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Climate Change Impacts on Earth

The increased dependency of human beings on conventional fossil fuels i.e. oil, gas and
coal have raised the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to the levels not recorded
across the history of planet. Temperature on the north pole is rising at a much higher pace
compared to global average. Consequently, extreme climatic changes are taking place at almost
every corner of the planet from coral reef depletion, glaciers and extreme flooding, hurricanes,
cyclones, droughts and heatwaves leading to wildfires. Developing nations are heavily affected by
this dramatic climate change events with forced migration, diseases and deteriorated air quality.
The only solution to this global issue is global cooperation and it can only be possible when
countries across the world play their role in adopting sustainable practices and methods of energy
production. Otherwise the impacts of climate change can jeopardize the survival of ecosystems,
biodiversity and human life.
Climate change is the average change in environmental conditions (precipitation, wind
patterns, temperature, habitat) of any specific area or region over a long period of time usually
decades. It must not be confused with weather which takes into account short term environmental
changes while climatic data includes long term environmental and atmospheric changes of a region
(NOAA, 2020). Over the last 50 years, the climatic systems of planet earth are heavily disturbed
by anthropogenic activities due to excessive release of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, O3) into
the atmosphere (IPCC, 2014). Human activities like fossil fuel burning for transportation and
energy production have increased the concentration of CO2 from 280ppm to 413ppm causing a
much greater issue of global warming (Anwar et al., 2019). Global warming is the leading cause
of climate change and scientific community worldwide agree upon the fact that the excessive
burning of fossil fuel since the industrial revolution is the primary driver behind global warming
events earth is witnessing today (Jönsson et al., 2012). The average temperature across arctic
region is increasing two folds than the rest of world due to excessive carbon dioxide CO2 being
emitted in the atmosphere and is shaping the climatic conditions through rapid ice melting leading
to glaciers and flooding (Serreze et al., 2011). Due to increase in average temperature, wildfire
activities in California increased greatly causing a devastating impact of wildlife habitats and
ecosystems driving multiple species towards forced migration (Westerling et al. 2006). Volcanic
eruptions and forest fires though natural processes but also contribute to climate change by
increasing global CO2 level. Since 1960 weather related disastrous events i.e. flooding, forced
migration, desertification, droughts, hurricanes, land erosion and declining coral reef from the
marine ecosystem have increased three times which primarily affect the developing nations and
have caused nearly 60,000 deaths, thus posing a severe threat to human life and biodiversity
survival (Anwar et al., 2019). Climate change also have a huge impact in reducing the indoor air
quality (IAQ) as a result molds growth, viral and fungus related allergic and respiratory diseases
like asthma are becoming more and more common (Shaikh et al., 2018). Using renewable energy
sources and reducing carbon footprint can help combating the rapidly increasing global warming
and climate issues but it is equally difficult to completely shift from non-renewable to renewable
energy sources because of its major share in energy production especially in the developing nations
(Anwar et., 2019). It is for this reason that global collective efforts are the need of the hour to
explore green and sustainable methods of energy production and agreements from nations to
mitigate the effects of climate change at the global level. The objectives of this paper aim to pen
down the major threats and impacts of climate change on earth, ecosystem survival and human
Since the industrial revolution, the concentration of greenhouse in the atmosphere have
risen at a much higher pace than ever before. Human activities involving fossil fuel burning not
only have increased the average global temperatures but also have changed the dynamics of climate
throughout the planet in the form of extreme disastrous event. Few are described below.
Flooding and Glaciers
One reason for extreme flooding in coastal areas is the rapid melting of ice caps due to
increased global temperature. Ice in the arctic region is melting at a much higher pace because the
temperature in that region is increasing about two times more than average global temperatures
(Fig 1). As a result, glaciers and floods have an adverse impact on ecosystem stability driving
thousands of people every year towards forced migration (Serreze et al., 2011).
Figure 1: Arctic and Global mean annual surface temperature (Serreze et al., 2011).
Similarly, climate change also has a huge impact in altering the weather patterns
worldwide. When weather patterns in a region are disturbed, extreme weathers like heat waves,
above average annual precipitation and no rainfall at all can be expected. Many South Asian
countries like Bangladesh, India and Pakistan are highly vulnerable to extreme flooding due to
climate change (Mirza, 2010). These countries are heavily affected due to extreme floods and
every year floods cause enormous damage to life, property, infrastructure and biodiversity actor
the entire South Asia. The reason for this extreme flooding in that region is the dramatic increase
in annual rainfall due to climate change (Cruz et al., 2007).
Depletion of Corals
Coral reefs are the primary producers in marine ecosystem and have an integral role in
regulating the marine food chain. Yet due to climate change and increased water temperature, they
are under severe threat and are declining in number every passing year. As water temperature rises
coral lose the microscopic algae that produce the food they require, consequently posing a severe
threat to their survival (NOAA, 2020). By 2100 it is expected that coral reef will decline at a much
higher pace due to the effects of rapid changes in climate and global warming.
Fig 2: Expected world population (billions) and coral reef status (%) by 2100.
(Source: Wilkinson 1992 Proc 7th Intern Coral Reef Sympos 1: 11.)
Extreme wildfires and Biodiversity loss
Another devastating impact of climate change are the extreme wildfire events that
occurred recently leading to extreme fires of unprecedented scale and duration in certain parts of
the world i.e. Australian Bushfires 2019, fires in Brazilian Amazon rain forest 2019 and
California fires 2020 (Xu et al., 2020). With these extreme wildfire events climate change not
only pose threats to the survival if biodiversity but also contribute in air pollution. Besides
natural reason one main element that trigger wildfires is the increased concentration of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The concentration of CO2 increased dramatically over the
course of last 50 years to levels that were not recorded across the history of planet (NOAA,
Fig 3: Change in Carbon Dioxide concentration (ppm) in atmosphere from 1960-2020
Source: (Mauna Loa Observatory, Huawei, 2020)
As these gases i.e. CO2, CH4, N2O and O3 trap outgoing heat from the earth into atmosphere
thereby increasing the global temperature that triggers extreme wildfires consequently leading to
biodiversity loss and habitat destruction.
Spread of Infectious Diseases
Infectious diseases (air borne, water borne, vector borne, and food borne) are also
increasing due to climate changes (Altizer et al., 2013). Factors like pathogen, host and spreading
environment are compulsory for most of the infectious diseases (Epstein, 2001). Suitable climatic
conditions are required by the pathogen’s vectors for their survival, reproduction and dispersal.
Thus, changed climatic conditions trigger the spread of infectious diseases (Epstein, 2001). From
various studies, it is cleared that many infectious diseases are geographically expanding due to the
long-term climatic changes (Wu et al., 2016). Risky weather conditions also increasing the
opportunity of disease outbreaks. These climate related infectious diseases include typhoid fever,
respiratory infections, cancer, leptospirosis (Sanders et al., 2019).
Fig 4: Climate change impacts on the spread of infectious diseases
Source: (Wu et al., 2016).
Rising Sea Level and Coastal Erosion
Since 1993-2008 the sea level has risen to 3.5mm per year globally (Nicholls et al., 2010).
Due to global warming sea water level have risen to a much higher level and is expected to rise
two or three times higher than current rate (Cai et al., 2009). This dramatic increase in sea level
leads to coastal erosion and have a huge impact on coastal ecosystems and mangroves
communities. European-wide study provide the data that the 17% of coastline area in UK eroded
due to rise in sea levels. England coastline was 29.8% eroded due to the sea level rise. Through
the artificial beaches, 45.9% of the coastline area of England was protected. About 19.9%
coastlines have eroded in Ireland alone with only 7.6% safe coastlines remaining. Since 1993-2008
the sea level rise was 3.5mm per year globally (Nicholls et al., 2010).
To conclude climate change is shaping our ecosystem and natural cycles drastically. The
use of fossil fuels to meet energy demands and less sustainable practices of humans may collapse
the stability of nature by putting extraordinary burden on ecosystems beyond their carrying
capacity. As a result, climate changes are expected like we are seeing today in the form of flooding,
migration, specie extinction and extreme weathers. Therefore, it is the need of hour that require
international cooperate to solve this global problem. Paris agreement (2015), Kyoto Protocol can
aim at reducing the atmospheric temperature and ozone depletion which definitely will help
countries to overcome this issue of climate change but it is only possible if we shift towards
renewable energy sources (Geothermal, wind, hydro and solar energy) and adopt sustainable way
of life.
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