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Authoritarian Leaders: Force vs. Propaganda

“The rise to power of authoritarian or single-party leaders depended upon the use of
force rather than popular support.” With reference to two leaders, each chosen from a
different region, to what extent do you agree with this statement?
Thesis statement w/ KC: This essay explores, using the key concept of significance, the extent
to which the use of force rather than propaganda helped authoritarian regimes rise to power
An authoritarian state is a state with a system of government that puts order and
obedience to the state and leader above the personal freedom of its system. Two of the
most notable authoritarian leaders in the 20th century are Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany
and Fidel Castro of Cuba. Hitler ,leading a fascist or ultra-right ideology, and Castro
,leading a communiist or ultra-left ideology, both came to power during times of severe
economic turmoil, the Great Depression for Hitler and the corrupt american mafia
controlled batista regime, in their respective countries - during which their ruling
governments were unable to provide and ensure proper safety for their citizens. They
were able to capitalise on this situation and provide stability through their decisive
authoritarian actions ,which was only possible if they had complete power over their
country. Hence they used force and propaganda as their main methods to rise to power.
This essay explores, using the key concept of significance, the extent to which the use
of force rather than propaganda helped authoritarian regimes rise to power.
One of the main means of force for Hitler is his use of paramilitary organisations called
the “SS” and the “SA”. After the economic crisis, that ruined the German currency and
undermined the existing political system, allowed him to use these organisations by
staging an unsuccessful uprising against the givernment called the “Beerhall Putsch”
that allowed him to spread his ideology and propaganda into the already vulnerable
minds of the German People. This use of force was used to spread propaganda of the
Nazi Party. This is significant in proving that the use of force and propaganda go hand
in hand with each other, while propaganda helped set the environment for hitler to rise
to power, the use of force was necessary to spread it. A similar incident took place
called the “July 26th Movement” for Castro as well. The movement, true to its name
commemorates the day, Castro and his followers unsuccessfully attempted to overthrow
the existing Batista Regime on the Army Barracks on Santiago de Cube. Although both
the coups were unsuccessful both were significant in establishing their position and
ideology in the political atmosphere of their countries which was significant in their rise
to power. This once again proves that the use of force goes hand in hand with
propaganda as the final use of force was to disseminate propaganda.
Another reason these leaders were allowed to rise to power is their strong ideologies
and strong methods for spreading their ideology through propaganda. For Hitler, the
Weimar governemnt was made up of numerous coalition government that could not
come up with decisive actions. They were also blamed for the enactment of the “unfair”
treaty of versailles that was enforced on them after World war one. Hitler used these to
his advantage and made them as a scapegoat for Germay’s ills ,and proved that their
government was the only legitimate option and only option left due to the economic
turmoil the country was left in. Propaganda was used to develop the cult of HItler or the
“Fuhrerprinzinzip” - the belief that Hitler was always right and all the Germans owed him
obedience. He was presented as the will of the people and was the only legitimate
option left after the Weimar Republic crumbled- building an authoritarian regime. This
was done through Merchandise,Radio, Posters and other forms media. According to
David Welch, the parades, symbols, uniforms and banners, the bands, and the
marching columns of the SA “captured the imagination of the masses” which was
significant in Hitler’s rise to Power. Castro also used a similar method to gain popularity
among the masses. Castro’s socialist policies emerged from his nationalist ideology ,
that allowed him to gain support of the largely poor and colored masses of Cube.
Through various platforms like the “Radio rebelde 1958”, nationalisation of newspapers
and underground organisations; Castro blamed the Batista American controlled
government and the Amricans themselves for the economic turmoil of Cuba . Through
the spreading of propaganda he was seen as a valiant leader who was the only
legitimate opposition to Batista and making it seem like the M-26-7 is more powerful
than it actually is. In both the cases of Hitler and Castro, people supported for their form
of government not because they supported their policies or ideology ,but because they
didnt support the ruling government ,and believed that they were the only ones capable
enough to go against the ones in power. Hence this propaganda was significant in both
the authoritarian leaders’ rise to power - more than force.
Finally, the last thing that finally allowed Hitler to come to power was the authorization of
the Enabling Act which was only passed through his use of force. Enabling Act, which
allowed Hitler to issue laws without Reichstag’s approval for four years, was passed
despite the fact that the Nazis did not have the ⅔ majority that was needed. Using the
decree for the Protection of People and State to ban the Communist Party (KPD) and
arresting the non-Nazi (mostly communist) deputies, while threatening the deputies
using the SA - this act was put into place giving absolute control to the Nazis’ allowing
the authoritarian regime significant in their rise to power. For Castro on the other hand,
as his army got bigger through propaganda and the spreading of his isdeology only
then was the use of force implemented. His main mode of force was the use of Guerilla
attacks to combat the equipment heavy opposition. This is significant in proving that for
Hitler the use of force was more necessary in his rise to power, but for Castro the use of
propaganda was more necessary than the use of force as his warfare methods relied
solely on land tactocs which were not up to par with the UA and Cuban army regimes.
In conclusion, both the use of propaganda and force are necessary to rise to power. However in
Hitler’s case the use of force was more important than propaganda. As although the
propaganda provided him with a base - the use of force finally allowed him to come to power.
For Castro on the other hand, the use of propaganda was more important as he came to power
almost unanimously by influenecing the overwhelming population of the repressed communities
in Cuba,
What is an authoritarian state?
Explain Hitler and Castro
Communist and Fascist (ultra-right and left)
People to stay inline
Rose up after difficult economic, and social burdens - needed stability and decisive action which
could be only done if all the citizens were on board.
Rise of authorianism.
- Beer Hall putsch (Use of SS and SA) (economin)
Counter: Used for propaganda “Mein Kampf”/ established presence necessary to gain basic
Proof that the use of force and propaganda go hand in hand. However, the use of force is
necessary to spread propaganda, but propaganda is not needed to use force. Propaganda
established his presence (which could have been done by other force methods as well), not
help in Hitler’s rise to power.
- Counter: Dynamic Ideology along with propaganda against the Weimar Republic
Provided Scapegoats - Necessary after hurt nationalist sentiments post WW1.
Dynamic Ideology that appealed to mass audiences
Promised the “Third Reich” (imperialist ambitions)
SS and SA were never actually used. Present to show that the Nazi party did have significant
power to make changes. Symbols.
For: Promise of the Use of Force
- Election Instances. (use of SS and SA)/ Enabling act
Regardless of how much Propaganda was used. Didnt actually help to rise to power.
A lot of other stuff needed to be done.
Propaganda - establish a base. Less likely to be disputed. But Finally, Use of Force helped him
rise to power, and is hence more important.
Castro: For Propaganda.
- The July 26th Movement
Force necessary
Establish Presence
Similar to Hitler “ history will absolve me”
- Use of Propaganda and ideology to spread mass support
Ideology - communist
Blamed Batista Regime
Advocated for the poor and the coloured people - large population there. Gaining mass support.
More Powerful than it actually was.
International sympathy
Valiant - Similar to Hitler only legitimate opposition
- Guerilla Warfare
Propaganda was more useful.