Uploaded by stacey chrabasz

Reading Response Worksheet

Reading Response’s
Is there anything
What character do
that you would
you relate to the
change about the
most and why?
story? what would it
be and why would
you change it?
What genre is the
book and how do
you know?
Would you recommend
this book to a friend? what
would you say and explain
What do you
predict will happen
next in the story
and why? Make
sure to include
What is the conflict
in the story so far?
What lesson did you learn
from this story?
Can you try to make What is one
a connection to the problem that the
setting in any way? main character is
facing in this story?
Why do you think
the author wrote
this text?
Create your own idea for a
writing response…
Write a summery
from what you have
read so far. (Include
setting, characters
and conflicts)
If you could re write
any part of the
story, what would it
be? What would
your part say? Why
do you feel these
changes would be
Describe the setting Describe the central
of the story.
theme (message/meaning)
of the story.
Who is the least or
best character and
explain why?
Choose your
Write about your
favourite scene from favourite part of the
the book and write a story.
short script.
Who is the
protagonist and
antagonist in the
story? Explain how
you know this.
Describe one character
you like and why. List 3
questions that you would
ask that character if you
were to meet them.