ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING and AIEE TRANSACTIONS for Volume 63, 1944 PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS 33 WEST 39TH STREET, NEW YORK 18, N. Y. 1944 AIEE INDEXES This pamphlet contains complete multientry indexes covering the entire text content of AIEE regular technical publications, as follows: 1. Electrical Engineering, monthly, sent to all members. parts: Contains two I. General articles, news, and biographical items. I I . Transactions section, containing technical-program papers presented at national and District technical meetings. 2. Supplement to Electrical Engineering—Transactions Section. Issued in limited quantities at mid-year (June Supplement) and year-end (December Supplement). Contains the technical program papers that could not be accommodated in the monthly Transactions sections of Electrical Engineering, plus discussions of all technical-program papers. Price 50 cents per copy. 3 . AIEE Transactions. Published annually. Contains all approved technical-program papers and related discussions for the calendar year. Consists of Transactions sections from the monthly issues of Electrical Engineer­ ing; the two semiannual Supplements (as described in item 2 above); and certain other material considered to be of permanent record value. Price $4.00 per copy to AIEE members; $ l £ 0 0 plus foreign postage to nonmembers. I. GENERAL MATERIAL Ð . TRANSACTIONS MATERIAL (Pages 10-24) (Pages 3-9) General articles, news, and biographical items published in the general monthly periodical are indexed as follows : Technical-program papers and related discussions are indexed as follows: 1. Subject Index. by subjects. 2. Author I n d e x . Lists authors of all technicalprogram papers a n d discussions. Lists all general-interest articles 2 . Author Index. Lists authors of all generalinterest articles and "Letters to the Editor." 3 . AIES News Index. Lists all news items p e r . taining to Institute Activities. 4. Non-AIEE N e w · Index. Lists all news items " O f Current Interest" not pertaining directly to Institute activities. 5 . Biographical Index. Lists all obituary items on A I E E members. personal and 1. Technical-Subject I n d e x . Lists all technicalprogram papers a n d related discussions by subjects. Of the total content of the 1944 annual Transactions, pages 1-318 and 501-960 in­ clusive were published in the Transactions sections of Electrical Engineering during 1944 as tabulated below; pages 319-500 were published in the June "Supplement to Electrical Engineering—Transactions Sec­ tion" and pages 961-1504 in the December Supplement. P a g e Allocation b y Issues Page Allocation b y Issues January February March April May June 1-42 43-76 77-118 119-160 161-202 203-242 July August September October November December 243-280 281-322 323-354 355-392 393-424 425-460 January 1-40 February 41-80 March 84-144 April 145-208 May 209-264 June 265-318 J u n e Supplement 319-500 July 501-548 August 549-612 September 613-692 October 693-772 November 773-868 December 869-960 December Supplement. 961-1504 I—GENERAL MATERIAL (See page 10 for Transactions Material Index) 1. Subject Index Accuracy of Control Devices for Feeder-Voltage Regu­ lators. (Committee Report) 250-4 Letter 391 Address System, A Shipyard Public-. A i k e n . . . . 402-04 Aeronautics, The Future of. Speas 325-6 Aids Mining, Fluorescence. Plumb 243-6 Air Traffic Control. Gilbert 119-25 Aircraft, Electric Power in. Rockwell 400-02 Aircraft, Horsepower Meter for. (Letter) MacGahan 200 Aircraft Instruments, Fluorescent Lighting of. Dircksen 247-9 (Aircraft) The Future of Aeronautics. Speas. . . 325-6 Aircraft Transformers—Small and Light. Kiltie. . 84-8 Alloys, Physical Metallurgy of Copper and Copper-Base. Brace 11-17 A-C Network, Story of the. Kehoe 329-30 America, Electrification for Latin. Howard 43-6 AIEE, The First 60 Years of the. Funk 323-5 Antenna Radiation Patterns, Calculating. Cronshey.. . 331-4 Application of Statistics to Dielectrics. Summers, Ross 405-07 Armature Circuit, Voltage Drop Through the. (Letter1» Rush 40 Army Communications Equipment, Enemy. C o l t o n . . . 139-44 Aviation, Radio in. Stanton 215-17 B Basic Problems Solved in Electric Machinery, Are All the. Liwschitz 47-56 Letter 159 Big Inch Pipe Lines, Electrical Sinews for the. H y d e . . . 1-8 Bush, Vannevar—1943 Edison Medalist 81-4 Cabinet, Should There Be an Engineer in the Presi­ dent's 409 Calculating Antenna Radiation Patterns. Cronshey... 331-4 Calculation of Fault Currents, Revisions Made to Simpli­ fied 65 Canons of Ethics, The ECPD Proposed. Jackson. . 4 4 1 - 2 Carrier Telegraph Systems. Bramhall 283-6 Centenary of the Morse Telegraph, The. Bibber.. 433-6 Circuit, Voltage Drop Through the Armature. (Letter) Rush 40 Combustion Gas Turbine, The. Fischer, Meyer.. 163—9 (Committee Report) Accuracy of Control Devices for Feeder-Voltage Regulators 250-4 Letter 391 Communications Equipment, Enemy Army. C o l t o n . . . 139^4 Conception of Single-Phase Motor Operation, A Physical. Beach 254-63 Control, Air Traffic. Gilbert 119-25 Control Devices for Feeder-Voltage Regulators, Ac­ curacy of. (Committee Report) 250-4 Letter 391 Copper and Copper-Base Alloys, Physical Metallurgy of. Brace 11-17 Currents, Revisions Made to Simplified Fault 65 Curriculums in Electrical Engineering, Postwar. Kloeffler 364-7 Letter 458 Degree, The Engineering. (Letters) Gould 278 Jones 352 Developments in Light Sources, Recent. Millar. . 126-38 Devices Aid Metallurgical Research, Electronic. Pot­ ter 175-85 Devices for Feeder-Vol tage Regulators, Accuracy of Con­ trol. (Committee Report) 250-4 Letter 391 Dielectrics, Application of Statistics to. Summers, Ross. 405-07 Drawings—An Aid to Production, Trimetric. (Filler).. 360 VOLUME 63, 1944 Economy for the United States, A Postwar. Chevalier. . 77-80 ECPD Proposed Canons of Ethics, The. Jackson.. 441 - 2 Edison Medalist for 1943, Vannevar Bush 81-4 Education in Wartime, Practical. (Letter) Albach .117 Effect of High-Frequency Fields on Micro-Organisms. Fleming 18-21 Efficient Operation of Hydroelectric Systems. Stirling, Sharpe 395-400 Electric Machinery, Are All the Basic Problems Solved in. Liwschitz 47-56 Letter 159 Electric Power in Aircraft. Rockwell 400-02 Electric-Power Systems, Meteorological Service for. Davison 203-09 Electrical Engineering in the Postwar World : Part I—Influence of Wartime Developments. Funk. \ 161-3 Part II—Position of the Engineer. Lee 218-20 Part III—Engineering: Handmaiden of Economics. Kellogg 264-6 Part IV—Expanding Horizons. Prince 291-3 Part V—The Electric-Power Industry After the War. LeClair 338-41 Letter 422 Part VI—Welding's Promise of Lower Costs. Lin­ coln 375-7 Part VII—Aircraft Electricity. Holliday 410-11 Part VIII—Influence of Research on Engineering De­ velopments. Chubb 443-4 Electrical Engineering, Postwar Curriculums in. Kloeffler 364-7 Letter 458 Electrical Sinews for the Big Inch Pipe Lines. H y d e . . 1-8 Electrically Heated Homes in the Tennessee Valley. Martin 437-40 Electricity, Seagoing. Cornbrooks 170-4 Electrification for Latin America. Howard 43-6 Electronic Devices Aid Metallurgical Research. Pot­ ter 175-85 Electronic Protective Systems. Lindsay 367-74 Enemy Army Communications Equipment. Colton.. . 139-44 Engineer, Cultural Training of the. (Letters) Hinckley 199 Fleischmann 200 Engineer, Faith of the. (Letter) Duff 75 Engineer in the President's Cabinet, Should There Be an. . 409 Engineering in Wrartime. Umansky 8-10 Engineers, Mathematical Training for Young. Powel. . 63-4 Letter 158 Engineer's Present and Future Responsibilities, The. McClellan 281-2 Enterprise, Industrial Research Under Free. Ruthenburg 210-15 Letters 353,422 Equipment, Enemy Army Communications. C o l t o n . . . 139-44 Ethics, The ECPD Proposed Canons of. Jackson. . 441-2 Experience With a Heat-Pump System. (Abstract).. 36T Faraday Medalist—Irving Langmuir 1943 362-4 Fatigue Strength of Welded Joints. Jones 288-90 Fault Currents, Revisions Made to Simplified Calcula­ tion of 65 Faults, A Simple Method for Locating Ground. Hol­ beck 89-92 Feeder-Voltage Regulators, Accuracy of Control De­ vices for. (Committee Report) 250-4 Letter 391 Fields on Micro-Organisms, Effect of High-Frequency. Fleming 18-21 Fillers (See Miscellaneous Short Items) First 60 Years of the AIEE, The. Funk 323-5 Fisk Station, New 147,000-Kw Unit at. (Filler) 408 Fluorescence Aids Mining. Plumb 243-6 Fluorescent Lighting of Aircraft Instruments. Dirck­ sen 247-9 Free Enterprise, Industrial Research Under. Ruthen­ burg 210-15 Letters 353,422 Future of Aeronautics, The. Speas 325-6 Future Responsibilities, The Engineer's Present and. McClellan ' 281-2 1. Subjects v. ; - Turbine, The Combustion. Fischer, M e y e r . . 163-9 •^ ji fi a n / s Peacetime Industry, Retain 393-4 Ground Faults, A Simple Method for Locating. Hol­ beck 89-92 Guns, Gyroscopic Stabilizer for Tank. Hanna, L y n n . . . 355-40 Gyroscopic Stabilizer for Tank Gun». Hanna, Lynn. 355-60 H Heat-Pump System, Experience With a. (Abstract).. 361 Heated Homes in die Tennessee Valley, Electrically. Martin 437-40 High-Frequency Fields on Micro-Organisms, Effect of. Fleming 18—21 Homes in the Tennessee Valley, Electrically Heated. Martin 437-40 Hydroelectric Systems, Efficient Operation of. Stirling, Sharpe 395-400 (Illumination) Recent Developments in Light Sources. Millar 126-38 Inductance When Iron Is Present, Some Aspects of. (Letter) Puchstein 320 Industrial Research Under Free Enterprise. Rutiienburg 210-15 Letters 353,422 Industry, Retain Germany's Peacetime 393—4 Instruments, Fluorescent Lighting of Aircraft. Dirck­ sen 247-9 Iron Is Present, Some Aspects of Inductance When. (Letter) Puchstein 320 Joints, The Fatigue Strength of Welded. Jones.. .288-90 K Kehoe, Arthur H., 1943 Lamme Medalist .KilgoreBill, A Letteron the. Bush Letter Kilgore Bill, Societies Oppose 327-30 57-62 198 62 Lamme Medalist, Arthur H. Kehoe—1943 327-30 Langmuir, Irving—1943 Faraday Medalist 362-4 Latin America, Electrification for. Howard 43-6 Letter on the Kilgore Bill, A. Bush 57-62 Letter 198 Letters to the Editor: A Letteron die KilgoreBill. Upson 198 Accuracy of Control Devices for Feeder-Voltage Regu­ lators. Freeman 391 Are All the Basic Problems Solved in Electric Ma­ chinery? McFarland 159 Cultural Training of the Engineer Hinckley 199 Fleischmann 200 Electric-Power Industry After the War, The. Brown. 422 Engineering Degree, The GouM. 278 Jones 352 "Faith of the Engineer.** Duff 75 Horsepower Meter for Aircraft. MacGahan 200 Industrial Research Under Free Enterprise Worth 353 Harris 353 Dwyer 353 Ruthenburg 422 Deyoe 423 Mathematical Training for Young Engineers. Strelzoff 158 Mercury Thermometers in 60-CycIe Fields. Taylor. 241 Postwar Curriculums in Electrical Engineering. A b ­ bott 459 Practical Education in Wartime. Albach 117 Some Aspects of Inductance When Iron Is Present. Puchstem 320 Symbol Standardization Needed. Ranger 158 T V A Releases Annual Report. Jansky 159,200 Voltage Drop Through the Armature Circuit. Rush. 40 Wigwags, Zips, and Zooms. Burnett 278 Light Sources, Recent Developments in. Millar.. 126-38 Lighting of Aircraft Instruments, Fluorescent. Dircksen 247-9 lightning Stroke, "Klydonogram" Reproduced on Golf Green by. (Photo) ,56 Locating Ground Faults, A Simple Method for. Hol­ beck 89-92 M Mathematical Training for Young Engineers. Powel. 63-4 Letter 158 Medalist, Arthur H . Kehoe—1943 Lamme 327-30 Medalist, Irving Langmuir—1943 Faraday 362-4 Medalist, Vannevar Bush—1943 Edison 81-4 Metallurgical Research, Electronic Devices Aid. Pot­ ter. . . 175-85 Metallurgy of Copper and Copper-Base Alloys, Physical. Brace 11-17 Meteorological Service for Electric-Power Systems. Davison 203-09 Meter for Aircraft, Horsepower. (Letter) MacGahan. 200 Method for Locating Ground Faults, A Simple. Hol­ beck 89-92 Micro-Organisms, Effect of High-Frequency Fields on. Fleming 18-21 Mining, Fluorescence Aids. Plumb 243-6 Miscellaneous Short Items: Apparatus Imitates Sea Motion. (Photo) 444 Calculator Widens Scope of Practical Mathematics. (Photo) 337 Electronic Graphical Symbols Standardized 246 Gasoline Tanks Electrically Welded. ( P h o t o ) . . . 334 "Klydonogram" Reproduced on Golf Green by Light­ ning Stroke. (Photo) 56 Magnésium From Sea Water 64 New 147,000-Kw Unit at Fisk Station 408 Overhead Welder Travels Assembly Line 220 Pennsylvania Trains Adopt Telephones. (Photo).. 266 Searchlight Supplements Radio Communication. (Photo) 440 Trimetric Drawings—an Aid to Production 360 United States Dive Bomber Over Wake Island. (Photo) 88 Welding-Electrode Refrigeration 125 Wind Tunnel Testing. (Photo) 394 Mobile Power Plants for War-Torn Areas 287-8 Morse Telegraph, T h e Centenary of the. Bibber.. 433-6 Motor Operation, A Physical Conception of Single-Phase. Beach 254-63 O Oil-Immersed Transformers, Temperatures Produced by Overloading. Tipton 335-7 Operation, A Physical Conception of Single-Phase Motor. Beach 254-63 Operation of Hydroelectric Systems, Efficient. Stirling, Sharpe 395-400 Organisms, Effect of High-Frequency Fields on Micro-. Fleming 18-21 Overloading Oil-Immersed Transformers, Temperatures Produced by. Tipton 335-7 Cronshey... 331-4 Peacetime Industry, Retain Germany's .393-4 Physical Conception of Single-Phase Motor Operation A. Beach 254-63 Physical Metallurgy of Copper and Copper-Base Al­ loys. Brace 11-17 Pipe l i n e s , Electrical Sinews for the Big Inch. Hyde.. 1 - 8 Plants for War-Torn Areas, Mobile Power 287-8 Postwar Curriculums in Electrical Engineering. KJoeffler 364-7 Letter 458 Postwar Economy for the United States, A. Chevalier. 77-80 Postwar World, Electrical Engineering in the: Part I—Influence of Wartime Developments. Funk. 161-3 Part II—Position o f the Engineer. Lee 218-20 Part III—Engineering: Handmaiden of Economics. KeUogg 264-6 Part IV—Expanding Horizons. Prince 291-3 Part V—The Electric-Power Industry After the War. LeClair 338-41 Letter. 422 Part VI—Welding's Promise of Lower Costs. Lin­ coln 375-7 Part VII—Aircraft Electricity. Holliday 410-11 Part VIII—Influence of Research on Engineering Developments. Chubb 443-4 Power in Aircraft, Electric. Rockwell 400-02 Power Plants for War-Torn Areas, Mobile 287-8 Power Systems, Meteorological Service for Electric-. Davison 203-09 Practical Education in Wartime. (Letter) Albach . . 1 1 7 Present and Future Responsibilities, T h e Engineer's. McClellan , .281-2 President's Cabinet, Should There Be an Engineer in the. 409 (Presidents) Retain Germany's Peacetime Industry. 393-4 Problems Solved in Electric Machinery, Are All the Basic. Liwschitz 47-56 Letter 159 Protective Systems, Electronic. Lindsay 367-74 Public-Address System, A Shipyard. Aiken 402-04 Pump System, Experience With a Heat-. (Abstract).. . .361 R Radiation Patterns, Calculating Antenna. Cronshey. 331-4 Radio in Aviation. Stan ton 215-17 Recent Developments in Light Sources. M i l l a r . . 126-38 Rectifier, The Selenium. Ramsey 425-33 Refrigeration, Welding-Electrode. (Filler) 125 Regulators, Accuracy of Control Devices for Feeder· Voltage. (Committee Report) 250-4 Letter 391 Research Under Free Enterprise, Industrial. Ruthen­ burg 210-15 Utters 353,422 Responsibilities, The Engineer's Present and Future. McClellan 281-2 Retain Germany's Peacetime Industry 393-4 Seagoing Electricity. Cornbrooks 170-4 Selenium Rectifier, The. Ramsey 425-33 Service for Electric-Power Systems, Meteorological. Davison 203-09 Shipyard Public-Address System, A. Aiken 402-04 Should There Be an Engineer in the President's Cabinet? 409 "Simplified Calculation of Fault Currents," Revisions Made to 65 Sinews for the Big Inch Pipe Lines, Electrical. Hyde. 1-8 Single-Phase Motor Operation, A Physical Conception of. Beach 254-63 Sixty Years of the AIEE, The First. Funk 323-5 Sources, Recent Developments in Light. Millar.. 126-38 Stabilizer for Tank Guns, Gyroscopic. Hanna, Lynn. 355-60 Standardization Needed, Symbol. (Letter) Ranger.. 158 Standardized, Electronic Graphical Symbols. (Filler). 246 Statistics to Dielectrics, Application of. Summers, Ross. 405-07 Strength of Welded Joints, Fatigue. Jones 288-90 Symbols Standardized, Electronic Graphical. (Filler). 246 System, A Shipyard Public-Address. Aiken 402-04 System, Experience With a Heat-Pump. (Abstract).. 361 Systems, Carrier Telegraph. Bramhall 283-6 Systems, Electronic Protective. Lindsay 367-74 Patterns, Calculating Antenna Radiation. 4 Tank Guns, Gyroscopic Stabilizer for. Hanna, Lynn. 355-O0 Telegraph Systems, Carrier. Bramhall 283-6 Telegraph, The Centenary of the Morse. Bibber. . 433-6 Telephones, Pennsylvania Trains Adopt. ( F i l l e r ) . . . 266 Temperatures Produced by Overloading Oil-Immersed Transformers. Tipton 335-7 T V A Releases Annual Report. (Letter) Jansky.. 159,200 Tennessee Valley, Electrically Heated Homes in the. Martin 437-40 Thermometers in 60-Cycle Fields, Mercury. (Letter) Taylor 241 Traffic Control, Air. Gilbert 119-25 Training for Young Engineers, Mathematical. Powel. 63-4 Letter .· 158 Training of the Engineer, Cultural. (Letters) Hinckley 199 Fleischmann 200 Transformen—Small and Light, Aircraft. K i l t i e . . 84-8 Transformers, Temperatures Produced by Overloading Oil-Immersed. Tipton 335-7 Turbine, The Combustion Gas. Fischer, M e y e r . . 163-9 2. Authors U United States, A Postwar Economy for the. Chevalier 77-80 W Wake Island, United States Dive Bomber Over. (Photo) · 88 War-Torn Areas, Mobile Power Plants for 287-8 Wartime, Engineering in. Umansky 8-10 Wartime, Practical Education in. (Letter) Albach ..117 Welded Joints, The Fatigue Strength of. J o n e s . . 288-90 Young Engineers, Mathematical Training for. Letter 2. Powel 63-^1 15É Author Index Abbott, H. L. (Letter) Postwar Curriculums in Elec­ trical Engineering 458 Aiken, W. Ross. A Shipyard Public-Address System. 402-04 Albach, Carl R. (Letter) Practical Education in War­ time ! 117 B Beach, Robin. A Physical Conception of Single-Phase Motor Operation 254-63 Bibber, H . W. Centenary of the Morse Telegraph, The. 433-6 Brace, P. H. Physical Metallurgy of Copper and Cop­ per-Base Alloys 11-17 Bramhall, F. B. Carrier Telegraph Systems 283-6 Brown, George H. (Letter) T h e Electric-Power In­ dustry After the War 422 Burnett, Douglas. (Letter) Wigwags, Zips, and Zooms. 278 Bush, Vannevar. A Letter on the Kilgore Bill. . . 57-62 Bush, Vannevar. T h e American Tradition of Oppor­ tunity *82-4 Chevalier, Willard. A Postwar Economy for die United States 77-80 Chubb, L. W. Electrical Engineering in the Postwar World. Part VIII—Influence of Research on Engineering Developments 443-4 Col ton, Roger B. Enemy Army Communications Equipment 139-44 (Committee Reports) See "Committee Reports" in Subject Index Cornbrooks, Charles W. Seagoing Electricity. .170-4 Cronshey, Raymond W. Calculating Antenna Radia­ tion Patterns 331-4 D Davison, A. E. Meteorological Service for ElectricPower Systems 203-09 Deyoe, Harold L. (Letter) Industrial Research Under Free Enterprise 423 Dircksen, A. D . Fluorescent Lighting of Aircraft In­ struments 247-9 Duff, C. Kent. (Letter) "Faith of the Engineer".. .75 Dwyer, Roy C. (Letter) Industrial Research Under Free Enterprise 353 Fischer, F. K.; C. A. Meyer. The Combustion Gas Turbine 163-9 Fleischmann, Edwin. (Letter) Cultural Training of the Engineer 199 Fleming, A. P. M. Irving Langmuir—Pioneer in Re­ search 362-4 Fleming, Hugh. Effect of High-Frequency Fields on Micro-Organisms 18—21 Freeman, Stephen, Jr. (Letter) Accuracy of Control Devices for Feeder-Vol tage Regulators 391 Funk, Nevin E. Electrical Engineering in die Postwar World. Part I—Influence of Wartime Develop­ ments 161-3 Funk, Nevin E. The First 60 Years of the A I E E . . 323-5 AIEE ANNUAL INDEXES R Gilbert, Glen A. Air Traffic Control 119-25 Gould, Harold M. (Letter) The Engineering Degree. 278 H Hanna, C. R.; L. B. Lynn. Gyroscopic Stabilizer for Tank Guns 355-60 Harris, Ford W. (Letter) Industrial Research Under Free Enterprise 353 Hinckley, A . D . (Letter) Cultural Training of the Engineer 199 Holbeck, J o h n I. A Simple Mediod for Locating Ground Faults 89-92 Holliday, T«. B. Electrical Engineering in the Postwar World. Part VII—Aircraft Electricity 410-11 Howard, Charles A. Electrification for Latin America. 43-6 Hyde, Merritt A. Electrical Sinews for the Big Inch Pipe Lines 1-8 Jackson, Dugald C. ECPD Proposed Canons of Ethics, T h e 441-2 Jansky, C. M . (Letter) T V A Releases Annual Report. 159,200 Jewett, Frank B. The 1943 Edison Medalist—Vannevar Bush 81-2 Jones, Carl G. (Letter) The Engineering D e g r e e . . . 352 Jones, Jonathan. The Fatigue Strength of Welded Joints 288-90 Ramsey, Glen. Selenium Rectifier, T h e 425-33 Ranger, R. H . (Letter) Symbol Standardization Needed 158 Rockwell, Mable MacFerran. Electric Power in Air­ craft 400-02 Ross, K. E.; C. M . Summers. Application of Statistics to Dielectrics 405-07 Rush, H . S. (Letter) Voltage Drop Through die Arma­ ture Circuit 40 Rutilenburg, Louis. Industrial Research Under Free Enterprise 210-15 Letter 422 Searing, H. R. Career of die Medalist 328-29 Sharpe, J. M.; L. B. Stirling. Efficient Operation of Hydroelectric Systems 395-400 Speas, R. Dbron. The Future of Aeronautics 325-6 Stan ton, Charles I. Radio in Aviation 215-17 Stirling, L. B.; J. M. Sharpe. Efficient Operation of Hydroelectric Systems 395-400 Strelzoff, J. A. (Letter) Mathematical Training for Young Engineers 158 Summers, C. M.; K. E. Ross. Application of Statistics to Dielectrics 405-07 Taylor, Jerome J. (Letter) Mercury Thermometers in 60-Cycle Fields 241 Tipton, E. W. Temperatures Produced by Overload­ ing Oil-Immersed Transformers 335-7 U Kehoe, Arthur H. Story of the A-C N e t w o r k . . . 329-30 Kellogg, C. W . Electrical Engineering in the Postwar World. Part III—Engineering: Handmaiden of Economics -264-6 Kiltie, O. Aircraft Transformera—Small and Light. 84-8 Kloeffler, R. G. Postwar Curriculums in Electrical Engineering 364-7 Langmuir, Irving. Incentives for Science 362-4 LeClair, T . G. Electrical Engineering in the Postwar World. Part V—The Electric-Power Industry After the War 338-U Lee, Everett S. Electrical Engineering in die Postwar World. Part II—Position of the Engineer . . 2 1 8 - 2 0 Lincoln, James F. Electrical Engineering in the Postwar World. Part VI—Welding's Promise of Lower Costs. 375-7 Lindsay, Maxwell H. A. Electronic Protective Systems. 367-74 Liwschitz, M. M. Are All die Basic Problems Solved in Electric Machinery? 47-56 Lynn, L. B.; C. R. Hanna. Gyroscopic Stabilizer for Tank Guns 355-60 M NfacGahan, Paul. (Letter) Horsepower Meter for Air­ craft 200 Martin, Buford H. Electrically Heated Homes in die Tennessee Valley 437-40 McClellan, William. The Engineer's Present and Future Responsibilities 281-2 McFarland, Thomas C. (Letter) Are All die Basic Problems Solved in Electric Machinery? 159 Meyer, C. A . ; F. K. Fischer. The Combustion Gas Turbine 163-9 Millar, Preston S. Recent Developments in Light Sources 126-38 Umansky, L. A. Engineering in Wartime 8-10 Upson, Walter L. (Letter) A Letter on die Kilgore BUI 198 W Williams, S. B. The Lamme Medal 327-8 Worth, Donald G. (Letter) Industrial Research Under Free Enterprise 353 3. AIEE News Index Abstracts of AIEE Technical Papers Los Angeles Technical Meeting 309 North Eastern 145 Summer National Technical Meeting 225 Winter National Technical Meeting, 1944 25 Winter National Technical Meeting, 1945 447 Australian Engineers Exchange Privileges Widi AIEE. 108 Awards (Includes Medals, Citations, Fellowships, Scholarships, and Prizes) Fortescue Fellowship Postponed for 1944-45 66 Lamme Medal Nominations 342 Lamme Medal Nominations for 1944 Due December 1. 225 Lamme Medal Presented 299 National and District Prizes Awarded at Summer Meeting 268 Committee to Study Employment Conditions Named, Special 187 Doherty, Robert E., Receives Host of Honors I PIumb,H.T. Fluorescence Aids Mining 243-6 Potter, E. V . Electronic Devices Aid Metallurgical Re­ search 175-85 Powel, C. A. Mathematical Training for Young Engi­ neers 63-4 Powel, Charles A. The Future of die Institute *294 Prince, David C. Electrical Engineering In the Postwar World. Part IV—Expanding Horizons 291-3 Puchstein, A. F. (Letter) Some Aspects of Inductance When Iron Is Present 320 VOLUME 63, 1944 157 E ELECTRICAL ENOINEERINO, Smaller Trim Size for 24 Employment Conditions Named, Special Committee to Study 187 Fellowships (See Awards) 3. AIEE News Industrial Distribution Report Available Soon, A I E E . 445 M Medals (See Awards) MEETINGS, D I R E C T O R S : AIEE Board of Directors, N e w York, N . Y., January 27,1944 95 AIEE Board of Directors, New York, N . Y., May 2 5 , 1944 267 AIEE Board of Directors, St. Louis, Mo., J u n e 29, 1944 308 AIEE Board of Directors, N e w York, N . Y. August 2 , 1944. 379 AIEE Board of Directors, N e w York, N . Y., November 2,1944 446 MEETINGS, DISTRICT: North Eastern, Boston, Mass, April 19-20, 1944 Meeting an Outstanding Success 187 Tentative Technical Program 93 MEETINGS, D I S T R I C T EXECUTIVE COM­ MITTEE: Canada 108 Great Lakes 25 Meetings, Future A I E E 26,66, 108, 147, 186, 221, 269, 298, 342, 380, 412, 447 MEETINGS, NATIONAL: Los Angeles Technical, 1944 Tentative Program -.295 T o Be Held 295 Well Received in Aircraft Center 378 Will Reflect Aircraft Interest 267 Summer National Technical, 1944 Analysis of Registration 297 Annual Meeting 187,298 Aviation and Industrial Problems T o p Summer Meeting Program 297 Conferences, Reports of 307 Delegates Conferences Feature Expanded Clinic Plan 300 Lamme and Faraday Medals Presented 298 Memorial Plaza, St. Louis, Mo. (Photo) 221 Preliminary Arrangements 145 Program to Be Largest in die History of die Insti­ tute 221 Sections Clinic, Larger 303 Sections Clinics, Smaller 304 Tentative Technical Program 222 Three Anniversaries Celebrated at St. Louis Gen­ eral Session ^ 297 War and Postwar Topics Scheduled 187 Winter National Technical, 1944 Administrative Problems of die A S T P and N C T P Discussed 101 Analysis of Registration 94 Civic Affairs, Co-operation Theme of Conference on. 104 Col ton Describes Enemy Communications Equip» ment 107 Conferences Held on Temperature Ratings of C o n · tinuous-Duty and Intermittent Machines 96 Electrical Measurements Subject of T w o Sessions. 99 Employment Conditions, Special Committee Auth­ orized to Study 107 Forecasting of Load Demands Occupies Applica­ tion Conference 98 Insulating Oils and Cable Saturants Reviewed, Year's Work on * 106 Joint Session on Generation, Transmission, and Distribution 104 Lighting Progress and Seeing Discussed At Con­ ference 108 Pawer Application Conference, Needs of Industry Stressed at 100 Relaying Conference, Principles and Performance Covered at 102 Safety Committee Oudines Activities for die Year. 105 Sections Committee Meets 107 Standards and Performance Topics of Industrial· Control Conference .103 Standards Committee Adopts T w o New Standards. 105 Teaching Aids at AIEE Meeting for Navy V-12 Training Program 106 Tentative Program Announced 22 Transformer Session, Loading and Protection Dis* cussed at 106 Turbogenerator Characteristics Discussed 102 Voltage Transients in Arc-Furnace Circuits, Com­ mittee Reports on 107 Weil-Rounded Meeting; Best Attended Since 1941. 94 Winter National Technical, 1945 T o Feature Wartime Developments 445 Members for Life, Additions to List of 268 5 Membership Letter , 379 Membership, Transfers and Elections 32, 70, 112, 150, 195, 266, 272, 318, 343, 387,416, 450 Message From the President, T h e F u t u r e of the Insti­ tute—A. Powel 294 N Nominating Committee for 1943-44 Announced 25 O Officers and Committees for 1943-44: Branches 347 District 346 National 344 Sections 348 Officers for 1944-45 Announced at St. Louis Meeting. 268 (Officers) Official Nominees Announced for 1944-45. .65 Officers to Be Nominated for 1945 Election, A I E E . . . 379 Prizes (Sec Awards) Publication Changes, Expanded Meeting Programs Re­ quire 342 Scholarships (See Awards) SECTION ACTIVITIES: Annual Reportfor 1943-44 224 Beaumont Subsection of Houston Section Flourishes. , 190 Dayton, Active Aeronautics Group Interests 190 Lee Explains Plane-Speed Recorder to Akron Sec­ tion 145 Logan Addresses A I E E Sections on Illumination Service T o u r 189 Maryland, Latest Refinements of Plane Design De­ scribed to 190 Milwaukee Membership Shows Steady Increase Since 1939 108 Milwaukee Technical Discussion Groups Enter Fourth year 66 Milwaukee Meeting, Use of Magnesium in Planes Topic of 25 New York Section, Postwar Electric-Power Develop­ ment Debated bjk 187 Philadelphia, Electronics in Peacetime Discussed in. 412 Philadelphia Elects Executive Officers for 1944-45 269 Philadelphia, 60th Anniversary of First Meeting Cele­ brated in 447 Postwar Electric-Power Development Debated by New York Section 187 Refinements of Plane Design Described to Maryland Section, Latest 190 Subsection Formed in Ottawa 225 Wilmington Subsection Plans Winter Program. . . .412 "Simplified Calculation of Fault Currents," Revisions M a d e to 65 STANDARDS: Aeronautical Standardization, A I E E to Participate in. 269 A I E E Joins SAE and NASC on Aeronautical Stand­ ards 412 American Standard C19. Industrial Control Appa­ ratus 145 American Standard Z32.10. Graphical Symbols for Electronic Devices 145 Bushing Standard Approved as American Standard. 145 Modification and Supplement to A I E E Standard 45. 145 New Standard, American Standard C62.1 269 Standards for Capacitance Potential Devices and O u t ­ door Coupling Capacitors 145 S T U D E N T BRANCH ACTIVITIES: Annual Reportfor 1943-44 224 Subcommittee Reviews Scope of A I E E Technical Com­ mittees 66 Supplement Announced, Contents of J u n e 1944 267 Supplement, Contents of December 1944 445 Technical Committees, Subcommittee Reviews Scope of AIEE 66 4. Non-AIEE News Index Accidents is Goal for 1944, 40 Per Cent Decline in Indus­ trial 197 AUis-Chalmcrs Manufacturing Company Creates New Division 238 American Co-ordinating Committee on Corrosion Elects Officers 351 American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engi­ neers Elects 1945 Officers 457 Raise M e m b e r Dues 457 American Society for Testing Materials Develops Bibliography on Electrical C o n t a c t s . . . .157 Forms Committee on Metal Powders a n d Their Products 239 Officers Announced 351 Specifications for Glass Insulators 422 T o Publish 1945 Issue of Standards in 1944 421 American Society of Civil Engineers Adopts Procedure for Collective Bargaining 34 American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers A I E E Members Invited to Discuss A S C E P a p e r . . . 320 Assigns Field Secretary to Western Area 457 Pamphlet Describes Research Program - .422 American Society of Mechanical Engineers List of Process Control T e r m s Issued 116 American Society of Refrigerating Engineers Announces Grants for Refrigeration R e s e a r c h . . . . 457 American Standards Association Approves T w o Standards on Electrical Insulating M a ­ terials 241 Approves W a r Standard for Glass Radio Insulators. 75 Co-ordinates Symbols for Electrical Designs 240 Industrial Protection From X Rays Studied*. . . .350 Issues Five New and Revised War S t a n d a r d s . . . 157 Moves Its Headquarters 390 Publishes New List of Standards . .75 Receives Distinguished Service Award. ( P h o t o ) . . 389 Standard for T e r m i n a l Markings Revised by ASA and NEMA 351 T o J o i n Allied Nations G r o u p Announced at Silver Anniversary 36 T w o Radio Standards Issued 241 American Welding Society Announces 1945 Officers 457 Effect of Welding on Ductility Now Predetermined. 240 Receives O r d n a n c e Distinguishçd Service A w a r d . . 457 Association of Iron and Steel Engineers Establish New Award 157 Awards (Includes Medals, Citations, Fellowships, Scholarships, and Prizes) AISE Establish New Award 157 Baekeland, $1,000 Award for Young Chemists Honors Doctor 389 Daniel Guggenheim Medal Awarded Lawrence D . Bell 457 Faraday Medal Awarded to Irving L a n g m u i r . . .158 Faraday Medal Presented 299 Hoover Medal for 1944 Awarded to R. E. Flanders. !422 Jewett Fellowships, Applications Available f o r . . 4 5 8 J o h n Fritz Medal Awarded J o h n L. Savage 457 Research Fellowships Established in F . B. Jewett's Name 421 Stanton Hertz Award Established 239 Welding Award Papers Placed in Ohio S t a t e Library. 391 B Baekeland, $1,000 Award for Young Chemists Honors Doctor 389 Baruch-Hancock Report, W a r and Postwar Adjustment Policies Recommended in 154 Bell System Reports Extended and Improved Service in 1943 155 Biographical Index (Includes All Personal and O b i t u a r y Items on Nonmembers) Baekeland, Leo H Ð55 Bell, Lawrence D 457 Cattell, James McKeen t l 17 Flanders, R. E 422 Langmuir, Irving 158 Savage, J o h n L 457 Thompson, M . E 239 Bombardiers Practice in Ground Units. ( P h o t o ) . . 4 5 6 Brazil Increases Motor Production 114 Brazil's New National Motor Factory Begins Produc­ tion 115 Canadian Electrical Code in Process of Revision. . . 352 Colleges Prepare for Admission Problems of Veterans. 350 4. Non-AIEE News Colleges, Veteran Program Augurs Postwar Boom for. 319 Corrosion Engineers,.New Association Organized b y . .40 D Dielectric-Heating Research Begun at Columbia Illinois D - C Resistance Welder Uses Storage Batteries, New. Doherty, Robert E., Receives Host of Honors and 239 .114 157 £ Edison Electric Institute Expands Its Board 390 Electric Rates Reported by F P C 320 Electron Microscope Society Holds First M e e t i n g . . . . 74 Engineering Foundation Report for 1942-43 Available in Booklef F o r m . . .158 Report Issued; Officers Elected 3" Selects Officers for 1945 458 Engineers' Council for Professional Development Continuing Progress Reported a t 12th Annual Meet­ ing re­ issues Pamphlet on Joint Local Groups .241 Subcommittee Reports on Technical-Institute Educa­ tion 277 Wickenden's " T h e Second M i l e " Republished by ECPD 197 Engineers' Digest Issued, American Edition of 74 Fellowships (See Awards) Fluorescent L a m p Designed, Tiny 74 Fluorescent L a m p Now Available, Instant-Starting 40Watt '..156 Foodstuffs, High-Frequency Electric Field Used in Processing 276 Foreign Markets for U . S. Electrical Goods Estimated, Postwar 115 Illinois Professional Engineering Act Held Unconsti­ tutional 114 I n d i a Technical Association Organized in the United States 390 Indoor Climate Institute Program Promotes Advances in Heating and Cooling 40 Institute of Radio Engineers Elects Officers for 1945 458 Publishes Facsimile Standards 198 Insulation Promises Higher Ratings, New Electrical. .319 International Illumination Conference Report Avail­ able 74 I P C E A Specifications for Cable Revised 75 Iron and Steel Engineers Establish New Award. . . .157 Jewett, F . B., Research Fellowships Established in Honor of 421 K Kerite Company Stock Purchased 421 Latin America, New "Magazine for 350 Library, Engineering Societies Board and Officers Elected; Annual Report Issued. . 38 Lighting Handbook Issued by Westinghouse Lamp Division 74 Lightning Frequency Registered by Plastic Device. . .39 Literature, Engineering 41,75. 118, 159, 201, 242, 278, 322, 353, 391, 423, 459 M Magazine for Latin America Issued, New 350 Medals (See Awards) Meetings, of Other Societies, Future 40, 74, 117, 157, 198, 240, 278, 320, 352, 389, 421,458 Midwest Power Conference to be Held April 13-14. .116 Morse, Railroads and Telegraph Companies to Honor. 197 Motor Developed, 120,000-Rpm 114 N National Association of Corrosion Engineers Organized. 40 AIEE ANNUAL INDEXES National Association of Manufacturers Advises Training Foremen to Readjust Veterans to Industry 350 National Bureau of Standards Frequency Broadcast, Changes Announced in? 114 National Council of Technical Schools Formed. . . . 158 National Electrical Manufacturers Association Adopts Induction- and Dielectric-Heating Standards. 240 Aircraft Electrical Council Formed 195 Standard for Terminal Markings Revised by ASA and NEMA 351 (National Electronics) Chicago Conference Presages Expanding Electronic Applications 418 National Electronics Conference to Meet in Chicago. 240 National Postwar Conference, 16 Groups Inaugurate.. 156 National Research Council Insulation Research (1943) Reviewed by N R C Chem­ istry Committee 390 Scientific Personnel Needed for New War Projects..320 National Safety Council Fatalities in Electric Utilities Analyzed 74 Offers Service for Small Organizations 117 North American Philips Company Opens Laboratory. 114 O Oil Output Will Aid New Industries in Latin America, Expanded 276 Periodicals Wanted for Foreign Libraries 35 Philco Sets U p Television Relay Transmitter Link. . 277 POSTWAR ITEMS American Library Association Committee Preserves Periodicals for Foreign Libraries 389 C E D Handbook on Postwar Outlook for Business Is­ sued 196 C E D Publishes First Study on Postwar Economy Problems 275 Communications, Rivalry for Postwar Control of World-Wide 275 Education Formed, Association for an International Office for 196 Employment and Contract Termination, RMA Studies Postwar 197 F M Broadcasting Research, Projected Station at Olney to Lead Postwar 196 Plastics Sighted by Scientists, Postwar Horizons for. 274 Polish Technical Council for Rehabilitation Formed. 389 Postwar Foreign Markets for U. S. Electrical Goods Estimated 115 Prosperity, Bacon Foresees Unparalleled Postwar. . 197 Stimulus to Industry and Employment in REA Pro­ gram 455 Unemployment Compensation Plan, P r o p o s e d . . . . 275 Veteran Program Augurs Postwar Boom for Colleges. 319 Veterans, Colleges Prepare for Admission Problems of 350 War and Postwar Adjustment Policies Recommended in Baruch-Hancock Report 154 WPB Approves Manufacture of Turbines for Soviet Union 421 Power Plant Installed in Eight Railroad Cars, 5,000Kw 73 Prizes (See Awards) Professional Engineering Act Held Unconstitutional .114 Projector Contacts Cloud Ceiling, Powerful. (Photo). 197 Purdue, Industry-University Research Project Estab­ lished at 239 Purdue Installs Power-Network Analyzer. (Photo).. 240 R Radio in Russia Discussed by Ellis, Military and Post­ war 275 Radio Manufacturers Association Announces Formation of Two New Committees.. . 350 Names Eight New Committees for War and Postwar Work 74 Officers Elected 277 Rochester Institute Changes Name 391 Rural Electrification Data, Central Bureau Established for 277 Rutgers University, Acoustical Research Instituted a t . . . 350 Rutgers University Organizes Research Council 241 Scholarships (See Awards) Slide Rule Checks Size of Circuit Breakers VOLUME 63, 1944 115 Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education Committee Reports on Postwar Engineering Educa­ tion 319 Sorting Table Speeds Inspection of Contact Assemblies, Electronic » 276 STANDARDS: Dial Indicators Issued, Standard / for 352 Dial Indicators Proposed, Emergency Commercial Standard for 277 Telecommunication, British Standard on 352 Standards Adopted by Council of Technical Schools, Minimum 278 Stevens Institute Organizes Foundation for Research Purposes 117 Switchboard for Western Steel Mill, New 351 Sylvania Increases Electronics Output With New Gas Plant 39 Technical Schools, New Organization Formed to Assist. 158 Telegraph Companies to Honor Morse, Railroads and. . 197 Television Broadcasting, KYW, K D K A , and WBZ Plan 239 Television, CBS Soon to Broadcast Single-Transmitter. . .456 Television Discussed at FCC Hearing, Status of 456 T V A Releases Annual Report 73 Turbine Blade Evolved, New 73 Turbogenerator Installed in Chicago Station, 147,000Kw 74 U Ultrahigh-Frequency Text Published 390 Underwriters* Laboratories, Inc., Reviews History of Its Development in 50 Years 153 United Engineering Trustees, Inc. Elects Officers; Issues Report 36 Officers for 1945 Elected 458 Scrap Iron and Steel Contributions, Industry Urged to Renew 116 Signal Corps in Vanguard of Normandy Invasion..420 Silicone-Rubber Gaskets Used in Navy Searchlights.. 455 Speakers Through New Speakers Branch, War D e ­ partment Offers 421 Superfortresses at Boeing-Renton Plant. (Photo)..349 Telegraph Poles for Signal Corps, Explosives Sink..455 Telephone Line Made From Spiral 4 Cable, Under­ water 157 Telephone Sets Since 1942 Ready for September Pro­ duction, First 274 Telephone Used for Combat Communications, SoundPowered 35 Translations Established, Clearinghouse for Technical. 238 Transportable Transformers Prevent British Power Shutdowns 388 Underwriters' Laboratories, War Safety Tests Lead Year's Work at 195 Walkie-Talkie in Anzio Action Praised, Performance of New 274 Walkie-Talkie Sets Salvaged by Signal Corps, Obso­ lete 388 War Department Offers Speakers Through New Speakers Branch 421 WPB and Labor Department Plan Safety Campaign.. 116 WPB Opens Campaign to Augment Dwindling Paper Supply 34 X-Ray Locates Foreign Bodies on Horizontal and Vertical Planes 115 Welding Industry Symposium Publbhed 239 Western Electric, Anniversary Movie Presented a t . . . 456 Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company American-Built Generators Travel to Iceland. (Photo) 37 Cold-Cathode Tube Emits 50,000-Volt Beam. (Photo) 428 Forms. New Educational Department 458 Machine Produces 3,500 Jewels Daily, New. (Photo). 157 Purchases West Coast Radio Station 277 WGN Conducts $10,000 Contest for Design of New Radio Theater 238 W WAR P R O G R A M : Adapter Plug Provides Mobility for Field Switch­ boards 349 Alaska Communication Line Now in Operation, 2,060Mile 35 ANEPA to Be Disbanded 196 Army Air Force Problems Asked by National Inven­ tors Council, Help on 420 Army Air Force Sells Surplus Equipment 421 Army and Navy Co-operation Speeds up Specifica­ % tion Routines . 349 Army Training Reserve to Be Operating by July 1..195 Barges Carry Testing Equipment to New Ships. (Photo) 156 British-American Pact Lifts Patent Restrictions.. .195 British Power Shutdowns, Transportable Trans­ formers Prevent 388 Committee to Study Power Needs of Liberated Areas, New 73 Construction Records Made by Signal Corps in Italian Advance 388 Critical Materials Still Short 156 Drafting Time and Materials, Device Saves 196 Explosives Sink Telegraph Poles for Signal Corps. . 455 Film for War Workers 320 Fungi Studied, Means of Protecting Military Equip­ ment From 421 Gunsight Extends Firing Range and Accuracy, Air­ craft 454 Inventors Council Poses Military Problems for Public Solution 238 Motor Designed to Increase Aircraft-Engine Produc­ tion, New 35 *Navy Commissions Listed, Latest Opportunities for..35 Navy's Lamps Tested by Simulated Battle Blasts... 35 Navy LST Boats Steered Electrically. (Photo). .276 Packaged Carrier Facilitates Work of Signal Corps. . . 349 Patent Restrictions, British-American Pact Lifts. .195 Patents, Technical Advisory Committee Classifies Alien 195 Personnel Needed for New War Projects, Scientific. . 320 Personnel Urged to Register With NRSSP, Tech­ nically Trained 238 Prisoners of War May Solve Production Lag 389 Radio Outfitting of B-29 Bomber Is Signal Corps Achievement 349 Radio Tubes, United States and Canadian Armed Forces Standardize 238 Safety Tests Lead Year's Work at Underwriters* Laboratories, War 195 5. Biographies Zenith Radionics Corporation Formed 156 5. Biographical Index Includes All Personal and Obituary Items on AIEE Members Adams, L. F Alger, Philip Langdon Angle, F. C Appleton, W. E Armstrong, A. H Arnold, H. R Atherton, C. A Augustine, E. T Augustine, Paul , 68 68, * l f 0 384 192 f317 415 235 342 385 B Bailev, E. H Baker, W. R. G Balch, E. C Ballantine, Stuart Baring, J. W Barker, J. W Barton, T. F Bates, L. W Bear, W. P Beattie, C. S Beaubien, D e Gaspe Beckett, William Beebc, Murray Charles Behr, Leo Bellaschi, P. L Bellows, Brian Chandler Bender, Allan Percy Bender, L. B Benedict, F. R Bennett, J. W • Photo. f Deceased. Ill 69 317 f386 415 235 69, »381 69 235 190 235 \U9 f70 f450 415 f70 f71 317 147 271 Bennett, Rawson, II Bertobca, R. L. Bibber, H . W Bickelhaupt, a O. Biete, R . J . Binford, John T . Bingham, L. A. Blackwell, O. B. Bodine, F. E Booth, J . J . Bowen, P. E. Boyer, Elmer Ellsworth Braden, Norman Short Bradford, J. K. Brainerd,J. G. Bramhail, F. B Brody, M. K Brooks, F. E Brown, D . S Brown, R. P. Bûcher, G. H Buck, H. L Burkholder, J. C. Bush, Vannevar Byrd, E. C - Campbell, John Canneld, Wright Cansficld, Charles Ernest Carlson, R . J Carpenter, Charles Benjamin Carpenter, Leslie S Chandler, W. G Chapman, H. H. Clark, A. B Clark, Joseph Clark, L. W Clarke, T . C Cochran, W. P Cochrane, James Watt Cote, C. Edward Cote, Harold Collier, C. A Collins, H. W.; Colson, L. G Compton, K. T Conrad, Lester L. Cook, A L CooUdge, W. D Cooper, S. M Coover, Mervin S Copeland, C k m A Cora, C. A Cox, Evans. H. Cronshey, R. W Crossman, G. C 70 235 *383 415 317 t386 191 449 342, 415 31 68 fl50 f450 385 413 315 *382 67 67 68 235 385 384 *31 69 |193 317 f343 384 *110 f272 69 147 414 69 381 317 384 f32 Î272 67 70 67 69 *380 f272 271 192 67 *109 f415 67 f386 *270 69 D Daggett, P. H Damon, J. a Darling, J. A Darrall, Stephen S Davis, Chester M Davis, William J n Jr Davison, A. E DeBoer,D.J Dey, Neil Alan Disque, R. C. Doherty, R. E Dofienmaier, J. M. Doughoe, Howard Dudley, A. M Duernberger, A. F 415 68 68 f271 f272 fl49 315 316 t416 414 69,235 317 69 148 235 E Earte,R. C Eastham, Melville Eaton, T . O. Eckds, Charles E Edwards, John Barnett Egünton, William McNichol Eldredge, Mark EMredge,W.S Elliott, Douglas A. EtaLJ.A. Engelken, Richard C Erben, H. V. Eacher, Henry, Jr. Euter, W. G. B . Evam, G. T . , Everit, Edward Hotchkiss. Everitt, W. L. 8 69 190 68 f71 f!93 f271 *381 384 f343 »383 fill 271 f450 191 192 fl49 449 Fahnoe, H . H . Fairman, James Ferdinand Falck, Edward Farmer, F. M. Farnham, S. B . . . Faught, R. C Fields, E. S Fleischmann, Edwin Forman, R. E Fort, Tomlinson Foulk, T . M. Foulon, Fred Fuller, L. B Fuqua, Herbert Earnest Fürst, W. A. Gardett, H. C Gardner, John H Garman, C. P Gates, R. M Gear, H. B George, F. R Gifford, W. S Gilbert, R. W GUI, Joe H Gille, H . J Glassco, J. G Goldsmith, A. N Goodwin, W. E Goodwin, W. N., Jr Gore, J. W Grant, Louis T Gray, Clyde D Green, Daniel C Greene, Charles Edward G remillion, Bichat Xavier Griffith, H. G Griffith, R. C Grondahl, L. 0 : » ." 271 "*1 10 192 *380 315 271 67 316 68 31 385 *270 148 f385 415 67 t450 67 317 342 384 69 69 f317 271 315 31 317 316 236 f415 fl93 f416 f!93 f317 *383 148 270 H Hagenguth, J. H Hague, F. T Haie, J. A Hamilton, J. L Hampton, Weldon O Hancock, J. W Hanford, R. 1 Hanson, F. E Hardin, L. H Harlow, J. H Harris,}. B.,Jr Harvey, G. L Haskens,A.J Hawker, G F Hawkins, L. A Hazeltine, L. A Henderson, J. S Henry, Maxwell Henry, Raymond T Herron,J. H Hertzler, F. A Herzog, E. J Hibshman, N S Hilford, John Vincent Hill, A. W Hinckky, A. D Hiscox, W. L. Hobbs, M. H . . . Hofmeister, C. A Hogg, T. H. Holland, Maurice. Hood, Joseph E Hough, H. W Housley, J. E Howard, C G Howard, L. F Howes, D . E Howland, L. A Hubbard, F. A Hubbard, H. S Hubley, George Wilbur Humm, Daniel L Hunt, Fred L. Hurd, C. T 235 342 69 *412 fl50 67 385 69 317 317 449 342 415 414 415 148 385 f236 *110 69 415 192 316 f71 14« 316 .235 342,384 192 235 148 f71 f236 *413 385 *381 68 148 317 191 f236 f272 fl49 235 J Jackson, Dugald C Jackson, William Andrew Jeffries, Zay Jewett, F. B Johns, S. M 5. Biographies »449 f318 68,317 413 385 Johnson, F. B. Jones, C . W . Jones, H . E . . Jones, R. L. Joubert, L. P. 4lg 6g 6fl 41# of Kane, J . J Karle, R. Denton Kay, Wiliam deYoûng Keenan, G. M. Kecne, C L Kehoe, Arthur Henry Kelly, M. J Kcnneally, M. M Kifer, E. H Kilbourne, C E Kilgore, L. A. KiUian, C Kimball, J. T King, Harry Molyneux Kinnaman, P. P Kinsloe, C L Kleinau, C. S Knauer, G. W Körner, Axel Julius Kositzky, G. A Kotchevar, J. F Kouwenhoven, W. B Krupy, A. J Kulman, F. E 381 t38l t27J 441 192 *10ä 4M 233 4M 2?d *382 19« 443 tl5<] 311 .4li 691 691 |7Ë 6« 316a *382| *383 321 Lake, C J Lamb, F. X . LaHerre, C W Larsen, Christian Julius Laverty, C A Lawson, F. L Leedom,J. N Leeds, W. M LeVesconte, L. B Levy, CyrU Cochrane Lewis, David L. Lewis, W. A. Lindsay, R. W Liruchy, N. L Liversidge, H. P UoyoV, R. L Logan, F. G Logan, H. L Longley, F. R Louttit, William Charles Lovewcll, Edwin Bailey Ludwig, L. R Lumlcy, C S 69,317 384 385 fl49 316 6(> 3i<> *270 415 Î272 f386 68 6(> 69 23(» 385 192,415 69,385 31 7 f343 t272 68, *270 316 M MacDonald, W. R., Jr MacGahan, Paul MacNeiU, J. B Madsen, W. C Magley, Arnold James Mahan, J. S Mahoney, J. A Marcroft, H. C Marsh, R. H Marshall, A. C Martin, Deveraux Martindale, E. H Mason, G. 0 Matthews, E. M Maxwell, Howard McCarty, R. A McCoin, B. H McFarland, T . C McFarlin, J. R McHenry, Morris James Mclntosh, F. H McKearin, J. P McKinley, W. Ward McMeekin, F. R McNaughton, A. G. L. McPhail, Harvey Merriok, Frank Anderson Mier, C. W Miller, H. L. Miller, J. H MHnor.J. W Minasian, G. T Minneci, Salvatore Minor, E. E., Jr Monteith, A. C Moore, L. J ! 315 *13 385 385 fl 1 ^ 385 415 315 316 70,316 449 69 317 19! 233 316 317 68 317 *111 385 271 f70 317 6«? 6S t450 317 70 384 315 70 316 148 *413 191 AIEE ANNUAL INDEXES lioreland, H . D . J i organ, J . S Jiorteraca, S. H *iotL L. F . . liowbray, William J Ifurray, J. S 385 449 191 70 f343 235,385 N fieblett, H. W . . •urns, Frederick Dwight fsorthup, Victor Emanuel 235 fl49 f236 O |)ber, D. C » B r i e n , E. W ♦ ) Donnell, Cornelius Edmond » g d e n , F. P . . » k l u n d , Alfred L. »Ison, R. H. I)pp, G. a A. t i s borne, Loyall Allen I)sgood, D . T |)wens,R. W f a i n e , E. B faleschuck, Maurice Herman farta, G. U faterson, E. G. D fearson, E. F Pearson, Edwin Richter feterson, John A feterson, T. F tfickdls, C. W., Jr fickslay, W. M fierce, Donald A flank, H. H Hammer, C E foole, R. E forter, T. R fotter, Daniel Frederic, Jr fotts, William Marcus f o w e l , Charles Alfred towell, Frederick Herbert fratt, Haraden f ratt, Louis Washington trice, Robert David.. ♦ 384 *413 |450 66 f416 384 67 f386 70 191 384 f71 192 69 69 f236 1385 192 69 449 f386 67 68 68 317 f71 31 *109 fl93 69 f450 f343 J)uarles, Donald Aubry. R leader, J. F ♦langer, R. H lUwlins, H. L. Iteeves, H. J VOLUME 63, 69 235 148 317 1944 Reid, Frederick Hormah Reid, Roy Edwin Reimers, T . D Rentschler, H. C Reynolds, Frank J Rhine, Charles Paul Richmond, H. B Rifenburg, R. C . . . Robb, H . W Roberts, Carlyle J Roberts, E. A. Roberts, Thomas Mayo Robertson, A. D Robertson, L. M. Robertson, R. R. Rosenstein, A. B Russell, Chester Rutan,E.J Sah, A. P. T Sanderson, C. H Sanford, Dudley Sanford, William James Schattner, Ernest Schoonmaker, Charles Frederic Scott, Hamilton Gray Searing, H. R Seeger, E. W Shaw, Howard Burton Sheals, V. A. Shephçrd, R. V Shoults, D . R Sims, W. F Sinks, Allen T Skinner, C E Skone, Robert Conrad Slichtcr, W. 1 Smalley, D. D Smith, George Bennett Smith, Harold Leonard Smith, J. B Smith, R. H Smith, W. A Smith, W. R Smrz, G. L Snyder, Edward Bedell Snyder, E. H Sproul, W. W., Jr Stanley, Howard Arthur Starr, E. W Stene, Manfred Stickney, G. H Stiefel, I. B Stiner, H. W Stockman, Ernest Oswald Stockwell, F. C Stone, P. J \ Strang, H. E Straussman, Arnold Streamer, A. C Sullivan, W. L Swenson, G. W Swoish, W. R. Swope, Gerard 5. Biographies f32 f32 415 317 f71 fl50 191 69 68 f450 385 fl49 192 315 67 69 316 67 385,415 68 415 f272 fl92 fl92 f32 316 69 f70 191 270 »413 191 f386 68 f386 111 384 fl49 f272 |236 385 414 »383 192 fill 68 191 f32 67,385 190 342 147 68 f450 148 69 .191, *383 191 69 148 316 191 414 Taüman, S. C. 69 Taylor, J. J 4M Taylor, Newton Stout Teare, B. R., Jr Teker, Louis Thiessen, A. E. Thomas, E. R Thompson, Ford DeCamp Thomson, G. L. A Timoshenko, G. S Torrey, C E Tower, Laurence West Town, G. R. Troy, Matthew Orpheus Turnock, Harry C Tuttle, W. B fl*9 *270 f318 191 68 fl50 317 235 .384 f416 191 fl92 f385 414 Van TassdL K. R. Viller, F. B 38 38 W Wagner, C F Walker, W. G Walsh, W. C Walter, R. G Waring, M. L. Warner, Robert W Warwick, George Guy Webb, Josephine R. Weber, F. D Wells, M. H WeHwood, A. R West, C. P Westendorp, W. F Westin, L. J Whitaker, S. Edgar White, Harold Elijah White, J. W White, W. C Whitefield, W. 1 Whitehurst, Roland Whitney, R. L Whitney, W. R Wilkinson, B. J Williams, F. M Williams, S. B Winslow, Charles Gardner Wipperman, F. B Wood, Harry Gardner. Woodman, G. R. Woodward, Arthur Coy Wright, F. B Wright, Miles Ludlow Yarmack. J. E Young, 1). S Young, R. C « 191 69 385 384 236 »109 f71 *270 384 235 68 384 316 235 f415 f70 235 *382 67 192 191 235 317 414 317 fl93 69 f236 69 f386 316 f416 67 316 236 f IL-TRANSACTIONS MATERIAL (See page 2 for explanation) "L Technical-Subject Index Accessory Vibration, Aircraft-Engine. Tyler 1334-49; disc. 1487 Acceseory-Vibration Investigations, Aircraft-Electric-. Miller 1283-90; disc. 1486 Action on Reversing of Thyratron Motor Control, In­ verter. Palmer, Leigh" 175-84; disc. 494 Actuator Equipment, Functional Design of Aircraft Electric. Gagnier .813-15; disc. 1464 Adjustable Phase-Angle Discrimination, A Distance Re­ lay With. Goldsborough 835-8; disc. 1471 Advances in Aircraft Tachometer Design, Recent. Ballard, Hall 646-8; disc. 1421 Aid Design, Fundamentals of Hearing-. P e n n . . . . 744-9 Aids to Quality .Control in the Manufacture of Aircraft Generators.* Potter 525-9; disc 1358 Air Circuit Breaker for 15,000-Volt Services, A MagneticType. Linde, Wyman 140-4; disc. 453 Air Circuit Breaker for Steel-Mill Service, A 500,000Kva 7.5-Kv. Dickinson 242-5; disc. 450 Air Circuit Breakers, Improved Selective Tripping of Low-Voltage. West 608-10; disc." 1431 Air Conditioning, Electrothermal Space Heating and. Krueger 718-22; disc. 1434 Air-Cooled Transformers, Design and Operating Char­ acteristics of Modern Dry-Type. Satterlee 701-04; disc. 1445 Air or Conduit, Current Rating of Cables as Affected by Mutual Heating in. (IPCEA Committee Report).. 354-65; disc. 424,1352 (Air Transportation) A New High-Frequency Capaci­ tor. Allison, Beverly. 915-16; disc. 1464 (Air Transportation) A Unique Moving-Magnet Ratio Instrument. Sias, Fisk 634-6; disc. 1420 (Air Transportation) Altitude Rating of Electric Ap­ paratus. Lebenbaum 955-60; disc. 1485 (Air Transportation) Analysis of High-Frcquency Igni­ tion Circuits. Robinson 916-19 (Air Transportation) Auxiliary-Power-Plant Require­ ments. O'Neil 682-4 (Air Transportation) Considerations in Servomechanism Design. Herwald... 871-6 (Air Transportation) Electric Circuits and the Magnetic Compass. Burt, Beck 24-6 (Air Transportation) Electrical Control in Automatic Pilots. Young, Lynch, Boynton.939-43; disc. 1500 (Air Transportation) Electrically Heated Clothing. Wotring 1304-13 (Air Transportation) Electrically Operated Gyroscopic Instruments. Konet 735-8 (Air Transportation) High-Altitude Brush Problem. Ramadanoff, Glass 825-30; disc. 1489 (Air Transportation) Historical Development of Electric Connectors. Neifing 925-8 (Air Transportation) Magnesyn Remote Indication. Childs 679-82 (Air Transportation) Potential Breakdown of Small Gaps Under Simulated High-Altitude Conditions. DeLerno 109-12; disc. 456 (Air Transportation) Solderless Terminais. Wells, Balsbaugh 933-8; disc 1484 (Air Transportation) Solenoid-Operated Control Valves. Eckel, Wisegarver 911-14 (Air Transportation) The Gyrosyn Compass. E s v a l . . . . .· 857-60; disc. 1502 (Air Transportation) The Scientific Basis for the New British System of Cockpit Lighting. Calvert.. 869-70 (Air Transportation) The Testing of Brushes for Life and Performance Under Various Altitude Conditions. Herman 929-33; disc. 1491 (Air Transportation) Very High-Frequency Radio-Noise Elimination. Owen 949-54 Aircraft—a British View, A-C Supplies for Services in Large. Earnshaw, Shearer 1314-20 Aircraft, A-C Contactors for. Russell, Charbonneau.. . 613-16; disc. 1364 Aircraft Alternator, A 40-Kva 400-Cycle. Keneipp, Veinott 816-21; disc. 1460 Aircraft and Its Application to Fault-Current Calcula­ tions, Impedance of 400-Cycie Threc-Phase Power Circuits on Large. Chappuis, Olmsted 1213-20; disc. 1496 Aircraft Applications, Solenoid-Operated Hydraulic Valvesfor. Goepfrich '..866-8 Aircraft, Basic Considérations in Selection of Electric Systems for Large. Boicc, Levoy..279-87; disc. 478 Aircraft, Basic Considerations in the Selection of Gen­ erators and Batteries for. Cobb, Winters 889-93; disc. 1494 10 Aircraft, Brief Survey of Power-Supply Developments on British. Carter 806-07; disc. 1503 Aircraft Cable, A-C and D-C Short-Circuit Tests on. Cunningham, Davidson 961-9; disc. 1359 Aircraft Cable, Requirements for Low-Voltage. Hedges. , 808-10; disc. 1473 Aircraft, Carbon-Pile Voltage Regulators for. N e i l d . . . 839-43; disc. 1460 Aircraft Differential-Voltage Cutout, An. Walley 632-4; d i s c 1365 Aircraft, Dimensional Studies of Lightweight Motors for. Morrill 698-701 Aircraft, D-C Arc Interruption for. Quill, Rader 883-8; disc. 1472 Aircraft-Electric-Accessory-Vibration Investigations. Miller 1283-90; disc. 1486 Aircraft Electric Actuator Equipment, Functional De­ sign of. Gagnier 813-15; disc. 1464 Aircraft Electric Apparatus With Particular Reference to Carbon Brushes, New Test Chambers for. Sum­ mers, Settle 1205-12; disc. 1491 Aircraft, Electric Automatic Pilots for. Halpert, Esval.. > 861-6; d i s c 1501 Aircraft, Electric Connections on. Stebbins, T a y l o r . . . . 906-11; disc. 1473 Aircraft Electric-Equipment Maintenance, Airline. Petrasek 900-05 Aircraft, Electric Gun Turrets for. Thompson. . . %... . 799-802; d i s c 1475 Aircraft Electric Motors, One Type of Rotary Magnetic Clutch and Its Associated Brake Used on. An­ drews, Shanely 893-5; d i s c 1477 Aircraft Electric Motors, Requirements for. Siefkin 810-13 Aircraft Electric-Supply Systems, Present D - C . Ander­ son, Crary, Schultz 265-72; disc. 484 Aircraft Electric System, A 120-Volt D-C. Cobb 1327-34; d i s c 1495 Aircraft Electric Systems as a Function of Altitude, Corona in. Wilson 189-94; disc. 457 Aircraft Electric Systems, Differential Generator Con­ trol Relay for D-C. Crever 589-93 Aircraft Electric Systems, Higher-Vol tage D^C. Berry, Dallas 843-9; disc. 1497 Aircraft Electric Systems, Instrumentation of 400-Cycle. Corson, Stimson, Soley * . . .830-5; disc. 1501 Aircraft, Electric-Wiring Installations in British. Horn. 896-900 Aircraft Electrical Horizons. Godsey, Berry, Holliday.. 821-4; d i s c 1503 Aircraft, Electrically Driven Gyroscopes for. Witherow, Hansen 204-08 Aircraft Electricity, Plastics in. Cooper 1220-6 Aircraft-Engine-Accessory Vibration. Tyler 1334-49; d i s c 1487 Aircraft Engine, Design of an Ignition System for an 18Cylinder. Harkness 1321-7; disc. 1467 Aircraft-Engine Torque Instruments. Godsey, Langer.. 686-90; disc. 1457 Aircraft Flight Control, Application of Electronics to. Gille, Kutzler 849-53; d i s c 1501 Aircraft Fuel Tanks, Totalizing Contents of. Macintyre 663-5; disc. 1419 Aircraft Fuses Must Protect. Lebens. .581-5; d i s c 1368 Aircraft Generators, Aids to Quality Control in the Manufacture of. Potter 525-9; disc. 1358 Aircraft Generators, Blast-Tube Cooling for. Veinott. . 520-5; disc. 1463 Aircraft Generators, Design Considerations for D-C. Miner 1234-40; disc. 1459 Aircraft Generators, Testing. Keneipp 105-09 Aircraft Gyroscopes, Damping Cylinders for. Sias, Wright 979-85 Aircraft Instrumentation, Influence of Electricity on. Savage 802-05; d i s c 1501 Aircraft Instuments to Meet War Service, Design Con­ siderations in. Savage, Whittenton 992-8; disc 1419 Aircraft Insulation, Effect of Altitude on Electric Break­ down and Flashover of. Berberich, Moses, Stiles, Veinott 345-54; d i s c 458 Aircraft Inverters Supplying Large Single-Phase Loads, A Unit for Balancing the Voltages of Three-Phase. Wimpie 532-3; disc 1358 Aircraft, Lighting Required for Commercial-Airline. Petrasek 593-8; d i s c 1456 Aircraft Motors, Design Considerations of 400-Cycle. Sawyer 877-9; d i s c 1464 Aircraft Motors, Inherent Overheating Protection of D-C. Veinott 920-5 Aircraft Motors, Problems in Applying Protectors to Electric Buell 1250-8 Aircraft, Paralleling and Regulation of 24-28-Volt D-C Generators in Multiengine. Siegal, DeCourcey.. 854-7 Transactions 1. Technical Subjects Aircraft, Peak Voltages With D-C Arc Interruption for. Phillips, Mitchel 944-9 Aircraft Position Lights, The Development of. V i t o l . . . 796-8; disc 1493 Aircraft, Radio-Noise Elimination in Military. Wein­ stein, Howell, Lowe, Winter 793-5; disc. Î466 Aircraft-Radio Power Supply, Alternating Versus Direct Current for. Fritz, Hooper 1227-33; disc 1466 Aircraft Signal Systems. Rugge 3 - 5 ; disc 455 Aircraft, Some Aspects of the Application of Induction Motors to. Braun 769-72; d i s c 1476 Aircraft Storage-Battery Design. R u p p 77S-7; disc 1381 Aircraft Structures, Electric-Circuit Burning-dear and Damage Phenomena on. Fouet, H u t t o n . . . , 198-204; disc 457 Aircraft Systems, Electric-Circuit Fault-Protective Principles as Applied to D-C. Kaufmann 333-44; disc 482 Aircraft Tachometer Design, Recent Advances in. Ballard, Hall 646-8; disc 1421 Airline Aircraft Electric-Equipment Maintenance. Petrasek 900-05 Airline Aircraft, Lighting Required for Commercial. Petrasek 593-8; disc. 1456 Airplane Engine and Propeller Test-Cell Lighting. Tuck 1264-70; disc. 1493 Airplane-Engine Ignition Systems, Battery Booster Coil for. Alvino 672-3; disc 138 Airplane Lighting Service, Gaseous-Discharge Lamps for. Beggs 760-2; disc 1456 Airplanes, Cables Used for Transmitting Electric Energy in. Peters, Phillips, Kronstein, Jealous 1270-82; disc. 1474 Alloys on Design Trends of Electrical Instruments, In­ fluence of Improved Magnetic. Wilson, Whitten­ ton 100-04; disc. 461 A-C and D-C Short Circuit Tests on Aircraft Cable. Cunningham, Davidson 961-9; disc. 1359 A-C and D-C Starters by Means of Fuses and Circuit Breakers, The Degree of Short-Circuit Protection Afforded Small Low-Voltage. Jones 611-12; disc 1408 A-C Contactors for Aircraft Russell, Charbonneau... 613-16; disc 1364 A-C Generators With Suddenly Applied Loads, Regula­ tion of. Harder, Cheek 310-18; disc 490 A-C Potentiometer, A Multipßed-Deflection. Marshall. 77-80; disc 460 A-C Power-Distribution Systems, Fault Protection on Shipboard. Rickover, Ross 1109-20; disc. 1429 A-C Supplies for Services in Large Aircraft—a British View. Earnshaw, Shearer 1314-20 Alternating Currents, An Instrument for the Measure­ ment of Large. Richter 38-40 Alternating Versus Direct Current for Aircraft-Radio Power Supply. Fritz, Hooper.. 1227-33 ; disc. 1466 Alternator, A 40-Kva 400-Cycfc Aircraft. Keneipp. Veinott 816-21; disc. 1460 Altitude Brush Problem, High-. Ramadanoff, G l a s s . . . 825-30; disc 1489 Altitude Conditions, Potential Breakdown of Small Gaps Under Simulated High-. DeLerno 109-12; disc. 456 Altitude Conditions, T h e Testing of Brushes for Life and Performance Under Various. Herman 929-33; disc. 1491 Altitude, Corona in Aircraft Electric Systems as a Func­ tion of. Wilson 189-94; disc 457 Altitude on Electric Breakdown and Flashover of Air­ craft Insulation, Effect of. Berberich, Moses, Stiles, Veinott 345-54; disc. 458 Altitude on Impulse and 60-Cycle Strength of Electrical Apparatus, Effect of. Bellaschi, Evans 236-41; disc. 442 Altitude Rating of Electric Apparatus. Lebenbaum. . . 955-60; disc 1485 American Telegraphy After 100 Years. d'Humy, Howe 1014-32; disc 1386 Analysis of High-Frequency Ignition Circuits. Robin­ son 916-19 Analysis of Rectifier Circuits. Christensen, Willis, Herskind 1048-58 Analysis of the Four-Phase System, Symmetrical-Com­ ponents. Boyajian 48-51 ; disc 426 Analysis to Determine the Optimum Bussing Arrange­ ments and Transmission Capabilities at Grand Coulee. Hoard, Bills 1259-64; disc 1478 Analyzer, A New Differential. Kuehni, Peterson 221-8; disc. 429 Anesthetized Men, Study of Artificial Respiration on. Kouwenhoven, Hooker, York 1-2; disc 446 Apparatus, Altitude Rating of Electric L e b e n b a u m . . . . . . 955-60; disc. 1485 AIEE ANNUAL INDEXES Apparatus, Effect of Altitude on Impulse and 60-Cycle Strength of Electrical. Bellaschi, Evans 236-41; disc. 442 Apparatus With Particular Reference to Carbon Brushes, New Test Chambers for Aircraft Electric. Sum­ mers, Settle 1205-12; disc. 1491 Application Charts, Current-Transformer Output and Koller 573-7; disc. 1422 Application of Electronics to Aircraft Flight Control. Gille, Kutzler 849-53; disc. 1501 Applications, A New Frequency Relay for Power-System. Carlin, Blackburn 553-7; disc. 1421 Approach to the Consideration of Power-Distribution-Sys­ tem Costs, A Method of. Falls. 1078-84 ; disc. 1377 Arc-Furnace Circuits, Voltage Transients in. (Com­ mittee Report) 563-8; disc. 1435 Arc Furnaces, Electronic Regulator for. Reilly, Valen­ tine 601-04 Arc Interruption for Aircraft, D-C. Quill, Rader 883-8; disc. 1472 Arc Interruption for Aircraft, Peak Voltages With. Phillips, Mitchel 944-9 Arc Interruption—II, The Geometry of Current-Zero Phenomena. Boehne 375-87; disc. 447 Armature Connection for a D-C Shunt Motor, Industrial Control—Shunted-. Leland, Rader 617-19; disc. 1410 Arrangements and Transmission Capabilities at Grand Coulee, An Analysis to Determine the Optimum Bussing. Hoard, Bills 1259-64; disc. 1478 Artificial Respiration on Anesthetized Men, Study of. Kouwenhoven, Hooker, York 1-2; disc. 446 Aspects of the Application of Induction Motors to Air­ craft, Some. Braun 769-72; disc. 1476 Asymmetrical Loading of Three-Phase Three-Winding Transformer Banks. Denissov 27-9; disc. 444 Asymmetrical Stator as a Means of Starting SinglePhase Induction Motors, The. Baum 245-50; disc. 496 Automatic Control and Switching Equipment for Ca­ pacitor Banks and Its Application. Schroeder, Bloomquist 649-54; disc. 1440 Automatic Pilots, Electrical Control in. Young, Lynch, Boynton 939-43; disc. 1500 Automatic Pilots for Aircraft, Electric. Halpert, Esval.. .861-6; disc. 1501 Automatic Switching, Extending the Use of Shunt Cajpacitors by Means of. Cuttino. .674-8; disc. 1439 Automatic Ticketing of Telephone Calls. Friend 81-8; disc. 472 Auxiliary-Power-Plant Requirements. O ' N e i l . . . . 682-4 Breakdown and Flashover of Aircraft Insulation, Effect of Altitude on Electric. Berberich, Moses, Stiles, Veinott 345-54; disc. 458 Breakdown of Small Gaps Under Simulated High-Al­ titude Conditions, Potential. DeLerno 109-12; disc. 456 Breaker for 15,000-Volt Services, A Magnetic-Type Air Circuit. Linde, Wyman 140-4; disc. 453 Breaker for Steel-Mill Service, A 500,000-Kva 7.5 Kv Air Circuit. Dickinson 242-5; disc. 450 Breaker, Tests of 230-Kv High-Speed Reclosing Oil Circuit. Schwager 784-8; disc. 1468 Breakers, A Pneumatic Mechanism for Outdoor Oil Cir­ cuit. Linde, Rietz 543-6; disc. 1428 Breakers for Rapid Reclosing Duty, High-Voltage Oil Circuit. Hill, Leeds 113-18; disc. 452 Breakers, Improved Selective Tripping of Low-Voltage Air Circuit. West 608-10; disc. 1431 Breakers, Protection of Large D-C Machines by Means of High-Speed Circuit. Housley, Jensen. . 637-40; disc. 1428 Breakers, The Degree of Short-Circuit Protection Af­ forded Small Low-Voltage A-C and D-C Starters by Means of Fuses and Circuit. Jones 611-12; disc. 1408 Brief Survey of Power-Supply Developments on British Aircraft. Carter 806-07; disc. 1503 British Aircraft, Brief Survey of Power-Supply Develop­ ments on. Carter 806-07; disc. 1503 British Aircraft, Electric-Wiring Installations in. Horn 896-900 British System of Cockpit Lighting, The Scientific Basis for die New. Calvert 869-70 British View, A-C Supplies for Services in Large Air­ craft—a. Earnshaw, Shearer 1314-20 Brush Problem, High-Altitude. Ramadanoff, G l a s s . . . 825-30; disc. 1489 Brushes for Life and Performance Under Various Alti­ tude Conditions, The Testing of. Herman 929-33; disc. 1491 Brushes, New Test Chambers for Aircraft Electric Appa­ ratus Wim Particular Reference to Carbon. Sum­ mers, Setde 1205-12; disc. 1491 Burning-Clear and Damage Phenomena on Aircraft Structures, Electric-Circuit. Foust, Hutton 198-204; disc. 457 Busses for Generating and Transmission Stations, Ring. Michelson, Galassini 665-9; disc. 1372 Bussing Arrangements and Transmission Capabilities at Grand Coulee, An Analysis to Determine die Opti­ mum. Hoard, BÜk 1259-64; disc. 1478 B Balancing the Voltages of Three-Phase Aircraft Inverters Supplying Large Single-Phase Loads, A Unit for. Wimpie 532-3; disc. 1358 Banks and Its Application, Automatic Control and Switching Equipment for Capacitor. Schroeder, Bloomquist 649-54; disc. 1440. Banks, Asymmetrical Loading of Three-Phase ThreeWinding Transformer. Denissov.. .27-9; disc. 444 Basic Considerations in Selection of Electric Systems for Large Aircraft. Boice, Levoy 279-87; disc. 478 Basic Considerations in the Selection of Generators and Batteries for Aircraft. Cobb, Winters 889-93; disc. 1494 (Basic Sciences) Formulas for Calculating Short-Circuit Forces Between Channels Located Back to Back. Higgins 710-12 (Basic Sciences) Formulas for die Four-Terminal Net­ work Parameters of Uniform Ladder Networks. LePage 604-08 (Basic Sciences) Some Aspects of Inductance When Iron is Present. Rader, Litscher 133-9; disc. 431 (Basic Sciences) Symmetrical-Components Analysis of die Four-Phase System. Boyajian.. 48-51 ; disc. 426 (Basic Sciences) The Computation of Magnetic Field Strengtil of Round Coils of Small Cross Section. Dwight, Peters 684-5 Basis for the New British System of Cockpit Lighting, The Scientific. Calvert 869-70 Batteries for Aircraft, Basic Considerations in the Selec­ tion of Generators and. Cobb, Winters 889-93; disc. 1494 Battery Booster Coils for Airplane-Engine Ignition Sys­ tems. Alvino 672-3; disc. 1381 Battery Design, Aircraft Storage-. Rupp 773-7; disc. 1381 Behavior Factors of Rectifier-Driven D-C Motors. Siegfried 530-3; disc. 1357 Bell System, Telegraphy in die. Duncan, Parker, Pierce 1032-44; disc. 1386 Bibliography of Relay Literature 1940-1943 705-09 Blast-Tube Cooling for Aircraft Generators. V e i n o t t . . . 520-5; disc. 1463 Board ofDirectors, Report of die 1518-31 Booster Coils for Airplane-Engine Ignition Systems, Bat­ tery. Alvino 672-3; disc. 1381 Brake Used on Aircraft Electric Motors, One Type of Rotary Magnetic Clutch and Its Associated. An­ drews, Shanely 893-5; disc. 1477 VOLUME 63, 1944 Cable, A-C and D-C Short-Circuit Tests on Aircraft Cunningham, Davidson 961-9; disc. 1359 Cable and Radiotelegraph Communications, Develop­ ments in die Field of. Pratt, Roosevelt 1044-7; disc. 1386 Cable Circuits as Used in die Study of Transient Heat Flow, The Accuracy of Measurements in Lumped R-C. Paschlris, Heisler.„ 165-71 ; disc. 426 Cable Circuits, Impulse Strengtil of Insulated-Power-. Halperin, Shanklin 1190-7; disc. 1386 Cable—It's Causes and Effects on Cable-Sheadi Life, Cyclic Movement of. Schifreen 1121-30; disc. 1388 Cable Lines in Los Angeles, New 138-Kv. Mansfield.. . 1240-9; disc. 1479 Cable, Operation of Low-Pressure Gas-Filled. Hatcher. 788-92; disc. 1399 Cable, Requirements for Low-Voltage Aircraft. Hedges. 808-10; disc. 1473 Cable Research and Experience, Gas-Filled. Shank­ lin 549-53; disc. 1399 Cable-Sheadi l i f e , Cyclic Movement of Cable—Its Causes and Effects on. Schifreen 1121-30; disc 1388 Cable Used for Transmitting Electric Energy in Air­ planes. Peters, Phillips, Kronstein, Jealous 1270-82; disc. 1474 Cables as Affected by Mutual Heating in Air or Con­ duit, Current Rating of. (IPCEA Committee Re­ port) 354-65;disc. 424,1352 Cables in Ducts, An Investigation of die Relationship Between Temperature and Movement of. Nichol­ son, Brosnan 723-8; disc. 1388 Calculating Short-Circuit Forces Between Channels Located Back to Back, Formulas for. H i g g i n s . . . . 710-12 Calculation of Unbalanced Voltage Drops in Distribu­ tion Circuits Witii Particular Reference to Multigrounded Neutrals. Bullard, Lowe, Wahlquist... 145-8 Calculation Procedure for Electric-Panel Space Heating, Load-. Raber, Hutchinson 1085-91 ; disc. 1432 Calculations, Impedance "of 400-Cycle Three-Phase Power Circuits on Large Aircraft and Its Applica­ tion to Fault-Current. Chappuis, Oimsted 1213-20; disc 1496 Capacitor, A New High-Frequency. Allison, Beverly.. 915-16; disc 1464 Transactions 7. Technical Subjects Capacitor—an Aid to Electric-Power Service for Pipe Lines, The. Hyde, M a r b u r y . . . . . 387-95; d i s c 476 Capacitor Banks and Its Application, Automatic Control and Switching Equipment for. Schroeder, Bloom­ quist 649-^54; disc. 1440 Capacitor-Discharge Resistance Welding, An Improved Electronic Control for. Bichsel, Hughes 1150-7; disc. 1384 Capacitor Installation at Newport News. Parrack, Harder 1165-73; disc. 1378 Capacitors by Means of Automatic Switching, Extend­ ing die Use of Shunt. C u t t i n o . . . 674-8; disc. 1439 Capacitors, Characteristics of Chlorinated Imprégnants in D-C Paper. Berberich, Fields, Marbury 1173-9; disc. 1437 Capacitors, Condensers, and System Stability. Butier, Schroeder, Ridgway 1130-8; disc. 1378 Capacity, The Evolution of Standard Lines of Current Transformers for High Overcurrent. Wentz .· 658-62; disc. 1426 Carbon Brushes, New Test Chambers for Aircraft Eke* trie Apparatus Widi Particular Reference to. Sum­ mers, Setde 1205-12; disc. 1491 Carbon-Pile Voltage Regulators for Aircraft. N e i l d . . . 839-43; disc. 1460 Cargo-Winch Control for Use on Victory Ships, Modern. Holt 623-8; disc. 1411 Carrier-Current Relay Schemes, The Functions of Ground Preference in. Ley land, Goldsborough 97-100; disc 437 Carrier Relaying Scheme, The M H O - . Cordray, Warrington 228-35; disc. 434 Carrier Relaying System, A New. Halman, Goldsborough, Lensner, Drompp 568-72; disc. 1423 Carrier System, A Versatile Power-Line-. Lensner, Singel 129-33; disc. 437 Casting of Metals by Electromagnetic Forces, Treatment and. Hoke 980-92 Cavity Metiiod for Measuring Dielectric Properties at Ultrahigh Frequencies, A Resonant-. Works, Dalrin, Boggs 1092-8; disc. 1452 Cell Lighting, Airplane Engine and Propeller Test-, Tuck 1264-70; disc. 1493 Chambers for Aircraft Electric Apparatus Widi Par­ ticular Reference to Carbon Brushes, New Test. Summers, Setde 1205-12; disc. 1491 Changer, Design of an Electronic Frequency. Willis, Kuenning, Christensen, Bedford.. 1070-8; disc 1413 Channels Located Back to Back, Formulas for Calcu­ lating Short-Circuit Forces Between. Higgins 710-12 Characteristics and Application to Induction-Heating Problems, Vacuum-Tube Radio-Frequency Gen­ erator—. Kinn 1290-1303; disc. 1500 Characteristics of Chlorinated Imprégnants in D-C Paper Capacitors. Berberich, Fields, Marbury . 1173-9; disc. 1437 Characteristics of Modern Dry-Type Air-Cooled Trans­ formers, Design and Operating. Satterlee 701-04; disc 1445 Characteristics, Steady-State Stability of Synchronous Machines as Affected by Voltage-Regulator. _ Concordia 215-20; disc. 489 Charts^ Current-Transformer Output and Application. Koller 573-7; d i s c 1422 Charts, Diesel-Electric Switching-Locomotive Applica­ tion by Means of Nomographic. Millan, Perkinson 45-7 Chlorinated Imprégnants in D - C Paper Capacitors, Characteristics of. Berberich, Fields, Marbury 1173-9; disc. 1437 Circuit Breaker for 15,000-Volt Services, A MagneticType Air. Unde, Wyman 140-4; d i s c 453 Circuit Breaker for Steel-Mill Service, A 500,000-Kva 7.5-Kv Air. Dickinson 242-5; disc. 450 Circuit Breaker, Tests of 230-Kv High-Speed Reclosing OU. Schwager 784-8; disc 1468 Circuit Breakers, A Pneumatic Mechanism for Outdoor Oil. Linde, Rietz 543-6; disc. 1428 Circuit Breakers for Rapid Reclosing Duty, High-Volt­ age Oil. Hill, Leeds 113-18; d i s c 452 Circuit Breakers, Improved Selective Tripping of LowVoltage Air. West 608-10; disc. 1431 Circuit Breakers, Protection of Large D-C Machines by means of High-Speed. Housley, Jensen 637-40; d i s c 1428 Circuit Breakers, T h e Degree of Short-Circuit Protec­ tion Afforded Small Low-Voltage A-C and D - C Starters by Means of Fuses and. Jones 611-12; disc 1408 Circuit Burning-Clear and Damage Phenomena on Air­ craft Structures, Electric-. Foust, Hutton 198-204; d i s c 457 CircuitDuty, Rectifier-. Herskind 123-8 Circuit Fault-Protective Principles as Applied to D - C Aircraft Systems, Electric-. Kaufmann 333-44; disc. 482 Circuits, A Graphical Analysis of the Voltage and Cur­ rent Wave Forms of Controlled Rectifier. Chin, Moyer 501-08 Circuits, Analysis of High-Frequency Ignition. Robinton 916-19 11 Circuits, Analysis of Rectifier. Christensen, Wjfflss, Herskmd... * 1048-58 Cxrcutti and the Magnetic Compass, Electric Bust, Beck 24-« Circuits as Used in the Study of Transient Heat Flow, T h e Accuracy of Measurements in Lumped R-C Cable. Paschkb, Heuler 165-71; d i s c 426 Circuits, Impulse Strength of Insulated-Power-Cable Halperin, Shankfin 1190-7; disc 1386 Circuits on Large Aircraft and Its Application to FaultCurrent Calculations, Impedance of 400-Cycle Three-Phase Power. Chappuis, Olmsted 1213-20; disc 1496 Circuits, Voltage Transients in Arc-Furnace. (Com­ mittee Report) 563-8; disc 1435 Circuits With Particular Reference to Multigrounded Neutrals, Calculation of Unbalanced Voltage Drops in Distribution. Bullard, Lowe, Wahlquist. .145-8 Clothing, Electrically Heated. Wooing 1304-13 Clutch and Its Associated Brake Used on Aircraft Elec­ tric Motors, One Type of Rotary Magnetic An­ drews, Shandy 893-5; disc 1477 Cockpit Lighting, T h e Scientific Basis for die New British System of. Calvert...869-70 Ooil Power-Factor Meters, Crossed-. Millar 294-301; disc 460 Coils for Airplane-Engine Ignition Systems, Battery Booster. Alvino 6 7 2 - 3 ; disc 1381 Coils, Insulation Temperature Standards for IndustrialControl. Erikson 546-8; disc. 1408 Coils of Small Cross Section, The Computation of Mag­ netic Field Strength of Round. Dwight, Peters... 684-5 Commercial-Airline Aircraft, Lighting Required for. Petrasek 593-«; disc 1456 (Committee Report) Bibliography of Relay Literature 1940-1943 705-09 «(Committee Report, IPCEA) Current Rating of Cables as Affected by Mutual Heating in Air or Conduit.. 354-05; d i s c 424,1352 (Committee Report) Voltage Transients in Arc-Furnace Circuits 563-8; disc 1435 Committees for 1944-45, Officers and 1532-7 (Cktmmunication) A Short-Cut Method of Estimating Telephone-Influence Factor of Power Systems With Rectifier Load. Frick 91-6 (C2ommunication) American Telegraphy After 100 Years. d O u m y , Howe 1014-32; disc 1386 (Communication) Automatic Ticketing of Telephone Calls. Friend : . 8 1 - 8 ; disc 472 (Communication) Crossbar Toll Switching System. Abraham, Busch, Shipley 302-09; disc 473 (Communication) Fundamentals of Hearing-Aid Design. Penn 744-9 (Communication) Telegraphy in the Bell System. Duncan, Parker, Pierce 1032-44; disc 1386 Communications, Developments in the Field of Cable and Radiotelegraph. Pratt, Roosevelt 1044-7; disc. 138,6 Compass, Electric Circuits and the Magnetic. Burt, Beck '. 24-6 Compass, T h e Gyrosyn. Esval 857-60; disc 1502 Components Analysis of the Four-Phase System, Sym­ metrical-. Boyajian 48-51; disc 426 Compressed-Gas Power Transformers, High-Voltage. Hobart 690-2; disc 1448 Computation of Magnetic Field Strength of Round Coils of Small Cross Section, The. Dwight, Peters.. 684-5 Condensers, and System Stability, Capacitors. Butler, Schroeder, Ridgway 1130-8; disc 1378 Conditions Controlling the Economic Selection of Prime Movers. Skrotxki 1099-1108; disc 1360 Conditions, Operation of Rectifiers Under Unbalanced. Christensen, Morack .628-31 Conditions, Potential Breakdown of Small Gaps Under Simulated High-Altitude. DeLemo 109-12; disc 456 Conditions, The Testing of Brushes for Life and Per­ formance Under Various Altitude Herman 929-33; disc 1491 Conditions, Thermal Protection of Transformers Under Overload. Montsingcr, Camilla.. .160-4; disc 444 Conductors by Magnetic Induction—Longitudinal Flux, Heating of Nonmagnetic Electric Baker 273-8 Conduit, Current Rating of Cables as Affected by Mutual Heating in Air or. (IPCEA Committee R e p o r t ) . . . 354-©5; disc. 424,1352 Ckmnection* on Aircraft, Electric Stebbins, T a y l o r . . . 906-11; disc 1473 Connectors, Historical Development of Electric Neifing 925-8 Consideration of Power-Distribution-System Costs, A Method of Approach to the. Falls 1078-«4;disc 1377 Considerations for D - C Aircraft Generators, Design. Miner 1234-40; disc 1459 Comidrrarions in Aircraft Instruments to Meet War Service, Design. Savage, Whittenton.992-8; disc 1419 Considerations in Servouacchanism Design. Herwald.. 871-« Considerations in the Selection of Generators and Bat­ teries lor Aircraft» Basic. Cobb, Winters 889-93; disc 1494 12 Cknsideratiuns of 400-Cycle Aircraft Motors, Design. Sawyer .877-9; disc 1464 Constants of 270-Mile 154-Kv Transmission Line, Measured Electrical. Streifus, Road house, G o w . . . 538-42; d i s c 1351 Contactors for Aircraft, A - C Russell, C h a r b o n n e a u . . . 613-16; d i s c 1364 Contacts, T h e Vibration of Electric Russell, K c i l i e n . . 153-5; d i s c 478 Control and Switching Equipment for Capacitor Banks and Its Application, Automatic Schroeder, Bfoomquist 649-54; d i s c 1440 Control, Application of Electronics to Aircraft Flight. Gille, Kutzler 849-53; d i s c 1501 Control Coils, Insulation Temperature Standards for Industrial-. Erikson . 5 4 6 - 8 ; d i s c 1408 Control for an Electronic Power Converter, Switchgear and. Gittings, Bateman 585-8; d i s c 1413 Control for Capacitor-Discharge Resistance Welding, An Improved Electronic Bichsel, Hughes 1150-7; d i s c 1384 Control for the World's Most Modern Steel MOI, Super­ visory. Garrett, Reagan 259-64 Control for Ose on Victory Ships, Modern Cargo-Winch. Holt 623-8; d i s c 1411 Control in Automatic Pilots, Electrical. Young, Lynch, Bonton 939-43; disc. 1500 Control in the Manufacture of Aircraft Generators, Aids to Quality. Potter 525-9; d i s c 1358 Control, Inverter Action on Reversing of Thyratron Motor. Palmer, Leigh 175-84; disc. 494 Control—Shunted-Armature Connection for a D-C Shunt Motor, Industrial. Leland, Rader 617-19; d i s c 1410 Control Valves, Solenoid-Operated. Eckel, Wisegarver. 911-14 Controlled Dry-Disk Rectifier, Electronically. Rosenstein, B a r a e t t 2 1 - 3 ; d i s c 474 Controlling the Economic Selection of Prime Movers, Conditions. Skrotzki 1099-1108; d i s c 1360 Converter for Exchange of Power, The Electronic Cramer, Morton, Darling 1059-69; d i s c 1413 Converter, History and Development of the Electronic Power. Alexanderson, PhiÜipi.. .654-7; disc. 1413 Converter, Switchgear and Control for an Electronic Power. Gittings, Bateman 585-8; disc. 1413 Converters, Pentode Ignitrons for Electronic Power. Steiner, Zehner, Zuvers 693-7; disc. 1413 Cooling for Aircraft Generators, Blast-Tube. Veinott.. 520-5; disc. 1463 Copper Mines, Electrification of Large Open-Pit. Birch 30-8; d i s c 433 Copper-Oxide Rectifier in Electrochemical Work, The. Smith ! 739-44; disc. 1438 Corona in Aircraft Electric Systems as a Function of Altitude. Wilson 189-94; d i s c 457 Costs, A Mediod of Approach to the Consideration of Power-Distribution-System. Falls 1078-84; disc 1377 Costs Study of 69- to 345-Kv Overhead Power-Trans­ mission Systems. Holm 406-22 Cranes, A New Electric Hoist Drive for. Whiting. . 59-64 Crossbar Toll Switching System. Abraham, Busch, Shipley 302-09; disc. 473 Grossed-CoU Power-Factor Meters. Millar 294-301; d i s c 46f Cultural Training of the Engineer. Boyajian 6 - 9 ; d i s c 478 Current-Limiting Power Fuse, A N.ew Three-Element. Rawfins, Fahnoe 156-9; d i s c 451 Current Rating of Cables as Affected by Mutual Heating in Air or Conduit. (IPCEA Committee R e p o r t ) . . . 354-05; disc 424,1352 Ctarrent-Transformer Errors by tile Secondary-Voltage Mediod, Field Determination of. Goodale, Hol­ beck 879-82; disc. 1468 Current-Transformer Output and Application Charts. Koller 573-7; d i s c 1422 Current Transformers for High C+vercurrent Capacity, The Evolution of Standard Lines of. Went« 658-62; disc 1426 Current Wave Forms of Controlled Rectifier Circuits, A Graphical Analysis of the Voltage and. Chin, Mover 501-08 Current-Zero Phenomena. T h e Geometry of Arc Interruption—II. Boehne 375-87; d i s c 447 Currents, A n Instrument for the Measurement of Large Alternating. Richter 38-40 Currents and Influence on System Operation, Trans­ former Magnetizing Inrush. Blume, Camilli, Farnham, Peterson 366-75; d i s c 423 Currents Determined Easily on D-C Board, System Volt­ ages and Fault Asbury 184-8; d i s c 439 Currents in Direct Strokes, The Measurement of Lightning. McCann ' . . . 1157-64; d i s c 1370 Curves, The Summation of Load. Hamilton 729-35; d i s c 1361 Cutout, An Aircraft Differential-Voltage. Walley 632-4; disc 1365 Cyclic Movement of Cable—Its Causes and Effects on Cable-Sheath Life Schifreen.. 1121-30; d i s c 1388 Cylinders for Aircraft Gyroscopes, Damping. Sias, Wright 979-85 Transactions 7. Damage Phenomena o n Aircraft Structures, ElectricCircuit Burning-Clear and. Foust, Hutton 198-204; disc 457 Damping Cylinders for Aircraft Gyroscopes. Sias, Wright 979-85 Deflection A-C Potentiometer, A Multiplied-. Marshall 77-80; disc 460 Deformation on Turbogenerators, Prevention of RotorWinding. Noest 514-19; disc. 1353 Degree of Short-Circuit Protection Afforded Small LowVoltage A-C and D - C Starters by Means of Fuses and Circuit Breakers, T h e Jones 611-12; d i s c 1408 Design and Operating Characteristics of Modern DryType Air-Cooled Transformers. Satterlee 701-04; disc 1445 Design Considerations for D-C Aircraft Generators. Miner 1234-40; disc. 1459 Design Considerations in Aircraft Instruments to Meet War Service Savage, Whittenton 992-8; disc. 1419 Design, Considerations in Servomechanism. H e r w a l d . . 871-6 Design Considerations of 400-Cycle Aircraft Motors. Sawyer 877-9; disc 1464 Design Features of Generators for Diesel-Electric Switcher Locomotives. Atwell 4 1 - 5 ; disc 433 Design Method for D-C Machines, A. Beers, Karr ....·. 172-5; disc 497 Design of Aircraft Electric Actuator Equipment, Func­ tional. Gagnier 813-15; disc 1464 Design of an Electronic Frequency Changer. Willis, Kuenning, Christensen, Bedford.. 1070-8; disc. 1413 Design of an Ignition System for an 18-CyUnder Aircraft Engine Harkness 1321-7; disc 1467 Design of Low-Voltage-Welding Power Distribution,The Adams, Fetcher, Johnson 1180-90; disc 1382 Design of Starting Windings for Split-Phase Motors. Lloyd, Karr 9-13 Design of Systems for Load Growth, The Effect of Kilovar Supply on t h e Schroeder, Butler, Meyers 69-77; disc. 492 Design of Variac Transformers. Karplus 508-13 Design Trends of Electrical Instruments, Influence of Improved Magnetic Alloys on. Wilson, Whitten­ ton 100-04; disc 461 Determination of Current-Transformer Errors by the Secondary-Voltage Method, Field. Goodale, Hol­ beck .879-82; disc 1468 Development of Aircraft Position Lights, T h e V i t a l . . 796-8; disc. 1493 Development of Electric Connectors, Historical. Neifing 925-8 Development of Excitron-Type Rectifier. Winograd 969-78; disc 1454 Development of the Electronic Power Converter, His­ tory and. Alexanderson, Phillipi.. 654-7; disc 1413 Developments in Light Sources, Recent. Millar. .1505-17 Developments in the Field of Cable and Radiotelegraph Communications. Pratt, Roosevelt 1044-7; disc 1386 Developments on British Aircraft, Brief Survey of PowerSupply. Carter 806-07; disc. 1503 Dielectric Properties at Ultrahigh Frequencies, A Reso­ nant-Cavity Method for Measuring. Works, Dakin, Bogga 1092-8; disc 1452 Diesel-Electric Switcher Locomotives, Design Features of Generators for. Atwell 4 1 - 5 ; disc 433 Diesel-Electric Switching-Locomotive Application by Means of Nonomograpbic Charts. MUlan, Perkinson 45—7 Differential Analyzer, A New. Kuehni, Peterson 221-8; disc 429 Differential Generator Control Relay for D - C Aircraft Electric Systems. Crever 589-93 Differential Leakage With Respect to the Fundamental Wave and to the Harmonics. L i w s c h i t z . · . . 1139-50 Differential-Voltage Cutout, An Aircraft. Walley 632-4; disc. 1365 Dimensional Studies of Lightweight Motors for Aircraft Morrill 698-701 D - C Aircraft Electric-Supply Systems, Present. Ander­ son, Crary, Schultz 265-72; d i s c 484 D-C Aircraft Electric System, A 120-Volt. Cobb 1327-34; d i s c 1495 D-C Aircraft Electric Systems, Differential Generator Control Relay for. Crever 589-93 D-C Aircraft Electric Systems, Higher-Voltage Berry, Dallas 843-9; disc 1497 D-C Aircraft Generators, Design Considerations for. Miner 1234-40; d i s c 1459 D-C Aircraft Motors, Inherent Overheating Protection of. Veinott 920-5 D - C Aircraft Systems, Electric-Circuit Fault-Protective Principles as Applied to. Kaufmann . « 333-44; disc 482 D - C Arc Interruption for Aircraft. Quill, Rader 883-8; disc 1472 D-C Arc Interruption for Aircraft, Peak Voltages With. PhilUps, Mitchcl Technical Subjects AIEE ANNUAL INDEXES D-C Board, System Voltages and Fault Currents Deter­ mined Easily on. Asbury 184-8; disc 439 Direct Current for Aircraft-Radio Power Supply, Alter­ nating Versus. Fritz, Hooper.. 1227-33; disc 1466 D-C Generators in Multiengine Aircraft, Paralleling and Regulation of 24-28-VolL SiegaL DeCourcey. 854-^7 D-C Machines, A Design Method for. Beers, Karr 172-5; disc 497 D-C Machines by Means of High-Speed Circuit Breakers, Protection of Large. Housley, Jensen 637-40; disc 1428 D-C Motors, Behavior Factors of Rectifier-Driven. Siegfried 530-3; disc 1357 D-C Paper Capacitors, Characteristics of Chlorinated Imprégnants in. Berberich, Fields, Marbury 1173-9; disc 1437 D-C Shunt Motor, Industrial Control—Shunted-Armature Connection for a. Leland, Rader 617-19; disc 1410 Direct Strokes, The Measurement of Lightning Currents in. McCann 1157-64; disc 1370 Discharge Lamps for Airplane Lighting Service, Gase­ ous-. Beggs 760-2; d i s c 1456 Discharge Resistance Welding, An Improved Electronic Control for Capacitor-. Bichsd, Hughes.. Ë 1150-7; disc. 1384 Distance Relay With Adjustable Phase-Angle Dis­ crimination, A. Goldsborough.. .835-8; disc 1471 (Distribution) A Short-Cut Method of Estimating Tele­ phone-Influence Factor of Power Systems Wim Rectifier Load. Frick 91^ (Distribution) An Investigation of the Relationship Be­ tween Temperature and Movement of Cables in Ducts. Nicholson, Brosnan 723-8; disc 1388 Distribution Circuits With Particular Reference to Multigrounded Neutrals, Calculation of Unbalanced Voltage Drops in. Bullard, Lowe, Wahlquist 145-8 (Distribution) Current Rating of Cables as Affected by Mutual Heating in Air or Conduit. (IPCEA Com­ mittee Report) 354-65; disc 424,1352 (Distribution) Cyclic Movement of Cable—Its Causes and Effects on Cable-Sheath l i f e Schifreen 1121-30; disc 1388 (Distribution) Gas-Filkd-Cable Research and Experi­ e n c e Shanklin 549-53; disc. 1399 (Distribution) Impulse Strength of Insulated-PowerCable Circuits. Halperin, Shanklin 1190-7; d i s c 1386 (Distribution) New 138-Kv Cable Lines in Los Angeles. Mansfield 1240-9; disc. 1479 (Distribution) Operation of Low-Pressure Gas-Filled Cable. Hatcher 788-92; disc 1399 Distribution-System Costs, A Method of Approach to the Consideration of Power-. Falls ,... 1078-84; disc 1377 Distribution Systems, Fault Protection on Shipboard A-C Power-. Rickover, R o s s . . . 1109-20 ; disc. 1429 Distribution Systems, Fusing Practices on. Parsons, Wallace. Part 1 89-91; disc 467 Part II 598-600; disc. 1429 Distribution, The Design of Low-Voltage-Welding Power. Adams, Fetcher, Johnson 1180-90; disc. 1382 (Distribution) The Effect of Kilovar Supply on the De­ sign of Systems for Load Growth. Schroeder, Butler, Meyers 69-77; d i s c 492 (Domestic and Commercial Applications) Electrothermal Space Heating and Air Conditioning. Krueger 718-22; disc. 1434 (Domestic and Commercial Applications) Load-Calcu­ lation Procedure for Electric-Panel Space Heating. Raber, Hutchinson 1085-91; disc. 1432 (Domestic and Commercial Applications) Possibilities of Heat Pumps for Heating Homes. Berry 619-22; disc. 1433 (Domestic and Commercial Applications) TÇhe Vibration of Electric Contacts. Russell, Keilien 153-5; disc 478 Drive for Cranes, A New Electric Hoist. Whiting.. 59-64 Driven Gyroscopes for Aircraft, Electrically. Witherow, Hansen 204-08 Drops in Distribution Circuits With Particular Refer­ ence to Multigrounded Neutrals, Calculation of Unbalanced Voltage. Bullard, Lowe, Wahlquist.. 145-8 Dry-Disk Rectifier, Electronically Controlled. Rosenstein, Barnett 21-3; disc. 474 Dry-Type Air-Cooled Transformers, Design and Operat­ ing Characteristics of Modern. Satterlee 701-04; disc. 1445 Dry-Type Transformer Windings, Hot-Spot Tempera­ tures in. Stewart, Whitman 763-8; disc 1445 Ducts, An Investigation of tile Relationship Between Temperature and Movement of Cables in. Nichol­ son, Brosnan 723-8; disc 1388 Duty, High-Voltage Oil Circuit Breakers for Rapid Reclosing. HOL Leeds 113-18; disc 452 Duty, Rectifier-Circuit. Herskind .123-8 VOLUME 6 3 , 1 9 4 4 £ Economic Selection of Prime Movers, Conditions Con­ trolling the. Skrotzld 1099-1108; disc 1360 Economics of Trolley-Coach Operation. Woods 578-81; disc 1451 (Education) Cultural Training of the Engineer. Boyajian 6-9; disc. 478 Effect of Altitude on Electric Breakdown and Flashover of Aircraft Insulation. Berberich, Moses, Stiles, Veinott 345-54; disc 458 Effect of Altitude on Impulse and 60-Cyclc Strength of Electrical Apparatus. Bellaschi, Evans 236-41 ; disc 442 Effect of Kilovar Supply on the Design of Systems for Load Growth, T h e Schroeder, Butler, M e y e r s . . . . 69-77; disc 492 Effect of Weather on the System Load, The. Dryar 1006-13; disc 1364 Eight-Year Investigation of Lightning Currents and Pre­ ventive Lightning Protection on a Transmission System, An. Hansson, Waldorf 251-8; disc. 463, 1350 18-Cylinder Aircraft Engine, Design of an Ignition Sys­ tem for an. Harkness 1321-7; disc 1467 Electric Actuator Equipment, Functional Design of Air­ craft. Gagnier 813-15; disc 1464 Electric-Accessory-Vibration Investigations, Aircraft-. Miller 1283-90; disc. 1486 Electric Aircraft Motors, Problems in Applying Protec­ tors to. Buell 1250-8 Electric Apparatus, Altitude Rating of. L e b e n b a u m . . . 955-60; disc 1485 Electric Apparatus With Particular Reference to Carbon Brushes, New Test Chambers for Aircraft. Sum­ mers, Settle 1205-12; disc 1491 Electric Automatic Pilots for Aircraft. Halpert, Esval.. 861-6; disc. 1501 Electric-Circuit Burning-Clear and Damage Phenomena on Aircraft Structures. Foust, Hutton 198-204; disc. 457 Electric-Circuit Fault-Protective Principles as Applied to D-C Aircraft Systems. Kaufmann 333-44; disc 482 Electric Circuits and the Magnetic Compass. Burt, Beck 24-6 Electric Conductors by Magnetic Induction—Longi­ tudinal Flux, Heating of Nonmagnetic. Baker.. 273-8 Electric Connections on Aircraft. Stebbins, T a y l o r . . . . ' 906-11; disc 1473 Electric Connectors, Historical Development of. Neifing 925-8 Electric Contacts, The Vibration of. Russell, K e i l i e n . . . 153-5; disc. 478 Electric Energy in Airplanes, Cables Used for Trans­ mitting. Peters, Phillips, Kronstein, Jealous 1270-82; disc 1474 Electric Equipment for the War Emergency* Pipe-Line Projects. Thomas, Taylor, Wolfe 396-405 Electric-Equipment Maintenance, Airline Aircraft. Petrasek ». 900-05 Electric Gun Turrets for Aircraft. Thompson 799-802; disc 1475 Electric Hoist Drive for Cranes, A New. Whiting.. 59-64 Electric Loadings, Transmission-Line. Crary · 1198-1204; disc. 1373 Electric Locomotives in Open-Pit Mine Haulage, Modern. Borland, Riley 52-8; disc. 433 Electric Machinery, The Nature of Vibration in. Graybeal 712-18; disc 1458 Electric Motors, One Type of Rotary Magnetic Clutch and Its Associated Brake Used on Aircraft. An­ drews, Shanely 893-5; disc. 1477 Electric Motors, Requirements for Aircraft. Siefkin... 810-13 Electric-Panel Space 'Heating, Load-Calculation Proce­ dure for. Raber, Hutchinson. 1085-91; disc. 1432 Electrjc-Power Service for Pipe Lines, The Capacitor— an Aid to. Hyde, Marbury 387-95; disc. 476 Electric-Supply Systems, Present D-Q Aircraft Ander­ son, Crary, Schultz 265-72; disc 484 Electric System, A 120-Volt D-C Aircraft Cobb 1327-34; disc 1495 Electric Systems as a Function of Altitude, Corona in Aircraft Wilson 189-94; disc. 457 Electric Systems, Differential Generator Control Relay for D-C Aircraft Crever 589-93 Electric Systems for Large Aircraft, Basic Considera­ tions in Selection of. Boice, Levoy 279-87; disc 478 Electric Systems, Higher-Voltage D-C Aircraft Berry, Dallas 843-9; disc. 1497 Electric Systems, Instrumentation of 400-Cycle Aircraft Corson, Stimson, Solcy 830-5; disc 1501 (Electric Welding) Rating of Electric Equipment Under Intermittent Load. Zucker 778-83; disc. 1381 Electric-Wiring Installations in British Aircraft H o r n . . 896-900 Electrical Apparatus, Effect of Altitude on Impulse and 60-Cycle Strength of. Bellaschi, Evans 236-41; d i s c 442 Transactions 7. Technical Subjects Electrical Constants of 270-Mile 154-Kv ' Line, Measured. Streifus, Roadhouse, Gow 538-42; disc. 1351 Electrical Control in Automatic Pilots. Young, Lynch, Boynton 939-43; d i s c 1500 Electrical Horizons, Aircraft. Godsey, Berry, H e i ü day 821-4; d i s c 1503 (Electrical Machinery) A Design Method for D-C M a ­ chines. Beers, Karr 172-5; d i s c 497 (Electrical Machinery) A Graphical Analysis of the Voltage and Current Wave Forms of Controlled Rectifier Circuits. Chin, Moyer .501-08 (Electrical Machinery) Asymmetrical Loading of Three Phase Three-Winding Transformer Banks. Denissov 27-9; d i s c 444 (Electrical Machinery) Behavior Factors of RectifierDriven D - C Motors. Siegfried... 530-3; d i s c 1357 (Electrical Machinery) Design and Operating Character­ istics of Modern Dry-Type Air-Cooled Transformers. Satterlee 701-04; d i s c 1445 (Electrical Machinery) Design of Starting Windings for Split-Phase Motors. Lloyd, Karr 9-13 (Electrical Machinery) Design of Variac Transformers. Karplus 508-13 (Electrical Machinery) Differential Leakage With Re­ spect to the Fundamental Wave and to the Har­ monics. Liwschitz 1139-50 (Electrical Machinery) High-Voltage Compressed-Gas Power Transformers. H o b a r t . . .690-2; disc. 1448 (Electrical Machinery) Hot-Spot Temperatures in DryType Transformer Windings. Stewart, Whitman.. 763-8; d i s c 1445 (Electrical Machinery) Industrial Control—ShuntedArmature Connection for a D-C Shunt Motor. Leland, Rader 617-19; disc. 1410 (Electrical Machinery) Insulation Temperature Stand­ ards for Industrial-Control Coils. Erikson... „ . . . 546-8; disc. 1408 (Electrical Machinery) Interlamination Resistance Barton 670-2 (Electrical Machinery) Inverter Action on Reversing of Thyratron Motor Control. Palmer, Leigh 175-84; disc. 494 (Electrical Machinery) Modern Cargo-Winch Control for Use on Victory Ships. Holt. .623-^8; d i s c 1141 (Electrical Machinery) Overloading of Transformers— Cases Not Covered by the General Rules. Scaley, Hodtum 149-53; disc. 443 (Electrical Machinery) Prevention of Rotor-Winding Deformation on Turbogenerators. Noest 514-19; disc 1353 (Electrical Machinery) Progress in Impulse Testing of Transformers. H a g e n g u t h . . .999-1005; disc 1440 (Electrical Machinery) Some Aspects of Electric-Motor Design—Polyphase-Induction-Motor Design to Meet Fixed Specifications. Lloyd.. 14-20; d i s c 498 (Electrical Machinery) Starting Windings for SinglePhase Induction Motors. Veinott.288-94; d i s c 499 (Electrical Machinery) T h e Asymmetrical Stator as a Means of Starting Single-Phase Induction Motors. Baum 245-50; d i s c 496 (Electrical Machinery) The Degree of Short-Circuit Protection Afforded Small Low-Voltage A-C and D-C Starters by Means of Fuses and Circuit Breakers. Jones 611-12; disc 1408 (Electrical Machinery) The Evolution of Standard Lines of Current Transformers for High Overcurrent Ca­ pacity. Wente 658-62; d i s c 1426 (Electrical Machinery) Thermal Protection of Trans­ formers Under Overload Conditions. Montsinger, CarnilU. 160-4; d i s c 444 (Electrical Machinery) Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Currents and Influence on System Operation. Blume, CamillL Farnham, Peterson 366-75; d i s c 423 (Electrical Machinery) Transient Performance of Induc­ tion Motors. Maginniss, Schultz..641-6; d i s c 1458 Electrically Driven Gyroscopes for Aircraft Witherow, Hansen 204-08 Electrically Heated Clothing. Wotring 1304-13 Electrically Operated Gyroscopic Instruments. K o n e t . . . ." 735-« Electricity on Aircraft Instrumentation, Influence of. Savage 802-05; disc 1501 Electricity, Plastics in Aircraft. Cooper 1220^-6 Electrification of Large Open-Pit Copper Mines. Birch 30-8; d i s c 433 Electrochemical Work, The Copper-Oxide Rectifier in. Smith 739-44; d i s c 1438 (Electrochemistry) Characteristics of Chlorinated I m ­ prégnants in D - C Paper Capacitors. Berberich, Fields, Marbury 1173-9; disa 1437 (Electrochemistry) Electronic Regulator for Arc Fur­ naces. Reilly, Valentine 601-04 (Electrochemistry) Induction Heating—Selection of Fre­ quency. Stansel 755-9; d i s c 1436 (Electrochemistry) Surface Heating by Induction. Storm 749-55 (Electrochemistry) Treatment and Casting of Metals by Electromagnetic Forces. Hoke 986-92 (Electrochemistry) Vacuum-Tube Radio-Frequency Gen­ erator—Characteristics and Application to Induc­ tion-Heating Problems. K i n n . 1290-1303; disc. 1500 13 (Electrochemistry) Voltage Transients in Arc-Furnace Circuits. (Committee Report) 563-8; disc 1435 Electromagnetic Forces, Treatment and Casting of Metabby. Hoke. 986-92 Electronic Control for Capacitor-Discharge Resistance Welding, An Improved. Bichsel, Hughes 1150-7; disc. 1384 Electronic Converter for Exchange of Power, The. Cramer, Morton, Darling 1059-69; disc. 1413 Electronic Frequency Changer, Design of an. Willis, •Kuenning, Christensen, Bedford.. 1070-8;disc. 1413 Electronic Power Converter, History and Development of the. Alexanderson, Phillipi 654-7; disc. 1413 Electronic Power Converter, Switchgear and Control for an. Gittings, Bateman 585-8; disc. 1413 Electronic Power Converters, Pentode Ignitrons for. Steiner, Zehner, Zuvers 693-7; disc. 1413 Electronic Regulator for Arc Furnaces. Rcilly, Valen­ tine 601-04 Electronically Controlled Dry-Disk Rectifier. Rosenstein, Barnett 21-3; disc. 474 (Electronics) Analysis of Rectifier Circuits. Christensen, Willis, Herskind 1048-58 (Electronics) Development of Excitron-Type Rectifier. Winograd 969-78; disc. 1454 (Electronics) Operation of Rectifiers Under Unbalanced Conditions. Christensen, Moarck 628-31 (Electronics) Rectifier-Circuit Duty. Herskind. .123-8 Electronics to Aircraft Flight Control, Application of. Gille, Kutzlcr 849-53; disc. 1501 Electrotiiermal Space Heating and Air Conditioning. Krueger 718-22; disc. 1434 Elimination in Military Aircraft, Radio-Noise. Wein­ stein, Howcll, Lowe, Winter 793-5; disc. 1466 Elimination, Very High-Frequency Radio-Noise. Owen 949-54 Emergency Pipe-Line Projects, Electric Equipment for the War. Thomas, Taylor, Wolfe 396-405 Energy in Airplanes, Cables Used for Transmitting Elec­ tric. Peters, Phillips, Kronstein, Jealous 1270-82; disc. 1474 Engine-Accessory Vibration, Aircraft-. Tyler 1334-49; disc. 1487 Engine and Propeller Test-Cell Lighting, Airplane. Tuck 1264-70; disc. 1493 Engine, Design of an Ignition System for an 18-Cylinder Aircraft. Harkness 1321-7; disc. 1467 Engineer, Cultural Training of the. Boyajian £-9; disc 478 Equipment for Capacitor Banks and Its Application, Automatic Control and Switching. Schroeder, Bloomquist 649-54; disc. 1440 Equipment for the War Emergency Pipe-Line Projects, Electric Thomas, Taylor, Wolfe 396-405 Equipment, Functional Design of Aircraft Electric Actu­ ator. Gagnier 813-15; disc 1464 Equipment Maintenance, Airline Aircraft Electric-. Petrasek 900rO5 Equipment Under Intermittent Load, Rating of Electric Zucker 778-83; disc. 1381 Errors by the Secondary-Voltage Method, Field Deter­ mination of Current-Transformer. Goodale, Hol­ beck 879-82; disc. 1468 Evolution of Standard Lines of Current Transformers for High Overcurrent Capacity, The. Wentz 658-62; disc 1426 Exchange of Power, The Electronic Converter for. Cramer, Morton, Darling 1059-60; disc 1413 Excitron-Type Rectifier, Development of. Winograd... .-, 969-78; disc 1454 Extending the Use of Shunt Capacitors by Means of Automatic Switching. Cuttino.. .674-8; disc 1439 Factor Meters, Crossed-Coil Power-. Millar 294-301; disc. 460 Fault-Current Calculations, Impedance of 400-Cycle Three-Phase Power Circuits on Large Aircraft and Its Application to. Chappuis, Oimsted 1213-20; disc 1496 Fault Currents Determined Easily on D-C Board, System Voltages and. Asbury 184-8; disc. 439 Fault Protection on Shipboard A-C Power-Distribution Systems. Rickover, Roes 1109-20; disc 1429 Fault-Protective Principles as Applied to D-C Aircraft Systems, Electric-Circuit. Kaufmann 333-44; disc. 482 Features of Generators for Diesel-Electric Switcher Loco­ motives, Design. Atwell 41-5; disc. 433 Field Determination of Current-Transformer Errors by the Secondary-Voltage Method. Goodale, Hol­ beck 879-82; disc 1468 Field Strength of Round Coils of Small Cross Section, The Computation of Magnetic Dwight, Peters... 684-5 15,000-Volt Services, A Magnetic-Type Air Circuit Breaker for. Linde, Wyman 140-*; disc 453 500,000-Kva 7.5-Kv Air Circuit Breaker for Steel-Mill Service, A. Dickinson 242-5; disc 450 14 Flashover of Aircraft Insulation, Effect of Altitude on Electric Breakdown and. Berberich, Moses, Stiles, Veinott . 345-54; d i s c 458 Flight Control, Application of Electronics to Aircraft. Gille, Kutzler 849-53; d i s c 1501 Forces Between Channels Located Back to Back, For­ mulas for Calculating Short-Circuit. Higgins. . . . 710-12 Forces, Treatment and Casting of Metals by Electro­ magnetic Hoke 986-92 Formulas for Calculating Short-Circuit Forces Between Channels Located Back to Back. Higgins. .710-12 Formulas for die Four-Terminal Network Parameters of Uniform Ladder Networks. LePage 604-08 Fort Peck Project, Transmission and Relaying Problems on die. Floor, Müller, Goldsborough 209-14; disc. 466 40-Kva 400-Cycle Aircraft Alternator, A. Keneipp, Veinott 816-21; disc. 1460 400-Cycle Aircraft Electric Systems, Instrumentation of. Corson, Stimson, Soley 830-5; disc. 1501 400-Cycle Three-Phase Power Circuits on Large Aircraft and Its Application to Fault-Current Calculations, Impedance of. Chappuis, Oimsted 1213-20; disc. 1496 Four-Phase System, Symmetrical-Components Analysis of die. Boyajian 48-51 ; d i s c 426 Four-Terminal Network Parameters of Uniform Ladder Networks, Formulas for die. LePage 604-08 Frequencies, A Resonant-Cavity Mediod for Measuring Dielectric Properties at Ultrahigh. Works, Dakin, Boggs 1092-8; disc. 1452 Frequency Capacitor, A New High-. Allison, Beverly.. 915-16; disc. 1464 Frequency Changer, Design of an Electronic. Willis, Kuenning, Christensen, Bedford.. 1070-8; disc. 1413 Frequency Generator—Characteristics and Application to Induction-Heating Problems, Vacuum-Tube Radio-. Kinn 1290-1303; disc. 1500 Frequency Ignition Circuits, Analysis of High-. Robin­ son 916-19 Frequency, Induction Heating—Selection of. Stansel.. 755-9; disc. 1436 Frequency Radio-Noise Elimination, Very High-. Owen 949-54 Frequency Relay for Power-System Applications, A New. Carlin, Blackburn 553-7; disc. 1421 Fuel Tanks, Totalizing Contents of Aircraft. Macintyre 663-65; disc. 1419 Functional Design of Aircraft Electric Actuator Equip­ ment Gagnier 813-15; disc. 1464 Functions of Ground Preference in Carrier-Current Re­ lay Schemes, The. Leyland, Goldsborough 97-100; d i s c 437 Fundamental Wave and to die Hamonics, Differential Leakage Wim Respect to die. Liwscbitz . . 1 1 3 9 - 5 0 Fundamentals of Hearing-Aid Design. P e n n . . . . 744-9 Furnaces, Electronic Regulator for Arc Reilly, Valen­ tine 601-04 Fuse, A New Three-Element Current-Limiting Power. Rawlins, Fahnoe 156-9; disc. 451 Fuses and Circuit Breakers, The Degree of Short-Circuit Protection Afforded Small Low-Voltage A-C and D-C Starters by Means of. Jones 611-12; disc. 1408 Fuses Must Protect, Aircraft. Lebens . . 5 8 1 - 5 ; disc. 1368 Fusing Practices on Distribution Systems. Parsons, Wallace Part 1 89-91; d i s c 467 Part II 598-600; disc. 1429 Gaps Under Simulated High-Altitude Conditions, Po­ tential Breakdown of Small. DeLemo 109-12; disc. 456 Gas-Filled Cable, Operation of Low Pressure. Hatcher. 788-92; d i s c 1399 Gas-Filled-Cable Research and Experience. Shanklin 549-53; disc. 1399 Gas Power Transformers, High-Voltage Compressed-. Hobart 690-2; disc. 1448 Gaseous-Discharge Lamps for Airplane Lighting Service. Beggs 760-2; disc. 1456 Gear Ratio and Its Effect on Traction Motors. W o o d s . . 65-8; disc. 433 Generating and Transmission Stations, Ring Busses for. Michelson, Galassini 665-9; disc 1372 Generator—Characteristics and Application to Induc­ tion-Heating Problems, Vacuum-Tube RadioFrequency. Kinn 1290-1303; d i s c 1500 Generator Control Relay for D-C Aircraft Electric Sys­ tems, Differential. Crever 589-93 Generators, Aids to Quality Control in die Manufacture of Aircraft. Potter 525-9; disc. 1358 Generators and Batteries for Aircraft, Basic Considera­ tions in die Selection of. Cobb, Winters 889-93; disc. 1494 Generators, Blast-Tube Cooling for Aircraft. V e i n o t t . . . 520-5; d i s c 1463 Generators, Design Considerations for D - C Aircraft. Miner 1234-40; disc. 1459 Transactions 1. Technical Subjects Generators for Diesel-Electric Switcher Locomotives, Design Features of. Atwell 4 1 - 5 ; disc. 433 Generators in Multienginc Aircraft, Paralleling and Regulation of 24-28-Volt D-C. Siegal, DeCburcey. 854-7 Generators, Testing Aircraft. Keneipp 105-09 Generators Witil Suddenly Applied Loads, Regulation of A-C. Harder, Cheek 310-18; disc. 490 Geometry of Arc Interruption—II, T h e . CurrentZero Phenomena. Bochne 375-87; disc. 447 Grand Coulee, An Analysis to Determine the Optimum Bussing Arrangements and Transmission Capabili­ ties. Hoard, Bills 1259-64; disc. 1478 Graphical Analysis of die^ Voltage and Current Wave Forms of Controlled Rectifier Circuits, A. Chin, Moyer 501-08 Ground Preference in Carrier-Current Relay Schemes, The Functions of. Leyland, Goldsborough 97-100; disc. 437 Gun Turrets for Aircraft, Electric. Thompson 799-802; disc. 1475 Gyroscopes, Damping Cylinders for Aircraft. Sias, Wright 979-85 Gyroscopes for Aircraft, Electrically Driven. Widierow, Hansen 204-08 Gyroscopic Instruments, Electrically Operated. Konet. 735^8 Gyrosyn Compass, The. Esval 857-60; disc. 1502 H Harmonics, Differential Leakage Widi Respect to the Fundamental Wave and to die. Liwschitz . 1 1 3 9 - 5 0 Haulage, Modern Electric Locomotives in Open-Pit Mine. Borland, Riley 5 2 - 8 ; disc. 433 Hearing-Aid Design, Fundamentals of. P e n n . . . . 744-9 Heat Pumps for Heating Homes, Possibilities of. Berry. 619-22; disc. 1433 Heated Clodiing, Electrically. Wotring 1304-13 Heating and Air Conditioning, Electrothermal Space. Kreuger 718-22; disc. 1434 Heating by Induction, Surface. Storm 749-55 Heating in Air or Conduit, Current Rating of Cables as Affected by Mutual. (IPCEA Committee R e ­ port) 354-65; disc. 424, 1352 Heating, Load-Calculation Procedure for Electric-Panel Space. Raber, Hutchinson 1085-91; disc. 1432 Heating of Nonmagnetic Electric Conductors by Mag­ netic Induction—Longitudinal Flux. B a k e r . . . . 273-8 Heating Problems, Vacuum-Tube Radio-Frequency Generator—Characteristics and Application to In­ duction-. Kinn 1290-1303; disc 1500 Heating—Selection of Frequency, Induction. Stansel.. 755-9; disc. 1436 High-Altitude Brush Problem. Ramadanoff, Glass.. . . 825-30; disc. 1489 High-Altitude Conditions, Potential Breakdown of Small Gaps Under Simulated. DeLerno . 109-12; disc. 456 High-Frequency Capacitor, A New. Allison, Beverly. . . 915-16; disc. 1464 High-Frequency Ignition Circuits, Analysis of. Robin­ son 916-19 High-Frequency Radio-Noise Elimination, Very. Owen 949-54 High Overcurrent Capacity, The Evolution of Standard Lines of Current Transformers for. Wentz 658-62; disc 1426 High-Speed Circuit Breakers, Protection of Large D - C Machines by Means of. Housley, Jensen 637-40; disc. 1428 High-Speed Reclosing Oil Circuit Breaker, Tests of 230-Kv. Schwager 784-8; disc. 1468 High-Voltage Compressed-Gas Power Transformers. Hobart 690-2; disc. 1448 Higher-Voltage D-C Aircraft Electric Systems. Berry, Dallas 843-9; disc. 1497 High-Voltage Oil Circuit Breakers for Rapid Reclosing Duty. Hill, Leeds 113-18; disc. 452 Historical Development of Electric Connectors. Neifing 925-8 History and Development of the Electronic Power Con­ verter. Alexanderson, Phillipi. .654-7; disc. 1413 Hoist Drive for Cranes, New Electric. Whiting. .59-64 Homes, Possibilities of Heat Pumps for Heating. Berry. 619-22; disc 1433 Horizons, Aircraft Electrical. Godsey, Berry, Holliday 821-4; disc 1503 Hot-Spot Temperatures in Dry-Type Transformer Windings. Stewart, Whitman 763-8; disc. 1445 Hydraulic Valves for Aircraft Applications, SolenoidOperated. Goepfrich 866-8 Ignition Circuits, Analysis of High-Frequency. Robin­ son 916-19 Ignition System for an 18-Cylinder Aircraft Engine, Design of an. Harkness 1321-7; disc. 1467 A I E E ANNUAL INDEXES Ignition Systems, Battery Booster Coils for AirplaneEngine. A l v i n o . . . 672-3; disc. 1381 Ignitrons for Electronic Power Converters, Pentode. Steiner, Zehner, Zuvers.. 693-7; disc. 1413 Impedance of 400-Cycle Three-Phase Power Circuits on 'Large Aircraft and Its Application to Fault-Current Calculations. Chappuis, Olmsted 1213-20; disc. 1496 Imprégnants in D-C Paper Capacitors, Characteristics of Chlorinated. Berberich, Fields, Marbury 1173-9; disc. 1437 Improved Electronic Control for Capacitor-Discharge Re­ sistance Welding, An. Bichsel, Hughes .*. .1.150-7; disc. 1384 Improved Selective Tripping of Low-Voltage Air Cir­ cuit Breakers. West 608-10; disc. 1431 Impulse and 60-Cycle Strength of Electrical Apparatus, Effect of Altitude on. Bellaschi, Evans 236-41; disc. 442 Impulse Strength of Insulated-Power-Cable Circuits. Halperin, Shanklin 1190-7; disc. 1386 Impulse Testing of Transformers, Progress in. Hagenguth 999-1005; disc. 1440 Indication, Magnesyn Remote. Childs , .679-82 Inductance When Iron Is Present, Some Aspects of. Rader, Litscher 133-9; disc. 431 Induction-Heating Problems, Vacuum-Tube RadioFrequency Generator—Characteristics and Appli­ cation to. K i n n . . , 1290-1303; disc. 1500 Induction Heating—Selection of Frequency. Stansel.. . 755-9; disc. 1436 Induction—Longitudinal Flux, Heating of Nonmag­ netic Conductors by Magnetic. Baker 273-8 Induction-Motor Design to Meet Fixed Specifications, Some Aspects of Electric-Motor Design—Poly­ phase. Lloyd 14-20; disc. 498 Induction Motors, Starting Windings for Single-Phase. Veinott 288-94; disc. 499 Induction Motors, The Asymmetrical Stator as a Mean· of Starting Single-Phase. Baum. . 245-50; disc. 496 Induction Motors to Aircraft, Some Aspects of the Ap­ plication of. Braun 769-72; disc. 1476 Induction Motors, Transient Performance of. Maginniss, Schultz 641-6; disc. 1458 Induction, Surface Heating by. Storm 749-55 Industrial-Control Coils, Insulation Temperature Stand­ ards for. Erikson 546-8; disc. 1408 Industrial Control—Shunted-Armature Connection for a D-C Shunt Motor. Leland, Rader 617-19; disc. 1410 Influence of Electricity on Aircraft Instrumentation. Savage 802-05; disc. 1501 Influence of Improved Magnetic Alloys on Design Trends of Electrical Instruments. Wilson, W h i t t e n t o n . . . . 100-04; disc. 461 Inherent Overheating Protection of D-C Aircraft Motors. Veinott 920-5 Inrush Currents and Influence on System Operation, Transformer Magnetizing. Blume, Camilli, Farnham, Peterson 366-75; disc. 423 Installation at Newport News, Capacitor. Parrack, Harder 1165-73; disc. 1378 Installations in British Aircraft, Electric-Wiring. Horn. 896-900 Instrument, A Unique Moving-Magnet Ratio. Sias, Fisk 634-6; disc. 1420 Instrument for the Measurement of Large Alternating Currents, An. Richter 38-40 Instrumentation, Influence of Electricity on Aircraft. Savage 802-05; disc. 1501 Instrumentation of 400-Cyclc Aircraft Electric Systems. Corson, Stimson, Soley 830-5; disc. 1501 (Instruments) A Multiplicd-Deflection A-C Potenti­ ometer. Marshall 77-80; disc. 460 (Instruments) A New Differential Analyzer. Kuchni, Peterson 221-8; disc. 429 Instruments, Aircraft-Engine Torque. Godsey, Langer. 686-90; disc. 1457 Instruments, Electrically Operated Gyroscopic. Konet 735-8 Instruments, Influence of Improved Magnetic Alloys on Design Trends of Electrical. Wilson, Whittenton.. . 100-04; disc. 461 (Instruments) Polarized-Light Servo Svstem. B e r r y . . . . 195-8; disc. 429 Instruments to Meet War Service, Design Considera­ tions in Aircraft. Savage, Whittenton 992-8; disc. 1419 Insulated-Power-Cable Circuits, Impulse Strength of. Halperin, Shanklin 1190-7; disc. 1386 Insulation, Effect of Altitude on Electric Breakdown and Flashover of Aircraft. Berberich, Moses, Stiles, Veinott 345-54; disc. 458 Insulation Temperature Standards for Industrial-Con­ trol Coils. Erikson 546-8; disc. 1408 Interlamination Resistance. Barton 670-2 Intermittent Load, Rating of Electric Equipment Under. Zucker 778-83; disc. 1381 Interruption for Aircraft, D-C Arc. Quill, Rader 883-8; disc. 1472 Interruption for Aircraft, Peak Voltages With D-C A r c Phillips, Mitchel 944-9 VOLUME 63, 1944 interruption—n, xnc vjcoiucury u» r u t . viunuji-«..wPhenomena. Boehne 375-87; disc 447 Inverter Action on Reversing of Thyratron Motor Con­ trol. Palmer, Leigh 175-84; disc 494 Inverters Supplying Large Single-Phase Loads, A Unit for Balancing the Voltages of Three-Phase Aircraft. Wimpie. 532-3; disc. 1358 Investigation of Lightning Currents and Preventive Lightning Protection on a Transmission System, An Eight-Year. Hansson, Waldorf 251-8; disc. 463, 1350 Investigation of the Relationship Between Temperature and Movement of Cables in Ducts, An. Nicholson, Brosnan 723-8; disc. 1388 Investigations, Aircraft - Electric - Accessory - Vibration. Miller 1283-90; disc. 1486 (IPCEA Committee Report) Current Rating of Cables as Affected by Mutual Heating in Air or Conduit.. . 354-65; disc. 424 Iron is Present, Some Aspects of Inductance When. Rader, Litscher 133-9; disc 431 Conductors by Magnetic Induction—. B a k e r . . . 273-8 Los Angeles, New 138-Kv Cable Lines in. M a n s f i e l d . . . 1240-9; disc. 1479 Low-Pressure Gas-Filled Cable, Operation of. Hatcher. 788-92; disc. 1399 Low-Voltage Air Circuit Breakers, Improved Selective Tripping of. West 608-10; disc. 1431 Low-Voltage Aircraft Cable, Requirements for. Hedges. 808-10; d i s c 1473 Low-Voltage A-C and D-C Starters by Means of Fuses and Circuit Breakers, T h e Degree of Short-Circuit Protection Afforded Small. Jones 611-12; disc. 1408 Low-Voltage-Welding Power Distribution, The Design of. Adams, Fetcher, Johnson. .1180-90; disc. 1382 Lumped R-C Cable Circuits as Used in the Study of Transient Heat Flow, T h e Accuracy of Measure­ ments in. Paschkis, Heisler 165-71 ; d i s c 426 K M Kilovar Supply on the Design of Systems for Load Growth, The Effect of. Schroeder, Butler, Meyers.. 69-77; disc. 492 Machinery, The Nature of Vibration in Electric Graybeal 712-18; disc. 1458 Machinery, Vibration Protection for Rotating. Webb, Murray 534-7; disc. 1355 Machines as Affected by Voltage-Regulator Character­ istics, Steady-State Stability of Synchronous. Con« cordia 215-20; disc. 489 Machines by Means of High-Speed Circuit Breakers, Protection of Large D-C. Housley, Jensen 637-40; disc. 1428 Machines, Lightning Protection for Rotating. McCann, Beck, Rnzi 319-33; disc. 488 Magnesyn Remote Indication. Childs 679-82 Magnet Ratio Instrument, A Unique Moving-. Sias, Fisk 634-6; disc. 1420* Magnetic Alloys on Design Trends of Electrical Instru­ ments, Influence of Improved. Wilson, Whittenton 100-04; disc. 461 Magnetic Clutch and Its Associated Brake Used on Air­ craft Electric Motors, O n e Type of Rotary. An­ drews, Shanely 893-5; disc. 1477 Magnetic Compass, Electric Circuits and the. Butt, Beck 24-6 Magnetic Field Strength of Round Coils of Small Cross Section, The Computation of. Dwight, P e t e r s . . . . 684-5 Magnetic Induction—Longitudinal Flux, Heating of Nonmagnetic Electric Conductors by. Baker 273-8 Magnetic-Type Air Circuit Breaker for 15,000-Volt Services, A. Linde, Wyman 140-4; disc. 453 Magnetizing Inrush Currents and Influence on System Operation, Transformer. Blume, Camilli, Farnham, Peterson 366-75; d i s c 423 Maintenance, Airline Aircraft Electric-Equipment. Petrasek 900-05 Manufacture of Aircraft Generators, Aids to Quality Control in die. Potter 525-9; disc. 1358 (Marine Transportation) Fault Protection on Shipboard A-C Power-Distribution Systems. Rickover, R o s s . . 1109-20; disc. 1429 (Marine Transportation) Modern Cargo-Winch Control for Use on Victory Ships. H o l t . . . 623-8; disc. 1411 Measured Electrical Constants of 270-Mile 154-Kv Transmission Line. Streifus, Roadhouse, G o w . . . . 538-42; disc. 1351 Measurement of Large Alternating Currents, An In­ strument for the. Richter 38-40 Measurement of Lightning Currents in Direct Strokes, The. McCann 1157-64; disc. 1370 (Measurements) Crossed-Coil Power-Factor Meters. Millar 294-301; disc. 460 Measurements in Lumped R-C Cable Circuits as Used in the Study of Transient Heat Flow, The Accuracy of. Paschkis, Heisler 165-71 ; d i s c 426 Measuring Dielectric Properties at Ultrahigh Fre­ quencies, A Resonant-Cavity Metfiod for. Works, Dakin, Boggs 1092-8; disc. 1452 Mechanism for Outdoor Oil Circuit Breakers, A Pneu­ matic. Linde, Rietz 543-6; disc. 1428 Men, Study of Artificial Respiration on Anesthetized Men. Kouwenhoven, Hooker, York. . 1 - 2 ; due. 446 Metals by Electromagnetic Forces, Treatment and Cast­ ing of. Hoke 986-92 Meters, Crossed-Coil Power-Factor. Millar 294-301; d i s c 460 Metiiod for D-C Machines, A Design. Beers, K a r r . . . . 172-5; d i s c 497 Metiiod of Approach to die Consideration of Power-Dis­ tribution-System Costs, A. Falls 1078-84; disc. 1377 Method of Estimating Telephone-Influence Factor of Power Systems With Rectifier Load, A Short-Cut. Frick 91-6 MHO-Carrier Relaying Scheme, The. Cordray, Warrington 228-35; d i s c 434 Military Aircraft, Radio-Noise Elimination in Wein­ stein, Howell, Lowe, Winter 793-5; d i s c 1466 Ladder Networks, Formulas for die Four-Terminal Net­ work Parameters of Uniform. LePage 604-08 Lamps for Airplane Lighting Service, Gaseous-Discharge. Beggs 760-2; disc. 1456 Leakage With Respect to the Fundamental Wave and to the Harmonics, Differential. Liwschitz . . 1 1 3 9 - 5 0 Life and Performance Under Various Altitude Condi­ tions, The Testing of Brushes for. Herman 929-33; disc. 1491 Life, Cyclic Movement of Cable—Its Causes and Effect on Cable-Sheath. Schifreen.. 1121-30; disc. 1388 Light Servo System, Polarized-. Berry. .195-8; disc. 429 Light Sources, Recent Developments in. Millar 1505-17 Lighting, Airplane Engine and Propeller Test-Cell. Tuck 1264-70; disc 1493 Lighting Required for Commercial-Airline Aircraft. Petrasek 593-8; disc 1456 Lighting Service, Gaseous-Discharge Lamps for Airplane. Beggs r 760-2; disc. 1456 Lighting, The Scientific Basis for the New British System of Cockpit. Calvert 869-70 Lightning Currents and Preventive Lightning Protection on a Transmission System, An Eight-Year Investiga­ tion of. Hansson, Waldorf.... 251-8; disc. 463,1350 Lightning Currents in Direct Strokes, The Measurement of. McCann 1157-64; disc 1370 Lightning Protection for Rotating Machines. McCann, Beck, Finzi 319-33; disc 488 Lights, The Development of'Aircraft Position. V i t o l . . . 796-8; disc 1493 Lightweight Motors for Aircraft, Dimensional Studies of. Morrill 698-701 Limiting Power Fuse, A New Three-Element Current-. Rawlins, Fahnoe 156-9; disc. 451 Line-Carrier System, A Versatile Power-. Lensner, Single 129-33; disc 437 Line Electric Loadings, Transmission-. Crary 1198-1204; disc. 1373 Lines Between Systems, Reclosing of Single Tie. Parker, Travers 119-22; disc 470 Lines in Los Angeles, New 138-Kv Cable. Mansfield... 1240-9; disc. 1479 Literature 1940-1943, Bibliography of Relay 705-09 Load-Calculation Procedure for Electric-Panel Space Heating. Raber, Hutchinson. . .1085-9; disc. 1432 Load Curves, The Summation of. Hamilton 729-35; disc. 1361 Load Growth, The Effect of Kilovar Supply on the De­ sign of Systems for. Schroeder, Butler, Meyers. . . . 69-77; disc. 492 Load, Rating of Electric Equipment Under Intermit­ tent. Zucker 778-83; disc. 1381 Load, The Effect of Weadier on the System. Dryar. . . . 1006-13; disc. 1364 Loading of Three-Phase Three-Winding Transformer Banks, Asymmetrical. Denissov.. . .27-9; disc 444 Loadings, Transmission-Line Electric. Crary 1198-1204; disc 1373 Loads, A Unit for Balancing die Voltages of ThreePhase Aircraft Inverters Supplying Large SinglePhase. Wimpie 532-3; disc 1358 Loads, Regulation of A-C Generators With Suddenly Applied. Harder, Cheek 310-18; owe. 490 Locomotive Application by Means of Nomographic Charts, Diesel-Electric Switching-. Millan, Perkinson 45-7 Locomotives, Design Features of Generators for DieselElectric Switcher. Atwell 41-5; disc. 433 Locomotives in Open-Pit Mine Haulage, Modern Elec­ tric Borland, Riley 52-8; disc 433 Transactions 7. Technical Subjects 15 M i n e Haulage, Modern Electric Locomotives in OpenPit. Borland, Riley 52-8; disc 433 Mines, Electrification of Large Open-Pit Copper. Birch 30-«; disc 433 Modern Cargo-Winch Control for Use on Victory Ships. Holt 623-8; disc 1411 Modern Electric Locomotives in Open-Pit Mine Haul­ a g e Borland, Riley 52-8; disc 433 Modern Motive Power for the Sorocabana Railway. Chapman, Kjobcth 558-62 Motor Control, Inverter Action on Reversing of Thyra­ tron. Palmer, Leigh 175-84; disc 494 Motor Design—Polyphasc-Induction-Motor Design to Meet Fixed Specifications, Some Aspects of Elec­ tric-. Lloyd . 14-20; disc 498 Motor, Industrial Control—Shunted-Armature Con­ nection for a D-C Shunt. Leland, Radsr 617-19; disc. 1410 Motors, Behavior Factors of Rectifier-Driven D-C. Siegfried 530-3; disc 1357 Motors, Design Considerations of 400-Cycle Aircraft. Sawyer 877-9; disc 1464 Motors, Design of Starting Windings for Split-Phase. Lloyd, Karr 9-13 Motors for Aircraft, Dimensional Studies of Lightweight. MorrUl 698-701 Motors, Gear Ratio and I ts Effect on Traction. Woods.. 65-8; disc 433 Motors, Inherent Overheating Protection of D-C Air­ craft. Veinott 920-5 Motors, O n e Type of Rotary Magnetic Clutch and Its Associated Brake Used on Aircraft Electric An­ drews, Shandy 893-5; disc 1477 Motors, Problems in Applying Protectors to Electric Aircraft. Buell 1250-8 Motors, Requirements for Aircraft Electric. Siefkin... 810-13 Motors, Starting Windings for Single-Phase Induction. Veinott 288-94; disc 499 Motors, The Asymmetrical Stator as a Means of Starting Single-Phase Induction. Baum. .245-50; disc 496 Motors to Aircraft, Some Aspects of die Application of Induction. Braun 769-72; disc 1476 Motors, Transient Performance of Induction. Maginniss, Schultz . . .641-6; disc 1458 Movement of Cable—Its Causes and Effects on CableSheath Life, Cyclic Schifreen.. 1121-30; disc 1388 Movement of Cables in Ducts, An Investigation of the Relationship Between Temperature and. Nichol­ son, Brosnan 723-8; disc 1388 Moving-Magnet Ratio Instrument, A U n i q u e Sias, Fisk 634-6; disc 1420 Muitiengine Aircraft, Paralleling and Regulation of 24-28-Voit D-C Generators in. Siegal, DeCourcey. -, 854-7 Multigrounded Neutrals, .Calculation of Unbalanced Voltage Drops in Distribution Circuits Widx Par­ ticular Reference to. Bullard, Lowe, Wahlquist.. 145-8 Multiplicd-Dcflccdon A-C Potentiometer, A. Marshall. 77-80; disc 460 N Nature of Vibration in Electric Machinery, The. Graybeal 712-18; disc 1458 Network Parameters of Uniform Ladder Networks, Formulas for the Four-Terminal. L e P a g e . . 604-08 Neutrals, Calculation of Unbalanced Voltage Drops in Distribution Circuits With Particular Reference to Multigrounded. Bullard, Lowe, Wahlquist. .145-8 N e w High-Frequency Capacitor, A. Allison, Beverly.. 915-16; disc 1464 N e w 138-K.v Cable Lines in Los Angeles. Mansfield... 1240-9; disc. 1479 New Test Chambers for Aircraft Electric Apparatus With Particular Reference to Carbon Brushes. Summers, Settle 1205-12; disc 1491 Newport News, Capacitor Installation at. Parrack, Harder 1165-73; disc. 1378 Noise Elimination in Military Aircraft, Radio-. Wein­ stein, Howell, Lowe, Winter 793-5; disc 1466 Noise Elimination, Very High-Frequency Radio». Owen 949-54 Nomographic Charts, Diesel-Electric Switcbing-Locomotive Application by Means of. MUlan, Perlonson 45-7 Nonmagnetic Electric Conductors by Magnetic Induc­ tion—Longitudinal Flux, Heating of. Baker.. 273-8 O Officers and Committees—1944-45 1532-7 ÇW Circuit Breaker, Tests of 230-K.v High-Speed Reclosing. Schwager 784-8; disc 1468 O i l Circuit Breakers, A Pneumatic Mechanism for Out­ door. Linde, Riete 543-6; disc 1428 O i l Circuit Breakers for Rapid Redosing Duty, HighVoltage. Hill, Leeds 113-18; disc 452 100 Y e a n , American Telegraph After. d'Humy, Howe. 1014-32; d i s c 1386 16 138-Kv Cable Lines i n Loe Angeles, N e w . Mans­ field. 1240-9; cBsc 1479 120-Volt D-C Aircraft Electric System, A. C o b b 1327-34; «fisc 1495 One Type of Rotary Magnetic Clutch and Its Associated Brake Used on Aircraft Electric Motors. Andrews, Shanely 893-5; d i s c 1477 Open-Pit Copper Mines, Electrification of Large. Birch .30-8; d i s c 433 Open-Pit Mine Haulage, Modern Electric Locomotives in. Borland, Riley 5 2 - 8 ; d i s c 433 Operated Control Valves, Solenoid-. Eckel, Wisegarver 911-14 Operated Gyroscopic Instruments, Electrically. K o n e t 735-8 Operated Hydraulic Valves for Aircraft Applications, Solenoid-. Goepfrich 866-8 Operating Characteristics of Modern Dry-Type AirCooled Transformers, Design and. Satterlee 701-04; d i s c 1445 Operation, Economics of Trolley-Coach. Woods 578-81; d i s c 1451 Operation of Low-Pressure Gas-Filled Cable. Hatcher. 788-92; d i s c 1399 Operation of Rectifiers Under Unbalanced Conditions. Christensen, Morack 628-31 Optimum Bussing Arrangements and Transmission Capabilities at Grand Coulee, An Analysis to Deter­ mine the. Hoard, Bills 1259-64; disc. 1478 Outdoor Oil Circuit Breakers, A Pneumatic Mecha­ nism for. Linde, Riete 543-6; disc. 1428 Output and Application Charts, Current-Transformer Koller 573-7; disc. 1422 Overcurrent Capacity, The Evolution of Standard Lines of Current Transformers for High. Wentz 658-62; disc. 1426 Overhead Power-Transmission Systems, Costs Study of 69-to345-Kv. Holm 406-22 Overheating Protection of D-C Aircraft Motors, In­ herent. Veinott 920-5 Overload Conditions, Thermal Protection of Transform­ ers Under. Montsinger, Camilli. .160-4; disc. 444 Overloading of Transformers—Cases Not Covered by the General Rules. Sealey, Hodtum 149-53; d i s c 443 Oxide Rectifier in Electrochemical Work, The Copper-. Smith 739-44; disc. 1438 Panel Space Heating, Load-Calculatien Procedure for Electric-. Raber, Hutchinson.. 1085-91 ; disc. 1432 Paper Capacitors, Characteristics of Chlorinated Im­ prégnants in D - C Berberich, Fields, M a r b u r y . . . 1173-9; d i s c 1437 Paralleling and Regulation of 24-28-Volt D-C Genera­ tors in Muitiengine Aircraft. Siegal, DeCourcey.. 854-7 Parameters of Uniform Ladder Networks, Formulas for the Four-Terminal Network. LePage 604-08 Peak Voltages With D-C Arc Interruption for Aircraft. Phillipe, Mitchel 944-9 Pentode Ignitions for Electronic Power Converters. Steiner, Zehner, Zuvers.. 693-7; disc. 1413 Performance of Induction Motors, Transient. Maginniss, Schultz 641-6; d i s c 1458 Phase-Angle Discrimination, A Distance Relay With Ad­ justable. Goldsborough 835-8; disc. 1471 Phenomena, Current-Zero. The Geometry of Arc Inter­ ruption—II. Boehne 375-87; disc. 447 Phenomena on Aircraft Structures, Electric-Circuit Burning-Clear and Damage. Foust, Hutton 198-204; d i s c 457 Pilots, Electrical Control in Automatic Young, Lynch, Boynton 939-43; d i s c 1500 Pilots for Aircraft, Electric Automatic Halpert, Esval 861-6; d i s c 1501 Pipe-Line Projects, Electric Equipment for the W a r Emergency. Thomas, Taylor, Wolfe 396-405 Pipe Lines, The Capacitor—an Aid to Electric-Power Service for. Hyde, Marbury 387-95; disc. 476 Plant Requirements, Auxiliary-Power-. O ' N e i l . . . 6 8 2 - 4 Plastics in Aircraft Electricity. Cooper 1220-6 Pneumatic Mechanism for Outdoor Oil Circuit Breakers, A. Linde, Riete 543-6; d i s c 1428 Polarized-Light Servo System. Berry. .195-è; d i s c 429 Polyphasc-Induction-Motor Design to Meet Fixed Specifications, Some Aspects of Electric-Motor D e ­ sign—. Lloyd 14-20; d i s c 498 Position Lights, The Development of Aircraft. V i t o l . . . 796-8; d i s c 1493 Possibilities of Heat Pumps for Heating Homes. Berry.. 619-22; d i s c 1433 Potential Breakdown of Small Gaps Under Simulated High-Altitude Conditions. DeLerno 109-12; d i s c 456 Potentiometer, A Mwtiphed-Denection A - C Marshall. 77-80; d i s c 460 (Power Applications, Industrial) A New -Electric Hoist Drive for Cranes. Whiting 59-64 Transactions 7. Technical Subjects (Power Applications, Industrial) Automatic Control and Switching Equipment for Capacitor Banks and Its Application. Schroeder, Bloomquist 649-54; disc. 1440 (Power Applications, Industrial) Design of an Electronic Frequency Changer. Willis, Kuenning, Christen­ sen, Bedford 1070-8; disc 1413 (Power Applications, Industrial) Electric Equipment for the War Emergency Pipe-Line Projects. Thomas, Taylor, Wolfe 396-405 (Power Applications, Industrial) Extending the Use of Shunt Capacitors by Means of Automatic Switch­ ing. Cuttino 674-8; disc 1439 (Power Applications, Industrial) Heating of Nonmag­ netic Electric Conductors by Magnetic Induction— Longitudinal Flux. Baker 273-8 (Power Applications, Industrial) Inverter Action on Reversing of Thyratron Motor Control. Palmer, Leigh 175-84; disc 494 (Power Applications, Industrial) Supervisory Control for the World's Most Modern Steel Mill. Garrett, Reagan 259-64 (Power Applications, Industrial) Switchgear and Con­ trol for an Electronic Power Converter. Gittings, Bateman 585-8; disc 1413 (Power Applications, Industrial) T h e Electronic Con­ verter for Exchange of Power. Cramer, Morton, Darling 1059-69; disc 1413 Power-Cable Circuits, Impulse Strength of Insulated-. Hatpin, Shanklin .*. .1190-7; disc 1386 Power Circuits on Large Aircraft and Its Application to Fault-Current Calculations, Impedance of 400Cycle Three-Phase. Chappuis, Olmsted 1213-20; disc 1496 Power Converter, History and Development of the Elec­ tronic Alexanderson, Phillipi.. .654-7; disc 1413 Power Converters, Pentode Ignitions for Electronic. Steiner, Zehner, Zuvers 693-7; disc. 1413 Power-Distribution-System Costs, A Method of Approach to the Consideration of. Falls.. 1078-84; disc 1377 Power-Distribution Systems, Fault Protection on Ship­ board A-C. Rickover, Ross. „. 1109-20; disc 1429 Power Distribution, The Design of Low-Voltasje-Welding. Adams, Fetcher, Johnson . 1 1 8 0 - 9 0 ; disc. 1382 Power-Factor Meters, Crossed-CoiL M i l l a r . . . . . . . . . . 294-301; disc 460 Power for the Sorocabana Railway, Modern Motive. Chapman, Kjobcth 558-62 Power Fuse, A New Three-Element Current-Limiting Rawlins, Fahnoe .156-9; disc 451 (Power Generation) Condi rions Controlling die Eco­ nomic Selection of Prime Movers. Skrotzki 1099-1108; disc. 1360 (Power Generation) Lightning Protection for Rotating Machines. McCann, Beck, Finzi. 319-33 ; disc. 488 (Power Generation) Prevention of Rotor-Winding De­ formation on Turbogenerators. Noest 514-19; disc 1353 (Power Generation) Reclosing of Single Tie Lines Be­ tween Systems. Parker, Travers.. 119-22; disc. 470 (Power Generation) Regulation of A-C Generators Witii Suddenly Applied Loads. Harder, Cheek .310-18; disc 490 (Power Generation) Ring Busses for Generating and Transmission Stations. Michelson, Galassini 665-9; d i s c 1372 (Power Generation) Steady-State Stability of Synchro­ nous Machines as Affected by Voltage-Regulator Characteristics. Concordia 215-20; d i s c 489 (Power Generation) The Effect of Weather on the System Load. Dryar 1006-13; disc. 1364 (Power Generation) The Summation of Load Curves. Hamilton 729-35; disc 1361 (Power Generation) Vibration Protection for Routing Machinery. Webb, Murray 534-7; d i s c 1355 Power-Line-Carrier System, A Versatile. Lensner, Singel 129-33; disc 437 Power-Plant Requirements, Auxiliary. 0 ° N e i l . . 6 8 2 - 4 Power Service for Pipe Lines, The Capacitor—an Aid to Electric-. Hyde, Marbury 387-95; d i s c 476 Power Supply, Alternating Versus Direct Current for Aircraft-Radio. Fritz, Hooper.. 1227-33 ; d i s c 1466 Power-Supply Developments on British Aircraft, Brief Survey of. Carter 806-07; d i s c 1503 Power-System Applications, A New Frequency Relay for. Carlin, Blackburn 553-7; d i s c 1421 Power Systems Wim Rectifier Load, A Short-Cut Method of Estimating Telephone-Influence Factor of. Frick 91-6 Power, T h e Electronic Converter for Exchange of. Cramer, Morton, Darling 1059-69; disc. 1413 Power Transformers, High-Voltage Compressed-Gas. Hobart 690-2; d i s c 1448 Power-Transmission Systems, Costs Study of 69- to 345Kv Overhead. Holm 406-22 Practices on Distribution System, Fusing. Parsons, Wallace Parti.. 89-91; disc. 467 Part II 598-600; d i s c 1429 Present D - C Aircraft Electric-Supply Systems. Ander­ son, Crary, Schulte 265-72; disc 484 Pressure Gas-Filled Cable, Operation of Low-. Hatcher. 788-92; d i s c 1399 AIEE ANNUAL INDEXES Prevention of Rotor-Winding Deformation o n T u r b o ­ generators. Nbest 514-19; d i s c 1353 Preventive Lightning Protection on a Transmission Sys­ tem, A n Eight-Year Investigation of l i g h t n i n g Cur­ rents a n d . Hansson, Waldorf. .251-8; disc. 463,1350 Prime Movers, Conditions Controlling tile Economic Selection of. Skroteki 1099-1108; disc. 1360 Principles as Applied to D - C Aircraft Systems, ElectricCircuit Fault-Protective. Kaufmann -. 333-44; disc. 482 Problem, High-Altitude Brush. Ramadanoff, Glass 825-30; disc. 1489 Problems in Applying Protectors to Electric Aircraft Motors. Buell .1250-8 Progress in Impulse Testing of Transformers. Hagenguth 999-1005; disc. 1440 Propeller Test-Cell Lighting, Airplane Engine and. Tuck 1264-70; disc. 1493 Properties at Ultrahigh Frequencies, A Resonant-Cavity Method for Measuring Dielectric. Works, Dakin, Boggs 1092-8; disc. 1452 Protection Afforded Small Low-Voltage A-C a n d D-C Starters by Means of Fuses and Circuit Breakers, T h e Degree of Short-Circuit. Jones.. 611-12; disc. 1408 Protection for Rotating Machinery, Vibration. Webb, Murray . . 5 3 4 - 7 ; disc. 1355 Protection for Rotating Machines, Lightning. McCann, Beck, F i n â 319-33; disc. 488 Protection of D-C Aircraft Motors, Inherent Overheat­ ing. Veinott 920-5 Protection of Large D-C Machines by Means of HighSpeed Circuit Breakers. Houslcy, Jensen 637-40; disc. 1428 Protection of Transformers Under Overload Conditions, T h e r m a l . Montsinger, Camilli.. .160-4; disc. 444 Protection on a Transmission System, An Eight-Year Investigation of Lightning Currents and Preventive Lightning. Hansson, Waldorf. 251-8; disc. 463,1350 Protection on Shipboard A-C Power-Distribution SysFault. Rickover, Ross 1109-20; disc. 1429 (Protective Devices) A Distance Relay With Adjustable Phase-Angle Discrimination. Goldsborough 835-8; disc. 1471 (Protective Devices) A 500,000-Kva 7.5 K v Air Circuit Breaker for Steel-Mill Service. Dickinson 242-5; disc. 450 (Protective Devices) A Magnetic-Type Air-Circuit Breaker for 15,000-Volt Services. Linde, W y m a n . . 140-4; disc. 453 (Protective Devices) A New Carrier Relaying System. H a l m a n , Goldsborough, Lensner, D r o m p p . 568-72; disc. 1423 (Protective Devices) A New Frequency Relay for PowerSystem Applications. Carlin, Blackburn 553-7; disc. 1421 (Protective Devices) A New Three-Element CurrentLimiting Power Fuse. Rawlins, Fahnoe 156-9; disc. 451 (Protective Devices) A Pneumatic Mechanism for Out­ door Oil Circuit Breakers. Linde, Rietz 543-6; disc. 1428 (Protective Devices) Current-Transformer O u t p u t and Application Charts. Koller 573-7; disc. 1422 (Protective Devices) Field Determination of CurrentTransformer Errors by the Secondary Voltage Method. Goodale, H o l b e c k . . . . 8 7 9 - 8 2 ; disc. 1468 (Protective Devices) Functions of Ground Preference in Carrier-Current Relay Schemes, T h e . Leyland, Goldsborough 97-100; disc. 437 (Protective Devices) Fusing Practices on Distribution Systems. Parsons, Wallace. Part 1 8 9 - 9 1 ; d i s c 470 Part I I 598-600; disc. 1429 (Protective Devices) High-Voltage Oil Circuit Breakers for R a p i d Reclosing Duty. Hill, Leeds 113-18; d i s c 452 (Protective Devices) Improved Selective Tripping of Low-Voltage Air Circuit Breakers. West 608-10; disc. 1431 (Protective Devices) System Voltages and Fault Currents Determined Easily on D-C Board. Asbury 184-8; disc 439 (Protective Devices) Tests o n 230-Kv High-Speed Reclosing Oil Circuit Breaker. Schwager 784-8; disc 1468 (Protective Devices) T h e Evolution of Standard Lines of C u r r e n t Transformers for High Overcurrent Ca­ pacity. Wentz 658-62; disc. 1426 (Protective Devices) T h e Geometry of Arc Interruption— II. Current-Zero Phenomena. Boehne »75-87; disc. 447 (Protective Devices) T h e MHO-Carrier Relaying Scheme. Cordray, Warrington. .228-35; disc. 434 (Protective Devices) Transmission and Relaying Prob­ lems on the Fort Peck Project. Floor, Müller, " Goldsborough 209-14; disc. 466 Protective Principles as Applied to D-C Aircraft Systems, Electric-Circuit Fault-, Kaufmann 333-44; disc. 482 Protectors to Electric Aircraft Motors, Problems in Applying. Buell 1250-8 Pumps for Heating Homes, Possibilities of Heat. Berry. 619-22; disc. 1433 VOLUME 63, 1944 Quality Control in tile Manufacture of Aircraft Genera­ tors, Aids to. Potter 525-9; disc. 1358 R Radio-Frequency Generator—Characteristics and A p ' plication to Induction-Heating Problems, VacuumTube. K i n n . . . 1290-1303; disc. 1500 Radio-Noise Elimination in Military Aircraft. Wein­ stein, Howeli, Lowe, Winter 7 9 3 - 5 ; disc. 1466. Radio-Noise Elimination, Very High-Frequency. Owen 949-54 Radio Power Supply, Alternating Versus Direct Current for Aircraft-. Fritz, Hooper 1227-33; disc 1466 Radiotelegraph Communications, Developments in the Field of Cable and. Pratt, Roosevelt 1044-7; disc. 1386 Railway, Modern Motive Power for the Sorocabana. Chapman, Kjolsedi 558-62 R a p i d Reclosing Duty, High-Voltage Oil Circuit Breakers for. Hill, Leeds 113-18; disc 452 Rating of Cables as Affected by M u t u a l Heating in Air or Conduit, Current. (IPCEA Committee Report). 354-65; d i s c 424,1352 Rating of Electric Apparatus, Altitude. L e b e n b a u m . . . 955-60; disc 1485 Rating of Electric Equipment Under Intermittent Load. Zucker 778-83; disc. 1381 Ratio and Its Effect on Traction Motors, Gear. W o o d s . . 6 5 - 8 ; disc 433 Ratio Instrument, A Unique Moving-Magnet. Sias, Fisk 634-6; disc. 1420 Recent Advances in Aircraft Tachometer Design. Ballard, H a l l . . . .* 646-8; disc. 1421 Recent Developments in Light Sources. Millar. . . . 1505-17 Reclosing Dutv, High-Voltage Oil Circuit Breakers for Rapid. Hill, Leeds 113-18; d i s c 452 Reclosing of Single Tie Lines Between Systems. Parker, Travers 119-22; disc. 470 Reclosing Oil Circuit Breaker, Tests of 230-Kv HighSpeed. Schwager 784-8; disc. 1468 Rectifier-Circuit Duty. Hersltind 123-8 Rectifier Circuits, A Graphical Analysis of the Voltage a n d Current Wave Forms of Controlled. Chin, Moycr 501-08 Rectifier Circuits, Analysis of. Christensen, Willis, Herskind 1048-58 Rectifier, Development of Excitron-Type. W i n o g r a d . . . 969-78; disc. 1454 Rectifier-Driven D-C Motors, Behavior Factors of. Siegfried 530-3; disc. 1357 Rectifier, Electronically Controlled Dry-Disk. Rosenstein, Bamett 2 1 - 3 ; d i s c 474 Rectifier in Electrochemical Work, T h e Copper-Oxide. Smith 739-^4; disc 1438 Rectifier Load, A Short-Cut Method of Estimating Tele­ phone Influence Factor of Power Systems With. Frick 91-6 Rectifiers U n d e r Unbalanced Conditions, Operation of. Christensen, Morack 628-31 Regulation of A-C Generators With Suddenly Applied Loads. Harder, Cheek 310-18; d i s c 490 Regulation of 24-28-Volt D-C Generators in Multiengine Aircraft, Paralleling a n d . Siegal, DeCourcey 854-7 Regulator Characteristics, Steady-State Stability of Syn­ chronous Machines as Affected by Voltage-. Concordia ». 215-20; disc. 489 Regulator for Arc Furnaces, Electronic Reilly, Valen­ tine 601-04 Regulators for Aircraft, Carbon-Pile Voltage. N e i l d . . . J139-43; disc. 1460 Relay for D-C Aircraft Electric Systems, Differential Generator Control. Crever 589-93 Relay for Power-System Applications, A New Frequency. Carlin, Blackburn 553-7; disc 1421 Relay Literature 1940-1943, Bibliography of 705-09 Relay Schemes, T h e Functions of Ground Preference in Carrier-Current. Leyland, Goldsborough 97-100; disc 437 Relay W i m Adjustable Phase-Angle Discrimination, A Distance. Goldsborough 835-8; disc. 1471 Relaying Problems on the Fort Peck Project, Transmis­ sion and. Floor, Müller, Goldsborough 209-14; disc. 466 Relaying Scheme, T h e MHO-Carrier. Cordray, War­ rington 228-35; d i s c 434 Relaying System, A New Carrier. Halman, Golds­ borough, Lensner, Drompp 568-72; disc 1423 Remote Indication, Magnesyn. Childs 679-82 Report of the Board of Directors 1518-31 Requirements for Aircraft Electric Motors. Siefkin.. . 810-13 Requirements for Low-Voltage Aircraft Cable. Hedges. 808-10; disc 1473 Research and Experience, Gas-Filled-Cable. Shanklin * 549-53; disc 1399 Resistance, Interlamination. Barton 670-2 Transactions 1. Technical Subjects Resistance Welding, A n Improved Electronic C o n t r o l for Capacitor-Discharge. BichseL Hughes USO-7; d i s c 1384 Resonant-Cavity Method for Measuring Dielectric Properties a t Ultrahigh Frequencies, A . Works, Dakin, Boggs 1092-8; d i s c 1452 Respiration on Anesthetized M e n , Study of ArtificiaL Kouwenhoven, Hooker, York 1-2; disc, 446 Reversing of T h y r a t r o n M o t o r Control, Inverter Action on. P a l m e r , L e i g h 175-84; d i s c 494 Ring Busses for Generating a n d Transmission Stations. Michelson, Galassini 665-9; d i s c 1372 R o t a r y Magnetic Clutch a n d Its Associated Brake Used on Aircraft Electric Motors, O n e T y p e of. A n ­ drews, S h a n d y 8 9 3 - 5 ; disc. 1477 Rotating Machinery, Vibration Protection for. W e b b , Murray 534-7; d i s c . 1355 Rotating Machines, Lighting Protection for. M c C a n n , Beck, F m z i . 319-33; disc. 488 Rotor-Winding Deformation o n Turbogenerators, P r e ­ vention of. Noest 514-19; d i s c 1353 Scientific Basis for the New British System of Cockpit Lighting, T h e Calvert 869-70 Secondary-Voltage Method, Field Determination of C u r ­ rent-Transformer Errors by the. Goodale, H o l ­ beck 879-82; d i s c 1468 Selection of Generators a n d Batteries for Aircraft, Basic Considerations in the. C o b b , Winters 889-93; disc 1494 Selection of Prime Movers, Conditions Controlling the Economic. Skrotzki 1099-1108; d i s c 1360 Servo System, Polarized-Light. Berry. . 1 9 5 - 8 ; d i s c 429 Servomechanism Design, Considerations in. H e r w a l d . . B71-« Sheath Life, Cyclic Movement of Cable—Its Causes and Effects on Cable-. S c h i f r e e n . . . 1121-30; disc. 1388 Shipboard A-C Power-Distribution Systems, Fault P r o ­ tection on. Rickover, Ross. . . . 1109-20; disc. 1429 Ships, Modern Cargo-Winch Control for Use on V i c t o r y . Holt 623-8; d i s c 1411 Short-Circuit Forces Between Channels Located Back to Back, Formulas for Calculating. Higgins. .710-12 Short-Circuit Tests on Aircraft Cable, A-C a n d D - C . Cunningham, Davidson 961-9; d i s c 1359 Short-Cut Method of Estimating Telephone-Influence Factor of Power Systems W i t h Rectifier Load, A . Frick 91-6 Shunt Capacitors by Means of Automatic Switching, E x ­ tending the Use of. Cuttino 6 7 4 - 8 ; d i s c 1439 Shunted-Armature Connection for a D - C Shunt M o t o r , Industrial Control—. Leland, R a d e r 617-19; d i s c 1410 Signal Systems, Aircraft. R u g g e 3 - 5 ; d i s c 455 Single-Phase Induction Motors, Starting Windings for. Veinott 288-94; disc. 499 Single-Phase Induction M o t o r s , T h e Asymmetrical Stator as a Means of Starting. B a u m . . . 245-50; d i s c 496 Single-Phase Loads, A Unit for Balancing the Voltages of Three-Phase Aircraft Inverters Supplying L a r g e . Wimpie 532-3; d i s c 1358 Single Tie Lines Between Systems, Reclosing of. P a r k e r , Travers 119-22; d i s c 470 60-Cycle Strength of Electrical Apparatus, Effect o f Altitude on Impulse a n d . Bellaschi, Evans . .. ^ 236-41; disc 442 Solderless Terminals. Wells, Balsbaugh 933-8; d i s c 1484 Solenoid-Operated Control Valves. Eckel, Wisegarver 911-14 Solenoid-Operated Hydraulic Valves for Aircraft A p ­ plications. Goepfrich 866-8 Some Aspects of Electric-Motor Design—-PolyphaseInduction-Motor Design to Meet Fixed Specifica­ tions. Lloyd 14-20; d i s c 498 Some Aspects of Inductance When Iron is P r e s e n t . Rader, Litscher 133-9; d i s c 431 Some Aspects of the Application of Induction Motors t o Aircraft. Braun 769-72; d i s c 1476 Sorocabana Railway, M o d e r n Motive Power for t h e . C h a p m a n , Kjolseth 558-62 Space Heating a n d Air Conditioning, Electrothermal Krueger 718-22; d i s c 1434 Space Heating, Load-Calculation Procedure for Elec­ tric-Panel. R a b e r , Hutchinson. 1085-91; d i s c 1432 Specifications, Some Aspects of Electric-Motor Design— Polyphase-Induction-Motor Design to Meet Fixed. Lloyd 14-20; d i s c 498 Split-Phase Motors, Design of Starting Windings for. Lloyd, K a r r 9-13 Stability, Capacitors, Condensers, and System. Butler, Schroeder, Ridgway 1130-8; d i s c 1378 Stability of Synchronous Machines as Affected b y Volt­ age-Regulator Characteristics, Steady-State. C o n cordia 215-20; d i s c 489 Standards for Industrial-Control Coils, Insulation T e m ­ perature. Erikson 546-8; d i s c 1408 Starters by Means a{ Fuses a n d Circuit Breakers, T h e Degree of Short-Circuit Protection Afforded Small Low-Voltage A-C a n d D - C . Jones 611-12; d i s c 1408 17 Starting Windings for Single-Phase Induction Motors. Veinott .288-94; disc. 499 Starting Windings for Split-Phase Motors, Design of. Lloyd, Karr 9-13 Stations, Ring Busses for Generating and Transmission. Michelson, Galassini 665-9; disc. 1372 Stator as a Means of Starting Single-Phase Induction Motors, The Asymmetrical. Baum 245-50; disc. 496 Steady-State Stability of Synchronous Machines as Af­ fected by Voltage-Regulator Characteristics. Concordia 215-20; disc. 489 Steel-Mill Service, A 500,000-Kva 7.5-Kv Air Circuit Breaker for. Dickinson 242-5; disc. 450 Steel Mill, Supervisory Control for the World's Most Modern. ' Garrett, Reagan 259-64 Storage-Battery Design, Aircraft. Rupp -. 773-7; disc. 1381 Strength of Insulated-Power-Cable Circuits, Impulse. Halperin, Shanklin 1190-7; disc. 1386 Strength of Round Coils of Small Cross Section, The Computation of Magnetic Field. Dwight, Peters.. 684-5 Strokes, The Measurement of Lightning Currents in Direct. McCann 1157-64; disc. 1370 Study of Artificial Respiration on Anesthetized Men. Kouwenhoven, Hooker, York 1-2; disc. 446 Study of 69- to 345-Kv Overhead Power-Transmission Systems, Costs. Holm 406-22 Summation of Load Curves, The. Hamilton 729-35; disc. 1361 Supervisory Control for die World's Most Modern Steel Mill. Garrett, Reagan 259-64 Supplies for Services in Large Aircraft—a British View, A-C. Earnshaw, Shearer 1314-20 Supply Systems, Present D-C Aircraft Electric-. Ander­ son, Crary, Schultz 265-72; disc. 484 Surface Heating by Induction. Storm 749-55 Survey of Power-Supply Developments on British Air­ craft, Brief. Carter 806-07; disc. 1503 Switchgear and Control for an Electronic Power Con­ verter. Gittings, Bateman 585-8; disc. 1413 Switching Equipment for Capacitor Banks and Its Ap­ plication, Automatic Control and. Schroedcr, Bloomquist 649-54; disc. 1440 Switching, Extending the Use of Shunt Capacitors by Means of Automatic. Cuttino. . . 674-8 ; disc. 1439 Switching-Locomotive Application by Means of N o m o graphic Charts, Diesel-Electric. Millan, Perkinson 45-7 Switching System, Crossbar Toll. Abraham, Busch, Shipley 302-09; disc. 473 Symmetrical-Components Analysis of the Four-Phase System. Boyajian 48-51 ; disc. 426 Synchronous Machines as Affected by Voltage-Regulator Characteristics, Steady-State Stability of. Concordia 215-20; disc. 489 System, A New Carrier Relaying. Halman, Goldsborough, Lensner, Drompp 568-72; disc. 1423 System, A 120-Volt D-C Aircraft Electric. C o b b . . 1327-34; disc. 1495 System Costs, A Method of Approach to the Considera­ tion of Power-Distribution-. Falls 1078-84; disc 1377 System for an 18-Cylinder Aircraft Engine, Design of an Ignition. Harkness 1321-7; disc 1467 System Load, The Effect of Weather on die. Dryar 1006-13; xlisc. 1364 System Operation, Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Currents and Influence on. Blume, Camilli, Farn­ ham, Peterson 366-75; disc. 423 System Stability, Capacitors, Condensers, and. Butler, Schroeder, Ridgway 1130-8; disc. 1378 System, Symmetrical-Components Analysis of the FourPhase. Boyajian 48-51; disc. 426 System, Telegraphy in die Bell. Duncan, Parker, Pierce 1032-14; disc. 1386 System Voltages and Fault Currents Determined Easily on D-C Board. Asbury 184-8; disc. 439 Systems, Aircraft Signal. Rugge 3-5; disc. 455 Systems for Large Aircraft, Basic Considerations in Selection of Electric Boice, Levoy 279-87; disc. 478 Tachometer Design, Recent Advances in Aircraft. Ballard, Hall 646-8; disc 1421 Tanks, Totalizing Contents of Aircraft Fuel. Macintyre 663-65; disc. 1419 Telegraphy After 100 Years, American. d'Humy, Howe 1014-32; disc. 1386 (Telegraphy) Developments, in the Field of Cable and Radiotelegraph Communications. Pratt, Roosevelt. 1044-7; disc. 1386 Telegraphy in the Bell System. Duncan, Parker, Pierce 1032-44; disc. 1386 Telephone Calls, Automatic Ticketing of. Friend 81-8; disc. 472 Telephone-Influence Factor of Power Systems Widi Rectifier Load, A Short-Cut Method of Estimating. Frick 91-6 18 Température and Movement of Cables in Ducts, An Investigation of the Relationship Between. Nichol­ son, Brosnan 723-8; d i s c 1388 Temperature Standards for Industrial-Control Coils, In­ sulation Erikson 546-8; d i s c 1408 Temperatures in Dry-Type Transformer Windings, HotSpot. Stewart, Whitman 763-8; disc. 1445 Terminals, Solderless. Wells, Balsbaugh 933-8; disc. 1484 Test-Cell Lighting, Airplane Engine and Propeller. Tuck 1264-70; disc 1493 Test Chambers for Aircraft Electric Apparatus With Par­ ticular Reference to Carbon Brushes, New. Sum­ mers, Settle 1205-12; d i s c 1491 Testing Aircraft Generators. Keneipp 105-09 Testing of Brushes for Life and Performance Under Various Altitude Conditions, The. Herman 929-33; disc. 1491 Testing of Transformers, Progress in Impulse. Hagenguth 999-1005; disc. 1440 Tests of 230-Kv High-Speed Reclosing Oil Circuit Breaker. Schwager 784-8; disc 1468 Tests on Aircraft Cable, A-C and D-C Short-Circuit. Cunningham, Davidson 961-9; disc. 1359 Thermal Protection of Transformers Under Overload Conditions. Montsinger, Camilli. .160-4; disc. 444 Three-Element Current-Limiting Power Fuse, A New. Rawlins, Fahnoc 156-9; disc. 451 Three-Phase Aircraft Inverters Supplying Large SinglePhase Loads, A Unit for Balancing the Voltages of. Wimpie 532-3; disc. 1358 Three-Phase Power Circuits on Large Aircraft and Its Application to Fault-Current Calculations, Im­ pedance of 400-Cycle. Chappuis, Olmsted 1213-20; disc 1496 Three-Winding Transformer Banks, Asymmetrical Load­ ing of Three-Phase. Denissov 2 7 - 9 ; disc. 444 Thyratron Motor Control, Inverter Action on Reversing of. Palmer, Leigh 175-82; disc. 494 Ticketing of Telephone Calls, Automatic. F r i e n d . . . . 8 1 - 8 ; disc. 472 Tie Lines Between Systems, Reclosing of Single. Parker, Travers 119-22; d i s c 470 Toll Switching System, Crossbar. Abraham, Busch, Shipley 302-09; disc. 473 Torque Instruments, Aircraft-Engine. Godsey, Langer.. 686-90; disc. 1457 Totalizing Contents of Aircraft Fuel Tanks. Macintyre . .663-65; disc. 1419 Traction Motors, Gear Ratio and -Its Effect on. Woods. 65-8; disc. 433 Training of the Engineer, Cultural. Boyajian . 6 - 9 ; d i s c 478 φ... Transformer Banks, Asymmetrical Loading of ThreePhase Three-Winding. Denissov. .27-9; d i s c 444 Transformer Errors by the Secondary-Voltage Method, Field Determination of Current-. Goodale, Hol­ beck 879-82; disc. 1468 Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Currents and Influence on System Operation. Blume, Camilli, Farnham, Peterson 366-75; d i s c 423 Transformer Output and Application Charts, CurrentKoller 573-7; disc. 1422 Transformer Windings, Hot-Spot Temperatures in DryType. Stewart, Whitman 763-8; disc. 1445 Transformera—Cases Not Covered by the General Rules, Overloading of. Sealey, Hod turn 149-53; disc. 443 Transformers, Design and Operating Characteristics of Modern Dry-Type Air-Cooled. Satterlee 701-04; disc. 1445 Transformers, Design of Variac Karplus 508-13 Transformers for High Overcurrent Capacity, The Evolution of Standard Lines of Current. W e n t z . . . 658-62; disc. 1426 Transformers, High-Voltage Compressed-Gas Power. Hobart 690-2; disc. 1448 Transformers, Progress in Impulse Testing of. Hagengutii 999-1005; disc. 1440 Transformers Under Overload Conditions, Thermal Protection of. Montsinger, Camilli 160-4; disc 444 Transient Heat Flow, The Accuracy of Measurements in Lumped R-C Cable Circuits as Used in the Study of. Paschkis, Heisler 165-71 ; disc. 426 Transient Performance of Induction Motors. Maginniss, Schultz. 641-6; d i s c 1458 Transients in Arc-Furnace Circuits, Voltage. (Com­ mittee Report) 563-8; disc. 1435 Transmission and Relaying Problems on die Fort Peck Project. Floor, Müller, Goldsborough 209-14; disc. 466 Transmission Capabilities at Grand Coulee, An Analysis to Determine the Optimum Bussing Arrangements and. Hoard, Bills 1259-64; d i s c 1478 (Transmission) Capacitor Installation at Newport News. Parrack, Harder 1165-73; d i s c 1378 (Transmission) Capacitors, Condensers, and System Stability. Butler, Schroeder, Ridgway 1130-8; d i s c 1378 (Transmission) Effect of Altitude on Impulse and 60Cycle Strength of Electrical Apparatus. Bellaschi, Evans 236-41; disc. 442 Transactions 7. Technical Subjects Transmission-Line Electric Loadings. Crary 1198-1204; disc 1373 Transmission Line, Measured Electrical Constants of 270-Mile 154-Kv. Streifus, Roadhouse, Gow 5 3 8 ^ 2 ; disc 1351 (Transmission) Reclosing of Single Tie Lines Between Systems. Parker, Travers 119-22; disc 470 (Transmission) Regulation of A-C Generators Widi Sud­ denly Applied Loads. Harder, Check 310-Î8; disc 490 Transmission Stations, Ring Busses for Generating and. Michelson, Galassini 665-9; disc. 1372 Transmission System, An Eight-Year Investigation of Lightning Currents and Preventive Lightning Pro­ tection on a. Hansson, Waldorf 251-8; disc 463,1350 Transmission Systems, Costs Study of 69- to 345-Kv Overhead Power-. Holm 406-22 (Transmission) The Measurement of Lightning Currents in Direct Strokes. McCann. . .1157-64; disc. 1370 (Transmission) Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Cur­ rents and Influence on System Operation. Blume, Camilli, Farnham, Peterson 366-75; disc. 423 Transmitting Electric Energy in Airplanes, Cables Used for. Peters, Phillips, Kronstein, Jealous 1270-82; disc 1474 (Transportation, Air) A 40-Kva 400-Cycle Aircraft Alternator. Keneipp, Veinott. .816-21; disc. 1460 (Transportation, Air) A New High-Frequency Capacitor. Allison, Beverly 915-16; disc. 1464 (Transportation, Air) A 120-Volt D-C Aircraft Electric System. Cobb 1327-34; disc 1495 (Transportation, Air) A Unique Moving-Magnet Ratio Instrument. Sias, Fisk 634-6; disc 1420 (Transportation, Air) A Unit for Balancing die Voltages of Three-Phase Aircraft Inverters Supplying Large Single-Phase Loads. Wimpie. . . 5 3 2 - 3 ; disc 1358 (Transportation, Air) Aids to Quality Control in the Manufacture of Aircraft Generators. Potter 525-9; disc. 1358 (Transportation, Air) Aircraft-Electric-Accessory-Vibra­ tion Investigations. Miller 1283-90; disc. 1486 (Transportation, Air) Aircraft Electrical Horizons. Godsey, Berry, Holliday 821-4; disc 1503 (Transportation, Air) Aircraft-Engine-Access3ry Vibra­ tion. Tyler 1334-49; disc 1487 (Transportation, Air) Aircraft Engine and Propeller Test-Cell Lighting. Tuck 1264-70; disc. 1493 (Transportation, Air) Aircraft-Engine Torque Instru­ ments. Godsey, Langer 686-90; disc 1457 (Transportation, Air) Aircraft Fuses Must Protect. Lebens 581-5; disc. 1368 (Transportation, Air) Aircraft Signal Systems. R u g g e . . 3-5; disc. 455 (Transportation, Air) Aircraft Storage-Battery Design. Rupp 773-7; disc. 1381 (Transportation, Air) Airline Aircraft Electric-Equip­ ment Maintenance. Petrasek 900-05 (Transportation, Air) A-C and D-C Short-Circuit Tests on Aircraft Cable. Cunningham, Davidson 961-9; disc 1359 (Transportation, Air) A-C Contactors for Aircraft. Russell, Charbonneau 613-16; disc 1364 (Transportation, Air) A-C Supplies for Services in Large Aircraft—a British View. Earnshaw, Shearer. . . . 1314-20 (Transportation, Air) Alternating Versus Direct Cur­ rent for Aircraft-Radio Power Supply. Fritz, Hooper 1227-33; disc 1466 (Transportation, Air) Altitude Rating of Electric A p ­ paratus. Lebenbaum v .955-60; disc. 1485 (Transportation, Air) A n Aircraft Differential-Voltage Cutout. Walley 632-4; disc 1365 (Transportation, Air) Analysis of High-Frequency Igni­ tion Circuits. Robinson * 916-19 (Transportation, Air) Application of Electronics to Air­ craft Flight Control. Gille, Kutzler 849-53; disc. 1501 (Transportation, Air) Auxiliary-Power-Plant Require­ ments. O'Neil 682-4 (Transportation, Air) Basic Considerations in Selection of Electric Systems for Large Aircraft. Boice, Levoy 279-87; disc 478 (Transportation, Air) Basic Considerations in the Selec­ tion of Generators and Batteries for Aircraft. Cobb, Winters 889-93; disc 1494 (Transportation, Air) Battery Booster Coils for AirplaneEngine IgnitionSystems. Alvino. . 6 7 2 - 3 ; disc 1381 (Transportation, Air) Blast-Tube Cooling for Aircraft Generators. Veinott 520-5; disc. 1463 (Transportation, Air) Brief Survey of Power-Supply De­ velopments on British Aircraft. Carter 806-07; disc 1503 (Transportation, Air) Cables Used for Transmitting Electric Energy in Airplanes. Peters, Phillips, Kronstein, Jealous 1270-82; disc 1474 (Transportation, Air) Carbon-Pile Voltage Regulators for Aircraft. Neild 839-43; disc. 1460 (Transportation, Air) Considerations in Servo mechanism Design. Herwald 871-6 (Transportation, Air) Corona in Aircraft Electric Systems as a Function of Altitude. Wilson 189-94; disc. 457 A I E E ANNUAL INDEXES (Transportation, Air) Damping Cylinders for Aircraft Gyroscopes. Sias, Wright 979-85 (Transportation, Air) Design Considerations for D-C Aircraft Generators. Miner.. . 1234-40; disc. 1459 (Transportation, Air) Design Considerations in Aircraft Instruments to Meet War Service. Savage, Whittenton 992-8; disc. 1419 (Transportation, Air) Design Considerations of 400-Cycle Aircraft Motors. Sawyer 877-9; disc. 1464 (Transportation, Air) Design of an Ignition System for an 18-Cylindcr Aircraft Engine. Harkness 1321-7; disc. 1467 (Transportation, Air) Differential Generator Control Relay for D-C Aircraft Electric Systems. Crever.. 589-93 (Transportation, Air) Dimensional Studies of Light­ weight Motors for Aircraft. Morrill 698-701 (Transportation, Air) D-C Arc Interruption for Aircraft. Quill, Radcr 883-8; disc. 1472 (Transportation, Air) Effect of Altitude on Electric Breakdown and Flashover of Aircraft Insulation. Berberich, Moses, Stiles, Veinott. .345-54; disc. 458 (Transportation, Air) Electric Automatic Pilots for Air­ craft. Halpert, Esval 861-6; disc. 1501 (Transportation, Air) Electric-Circuit Burning-Clear and Damage Phenomena on Aircraft Structures. Foust, Hutton 198-204; disc. 457 (Transportation, Air) Electric-Circuit Fault-Protective Principles as Applied to D-C Aircraft Systems Kaufmann 333-44; disc. 482 (Transportation, Air) Electric Circuits and the Magnetic Compass. Burt, Beck 24-6 (Transportation, Air) Electric Connections on Aircraft. Stebbins, Taylor 906-11 ; disc. 1473 (Transportation, Air) Electric Gun Turrets for Aircraft. Thompsons 799-802; disc. 1475 (Transportation, Air) Electric-Wiring Installations in British Aircraft. Horn 896-900 (Transportation, Air) Electrical Control in Automatic Pilots. Young, Lynch, Boynton. . 939-43; disc. 1500 (Transportation, Air) Electrically Driven Gyroscopes for Aircraft. Witherow, Hansen 204-08 (Transportation, Air) Electrically Heated Clothing. Wotring 1304-13 (Transportation, Air) Electrically Operated Gyroscopic Instruments. Konet 735-8 (Transportation, Air) Functional Design of Aircraft Electric Actuator Equipment. Gagnier 813-15; disc. 1464 (Transportation, Air) Gaseous-Discharge Lamps for Airplane Lighting Service. Beggs . 760-2; disc. 1456 (Transportation, Air) High-Altitude Brush Problem. Ramadanoff, Glass 825-30; disc. 1489 (Transportation, Air) Higher-Vol tage D-C Aircraft Elec­ tric Systems. Berry, Dallas 843-9; disc. 1497 (Transportation, Air) Historical Development of Elec­ tric Connectors. Neifing 925-8 (Transportation, Air) Impedance of 400-Cycle ThreePhase Power Circuits on Large Aircraft and Its Application to Fault-Current Calculations. Chappuis, Olmsted 1213-20; disc. 1496 (Transportation, Air) Influence of Electricity on Air­ craft Instrumentation. Savage. .802-05; disc. 1501 (Transportation, Air) Inherent Overheating Protection of D-C Aircraft Motors. Veinott 920-5 (Transportation, Air) Instrumentation of 400-Cycle Air­ craft Electric Systems. Corson, Stimson, S o l e y . . . . 830-5; disc. 1501 (Transportation, Air) Lighting Required for Com­ mercial-Airline Aircraft. Petrasek 593-8; disc. 1456 (Transportation, Air) Magnesyn Remote Indication. Childs 679-82 (Transportation, Air) New Test Chambers for Aircraft Electric Apparatus With Particular Reference to Carbon Brushes. Summers, Settle 1205-12; disc. 1491 (Transportation, Air) One Type of Rotary Magnetic Clutch -and Its Associated Brake Used on Aircraft Electric Motors. Andrews, Shanely 893-5; disc. 1477 (Transportation, Air) Paralleling and Regulation of 24-28-Volt D-C Generators in Multiengine Aircraft. Siegal, DeCourcey. 854-7 (Transportation, Air) Peak Voltages With D-C Arc In­ terruption for Aircraft. Phillips, M i t c h e l . . . . 944-9 (Transportation, Air) Plastics in Aircraft Electricity. Cooper 1220-6 (Transportation, Air) Potential Breakdown of Small Gaps Under Simulated High-Altitude Conditions. DeLerno 109-12; disc. 456 (Transportation, Air) Present D-C Aircraft ElectricSupply Systems. Anderson, Crary, Schultz 265-72; disc. 484 (Transportation, Air) Radio-Noise Elimination in Military Aircraft. Weinstein, Howell, Lowe, Win­ ter 793-5; disc. 1466 (Transportation, Air) Recent Advances in Aircraft Tachometer Design. Ballard, Hall 646-8; disc. 1421 (Transportation, Air) Requirements for Aircraft Electric Motors. Siefkin 810-13 VOLUME 63, 1944 (Transportation, Air) Requirements for Low-Voltage Aircraft Cable. Hedges 808-10; disc. 1473 (Transportation, Air) Solderless Terminals. Wells, Balsbaugh 933-8; disc. 1484 (Transportation, Air) Solenoid-Operated Control Valves. Eckel, Wisegarver.. .' 911-14 (Transportation, Air) Solenoid-Operated Hydraulic Valves for Aircraft Applications. Goepfrich.. 866-8 (Transportation, Air) Some Aspects of die Application of Induction Motors to Aircraft. Braun 769-72; disc. 1476 (Transportation, Air) Testing Aircraft Generators. Keneipp 105-09 (Transportation, Air) The Development of Aircraft Position Lights. Vitol 796-8; disc. 1493 (Transportation, Air) The Gyrosyn Compass. Esval. . . 857-60; disc. 1502 (Transportation, Air) The Scientific Basis for the New British System of Cockpit Lighting. Calvert... . 869-70 (Transportation, Air) The Testing of Brushes for Life and Performance Under Various Altitude Condi­ tions. Herman 929-33; disc. 1491 (Transportation, Air) Totalizing Contents of Aircraft Fuel Tanks. Macintyre 663-65; disc. 1419 (Transportation, Air) Very High-Frequency Radio-Noise Elimination. Owen 949-54 (Transportation, Land) Design Features of Generators for Diesel-Electric Switcher Locomotives. Atwell. . 41-5; disc. 433 (Transportation, Land) Diesel-Electric Switching-Loco­ motive Application by Means of Nomographic Charts. Millan, Perkinson 45-7 (Transportation, Land) Economics of Trolley-CoachOperation. Woods 578-81 ; disc. 1451 (Transportation, Land) Electrification of Large OpenPit Copper Mines. Birch 30-8; disc. 433 (Transportation, Land) Fault Protection on Shipboard A-C Power-Distribution Systems. Rickover, Ross.. 1109-20; disc. 1429 (Transportation, Land— Gear Ratio and Its Effect on Traction Motors. Woods 65—8; disc. 433 (Transportation, Land) Modern Electric Locomotives in Open-Pit Mine Haulage. Borland, Rilev 52-8'; disc. 433 (Transportation, Land) Modern Motive Power for the Sorocabana Railway. Chapman, Kjolseth.. 558-62 Treatment and Casting of Metals by Electromagnetic Forces. Hoke 986-92 Tripping of Low-Voltage Air Circuit Breakers, Improved Selective. West 608-10; disc. 1431 Trolley-Coach Operation, Economics of. Woods 578-81 ; disc. 1451 Tube Radio-Frequency Generator—Characteristics and Application to Induction-Heating Problems, Vac­ uum-. Kinn 1290-1303; disc. 1500 Turbogenerators, Prevention of Rotor-Winding De­ formation on. Noest 514-19; disc. 1353 Turrets Tor Aircraft, Electric Gun. Thompson 799-802; disc. 1475 Tvpe Rectifier, Development*of Excitron-. Winograd. . 969-78; disc. 1454 U Ultrahigh Frequencies, A Resonant-Cavity Method for Measuring Dielectric Properties at. Works, Dakin, Boggs 1092-8; disc. 1452 Unbalanced Conditions, Operation of Rectifiers Under. Christensen, Morack 628-31 Unbalanced Voltage Drops in Distribution Circuits With Particular Reference to Multigrounded Neu­ trals, Calculation of. Bullard, Lowe, Wahlquist.. 145-8 Unique Moving-Magnet Ratio Instrument, A. Sias, Fisk 634-6; disc. 1420 Unit for Balancing die Voltages of Three-Phase Aircraft Inverters Supplying Large Single-Phase Loads, A. Wimpie 532-3; disc. 1358 Vacuum-Tube Radio-Frequency Generatoi-—Character­ istics and Application to Induction-Heating Prob­ lems. Kinn 1290-1303; disc. 1500 Valves for Aircraft Applications, Solenoid-Operated Hydraulic. Goepfrich 866-8 Valves, Solenoid-Operated Control. Eckel, Wisegar­ ver 911-14 Variac Transformers, Design of. Karplus 508-13 Versatile Power-Line-Carrier-System, A. Lensner, Singel 129-33; d ; sc. 437 Very High-Frequency Radio-Noise Elimination. Owen. 949-54 Vibration, Aircraft-Engine-Accessory. Tyler 1334-49; disc. 1487 Vibration in Electric Machinery, The Nature of. Graybeal 712-18; disc. 1458 Vibration Investigations, Aircraft-Electric-Accessory-. Miller 1283-90; disc. 1486 Transactions 2. Authors Vibration of Electric Contacts, The. Russell, K e i t i e n . . 153-5; disc. 478 Vibration Protection for Rotating Machinery. Webb, Murray 534-7; disc. 1355 Victory Ships, Modern Cargo-Winch Control for Use on. Holt 623-8; d i s c 4111 Voltage and Current Wave Forms of Controlled Recti­ fier Circuits, A Graphical Analysis of the. Chin, Moyer 501-08 Voltage Cutout, An Aircraft Differential-. Walley 632-4; d i s c 1365 Voltage D-C Aircraft Electric Systems, Higher-, Berry, Dallas 843-9; disc. 1497 Voltage Drops in Distribution Circuits Widi Particular Reference to Multigrounded Neutrals, Calculation of Unbalanced. Bullard, Lowe, Wahlquist. .145-8 Voltage Method, Field Determination of Current-Trans­ former Errors by the Secondary-. Goodale, Hol­ beck 879-82; disc. 1468 Voltage-Regulator Characteristics, Steady-State Sta­ bility of Synchronous Machines As Affected by. Concordia 215-20; d i s c 489 Voltage Regulators for Aircraft, Carbon-Pile. N e i l d . . 839-43; disc. 1460 Voltage Transients in Arc-Furnace Circuits. (Com­ mittee Report) 563-8; disc. 1435 Voltage-Welding Power Distribution, The Design of Low-. Adams, Fetcher, Johnson 1180-90; disc. 1382 Voltages and Fault Currents Determined Easily on D-C Board, System. Asbury 184-8; disc. 439 Voltages With D-C Arc Interruption for Aircraft, Peak. Phillips, Mitchel 944-9 W War Emergency Pipe-Line Projects, Electric Equipment for the. Thomas, Taylor, Wolfe 396-405 War Service, Design Considerations in Aircraft Instru­ ments to Meet. Savage, Whittenton 992-8; disc. 1419 Wave and to the Harmonics, Differential Leakage With Respect to the Fundamental. Liwschitz.. 1139-50 Wave Forms of Controlled Rectifier Circuits, A Graphi­ cal Analysis of the Voltage and Current. Chin, Moyer 501-08 Weadier on the System Load, T h e Effect of. D r y a r . . . . 1006-13; disc. 1364 Welding, An Improved Electronic Control for CapacitorDischarge Resistance. Bichsel, Hughes 1150-7; disc. 1384 Welding Power Distribution, The Design of Low-Volt­ age-. Adams, Fetcher, Johnson 1l$0-90; disc. 1382 Winch Control for Use on Victory Ships, Modern Cargo-. Holt 623-8; d i s c 1411 Winding Deformation on Turbogenerators, Prevention of Rotor-. Noest. 514-19; disc. 1353 Windings for Single-Phase Induction Motors, Starting. Veinott 288-94; d i s c 499 Windings for Split-Phase Motors, Design of Starting. Lloyd, Karr 9-13 Windings, Hot-Spot Temperatures in Dry-Type Trans­ former. Stewart, Whitman 763-8; disc. 1445 Wiring Installations in British Aircraft, Electric-, Horn. 896-900 2. Author Index Abraham, L. G.; A. J. Busch, F. F. Shipley. Crossbar Toll Switching System 302-09; disc. 474 Adams, Comfort A.; J. R. Fetcher, A. C.Johnson. T h e Design of Low-Voltage-Welding Power Distribu­ tion 1180-90; disc. 1384 Alexanderson, E. F. W.; E. L. Phillipi. History and Development of the Electronic Power Converter 654-7; disc. 1418 Allen, Joseph W. Disc 484 Allison, W. M.; N. E. Beverly. A New High-Frequency Capacitor 915-16; d i s c 1465 Alvino, A. V. Battery Booster Coils for Airplane-Engine Ignition Systems 672-3; disc. 1381 Anderson, H. C.; S. B. Crary, N. R. Schultz. Present D-C Aircraft Electric-Supply Systems 265-72; d i s c 487 Andrews, Leo; Fred Shanely. One Type of Rotary Magnetic Clutch and Its Associated Brake Used on Aircraft Electric Motors 893-5; d i s c 1478 Angst, G. Disc 1458 Armi, E. L. Disc 426 Asbury, Carl E. System Voltages and Fault Currents Determined Easily on D-C Board... 184-8; disc. 440 Atkinson, R. W. Disc 1387, 1399, 1480 Atwell, C. A. Design Features of Generators for DieselElectric Switcher Locomotives 41-5; d i s c 433 19 Avüa, Charles F. Aydelott,JohûG Disc.... Disc.,. .1392 ..433 B Baker, R. M . Heating of Nonmagnetic Electric Con­ ductors by Magnetic Induction—Longitudinal Flux 273-8 BaBard, R. G.; C. P. Hall. Recent Advances in Aircraft Tachometer Design 646-8 Babbaugh, J . C.; F. H . Wells. SoMerless T e r m i n a l s . . . . .933-8; disc. 1485 B u d e n , W. A. D i s c 1364,1460, 1464, 1466, 1476, 1497, 1500, 1501, 1503, 1504 Barnett, H. N.; Allen Rosenstein. Electronically Con­ trolled Dry-Disk Rectifier. 2 1 - 3 ; disc. 475 Barton, James P. Interlamination Resistance.. .670-2 Bary, Coustantinc Disc 1362 Bateman, A. W.; W. N . Gittings. Switchgear and Con­ trol for an Electronic Power Converter 585-8; disc. 1418 Baum, John L. The' Asymmetrical Stator as a Means of Starting Single-Phase Induction Motors 245-50; disc. 497 Beck, E. Disc 1370 Beck, E.; G. D . McCann, L. A. Finad. Lightning Pro­ tection for Rotating Machines 319-33; disc. 488 Beck, H. R.; R. G Burt. Electric Circuits and the Mag­ netic Compass 24-6 Bedford, B. D.; C. H. Willis, R. W. Kuenning, E. F. Christensen. Design of an Electronic Frequency Changer 1070-8; disc. 1418 Beeman, D. L. Disc 1383 Beers, M . I.; J. H. Karr. A Design Method for D - C Machines 172-5 Beggs, E. W. Gaseous-Discharge Lamps for Airplane Lighting Service .· 760-2; disc. 1457 Bellaschi, P. L. Disc 1387,1443,1447 Brilanrhi, P. L.; Paul Evans. Effect of Altitude on Im­ pulse and 60-Cyde Strength of Electrical Appara­ tus 236-41; disc 442 Berberich, L. J.; C. V. Fields, R. E. Marbury. Char­ acteristics of Chlorinated Imprégnants in D-C Paper Capacitors 1173-9; disc. 1437 Berberich, L. J.; G. L. Moses, A. M . Stiles, C. G. Veinott. Effect of Altitude on Electric Breakdown and Flashover of Aircraft Insulation 345-54; disc. 459 Bergman, S. R. D i s c 1461,1495 Berkey,W.E. Disc 1381 Berry, R. U . Possibilities of Heat Pumps for Heating Homes 619-22 Berry, T . M. Polarized-Light Servo System 195-8 Berry, W. L.; rf. P. Dallas. Higher-Voltage D-C Air­ craft Electric Systems 843-9; disc. 1498 Berry, W. L. ; J. P. Dallas. Disc 1461 Berry, William L.; F. W. Godsey, T . B. HoUiday. Air­ craft Electrical Horizons 821-4 Beverly, N. E.; W. M . Allison. A New High-Frequency Capacitor 915-16; disc 1465 Bichsel, H. J.; E. T . Hughes. An Improved Electronic Control for Capacitor-Discharge Resistance Weld­ ing 1150-7; disc 1385 Bills, G. W.; B. V. Hoard. An Analysis to Determine the Optimum Bussing Arrangements and Trans­ mission Capabilities at Grand Coulee 1259-64; disc 1479 Birch, L. W. Electrification of Large Open-Pit Copper Mines... 30-8 Blackburn, J. L.; H . J . Carlin. A New Frequency Relay for Power-System Applications.. .553-7; disc 1422 Blakesiee,T. M. Disc 1469 Bloomqutst, W. C. Disc 1439 Bfcomquist, W. C ; T . W. Schroeder. Automatic Con­ trol and Switching Equipment for Capacitor Banks and Its Application 649-54; d e c 1440 Blume, L. F.; G. Camilli, S. B. Farnham, H. A Peter­ son. Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Currents and Influence on System Operation... 366-75; disc 423 Bodicky, A. Disc 1389 Boehne, E. W. The Geometry of Arc Interruption—II. Current-Zero Phenomena 375-87; disc. 448 Boehne, E. W. D i s c 454,1470 Boggs, F. W.; C N. Works, T . W. Dakin. A ResonantCavity Method for Measuring Dielectric Properties at Ultrahigh Frequencies 1092-8; disc 1453 B a k e , W. K. Disc 1368 Botce, W*. K.; L. G. Levoy, Jr. Basic Considerations in Selection of Electric Systems for Large Air­ craft 279-87; disc 482 Bolsterli, Arthur A. Disc 1448 Boniface, E. A. D i s c 1487 Borden, P. A. Disc ,. 460 Borland, J . E.; L. G. Riley. Modern Electric Locomo­ tives in Open-Pit Mine Haulage. . 5 2 - 8 ; disc 433 Boyajtan, A. Cultural Training of the Engineer 6-9; disc 479 BoyaJMuo, A. Symmetrical-Components Analysis of the Four-Phase System 4 8 - 5 1 ; disc 429 Boynton, E. R.; C. M . Young, E. E. Lynch. Electrical Control in Automatic Pilots...'. .939-43; disc 1500 20 Braky, H . D . D i s c 1355 BramhaJLF.B. D e c .1386 Braun, H. J . Some Aspects of the Application of In­ duction Motors to Aircraft 769-72; disc. 1476 Braun, H. J. D i s c 1477 Breckenridge, W. T . ; A. E. Pétrie. D i s c .1489 Brosnan, T . J.; C. T. Nicholson. An Investigation of the Relationship Between Temperature and Movement of Cables in Ducts 723-8; d i s c 1398 Browne, T . E.,Jr. D i s c 447 Brownlee, W. R. Disc 423,434,466 Buell, L. W. Problems in Applying Protectors to Elec­ tric Aircraft Motors 1250-8 Bullard, W. R. ; H. L. Lowe, H. W. Wahlquist. Calcu­ lation of Unbalanced Voltage Drops in Distribution Circuits With Particular Reference to Multigrounded Neutrals 145-8 Burt, R. C ; H. R. Beck. Electric Circuits and the Mag­ netic Compass 24-6 Busch, A. J.; L. G. Abraham, F. F. Shipley. Crossbar Toll Switching System 302-09; disc. 474 Bush,F. W. D i s c 1447 Butler, J. W. Disc 1375 Butler, J. W. ; T. W. Schroeder, N. H. Meyers. T h e Ef­ fect of Kilovar Supply on the Design of Systems for Load Growth 69-77; disc. 494 Butler, J. W.; T . W. Schroeder, W. Ridgway. Capaci­ tors, Condensers, and System Stability 1130-8; disc. 1380 Caldwell, W. E. Disc 1360 Callahan, John G. P. Disc 1419 Callender, E. M. Disc 1384 Calvert, Edward S. T h e Scientific Basis for the New British System of Cockpit Lighting 869-70 Camilli, G.; L. F. Blume, S. B. Farnham, H. A. Peter­ son. Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Currents and Influence on System Operation. ..366-75; d i s c 423 Camilli, G.; V . M. Montsinger. Thermal Protection of Transformers Under Overload Conditions 160-4; disc. 4 4 5 . Campbell, W. E.; G. T . Kohman. D i s c 1489 Cannon, Wayne D . ; R. A. Cole. Disc 1486 Carlin, H. J.; J. L. Blackburn. A New Frequency Relay for Power-System Applications.. .553-7; disc. 1422 Carter, P. W. Brief Survey of Power-Supply Develop­ ments on British Aircraft 806-07 Chapman, R. L.; O. K. Kjolseth. Modern Motive Power for the Sorocabana Railway 558-62 Chappuis, C. K.; L. M. Olmsted. Impedance of 400Cycle Three-Phase Power Circuits on Large Air­ craft and Its Application to Fault-Current Calcu­ lations 1213-20; disc. 1497 Charbonneau, A P.; F. J. Russell. A-C Contactors for Aircraft 613-16; disc. 1364 Cheek, R. C ; E. L. Harder. Regulation of A-C Gen­ erators With Suddenly Applied Loads 310-18; d i s c 491 ChUderhose, E. A. Disc 1435 Childs, Robert S. Magnesyn Remote Indication 679-82 C h i n , P . T . ; O. W. Livingston, E. E. Moyer. D i s c . 4 7 4 Chin, P. T . ; E. E. Moyer. A Graphical Analysis of the Voltage and Current Wave Forms of Controlled Rectifier Circuits 501-08 Christen, Virgil F. Disc 1441 Christensen, E. F.; M. M. Morack. Operation of Rectifiers Under Unbalanced Conditions.. .628-31 Christensen, E. F.; C. H. Willis, C. C. Herskind. Analysis of Rectifier Circuits 1048-58 Christensen, E. F.; C. H. Willis, R. W. Kuenning, B. D. Bedford. Design of an Electronic Frequency Changer 1070-8; d i s c 1418 Christopher, A. J.; F. J. Given. D i s c 1437 Church, E. A Disc 1351,1352 Clark, C N.; B. M. Jones. D i s c 1439 Clark, H. W. D i s c 1391 Clark, L. W. Disc 1383,1431 Cobb, L. M. A 120-Volt D-C Aircraft Electric System. 1327-34; disc. 1496 Cobb, L. M.; H. M. Winters. Basic Considerations in the Selection of Generators and Batteries for Air­ craft 889-93; disc. 1495 Cole, R. A.; W a y n e D . Cannon. Disc 1486 Colin, R. J. Disc 1465 (Committee Reports) See "Committee Reports" and other entries in Technical Subject Index Concordia, C. Steady-State Stability of Synchronous Machines as Affected by Voltage-Regulator Char­ acteristics 215-20; disc. 490 Concordia, C. D i s c 431, 480, 1457 Cooper, E. B. Plastics in Aircraft Electricity.... 1220-6 Cordray, R. E.; A. R. van C Warrington. T h e M H O Carrier Relaying Scheme 228-35; disc. 435 Corson, A J.; A. G. Stimson, W. A. Soley. Instru­ mentation of 400-Cycle Aircraft Electric Systems.. 830-5; disc. 1502 Cox, J. H. Disc 1416,1454 Cramer, F. W. Disc 1414 Transactions 2. Authors Cramer, F. W.; L, W . Morton, A . G. Barfing. The { Electronic Converter for Exchange of P o w e r . . . . . . 1059-69; disc. 1418 Cramer, T. A. Disc. 1424 Crary, S. B. Transmission-Line Electric L o a d i n g s . . . . 1198-1204; disc. 1377 Crary, S. B. Disc 1413 Crary, S. B.; H. C. Anderson, N . R . Schultz. Present D-C Aircraft Electric-Supply Systems 265-72; disc. 487 Crever, F. E. Differential Generator Control Relay for D-C Aircraft Electric Systems 589-93 Crippen, R. P. D i s c . 1355 Crockford, J. B. ; W. M. Green, C. A. Maple. D i s c . 459 Cunningham, J. C. Disc v: 483,1359 Cunningham, J. C ; W. M Davidson. A-C and D - C Short-Circuit Tests on Aircraft Cable 961-9; disc 1360 Cunningham,J. C ; J . M. Wallace. Disc 1366 Cuttino, W. H. Extending the Use of Shunt Capacitors by Means of Automatic Switching. 674-8; disc 1439 Dakin, T. W.; C N. Works, F. W. Boggs. A ResonantCavity Method for Measuring Dielectric Properties at Ultrahigh Frequencies 1092-8; disc 1453 Dallas, J. P. Disc 455 Dallas, J. P.; W. L. Berry. Higher-Voltage D-C Air­ craft Electric Systems 843-9; disc 1498 Dallas, J. P.; W. L. Berry. Disc 1461 Dalton, B. J. D i s c 1357 Darling, A. G.; F. W. Cramer, L. W. Morton. The Electronic Converter for Exchange of Power 1059-69; disc. 1418 Davidson, W. M . Disc 457 Davidson, W. M.; J. C. Cunningham. A-C and D - C Short Circuit Tests on Aircraft Cable 961-9; disc. 1360 Davis, F. E. Disc 1426 Davis, Uriah. Disc 1364 DeCourcey, Dennis G.; A Siegal. Paralleling and Regulation of 24-28-Volt D-C Generators in Multiengine Aircraft 854-7 DeLerno, M. J. Potential Breakdown of Small Gaps Under Simulated High-Altitude Conditions 109-12; disc. 457 Del Mar, Wm. A. D i s c 424,1389,1402,1482 Denissov, P. K. Asymmetrical Loading of Three-Phase Three-Winding Transformer Banks 27-9 d'Humy, F. E.; P. J. H o w e American Telegraphy After 100 Years 1014-32 Dickinson, R. C. A 500,000-Kva 7.5-Kv Air Circuit Breaker for Steel-Mill Service 242^ Dickinson, R. C. Disc : 1428 Dickinson, W. K. Disc : . . 1426 Dissmeyer, E. F. Disc 1353 Draper, L. L. D i s c 1471 Dreese, E. E. Disc 496 Drompp, A. F.; T . R. Halman, S. L. Goldsborough, H. W. Lensner. A New Carrier Relaying System.. 568-72; dise 1425 Dryar, Henry A. The Effect of Weather on the System Load 1006-13; disc. 1364 Duncan, J. A.; R. D. Parker, R. E. Pierce. Telegraphy in the Bell System 1032-44 Dwight, H. B. Disc 1376 Dwight, Herbert B.; G. O. Peters. The Computation of Magnetic Field Strength of Round Coils of Small Cross Section 684-5 Earle, Ralph H. Disc 469 Earnshaw, E. J.; J. B. Shearer. A-C Supplies for Serv­ ices in Large Aircraft^-a British View 1314-20 Eckel, V. W.; O. H. Wisegarver. Solenoid-Operated Control Valves 911-14 Ehrich, Jerome H. Disc 1473 ElzLJ. A. Disc 423 Engel, C. F. Disc 446 Ericson, R. C. Disc 437 Erikson, B. W. Insulation Temperature Standards for Industrial-Control Coils 546-8 Esval, O. E. The Gyrosyn Compass. .857-60; disc. 1502 Esval, O. E.; P. Halpert. Electric Automatic Pilots for Aircraft 861-6 Evans, Ernest B. D i s c 1460, 1464 Evans, E. D . Disc 489 Evans, Paul; P. L. Bellaschi. Effect of Altitude on Im­ pulse and 60-Cycle Strength of Electrical Appa­ ratus 236-41; disc. 442 Fahnoe, H. H.; H. L. Rawtins. A New Three-Element Current-Limiting Power Fuse 156-9; disc 452 Falls, C. W. Disc 499 AIEE ANNUAL INDEXES "aus, O. B., Jr. A Method of Approach to the Conattention of Power-Distribution-System Costs 1078-84 Famham, D . M . Disc 1479 Farnham, S. B.; L. F. Blume, G. Camilli, H. A. Peter­ son. Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Currents and Influence on System Operation.. .366-75; disc. 423 Faucctt, I. T . D i s c 1481 Faucett, M a x A. D i s c 440 Fetcher, John R.; C. A. Adams, A. C. Johnson. The Design of Low-Voltage-Welding Power Distribu­ tion 1180-90; disc. 1384 Fett, G. H . D i s c 432, 1381,1382 Field, Robert F. D i s c 1453 Fields, C. V . ; L. J. Berberich, R. E. Marbury. Char­ acteristics of Chlorinated Imprégnants in D-C Paper Capacitors 1173-9; disc. 1437 Finison, Harvey J. Disc 1463,1475,1485,1489,1491,1495,1498 Finzi, L. A.; G. D . McCann, E. Beck. Lightning Pro­ tection for Rotating Machines.. .319-33; disc 488 Fisk, D. B.; F. R. Sias. A Unique Moving-Magnet I Ratio Instrument 634-6; disc. 1421 Floor, Erik; H. N. Müller, S. L. Goldsborough. Trans­ mission and Relaying Problems on the Fort Peck Project .209-14; d i s c 467 Foust, G M. ; J. G. Hutton. Electric-Circuit BurningClear and Damage Phenomena on Aircraft Struc­ tures 198-204; disc 458 Fragola, C. F. Disc 1502 Frick, C. W. A Short-Cut Method of Estimating Telephone-Influence Factor of Power Systems With Rectifier Load 91-6 Frick, G W. Disc 1417 Friend, O. A. Automatic Ticketing of Telephone Calls 81-8; disc. 472 Fritz, D. E.; G K. Hooper. Alternating Versus Direct Current for Aircraft-Radio Power Supply 1227-33; disc 1466 Gagnier, C. E. Functional Design of Aircraft Electric Actuator Equipment 813-15 Galassini, J. P.; E. L. Michelson. Ring Busses for Generating and Transmission Stations 665-9; disc. 1372 Gambitta, A, F. Disc 425, 1404 Garcelon, G. H . Disc 1408, 1412 Garin,A.N. D i s c 427 Garrett, P. B.; M. E. Reagan. Supervisory Control for the World's Most Modern Steel M i l l . . . . 259-64 Gay, F. W. D i s c 443 Gemant, Andrew. Disc 425 George, E. E . D i s c 434, 1422,1423 Getting, Milan, Jr. D i s c 1443 Güte, W. H . ; R. J. Kutzler. Aplication of Electronics to Aircraft Flight Control 849-53 Gittings, W. N . ; A. W. Batemän. Switchgear and Con­ trol for an Electronic Power Converter 585-8; disc. 1418 Given, F.J.; A. J. Christopher. Disc 1437 Glass, S. W.; D . Ramadanoff. High-Altitude Brush Problem 825-30; disc. 1490 Godsey, Frank W., Jr.; W. L. Berry, T. B. Holliday. Aircraft Electrical Horizons 821-4 Godsey, F. W., Jr.,; B. F. Langer. Aircraft-Engine Torque Instruments.686-90; disc. 1457 Goepfrich, George A. Solenoid-Operated Hydraulic Valves for Aircraft Applications 866-8 Golde, R. H . Disc 464 Goldsborough, S. L. A Distance Relay With Adjustable Phase-Angle Discrimination 835-8; disc. 1472 Goldsborough, S. L. Disc 434 Goldsborough, S. L.; Erik Floor, H. N. Müller. Trans­ mission and Relaying Problems on die Fort Peck Project 209-14; disc 467 Goldsborough, S. L.; T . R. Halman, H. W. Lensner, A. F. Drompp. A New Carrier Relaying System.. 568-72; disc. 1425 Goldsborough, S. L.; S. G Leyland. The Functions of Ground Preference in Carrier-Current Relay Schemes 97-100 Goodale, E. C ; J. I. Holbeck. Field Determination of Current Transformer Errors by the SecondaryVoltage Method 879-82; disc. 1468 Goodwin, W. N., Jr. Disc 460 Gove, J. T . Disc 1456 G o w , R . B . ; C. A. Streifus, C. S. Roadhouse. Measured Electrical Constants of 270-Mile 154-Kv Trans­ mission line 538-42; disc. 1352 Graham, Quentin. Disc 1458 Graves, Herbert C , Jr. Disc 1430 Gray, D. C. Disc 1411 Graybeal, Troy D. The Nature of Vibration in Elec­ tric Machinery 712-18; disc. 1459 Green, W. M . ; G A. Maple, J. B. Crockford. D i s c . 459 Greenlee, P. H. Disc 1456, 1493 Grier, L. N . Disc 454 Gross, Eric T . B. Disc 1351 Gunderson, M . F. Disc 1365,1381 Gutzwiller, W . E. D i s c 1417 VOLUME 63, 1944 H Hagenguth, J. H. Progress in Impulse Testing of Trans­ formers 999-1005; disc. 1444 Hagenguth, T. H. Disc. .* 1370 Haines, T. H. Disc 1388 Hall, C. I. Disc 1433 Hall, G. P.; R. G. Ballard. Recent Advances in Air­ craft Tachometer Design 646-8 Halman, T. R.; S. L. Goldsborough, H. W. Lensner, A. F. Drompp. A New Carrier Relaying System.. 568-72; dise 1425 Halperin, Herman. D i s c . . 424, 1392, 1404, 1450, 1481 Halperin, Herman; G. B. Shanklin. Impulse Strength of Insulated-PowerAüable Circuits 1190-7; disc 1388 Halpert, P.; O. E. Esval. Electric Automatic Pilots for Aircraft 861-6 Hamilton, R. F. The Summation of Load C u r v e s . . . . 729-35; disc. 1363 Hampe, G. W. Disc 439 Hansen, Albert, Jr.; H. M. Witherow. Electrically Driven Gyroscopes for Aircraft 204-08 Hanson, E. F.; S. I. Pearson. Disc 1492 Hansson, E.; S. K. Waldorf. An Eight-Year Investiga­ tion of Lightning Currents and Preventive Lightning Protection on a Transmission System 251-8; disc. 465, 1351 Harder, E. L. D i s c . Ã 1430 Harder, E. L.; R. C. Cheek. Regulation of A-C Gen­ erators With Suddenly Applied Loads 310-18; disc. 491 Harder*, E. L.; V. R. Parrack. Capacitor Installa­ tion at Newport News 1165-73; disc. 1378 Harkness, J. R. Design of an Ignition System for an 18Cylinder Aircraft Engine 1321-7 Harty, E. A. Disc 1438 Hatcher, C. T. Operation of Low-Pressure Gas-Filled Cabl© 788-92; disc. 1406 Hatcher, C. T. Disc 424, 1396, 1404, 1483 Havill, C.H. Disc 1487 Hayward, C. D. Disc 483 Heddlcson, Fred A. Disc 1491 Hedges, R. E. Requirements for Low-Voltage Aircraft Cable 808-10 Heisler, Michael P.; V. Paschkis. The Accuracy of Measurements in Lumped R-C Cable Circuits as Used in the Study of Transient Heat Flow 165-71; disc. 426 Herman, C. J. The Testing of Brushes for Life and Performance Under Various Altitude Conditions 929-33 Herrmann, R. R. Disc 1434 Herskind, G C. Rectifier-Circuit Duty 123-8 Herskind, C. C. Disc 1455 Herskind,C. C. ; E. F. Christensen, C. H. Willis. Analy­ sis of Rectifier Circuits 1048-58 Herwald, S. W. Considerations in Servo-mechanism Design 871-6 Hessler, V. P. Disc 1492 Hickernell, L. F. Disc.. . v 1401, 1405 Higgins, Thomas James. Formulas for Calculating Short-Circuit Forces Between Channels Located Back to Back 710-12 Higgs, V. A. Disc 480 Hill, A. W. Disc 1428 Hill, A. W.; W. M. Leeds. High-Voltage Oil Circuit Breakers for Rapid Reclosing Duty 113-18; disc. 453 Hill, V. E. Disc 1440 Hill, V. E.; E. R. Whitehead. Disc 1416 Hoard, B. V.; G. W. Bills. An Analysis to Determine die Optimum Bussing Arrangements and Transmission Capabilities at Grand Coulee. .1259-64; disc. 1479 Hobart, Henry M. High-Voltage Compressed-Gas Power Transformers 690-2; disc. 1451 Hobson, J. E. (Disc closure of a Committee Report) Voltage Transients in Arc-Furnace Circuits 563-8; disc 1435 Hodnette, J. K. Disc 444 Hodtum, J. B.; W. G Scaley. Overloading of Trans­ formers—Cases Not Covered by die General Rules.. 149-53; disc. 444 Hoke, Walter W. Treatment and Casting of Metals by Electromagnetic Forces 986-92 Holbeck, J. L; E. C. Goodale. Field Determination of Current Transformer Errors by the SecondaryVoltage Method 879-82; disc. 1468 Holliday, T. B.; F. W. Godsey, W. L. Berry. Aircraft Electrical Horizons 821-4 Holm, John Grzybowski. Costs Study of 69- to 345-Kv Overh-ad Power-Transmission S y s t e m s . . . . 406-22 Holm, J. G. Disc 466,470, 493, 1374,1378, 1440 Holt, F. H. Modern Cargo-Winch Control for Use on Victory Ships 623-8; disc. 1412 Hooke, R. G. D i s c 493 Hooker, D. R.; W. B. Kouwenhoven, J. A. York. Study of Artificial Respiration on Anesthetized Men 1-2; disc. 446 Hooper, C. K.; D . E. Fritz. Alternating Versus Direct Current for Aircraft-Radio Power Supply. , 1227-33; disc. 1466 Transactions 2. Authors Hooven, M . D . D i s c . 1392 Horn, H. J . Electric-Wiring Installations in British Air­ craft '. 896-900 Housley, J. Elmer. D i s c 1500 Housley, J. Elmer, Otto Jensen. Protection of Large D-C Machines by Means of High-Speed Circuit Breakers 637-40; d i s c 1428 Howe, P. J . ; F. E. D'Humy. American Telegraphy After 100 Years 1014-32 Howcll, H. H.; G. Weinstein, G. P. Lowe, B. J. Winter. Radio-Noise Elimination in Military Aircraft... 793-5 Hughes, E. T . ; H. J. Bichsel. An Improved Electronic Control for Capacitor-Discharge Resistance Weld­ ing 1150-7; d i s c 1385 Hutchinson, F. W.; B. F. Raber. Load-Calculation Procedure for Electric-Panel Space Heating 1085-91 Hutton, J. G.; G M . Foust. Electric-Circuit BurningClear and Damage Phenomena on Aircraft Struc­ tures 198-204; disc. 458 Hyde, M. A.; R. E. Marbury. The Capacitor—an Aid to Electric-Power Service for Pipe Lines 387-95; d i s c 477 Immel, John R. Disc 1494 Jay, Joseph H. Disc 1473,1475 Jealous, Helen Baldwin; M. F. Peters, J. J. Phillips, M . Kronstetn. Cables Used for Transmitting Electric Energy in Airplanes 1279-82 Jensen, Otto; J. Elmer Housley. Protection of Large D-C Machines by Means of High-Speed Circuit Breakers 637-40; disc 1428 Johnson, Arthur C ; C. A. Adams, J. R. Fetcher. The Design of Low-Voltage-Welding Power Distribution 1180-90; disc. 1384 Jones, B. M . D i s c 492, 1377, 1378, 1380, 1413 Jones, B. M.; C. N . Clark. Disc 1439 Jones, B. W. The Degree of Short-Circuit Protection Afforded Small Low-Voltage A-C and D-C Starters by Means of Fuses and Circuit Breakers 611-12; d i s c 1409 Jones, B. W. Disc 1366 K Kahn, Frederick. Disc 472, 473 Kahn, Louis. D i s c 1437 Kalb, W. C. Disc 1491 Karplus, Eduard. Design of Variac Transformers 508-13 Karr, J. H.; M. I. Beers. A Design Method for D-C Machines 172-5 Karr, J. H. ; T . C. Lloyd. Design of Starting Windings for Split-Phase Motors 9-13 Kaufmann, R. H. Electric-Circuit Fault-Protective Principles as Applied to D - C Aircraft Systems 333-44; d i s c 483 Kaufmann, R. H. Disc 458, 486 Kcilicn, Saul; Mark N. Russell. The Vibration of Electric Contacts 153-5; d i s c 478 Keinath, George. Disc 462 Keneipp, H. E. Testing Aircraft Generators. .105-09 Keneipp, H. E.; C G . Veinott. A 40-Kva 400-Cycle Aircraft Alternator 816-21; d i s c 1461 Kent, H. E.; E. B. King. Disc 1415 Kimbark, E. W. D i s c 430,439 King, E. B.; H. E. Kent. Disc 1415 Kinn, T. P. Vacuum-Tube Radio-Frequency Genera­ tor—Characteristics and Application to Induction· Heating Problems 1290-1303 Kjolseth, O. K.; R. L. Chapman. Modern Motive Power for tile Sorocabana Railway 558-62 Klemmer, E. H. Disc 1471 Knopp, E. W. Disc .1478 Knopp, Otto A. Disc 1423, 1467 Kohman, G. T . ; W. E. CampbeU. D i s c 1489 Koller, R. Current-Transformer Output and Applica­ tion Charts 573-7; d i s c 1423 Komives, L. I. Disc 1386, 1406 Konet, H. Electrically Operated Gyroscopic Instru­ ments 735-8 Kouwenhoven, W. B.; D. R. Hooker, J. A. York. Study of Artificial Respiration on Anesthetized Men 1-2; disc. 446 Kronstetn, Max; M. F. Peters, J. J. Phillips, H. B. Jealous. Cables Used for Transmitting Electric Energy in Airplanes 1270-82 Krueger, George H. Electrothermal Space Heating and Air Conditioning 718-22; disc. 1434 Kuehni, H. P.; H. A. Peterson. A New Differential Analyzer 221-8; d i s c 431 Kuenning, R. W.; G H. Willis, E. F. Christensen, B. D . Bedford. Design of an Electronic Frequency Changer 1070-8; d i s c 1418 21 Kutzler, R . J.; W. H . Gille. Application of Electronics to Aircraft Flight Control 849-53 Lange, C. W. Disc 497 Langer, B. F.; F. W. Godsey, J r . Aircraft-Engine T o r q u e Instruments 686-90; disc. 1457 Lamer, R. A. Disc 1468 Larrick, C. V. Disc 1452 Lawton, F. L. Disc 1433 Lebenbaum, Paul, J r . Altitude Rating of Electric Ap­ paratus 955-60; disc. 1486 Lebens, J o h n C , J r . Aircraft Fuses Must Protect. . . . 581-5; disc. 1368 LeClair, T . G. Disc ' 1360 Leeds, W. M . Disc 1469 Leeds, W. M . ; A. W. Hill. High-Voltage Oil Circuit Breakers for Rapid Reclosing Duty 113-18; disc. 453 Leigh, H . H.; H . L. Palmer. Inverter Action on Re­ versing of Thyratron Motor Control 175-84; disc. 495 Leland, G. F . ; L. T . Rader. Industrial ControlShunted-Armature Connection for a D-C Shunt Motor 617-19; disc. 1411 Lensner, H . W.; T . R. H a l m a n , S. L. Goldsborough, A, F. D r o m p p . A New Carrier Relaying System. . 568-72; disc. 1425 Lensner, H . W.; J . B. Singel. A Versatile Power-LineCarrier System 129-33; disc. 438 LePage, Wilbur Reed. Formulas for the Four-Terminal Network Parameters of Uniform Ladder Net­ works 604-08 Levine, B. Disc 1501 Levine, S. J . Disc 1434 Levoy, L. G., J r . Disc 457, 1496, 1503 Levoy, L. G., J r . ; W. K. Boice. Basic Considerations in Selection of Electric Systems for Large Aircraft. . 279-87; disc. 482 Leyland, S. C ; S. L. Goldsborough. T h e Functions of Ground Preference in Carrier-Current Relay Schemes 97-100 Lincks, G. Fred. Disc 467,1429 Linde, L. J.; E. B. Rietz. A Pneumatic Mechanism for Outdoor Oil Circuit Breakers 543-6; disc. 1428 Linde, L. J . ; B. W. W y m a n . A Magnetic-Type Air Circuit Breaker for 15,000-Volt Services 140-4; disc. 454 Linde, L. J . ; B. W. W y m a n . Disc 450 Litscher, E. C ; L. T. Rader. Some Aspects of In­ ductance When Iron is Present 133-9 Livingston, O . W.; P. T . Chin, E. E. Moyer. Disc.. 474 Liwschitz, M . M . Differential Leakage With Respect to the Fundamental Wave and to the Harmonics. . 1139-50 Lloyd, T . C. Some Aspects of Electric-Motor Design— Polyphase-Induction-Motor Design to Meet Fixed Specifications 14-20 Lloyd, T . C ; J . H . Karr. Design of Starting Windings for Split-Phase Motors 9-13 Logan, J . T . Disc 1421, 1425 Long, T . H . Disc 1436 Louis, H . C. Disc 444 Lowe, G. P.; G. Weinstein, H . H . Howell, B. J . Winter. Radio-Noise Elimination in Military Aircraft. . . 793-5 Lowe, H . L.; W. R. Bullard, H . W. Wahlquist. Calcu­ lation of Unbalanced Voltage Drops in Distribution Circuits With Particular Reference to Multigrounded Neutrals 145-8 Lusk, R. J . Disc 482 Lusk, R. J . ; M . M . Moorehead. Disc 1359 Lynch, E. E.; C. M . Young, E. R. Boynton. Electrical Control in Automatic Pilots 939-43; disc. 1500 Lynott, W. J . Disc 1361 M MacCoun, Townsend D . Disc 438 M a c G a h a n , Paul. Disc 461 Macintyre, J . R. Totalizing Contents of Aircraft Fuel Tanks 663-5; disc. 1419 Maginniss, F. J . Disc 429, 431 Maginniss, F. J . ; N . R. Schultz. Transient-Performance of Induction Motors 641-6; disc. 1458 Mallett, H . B. Disc 442, 445 Mansfield, Carroll G. New 138-Kv Cable Lines in Los Angeles 1240-9; disc. 1483 Maple, C. A.; W. M . Green, J . B. Crockford. Disc.. 459 M a r b u r y , R. E.; L. J . Berberich, C. V. Fields. Char­ acteristics of Chlorinated Impregnants in D-C Paper Capacitors 1173-9; disc. 1437 Marbury, R. E.; M . A. Hyde. T h e Capacitor—an Aid to Electric-Power Service for Pipe Lines 387-95; disc. 477 Marshall, R. B. A Multiplied-Deflection A-C Potenti­ ometer 77-80 Mason, R . C. Disc 442, 456, 457, 458 Matsch, L. W . Disc 462 22 Maunder, S. T . Disc 478 McCabe, G. B. Disc 1393, 1404 McCandless, W. H . Disc 1457 M c C a n n , G. D . T h e Measurement of Lightning Cur­ rents in Direct Strokes 1157-64; disc. 1372 McCann, G. D. Disc 463 McCann, G. D.; E. Beck, L. A. Finzi. Lightning Pro­ tection for Rotating Machines. . . . 3 1 9 - 3 3 ; disc. 488 McConnell, A. J . Disc 1421, 1424 McCoy, R. L. Disc 464 McEachron, K. B. Disc 1371, 1442 M c G r a t h , M . M . ; D. M . Simmons. Disc 1480 Meyers, N. H.; T . W. Schroeder, J . W. Butler. T h e Ef­ fect of Kilovar Supply on the Design of Systems for Load Growth 69-77; disc. 494 Michelson, E. L. Disc 1379 Michelson, E. L.; J . P. Galassini. Ring Busses for Generating and Transmission Stations 665-9; disc. 1372 Miille, R. R. Disc 1358, 1495 Miille, R. R.; G, G. Setterlund. Disc 1462 Millan, A. P.; T . F. Perkinson. Diesel-Electric Switch­ ing-Locomotive Application by Means of Nomographic Charts 45-7 Millar, N. P. Crossed-Coil Power-Factor Meters .294-301; disc. 461 Millar, Preston S. Recent Developments in Light Sources 1505-17 Miller, D. R. Aircraft-Electric-Accessory-Vibration In­ vestigations 1283-90 Miner, J . D . Design Considerations for D-C Aircraft Generators 1234-40; disc. 1460 Mirick, C. B. Disc 484,1475 Mitchel, Walter P.; V. E. Phillips. Peak Voltages With D-C Arc Interruption for Aircraft 944-9 Monteith, A. C. Disc 1359 Montsinger, V. M . Disc 442, 444, 1445 Montsinger, V. M . ; G. Camilli. T h e r m a l Protection of Transformers Under Overload Conditions 160-4; disc. 445 Moore, H . G. Disc 1410 Moorehead, M. M . ; E. J . Lusk. Disc 1359 Morack, M . M . ; E. F. Christensen. Operation of Recti­ fiers U n d e r Unbalanced Conditions 628-31 Moran, Donald L. Disc 1484 Morrill, Wayne J . Dimensional Studies of Lightweight Motors for Aircraft 698-701 Morrill, Wayne J. Disc 1450 Morton, L. W.; F. W. Cramer, A. G. Darling. T h e Electronic Converter for Exchange of Power 1059-69; disc. 1418 â– Moses, G. L.; L. J . Berberich, A. M . Stiles, C. G. Veinott. Effect of Altitude on Electric Breakdown and Flashover of Aircraft Insulation 345-54; disc. 459 Moyer, E. E.; P. T. Chin. A Graphical Analysis of the Voltage and Current Wave Forms of Controlled Rectifier Circuits 501-08 Moyer, E. E.; P. T . Chin, O . W. Livingston. Disc. .474 Mulheim, J . E. Disc 1459 Muller, C. W. Disc 1420 Muller, H . N., J r . Disc 471 Muller, H . N . ; Erik Floor, S. L. Goldsborough. T r a n s ­ mission and Relaying Problems on the Fort Peck Project 209-14; disc. 467 M u r r a y , C. S.; R. L. W e b b . Vibration Protection for Rotating Machinery 534-7; disc. 1356 N Nash, A. W. Disc 1364, 1366, 1420 Nau, Robert H . Disc 448 Neifing, Edward J . Historical Development of Electric Connectors 925-8 Neild, W . G. Carbon-Pile Voltage Regulators for Air­ craft 839-43; disc. 1460 Newell, E. L. Disc 1467 Newton, E. G. Disc 467 Nicholson, C. T . ; T . J . Brosnan. An Investigation of the Relationship Between T e m p e r a t u r e and Move­ ment of Cables in Ducts 7 2 3 - 8 ; disc. 1398 Noest, J o h n G. Prevention of Rotor-Winding Deforma­ tion on Turbogenerators 514-19; disc. 1355 Nye, H . W. Disc 450, 453 O Oldacre, M . S. Disc 464 Olmsted, L. M . ; C. K. Chappuis. I m p e d a n c e of 400Cycle Three-Phase Power Circuits on Large Air­ craft and Its Application to Fault-Current Calcula­ tions 1213-20; disc. 1497 O'Neil, L. E. Auxiliary-Power-Plant Requirements. . . 682-4 Ostline, J . E. Disc. 472 Owen, T . B. Very High-Frequency Radio-Noise Elimi­ nation 949-54 Owen, Thos. B. Disc 1367 Transactions 2. Authors P a l m e r , H . L.; H . H . Leigh. Inverter Action on If versing of Thyratron Motor Control p 175-84; disc. 4\ Parker, R. D . ; J . A. Duncan, R. E. Pierce. Telegraphy in the Bell System 1032-4 Parker, W. W.; H. A. Travcrs. Reclosing of Single T'« Lines Between Systems 119-22; disc. 472 Parks, C. E. Disc 470 Parrack, V. R.; E. L. Harder. Capacitor Installation at Newport News 1165-73; disc. 1378 Parsons, J o h n S.; J. M. Wallace. Fusing Practices on Distribution Systems. Part I 8 9 - 9 1 ; disc. 470 Part II : 598-600 Paschkis, Victor; M. P. Heisler. T h e Accuracy of Measurements in Lumped R-G Cable Circuits as Used in the Study of Transient Heat Flow 165-71; disc. 426 Pearson, S. I.; E. F. Hanson. Disc 1492 Penn, W. D. Fundamentals of Hearing-Aid Design.. 744-9 Penney, G. W. Disc 1432 Perkinson, T. F.; A. P. Millan. Diesel-Electric Switch­ ing-Locomotive Application by Means of Nomographic Charts 45-7 Peterman, L. C. Disc 1431 Peters, George O . ; H . B. Dwight. T h e Computation of Magnetic Field Strength of R o u n d Coils of Small Cross Section 684-5 Peters, Melville F.; J . J . Phillips, M . Kronstein, H. BJealous. Cables Used for Transmitting Electric Energy in Airplanes 1270-82 Peterson, H . A. Disc 1435 Peterson, H . A.; L. F. Blume, G. Camilli, S. B. Farnham. Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Currents and In­ fluence on System Operation 366-75; disc. 423 Peterson, H. A.; H . P. Kuehni. A New Differential Analyzer . 2 2 1 - 8 ; disc. 431 Peterson, H. A.; T. W. Schroeder. Disc 447 Peterson, T. F. Disc 1400, 1404, 1432 Petrasek, W. A. Airline Aircraft Electric-Equipment Maintenance 900-05 Petrasek, W. A. Lighting Required for CommercialAirline Aircraft 593-8 Petrasek, W. A. Disc 456 Petrie, A. E.; W. T. Breckenridge. Disc 1-^c Phillipi, E. L.; E. F. W. Alexanderson. History and De­ velopment of the Electronic Power Converter 654-7; disc. 1418 Phillips, J o h n J.; M . F. Peters, M. Kronstein, H . B. Jealous. Cables Used for Transmitting Electric Energy in Airplanes 1270-82 Phillips, Virgel E.; W. P. Mitchel. Peak Voltages With D-C Arc Interruption for Aircraft 944-9 Phillips, W. E. Disc 475 Pierce, R. E. Disc 1440 Pierce, R. E.; J. A. Duncan, R. D. Parker. Telegraphy in the Belf System 1032-44 Poritsky, H. Disc 429 Potter, F. M. Aids to Quality Control in the Manufac­ ture of Aircraft Generators 525-9 Powell, A. H . Disc 479, 1367 Pratt, H a r a d e n ; J. K. Roosevelt. Developments in the Field of Cable and Radiotelegraph Communica­ tions 1044-7; disc. 1386 Prince, David C. Disc 479 Puchlowski, K. P. Disc 495 Quackenbush, E. C. Disc Quayle, Vincent H . Disc Quill, J. S.; L. T . Rader. Aircraft 1473 1501 D-C Arc Interruption for 883-8; disc. 1473 R Raber, B . F . ; F. W. Hutchinson. Load-Calculation Pre cedure for Electric-Panel Space Heating. . . 1085-9 Rader, L. T . ; G. F. Leland. Industrial ControlShunted-Armature Connection for a D-C Shun Motor 617-19; disc. 141 Rader, L. T . ; E. C. Litscher. Some Aspects of Induct ance When Iron is Present 133—S Rader, L. T . ; J . S. Quill. D-C Arc Interruption for Air­ craft 8 8 3 - 8 ; disc. 1472 Ramadanoff, D. Disc 1491 Ramadanoff, D.; S. W. Glass. High-Altitude Brush Problem 825-30; disc. 1490 Ramsauer, Oliver. Disc 437 Rankin, A. W. Disc 428, 1354, 1356 Rawlins, H . L.; H . H. Fahnoe. A New Three-Element Current-Limiting Power Fuse 156-9; disc. 452 Reagan, M . E.; P. B. Garrett. Supervisory Control for the World's Most Modern Steel Mill 259-64 Reilly, J . E.; C. E. Valentine. Electronic Regulator for Arc Furnaces 601-04 A I E E ANNUAL INDEXES jades, C M . , J r . Disc 1383 hman, E. Disc 1403 ;hter, Walther. An Instrument for the Measurement of Large Alternating Currents 38-40 Jchter, Walther. Disc 432 ickover, H . G. Disc 490 dckover, H. G.; P. N. Ross. Fault Protection on Ship­ board A-C Power-Distribution Systems 1109-20; disc. 1430 Ridgway, W.; J. W. Butler, T . W. Schroeder. Capaci­ tors, Condensers, and System Stability 1130-8; disc. 1380 Rietz, E. B.; L. J. Linde. A Pneumatic Mechanism for Outdoor Oil Circuit Breakers. . . ,543-6; disc. 1428 'lietz, E. B.; W. F. Skeats. Disc 146') iiley, L. C ; J. E. Borland. Modern Electric Loco­ motives in Open-Pit Mine Haulage. . 5 2 - 8 ; disc. 433 Rives, F. M. Disc 437 Roadhouse, C. S.; C. A. Streifus, R. B. Gow. Measured Electrical Constants of 270-Mile 154-Kv Transmis­ sion Line 538-42; disc. 1352 lobinson, A. \V., J r . Analysis of High-Frequency Igni­ tion Circuits .916-19 logoff, Julian. Disc 1365 .lohrig, I. A. Disc 1394 loosevelt, John K.; H a r a d e n Pratt. Developments in the Field of Cable and Radio-telegraph C o m m u n i ­ cations 1044-7; disc. 1386 ilosenstein, Allen; H. N . Barnett. Electronically Con­ trolled Dry-Disk Rectifier 2 1 - 3 ; disc. 475 loss, I. E., Jr. Disc , 1490 Ross, M . D. Disc 1354 Ross, Philip N. Disc 1409 Ross, P. N . ; H. G. Rickover. Fault Protection on Ship­ board A-C Power-Distribution Systems 1109-20; disc. 1430 Rowland, J . E. Disc 1 501 Roidge, W . J . Disc 488 ilugge, Raymond A. Aircraft Signal Systems 3-5; disc. 456 Rupp, J o h n L. Aircraft Storage-Battery Design. .773-7 Russell, F. J . ; A. P. Charbonneau. A-C Contactors for Aircraft 613-16; disc. 1364 Russell, M a r k N.; Saul Keilien. T h e Vibration of Elec­ tric Contacts 1 53-5; disc. 478 ,i. Clair, H . P. Disc 1 373 >atterlee, W. W. Design and Operating Characteristics of Modern Dry-Type Air-Cooled T r a n s f o r m e r s . . . . 701-04; disc. 1447 ravage, C F. Influence of Electricity on Aircraft In­ strumentation 802-05 ravage, C F.; J . M . Whittenton. Design Considera­ tions in Aircraft Instruments to Meet W a r Service. . 992-8; disc. 1420 awyer, M . B. Design Considerations of 400-Cycle Air­ craft Motors 877-9 Jchifreen, Clement S. Cyclic Movement of Cable—Its Causes and Effects on Cable-Sheath Life 1121-30; disc. 1397 Sjhifreen, C S. Disc 1394 v:hleif, Ferber R. Disc 1478 Schroeder, T . W. Disc 1376 Schroeder, T. W.; W. C Bloomquist. Automatic Con­ trol and Switching Equipment for Capacitor Banks and Its Application 649-54; disc. 1440 Schroeder, T . W.; J . W. Butler, N. H . Meyers. T h e Ef­ fect of Kilovar Supply on the Design of Systems for Load Growth 69-77; disc. 494 chroeder, T . W.; J . W. Butler, W. Ridgway. Capaci­ tors, Condensers, and System Stability 1130-8; disc. 1380 ichroeder, T. W.; H. A. Peterson. Disc 447 <chuck, C L. Disc 423, 451 Schultz, N. R.; H . C. Anderson, S. B. Crary. Present D-C Aircraft Electric-Supplv Systems ' . . . ' . . 265-74; disc. 487 :hultz, N. R.; F. J . Maginniss Transient Performance of Induction Motors 641-6; disc. 1458 -humaker, I. R. Disc 478 hwager, A. C Tests of 230-Kv High-Speed Reclosing Oil Circuit Breaker 784-8; disc. 1470 ^hwager, A. C. Disc 1467 -aley, W. C Disc 444, 1441, 1447, 1450 aley, W . C ; J . B. H o d t u m . Overloading of Trans­ formers—Cases Not Covered by the General Rules. . .'. . . 1 4 9 - 5 3 ; disc. 444 ;ls, H . K. Disc 443 >etterlund, G. G.; R. R. Miille. Disc 1462 Settle, J . F.; E. R. Summers. New Test Chambers for Aircraft Electric Appratus With Particular Refer­ ence to Carbon Brushes 1205-12; disc. 1492 Jhanely, FYed; Leo Andrews. One T y p e of Rotary Magnetic Clutch and Its Associated Brake Used on Aircraft Electric Motors 893 -3; disc. 1478 Shanklin, G. B. Gas-Filled-Cable Research and Ex­ perience . 549-53; disc. 1407 Shanklin, G. B. Disc 1396, 1404, 1482 hanklin, G. B.; H e r m a n Halperin. Impulse Strength of Insulated-Power-Cable Circuits 1190-7; disc. 1388 ' OLUME 63, 1944 Shearer, J. B.; E. J. Earnshaw. A-C Supplies for Services in Large Aircraft—a British View. .1314-20 Shipley, F. F.; L. G. A b r a h a m , A. J . Busch. Crossbar Toll Switching System 302-09; disc. 474 Sias, F. R.; D. B. Fisk. A Unique Moving-Magnet Ratio Instrument 634-6; disc. 1421 Sias, F. R.; J . H . Wright. Damping Cylinders for Air­ craft Gyroscopes 979-85 Siefkin, E. R. Requirements for Aircraft Electriq Motors 810-13 Siegal, Arthur; D. G. DeCourcey. Paralleling and Regulation of 24-28-Volt D-C Generators in Multiengine Aircraft . 854-7 Siegfried, Victor. Behavior Factors of Rectifier-Driven D-C Motors 530-3; disc. 1357 Siegfried, Victor. D i s c . .442, 459, 494, 1387, 1401, 1433 Simmons, 1). M.; M. H . McGrath. Disc 1480 Singel, J . B.; H. W. Lensner. A Versatile Power-LineCarrier System 129-33; d i s c 438 Skeats, W. F. Disc 452 Skeats, W. F., E. B. Rietz. Disc 1469 Skilling, H. H. Disc 1450 Skrotzki, Bernhardt G. A. Conditions Controlling the Economic Selection of Prime Movers 1099-1108; disc. 1361 Smith, Frank. Disc , 491 Smith, I. R. T h e Copper-Oxide Rectifier in Electro­ chemical Work 739-44 Smith, R. W. Disc 1430, 1431 Soley, W. A.; A. J . Corson, A. G. Stimson. Instru­ mentation of 400-Cycle Aircraft Electric Systems. . 830-5; disc. 1502 Somers, F. C. Disc 1493 Sorber, Gilbert. Disc 473 Spitler, C. H . Disc 1477 Sporn, Philip. Disc 452 Stansel, N. R. Induction Heating—Selection of Fre­ quency 755-9; disc 1436 Stanwik-Hay, W. Disc 1474 Starr, E. C Disc 1350 Stebbins, F. O.; L. A. Taylor. Electric Connections on Aircraft 906-11; disc. 1474 Steeb, George. Disc 1421 Steiner, H . C ; J . L. Zehner, H. E. Zuvers. Pentode Ignitions for Electronic Power Converters 693-7; disc. 1418 Stewart, H. C ; J . E. Holcomb. Disc 1443 Stewart, H . C ; L. G. Whitman. Hot-Spot T e m p e r a ­ tures in Dry-Type Transformer Windings 763-8; disc 1448 Sticher, Joseph. Disc 425, 1402, 1404 Stiles, A. M . ; L. J . Berberich, G. L. Moses, C. G. Veinott. Effect of Altitude on Electric Breakdown and Flashover of Aircraft Insulation 345-54; disc. 459 Stimson, A. G.; A. J . Corson, W. A. Soley. Instrumen­ tation of 400-Cycle Aircraft Electric Systems 830-5; disc. 1502 Storm, Herbert F. Surface Heating by Induction..749-55 Streifus, C A. Disc 435 Streifus, C A.; C. S. Roadhouse, R. B. Gow. Measured Electrical Constants of 270-Mile 154-Kv Transmis­ sion Line 538-42; d i s c 1352 Stueve, W. H . Disc 476 Summers, E. R. Disc 1485, 1489 Summers, E. R.; J . F. Settle. New Test Chambers for Airplane Electric Apparatus With Particular Refer­ ence to Carbon Brushes 1205-12; disc. 1492 T a t e , G . F . Disc 1419 Taylor, H . D. Disc 1353 Taylor, J e r o m e J . Disc 479, 1448 Taylor, L. A.; F. O . Stebbins. Electric Connections on Aircraft 906-11; disc. 1474 Taylor, W. G. Disc 476 Taylor, W. C ; E. E. Thomas, O . Wolfe. Electric Equipment for the War Emergency Pipe-Line Proj­ ects 396-405 Thomas, E. E. Disc 476 Thomas, E. E.; W. G. Taylor, Oscar Wolfe. Electric Equipment for the W a r Emergency Pipe-Line Proj­ ects ." 396-405 Thomas, Percy H . Disc 1361 Thompson, J . D. Electric G u n Turrets for Aircraft. . . . 799-802; disc. 1476 Townsend, J . A. Disc 1457 Travers, H . A.; W. W. Parker. Reclosing of Single Tie Lines Between Systems 119-22; disc. 472 Trickey, P. H. Disc 498, 499 Tuck, Davis H . Airplane Engine and Propeller TestCell Lighting 1264-70; disc. 1494 Tyler, J o h n . Aircraft-Engine-Accessory Vibration. . . . 1334-49; disc. 1488 Valentine, C. E.; J. E. Reilly. Electronic Regulator for Arc Furnaces 601-04 Veinott, Cyril G. Blast-Tube Cooling for Aircraft Gen­ erators 520-5; disc. 1463 Transactions 2. Authors Veinott, Cyril G. Inherent Overheating Protection of D - C Aircraft Motors 920-5 Veinott, C G. Starting Windings for Single-Phase I n ­ duction Motors 288-94; disc. 500 Veinott, C G. Disc 1459, 1472, 1476 Veinott, C G.; L. J. Berberich, G. L. Moses, A. M . Stiles. Effect of Altitude on Electric Breakdown and Flashover of Aircraft Insulation. .345-54; disc. 459 Veinott, C. G.; H. E. Keneipp. A 40-Kva 400-Cycle Aircraft Alternator 816-21; disc. 1461 Vesselowsky, Sergius. Disc 425 Vitol, Jack. T h e Development of Aircraft Position Lights 796-8 Vogel, F. J . Disc 442, 1426, 1442 Von Voigtlander, F. Disc 455, 1451 Vosburgh, B. L. Disc 446 W Wagner, C F. Disc 489, 1351, 1373 Wagner, H. H. Disc 1442 Wahl, Arthur. Disc 1502 Wahlquist, H . W.; W. R. Bullard, H. L. Lowe. Calcu­ lation of Unbalanced Voltage Drops in Distribution Circuits With Particular Reference to Multigrounded Neutrals 145-8 Waldorf, S. K.; E. Hansson. An Eight-Year Investiga­ tion of Lightning Currents and Preventive Lightning Protection on a Transmission System 251-8; disc. 465, 1351 Wall, Alexander C Disc 1467 Wallace, J . M.; J . C. Cunningham. Disc 1366 Wallace, J. M.; J. S. Parsons. Fusing Practices on Distribution Systems. Part I 8 9 - 9 1 ; disc. 470 Part II 598-600 Walley, O. C. An Aircraft Differential-Voltage Cut­ out 632-4; disc. 1365 Warrington, A. R. van C. Disc 437, 466, 1471 Warrington, A. R. van C ; R. E. Cordray. T h e M H O Carrier Relaying Scheme 228-35; disc. 435 Webb, R. L. Disc 1372 Webb, R. L.; C S. Murray. Vibration Protection for Rotating Machinery 534-7; disc. 1356 Weichsel, H . Disc 1450 Weinstein, G.; H. H. Howell, G. P. Lowe, B. J . Winter. Radio-Noise Elimination in Military Aircraft. . . 793-5 Welch, G. H. Disc 1429 Wells, F. H.; J . C. Balsbaugh. Solderless T e r m i n a l s . . . 933-8; disc. 1485 Wentz, E. C. T h e Evolution of Standard Lines of Cur­ rent Transformers for High Overcurrent Capac­ ity 658-62; disc. 1427 West, Charles P. Improved Selective Tripping of LowVoltage Air Circuit Breakers. . . .608-10; disc. 1431 Weygandt, C N . Disc 429 Whitehead, E. R. Disc 463, 488, 1441 Whitehead, E. R.; V. E. Hill. Disc 1416 Whiting, M . A. A New Electric Hoist Drive for Cranes 59-64 Whitman, L. C ; H . C Stewart. Hot-Spot T e m p e r a ­ tures in Dry-Type Transformer Windings 763-8; disc. 1448 Whittenton, J . M . ; C F. Savage. Design Considera­ tions in Aircraft Instruments to Meet W a r Service. . 992-8; disc. 1420 Whittenton, J . M . ; M . S. Wilson. Influence of I m ­ proved Magnetic Alloys on Design Trends of Elec­ trical Instruments 100-04; disc. 462 Williams, E. A., J r . Disc 451 Williams, R. L. Disc 1421 Willis, C H . ; E. F. Christensen, C C Herskind. Analysis of Rectifier Circuits 1048-58 Willis, C H . ; R. W. Kuenning, E. F. Christensen, B. D . Bedford. Design of an Electronic Frequency Changer 1070-8; disc. 1418 Wilson, M . S.; J . M. Whittenton. Influence of I m ­ proved Magnetic Alloys on Design Trends of Elec­ trical Instruments 100-04; disc. 462 Wilson, W. R. Corona in Aircraft Electric Systems as a Function of Altitude 189-94 Wimpie, Sydney. A Unit for Balancing the Voltages of Three-Phase Aircraft Inverters Supplying Large Single-Phase Loads 532-3 W r inegartner, C. E. Disc 452 Wing, A. H., J r . Disc 1358 Winograd, H . Development of Excitron-Type Recti­ fier 969-78; disc. 1455 Winograd, H . Disc .1417 Winter, B. J . ; G. Weinstein, H . H . Howell, G. P. Lowe. Radio-Noise Elimination in Military Aircraft. 793-5 Winters, H . M . ; L. M. Cobb. Basic Considerations in the Select'on of Generators and Batteries for Air­ craft 889-93; disc. 1495 Wisegarver, O. H . ; V. W. Eckel. Solenoid-Operated Control Valves 911-14 Wiseman, R. J . (Disc, closure of I P C E A Committee R e ­ port) Current Rating of Cables as Affected by M u t u a l Heating in Air or Conduit 354-65; disc. 425 23 Wiseman, Robert J . D i s c 1352,1388,1395,1400 Witherow, H . M.; Albert Hansen. Electrically Driven Gyroscopes for Aircraft 204-08 Withington, Sidney. D e c 433 Wolfe, Oscar; E. E. Thomas, W. G. Taylor. Electric Equipment for the War Emergency Pipe-Line Pro­ jects 396-405 Wood, a E. Disc 1494 Wood, E. M. D i s c 423 Woods, a A., Jr. Disc 1422,1468 Woods, G. M. Economics of Trolley-Coach Opera· tion 578-81; disc 1452 Woods, G. M. Gear Ratio and Its Effect on Traction Motors. 65—8 Works, G. N.; T . W. Dakin, F. W. Boggs. A ResonantCavity Method for Measuring Dielectric Properties at Ultrahlgh Frequencies 1092-8; dbc. 1453 Wotring, G. A. Electrically Heated Clothing.. 1304-13 24 Wright, J . H.; F. R. Sias. Damping Cylinders for Air­ craft Gyroscopes 979-85 Wyatt, K. S. D i s c 1401 Wyman, B, W.; L. J . Linde. A Magnetic-Type Air CSrcuit Breaker for 15,000-Volt Services 140-4; disc. 454 Wyman,B. W.; L. J. Linde. Disc 450 X Xenis, C. P. Disc 1446 Y Yager, William A. D i s c Yarmack,J.E. Disc Transactions 2. 1453 475 Authors York, J . A.; W. B. Kouwenhoven, D . R. Hooker. Stuo of Artificial Respiration on Anesthethted M e n . . . 1-2; disc. Young, C M.; E. E. Lynch, E. R. Boynton. Electr Control in Automatic Pilots 939-43; d i s c 1 Z Zahorsky, L. A. Disc 1475 Zehner, J. L.; H. C. Steiner, H. E. Zu ver*. Pentod« Ignitrons for Electronic Power Converters 693-7; disc. 141o Zimmerman, KarL Disc 1453 Zimmerman, S. W. D i s c 1464,1466; Zucker, Myron. Rating of Electric Equipment linden Intermittent Load 778-83; disc 1382J Zuvers, H. E.; H. C. Steiner, J. L. Zehner. Pentode Ignitrons for Electronic Power Converters 693-7; disc 141 AIEE ANNUAL INDEXES