Uploaded by Iqrar Rizvi

Designer Face Masks Worksheet: Creative Art Activity

Designer Face Masks
Pretend you are a designer for a mask company. Your job is to make customized masks for people
who want something that shows who they are and makes them stand out in a distinctive way.
1. Use the questionnaire to learn more about your client.
2. Brainstorm different ideas on these small templates.
2. Choose the one you like the best.
3. Make your good drawing on the large template.
4. Write an artist statement to explain your design and how it connects to the things that are
important to your client.
Used with permission of CrayolaTeachers.ca
Client Name:
1. What does your name mean?
2. Do you have a nickname?
3. What are your 3 most favourite things to do?
4. What is your favourite colour?
5. What is your favourite animal?
6. What are your greatest strengths?
7. What are you most afraid of?
8. If you could do anything at all, what would it be? Why?
9. What word or phrase best describes you?
Artist Statement
I wanted to communicate:
I was inspired by and incorporated the following ideas in the design:
Used with permission of CrayolaTeachers.ca
Designed by
Used with permission of CrayolaTeachers.ca