ORAL PRESENTATION BOOK REVIEW In presenting an oral review of a book (make sure that you have the book with you during the review), consider using the following guidelines. 1. What is it called: the title. 2. Who wrote it: the author. 3. Where did you get it: from home/ school library/ a friend 4. What type of book is it? thriller/adventure/etc 5. Give a brief outline of what happened in the book. 6. Describe the person you liked best. This person could be the hero, villain or anyone in the story. Give details when explaining why this character appealed to you. 7. Read a part of the book that you particularly liked. Attempt to explain, as fully as you can, why this passage appealed to you. 8. What made you decide to read it? Have you read something by the same author? Did you read the 'blurb' (summary of the story on the back cover)? 9. Overall recommendation: could you recommend this book to other people? Even though you enjoyed reading this book, did it have any faults? Make your assessment as detailed as you can. 10. Would the class like to know more about the book? Allow time for questions from the audience. C:\My Documents\LearnSuppNotes\Oral Presentation\Oral book review.doc 17/10/02