Other Accounting Issues Related to Lease 1) Extension Option REMEASUREMENT OF LEASE LIABILITY -Multiply by PV of an ordinary annuity of 1 using the new implicit interest rate the remaining lease term -Multiply by PV of an ordinary annuity of 1 using the new implicit rate the new annual rental then multiply the result of PV of 1 of new implicit interest rate at remaining period of the lease on the date of extension -Add the result of step 1 and step 2 to arrive total PV of liability using the new implicit rate and deduct the outstanding PV of liability on the date of extension to arrive increase in lease liability. -Compute for the carrying amount of ROUA on the date of extension (Cost less accumulated depreciation) and add the computed increase in liability on the date of extension to arrive the new carrying amount of ROUA Finance classification 1) Sales type lease – nagbenta; only recognizes interest income and gross profit on sale 2) Direct financing lease – only interest income Direct financing lease – an arrangement between a financing entity and a lessee. - The income of the lessor is only in the form of interest - No dealer profit is recognized because the FV and the cost of the asset are equal. Accounting consideration Gross investment – this is equal to the gross rentals for the entire lease term plus the absolute amount of the residual value, whether guaranteed or unguaranteed. Net investment in the lease – This is equal to the cost of the asset plus any initial direct cost paid by the lessor Unearned interest income- This is the difference between the gross investment in the lease. The initial direct cost would effectively spread the initial direct cost over the lease term and reduce the amount of interest income. Additional notes to remember: o Net investment of the lease or lease receivable = Annual rental x PV of ordinary annuity of 1 o Initial direct cost is added to the cost of underlying asset to determine the net investment in the lease o Residual Value: -Asset will revert (babalik) to the lessor = the residual value is deducted from the cost of the asset -Asset will not revert to the lessor at the end of the lease term = the residual value is completely ignored. - If the fair market value of the underlying asset is lower than the residual value under guaranteed scenario, the lessee will pay for the difference. -Under unguaranteed scenario, the lessor shall recognized loss for the difference o FS Presentation Current portion: Lease Receivables Unearned interest income Carrying amount 500000 (124344) 375656 Non-current portion: Lease receivables Unearned interest income Carrying amount 1000000 (132211) 867789 Sales type lease -manufacturer or dealer that uses the lease as a means of facilitating the sale of the product -Sales type lease involves the recognition of a manufacturer or dealers profit on the transfer of a manufacturer or dealers profit on the transfer of the lessee in addition to the recognition of interest income Accounting considerations Gross investment – this is equal to the gross rentals for the entire lease term plus the absolute amount of the residual value, whether guaranteed or unguaranteed Net investment in the lease- this is equal to the present value of the gross rental plus the PV of residual value whether guaranteed or unguaranteed Unearned interest income- This is the difference between the gross investment and the net investment in the lease. Sales – The amount is equal to the ne investment in the lease (PV of lease payment) or FV of the asset whichever is lower COGS – This is equal to the cost of the asset sold minus the PV of unguaranteed residual value plus initial direct cost paid by the lessor. Gross profit – sales minus cogs Initial direct cost – this amounts is expensed immediately in a sales type lease as component of cogs