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Transportation Engineering Assignment: Grade Separated Structures

Name: Ujjwal Rauniyar
Reg. No.: 20BCL0130
Submitted To: Vasantha Kumar S ( Associate Professor Sr.)
Course: Transportation Engineering (CLE – 2005)
Date: 26th April,2022
1. VUP
VUP stands for Vehicular Underpass. VUP is a grade-separated structure that is provided for the crossing
of vehicles under the Project Highway.
2. VOP
VOP stands for Vehicular Overpass. VOP is a grade-separated structure that is provided for the crossing
of vehicles over the Project Highway.
3. PUP
PUP stands for Pedestrian Underpass. PUP is a structure provided below the Project Highway to cross
the pedestrians.
4. CUP
CUP stands for cattle Underpass. CUP is a structure provided below the Project Highway to cross the
LVUP stands for Light Vehicular Underpass. LVUP is a pedestrian/cattle underpass through which light
vehicles of heights up to 3 m can also pass.
ROB stands for Road Over Bridge. ROB is a structure provided over the railway lines to carry the Project
7. RUB
RUB stands for Road Under Bridge. RUB is a structure provided below the railway lines to carry the
Project Highway.