LBYPLNT (General Botany Laboratory) ACTIVITY 15: SEEDS SECTION A. PARTS OF A SEED 1. The Bean Seed Draw the exterior parts. Remove the seed coat and gently split open the seed. Draw the interior parts of the bean seed on the worksheet. Label the seed coat, micropyle, hilum, cotyledon, embryo, epicotyl, and hypocotyl on your drawings. You may get a photo from an online source. 2. The Corn Seed Secure an actual specimen (if available) or a photograph of a corn seed and carefully split DLSU/BIOLOGY/ BOTANY PLC/ LBYPLNT_rev_T1_2021-2022 it longitudinally. Draw the corn seed and identify the pericarp, endosperm, cotyledon, and embryo including the coleorhiza and coleoptile. Label your drawings. peric arp endosp erm coleoptil e plumule embryo cotyle don radicle coleorhi za SECTION B. CLASSIFICATION OF SEEDS Examine different types of seeds listed in the table below (actual specimen if available or a photograph) and complete table. Specimen No. of cotyledons Corn 1 Rice 1 DLSU/BIOLOGY/ BOTANY PLC/ LBYPLNT_rev_T1_2021-2022 Endosperm (presence or absence) presence presence presence Coconut 1 Red/white bean Peanut String bean/Baguio bean/pea Mango Squash/Melon Lemon Sunflower 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 absence (at maturity) absence (at maturity) absence (at maturity) absence (at maturity) absence (at maturity) absence (at maturity) absence (at maturity) SECTION C. SEED DISPERSAL MECHANISMS Complete the table below. Specimen Corn Rice Coconut Red/white bean Peanut String bean/Baguio bean/pea Mango Squash/Cucumber/Melon Lemon Sunflower Mechanism of dispersal or adaptation of seed Allochory Allochory Allochory Autochory Autochory Autochory Agent of dispersal (except by man) Ornithochory Anemochory Hydrochory Boleoautochory Barochory Boleoautochory Allochory Allochory Allochory Allochory Ornitochory Chiropterochory Ornitochory Anemochory DLSU/BIOLOGY/ BOTANY PLC/ LBYPLNT_rev_T1_2021-2022 Answer the following questions: 1 Explain the statement: “A seed is a baby plant in a box with its own lunch.” The phrase "A seed is a baby plant in a box with its own lunch" refers to how the seed's coat, which covers the seed, acts as a box until it begins to germinate, while the "lunch" refers to the nutrients stored in the seed, which will nourish the seed until it matures. 2. Do all dicot seeds have endosperm? Explain your answer. Endosperm may or may not be present in all mature dicot seeds. As the seed develops, the embryo grows, replacing the majority of the endosperm. However, in other circumstances where endosperm is present, the cotyledon structure is thin and serves to activate and transmit nutrients from the endosperm to the seedlings following germination. DLSU/BIOLOGY/ BOTANY PLC/ LBYPLNT_rev_T1_2021-2022