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Intrastat. Fusion Logistics for EMEA ERP CLOUD. Table of Contents

Fusion Logistics for EMEA
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Setup and Maintenance .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Manage Intrastat Country Characteristics .................................................................................................................. 6
Manage Intrastat Rules ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Manage Intrastat Parameters ................................................................................................................................... 16
Transactions (Case: Procure –to-Pay Transaction Flow) ............................................................................................... 18
Setup of country characteristics ............................................................................................................................... 18
Create Purchase Order .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Receive against the PO.............................................................................................................................................. 20
Collect (and validate) the transaction through the ESS ............................................................................................ 22
Export or Print the Intrastat Transaction Report ...................................................................................................... 23
Manage Intrastat Transactions ............................................................................................................................. 23
Export Intrastat Collections................................................................................................................................... 24
Print Intrastat Collections (Summary)................................................................................................................... 25
Print Intrastat Collections (Details) ....................................................................................................................... 27
1. Executive Summary
Intrastat is the system for collecting information and producing statistics on the trade in goods between countries of the
European Union (EU).
A statistical system has been developed in the EU to collect information directly from enterprises about dispatches and
arrivals of commodities among member states. This system is called Intrastat and has been in operation since 1 January
1993. The Intrastat system is based on basic EU regulations that apply in all countries. However, the practical application
differs in the individual member states.
Each member state has its own handbook of what and how this works.
This document provides the basic information about the Intrastat Transactions for the European Union (EU) as available
under the Oracle Supply Chain Localizations. This includes the required setups for conducting the Intrastat Transactions.
The document also explains the various steps in the Intrastat Transactions process flow, including a simple Procure-toPay (P2P) flow as part of the Purchase Order based transactions in Receiving. The document also provides a brief on the
reports generated as a part of the Intrastat Transactions.
A glossary is provided to explain the critical terms and attributes applicable for the Intrastat Transactions.
This document doesn’t cover the Miscellaneous Transactions that can be created manually.
Recommended Further References:
More information about the Intrastat Transactions http://www.intrastat.ro/di_cri_en.php
List of the countries and respective authorities as Members State to the European Union http://www.intrastat.scb.se/memberstateseng.asp
2. Introduction
The basis of INTRASTAT is that, an INTRASTAT declaration has to be made every time goods cross from one state to
another within the EU. However, instead of completing a form at the borders, INTRASTAT declarations are submitted
monthly. The European Commission has mandated these declarations in order to automate the legislative changes and
business reporting requirements brought about by the creation of the European single market.
The information that is tracked by the Intrastat system is based strictly on the actual physical movement of goods
between member countries of the EU. Intrastat information does not apply to the movement of monetary amounts or
the placement of orders between member countries.
Why Intrastat:
The trade statistics collected by the INTRASTAT system are an important source of information for business, as well as
being of vital interest to Government Departments and the EU. Economists and financial institutions also regularly
request INTRASTAT data.
Governments use the statistics to:  monitor industrial performance
 inform their forward planning
 generate initiatives on new trade areas
 help develop economic policy
The statistics provide traders with a basis for:  identifying markets and assessing market shares
 determining the degree of import substitution for home manufactured goods
 determining the degree of market penetration by competitors
It is therefore important that the statistical information submitted by traders is prompt and accurate.
When Intrastat must be declared:
The detailed INTRASTAT declaration is required on a monthly basis.
Fusion INTRASTAT Reporting is a feature that facilitates companies to collect record and report the statistics on the
movement of material related to the trade in goods between the countries of the European Union (EU). This is required
for reporting to their respective government and statutory bodies (INTRASTAT Authorities) as per the direction of the of
government legislations.
Intrastat setup is based on parameters, rules, and country characteristics enabled at Legal Reporting Unit (LRU) and
country level.
Country Level Setup for individual countries coming under the European Union.
All member countries publish their respective Reporting Guidelines for making the Intrastat declarations. These
are predefined for the following Tier-1 countries in Fusion:
United Kingdom
Legal Reporting Unit (LRU) Level Setup to get parameters at the Legal reporting unit level l, such as the
contact information and VAT registration number.
Setup of Intrastat Rules – This has a collection of 7 steps. These are the rules to set up the features to derive
key reporting attributes as per a country’s requirements.
Based on this setup, transactions are collected from base applications (like Inventory, Shipping, Receiving, and
Distributed Order Orchestration (DOO)) and validated for exceptions. Finally the validated transactions are reported/
printed or exported for processing with external software. Where the reports are printed from the application, Oracle
provides with the option to print the same in the HTML, PDF, RTF, Excel (mhtml), or Data format. Where the reports
need to be exported to external software, the reports can be exported to Comma-Separated Values (CSV) files.
A Triangular Trade Transaction is any transaction between three trading partners in three countries, where at least two
of the trading partners are a part of the economic zone.
Oracle's INTRASTAT solution supports triangular trade reporting with concept of 'triangulation mode'. Triangulation
mode specifies how the movement statistics records are analyzed and generated when it encounters a triangular trade
There are two triangulation modes possible:
Invoiced Based - a movement record is based on the invoice and not the physical movement of goods.
Shipment Based - a movement record is created only on the physical movement of goods
A system for collecting information and producing statistics on the trade in goods
between countries of the European Union (EU). It began operation on 1 January 1993,
when it replaced customs declarations as the source of trade statistics within the EU.
Triangulation Mode
Determines how the Intrastat Collection Processor will process Triangulation (dropshipments):
Invoice Based: the processor will process movement transactions based on the
flow of the invoice.
Shipment Based: the processor will process movement transactions based on
flow of goods.
Legal Reporting Unit (LRU)
Legal reporting units (together with their tax registration number) are the units that
the Oracle Fusion Financials creates automatically, on creating a new legal entity. They
are required for the purpose of tax calculations related to a legal entity.
Intrastat Collection Processor
This is a batch program that generates the INTRASTAT records. It analyzes all the
transactions that occur in the system in the context of a Legal Reporting Unit (LRU)
The following transactions are examined:
 Purchase Receipts
 Return to Supplier (RTV)
 Sales shipments
 Return Material Authorization ( RMA)
 Inventory interorganization movements
 Transfer Order and Transfer Order Returns
You can then validate the records and create official reporting documents.
Please note that miscellaneous inventory receipts and issues are not analyzed by the
program, as these transactions are considered inventory updates, not material
VAT Registration Number
Your Legal Reporting Unit is assigned a VAT Registration Number if your company
operates in a member state of the European Union and you register to pay VAT. The
first two characters of a VAT registration number are the country code for the country
or state where the registered company or organization is located.
Incoterms are a series of international sales terms that represent international
commercial transportation practices and are used in contracts for the sale of goods.
These terms help clarify and divide transaction costs, risks, and responsibilities
between buyer and seller.
3. Setup and Maintenance
The Setup and Maintenance related to the INTRASTAT involves setup at 3 levels as follows I.
Country Level – Manage Intrastat Country Characteristics
LRU Level - Manage Intrastat Parameters
Collection of steps – Manage Intrastat Rules
Manage Intrastat Country Characteristics
Task name: Manage Intrastat Country Characteristics
Navigation: Navigator –> Setup and Maintenance -> Define Intrastat Reporting -> Manage Intrastat Country
These are the counrty-specific setups that are required to be followed by individual countries. Oracle provides predefined setup on the country characteristicks for 8 out of the present 28 countries within the European Union.
You can add the intrastat characterisitcks for additional countires or update the predefined ones based on the latest
Reporting Special Transactions
One important aspect of the above setup is the defintion of how the triangular trade transactions will be analyzed for
the generation of Intrastat report of an individual country.
You can report triangular trade transactions by:
Invoice- A triangular trade transaction is reported in the Intrastat report based on the issue of an invoice. A
record is created based on the invoice and not the physical movement of goods.
Shipment- A triangular trade transaction is reported in the Intrastat report based on the physical movement of
goods. A record is created based on the physical movement of goods and not the invoice.
You can also specify who declares the transaction when the seller is the same country as the shipper and the customer
to avoid duplication of records in the Intrastat report.
Required Attributes
You can define the required set of attributes that need to be reported in the Intrastat report for an individual country.
These attributes can be defined for both the Arrival and Dispatch flow types.
Arrival Flow
The Intrastat authority of a country requires a specific set of attributes to be included in the intrastat report for an
Arrival flow.
Some Key attributes to be considered for the setup for this flow are:
Description of the commodities arriving in the country
Freight terms
Freight terms or Incoterms applicable for the arrival transactions
Mode of transport
Mode of transport for every arrival transaction
Region of
Details of the region within the destination or receiving country where the good
will be finally consumed
Country of origin
Details of the dispatch country from where the goods originated
Fiscal regime
The Fiscal regime details for the arrival transaction should be provided in addition
to the Nature of transaction code (See below)
Statistical procedure code details for the arrival transaction.
This should be provided in addition to the Nature of transaction code details in
the Intrastat report.
Note: You can provide either the Fiscal regime attribute or the Statistical
procedure attribute, not Both.
Net Mass
Nature of
transaction code
Invoice amount
Net mass of the transaction
( Net Mass = Quantity of items X Unit weight of the item)
Nature of transaction code details of the arrival transaction
Note: Nature of transaction codes is published by an individual country's Intrastat
authority and hence may vary based on country.
Actual invoice amount that is already created for the transaction
Dispatch Flow
The Intrastat authority of a country requires a specific set of attributes to be included in the Intrastat report for a
Dispatch flow.
Some Key attributes to be considered for the setup for this flow are:
Description of the commodities for the dispatch transaction
Freight terms
Freight terms or Incoterms applicable for the dispatch transactions
Mode of transport
Mode of transport for every dispatch transaction
Region of origin
Details of the region within the dispatching country from where the goods are
Country of origin
Details of the dispatch country from where the goods originated
Fiscal regime
The Fiscal regime details for the dispatch transaction can optionally provided in
addition to the Nature of transaction code (See below)
Statistical procedure code details for the dispatch transaction.
This should be provided in addition to the Nature of transaction code details in
the Intrastat report.
Note: You can provide either the Fiscal regime attribute or the Statistical
procedure attribute, not Both.
Net Mass
Nature of
transaction code
Invoice amount
Net mass of the transaction
( Net Mass = Quantity of items X Unit weight of the item)
Nature of transaction code details of the dispatch transaction
Note: Nature of transaction codes is published by an individual country's Intrastat
authority and hence may vary based on country.
Actual invoice amount that is already created for the transaction
Manage Intrastat Rules
Task name: Manage Intrastat Rules
Navigation: Navigator –> Setup and Maintenance -> Define Intrastat Reporting -> Manage Intrastat Rules
Intrastat rules are used to set up Intrastat reporting as per the requirement of an individual country. Intrastat rules
enable you to define the guidelines and validations that are applicable for creating the Intrastat Declaration. These rules
can be shared across Legal Reporting Units . However some of these ( Attribute Validation Rule, Statistical Value
Calculation Rule and Supplementary UOM Rule ) can also be specific to a single Legal Reporting Unit.
The 7 Intrastat rule types that can be used to define the reporting criteria for Intrastat transactions are:
• Validation
• Supplementary UOM
• Nature of Transaction Code
• Fiscal Regime
• Statistical Procedure Code
• Statistical Value Calculation
• Exclusion
For the Rule Type ‘Attribute Validation Rule’ the attribute Legal Reporting Unit ‘ and ‘Intrastat Catalog’ are not required
and hence disabled.
‘Intrastat Catalog’ is a required attribute when defining the Rule type ‘Supplementary UOM rule..
A brief explanation of the above rules are –
Attribute Validation Rules
The Attribute Validation Rules allow you to add additional parameters at the transaction level in addition to the
required parameters that you have already set at the country level in the Manage Intrastat Country Characteristics
UI..Validation rules are defined for a combination of source transaction and Intrastat reporting attribute.
Note : If an attribute is defined as required for a source transaction, then an exception is logged if the collected
transaction does not have that attribute.
Supplementary UOM
Supplementary UOM rules enable you to define the requirement for reporting Intrastat transactions in a supplementary
UOM other than the weight UOM. The movement of goods or specific items is reported in a UOM other than the weight
UOM. For example, it specifies that movement of the commodity Oil should be reported in Barrels.
Supplementary UOM rules are defined for a category code under the Intrastat catalog. And that category code in turn
defines the UOM in which the Intrastat transaction is reported. For an item associated with a specific category code the
Intrastat transactions are reported in the corresponding supplementary UOM defined. The quantity of the item is
thereby derived in supplementary UOM based on the UOM conversion factor.
Nature of Transaction Code
You can use the Nature of Transaction Code to define the category of the Intrastat transaction. The Nature of
Transaction Codes are unique to a country as the same are published by a country's respective Intrastat authority.. The
codes can be either in single digit or double digits.
The Nature of Transaction Code rules enable you to define the Nature of Transaction Code applicable based on source
transaction, inventory organization, item, and trading partner attributes of the base transaction. The rules defined at a
specific or granular level are given priority over rules defined at a higher level. For example, if there are two rules; one
for a Source Transaction and the other for a Source Transaction and Item. In this case, the rule for Source Transaction
and Item is given a higher priority wherever applicable.
Fiscal Regime Code
Fiscal Regime Code is used in some countries in addition to the Nature of Transaction Code to categorize transactions.
Fiscal Regime rules define the Fiscal Regime Code applicable based on the source transaction, inventory organization,
item, and trading partner attributes of the base transaction. Similar to the Nature of Transaction Code rules, the Fiscal
Regime Code rules defined at a specific or granular level, are given priority over the rules defined at a higher level.
Note : You can define either a Fiscal Regime Code or a Statistical Procedure Code for a particular transaction.
Statistical Procedure Code
A Statistical Procedure Code is used in some countries of the European Union in addition to the Nature of Transaction
Code to categorize the transactions. Statistical Procedure Code enables you to define the Statistical Code applicable for
deriving the statistical procedure of the collected transaction. This is based on source transaction, inventory
organization, item, and trading partner attributes of the base transaction.
Note : You can define either a Statistical Procedure Code or a Fiscal Regime Code for a particular transaction.
Statistical Value Calculation
Statistical value calculation rules enable you to specify the freight factor that is included in the statistical value. Freight
factor is defined in percentage and indicates the component of freight charge that should be included in the statistical
You can define this rule based on country, organization, item, freight terms, and mode of transport of the base
transaction.You can then specify the freight factor, which is a percentage of the freight charge. This freight factor is
included while calculating the statistical value. For example, you need to include only the freight charges up to the
country's border for a dispatch transaction. You can specify this by defining a freight factor that accounts for the freight
charges only up to the country's border.
Note : In cases where freight charges are applicable for shipments across two countries within the European Union, you
are required to include only the freight charge for moving the goods from your establishment to the border of the
Exclusion rules enable you to define the criteria to exclude specific goods movement transactions from the collections.
You can exclude a specific item that you do not want to be reported in the Intrastat collections by defining the exclusion
criteria in the rule. For example, you may not require the service items to be included in the collection. You can define
this rule based on source transaction, organization, category code, item, and trading partner of the base transaction.
You can specify the exclusion criterion that includes the source transaction, category code, and item details of the
transaction containing the service items. This ensures that the specified items are not included in the collections.
Manage Intrastat Parameters
Task name: Manage Intrastat Parameters
Navigation: Navigator –> Setup and Maintenance -> Define Intrastat Reporting -> Manage Intrastat Parameters
This setup is used to define the parameters for gathering data on intrastat transactions. The application uses this
information to validate entry of Intrastat transactions and to properly report the information.
Intrastat Parameters can be defined only for the legal reporting units where the country characteristics are defined. If
the Intrastat parameters are to be defined for a secondary legal reporting unit, then the secondary legal reporting unit
must be associated with an inventory organization.
Some Key attributes to be considered for this setup are:
VAT Registration
VAT Registration Number that you are registered with to pay VAT.
Economic Zone
The economic zones where you conduct business (such as the European Economic
Community (EEC) and the North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA)). In this
case it is European Economic Community.
Calendar for reporting Intrastat transactions.
Tax Office Code of the tax office to which your legal entity reports.
Name of the tax office to which your legal entity reports.
Location of the tax office to which your legal entity reports
Name of the legal entity branch.
Reporting Calendar
Tax Office Code
Tax Office Name
Tax Office Location
Branch Reference
Validation Rules
UOM Rules
Note: this reference is printed on the European Union INTRASTAT declaration.
The rules that define the criteria for validating the collected and manually entered
Intrastat transactions.
The rules governing the Supplementary UOM as a part of the Intrastat
Classification Nomenclature (ICN), as applicable to certain classes of products.
Fiscal Regime Rules
The Fiscal regime details for the arrival transaction should be provided in addition
to the Nature of transaction code. (See below)
of Nature of transaction code details of the dispatch transaction.
Transaction Code
Note : Nature of transaction codes is published by an individual country's Intrastat
authority and hence may vary based on country.
Exclusion Rules
Optional rule that excludes specific Intrastat transactions from collections.
Value Freight factor that is included in the statistical value.
Calculation Rule
(Freight factor is defined in percentage and indicates the component of freight
charge that should be included in the statistical value.
Note: The calendar you use for Intrastat reporting purposes is independent of the accounting calendar for your
4. Transactions (Case: Procure –to-Pay Transaction Flow)
In this section, you would go through a typical Procure-to-Pay (P2P) flow when applied to the Intrastat Transaction.
This section covers the following functional use cases in the flow
Step 1: Setup of Country Characteristics and other setups - The set up of Intrastat is separated into two
levels, one at country level and other at the LRU level.
Step 2: Create Purchase Order (PO) and Submit for Approval –You would create a Purchase Order manually,
with a LRU in France and a supplier in Italy.
Step 3: Create Receipt against the PO – Receive against the above Purchase Order
Step 4: Collect the Receipt TransactionSteps 5: Validate the Intrastat Transaction
Step 6: Export or/and Print Intrastat Collections
Setup of country characteristics
At country level you will be able to define Intrastat characteristics. You will be able to configure the data attributes that
are required for reporting Intrastat transactions in that country.
The application is seeded with the country level characteristics for Tier 1 EU member countries. The seeded
characteristics are based on the current Intrastat guidelines for the member country. You can modify the seeded
characteristics in keeping with the latest regulations. You can also define the Intrastat characteristics for any other
country or a new country in case a new country joins the EU community in future.
This section deals with the setup task as applied to the P2P flow. For more details on this Setup tasks, refer to the
Section 3.
Task name: Manage Intrastat Country Characteristics
Login as: Tax Manager
Navigation: Navigator –> Setup and Maintenance -> Define Intrastat Reporting -> Manage Intrastat Country
Search for Territory name: ‘France’ and edit, if required, to ensure that the reference period is set to ‘Shipment’
The European Union has defined reference period as “the calendar month during which value added tax has become
due for the intra-community transactions to be recorded. “
Since, tax regulations differ between Member States, the interpretation of the reference period is not consistent and
varies throughout the European Union. For example, the UK, France and Denmark have different rules for assigning the
reference period.
The application has reference period set to ‘Shipment’ as default, that is, the date that the transaction took place is
taken as the reference period. For the flow in this case, the reference period would be the date that the Purchase order
is received.
(The other value for the attribute ‘Reference Period’ can be ‘Invoice’, that is, the date that the transaction was invoiced
is taken as the reference period.)
Note: The other setups are similar to the ones explained in the Section 3 of the document.
Create Purchase Order
A Purchase order (PO) is a commercial document and first official order issued by the buyer to the supplier, indicating
types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services the supplier will provide to the buyer.
After you have completed the required setups, the next step in your flow is to create Purchase Orders, with the details
as provided below.
Task name: Create Order
Login as: Procurement Manager
Navigation: Navigator > Procurement > Purchasing > Orders > Create Order
Some important attributes from the perspective of this flow are Procurement BU (Required), Requisitioning BU
(Required), Supplier, and Supplier site, Ship-to Location, Sold-to Legal Entity, Currency (Required), and Buyer (Required).
Create the Purchase Order and Note down the Order number.
Provide the Line details, such as the Item (Required), Quantity (Required), Location(Required), and other optional
information such as Need-by date (= Promised Date = current date), Country of Origin, Match invoice option = Order (or
Receipt), Receipt routing (Direct Delivery), UN Number ( in case of Hazardous substance), Product Fiscal Classification,
Tax Classification.
Ensure that the Invoice Match Option is set as ‘Order’
Submit the transaction.
Receive against the PO
You can next receive your items against the Purchase Order you submitted earlier, as in the steps below.
Task name: Receive Expected Shipments
Login as: Receiving Agent / Warehouse Manager
Navigation: Navigator > Warehouse Operations >Expected Shipments > Receive Expected Shipments
In this step you can search for your Purchase order and receive your items against the same. Enter the quantity as
provided in the earlier step and receive the item in a storage subinventory.
Search for the Purchase Order or the Supplier, provide the quantity and receive the shipment line.
On Submit note the Receipt Number
Review the status of PO. It is now Closed for receiving.
Collect (and validate) the transaction through the ESS
The pre-requisite for this step is that your Purchase Order should be in ‘Closed’ status for Receiving.
The application allows you to consolidate all your Intrastat transaction (referred to as ‘Collection’), so that you can
validate the same against the rules set ups earlier. Only those transactions that are validated successfully as per the
specified criteria can be reported in the Intrastat declaration.
You can identify missing or incomplete entries and make corrections before submitting the information. In particular,
you can verify whether all the required information was provided in the transactional system.
Task name: Collect Intrastat Transaction
Login as: Tax Manager
Navigation: Navigation: Navigator –> Tools -> Scheduled Processes
After the receipt is closed the same is available to for collection. Since this flow is based on the Purchase order select the
Source Transaction as the Purchase Order. (The other source transaction could be Customer return, Interorganization
receipt, Interorganization shipment, Return to supplier, Sales Order or a Miscellaneous Transaction). You can opt to
validate the transaction simultaneously while collecting the transaction, in which case a sub-process to validate the
transaction runs as a part of the parent request for collecting Intrastat transaction. If you opt to validate, the output will
be an Intrastat Collection Validation Report.
This report provides a list of all validation errors of Intrastat transactions. You can use this report to identify all records
that could not be validated along with reason of failure during validation. This is internal report and not used for any
legal reporting. You can use this report to make any required updates to the setups and run the ESS program again.
In case you have opted not to validate the transaction as a part of the collection, you can do so separately with the task
Validate Intrastat Collections. However it is recommended that you validate the transaction as a part of the collection
Your ESS transaction should have succeeded to proceed to the next step.
Export or Print the Intrastat Transaction Report
The Prerequisite for Exporting or Printing the Intrastat Transaction Report is that the collection should have been
validated and free from any errors. You can review this in the UI Manage Intrastat Transactions
This would follow the following sub-step –
1. Manage Intrastat Transactions – to ensure that your transactions are ‘Validated’
2. Export Intrastat Transactions- as CSV files directly to the legal authorities
3. Print Intrastat Collections – as Summary or Detail reports for the Intrastat collections
4.5.1. Manage Intrastat Transactions
In this UI can search for your transaction based on the Legal Entity and the Transaction dates. Since your flow is based
on the Purchase Order, select the’ Source Transaction’ as ‘Purchase Order’.
Task name: Manage Intrastat Transactions
Login as: Tax Manager
Navigation: Navigator –> Intrastat Reporting -> Manage Intrastat Transactions
Once your transaction is in ‘Validated’ status ( Green indicator under the ‘Status’ attribute) you can now Export or
generate Reports.
4.5.1. Export Intrastat Collections
You may be required by some legal authorities to make legal declarations via electronic means.
The application facilitates this requirement by providing you an option to export the Intrastat Collections in the form of
Comma Separate Values. However since every country has a different requirement with respect to this, you must be
familiar with the same.
You can follow the following steps to export the Intrastat Collections-
Task name: Export Intrastat Collections
Login as : Tax Manager
Navigation: Navigation: Navigator –> Tools -> Scheduled Processes
Provide the values for Legal Entity (required), Legal Reporting Unit (required) and Period (required) and Submit.
The output for this ESS transaction is a file with all necessary data to make legal declarations via electronic means. This is
a comma-separated report that provides information on attributes like Commodity, Net Mass, Statistical Value, Mode of
Transport, Nature of Transaction Code etc. which are crucial for Intrastat reporting.
You can use this report to make legal declaration with respect to the Intrastat transactions for reporting to the legal
You can use any prescribed third party software to generate the report in the required format or you can directly submit
the CSV output to the authorities.
4.5.2. Print Intrastat Collections (Summary)
Where required you can print your Intrastat Collections both as a Summary or Details.
You can print a Summary report following the below steps:
Task name: Print Intrastat Collections
Login as: Tax Manager
Navigation: Navigator –> Tools -> Scheduled Processes
Provide the values for Legal Entity (required), Legal Reporting Unit (required), and Period. Since this flow is based on the
PO, select the Source Transaction as ‘Purchase Order’.
Submit your transaction.
The output for this ESS transaction is Intrastat Collection Summary Report which is summarized Intrastat collection
based on selected criteria. It provides information on attributes like the Net Mass, Statistical Value, Mode of Transport,
Nature of Transaction Code etc.
You can use this report to get a summary of the Intrastat transactions. You can print this report in draft mode or in final
mode. When printed in final mode the status of the transactions is updated and no further modifications are allowed
for these transactions.
4.5.3. Print Intrastat Collections (Details)
You can print a Detail report following the below steps:
Task name: Print Intrastat Collections: Details
Login as: Tax Manager
Navigation: Navigator –> Tools -> Scheduled Processes
Provide the values for Legal Entity (required), Legal Reporting Unit (required), and Period. Since this flow is based on the
PO, select the Source Transaction as ‘Purchase Order’.
Submit your transaction.
The output for this ESS transaction is Intrastat Collection Details Report, which provides comprehensive information for
each Intrastat transaction record. Intrastat records are printed for each item along with transaction date for given legal
entity, legal reporting unit and period. It provides information on attributes like Item, Transaction Date, Net Mass,
Statistical Value, Mode of Transport, Nature of Transaction Code etc. that are crucial for a detailed reporting.
You can use this report to get a detailed view of the Intrastat transactions. You can print this report in draft mode or in
final mode. When printed in final mode the status of the transactions is updated and no further modifications are
allowed for these transactions.
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