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Simple random sampling: every element has some change of being chosen
a. Sampling without replacement
Block randomization: randomized permutated block randomization; pick a random permutation
Stratified random sampling: proportional allocation to take samples from each stratum—homogenous
within subgroups, but heterogenous between subgroups
Cluster randomization: groups subjects are randomized as opposed to individuals; heterogenous groups of
people within cluster, but homogenous between subgroups
Response Bias; assumption that responders & non-responders are equal
Frequency table: take data and divide into ranges and intervals (should be equally spaced)
Frequency distribution: number of occurrences of all values in the data
Absolute frequency: count of each category
Relative frequency: the proportion of observations having a given measurement; calculated as the
frequency divided by the total number of observations (%)
Relative frequency distribution: proportion of occurrences of each value in the data set; describes the
fraction of the occurrences of each values of a variable
Cumulative frequency: add the numbers together: both from the current and previous categories
Cumulative frequency Polygram: y-axis: cumulative frequency % & x-axis: measurement; gives
percentiles: measurement bellow which certain % fall
Histogram: Uses the area of rectangular bars to display frequency distribution
Describing shape of a histogram
a. Skewed:
Left/negative skew: has a long tail extending to the left
Right/positive skew: has a long tail to the right
Box plot: uses lines and boxes to indicate w Line inside the box: the media: the middle measurements;
line more to the left right skewed; line more to the right left skewed
I. Box interquartile range; Lower and upper edge: first (25th and third quartile)
II. Whiskers: extend outward to the smallest and largest “non-extreme” values in the data. Extreme
values are plotted as isolated dots pasts the ends of the whiskers.
a. Left whisker: 25th-1.5-IQR and right whisker 75th+1.5+IQR
i. IQR=Q3-Q1
Specificity vs. sensitive:
Sensitivity: the ability of a test to correctly identify patients with a disease; people w/disease
who test +; TP/TP +TN; increase; decrease false negatives-> increase false positives
Specificity: the ability of a test to correctly identify people without the disease. True positive:
the person has the disease and the test is positive; people w/out disease who test -;
Numerical distribution: Center of distribution (measurements of location)
Arithmetic mean: Most common metric to describe the location; average of a set of measurements =
(∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖)/𝑛
i. Use when the distribution is symmetric
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ii. If not symmetric use: median median=50th percentile; less influenced by extreme
observations; median=middle; odd: 0,1,2,3,7 median: 2; even: 0,1,2,3,5,7
median 2+3/2
Geometric means: # tend to be in the powers of something; (1): take log of values; (2): take
average ; (3): reverse log exponentiate; GM=10^4
X. Mode: most frequent occurring observations
Quick and dirty: mid-range: min+max/2
Numerical distributions: Variability of distribution (measurements of variability) about the center
I. Average distance from x-bar
II. Absolute distance: mean absolute deviation: = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥𝑏𝑎𝑟/2; easiest way to interpret:
compare to each other
Variance: square:
y is x instead
Standard deviation: common measure; how different measurement typically are from the mean
Interpretation of s: if data comes from a normal distribution; area under
1 pt: 68% of data falls under 1S.D; 2 S.D. 95% of data falls; 3 S.D. 99.7% of data falls
a. Outliers outside 3.S.D
b. Don’t use if it’s not a normal distribution
V. Interquartile range: use if it’s not a normal distribution(skewed); and use median b/c robust
a. Median: odd: 0,1,2,3,4,7,8, 25th: 0+1+2: 1 75th: 4+7+8=7; even: 0,1,2,3,7,8 median:
2+3/2=2.5; 25th: 0+1+2/3=1 & 3,7,8/3=7
Quick and dirty: range= Max-min =approx. 4S.D
a. R/4=S.D
Statistics and parameters:
I. Statistics: anything that you can calculate on a sample: x-bar and standard deviation
II. Parameter: population: mu and baby sigma
a. Frequentist: imagine this experiment happening over and over
III. Sampling distribution of x-bar
a. Mean value: average value of this experiment=mu
i. If average all x-bar, you get close to mu
ii. X-bar is the unbiased estimate; can use when data is symmetric; median doesn’t
have this property; is not unbiased
Standard deviation of the distribution
a. Standard deviation of set of x-bar is sigma=standard error of x-bar uncertainty of x-bar
b. Sigma reflects variation; variability depends on sample size; make clusters around mu
smaller by changing
V. Sampling distribution of S
a. Mean of the distribution ; S is almost the average of sigma; s is approx. unbiased of sigma
b. 𝑆 = √∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑋𝑖 − 𝑥𝑏𝑎𝑟)2/(𝑛 − 1)
Probability: the likelihood of an event from a given statistical experiment P(E)
a. Fundamental truths: axions of probabiltt; (1): 0<=P€<=1; 0=impossible
b. E1, E2, E3, P(E)1+P(E)2+ P(E)3+P(E)n =1
c. Law of large numbers: P(E)=ratio as the number of experiments approaches infinity
d. sampling distribution falls under this get probably from sampling distribution objective
probability: subject to law of large numbers
i. Subjective probability: not subject to law of large number: probability that it will
rain on Monday: 40%
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