ORAL PRESENTATION MARKING CRITERIA 1. INFORMAL PEER FEEDBACK ON ORAL PRESENTATION Give feedback on each presentation using the following table NAME OF PRESENTER Delivery Clearly presented Organised and easy to follow Engaged with the audience Obvious enthusiasm for topic Visual aids Clear and readable slides Visually appealing slides Suitable use of figures/data/diag rams Content Comprehensive Well-researched use of material Answers to questions Thoughtful Responsive Drew on knowledge of topic beyond presentation 1- NOT WELL ACHIEVED 2 3 4- VERY WELL ACHIEVED COMMENTS 2. LECTURER FEEDBACK ON ORAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation Grading Criteria Student name…………………………………….…………Title…………………………………………………. EXCELLENT (70-100) Delivery Clear and audible Appropriate timing Engaged with audience Knowledge and content Confident with subject/material Evidence of research Able to explain key ideas/issues Structure Logically organised Clear argument with relevant points Appropriate training Analysis and evaluation Balanced evaluation of information/evidence Detailed analysis of material used Use of visual aids All relevant to content Clear and legible Used appropriately Response to questions Prepared for questions Handled questions knowledgeably Team work Coherent group presentation Individual work wellintegrated into whole GOOD (60-70) SATISFAC TORY (50-60) BELOW AVERAGE (40-50) FAIL (0-39) 3. PEER ASSESSMENT OF GROUP PRESENTATIONS BY MEMBERS OF TEAM Use the criteria below to assess your contribution to the group presentation as well as the contribution of each of your teammates. 0 1 2 3 4 = = = = = no contribution minor contribution some contribution, but not always effective/successful some contribution, usually effective/successful significant contribution STUDENTS: YOU GRADING CRITERIA Ideas for presentation Analysis and evaluation of material/data Participation in group meetings and preparation of presentation Oral presentation delivery TOTAL SCORE