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COMM 1534 Assignment 1: Jung & Intertextuality

COMM 1534
Assignment 1
Mrs. E. Lombard
Mrs. D. Williamson
Answers can typed in Arial 12. Use full sentences and paragraphs when
Refer to all study material (Unit 1.1 – 1.5), prescribed readings and Blackboard
Collaborate sessions to help you complete the assignment. This assignment
will require of you to also do some additional research.
The questions below serve to assist you in an effective approach to your first
assignment for COM1534.
100 words.
Read the article about Jung’s archetypes on Blackboard.
Read the articles you can find on these websites.
Referencing in this part is very important.
The idea is that you get to practise referencing as it is a requirement at university.
We make use of the Harvard referencing method in Communication Sciences.
Discuss Jung’s theory about the unconscious and its function (s).
Answer to question 1:
Answer here in a paragraph:
Jung blahblahblah…neo-freudian…
Here you have discuss the different levels of consciousness according to Jung. What
the collective unconsciousness is etc,etc,etc…
Eg: Jung (Aniston, 2022) was a psychologist who was known for theorising about the
collective unconsciousness.
He further stated that until unconscious is made
conscious, it will always haunt you (Mboti, 2005).
Read the article about Jung’s archetypes on Blackboard.
Read the articles you can find on these websites.
According to the archetypes as universal concepts of personality (described by Jung)
archetypes are readily recognizable in your everyday life (e.g., in people that you
know, in historical/political figures) as well as in mass media.
You will watch a video clip from the movie Shrek. What are some examples of
these archetypes in this film? Identify at least 10 characters that clearly are
archetypes and motivate your answer.
Answer 2:
600 words
Referencing when discussing the different archetypes is very important.
The archetypes as universal concepts of personality was first described by Jung in
1917 (Breytenbach, 2011). The archetypes most often found in mass media
representations (Killbourne, 2014) are as follows:
- Joker
- Villain
- Etc. etc. etc.
Here you are applying the discussion of the archetypes, and you don’t have to worry
about referencing here.
In the movie clip from the Shrek, the following main characters present
characteristics of archetypes. HERE YOU NAME THE CHARACTERS (CHOOSE 5
Description of Shrek and his characteristics:
Which archetype Shrek represents (Identified archetype):
Description of important charcteristics of the identified archetype:
Your explanation of why you say Shrek displays the characteristics of the identified
Do this with all the characters you discuss from the clip.
Read the articles on Blackboard about intertextuality and make sure that you do
reference them in your discussion.
Explain what the role of intertextuality in visual communication is. Elaborate on the
four levels of understanding and briefly explain what the responsive chord theory is.
Answer 3
Start your answer with an explanation of what intertextuality is:
Intertextuality is … (Stevenson, 2015)
In the next part of your answer, refer to the functions of intertextuality:
According to Molefe (2021) intertextuality functions…
In the next part of your answer, explain what the role is of intertextuality in visual
In visual communication, intertextuality serves an important function and may assist
the audience to … (Marais, 2018)… For example, many advertisements rely on
intertextuality in their advertisements because …
Lake (2014) elaborates on the four levels of understanding and how they function in
visual communication…blahblahblah
The responsive chord theory is …
You will find a Nando’s advertisement on Blackboard which you will have to analyse
for this question.
Make a list of as many references to other texts in this advertisement as you can.
Explain why Nando’s use the specific texts in their advertisement, by referring to how
and why advertisers in general make use of intertextuality.
Answer 4
This answer is the application of the discussion of intertextuality in question 3.
500 words
Nando’s and intertextuality
Start the question by firstly explaining why advertisers make use of intertextuality.
Based on this explanation, you can now elaborate on why Nando’s makes use of it.
Now, you will continue with the rest of the answer:
You will start this part of the answer with describing what the advertisement is all
You will explain the context of the advertisement, in other words, the setting and
when this advertisement was aired: the historical context.
Now, you will watch the advertisement again and identify the different intertextual
references in it.
Answer 5
450-500 words
Create your own advertisement for a company of your choice in which you clearly
use archetypes as well as intertextuality. Clearly point out which archetypes you
used, and why, as well as how you used intertextuality.
Name the company for which you create the advertisement and then create the
storyboard of your advertisement. Explain the intertextual references in your
advertisements, and also the archetypes.
You can also make use of images to form collage which you can insert into your
Read this information to help you with creating your advertisement.
What Is an Advertising Storyboard?
An advertising storyboard is a method utilized by advertising agencies
that is mainly used for television advertisements. It is a series of
illustrations that gives a representation of the arranged sequences for a
commercial. A lot of agencies use commercial storyboard templates, as
well as a storyboard template in Word. Additionally, a storyboard has
components like:
Concept – It all begins with an idea and a team. People then work on to
make the concept come true.
Planning – This is where the procedures to make the storyboard into
reality happen.
Elements – Things like music, animation, and audio clips also come in
to play.
How to Create an Advertising Storyboard
If you’re planning on making an advertising storyboard, you should get a
team to help you out with everything. They will make things easier to
complete the project. If you already have a team, then these steps to
create an advertising storyboard will help you out:
Step 1 – Check out templates like movie storyboard templates and
some storyboard examples.
Step 2 – Get a paper and make start making squares.
Step 3 – Add script to each square.
Step 4 – Start drawing out the story.
Step 5 – Add some important notes like camera angles, sound effects,
and special effects.
TV Advertising Storyboard
Importance of a Storyboard Template
Due to the benefit that storyboards provide us, a lot of people have been
using them. Agencies, companies, and businesses use this method to
endorse their products. However, what is another important factor about
a storyboard? The answer is their templates.
Templates like free storyboard template and PowerPoint storyboard
template are vital because they help in drafting. Here are other reasons
why they’re crucial:
It’s used as a means for reference.
It’s used to set up patterns and test them.
It’s used to save up time and effort.
It lessens errors during the process of drafting.
Uses of Storyboard Template
A storyboard template has a lot of different uses. It’s more than just a
way to save on time. It’s more than just there to help you with figure out
a pattern. Things like business storyboard templates have uses like:
Customer Satisfaction – Templates have guidelines embedded within
them, which help improve the overall customer satisfaction.
Save Resources – Things like order form templates, including the
storyboard template, help save money for the business.
Consistency – Templates make the final product to be consistent and
Total 50 marks