Identity Theft Flyer Instructions You will create a flyer in Microsoft Word that lists a minimum of 5 things you would need to do if your identity was stolen. For example, contact your bank, credit card companies, etc. Do not just simply copy and paste from the Internet. Go to several different websites to find different tips from different sources. You may use any design or template that you would like. You must include at least two pictures that match the topic. Make sure that your flyer is organized, creative, and attractive. You should not have any grammatical errors, so please spell check when you are finished. Also, please be sure to give any credit to resources that you have used. A rubric is provided to use as a guideline for this activity. Save your flyer as Identitytheft_YourName in your folder. Then, submit your flyer in Google Classroom under the Assignment submission link. Identity Theft Flyer Rubric Organization of information presented Excellent (15-20 pts.) Good (10-14 pts.) Each statement in the flyer has a clear beginning, middle, and end. 75% or more statements of the flyer have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Content-Accuracy All facts in the flyer are accurate. and information validity Satisfactory (6-9 pts.) 50-74% of the statements of the flyer have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Needs Improvement (0-5 pts.) Less than half of the statements of the flyer have a clear beginning, middle, and end. 90-99% of the facts in 80-89% of the facts in Fewer than 80% of the flyer are the flyer are accurate. the facts in the flyer accurate. are accurate. Spelling & mechanics No spelling errors and all sections of flyer are free of writing errors. No more than 1 spelling and/or writing errors are present. No more than 3 spelling and/or writing errors are present. More than 3 spelling and/or writing errors are present. Attractiveness & organization The flyer has exceptionally attractive formatting and well-organized information. The flyer has attractive formatting and well-organized information. The flyer has well organized information or format but not both. The flyer’s formatting and organization of material is confusing to the reader. Graphics/pictures Graphics match the Graphics go well with the text, but there are so many (more than two per section) that they distract from the text. Graphics go well with the text, but there are too few (less than two graphics for entire flyer) and the flyer seems “text heavy”. Graphics do not go with the accompanying text or appear to be randomly chosen. topic and text in section where placed. Each section has no more than two graphics and there are at least a total of two graphics used. Total Points