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Humility in John 13:3-16

Read John 13:3-5
What did Jesus know according to John 13:3?
Jesus knows that Father had placed everything in Jesus’ hands and now he was
taking it back his divine glory. Jesus knew he was going back to God and returning
to his Father would be joyous.
How did Jesus’ actions show humility?
Jesus overheard the apostles having a discussion about who would be 1st or 2nd in
authority in the kingdom. Jesus saw the need to teach them humility. Jesus did in
humility what the lowest servant would have done. A rabbi would never wash his
disciple’s feet and yet the greatest Rabbi took the form of a servant.
John 13:6-10
How could a lack of humility affect our ability to understand servanthood?
We could be just like Peter and let pride get in the way. Peter wanted to be in
control. Jesus intentionally became the servant. Peter told Jesus that he would
never wash his feet.
In addition to literally washing the disciple’s feet, what else did Jesus offer?
The Master explained: If I don’t you have no part with me. Peter and us must
allow Jesus to cleanse our dirtiest parts. Peter asked for Jesus to wash his head
and hands, but only his feet needed to be washed.
What lessons did Jesus teach about humility in John 13:6-10?
Our daily sins must be forgiven. He is faithful and righteous to forgive us of our
sins and to cleanse us from unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).
John 13:14-16
How can we follow Jesus’ example of humble service to others in a society that
rewards greed and selfishness?
Jesus taught his disciples to be humble to the extent that He was humble. He
took off all of His outward signs of leadership, like his robe. Then Jesus put on
symbols of a servant like a towel, bowl, and a pitcher. He gave a strong command
to do what I have done for you. He explained to his apostles that the master is
not greater than his servant.
Under what circumstances would you be willing to wash someone else’s feet?