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Grade 8 Math Test: Decimals and Exponents

Informal test 1
Grade 8
Term 2
Decimals and exponents
Question 1
1. Simplify and write the answer in exponential form.
a) 5 3 × 5 =
b) 5𝑥 4 × 5𝑥 4 =
c) 𝑦 2𝑥 3 × 𝑦 5𝑥 2 =
2. Simplify.
a) 22 /23 =
b) 34×37/32×38=
c) 5𝑥8/20𝑥8 =
3. Write each number in scientific notation.
a) 2.5 =
b) 78,000,000 =
c) 1,450 =
4. Write each number in standard notation.
a) 4 × 103 =
b) 1.12 × 104 =
5. Do the following calculations without using your calculator:
a) 3√0,001 =
b) 1,273 /3=
c) 0,025x 2.27=
d) (0.3)2 =
Total= 22