory to the desired directory on the FTP server.
Recommended Action Check that the specified directory is the desired directory, and that it exists and
is accessible on the FTP server. A manual transfer can help confirm this.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300204:<text>.
Explanation Failed to invoke the FTP GET operation on the FTP server.
Recommended Action Check that the server and network between the device and the FTP server is
operating correctly.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300208:<text>.
Explanation Failed to allocate memory.
Recommended Action Retry the installation. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300215:<text>.
Explanation Failed to create a pipe. See the message text for more details.
Recommended Action Retry the installation. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
UPG Messages
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300216:<text>.
Explanation Failed to fork. See the message text for more details.
Recommended Action Retry the installation. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300217:<text>.
Explanation Failed to exec the ruby_upgrade program. See the message text for more details.
Recommended Action Retry the installation. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300218:<text>.
Explanation The ruby_upgrade program exited before downloading the entire image.
Recommended Action See the other syslog messages for why the ruby_upgrade program exited.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300219:<text>.
Explanation The ruby_upgrade program failed to exit. This might indicate a bug in the software.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC.
Error Message SE-UPG-3-300220:<text>.
Explanation The download timed out waiting for data from the remote FTP/HTTP server.
Recommended Action Verify that the server is operational, and that the network between the device
and the remote server is operating properly.
Error Message SE-UPG-2-300221:<text>.
Explanation CDS software failed to automatically convert the startup configuration in a suitable
form for the intended target image.
Recommended Action Try saving the running-config to startup-config again. After the reload, some
of the configurations might need to be re-entered. Contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
URLFLT Messages
URLFLT Messages
Error Message SE-URLFLT-2-490201:CDNFS out of space [related information].
Explanation The UNS ran out of disk space.
Recommended Action Execute the show stat cdnfs command to check the CDNFS usage. Execute the
cdnfs cleanup command to reclaim unused space. Check if CDNFS has sufficient space and allocate
more disk space if necessary.
WMT Messages
Error Message SE-WMT-2-512000:Error with fork() [description].
Explanation A fork operation failed. The system might be in an unstable state.
Recommended Action Re-enable the service that is causing this error. Reboot the system if it does not
work. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-2-512004:System call error: <err msg>.
Explanation The system call failed. The system might be in an unstable state.
Recommended Action Re-enable the service that caused this error. Reboot the system if it does not
work. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-2-512010:Configuration error: [description].
Explanation The configured maximum sessions or bandwidth is higher than the platform-supported
Recommended Action Change the maximum sessions or bandwidth configuration to be within the
platform limits.
Error Message SE-WMT-2-512020:Unable to get WMT statistics region <error_msg>.
Explanation The shared memory that stored WMT statistics cannot be accessed.
Recommended Action Make sure the system is not experiencing major problems that caused this.
Re-enable (disable and then enable) WMT service.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
WMT Messages
Error Message SE-WMT-2-512030:Unable to get WMT status region, terminating.
Explanation The shared memory that stores WMT internal data cannot be accessed. WMT service is
Recommended Action Make sure the system is not experiencing a major problem that caused this.
Re-enable (disable and then enable) WMT service.
Error Message SE-WMT-2-512035:WMT Server unable to allocate free memory.
Explanation Malloc failed.
Recommended Action Check the system status and see if some processes are using excessive memory.
Reduce the load if the device is under a high load.
Error Message SE-WMT-2-512045:WMT multicast process cannot create socket.
Explanation A socket cannot be created by the WMT multicast process. The system might be in an
unstable state. This is a system level problem.
Recommended Action Reboot the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-2-512048:WMT setsockopt error: <which option>.
Explanation The socket option cannot be set by the WMT process. The system might be in an
unstable state. This is a system level problem.
Recommended Action Reboot the device. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-2-512070:WMT initiation to backend failed <client type>
Explanation The WMT server cannot initiate a connection with the backend daemon. The client type
could be UNS, Rule, or UrlFiltering. The reason for this problem is likely that the backend daemon
process is not functioning correctly.
Recommended Action Re-enable WMT service. If it does not work, reboot it.
Error Message SE-WMT-2-512071:[Procedure] error case: server flags <err_msg>.
Explanation This message is caused by invalid server flags.
Recommended Action Re-enable WMT service. Contact Cisco TAC if the problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-2-512073:[Procedure] called with invalid data.
Explanation Invalid data was passed to the function.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
WMT Messages
Error Message SE-WMT-2-512076:[Procedure] unable to open log pipe.
Explanation Failed to open log pipe.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-2-512077:WMT is not enabled, so multicast process terminating.
Explanation WMT is not enabled to perform multicasting.
Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513010:WMT Multicast to open/write an .nsc file. <Error
Explanation This is an internal error. Creating or writing a temporary file has failed.
Recommended Action No action is required because this only affects one request. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513011:Failed to get wmt multicast station name.
Explanation Failed to obtain WMT multicast station name.
Recommended Action No action is required if this is a transient error. Contact Cisco TAC if this
problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513015:[Procedure]: called without status.
Explanation Wrong arguments were passed.
Recommended Action Pass the correct arguments. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513016:show_multicast_station(): Internal error
Explanation Either the proper station name is not set, or failed to contact dataserver to fetch the
WMT item.
Recommended Action Check if the OS is active and if the station name is valid. Contact Cisco TAC
if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513017:
pass-through. (<filename>).
The content is corrupted and will be streamed as
Explanation The content is corrupted and includes some invalid values in file header.
Recommended Action Post-process this content in the OS. If it keeps happening, please contact Cisco
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
WMT Messages
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513020:Failed to clear wmt statistics.
Explanation Failed to clear Windows Media statistics.
Recommended Action Retry the command later. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513030:Needs to accept the wmt license agreement before
Explanation Tried to enable WMT without accepting the WMT license agreement.
Recommended Action Accept the WMT license agreement and then enable WMT.
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513031:Failed to disable the evaluation of wmt license
Explanation Failed to disable the WMT evaluation upon installation of a valid license key.
Recommended Action No action is required. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513032:Failed to accept the wmt license agreement.
Explanation Failed to accept the WMT license agreement.
Recommended Action Retry the command later. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513040:Failed to update the configuration.
Explanation Failed to open or update or read the configuration file.
Recommended Action Retry the configuration later. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513041:Failed to start/stop WMT.
Explanation Failed to start or stop WMT.
Recommended Action Enter the command later. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513042:Failed to disable WMT.
Explanation Failed to disable WMT.
Recommended Action Enter the command later. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513045:Wrong number of arguments.
Explanation The wrong number of arguments were passed.
Recommended Action Pass the correct number of arguments.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
WMT Messages
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513046:Wrong media file size.
Explanation The wrong media file size.
Recommended Action No action is required. Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513048:[Procedure] Failed to create symbolic link for wmt
logs dir.
Explanation Failed to create a symbolic link for the WMT logs directory.
Recommended Action Retry the command. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513049:[Procedure] Failed to start/stop wmt multicast
Explanation Failed to start or stop the WMT multicast station.
Recommended Action Retry the command. Contact Cisco TAC if this message appears frequently.
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513050:sysdb error.
Explanation An error occurred while connecting to sysdb.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-WMT-3-513051:wmt multicast station ipaddress [ip] is already inuse
by station: [station].
Explanation The WMT multicast station IP address is already in use by another station.
Recommended Action Choose another IP address for the new station.
Error Message CE-WMT-3-513052: Source [source url] of the managed live
program/multicast station has failed at [time].
Explanation The source to the managed live program/multicast station has failed.
Recommended Action Check the source to the multicast station/managed live program.
Error Message SE-WMT-4-514001:Disallowed all protocols.
Explanation Disallowed all the protocol. The WMT server or proxy is not able to serve the request.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
WMT Messages
Error Message SE-WMT-4-514005:Unknown client protocol used in IncrementProtocol.
Explanation The protocol should be negotiated by this stage. If you receive an unknown protocol at
this point, it is probably an error. Executing the show stat wmt stream live command might show
incorrect results.
Recommended Action Execute the show stat wmt streamstat incoming or show stat wmt
streamstat outgoing command.
Error Message SE-WMT-5-515000:Information regarding WMT Server status.\ Normally
shows starting/terminating status.
Explanation Shows the WMT server status, such as starting or terminating.
Recommended Action No action is required. This message is informational only.
Error Message SE-WMT-5-515001:Disabled the evaluation of wmt license agreement.
Explanation Disabled the WMT evaluation upon installation of a valid license key.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-WMT-5-515005:[Schedule(s)] for <station_name> [added/removed].
Explanation Added or removed some or all of the WMT multicast station schedules.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-WMT-5-515008:Updated the configuration information.
Explanation Updated the configuration information.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-WMT-5-515011:Default and maximum bandwidth information.
Explanation Default and maximum bandwidth information.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SE-WMT-5-515020:Preload TOS bits changed to: [description].
Explanation Preload TOS bits changed.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
XXX Messages
Error Message SE-WMT-7-517000:WMT Debug message.
Explanation These are debug messages from WMT.
Recommended Action No action is required.
XXX Messages
Error Message SE-XXX-7-100000: <various messages>.
Explanation Debug messages are logged to syslog file because of the debug command.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Web Engine Status Codes
Table 3-1 shows the Web Engine (WE) status codes and provides a description and corresponding error
log showing the condition under which the status codes display.
Table 3-1
Web Engine Status Codes
Status Code
Error Log
LY (302)
This is sent from the Authorization
Server when the URL validation fails,
and the error redirect URL has been
Trace Level:
Mp3 use case: “AppCtxt(%p) Redirect
code(%d) Location(%s)”
WE use case: “AppCtxt(%p) Lookup Data
Source Result - redirect code(%d)
Cache Hit :
WE could generate this response to an
IMS request it received from the client.
Transaction Log in squid format will mention if
its TCP_MISS (which means OS or upstream
must have sent it), or TCP_REFRESH_HIT
(which means WE generated it).
Cache Miss:
OS returns this code for a client IMS
Parse Error of request would
generate this code.
For [1] , the message tells you exactly what
parsing failed.
If WE has multiple thread transfers
due to URL pattern, it sends this
“Exception caught, What:%s. Syserr:”
For [2] “
“Url (%s) “
“causing multiple thread transfers, Sending
Bad request”
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
Web Engine Status Codes
Table 3-1
Web Engine Status Codes (continued)
Status Code
If WE gets a request whose method is Exception caught, What:%s. Syserr: %s : %d"“
neither GET nor HEAD, WE returns this
ORTED (505)
If WE gets an HTTP Version request
other than 1.0 or 1.1 , WE returns this
CAL returns this code possibly
because this is a hybrid caching use
case, and the request is outside the
start/stop serve time window.
Error Log
Exception caught, What:%s. Syserr: %s : %d”
No error message, trace message gives the
action returned by CA.
“Connection request to its own interface IP
%s is rejected, HTTPCOnnection"
OS sends back code 403.
WE is asked to connect to itself for
cache miss.
Trace Level : AppCtxt(%p) HTTP
Download disabled for %s - Deny!
Delivery service configuration to
disable HTTP Download.
AppCtxt[%p] This is not
CdsClientRequest. Reject !!!"
HCACHE header is sent by the
client, but the request is not from
another streamer but another client,
in which case WE denies the
Trace Level : AppCtxt(%p) Auth Server
Query Response - Deny
Auth Server returns deny the
If the WE receives a POST request, it
returns this code.
AppCtxt(%p) POST not supported in
HTTP-Cache - request denied.
If an Accept header is received and the Detail Level :
value does not match the content type or “AppCtxt(%p)”
the mime type for that asset, the WE
“Url (%s) “
returns this code.
“Accept Header %s “
“Mime type from URL %s”,
(const char *)headerValue,
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
Web Engine Status Codes
Table 3-1
Web Engine Status Codes (continued)
Status Code
ED (412)
Error Log
In the request If Unmodified Since LastModifiedTime (%lld)”,
date is != 0 and if unmodified since
< last modified time in the response.
2. If the incoming request had an If
match header and it does not match
the etag in the asset stored, then it
returns this code.
);# Detail Level:”AppCtxt(%p)”
"Url (%s) "
“etag (%s) request etag header (%s)”,
HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFI For any invalid range values, the WE
returns this code, if start range >= asset
length or start range > end range.
Trace Level: The AssetLength is : %lld and
Range Requested is [%lld-%lld]
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
Web Engine Status Codes
Table 3-1
Web Engine Status Codes (continued)
Status Code
ERROR (500)
Small Object cache miss use case,
either due to memory running out or
some other system problem. WE
was not able to create an object
required to serve the file.
Large Object cache miss use case,
either due to memory running out or
some other system problem. WE
was not able to create an object
required to serve the file.
Cache Bypass use case, either due to
memory running out or some other
system problem. WE was not able to
create an object required to serve the
Error Log
TCP state in squid transaction log will be
NONE if the current SE generated the error, if
its TCP_ MISS then this is from upstream SE
# “DiskFileDataSource Creation Failure: “
No error message written here
No error message written here
No error message written here
No error message written here
Content Lookup Failed with status [%d]
No error message written here
“DataSourceFinder(%p):: Failed to Start
the DataFeed(%p)”
a. None
Thread transfer use case, either due
to memory or FD running out. WE
was not able to do thread transfer.
CAL Lookup fails.
Error returned from CAL on lookup.
WE failed to start the data feed to
connect to the upstream SE or OS,
this could be because:
b. “No server ip to connect to for Xact %p
and url(%s)”
c. "Error creating HTTPConnection to
connect to for Xact %p with url (%s)"
d. ““HTTPConnection[%p] error getting
socket for %p with url %s, errno =
%d”"“OR” “HTTPConnection[%p]
Error Making socket Non Blocking for
xact =%p, Url[%s] errno = %d”” OR
a. WE ran out of FD.
b. OS was not resolved and WE
““Error Making HTTPConnection[%p]
for xact= %p, Url[%s], errno = %d”,” #
“AppCtxt(%p) Failed to create a
datasource finder - terminate client”
had no IP address to connect to.
c. Ran out of memory and HTTP
connection object could not be
“AppCtxt(%p) Failed to Query Auth Server
“AppCtxt(%p) Auth Server Query Error
(%d), AuthSvrQuery(%p)”,”
d. Not able to connect and connect
system call gave an error.
Ran out of memory or FD, and could
not create data source finder. This
occurs before CAL lookup.
Authorization Server query could
not be done.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 3
Error Messages and Recovery Procedures
Web Engine Status Codes
Table 3-1
Web Engine Status Codes (continued)
Status Code
If an only-if-cached request comes
and content is not in the disk, then
this code is returned.
If connect to upstream SE or OS
failed because:
a. WE is unable to write the
request to the upstream SE or
OS and times out.
b. WE is unable to write the
request on current connection,
and a retry cannot be done to
create a new socket to same IP.
c. Read response from OS or
upstream timed out.
d. Read on the socket connected to
upstream Se or OS returned a -1
e. Parsing of the response header
from upstream SE or OS fails.
f. On Header parsing neither
content length nor transfer
encoding is being sent, and
bytes to read from upstream SE
/ Os is negative.
g. HTTP Response body read
timed out.
h. Read response body gave error
or did not have any data.
i. Retry attempt has failed and we
cannot connect to any upstream
or OS.
j. Connection Manager was not
able to dispatch the connection,
most likely because the socket
could not be created or
Error Log
Trace Level :"AppCtxt(%p) - Url(%s) - Has
Only If cached "
“- Send Error Gateway time out”,# Multiple
a. ““In EvHttpWriteReqCbTime out on
WriteCB socket %d, event %d,
HTTPConnection[%p], Server ip [%s]””
b. In EvHttpWriteReqCbTime error in
ev_buffer_write WriteCB socket %d, event
%d, HTTPConnection[%p], Server ip[%s]
c. In EvHttpReadRespHeaderCb socket %d,
situation [%s] for HTTPConnection[ %p]
and xact[%p] with Url[%s]
d. “In EvHttpReadRespHeaderCb socket %d,
situation [%s], for HTTPConnection[ %p]
and xact[%p] with Url[%s]”,
e. “In EvHttpReadRespHeaderCb socket %d,
situation [%s], for HTTPConnection[ %p]
and xact[%p] with Url[%s]”, socket,
“Empty Buffer”,
f. “In EvHttpReadRespHeaderCb socket %d,
situation [%s], for HTTPConnection[ %p]
and xact[%p] with Url[%s]”, socket,
“BytesToalToRead unitilaized”,
g. “In EvHttpReadRespBodyCb socket %d,
situation[%s] , for HTTPConnection[ %p]
and xact[%p] with Url[%s]", socket,
"Time Out”,
h. “In EvHttpReadRespBodyCb socket %d,
situation[%s], for HTTPConnection[ %p]
and xact[%p] with Url[%s]”, socket,
“No Data”,
i. ht_conn->GetConnMgr()->AppDebugHelper(),
s : connect for %s:%d on Socket: %d,error
= %s, HTTPConnection [%p]”,
j. ConnectionMgr could not dispatch Xact
while retrying xact[%p], Server ip(%s)”,
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Web Engine Status Codes
This chapter lists the Cisco Videsocape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer (VDS-IS) web engine
status codes.
Table 4-1 shows the Web Engine (WE) status codes and provides a description and corresponding error
log showing the condition under which the status codes display.
Table 4-1
Web Engine Status Codes
Status Code
Error Log
LY (302)
This is sent from the Authorization
Server when the URL validation fails,
and the error redirect URL has been
Trace Level:
Mp3 use case: “AppCtxt(%p) Redirect
code(%d) Location(%s)”
WE use case: “AppCtxt(%p) Lookup Data
Source Result - redirect code(%d)
Cache Hit :
WE could generate this response to an
IMS request it received from the client.
Transaction Log in squid format will mention if
its TCP_MISS (which means OS or upstream
must have sent it), or TCP_REFRESH_HIT
(which means WE generated it).
Cache Miss:
OS returns this code for a client IMS
Parse Error of request would
generate this code.
For [1] , the message tells you exactly what
parsing failed.
If WE has multiple thread transfers
due to URL pattern, it sends this
“Exception caught, What:%s. Syserr:”
For [2] “
“Url (%s) “
“causing multiple thread transfers, Sending
Bad request”
If WE gets a request whose method is Exception caught, What:%s. Syserr: %s : %d"“
neither GET nor HEAD, WE returns this
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 4
Table 4-1
Web Engine Status Codes
Web Engine Status Codes (continued)
Status Code
Error Log
ORTED (505)
If WE gets an HTTP Version request
other than 1.0 or 1.1 , WE returns this
Exception caught, What:%s. Syserr: %s : %d”
CAL returns this code possibly
because this is a hybrid caching use
case, and the request is outside the
start/stop serve time window.
No error message, trace message gives the
action returned by CA.
“Connection request to its own interface IP
%s is rejected, HTTPCOnnection"
OS sends back code 403.
WE is asked to connect to itself for
cache miss.
Trace Level : AppCtxt(%p) HTTP
Download disabled for %s - Deny!
Delivery service configuration to
disable HTTP Download.
AppCtxt[%p] This is not
CdsClientRequest. Reject !!!"
HCACHE header is sent by the
client, but the request is not from
another streamer but another client,
in which case WE denies the
Trace Level : AppCtxt(%p) Auth Server
Query Response - Deny
Auth Server returns deny the
If the WE receives a POST request, it
returns this code.
AppCtxt(%p) POST not supported in
HTTP-Cache - request denied.
If an Accept header is received and the Detail Level :
value does not match the content type or “AppCtxt(%p)”
the mime type for that asset, the WE
“Url (%s) “
returns this code.
“Accept Header %s “
“Mime type from URL %s”,
(const char *)headerValue,
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 4
Web Engine Status Codes
Table 4-1
Web Engine Status Codes (continued)
Status Code
ED (412)
Error Log
In the request If Unmodified Since LastModifiedTime (%lld)”,
date is != 0 and if unmodified since
< last modified time in the response.
2. If the incoming request had an If
match header and it does not match
the etag in the asset stored, then it
returns this code.
);# Detail Level:”AppCtxt(%p)”
"Url (%s) "
“etag (%s) request etag header (%s)”,
HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFI For any invalid range values, the WE
returns this code, if start range >= asset
length or start range > end range.
Trace Level: The AssetLength is : %lld and
Range Requested is [%lld-%lld]
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 4
Table 4-1
Web Engine Status Codes (continued)
Status Code
ERROR (500)
Small Object cache miss use case,
either due to memory running out or
some other system problem. WE
was not able to create an object
required to serve the file.
Large Object cache miss use case,
either due to memory running out or
some other system problem. WE
was not able to create an object
required to serve the file.
Cache Bypass use case, either due to
memory running out or some other
system problem. WE was not able to
create an object required to serve the
Error Log
TCP state in squid transaction log will be
NONE if the current SE generated the error, if
its TCP_ MISS then this is from upstream SE
# “DiskFileDataSource Creation Failure: “
No error message written here
No error message written here
No error message written here
No error message written here
Content Lookup Failed with status [%d]
No error message written here
“DataSourceFinder(%p):: Failed to Start
the DataFeed(%p)”
a. None
Thread transfer use case, either due
to memory or FD running out. WE
was not able to do thread transfer.
CAL Lookup fails.
Error returned from CAL on lookup.
WE failed to start the data feed to
connect to the upstream SE or OS,
this could be because:
b. “No server ip to connect to for Xact %p
and url(%s)”
c. "Error creating HTTPConnection to
connect to for Xact %p with url (%s)"
d. ““HTTPConnection[%p] error getting
socket for %p with url %s, errno =
%d”"“OR” “HTTPConnection[%p]
Error Making socket Non Blocking for
xact =%p, Url[%s] errno = %d”” OR
a. WE ran out of FD.
b. OS was not resolved and WE
““Error Making HTTPConnection[%p]
for xact= %p, Url[%s], errno = %d”,” #
“AppCtxt(%p) Failed to create a
datasource finder - terminate client”
had no IP address to connect to.
c. Ran out of memory and HTTP
connection object could not be
“AppCtxt(%p) Failed to Query Auth Server
“AppCtxt(%p) Auth Server Query Error
(%d), AuthSvrQuery(%p)”,”
d. Not able to connect and connect
system call gave an error.
Ran out of memory or FD, and could
not create data source finder. This
occurs before CAL lookup.
Authorization Server query could
not be done.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Web Engine Status Codes
Chapter 4
Web Engine Status Codes
Table 4-1
Web Engine Status Codes (continued)
Status Code
If an only-if-cached request comes
and content is not in the disk, then
this code is returned.
If connect to upstream SE or OS
failed because:
a. WE is unable to write the
request to the upstream SE or
OS and times out.
b. WE is unable to write the
request on current connection,
and a retry cannot be done to
create a new socket to same IP.
c. Read response from OS or
upstream timed out.
d. Read on the socket connected to
upstream Se or OS returned a -1
e. Parsing of the response header
from upstream SE or OS fails.
f. On Header parsing neither
content length nor transfer
encoding is being sent, and
bytes to read from upstream SE
/ Os is negative.
g. HTTP Response body read
timed out.
h. Read response body gave error
or did not have any data.
i. Retry attempt has failed and we
cannot connect to any upstream
or OS.
j. Connection Manager was not
able to dispatch the connection,
most likely because the socket
could not be created or
Error Log
Trace Level :"AppCtxt(%p) - Url(%s) - Has
Only If cached "
“- Send Error Gateway time out”,# Multiple
a. ““In EvHttpWriteReqCbTime out on
WriteCB socket %d, event %d,
HTTPConnection[%p], Server ip [%s]””
b. In EvHttpWriteReqCbTime error in
ev_buffer_write WriteCB socket %d, event
%d, HTTPConnection[%p], Server ip[%s]
c. In EvHttpReadRespHeaderCb socket %d,
situation [%s] for HTTPConnection[ %p]
and xact[%p] with Url[%s]
d. “In EvHttpReadRespHeaderCb socket %d,
situation [%s], for HTTPConnection[ %p]
and xact[%p] with Url[%s]”,
e. “In EvHttpReadRespHeaderCb socket %d,
situation [%s], for HTTPConnection[ %p]
and xact[%p] with Url[%s]”, socket,
“Empty Buffer”,
f. “In EvHttpReadRespHeaderCb socket %d,
situation [%s], for HTTPConnection[ %p]
and xact[%p] with Url[%s]”, socket,
“BytesToalToRead unitilaized”,
g. “In EvHttpReadRespBodyCb socket %d,
situation[%s] , for HTTPConnection[ %p]
and xact[%p] with Url[%s]", socket,
"Time Out”,
h. “In EvHttpReadRespBodyCb socket %d,
situation[%s], for HTTPConnection[ %p]
and xact[%p] with Url[%s]”, socket,
“No Data”,
i. ht_conn->GetConnMgr()->AppDebugHelper(),
s : connect for %s:%d on Socket: %d,error
= %s, HTTPConnection [%p]”,
j. ConnectionMgr could not dispatch Xact
while retrying xact[%p], Server ip(%s)”,
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 4
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Web Engine Status Codes
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller
This chapter provides information about the faults that may be raised in and reported by Cisco Integrated
Management Controller (CIMC) Web UI of CDE280.
To know how to configure the CIMC port, see Configure the CIMP IP.
To define the trap destination in order to send the CIMC fault, see Configuring SNMP Trap, under
Configuring SNMP.
If you want to receive minor and warning alarms of a CDE280, it’s strongly recommended to send the
fault/trap to an external trap server, CDSM will not report those alarms.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Adapter-Related Faults, page 5-2
Chassis-Related Faults, page 5-2
Fan-Related Faults, page 5-5
I/O Card-Related Faults, page 5-10
Memory-Related Faults, page 5-14
Processor-Related Faults, page 5-19
Power Supply-Related Faults, page 5-25
Server-Related Faults, page 5-35
Storage-Related Faults, page 5-44
System Event Log-Related Faults, page 5-53
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Adapter-Related Faults
Adapter-Related Faults
Fault Code:F0203
Adapter [id] in [Serverid] presence: [presence]
The adapter is missing. CIMC raises this fault when any of the following scenarios occur:
The endpoint reports there is no adapter in the adaptor slot.
The endpoint cannot detect or communicate with the adapter in the adaptor slot.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Make sure an adapter is inserted in the adaptor slot in the server.
Step 2
Check whether the adapter is connected and configured properly and is running the recommended
firmware version.
Step 3
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: warning
Cause: equipment-missing
mibFaultCode: 203
mibFaultName: fltAdaptorUnitMissing
moClass: adaptor:Unit
Type: equipment
Chassis-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0409
Thermal condition on [Serverid] cause: [thermalStateQualifier]
This fault occurs under the following condition:
If a component within a chassis is operating outside the safe thermal operating range.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Chassis-Related Faults
Recommended Action;
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Ensure the server has adequate airflow, including front and back clearance.
Step 2
Verify that the air flows of the servers are not obstructed.
Step 3
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 4
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 5
Check the temperature readings and ensure it is within the recommended thermal safe operating range.
Step 6
If the fault reports a "Thermal Sensor threshold crossing in the front or back pane" error for the servers,
check if thermal faults have been raised. Those faults include details of the thermal condition.
Step 7
If the fault reports a "Missing or Faulty Fan" error, check on the status of that fan. If it needs replacement,
create a tech-support file for the chassis and contact Cisco TAC.
Step 8
If the above actions did not resolve the issue and the condition persists, create a tech-support file for
the chassis and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 409
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentChassisThermalThresholdCritical
moClass: equipment:Chassis
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0410
Thermal condition on [Serverid] cause: [thermalStateQualifier]
This fault occurs under the following condition:
If a component within a chassis is operating outside the safe thermal operating range.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Ensure the server has adequate airflow, including front and back clearance.
Step 2
Verify that the air flows of the servers are not obstructed.
Step 3
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 4
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 5
Check the temperature readings and ensure it is within the recommended thermal safe operating range.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Chassis-Related Faults
Step 6
If the fault reports a “Thermal Sensor threshold crossing in the front or back pane” error for the servers,
check if thermal faults have been raised. Those faults include details of the thermal condition.
Step 7
If the fault reports a “Missing or Faulty Fan” error, check on the status of that fan. If it needs
replacement, create a tech-support file for the chassis and contact Cisco TAC.
Step 8
If the above actions did not resolve the issue and the condition persists, create a tech-support file for
the chassis and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: minor
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 410
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentChassisThermalThresholdNonCritical
moClass: equipment:Chassis
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0411
Thermal condition on [Serverid] cause: [thermalStateQualifier]
This fault occurs under the following condition:
If a component within a chassis is operating outside the safe thermal operating range.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Ensure the server has adequate airflow, including front and back clearance.
Step 2
Verify that the air flows of the servers are not obstructed.
Step 3
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 4
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 5
Check the temperature readings and ensure it is within the recommended thermal safe operating range.
Step 6
If the fault reports a “Thermal Sensor threshold crossing in the front or back pane” error for the servers,
check if thermal faults have been raised. Those faults include details of the thermal condition.
Step 7
If the fault reports a “Missing or Faulty Fan” error, check on the status of that fan. If it needs
replacement, create a tech-support file for the chassis and contact Cisco TAC.
Step 8
If the above actions did not resolve the issue and the condition persists, create a tech-support file for
the chassis and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Fan-Related Faults
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 411
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentChassisThermalThresholdNonRecoverable
moClass: equipment:Chassis
Type: environmental
Fan-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0371
Fan [id] in Fan Module [tray]-[id] under [Serverid] operability: [operability]
This fault occurs when one or more fans in a fan module are not operational, but at least one fan is
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the fan module.
Step 2
Ensure the fan modules have adequate airflow, including front and back clearance.
Step 3
Verify that the air flows of the servers are not obstructed.
Step 4
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 5
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 6
If the above actions do not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: warning
Cause: equipment-degraded
mibFaultCode: 371
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentFanDegraded
moClass: equipment:Fan
Type: equipment
Fault Code: F0380
Fan module [tray]-[id] in [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Fan-Related Faults
This fault occurs when the temperature of a fan module has exceeded a non-critical threshold value, but
is still below the critical threshold. Be aware of the following possible contributing factors:
Temperature extremes can cause CDE-280 equipment to operate at reduced efficiency and cause a
variety of problems, including early degradation, failure of chips, and failure of equipment. In
addition, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause CPUs to become loose in their sockets.
CDE-280 equipment should operate in an environment that provides an inlet air temperature not
colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the fan module.
Step 2
Ensure the fan modules have adequate airflow, including front and back clearance
Step 3
Verify that the air flows are not obstructed.
Step 4
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 5
Power off unused rack servers.
Step 6
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 7
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: minor
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 380
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentFanModuleThermalThresholdNonCritical
moClass: equipment:FanModule
Type: environmental
Fault Code:F0382
Fan module [tray]-[id] in [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
This fault occurs when the temperature of a fan module has exceeded a critical threshold value. Be aware
of the following possible contributing factors:
Temperature extremes can cause CDE-280 equipment to operate at reduced efficiency and cause a
variety of problems, including early degradation, failure of chips, and failure of equipment. In
addition, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause CPUs to become loose in their sockets.
CDE-280 equipment should operate in an environment that provides an inlet air temperature not
colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Fan-Related Faults
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the fan module.
Step 2
Ensure the fan modules have adequate airflow, including front and back clearance.
Step 3
Verify that the air flows are not obstructed.
Step 4
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 5
Power off unused rack servers.
Step 6
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 7
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 382
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentFanModuleThermalThresholdCritical
moClass: equipment:FanModule
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0384
Fan module [tray]-[id] in [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
This fault occurs when the temperature of a fan module has exceeded a critical threshold value. Be aware
of the following possible contributing factors:
Temperature extremes can cause CDE-280 equipment to operate at reduced efficiency and cause a
variety of problems, including early degradation, failure of chips, and failure of equipment. In
addition, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause CPUs to become loose in their sockets.
CDE-280 equipment should operate in an environment that provides an inlet air temperature not
colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the fan module.
Step 2
Ensure the fan modules have adequate airflow, including front and back clearance.
Step 3
Verify that the air flows are not obstructed.
Step 4
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 5
Power off unused rack servers.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Fan-Related Faults
Step 6
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 7
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 384
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentFanModuleThermalThresholdNonRecoverable
moClass: equipment:FanModule
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0395
Fan [id] in Fan Module [tray]-[id] under [Serverid] speed: [perf]
This fault occurs when the fan speed reading from the fan controller does not match the desired fan speed
and is outside of the normal operating range. This can indicate a problem with a fan or with the reading
from the fan controller.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Monitor the fan status.
Step 2
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details
Severity: minor
Cause: performance-problem
mibFaultCode: 395
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentFanPerfThresholdNonCritical
moClass: equipment:Fan
Fault Code: F0396
Fan [id] in Fan Module [tray]-[id] under [Serverid] speed: [perf]
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Fan-Related Faults
This fault occurs when the fan speed read from the fan controller does not match the desired fan speed
and has exceeded the critical threshold and is in risk of failure. This can indicate a problem with a fan
or with the reading from the fan controller.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Monitor the fan status.
Step 2
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: performance-problem
mibFaultCode: 396
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentFanPerfThresholdCritical
moClass: equipment:Fan
Fault Code: F0397
Fan [id] in Fan Module [tray]-[id] under [Serverid] speed: [perf]
This fault occurs when the fan speed read from the fan controller has far exceeded the desired fan speed.
It usually indicates that the fan has failed.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: performance-problem
mibFaultCode: 397
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentFanPerfThresholdNonRecoverable
moClass: equipment:Fan
Type: equipment
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
I/O Card-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0434
Fan [id] in Fan Module [tray]-[id] under [Serverid] presence: [presence]
This fault occurs in the unlikely event that a fan in a fan module cannot be detected.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: warning
Cause: equipment-missing
mibFaultCode: 434
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentFanMissing
moClass: equipment:Fan
Type: equipment
I/O Card-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0376
IOCard [location] on [Serverid] is removed.
This fault typically occurs because an I/O card is removed from the chassis, or when the card or the slot
is faulty.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Re-seat/re-insert the I/O card. Prior to re-inserting this server component, see the server-specific
Hardware Guide for prerequisites, safety recommendations and warnings.
Step 2
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
I/O Card-Related Faults
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: equipment-removed
mibFaultCode: 376
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentIOCardRemoved
moClass: equipment:IOCard
Type: equipment
Fault Code:F0379
IOCard [location] on [Serverid] operState: [operState]
This fault occurs when there is a thermal problem on an I/O card. Be aware of the following possible
contributing factors:
Temperature extremes can cause CDE-280 equipment to operate at reduced efficiency and cause a
variety of problems, including early degradation, failure of chips, and failure of equipment. In
addition, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause CPUs to become loose in their sockets.
CDE-280 equipment should operate in an environment that provides an inlet air temperature not
colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the I/O card.
Step 2
Ensure the server has adequate airflow, including front and back clearance.
Step 3
Verify that the airflows on the servers are not obstructed.
Step 4
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 5
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 6
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 379
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentIOCardThermalProblem
moClass: equipment:IOCard
Type: environmental
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
I/O Card-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0729
IOCard [location] on [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
This fault occurs when the temperature of an I/O card has exceeded a non-critical threshold value, but is
still below the critical threshold. Be aware of the following possible contributing factors:
Temperature extremes can cause CDE-280 equipment to operate at reduced efficiency and cause a
variety of problems, including early degradation, failure of chips, and failure of equipment. In
addition, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause CPUs to become loose in their sockets.
CDE-280 equipment should operate in an environment that provides an inlet air temperature not
colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
If sensors on a CPU reach 179.6F (82C), the system will take that CPU offline
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the I/O card.
Step 2
Verify that the airflows on the servers are not obstructed.
Step 3
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 4
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 5
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: minor
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 729
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentIOCardThermalThresholdNonCritical
moClass: equipment:IOCard
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0730
IOCard [location] on [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
This fault occurs when the temperature of an I/O card has exceeded a critical threshold value. Be aware
of the following possible contributing factors:
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
I/O Card-Related Faults
Temperature extremes can cause CDE-280 equipment to operate at reduced efficiency and cause a
variety of problems, including early degradation, failure of chips, and failure of equipment. In
addition, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause CPUs to become loose in their sockets.
CDE-280 equipment should operate in an environment that provides an inlet air temperature not
colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
If sensors on a CPU reach 179.6F (82C), the system will take that CPU offline.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the I/O card.
Step 2
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 3
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 4
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 730
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentIOCardThermalThresholdCritical
moClass: equipment:IOCard
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0731
IOCard [location] on [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
This fault occurs when the temperature of an I/O card has been out of the operating range, and the issue
is not recoverable. Be aware of the following possible contributing factors:
Temperature extremes can cause CDE-280 equipment to operate at reduced efficiency and cause a
variety of problems, including early degradation, failure of chips, and failure of equipment. In
addition, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause CPUs to become loose in their sockets.
CDE-280 equipment should operate in an environment that provides an inlet air temperature not
colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
If sensors on a CPU reach 179.6F (82C), the system will take that CPU offline.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the I/O card.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Memory-Related Faults
Step 2
Verify that the airflows on the servers are not obstructed.
Step 3
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 4
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 5
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 731
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentIOCardThermalThresholdNonRecoverable
moClass: equipment:IOCard
Type: environmental
Memory-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0184
DIMM [location] on [Serverid] operability: [operability]
This fault occurs when a DIMM is in a degraded operability state. This state typically occurs when an
excessive number of correctable ECC errors are reported on the DIMM by the server BIOS.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Monitor the DIMM for further ECC errors. If the high number of errors persists, there is a high
possibility of the DIMM becoming inoperable.
Step 2
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: warning
Cause: equipment-degraded
mibFaultCode: 184
mibFaultName: fltMemoryUnitDegraded
moClass: memory:Unit
Type: equipment
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Memory-Related Faults
Fault Code:F0185
DIMM [location] on [Serverid] operability: [operability]
This fault typically occurs because an above threshold number of correctable or uncorrectable errors has
occurred on a DIMM. The DIMM may be inoperable.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the SEL statistics on the DIMM to determine which threshold was crossed.
Step 2
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: equipment-inoperable
mibFaultCode: 185
mibFaultName: fltMemoryUnitInoperable
moClass: memory:Unit
Fault Code:F0186
DIMM [location] on [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
This fault occurs when the temperature of a memory unit on a server exceeds a non-critical threshold
value, but is still below the critical threshold. Be aware of the following possible contributing factors:
Temperature extremes can cause CDE-280 equipment to operate at reduced efficiency and cause a
variety of problems, including early degradation, failure of chips, and failure of equipment. In
addition, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause CPUs to become loose in their sockets.
CDE-280 equipment should operate in an environment that provides an inlet air temperature not
colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
If sensors on a CPU reach 179.6F (82C), the system will take that CPU offline.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the server.
Step 2
Ensure the server has adequate airflow, including front and back clearance.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Memory-Related Faults
Step 3
Verify that the airflows on the servers are not obstructed.
Step 4
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 5
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 6
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: informational
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 186
mibFaultName: fltMemoryUnitThermalThresholdNonCritical
moClass: memory:Unit
Type: environmental
Fault Code:F0187
DIMM [location] on [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
This fault occurs when the temperature of a memory unit on a server exceeds a critical threshold value.
Be aware of the following possible contributing factors:
Temperature extremes can cause CDE-280 equipment to operate at reduced efficiency and cause a
variety of problems, including early degradation, failure of chips, and failure of equipment. In
addition, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause CPUs to become loose in their sockets.
CDE-280 equipment should operate in an environment that provides an inlet air temperature not
colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
If sensors on a CPU reach 179.6F (82C), the system will take that CPU offline.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the server.
Step 2
Ensure the server has adequate airflow, including front and back clearance.
Step 3
Verify that the airflows on the servers are not obstructed.
Step 4
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 5
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 6
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Memory-Related Faults
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 187
mibFaultName: fltMemoryUnitThermalThresholdCritical
moClass: memory:Unit
Type: environmental
Fault Code:F0188
DIMM [location] on [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
This fault occurs when the temperature of a memory unit on a server has been out of the operating range,
and the issue is not recoverable. Be aware of the following possible contributing factors:
Temperature extremes can cause CDE-280 equipment to operate at reduced efficiency and cause a
variety of problems, including early degradation, failure of chips, and failure of equipment. In
addition, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause CPUs to become loose in their sockets.
CDE-280 equipment should operate in an environment that provides an inlet air temperature not
colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
If sensors on a CPU reach 179.6F (82C), the system will take that CPU offline.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the server.
Step 2
Ensure the server has adequate airflow, including front and back clearance
Step 3
Verify that the airflows on the servers are not obstructed.
Step 4
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 5
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 6
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 188
mibFaultName: fltMemoryUnitThermalThresholdNonRecoverable
moClass: memory:Unit
Type: environmental
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Memory-Related Faults
Fault Code:F0190
Memory array [id] on [Serverid] voltage: [voltage]
This fault occurs when the memory array voltage exceeds the specified hardware voltage rating.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the SEL statistics on the DIMM to determine which threshold was crossed.
Step 2
Monitor the memory array for further degradation.
Step 3
Replace the power supply. Prior to replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware Guide for
prerequisites, safety recommendations, and warnings.
Step 4
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: voltage-problem
mibFaultCode: 190
mibFaultName: fltMemoryArrayVoltageThresholdCritical
moClass: memory:Array
Fault Code: F0191
Memory array [id] on [Serverid] voltage: [voltage]
This fault occurs when the memory array voltage exceeded the specified hardware voltage rating and
potentially the memory hardware may be damaged.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the SEL statistics on the DIMM to determine which threshold was crossed.
Step 2
Monitor the memory array for further degradation.
Step 3
Replace the power supply. Prior to replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware Guide for
prerequisites, safety recommendations and warnings.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Processor-Related Faults
Step 4
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: voltage-problem
mibFaultCode: 191
mibFaultName: fltMemoryArrayVoltageThresholdNonRecoverable
moClass: memory:Array
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0502
DIMM [location] on [Serverid] has an invalid FRU
This fault typically occurs when a sensor has detected an unsupported DIMM in the server. For example,
the model, vendor, or revision is not recognized.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Verify if the DIMM is supported on the server configuration. If the DIMM is not supported on the server
configuration, contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: warning
Cause: identity-unestablishable
mibFaultCode: 502
mibFaultName: fltMemoryUnitIdentityUnestablishable
moClass: memory:Unit
Type: equipment
Processor-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0174
Processor [id] on [Serverid] operability: [operability]
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Processor-Related Faults
This fault occurs in the event the processor encounters a catastrophic error or has exceeded the pre-set
thermal/power thresholds.
Recommended Action
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
In the event that the probable cause being indicated is a thermal problem, check to see if the airflow to
the server is not obstructed, and it is adequately ventilated. If possible, check if the heat sink is properly
seated on the processor.
Step 2
In the event that the probable cause being indicated is equipment inoperable, please contact Cisco TAC
for further instructions.
Step 3
In the event that the probable cause being indicated is a power or voltage problem, it is recommended to
see if the issue is resolved with an alternate power supply. If this fails to resolve the issue, please contact
Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical | major
Cause: equipment-inoperable
mibFaultCode: 174
mibFaultName: fltProcessorUnitInoperable
moClass: processor:Unit
Type: equipment
Fault Code: F0175
Processor [id] on [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
This fault occurs when the processor temperature on a server exceeds a non-critical threshold value, but
is still below the critical threshold. Be aware of the following possible contributing factors:
Temperature extremes can cause CDE-280 equipment to operate at reduced efficiency and cause a
variety of problems, including early degradation, failure of chips, and failure of equipment. In
addition, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause CPUs to become loose in their sockets.
CDE-280 equipment should operate in an environment that provides an inlet air temperature not
colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
If sensors on a CPU reach 179.6F (82C), the system will take that CPU offline.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the server.
Step 2
Ensure the server has adequate airflow, including front and back clearance.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Processor-Related Faults
Step 3
Verify that the airflows on the servers are not obstructed.
Step 4
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 5
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 6
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: minor
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 175
mibFaultName: fltProcessorUnitThermalThresholdNonCritical
moClass: processor:Unit
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0176
Processor [id] on [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
This fault occurs when the processor temperature on a rack server exceeds a critical threshold value. Be
aware of the following possible contributing factors:
Temperature extremes can cause CDE-280 equipment to operate at reduced efficiency and cause a
variety of problems, including early degradation, failure of chips, and failure of equipment. In
addition, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause CPUs to become loose in their sockets.
CDE-280 equipment should operate in an environment that provides an inlet air temperature not
colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
If sensors on a CPU reach 179.6F (82C), the system will take that CPU offline.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the server.
Step 2
Ensure the server has adequate airflow, including front and back clearance.
Step 3
Verify that the airflows on the servers are not obstructed.
Step 4
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 5
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 6
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Processor-Related Faults
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 176
mibFaultName: fltProcessorUnitThermalThresholdCritical
moClass: processor:Unit
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0177
Processor [id] on [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
This fault occurs when the processor temperature on a rack server has been out of the operating range,
and the issue is not recoverable. Be aware of the following possible contributing factors:
Temperature extremes can cause CDE-280 equipment to operate at reduced efficiency and cause a
variety of problems, including early degradation, failure of chips, and failure of equipment. In
addition, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause CPUs to become loose in their sockets.
CDE-280 equipment should operate in an environment that provides an inlet air temperature not
colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
If sensors on a CPU reach 179.6F (82C), the system will take that CPU offline.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the server.
Step 2
Ensure the server has adequate airflow, including front and back clearance.
Step 3
Verify that the airflows on the servers are not obstructed.
Step 4
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 5
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 6
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 177
mibFaultName: fltProcessorUnitThermalThresholdNonRecoverable
moClass: processor:Unit
Type: environmental
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Processor-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0178
Processor [id] on [Serverid] voltage: [voltage]
This fault occurs when the processor voltage is out of normal operating range, but has not yet reached a
critical stage. Normally the processor recovers itself from this situation.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take these actions:
Step 1
Monitor the processor for further degradation.
Step 2
Review the SEL statistics on the CPU to determine which threshold was crossed.
Step 3
Replace the power supply. Prior to replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware Guide for
prerequisites, safety recommendations, and warnings.
Step 4
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details
Severity: minor
Cause: voltage-problem
mibFaultCode: 178
mibFaultName: fltProcessorUnitVoltageThresholdNonCritical
moClass: processor:Unit
Type: environmental
Fault Code:F0179
Processor [id] on [Serverid] voltage: [voltage]
This fault occurs when the processor voltage has exceeded the specified hardware voltage rating.
Recommended Action
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Monitor the processor for further degradation
Step 2
Review the SEL statistics on the CPU to determine which threshold was crossed.
Step 3
Replace the power supply. Prior to replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware Guide for
prerequisites, safety recommendations, and warnings.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Processor-Related Faults
Step 4
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details
Severity: major
Cause: voltage-problem
mibFaultCode: 179
mibFaultName: fltProcessorUnitVoltageThresholdCritical
moClass: processor:Unit
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0180
Processor [id] on [Serverid] voltage: [voltage]
This fault occurs when the processor voltage has exceeded the specified hardware voltage rating and may
cause processor hardware damage.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details
Severity: critical
Cause: voltage-problem
mibFaultCode: 180
mibFaultName: fltProcessorUnitVoltageThresholdNonRecoverable
moClass: processor:Unit
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0842
Processor [id] on [Serverid] operState: [operState]
This fault occurs in the unlikely event that a processor is disabled.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Power Supply-Related Faults
Step 1
If this fault occurs, re-seat the processor.
Step 2
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: informational
Cause: equipment-disabled
mibFaultCode: 842
mibFaultName: fltProcessorUnitDisabled
moClass: processor:Unit
Type: environmental
Power Supply-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0374
Power supply [id] in [Serverid] operability: [operability]
This fault typically occurs when the power supply unit is either offline or the input/output voltage is out
of range.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Verify that the power cord is properly connected to the PSU and the power source.
Step 2
Verify that the power source is 220/110 volts.
Step 3
Remove the PSU and re-install it.
Step 4
Replace the PSU.
Step 5
Prior to re-installing or replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware Guide for
prerequisites, safety recommendations and warnings.
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: equipment-inoperable
mibFaultCode: 374
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentPsuInoperable
moClass: equipment:Psu
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Power Supply-Related Faults
Type: equipment
Fault Code: F0381
Power supply [id] in [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
This fault occurs when the temperature of a PSU module has exceeded a non-critical threshold value, but
is still below the critical threshold. Be aware of the following possible contributing factors:
Temperature extremes can cause CDE-280 equipment to operate at reduced efficiency and cause a
variety of problems, including early degradation, failure of chips, and failure of equipment. In
addition, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause CPUs to become loose in their sockets.
CDE-280 equipment should operate in an environment that provides an inlet air temperature not
colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the PSU module.
Step 2
Ensure the PSU modules have adequate airflow, including front and back clearance
Step 3
Verify that the airflows are not obstructed.
Step 4
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 5
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 6
Replace faulty PSU modules. Prior to replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware Guide
for prerequisites, safety recommendations and warnings.
Step 7
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: minor
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 381
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentPsuThermalThresholdNonCritical
moClass: equipment:Psu
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0383
Power supply [id] in [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Power Supply-Related Faults
This fault occurs when the temperature of a PSU module has exceeded a critical threshold value. Be
aware of the following possible contributing factors:
Temperature extremes can cause CDE-280 equipment to operate at reduced efficiency and cause a
variety of problems, including early degradation, failure of chips, and failure of equipment. In
addition, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause CPUs to become loose in their sockets.
CDE-280 equipment should operate in an environment that provides an inlet air temperature not
colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the PSU module.
Step 2
Ensure the PSU modules have adequate airflow, including front and back clearance.
Step 3
Verify that the airflows are not obstructed.
Step 4
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 5
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 6
Replace faulty PSU modules. Prior to replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware Guide
for prerequisites, safety recommendations and warnings.
Step 7
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 383
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentPsuThermalThresholdCritical
moClass: equipment:Psu
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0378
Power supply [id] in [Serverid] presence: [presence]
This fault typically occurs when the power supply module is either missing or the input power to the
server is absent.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Check to see if the power supply is connected to a power source.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Power Supply-Related Faults
Step 2
If the PSU is physically present in the slot, remove and then re-insert it.
Step 3
If the PSU is not physically present in the slot, insert a new PSU.
Step 4
Prior to inserting or replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware Guide for prerequisites,
safety recommendations and warnings.
If you see this fault, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: warning
Cause: equipment-missing
mibFaultCode: 378
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentPsuMissing
moClass: equipment:Psu
Type: equipment
Fault Code: F0385
Power supply [id] in [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
This fault occurs when the temperature of a PSU module has been out of operating range, and the issue
is not recoverable. Be aware of the following possible contributing factors:
Temperature extremes can cause CDE-280 equipment to operate at reduced efficiency and cause a
variety of problems, including early degradation, failure of chips, and failure of equipment. In
addition, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause CPUs to become loose in their sockets.
CDE-280 equipment should operate in an environment that provides an inlet air temperature not
colder than 50F (10C) nor hotter than 95F (35C).
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Review the product specifications to determine the temperature operating range of the PSU module.
Step 2
Ensure the PSU modules have adequate airflow, including front and back clearance
Step 3
Verify that the airflows are not obstructed.
Step 4
Verify that the site cooling system is operating properly.
Step 5
Clean the installation site at regular intervals to avoid buildup of dust and debris, which can cause a
system to overheat.
Step 6
Replace faulty PSU modules. Prior to replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware Guide
for prerequisites, safety recommendations and warnings.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Power Supply-Related Faults
Step 7
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 385
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentPsuThermalThresholdNonRecoverable
moClass: equipment:Psu
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0387
Power supply [id] in [Serverid] voltage: [voltage]
This fault occurs when the PSU voltage is out of normal operating range, but has not reached to a critical
stage yet. Normally the PSU will recover itself from this situation.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Monitor the PSU for further degradation.
Step 2
Remove and reseat the PSU.
Step 3
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: minor
Cause: voltage-problem
mibFaultCode: 387
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentPsuVoltageThresholdNonCritical
moClass: equipment:Psu
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0389
Power supply [id] in [Serverid] voltage: [voltage]
This fault occurs when the PSU voltage has exceeded the specified hardware voltage rating.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Power Supply-Related Faults
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Remove and reseat the PSU.
Step 2
Replace the PSU. Prior to replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware Guide for
prerequisites, safety recommendations and warnings.
Step 3
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: voltage-problem
mibFaultCode: 389
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentPsuVoltageThresholdCritical
moClass: equipment:Psu
Type: environmental
Fault Code:F0391
Power supply [id] in [Serverid] voltage: [voltage]
This fault occurs when the PSU voltage has exceeded the specified hardware voltage rating and PSU
hardware may have been damaged as a result or may be at risk of being damaged.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Remove and reseat the PSU.
Step 2
If the above action did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: voltage-problem
mibFaultCode: 391
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentPsuVoltageThresholdNonRecoverable
moClass: equipment:Psu
Type: environmental
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Power Supply-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0392
Power supply [id] in [Serverid] output power: [perf]
This fault is raised if the current output of the PSU in a rack server does not match the desired output
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Monitor the PSU status.
Step 2
If possible, remove and reseat the PSU.
Step 3
If the above action did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file for the chassis, and contact Cisco
Fault Details:
Severity: minor
Cause: power-problem
mibFaultCode: 392
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentPsuPerfThresholdNonCritical
moClass: equipment:Psu
Type: equipment
Fault Code: F0393
Power supply [id] in [Serverid] output power: [perf]
This fault is raised if the current output of the PSU in a rack server does not match the desired output
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Monitor the PSU status.
Step 2
If possible, remove and reseat the PSU.
Step 3
If the above action did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file for the chassis, and contact Cisco
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Power Supply-Related Faults
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: power-problem
mibFaultCode: 393
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentPsuPerfThresholdCritical
moClass: equipment:Psu
Type: equipment
Fault Code:F0394
Power supply [id] in [Serverid] output power: [perf]
This fault is raised if the current output of the PSU in a rack server does not match the desired output
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Monitor the PSU status.
Step 2
If possible, remove and reseat the PSU.
Step 3
If the above action did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file for the chassis, and contact Cisco
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: power-problem
mibFaultCode: 394
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentPsuPerfThresholdNonRecoverable
moClass: equipment:Psu
Type: equipment
Fault Code: F0407
Power supply [id] on [Serverid] has a malformed FRU
This fault typically occurs when the FRU information for a power supply unit is corrupted or malformed.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Power Supply-Related Faults
Step 1
Check the server-specific Hardware Guide for the power supply vendor specification.
Step 2
If the above action did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: fru-problem
mibFaultCode: 407
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentPsuIdentity
moClass: equipment:Psu
Type: equipment
Fault Code: F0528
Power supply [id] in [Serverid] power: [power]
This fault typically occurs when CIMC detects that a power supply unit in a chassis is offline.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Verify that the power cord is properly connected to the PSU and the power source.
Step 2
Verify that the power source is 220/110 volts.
Step 3
Verify that the PSU is properly installed.
Step 4
Remove the PSU and reinstall it.
Prior to installing or replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware Guide for prerequisites,
safety recommendations and warnings.
Step 5
Replace the PSU.
Step 6
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, note down the type of PSU, create a tech-support file, and
contact Cisco Technical Support.
Fault Details:
Severity: warning
Cause: equipment-offline
mibFaultCode: 528
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentPsuOffline
moClass: equipment:Psu
Type: environmental
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Power Supply-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0743
[Serverid] was configured for redundancy, but running in a non-redundant configuration.
This fault typically occurs when server power redundancy has failed.
Recommended Action
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Consider adding more PSUs to the chassis.
Step 2
Replace any non-functional PSUs. Prior to replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware
Guide for prerequisites, safety recommendations and warnings.
Step 3
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details
Severity: major
Cause: psu-redundancy-fail
mibFaultCode: 743
mibFaultName: fltPowerChassisMemberChassisPsuRedundanceFailure
moClass: power:ChassisMember
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0882
Power supply [id] on [Serverid] has exceeded its power threshold.
This fault occurs when a power supply unit is drawing too much current.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: minor | major | critical
Cause: power-problem
mibFaultCode: 882
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentPsuPowerThreshold
moClass: equipment:Psu
Type: equipment
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Server-Related Faults
This fault code is overloaded.
Fault Code: F0883
Power supply [id] on [Serverid] has disconnected cable or bad input voltage.
This fault occurs when a power cable is disconnected or input voltage is incorrect.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Check if the power cable is disconnected.
Step 2
Check if the input voltage is within the correct range mentioned the server-specific Hardware Guide.
Step 3
Re-insert the PSU.
Step 4
If these actions did not solve the problem, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: power-problem
mibFaultCode: 883
mibFaultName: fltEquipmentPsuInputError
moClass: equipment:Psu
Type: equipment
Server-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0310
Motherboard of [Serverid] power: [operPower]
This fault typically occurs when the server board sensors have detected a problem.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Server-Related Faults
Step 1
Reseat/replace the power supply. Prior to replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware
Guide for prerequisites, safety recommendations and warnings.
Step 2
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: power-problem
mibFaultCode: 310
mibFaultName: fltComputeBoardPowerError
moClass: compute:Board
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0313
[Serverid] BIOS failed power-on self test
This fault typically occurs when the server did not complete the BIOS POST.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Connect to the CIMC WebUI and launch the KVM console to monitor the BIOS POST completion.
Step 2
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: equipment-inoperable
mibFaultCode: 313
mibFaultName: fltComputePhysicalBiosPostTimeout
moClass: compute:Physical
Type: equipment
Fault Code: F0320
[Serverid] Chassis open
This fault occurs when the server chassis or cover has been opened.
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Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Server-Related Faults
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Make sure that the server chassis or cover is in place.
Fault Details:
Severity: warning
Cause: equipment-problem
mibFaultCode: 320
mibFaultName: fltComputePhysicalUnidentified
moClass: compute:Physical
Type: equipment
Fault Code: F0424
CMOS battery voltage on [Serverid] is [cmosVoltage]
This fault is raised when the CMOS battery voltage is not in the normal operating range. This could
impact the clock and other CMOS settings.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: voltage-problem
mibFaultCode: 424
mibFaultName: fltComputeBoardCmosVoltageThresholdCritical
moClass: compute:Board
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0425
CMOS battery voltage on [Serverid] is [cmosVoltage]
This fault is raised when the CMOS battery voltage is not in the normal operating range and is unlikely
to recover. This impacts the clock and other CMOS settings.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Server-Related Faults
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: voltage-problem
mibFaultCode: 425
mibFaultName: fltComputeBoardCmosVoltageThresholdNonRecoverable
moClass: compute:Board
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0538
IO Hub on [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
This fault is raised when the I/O controller temperature is outside the upper or lower non-critical
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Monitor other environmental events related to this server and ensure the temperature ranges are within
recommended ranges.
Step 2
If this action did not solve the problem, contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: minor
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 538
mibFaultName: fltComputeIOHubThermalNonCritical
moClass: compute:IOHub
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0539
IO Hub on [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Server-Related Faults
This fault is raised when the I/O controller temperature is outside the upper or lower critical threshold.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Monitor other environmental events related to the server and ensure the temperature ranges are within
recommended ranges.
Step 2
Consider turning off the server for a while if possible.
Step 3
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 539
mibFaultName: fltComputeIOHubThermalThresholdCritical
moClass: compute:IOHub
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0540
IO Hub on [Serverid] temperature: [thermal]
This fault is raised when the I/O controller temperature is outside the recoverable range of operation.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Shut down the server immediately.
Step 2
Create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 540
mibFaultName: fltComputeIOHubThermalThresholdNonRecoverable
moClass: compute:IOHub
Type: environmental
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Server-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0517
[Serverid] POST or diagnostic failure
This fault typically occurs when the server has encountered a diagnostic failure or an error during POST.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Check the POST result for the server.
Step 2
Reboot the server.
Step 3
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: equipment-problem
mibFaultCode: 517
mibFaultName: fltComputePhysicalPostFailure
moClass: compute:Physical
Type: server
Fault Code: F0868
Motherboard of [Serverid] power: [power]
This fault typically occurs when the power sensors on a server detect a problem.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: power-problem
mibFaultCode: 868
mibFaultName: fltComputeBoardPowerFail
moClass: compute:Board
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Server-Related Faults
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0869
Motherboard of [Serverid] : thermal: [thermal]
This fault typically occurs when the motherboard thermal sensors on a server detect a problem.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Verify that the server fans are working properly.
Step 2
Wait for 24 hours to see if the problem resolves itself.
Step 3
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: minor | major |critical
Cause: thermal-problem
mibFaultCode: 869
mibFaultName: fltComputeBoardThermalProblem
moClass: compute:Board
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0920
Motherboard of [Serverid] voltage: [voltage]
This fault typically occurs when one or more motherboard input voltages has exceeded upper critical
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Reseat or replace the power supply. Prior to replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware
Guide for prerequisites, safety recommendations and warnings.
Step 2
If the issue persists, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Server-Related Faults
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: voltage-problem
mibFaultCode: 920
mibFaultName: fltComputeBoardMotherBoardVoltageUpperThresholdCritical
moClass: compute:Board
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F1040
Motherboard of [Serverid] power: [power]
This fault typically occurs when the motherboard power consumption exceeds certain threshold limits.
When this happens, the power usage sensors on a server detects a problem.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: major | critical
Cause: power-problem
mibFaultCode: 1040
mibFaultName: fltComputeBoardPowerUsageProblem
moClass: compute:Board
Type: environmental
This fault code is overloaded.
Fault Code: F0918
Motherboard of [Serverid] voltage: [voltage]
This fault typically occurs when one or more motherboard input voltages has become too high and is
unlikely to recover.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Server-Related Faults
Step 1
Contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: voltage-problem
mibFaultCode: 918
mibFaultName: fltComputeBoardMotherBoardVoltageThresholdUpperNonRecoverable
moClass: compute:Board
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0919
Motherboard of [Serverid] voltage: [voltage]
This fault typically occurs when one or more motherboard input voltages has dropped too low and is
unlikely to recover.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: voltage-problem
mibFaultCode: 919
mibFaultName: fltComputeBoardMotherBoardVoltageThresholdLowerNonRecoverable
moClass: compute: Board
Type: environmental
Fault Code: F0921
Motherboard of [Serverid] voltage: [voltage]
This fault typically occurs when one or more motherboard input voltages has crossed lower critical
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Storage-Related Faults
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Reseat or replace the power supply. Prior to replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware
for prerequisites, safety recommendations and warnings.
Step 2
If the issue persists, create a tech-support file and contact TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: voltage-problem
mibFaultCode: 921
mibFaultName: fltComputeBoardMotherBoardVoltageLowerThresholdCritical
moClass: compute: Board
Type: environmental
Storage-Related Faults
Fault Code: F1003
Storage Controller [id] operability: [operability]
This fault occurs when patrol read failed on a disk connected to controller.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Initiate a consistency check on the virtual drive.
Step 2
Replace any faulty physical drives. Prior to replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware
for prerequisites, safety recommendations and warnings.
Fault Details:
Severity: warning
Cause: equipment-inoperable
mibFaultCode: 1003
mibFaultName: fltStorageControllerPatrolReadFailed
moClass: storage:Controller
Type: equipment
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Storage-Related Faults
Fault Code: F1005
Local disk [id] on [Serverid] operability: [operability]
This fault indicates a failure in the rebuild process of the local disk.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Restart the rebuild process.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: equipment-offline
mibFaultCode: 1005
mibFaultName: fltStorageLocalDiskRebuildFailed
moClass: storage:LocalDisk
Type: equipment
Fault Code: F0181
Local disk [id] on [Serverid] operability: [operability]
This fault occurs when the local disk has become inoperable or has been removed while the server was
in use.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Insert the disk in a supported slot.
Step 2
Remove and re-insert the local disk.
Step 3
Replace the disk, if an additional disk is available.
Prior to installing or replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware Guide for prerequisites,
safety recommendations and warnings.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Storage-Related Faults
Step 4
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: major | informational | warning
Cause: equipment-missing | equipment-inoperable
mibFaultCode: 181
mibFaultName: fltStorageLocalDiskInoperable
moClass: storage:LocalDisk
type: equipment
Fault Code: F0996
Local disk [id] on [Serverid] operability: [operability]
This fault occurs when the local disk has become degraded.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Check whether drive is in rebuild or copyback state. wait for the rebuild or copyback operation to
Step 2
Replace if drive has predictive-failure.
Step 3
Prior to installing or replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware Guide for prerequisites,
safety recommendations and warnings.
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: warning
Cause: equipment-degraded
mibFaultCode: 996
mibFaultName: fltStorageLocalDiskDegraded
moClass: storage:LocalDisk
type: equipment
Fault Code: F0531
RAID Battery on [Serverid] operability: [operability]
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Storage-Related Faults
This fault occurs when the RAID battery voltage is below the normal operating range.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: equipment-inoperable
mibFaultCode: 531
mibFaultName: fltStorageRaidBatteryInoperable
moClass: storage:RaidBattery
Type: equipment
Fault Code: F1006
Local disk [id] on [Serverid] operability: [operability]
This fault indicates a physical disk copyback failure. This fault could indicate a physical drive problem
or an issue with the RAID configuration.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Replace the physical drive and check to see if the issue is resolved after a rebuild. Prior to replacing this
component, see the server-specific Hardware Guide for prerequisites, safety recommendations and
Step 2
Reseat or replace the storage controller.
Step 3
Check configuration options for the storage controller in the MegaRAID ROM configuration page.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: equipment-offline
mibFaultCode: 1006
mibFaultName: fltStorageLocalDiskCopybackFailed
moClass: storage:LocalDisk
Type: equipment
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Storage-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0997
Raid battery [id] on [Serverid] operability: [operability]
This fault indicates a controller battery backup unit is degraded.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: minor
Cause: equipment-degraded
mibFaultCode: 997
mibFaultName: fltStorageRaidBatteryDegraded
moClass: storage:RaidBattery
Type: equipment
Fault Code: F0998
Raid battery [id] on [Serverid] operability: [operability]
This fault indicates that a controller battery relearn process was aborted.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: minor
Cause: equipment-degraded
mibFaultCode: 998
mibFaultName: fltStorageRaidBatteryRelearnAborted
moClass: storage:RaidBattery
Type: equipment
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Storage-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0999
Raid battery [id] on [Serverid] operability: [operability]
This fault indicates a controller battery relearn failure.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Restart the relearn process for the battery backup unit.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: equipment-degraded
mibFaultCode: 999
mibFaultName: fltStorageRaidBatteryRelearnFailed
moClass: storage:RaidBattery
Type: equipment
Fault Code: F1010
Virtual drive [id] on [Serverid] operability: [operability]
This fault indicates a consistency check failure with the virtual drive.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Initiate a consistency check on the virtual drive.
Step 2
Replace any faulty physical drives. Prior to replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware
Guide for prerequisites, safety recommendations and warnings.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: equipment-degraded
mibFaultCode: 1010
mibFaultName: fltStorageVirtualDriveConsistencyCheckFailed
moClass: storage:VirtualDrive
Type: equipment
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Storage-Related Faults
Fault Code: F1008
Virtual drive [id] on [Serverid] operability: [operability]
This fault indicates a recoverable error with the virtual drive.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Initiate a consistency check on the virtual drive.
Step 2
Replace any faulty physical drives. Prior to replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware
Guide for prerequisites, safety recommendations and warnings.
Fault Details:
Severity: warning
Cause: equipment-degraded
mibFaultCode: 1008
mibFaultName: fltStorageVirtualDriveDegraded
moClass: storage:VirtualDrive
Type: equipment
Fault Code: F1007
Virtual drive [id] on [Serverid] operability: [operability]
This fault indicates a non-recoverable error with the virtual drive.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
If the data on the drive is accessible, back up and recreate the virtual drive.
Step 2
Replace any faulty physical drives. Prior to replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware
Guide for prerequisites, safety recommendations and warnings.
Step 3
If the above actions did not resolve the issue and the condition persists, create a tech-support file for the
chassis and contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Storage-Related Faults
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: equipment-inoperable
mibFaultCode: 1007
mibFaultName: fltStorageVirtualDriveInoperable
moClass: storage:storage:VirtualDrive
Type: equipment
Fault Code: F1009
Virtual drive [id] on [Serverid] operability: [operability]
This fault indicates a failure in the reconstruction process of the virtual drive.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Restart the reconstruction process.
Fault Details:
Severity: major
Cause: equipment-degraded
mibFaultCode: 1009
mibFaultName: fltStorageVirtualDriveReconstructionFailed
moClass: storage:VirtualDrive
Type: equipment
Fault Code: F1004
Storage Controller [id] operability: [operability]
This fault indicates a non-recoverable storage controller failure. This happens when the storage system
cannot contact the controller for a period of time, after which it gives up, and raises this fault.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
Storage-Related Faults
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: equipment-inoperable
mibFaultCode: 1004
mibFaultName: fltStorageControllerInoperable
moClass: storage:Controller
Type: equipment
fltStorageFlex Flash VirtualDrive HV Degraded
Fault Code: F1008
Virtual drive [id] on FlexFlash Controller [id] operability: [operability]
This fault indicates a recoverable error with the Flex Flash virtual drive.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
Create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: warning
Cause: equipment-degraded
mibFaultCode: 1008
mibFaultName: fltStorageVirtualDriveDegraded
moClass: storage:VirtualDrive
Type: equipment
fltStorageFlex Flash VirtualDrive HV Inoperable
Fault Code: F1007
Virtual drive [id] on FlexFlash Controller [id] operability: [operability]
This fault indicates a non-recoverable error with the Flex Flash virtual drive.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
System Event Log-Related Faults
Fault Details:
Severity: critical
Cause: equipment-inoperable
mibFaultCode: 1007
mibFaultName: fltStorageVirtualDriveInoperable
moClass: storage:VirtualDrive
Type: equipment
fltStorageFlex Flash LocalDisk missing
Fault Code: F0181
Local disk [id] on FlexFlash Controller [id] operability: [operability]
This fault occurs when the Flex Flash drive removed from slot while server was in use.
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
Insert the disk in a supported slot.
Step 2
Replace the disk, if an additional drive is available.
Step 3
Prior to installing or replacing this component, see the server-specific Hardware Guide for prerequisites,
safety recommendations and warnings.
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
Fault Details:
Severity: informational
Cause: equipment-missing
mibFaultCode: 181
mibFaultName: fltStorageLocalDiskInoperable
moClass: storage:LocalDisk
Type: equipment
System Event Log-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0460
Log capacity on Management Controller on [Serverid] is [capacity]
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
System Event Log-Related Faults
This fault typically occurs because Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) has detected that
the System Event Log (SEL) on the server is almost full. The available capacity in the log is low. This
is an information-level fault and can be ignored if you do not want to clear the SEL at this time.
Recommended Action
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
You may choose to clear the SEL.
Fault Details:
Severity: info
Cause: log-capacity
mibFaultCode: 460
mibFaultName: fltSysdebugMEpLogMEpLogLog
moClass: sysdebug:MEpLog
Type: operational
Fault Code: F0461
Log capacity on Management Controller on [Serverid] is [capacity]
This fault typically occurs because Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) has detected that
the System Event Log (SEL) on the server is almost full. The available capacity in the log is very low.
This is an information-level fault and can be ignored if you do not want to clear the SEL at this time.
Recommended Action
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
You may choose to clear the SEL.
Fault Details:
Severity: info
Cause: log-capacity
mibFaultCode: 461
mibFaultName: fltSysdebugMEpLogMEpLogVeryLow
moClass: sysdebug:MEpLog
Type: operational
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
System Event Log-Related Faults
Fault Code: F0462
Log capacity on Management Controller on [Serverid] is [capacity]
This fault typically occurs because the CIMC SEL is full.
Recommended Action
If you see this fault, take the following action:
Step 1
You may choose to clear the SEL.
Fault Details
Severity: info
Cause: log-capacity
mibFaultCode: 462
mibFaultName: fltSysdebugMEpLogMEpLogFull
moClass: sysdebug:MEpLog
Type: operational
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Chapter 5
CDE280 Integrated Management Controller Faults
System Event Log-Related Faults
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
Table A-1 lists the abbreviations and acronyms used in this guide and provides their expansions.
Table A-1
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
Abbreviation or Acronym
Acquisition and distribution
Authentication, authorization, and accounting
Access control list
Application programming interface
Content Acquirer
Content Delivery Engine
Content Distribution Manager
Content Delivery Network file system
Cisco Discovery Protocol
Content Delivery System Manager
Command-line interface
Content Management Service
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Domain Name Server
Data Server
Extended data manager
Firewall feature set
Flash Media Streaming
File Transfer Protocol
Global Catalog
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Interactive Communicating Application Protocol
Java Virtual Machine
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
Appendix A
Table A-1
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms (continued)
Common Library
Media file server
Movie Streamer
No acknowledgement
Network Attached Storage
Node Health Manager
Network Interface Card
Network Time Protocol
Port to Application Mapping
Preferences Module
Postgres server
Router Blade Configuration Protocol
Remote Execution Agent
Remote proxy caching
Real server manager
Real-Time Streaming Protocol
Service Engine
Signal Terminate
Simple Network Management Protocol
Service Router
Secure Shell
STATE File Server
Statistics Provider Application
Service monitor
System monitor
System utility
Technical Assistance Center
Trivial File Transfer Protocol
Unified name space
URL Filter
Web Cache Communication Protocol
Web Engine
Windows Media Technologies
Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite, Internet Streamer 4.1 Alarms and Error Messages Guide
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms