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Impact f Combining Big Data and Information Technology on Management and Efficiency
of Chinese Banks
Incumbent technology has significant impact upon financial institutions such as banks.
Traditional banks are under pressure to embrace digital transformation to keep up with the new
and competitive financial technologies and to satisfy customers’ demands. To mitigate the
challenges and rising demands, Chinese banks are under a system renovation face of strategy
formulation and implementation of digitalization initiatives in their performances. Studies have
increasingly commented on the benefits of big data as the new and recommended frontier for
financial systems. Therefore, the proposed study seeks to evaluate how a combination of big
data and information technology will help digitalize traditional Chinese banking system.
Research Background
Describe the status quo of relevant research in the area and identify a gap in knowledge or
activities that must be filled to move the field forward.
Technological advancements, innovation and globalization have placed competition and
dynamism in the market place for performing institutions. Therefore, for firms to survive and
maintain an edge over the competition, firms are forced to innovate and embrace information
technology to facilitate business intelligence. Chinese banks firms have increasingly adopted
technologies and techniques that have helped them make better market decisions that have
helped them increase the economic value of the business. Ik defines business intelligence as
gathering and dissemination of internal and external information for useful decision-making. As
ikz denotes, a number of firms have become beneficiaries of business intelligence systeme.
Firms such as insurance, security systems, supermarkets , oil and mining as well as banks apply
BI systems in their operations. However , business intelligence in the banking systems is a
current phenomenon in Chinese banking sector. The technology is used by other banks to
determine the profitability of both long-term and current clients. The system has also enabled
banks to create relationships and maximize on profits through value creation. Banks are able to
determine where to invest in and where to cut cost based on BI analysis.
According to ikax, technology has changed the banking systems form [paper and motor banking
to digitalized and network based operations.as ikax denotes business intelligence have enabled
banks to create new products for value addition due increase in electronic use. Business
intelligence is now considered not a new technology but an integrated solution for banks that has
enabled them to achieve market value and competitive advantage as well as improve
effectiveness of the enterprise. Therefore, to drive value from the numerous data collected in
banks essential tools such business intelligence is needed. Business intelligence has numerous
benefits to the banking scene, both measurable and quantifiable benefits.
Objectives and Research Questions
Research objectives
To explore and define individual information technologies currently under use
The researcher will explore the various tools that banks in china utilize for integration of
business intelligence into their system. The specific technologies and functions will be explored
as well as an evaluation of their value addition into the functions and daily operations of a
banking system. The researcher will also explain the efficacy of the suggested technologies with
regard to value addition.
To measure the management and performance of information technology in Chinese
The researcher will conduct a quantitative study to determine the Impact that information
technology tools has on performance of Chinese banks. With the use quantitative data collection
tools, the researcher will analysis and code the specific data to examine the value addition of the
information technology tools.
To investigate the best combination of information technology tools to improve
management performance
The author will explore the most effective combination of information technology tools that
would effectively deliver the objectives of the banking institution. Studies indicate that a correct
combination of information tools would improve performance and efficiency of thus increase
To compare the productivity and value addition of single tool use and combination tool
The researcher will explore the most productive approach for banks when utilizing information
technology tools. The researcher will conduct a quantitative evaluation and draw comparison
between the efficiency of single tool use and combination of multiple IT tools for maxim
Research question
What information technology tools are used by Chinese Banks
How is the performance of Information Technology tools in Chinese banking system
What combination of information technology tools enhance performance in Chinese
What are
Research Methods and Approach
Research methodology
The current chapter will describe the research design, sampling, and data collection method the
proposed study will utilize to address the objectives and answer the research questions
Research design
The researcher will employ a qualitative design to collect data and analyze the impact that
information technology has on Chines banking system. The design is considered the most
appropriate given that the study will utilize statistical data to respond to the research questions.
The qualitative research design will prepare a detailed work plan that will entail a description
predict phenomena.
Simple random sampling will be used to identify the banks that will be used to take part in this
study. The researcher will utilize critical simple sampling to identify the banks that will be most
suitable and fit the eligible criteria for participation. Fifteen top banks in china will be contacted
and used as the respondents of the proposed study. The study will investigate annual reports of
the top banks and conduct a qualitative analysis of their content to draw valid inferences for
replicable purposes.
Data collection
The main source of data for the proposed study will be annual reports of top banks in china. The
researcher will analyze relevant descriptive statistics form the bank reports for inference
analysis. The author decided to use annual reports because they are valid official and reliable
documents, which have been audited officially. The annual reports will be relevant given that
they contain a chapter where the banks describe their strategies and initiatives towards
digitalization. The banks chosen are currently undergoing the process of digitalization hence are
an appropriate source of reference for this study.
Data analysis
The researcher will utilize qualitative data analysis tools to analyze the annual reports for the
selected banks. The data will be analyzed through descriptive statistics that will enable the
researcher to organize the data in meaningful manner. The analysis process of the derived data
will include formulation of themes, coding, and use of Microsoft excel for tallying. The data will
further be analyzed with the use of SPSS statistical application to draw further inferences. The
data will also be represented with the help of statistical tools such as frequency distribution
tables, charts, and percentages.
Assumptions and limitations
The study will be conducted based on a number of realities. The researcher therefore assumes all
the realities will be represented accordingly. The author assumes that the bank annual reports
will be bias free and that all stakeholders were represented accordingly when coming up with the
reports. The researcher aslo assumes that the data to be collected will be content bound given
that bank reports are guided by the policy of the institutions which determine the information to
be published. The researcher will also not conduct reliability test for the accuracy and worthiness
of the printed documents therefore, the assumption is that the documents are reliable. The
researcher will also rely upon personal judgment and gut instincts to determine the appropriate
banks to be used for the study, therefore the assumptions is that the proposed banks will be
convenient for this study.
1. Potential Value and Impact of the Proposed Research
The proposed study seeks to examine the strategic value and impact of business intelligence to
Chinese banks. The study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge and research
concerning the benefits on big data analytics and information technology to financial institutions.
On the other hand, the academic body can use the findings of the research objectives to conduct
further research on the topic. The proposed study outlines the benefits of integrating big data,
information technology to therefore further study will improve the quality systems, and tools and
the recommendations will be used to formulating frameworks for business intelligent for banks.
The study will also be useful for number groups of people, the Central Bank of The Republic of
China wil use the findings of the proposed study to formulate of prudential guidelines and
policies for Business Intelligence. Service providers will also utilize the results of this study to
evaluate and address customers concerns and enhance customer satisfaction and trust. Other
organizations can also utilize the information in this study to evaluate on ways to leverage
business intelligence to enhance decision-making, innovation and general financial performance.
Policy makers will aslo benefit from the findings of this study to adopt responsible and informed
policy making for proper governance. Improved performance and increased productivity.
The study seeks to explore how business intelligence is a tool for enterprise performance
management since it used a performance indicator tool and a measure of metrics impact the
organization. The proposed study will explore on ways through which organizations and banks
can maximize performance. Information technology has become a priority for financial firms.
Similarly, Chinese banks will benefit from this study as it will increase the level of awareness,
and with potential benefits banks wil make intelligence business performance a strategic priority.
1. Ethical Requirements of Research Projects Involving Humans
Researchers must abide by the highest standards of ethical conduct. Human research (herein
defined as research involving human participants, human materials, human data or data arising
from human activity) must be undertaken in a way that safeguards the dignity, rights, health,
safety and privacy of those involved.
Studies requiring ethical review must not commence without ethical approval from the Research
Ethics Subcommittee. Conducting research without ethical approval may constitute research