ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION Lecture 2 Prepared by: CPA Mulogo, Eric [MFA-OG, B.Com Acc Hons., CPA(T)] 4 May 2021 1 Study objective Introduction Types of production Industry Commerce Factors of production Size and location of firms 4 May 2021 2 Introduction A definition of production involves the process by which raw materials are transformed into a finished good suitable for sure and delivered to costumers. Commerce is concerned which one section of this process. It is a system by which raw materials a distributed to industry and the finished products to consumers. Consumer would require a good only if it has an ability to satisfy his need. This ability good is called utility. Production is thus a process aimed at creating utility in a good. 4 May 2021 3 Types of Production Direct production This occurs when some one attempt to satisfy his/her want entirely by his own efforts. Indirect production This means specialization in one particular occupation and the exchange (through the medium of money) of those good produced and services provided . This may involve producing goods for export. 4 May 2021 4 Stages of Production We many conveniently divide production into two stage: Industry and Commerce The value of the raw materials is increased in each stage. 4 May 2021 5 Organization of Production Production Commerce Industry Primary Extractive Secondary Generic Manufacturing Aids to Trade Trade Foreign Home Constructive Wholesale Export Retail NB: Aids to Trade include Advertising, Banking, Warehousing, Insurance, Transport and Communication. 4 May 2021 6 Import AIDS TO TRADE Advertising Consists of non personal forms of communication conducted through paid media under clear sponsorship. The aim is to inform, persuade, and remind potential consumers about products or services available to the sponsors. Transportation Is the physical movement of products through a channel of distribution from product to consumer and among channel intermediaries 4 May 2021 7 AIDS TO TRADE (Cont…) Banking Is an institution which accepts deposits, safeguards the money so received make them available to its true owners on demand advances loans and provide other financial services. Warehousing Involves commercial activity of holding and housing goods before shipment to buyers or before entering into other stages of production. 4 May 2021 8 AIDS TO TRADE (Cont…) Communication Is the conveyance of information and ideas from one person to another. That is wholesalers ,retailers, banks, advertisers etc. Insurance is aids to trade in which in return for the payment of premium an insurer agrees to compensate the insured in the event of his suffering a specified loss. The transfer of goods form one place to another is not free from loss. 4 May 2021 9 Industry Industry deals with the extraction of natural resources and altering their forms until they are in a state in which people can use them. It is connected with the production and preparation of goods and services. It is that part of business activity, which is concerned with the extraction, production and fabrication of products. Industry may be classified into primary and secondary industries. 4 May 2021 10 Primary Industry Primary industry engage in the production or extraction of raw material, which are used in the secondary industry. They include workers employed in mining, quarrying, fishing, forestry and farming the extractive industries. They are the first producers who handle the gifts of nature. Primary industry can be divided into two parts namely: • Extractive and • Genetics industries. 4 May 2021 11 Primary Industry (Cont…) Extractive Industry: for example fishery, Extraction of oil, gas and coal etc. Generic industries: those are which are engaged in reproducing and multiplying certain species of animals and plants. For example poultry farm, fishing farm, diary farm, plant 4 May 2021 12 Secondary Industry These industries use raw material made available by the primary industries and transformed into a store useful form. They include manufacturing and construction industries. Secondary industry can 4 May 2021 be 13 Secondary Industry (Cont…) Manufacturing Industries :In this industry, material is converted into some finished goods or semi-finished goods. For example, textile mills, sugar mills, cigarette making, pot making, cotton spinning . In these industries the gift of nature produced by the extractive industries are transformed into other forms which can be used either for further production or as raw materials in the making of other goods. 4 May 2021 14 Secondary Industry (Cont…) Constructive Industries: These assemble the already manufactured goods or semi-finished goods. All kinds of constructions are included in this industry. For example, buildings, canals, roads, bridges etc. House building builders use items such as cement, timber, bricks, iron, glass etc. which have been extracted and manufactured. 4 May 2021 15 Scope and Meaning of Commerce Commerce is the second component of business. The term “commerce” includes all activities function and institution, which are involved in transferring goods, produced in various industries, from their place of production to ultimate costumers. It is function of commerce to provide connecting link between the stages of the process and make the steps from stage as easy as possible. Commerce may be categorized into: Trade and Aids to trade. 4 May 2021 16 Trade Trade is a branch of commerce involving the buying and selling of goods and services with a view to making a profit. In other words trade is the whole procedure of transferring or distributing the goods produced by different persons or industries to their ultimate consumers. Trade may be home trade and international trade Home Trade: This trade, which is carried out within the country boundaries. It also known as ‘domestic’, ‘local’ or ‘internal trade’. It consists of the retail trade and wholesale trade. 4 May 2021 17 Trade (Cont…) o Wholesale Trade: is an organization or individual that serves as an intermediary between manufacturer and retailer and who facilitates transfer of product and the title to them. o Retail Trade: is the buying of goods in large quantities mainly form a wholesale and reselling of them in small quantities to the final consumer. Retailing therefore involves all activities concerned with sale of products to buyers who are the ultimate users of those products. 4 May 2021 18 Trade (Cont…) Foreign Trade: this consist of all trading activities that involves exchanges across national boundaries. It is also called international trade. It includes exporting and importing o Exporting: When goods or servicers are solid to any other country it is called export other words exporting is the selling of domestically produced products in overseas markets. o Importing: Importing is the purchasing of raw materials or products in other nations and bringing them into one’s own country. 4 May 2021 19 Aids to trade Aids to trade are those auxiliaries, which help the smooth running of trade. They include bank insurance, warehousing, transport, advertising communication. Without these services, trade would be very difficult indeed. 4 May 2021 20 Why Study Commerce? Briefly commerce should be studied because: Everyone is involved in commerce either buying or selling Modern commercial method can be difficult to understand. Consumer to understand marketing techniques Everyone makes important It is necessary to understand changes in the commercial world as they affect us. It is a useful introduction for these who with to specialize later on any of the components of commerce e.g. insurance, banking, clearing and forwarding agents Hotels Management etc. contract and commercial knowledge may be 4 May 2021 21 Forms of Production Economics from which we borrow the knowledge of commerce recognize three different forms of production in relation to goods Changing the form of a commodity This means taking raw materials and turning them into finished articles. This is the sort of production we all easily recognize. Changing the situation of production There are concerned with the transfer of goods from their place of manufacture to their place of consumption. Changing the position of the commodity in time Most people would regard only the changing of the form of the commodity as being a productive process, but production is not really completed until the goods have reached the people who actually want to consume them, so that the geographical situation of a commodity or the time of its availability are essentially the final stages of production and economically they are equal importance to changing raw material into finished production. 4 May 2021 22 Classes of Goods Consumer goods These are the goods, which are desire for its own sake. They are in the form of which consumers wish to have them e.g. a shirt would be used by a consumer directly. Producers (capital) goods These are not desired for their own sake but only to assist the production of consumer goods e.g. machinery, raw materials, factory, building etc. They wear out and have and have to be replaced. 4 May 2021 23 Factors of Production Factors of Production Is an economic terms that describes the input that are used in the production of goods or services in order to make an economic profit. The five factors of production include land, labor, capital, organization, modern technology and entrepreneurs. Without them no production would be possible. 4 May 2021 24 Size and Location of Firms The firms can make decisions to operate as small or large. Each of these decisions tend to be justified by a number of reasons. 4 May 2021 25 Economies of scales (large scale firms) This is the reduction in cost per unit that results from lagerscale operations. There tendency for the scale of production to increase among business people. One of the main features of industrial development is increase in the size of the business unit. Reasons for economies of scale Better use modern equipment, economy in administration, specialization, advertising, research, economies in buying and staff welfare 4 May 2021 26 The Small Scale Firms The small scale firms exist for several reasons: Lack of capital Possibility Simplicity in management Limited liability 4 May 2021 27 Factors affecting the location of industry • Industries are not everywhere; there is places where industries are concentrated while other places have no industries at all what causes this? • Assuming that the principle aim of the firm is to maximize profits, it will always endeavor to locate its establishments at the lowest cost of production. The following factors will affect the location: 4 May 2021 28 Factors affecting the location of industry Raw Materials: Are the ones to be transformed or processed into finished products. Raw materials include gold, tin, oil, uranium etc. when they are present, they attract industries at that place. Marketing: Industries are likely to be established in big cities and towns where people are concentrated. People forms the market for industrial products since the can buy industrial products and facilitate the production process to move on. Fuel and Power: Source of energy provide the energy necessary for the functioning of machines in the industry. Sources of energy include oil, natural gas, uranium, wood, hydroelectric power, solar energy, biogas, etc. some of them are renewable while others are non-renewable. 4 May 2021 29 Factors affecting the location of industry Labor: industries require both skilled labor or normal labor. Areas where people are concentrated are well indicated for creation of industries because such areas avail labors for industry. Areas where people are concentrated, workers are cheap and available. Good transport network and communication: transport network facilitates import of raw materials and export of finished products from the industry to the market. 4 May 2021 30 Factors affecting the location of industry Government influence: industries have tended to locate themselves in towns such as Dar es Salaam, Mwanza and Arusha regions in Tanzania. Location near a firm that provides an input: a sweets industry, for instance, should be located near the Sugar industry. Land: may not be a very important factor in terms of a firm’s location, though its availability may effect industry location in certain instances. Chosen site should be reasonable cheap and potentials for expansion needs to be provided for. Water: some firms require water as one of their inputs. Such firms, when located where there is an adequate supply of water, may have reduced production costs. 4 May 2021 31 Factors affecting the location of industry Government policy: industry develops from an area where the assistance of the local government can be found. This assessment can include investments in terms of capital, even location of industries in the country search of market outside for industrial products. Site requirement: Some modern industries require particular types of site. For example an integrated steelworks needs a large area of flat land, while a chemical plant may need a site where it is possible to dispose easily of dangerous waste. 4 May 2021 32 Factors affecting the location of industry Climate: the geology of the area need to be considered together with the climate conditions(Humidity, Temperature and atmosphere).Changes in weather conditions highly affect business activities operating in agricultural sector. Amenities: allocation should provide for good external amenities e.g. shops, housing, community services, communication system etc. Safety requirements: some production units may present potential dangers to the surrounding neighbor hood. 4 May 2021 33 Factors affecting the location of industry Special grants, regional taxes and import/support barriers: certain government and local authorities often offer special grants, low interest loans low rental or taxes and other inducements in the hope of attracting industries to particular locations. 4 May 2021 34