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Analyzing Progress Check Multiple Choice Questions: Explain Error
Unit 9
Multiple Choice
1. Score that you received: 14/24
2. What questions did you answer incorrectly? Q3 Cost of Transport MCQ 3, Q4 China
Healthcare MCQ 1, Q10 Soros on Markets MCQ 1, Q13 Manitoba Women Vote MCQ 1,
Q14 Manitoba Women Vote MCQ 2, Q19 Vandana Shiva antiglobalization MCQ 1, Q20
Vandana Shiva antiglobalization MCQ 2, Q21 Vandana Shiva antiglobalization MCQ 3,
Q22 Dumbarton Oaks and Bretton Woods MCQ 1, Q24 Dumbarton Oaks and Bretton
Woods MCQ 3
3. For each question answered incorrectly, explain why your answer was wrong.
- Q3: I chose Option A. This was incorrect because while it applied to the cost of all other
technologies on the graph, it did not apply to that of trans-Atlantic telephone calls and
satellite television, which both declined more rapidly in the second half of the 20th
- Q4: I chose Option B. This was incorrect because China’s government became
communist only in 1949, so communism cannot be directly accountable for short life
expectancy. In the late twentieth-century China’s economy remained largely communist
with small enclaves of capitalist investment, so capitalism alone cannot be credited with
longer life expectancy.
- Q10: I chose Option B. This was incorrect because the author does, in fact, argue in the
passage that a lack of regulation could lead to the collapse of financial systems. I thought
of Option C as a possible response, but changed my mind because I thought the
statement was too generalized; free market policies don’t improve everyone’s standards
of living, since large corporations often exploit developing countries and put laborers
through harsh working conditions.
- Q13: I chose Option B. This was incorrect because the authors of the document do not
use technical knowledge to prove their point. Answer D, on the other hand, was correct
because the petition uses the largely globally accepted concept of equality to challenge
patriarchal social norms and argue that women should be given the right to vote.
- Q14: I chose option D, which was incorrect. Answer B was correct because the expansion
of voting rights (for men) and increased access to education in countries such as Canada
led to the transformation of party politics, with the rise of new political parties and with
existing parties having to adapt their programs to reflect the views of a widening
- Q19: Option D was incorrect because it is not a criticism of her objectivity. Option C was
correct because the author’s political positions as an environmentalist and
anti-globalization activist can be legitimately seen as a source of potential bias in her
presentation of the data. This question could be linked to how we’ve been taught to
write Point of View sourcing statements.
Q20: I chose Option A. This was incorrect because this type of data would likely
demonstrate the considerable profitability of multinational agribusiness corporations
and the global extent of their reach and, as such, would likely strengthen Shiva’s
Q21: I chose Option C. While the statement itself was correct, it does not point to a
weakness in Shiva’s criticism of global food markets because membership in such
organizations is often a prerequisite for developing countries receiving aid from the
international community.
Q22: I chose Option B. It was incorrect because the World Bank & the IMF do not
explicitly mention addressing humanitarian problems (even though the United Nations
& Security Council do).
Q24: I chose Option D, which was incorrect because it is not accurate in regards to the
World Bank and neither agreement mentions implementing sanctions to enforce