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Environmental Science Study Guide: Hazards & Waste

Name: __________________________________ Period: ____________________ Date: _____________
Environmental Science Study Guide
Environmental Hazards and Human Health and Waste Management
Understand and be able to apply each of these terms.
1. Microorganisms 2. Sterilization 3. Antibiotics –
4. Prokaryotic –
5. Eukaryotic –
6. Unicellular –
7. Multicellular –
8. Mortality Rate 9. Emergent Disease –
10. Acute –
11. Chronic –
Critical Thinking
Be able to read, analyze, and give complete answers to questions like these.
1. Give one example of a biological hazard and one example of a chemical hazard.
2. Explain the miasma theory of disease. What did people believe caused infectious disease?
3. Explain the experiment conducted by Louis Pasteur that proved that microorganisms caused food
spoilage. What was the experimental and control group?
4. Give two examples of sanitation practices that changed as a result of the Germ Theory of Disease.
5. How did the discovery of antibiotics impact the rate of infectious diseases and the human population
growth rate?
6. Mark each box that applies to the organism with a check or an X. The first one is done as an example.
Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Unicellular Multicellular
7. Give an example of each of these different forms of diseases:
a. Airborne
b. Waterborne
c. Foodborne
d. Vectorborne
8. What disease listed in the lecture has the highest mortality rate?
9. What disease listed in the lecture has the highest global death rate?
10. Which infectious agent (bacteria, virus, protist, etc) is more likely to be an emergent disease? Why?
11. When is antibiotic or pesticide resistance more likely to develop?
12. Explain each of these toxic effects that a chemical can have on the body:
a. Mutagen –
b. Carcinogen –
c. Teratogen –
d. Neurotoxin –
e. Allergen –
f. Pathway Inhibitor –
g. Hormone Mimic –
h. Hormone Blocker –
13. Toxins tend to have the greatest health impacts when they are: (choose one from each pair)
a. At a high dose | at a low dose
b. Water soluble | oil soluble
c. Persistent | Biodegradable
14. Identify each of these as acute or chronic exposures.
a. Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for several years.
b. Binge-drinking alcohol during one night.
15. What level of the food chain is most likely to bioaccumulate toxic levels of a substance?
16. Identify each of the following based on the graph to the right. Assume the response is death.
a. Threshold dose:
100% Mortality
17. Caffeine has an LD50 level of 192mg/kg. Nicotine is 50mg/kg. Which one is more deadly?
18. A medium Dunkin Donuts coffee has 302mg of caffeine. If an adult weighing 80kg (178 pounds) drinks
two of these coffees a day, what is their daily exposure?
a. Are they at significant risk of death by caffeine toxicity? Use the LD50 value in question 17.
Understand and be able to apply each of these terms.
12. Waste Stream –
13. Municipal Solid Waste 14. Hazardous Waste –
15. Recycling –
16. Composting –
17. Tipping Fee –
18. Leachate -
Critical Thinking
Be able to read, analyze, and give complete answers to questions like these.
1. Give an example of biodegradable and non-degradable waste. Which can be composted?
2. What are open dumps, and why are they now illegal in most developed countries?
3. The two most common methods of municipal waste disposal are sanitary landfills and incinerators.
What are the benefits and drawbacks of using each?
4. Describe two ways that modern incinerators have improved over the mass-burn incinerators first used in
the 1970s and earlier.
5. Give two examples of benefits of recycling instead of sending material to a landfill.
6. Many communities now follow the integrated waste
management strategy of dealing with waste. Fill out the
triangle to the right with each of the five components of this
a. Which of the strategies is the “first resort” and
preferred method of dealing with waste?
b. Which of the strategies is the “last resort”?
7. Summarize what occurred during the Love Canal disaster and the two laws that were written in response
to it.
a. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) –
b. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Recovery Act (CERCLA) -
8. Give one example of household waste that might be considered hazardous waste. What specific
property of this waste would cause it to be considered hazardous?
9. During the Khian sea disaster, hazardous waste was attempted to be exported to various developing
countries. What international agreement was drafted to stop further incidents like this?
a. What form of waste is still heavily exported in spite of this agreement?