Uploaded by Leigh Anika Reyes

Obligations and Contracts: General Provisions

Art. 1156. An obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do.
What is obligation?
Under the New Civil Code (NCC), ob/i'7ation is a juridical necessity to
give, to do or not to do.1
An obligation "to do" includes all kinds of work or service; while an
obligation "to give" is a prestation which consists in the delivery of a
movable or an immovable thing in order to create a real right, or for the use
of the recipient, or for its simple possession, or in order to return it to its
owner. 2
What is a right?
A rwht. is a claim or title to an interest in anything whatsoever that
is enforceable by law. 3 A rwht. is a power, privilege, or immunity guaranteed
under a constitution, statute or decisional law, or recognized as a result of
long usage, constitutive of a legally enforceable claim of one person against
the other. 4
For every right enjoyed by any person, there is a corresponding
obligation on the part of another person to respect such right. Thus, Justice
J.B.L. Reyes offers the definition given by Arias Ramos as a more complete
An obligation is a juridical relation whereby a person (called the
creditor) may demand from another (called the debtor) the observance of a
determinative conduct ( the giving, doing or not doing), and in case of breach,
may demand satisfaction from the assets of the latter. 5
1156 of the New Civil Code of the Philippines (NCC).
Construction and Development Corporation vs. Phllippine Comme rcial International Bank. G.R. No.
153827, April 26, 2006.
3 Makatl Stock Exchange, Inc. et.al. vs. Miguel V. Campos substituted by Julia Ortigas Vda. De Campos, G.R
13881 4, April 16, 2009.
Rellosa vs Pe1Josis, G.R No. 138964, August 9, 2001, 362 SCRA 486.
5 Makati Stock Exchange, Inc. ct.al. vs. Miguel V. Campos substituted by Julia Ortigas Vda. D C mp
. G.R.
1388 14, April 16, 2009.
2 Asian