Task 01 A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 1 Discuss the pillar concepts of Object Oriented Programming and provide a comprehensive report which includes definitions, characteristics, purposes of using and demonstrate applications of these pillar concepts with examples (preferably from your solution). 1.1 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming language model organized around objects instead of "actions" and data instead of logic. Traditionally, a program has been viewed as a logical procedure that takes input data, processes it, and produces output data. (techtarget, 2018) 1.2 Pillar concepts of Object Oriented Programming Encapsulation Inheritance Object Oriented Programming Abstraction Polymorphism Figure 1 Pillar concepts of OOP (Author Developed) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 2 1.2.1 Encapsulation Encapsulation is an Object Oriented Programming concept that bind a group of related properties, functions, and other members are treated as a single unit. Class is the best example of Data Encapsulation. It sometimes referred to as data hiding that prevents the user to access the implementation details. Encapsulation therefore guarantees the integrity of the data contained in the Object. (net-informations, 2018) Usage of Encapsulation in real life When a person log into his email account he has a whole lot of processes taking place in the backend, which he has no control over. So his password, would possibly be retrieved in an encrypted form, verified and only then given access. He does not have any control, over how the password is verified, and this keeps it safe from misuse. Advantages of Encapsulation Encapsulation promotes maintenance Code changes can be made independently Increases usability - Improves the understandability of the program. - As the data members and functions are bundled inside the class, human errors are reduced. - Encapsulation is alone a powerful feature that leads to information hiding, abstract data type and friend functions. - Ensures the changes easily without affecting rest application code - Reduces complexity through hiding information - Easily maintained A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 3 Application of encapsulation to the solution private void ProfLogBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Count(*) From Prof_login where Username='" + txtUsername.Text + "' and Password='" + txtPassword.Text + "'", con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "1") { this.Hide(); ProfessorRegistration ss = new ProfessorRegistration(); ss.Show(); MessageBox.Show("You are logged in"); } else MessageBox.Show("Please Check Your Username & Password"); } Figure 2 application of encapsulation to the system 1.2.2 Inheritance Source: (Author developed) 1.2.2 Inheritance Inheritance is a fundamental feature of an Object-Oriented programming. It is the process of creating a new Class, called the Derived Class, from the existing class, called the Base Class. Inheritance is a very elegant way to reuse and modify the data and functionality that has already been defined in the Base Class, also you can add new data and functionality to the Derived Class. Since the Derived Class inherits all properties of the Base Class, the Derived Class has a larger set of properties than the Base Class. However, the Derived Class may override some or all the properties of the Base Class. (net-informations, 2018) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 4 Usage of Inheritance in real life The real life example of inheritance is child and parents, all the properties of father are inherited by his son. Advantages of Inheritance One of the key benefits of inheritance is to minimize the amount of duplicate code in an application by sharing common code amongst several subclasses. Where equivalent code exists in two related classes, the hierarchy can usually be refactored to move the common code up to a mutual superclass. This also tends to result in a better organization of code and smaller, simpler compilation units. Inheritance can also make application code more flexible to change because classes that inherit from a common superclass can be used interchangeably. If the return type of a method is superclass. Reusability - facility to use public methods of base class without rewriting the same. Extensibility - extending the base class logic as per business logic of the derived class. Data hiding - base class can decide to keep some data private so that it cannot be altered by the derived class. Overriding - With inheritance, we will be able to override the methods of the base class so that meaningful implementation of the base class method can be designed in the derived class. 1.2.3 Abstraction Abstraction is the process of taking away or removing characteristics from something in order to reduce it to a set of essential characteristics. (techtarget, 2018) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 5 Usage of Abstraction in real life In a car we now think of as a car driver or a person traveling in a car. So, to drive a car, what a car driver should know and what not. Necessary things ̵ Brake ̵ Gear ̵ Government Unnecessary things ̵ sewerage system ̵ Gooseberry Advantages of Abstraction Makes code as readable and more- simpler. Because complexity of code will be hidden. Abstraction makes code from longer to small, because abstraction doesn't show unnecessary things. Abstraction gives one structure to program code. Application of abstraction to the solution if (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "1") { this.Hide(); RegistrarMenu ss = new RegistrarMenu(); ss.Show(); MessageBox.Show("You are logged in");//Abstraction used to messege box } else Figure 3 Application of abstraction to the solution Source: (Author developed) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 6 1.2.4 Polymorphism Polymorphism is an object-oriented programming concept that refers to the ability of a variable, function or object to take on multiple forms. A language that features polymorphism allows developers to program in the general rather than program in the specific. (techopedia, 2018) Usage of Polymorphism in real life We use milk for drinking, but milk can also be used to make curd, butter etc. So, the term polymorphism means to use something in different forms. Advantages of Polymorphism It helps programmers reuse the code and classes once written, tested and implemented. They can be reused in many ways. Single variable name can be used to store variables of multiple data types. Polymorphism helps in reducing the coupling between different functionalities. 1.4 Advantages of Object oriented programming The programs written with OOP are really easy to understand. Since everything is treated as objects, so can model a real-world concept using OOP. OOP approach offers the reusability of classes. Can reuse the classes that are already created without writing them again and again. Since the parallel development of classes is possible in OOP concept, it results in the quick development of the complete programs. Programs written in OOP technique are marginally easier to test, manage as well as maintain. It is a secured development technique since data is hidden and can’t be accessed by external functions. (csetutor, 2018) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 7 1.5 Advantages of Object oriented programming Sometimes, the relation among the classes become artificial in nature. Designing a program in OOP concept is a little bit tricky. The programmer should have a proper planning before designing a program using OOP approach. Since everything is treated as objects in OOP, the programmers need proper skill such as design skills, programming skills, thinking in terms of objects etc. The size of programs developed with OOP is larger than the procedural approach. Since larger in size, that means more instruction to be executed, which results in the slower execution of programs. (csetutor, 2018) 1.6 Introduction to C# programming language C# could theoretically be compiled to machine code, but in real life, it's always used in combination with the .NET framework. Therefore, applications written in C#, requires the .NET framework to be installed on the computer running the application. While the .NET framework makes it possible to use a wide range of languages, C# is sometimes referred to as THE .NET language, perhaps because it was designed together with the framework. C# is an Object Oriented language and does not offer global variables or functions. Everything is wrapped in classes, even simple types like int and string, which inherits from the System. Object class. (csharp, 2018) 1.7 Advantages of C# programming language According to proprogrammershub (n.d) Following are the advantages of C# programming language. C# is pure object-oriented language, this allows you to create modular maintainable applications and reusable codes. This is one of the biggest advantages of C# over C++. A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 8 C# has got a very efficient system to erase and remove all the garbage present on the system. The rich class libraries make many functions easy to be implemented. C# has influence on most of the programmers of the world and it has a history in the programming world. Applications written in .NET will have better integration and interpretability with other NET Technologies. Actually C# runs on CLR, making it easy to integrate with components written in other languages. Formalized concept of get-set methods, so the codes becomes more legible. Also in C#, no need to worry about header files. Coding would be a worth to do in C#. C# has a strong memory backup. There would be no problem of the memory leak. Conclusion It is require to develop a Student Registration System for Stafford University (SU). There are several requirements to be fulfill. By considering advantages of C# it is better to use C# to develop the student registration for SU. C# has many key features and technical characteristics. After considers features and benefits of C# language, it would be the best software solution to build SU system. A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 9 Task 02 A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 10 Identify the objects and data and file structures required to implement a given design. 2.1 Object Object, in C#, is an instance of a class that is created dynamically. Object is also a keyword that is an alias for the predefined type System. Object in the .NET framework. The unified type system of C# allows objects to be defined. These can be user-defined, reference or value type, but they all inherit directly or indirectly from System. Object. This inheritance is implicit so that the type of the object need not be declared with System. Object as the base class. In general, object type is useful where there is a requirement to build generic routines. Because values of any type can be assigned to variables of object type, object type is used mostly in designing classes that handle objects of any type that allow code to be reused. The non-generic collection classes in the .NET framework library, such as ArrayList, Queue, etc., use object type to define various collections. An object is also known as instance. (techopedia, 2018) 2.2 Class A class is a construct that enables you to create your own custom types by grouping together variables of other types, methods and events. A class is like a blueprint. It defines the data and behavior of a type. (microsoft, 2018) (wordane) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 11 2.3 Data Structures A data structure is a specialized format for organizing and storing data. General data structure types include the array, the file, the record, the table, the tree, and so on. Any data structure is designed to organize data to suit a specific purpose so that it can be accessed and worked with in appropriate ways. In computer programming, a data structure may be selected or designed to store data for the purpose of working on it with various algorithms. (techtarget, 2018) Following are the general data structures that can be found frequently. Array- An array is a data structure that contains a group of elements. Typically these elements are all of the same data type, such as an integer or string. Arrays are commonly used in computer programs to organize data so that a related set of values can be easily sorted or searched.(techterms, 2018) List- A group of similar items with connectivity to the previous or/and next data items. Record- A set of fields, where each field consists of data belongs to one data type. Trees- A data structure where the data is organized in a hierarchical structure. This type of data structure follows the sorted order of insertion, deletion and modification of data items. Tables- Data is persisted in the form of rows and columns. These are similar to records, where the result or manipulation of data is reflected for the whole table. (careerride,2016) Objects, files and data structures of Stafford university system. Table 1-Objects, files and data structures of Stafford University System Source :( Author Developed) Objects Data Data Types File structure Register Office Payment Details Integer Generate course catalog Contact Information Integer A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 12 Student Register Professor Course Name String Course Duration Integer Payments Integer Selected Courses String Student Name String Student date of birth Date Contact Integer Student Name String Student Contact Integer A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Register for courses Register Students Select courses to teach Page 13 Task 03 A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 14 Draw the Use Case Diagram, Class Diagram and Sequence Diagrams, ERD for the given scenario. Use Case diagram should be supported with the Use Case narrations. 3.1 Use case diagram Figure 4 Use case diagram for proposed system Source: (Author developed) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 15 3.2 Class diagram Class diagram describes the structure of proposed system by showing the system's classes, its attributes, operations and the relationships among objects. Figure 5 Class diagram for proposed system Source: (Author developed) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 16 3.3 Sequence diagram Figure 6 Sequence diagram for proposed system Source: (Author developed) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 17 3.4 ER Diagram Figure 7 ER diagram for proposed system Source: (Author developed) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 18 Task 04 A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 19 Implement the Object Oriented solution using C#.Net for the proposed Design using a suitable IDE. 4.1 User login The login page of the Stafford university system’s shown as below. User requires a valid username and password to login to the system. Figure 8 User login of the system Source :(Author developed) Source code of login form { public partial class Login : Form { public Login() { InitializeComponent(); txtPassword.PasswordChar = '*'; txtPassword.MaxLength = 10; } //database connection public string conString = "Data Source=DESKTOP-2JUL9IR\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=stafford_uni;Integrated Security=True"; private void exitbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 20 { this.Close(); } } private void loginbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //encapsulated data,hidden SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Count(*) From Stu_Login where Username='" + txtUsername.Text + "' and Password='" + txtPassword.Text + "'", con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "1") { this.Hide(); StudentRegistration ss = new StudentRegistration(); ss.Show(); MessageBox.Show("You are logged in");//Abstraction used to messege box } else MessageBox.Show("Please Check Your Username & Password"); } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void textBox1_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { } private void ProfLogBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Count(*) From Prof_login where Username='" + txtUsername.Text + "' and Password='" + txtPassword.Text + "'", con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "1") { this.Hide(); ProfessorRegistration ss = new ProfessorRegistration(); ss.Show(); MessageBox.Show("You are logged in");//Abstraction used to messege box } else MessageBox.Show("Please Check Your Username & Password"); A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 21 } private void RegLogBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Count(*) From Admin_Login where Username='" + txtUsername.Text + "' and Password='" + txtPassword.Text + "'", con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "1") { this.Hide(); RegistrarMenu ss = new RegistrarMenu(); ss.Show(); MessageBox.Show("You are logged in");//Abstraction used to messege box } else MessageBox.Show("Please Check Your Username & Password"); } 4.2 Registrar menu Below menu is loaded when registrar login to the system Figure 9 Registrar menu Source: (Author developed) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 22 Source code for registrar menu { public partial class RegistrarMenu : Form { public RegistrarMenu() { InitializeComponent(); } private void label1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void btnStuReg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Hide();//Hide the form RegistrarStudentRegistration openForm = new RegistrarStudentRegistration(); openForm.Show(); } private void Main_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void btnProfReg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Hide(); RegistrarProfessorRegistration openForm = new RegistrarProfessorRegistration(); openForm.Show();//display new form } private void btnCourseCatalog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Hide(); CourseCatalog openForm = new CourseCatalog(); openForm.Show(); } private void Main_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { } private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 23 DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes)//exit validation { this.Close(); } } private void btnLogout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes) { this.Close(); Login sb = new Login(); sb.Show(); } } private void btnPayments_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Hide(); PaymentsViewer openForm = new PaymentsViewer(); openForm.Show(); } } } A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 24 4.3 Student Registration Form in Registrar Menu. To register student for registrar below form should be filled Figure 10 Student registration form for registrar Source: (Author developed) Source code for student registration in registrar menu { public RegistrarStudentRegistration() { InitializeComponent(); } //Database connection SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=DESKTOP2JUL9IR\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=stafford_uni;Integrated Security=True"); private void textBox3_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 25 } private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes)//checking the decision { this.Close(); } } private void RegistrarStudentRegistration_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter("Select isnull (max(cast(Stu_Reg_No as int)),0)+1 from Std_Reg_Table", con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); txtStuRegNo.Text = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); this.ActiveControl = txtName; con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "select * from Course_Fees"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();//execute the query DataTable dd = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(dd); foreach (DataRow dr in dd.Rows) { txtSelectedCourse.Items.Add(dr["Course_Name"].ToString()); } con.Close(); } private void btnReg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //check whether the fields are empty if (txtName.Text == "" || txtAddress.Text == "" || txtContact.Text == "" || txtSelectedCourse.Text == "" || txtAlternativeCourse.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please fill the blank fields"); } else { int _numOfStudent = 0; try { //select query to be executed A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 26 string sql = "SELECT Selected_Course, count(*) as num_of_students FROM [stafford_uni].[dbo].[Std_Reg_Table] group by Selected_Course;"; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); DataRow[] returnRow = ds.Tables[0].Select("Selected_Course = '" + txtSelectedCourse.Text + "'"); DataRow dr = returnRow[0]; _numOfStudent = Convert.ToInt16(dr["num_of_students"].ToString()); // MessageBox.Show(_numOfStudent.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "count number of students"); } if (_numOfStudent < 10)// { con.Open(); //Insert query to be executed String query = "INSERT INTO Std_Reg_Table(Stu_Reg_No,Name,Address,Contact_No,Selected_Course,Alternative_Course,Semes ter_Fee,University_Charges,Total_Course_Fee) VALUES ('" + txtStuRegNo.Text + "', '" + txtName.Text + "', '" + txtAddress.Text + "','" + txtContact.Text + "','" + txtSelectedCourse.Text + "', '" + txtAlternativeCourse.Text + "','" + txtSemFee.Text + "','" + txtUniCharges.Text + "','"+ txtTotal.Text+"' )"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con); SDA.SelectCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); MessageBox.Show("You are Registered Successfully"); this.Hide(); RegistrarStudentRegistration ss = new RegistrarStudentRegistration(); ss.Show(); BillingViewer rptv = new BillingViewer(txtStuRegNo.Text, txtName.Text, txtSelectedCourse.Text, txtSemFee.Text, txtUniCharges.Text, txtTotal.Text); rptv.Show();//crystal report view } else { MessageBox.Show("No seats available.Please select another course"); } } } A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 27 private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "select * from Course_Fees where Course_Name= '" + txtSelectedCourse.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(dt); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { txtSemFee.Text = dr["Semester_Fee"].ToString(); txtUniCharges.Text = dr["University_Charges"].ToString(); txtTotal.Text = dr["Total_Course_Fee"].ToString(); } con.Close(); } private void btnBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes) { this.Close(); RegistrarMenu sb = new RegistrarMenu(); sb.Show(); } } private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure", "Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { con.Open(); //Delete query to be executed String query = "DELETE FROM Std_Reg_Table where Stu_Reg_No= '" + txtStuRegNo.Text+ "'"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con); SDA.SelectCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Selected Record is Deleted Successfully"); A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 28 this.Hide(); RegistrarStudentRegistration ss = new RegistrarStudentRegistration(); ss.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Selected Record is not Deleted", "Delete", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } private void btnView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open();//open connection String sql = "select Stu_Reg_No,Name,Address,Contact_No,Selected_Course,Alternative_Course,Semester_Fee,Univer sity_Charges,Total_Course_Fee from Std_Reg_Table"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SDA.Fill(dt); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; con.Close();//close connection } private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open(); //Update query to be executed String sql = "UPDATE Std_Reg_Table SET Name='" +txtName.Text +"',Address='" +txtAddress.Text +"',Contact_No='" +txtContact.Text +"',Selected_Course='" +txtSelectedCourse.Text +"',Alternative_Course='" +txtAlternativeCourse.Text +"',Semester_Fee='" +txtSemFee.Text +"',University_Charges='" +txtUniCharges.Text +"',Total_Course_Fee='" +txtTotal.Text + "'WHERE Stu_Reg_No='" + txtStuRegNo.Text + "'"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); SDA.SelectCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Updated Successfully"); } private void dataGridView1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { txtStuRegNo.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); txtName.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); txtAddress.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[2].Value.ToString(); txtContact.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[3].Value.ToString(); txtSelectedCourse.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[4].Value.ToString(); A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 29 txtAlternativeCourse.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[5].Value.ToString(); txtSemFee.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[6].Value.ToString(); txtUniCharges.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[7].Value.ToString(); txtTotal.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[8].Value.ToString(); } private void RegistrarStudentRegistration_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { } private void btnHelp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RegistrarStuHelpMenu sb = new RegistrarStuHelpMenu(); sb.Show(); } } } 4.4 Professor Registration Form in Registrar Menu. To register a professor registrar must fill below form Figure 11 Professor Registration for registrar Source: (Author developed) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 30 Source code for professor registration in registrar menu { public partial class RegistrarProfessorRegistration : Form { public RegistrarProfessorRegistration() { InitializeComponent(); } //Database Connection SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=DESKTOP2JUL9IR\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=stafford_uni;Integrated Security=True"); private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure", "Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { con.Open(); //Delete query to be executed String query = "DELETE FROM Prof_Reg_Table where Prof_Reg_No= '" + comboProfRegNo.Text + "'"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con); SDA.SelectCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Selected Record is Deleted Successfully"); this.Hide(); RegistrarProfessorRegistration ss = new RegistrarProfessorRegistration(); ss.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Selected Record is not Deleted", "Delete", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } private void btnReg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboProfRegNo.Text == "" || comboFaculty.Text == "" || comboSem.Text == "" || comboCourse1.Text == "" || comboCourse2.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please fill the blank fields");//validation } else { int _numOfStudent = 0; try { A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 31 //Get the count form the database string sql = "SELECT Selected_Course, count(*) as num_of_students FROM [stafford_uni].[dbo].[Std_Reg_Table] group by Selected_Course;"; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); DataRow[] returnRow = ds.Tables[0].Select("Selected_Course = '" + comboCourse1.Text + "'"); DataRow dr = returnRow[0]; _numOfStudent = Convert.ToInt16(dr["num_of_students"].ToString()); // MessageBox.Show(_numOfStudent.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "count number of students"); } if (_numOfStudent > 3)//check whether the no of students { con.Open(); //Insert query to be executed String query = "INSERT INTO Prof_Reg_Table(Prof_Reg_No,Name,Faculty,Semester,Course1,Course2) VALUES comboProfRegNo.Text + "', '" + txtName.Text + "', '" + comboFaculty.Text comboSem.Text + "','" + comboCourse1.Text + "', '" + comboCourse2.Text + SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con); SDA.SelectCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Successfully Updated"); are less than 3 ('" + + "','" + "')"; this.Hide(); RegistrarProfessorRegistration ss = new RegistrarProfessorRegistration(); ss.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("This course has been cancelled.Please select another course"); } } } private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 32 if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes)//validate the decision { this.Close(); } } private void RegistrarProfessorRegistration_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "select * from Course_Fees"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();//execute the query DataTable dd = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(dd); foreach (DataRow dr in dd.Rows) { comboViewStudents.Items.Add(dr["Course_Name"].ToString()); comboCourse1.Items.Add(dr["Course_Name"].ToString()); comboCourse2.Items.Add(dr["Course_Name"].ToString()); } cmd.CommandText = "select * from Prof_Details"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter db = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); db.Fill(dt); foreach (DataRow ds in dt.Rows) { comboProfRegNo.Items.Add(ds["Prof_Reg_No"].ToString()); comboViewRoster.Items.Add(ds["Prof_Reg_No"].ToString()); } con.Close(); } private void btnViewStudents_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboViewStudents.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select a course"); } else { A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. 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Page 33 con.Open(); String sql = "select * from Std_Reg_Table where Selected_Course= '" + comboViewStudents.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SDA.Fill(dt); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; con.Close(); } } private void btnBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes) { this.Close(); RegistrarMenu sb = new RegistrarMenu(); sb.Show(); } } private void btnViewProfDetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open(); //Select query to be executed String sql = "select Prof_Reg_No,Name,Faculty,Semester,Course1,Course2 from Prof_Reg_Table"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SDA.Fill(dt); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; con.Close(); } private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open(); //Update query to be executed String sql = "UPDATE Prof_Reg_Table SET Name='" + txtName.Text + "',Faculty='" + comboFaculty.Text + "',Semester='" + comboSem.Text + "',Course1='" + comboCourse1.Text + "',Course2='" + comboCourse2.Text + "'WHERE Prof_Reg_No='" + comboProfRegNo.Text + "'"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); SDA.SelectCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Updated Successfully"); } A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. 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Page 34 private void dataGridView1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { comboProfRegNo.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); txtName.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); comboFaculty.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[2].Value.ToString(); comboSem.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[3].Value.ToString(); comboCourse1.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[4].Value.ToString(); comboCourse2.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[5].Value.ToString(); } private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "select * from Prof_Details where Prof_Reg_No= '" + comboProfRegNo.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(dt); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { txtName.Text = dr["Name"].ToString(); comboFaculty.Text = dr["Faculty"].ToString(); } con.Close(); } private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void btnViewRoster_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboViewRoster.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select a your reg.no"); } else { con.Open();//open connection String sql = "select * from Course_Roster where Prof_Reg_No= '" + comboViewRoster.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'"; A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 35 SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SDA.Fill(dt); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; con.Close();//close connection } } private void RegistrarProfessorRegistration_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { } private void btnHelp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RegistrarProfHelpMenu sb = new RegistrarProfHelpMenu(); sb.Show(); } 4.5 View course catalog For course catalog registrar must use below form Figure 12 Course catalog Source: (Author developed) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 36 Source code for view course catalog { public CourseCatalog() { InitializeComponent(); } //Database connection SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=DESKTOP2JUL9IR\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=stafford_uni;Integrated Security=True"); private void CourseCatalog_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "select * from Prof_Details"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataTable dd = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(dd); foreach (DataRow dr in dd.Rows) { txtProfReg.Items.Add(dr["Prof_Reg_No"].ToString()); } cmd.CommandText = "select * from Course_Fees"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter db = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); db.Fill(dt); foreach (DataRow ds in dt.Rows) { comboSelectCourseRoster.Items.Add(ds["Course_Name"].ToString()); } con.Close(); } private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "select * from Prof_Reg_Table where Prof_Reg_No= '" + txtProfReg.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(dt); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. 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Page 37 txtCourseName.Text = dr["Course1"].ToString(); txtProfName.Text = dr["Name"].ToString(); } con.Close(); } private void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboMonth.Text == "" || txtProfReg.Text == "" || comboTimeW1.Text == "" || comboTimeW2.Text == "" || comboTimeW3.Text == "" || comboTimesW4.Text == "" || dateTimePickerW1.Text == "" || dateTimePickerW2.Text == "" || dateTimePickerW3.Text == "" || dateTimePickerW4.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please fill the blank fields");//empty fields validation } else { con.Open(); //Insert query tobeexecuted String query = "INSERT INTO Course_Roster(Month,Prof_Reg_No,Course_Name,Professor_Name,Week1_Date,Week1_Time,Week2_Da te,Week2_Time,Week3_Date,Week3_Time,Week4_Date,Week4_Time) VALUES ('" + comboMonth.Text + "','" + txtProfReg.Text + "', '" + txtCourseName.Text + "', '" + txtProfName.Text + "','" + this.dateTimePickerW1.Text + "' ,'" + comboTimeW1.Text + "','" + this.dateTimePickerW2.Text + "','" + comboTimeW2.Text + "','" + this.dateTimePickerW3.Text + "','" + comboTimeW3.Text + "','" + this.dateTimePickerW4.Text + "','" + comboTimesW4.Text + "')"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con); SDA.SelectCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Course Roster was Generated Successfully"); this.Hide(); CourseCatalog ss = new CourseCatalog(); ss.Show(); } } private void btnViewFullRoster_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open();//Open connection String sql = "select * from Course_Roster"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SDA.Fill(dt); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; con.Close();//Close connection } A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. 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Page 38 private void btnViewCourse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboSelectCourseRoster.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select a course"); } else { con.Open(); //Select query to be executed String sql = "select * from Course_Roster where Course_Name= '" + comboSelectCourseRoster.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SDA.Fill(dt); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; con.Close(); } } private void label6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes) { this.Close(); } } private void btnBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes) { this.Close(); RegistrarMenu sb = new RegistrarMenu(); sb.Show(); } } private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. 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Page 39 con.Open(); //Update query to be executed String sql = "UPDATE Course_Roster SET Month='" + comboMonth.Text + "',Course_Name='" + txtCourseName.Text + "',Professor_Name='" + txtProfName.Text + "',Week1_Date='" + this.dateTimePickerW1.Text + "',Week1_Time='" + comboTimeW1.Text + "',Week2_Date='" + this.dateTimePickerW2.Text + "',Week2_Time='" + comboTimeW2.Text + "',Week3_Date='" + this.dateTimePickerW3.Text + "',Week3_Time='" + comboTimeW3.Text + "',Week4_Date='" + this.dateTimePickerW4.Text + "',Week4_Time='" + comboTimesW4.Text + "'WHERE Prof_Reg_No='" + txtProfReg.Text + "'"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); SDA.SelectCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Updated Successfully");//Operation success messege this.Hide(); CourseCatalog ss = new CourseCatalog(); ss.Show(); } private void dataGridView1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { comboMonth.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); txtProfReg.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); txtCourseName.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[2].Value.ToString(); txtProfName.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[3].Value.ToString(); dateTimePickerW1.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[4].Value.ToString(); comboTimeW1.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[5].Value.ToString(); dateTimePickerW2.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[6].Value.ToString(); comboTimeW2.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[7].Value.ToString(); dateTimePickerW3.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[8].Value.ToString(); comboTimeW3.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[9].Value.ToString(); dateTimePickerW4.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[10].Value.ToString(); comboTimesW4.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[11].Value.ToString(); } private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure", "Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { con.Open(); //Delete query to be executed String query = "DELETE FROM Course_Roster where Prof_Reg_No= '" + txtProfReg.Text + "'"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con); SDA.SelectCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();//Execute the query A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 40 con.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Selected Record is Deleted Successfully"); this.Hide(); CourseCatalog ss = new CourseCatalog(); ss.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Selected Record is not Deleted", "Delete", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } private void btnHelp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CourseCatalogHelpMenu sb = new CourseCatalogHelpMenu(); sb.Show(); } } } 4.9 Billing system Registrar must use this form to print the billing system Figure 13 Billing system Source: (Author developed) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 41 Source code for billing system { public PaymentsViewer() { InitializeComponent(); } //Database connection SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=DESKTOP2JUL9IR\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=stafford_uni;Integrated Security=True"); private void PaymentsDataGridViewer_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open();//Open connection //Select query to be executed String sql = "select Stu_Reg_No,Name,Selected_Course,Semester_Fee,University_Charges,Total_Course_Fee from Std_Reg_Table"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SDA.Fill(dt); PaymentsdataGridView.DataSource = dt; con.Close();//close connection } private void PaymentsdataGridView_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { txtStuRegNo.Text = PaymentsdataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); txtName.Text = PaymentsdataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); txtCourse.Text = PaymentsdataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[2].Value.ToString(); txtSemfee.Text = PaymentsdataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[3].Value.ToString(); txtUniCharges.Text = PaymentsdataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[4].Value.ToString(); txtTotal.Text = PaymentsdataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[5].Value.ToString(); } private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BillingViewer rptv = new BillingViewer(txtStuRegNo.Text, txtName.Text, txtCourse.Text, txtSemfee.Text, txtUniCharges.Text, txtTotal.Text); rptv.Show();//view crystal report } private void PaymentsDataGridViewer_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 42 { } private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes)//exit validation { this.Close(); } } private void btnBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes) { this.Close(); RegistrarMenu sb = new RegistrarMenu(); sb.Show(); } } private void btnHelp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PaymentsHelpMenu sb = new PaymentsHelpMenu(); sb.Show(); } } } A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 43 4.7 Student Registration Form. Students must use following window to register a new student to the system. Figure 14 Student registration form Source: (Author developed) Source code for student registration form //Database Connection SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=DESKTOP-SSQJ4LL\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=SU Student Mangement System;Integrated Security=True"); private void btnReg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtName.Text == "" || txtAddress.Text == "" || txtContact.Text == "" || comboSelectedCourse.Text == "" || comboAlternativeCourse.Text == "") { A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 44 MessageBox.Show("Please fill the blank fields");//validation } else { int _numOfStudent = 0; try { //SELECT query to be executed string sql = "SELECT Selected_Course, count(*) as num_of_students FROM [SU Student Mangement System].[dbo].[Std_Reg_Table] group by Selected_Course;"; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); DataRow[] returnRow = ds.Tables[0].Select("Selected_Course = '" + comboSelectedCourse.Text + "'"); DataRow dr = returnRow[0]; _numOfStudent = Convert.ToInt16(dr["num_of_students"].ToString()); // MessageBox.Show(_numOfStudent.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (_numOfStudent < 10) { con.Open(); //Insert query to be executed String query = "INSERT INTO Std_Reg_Table(Stu_Reg_No,Name,Address,Contact_No,Selected_Course,Alternative_Course,Sem ester_Fee,University_Charges,Total_Course_Fee) VALUES ('" + RegNoTxt.Text + "', '" + txtName.Text + "', '" + txtAddress.Text + "','" + txtContact.Text + "','" + comboSelectedCourse.Text + "', '" + comboAlternativeCourse.Text + "' ,'" + txtSemFee.Text + "','" + txtUniCharges.Text + "','" + txtTotal.Text + "')"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con); SDA.SelectCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();//Execute the query con.Close(); MessageBox.Show("You are Registered Successfully");//Show success messege this.Hide(); StudentRegistration ss = new StudentRegistration(); ss.Show(); BillingViewer rptv = new BillingViewer(RegNoTxt.Text, txtName.Text, comboSelectedCourse.Text,txtSemFee.Text,txtUniCharges.Text,txtTotal.Text); rptv.Show();//crystal report view } else { MessageBox.Show("No seats available.Please select another course"); } } } A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. 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Page 45 private void StudentRegistration_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter("Select isnull (max(cast(Stu_Reg_No as int)),0)+1 from Std_Reg_Table",con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); RegNoTxt.Text = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); this.ActiveControl = txtName; con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "select * from Course_Fees"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataTable dd = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(dd); foreach (DataRow dr in dd.Rows) { comboSelectedCourse.Items.Add(dr["Course_Name"].ToString()); } cmd.CommandText = "select * from Std_Reg_Table"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataTable dl = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter db = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); db.Fill(dl); foreach (DataRow ds in dl.Rows) { // comboBox3.Items.Add(ds["Stu_Reg_No"].ToString()); } con.Close(); } private void exitbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes) { this.Close(); } } private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "select * from Course_Fees where Course_Name= '" + comboSelectedCourse.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. 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Page 46 SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(dt); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { txtSemFee.Text = dr["Semester_Fee"].ToString(); txtUniCharges.Text = dr["University_Charges"].ToString(); txtTotal.Text = dr["Total_Course_Fee"].ToString(); } con.Close(); } private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes) { this.Hide(); Login sb = new Login(); sb.Show(); } } private void btnViewRegDetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtViewRegDetails.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select your Reg.No");//validation } else { con.Open(); //select query to be executed String sql = "select Stu_Reg_No,Name,Address,Contact_No,Selected_Course,Alternative_Course,Semester_Fee,Univ ersity_Charges,Total_Course_Fee from Std_Reg_Table where Stu_Reg_No= '" + txtViewRegDetails.Text.ToString() + "'"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SDA.Fill(dt); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; con.Close(); } } private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int _numOfStudent = 0; try { //Get the count from the database A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. 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Page 47 string sq = "SELECT Selected_Course, count(*) as num_of_students FROM [SU Student Mangement System].[dbo].[Std_Reg_Table] group by Selected_Course;"; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sq, con); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); DataRow[] returnRow = ds.Tables[0].Select("Selected_Course = '" + comboSelectedCourse.Text + "'"); DataRow dr = returnRow[0]; _numOfStudent = Convert.ToInt16(dr["num_of_students"].ToString()); // MessageBox.Show(_numOfStudent.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "count number of students"); } if (_numOfStudent < 10) { con.Open();//open the connection //Update query to be executed String sq = "UPDATE Std_Reg_Table SET Selected_Course='" + comboSelectedCourse.Text +"'WHERE Stu_Reg_No='" + RegNoTxt.Text + "'"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sq, con); SDA.SelectCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close();//close the connection MessageBox.Show("Registerd to a new course Successfully"); this.Hide(); StudentRegistration ss = new StudentRegistration(); ss.Show(); BillingViewer rptv = new BillingViewer(RegNoTxt.Text, txtName.Text, comboSelectedCourse.Text, txtSemFee.Text, txtUniCharges.Text, txtTotal.Text); rptv.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("No seats available.Please select another course"); } } private void dataGridView1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { RegNoTxt.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); txtName.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); txtAddress.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[2].Value.ToString(); txtContact.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[3].Value.ToString(); A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. 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Page 48 comboSelectedCourse.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[4].Value.ToString(); comboAlternativeCourse.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[5].Value.ToString(); txtSemFee.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[6].Value.ToString(); txtUniCharges.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[7].Value.ToString(); txtTotal.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[8].Value.ToString(); } private void btnDrop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Checking the decision if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure", "Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { con.Open(); //Delete query to be executed String query = "DELETE FROM Std_Reg_Table where Stu_Reg_No= '" + txtViewRegDetails.Text + "'"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con); SDA.SelectCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Your Course is Dropped Successfully"); this.Hide(); StudentRegistration ss = new StudentRegistration(); ss.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Selected Record is not Deleted", "Delete", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } private void dataGridView1_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) } private void btnLogOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes) { this.Close(); Login sb = new Login(); sb.Show(); } } private void btnHelp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 49 { StudentRegHelpMenu sb = new StudentRegHelpMenu(); sb.Show(); } } } 4.8 Professor’s Course Registration Form. Professors must use following form to register to a new course for the selected semester. Figure 15 Professor's course registration Source: (Author developed) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 50 Source code for professor’s course registration { public ProfessorRegistration() { InitializeComponent(); } //Database connection SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=DESKTOP2JUL9IR\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=stafford_uni;Integrated Security=True"); private void btnReg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboProfRegNo.Text == "" || comboFaculty.Text == "" || comboSemester.Text == "" || comboCourse1.Text == "" || comboCourse2.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please fill the blank fields"); } else { int _numOfStudent = 0; try { //Get the count from the database string sql = "SELECT Selected_Course, count(*) as num_of_students FROM [stafford_uni].[dbo].[Std_Reg_Table] group by Selected_Course;"; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); DataRow[] returnRow = ds.Tables[0].Select("Selected_Course = '" + comboCourse1.Text + "'"); DataRow dr = returnRow[0]; _numOfStudent = Convert.ToInt16(dr["num_of_students"].ToString()); // MessageBox.Show(_numOfStudent.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "count number of students"); } if (_numOfStudent > 3)//check wheather the no of students are less than 3 { con.Open(); //Insert query to be executed String query = "INSERT INTO Prof_Reg_Table(Prof_Reg_No,Name,Faculty,Semester,Course1,Course2) VALUES ('" + A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 51 comboProfRegNo.Text + "', '" + txtName.Text + "', '" + comboFaculty.Text + "','" + comboSemester.Text + "','" + comboCourse1.Text + "', '" + comboCourse2.Text + "')"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con); SDA.SelectCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();//execute the query con.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Successfully Updated"); this.Hide(); ProfessorRegistration ss = new ProfessorRegistration(); ss.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("This course has been cancelled.Please select another course"); } } } private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes) { this.Close(); } } private void ProfessorRegistration_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "select * from Course_Fees"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataTable dd = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(dd); foreach (DataRow dr in dd.Rows) { comboViewStudents.Items.Add(dr["Course_Name"].ToString()); comboCourse1.Items.Add(dr["Course_Name"].ToString()); comboCourse2.Items.Add(dr["Course_Name"].ToString()); } cmd.CommandText = "select * from Prof_Details"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 52 SqlDataAdapter db = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); db.Fill(dt); foreach (DataRow ds in dt.Rows) { comboProfRegNo.Items.Add(ds["Prof_Reg_No"].ToString()); comboViewCourseRoster.Items.Add(ds["Prof_Reg_No"].ToString()); } con.Close(); } private void btnView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboViewStudents.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select a course"); } else { con.Open(); //select query for selected course String sql = "select * from Std_Reg_Table where Selected_Course= '" + comboViewStudents.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SDA.Fill(dt); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; con.Close(); } } private void btnLogout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes)//exit validation { this.Close(); Login sb = new Login(); sb.Show(); } } private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 53 cmd.CommandText = "select * from Prof_Details where Prof_Reg_No= '" + comboProfRegNo.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(dt); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { txtName.Text = dr["Name"].ToString(); comboFaculty.Text = dr["Faculty"].ToString(); } con.Close(); } private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void btnCourseRoster_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboViewCourseRoster.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select your Reg.No"); } else { con.Open();//open connection String sql = "select * from Course_Roster where Prof_Reg_No= '" + comboViewCourseRoster.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'"; SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SDA.Fill(dt); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; con.Close();//close connection } } private void ProfessorRegistration_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { } private void btnHelp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ProfessorRegHelpMenu sb = new ProfessorRegHelpMenu(); A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 54 sb.Show(); } } } 4.9 Login form help menu Figure 16 Login form help menu Source: (Author developed) 4.10 Student registration form help menu Figure 17 student registration form help menu Source: (Author developed) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 55 4.11 Professor’s course registration form help menu Figure 18 Professor’s course registration form help menu Source: (Author developed) 4.12 Registrar’s student registration form help menu Figure 19 Registrar’s student registration form help menu Source: (Author developed) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 56 4.13 Registrar’s professor registration form help menu Figure 20 Registrar’s professor registration form help menu Source: (Author developed) 4.14 Course catalog form help menu Figure 21 Course catalog form help menu Source: (Author developed) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 57 4.15 Billing system form help menu Figure 22 billing system form help menu Source: (Author developed) A.A.N.N.Amarasinghe. HND in Computing and System Development- 23. Business Skills for E commerce. Esoft Metro Campus-Kurunegala. Page 58