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OLFU MICE Webinar: Kapampangan Cuisine

Thank you for registering! We can't wait to see you at our OLFU MICE Webinar on December 21, 2021,
9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Date: December 21, 2021
Time: 09:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Zoom Credentials: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_PbMstY4dStWANy7BOxvsYA
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Please be reminded of the following:
1. Show up on time and avoid missing out on the important information during the webinar.
2. Make sure that you have charged your gadget before the start of the webinar.
3. Ready your earphones to minimize hearing noises and avoid disruptions.
4. Ensure that you are in a comfortable position to properly absorb all learnings.
5. Keep your microphone off to avoid distractions from the participants as well as the speakers.
6. Pay attention to the presentation and the speaker and actively participate.
7. Questions may be asked after the talk or presentation of the speakers - use the chat box to ask your
8. Do not spam the chat box, instead wait patiently for the speaker or moderator to answer your
9. Be courteous of the other participants in order for all participants to benefit from the talk.
Guidelines on E Certificate:
• Participants must complete the webinar session on December 21, 2021.
• Participants must accomplish the evaluation forms using the QR code to be provided by the
organizer after the event.
Mr. Jayson Salenga
Tourism Officer & Food Historian
Chef Don Edward Quito
Chef, North Centtal Academy for Culinary Arts
Chef Michael Alim
Maestro Hornero Casa Botin Restaurant
Master of Ceremonies
Mr. Ryan Joshua and Ms. Sheryss Maglambayan
CHIM Students
Thank you.
RISE Events Production, Secretariat
E-mail: riseeventsproduction2021@gmail.com