3. I feel like I am connected to other students in this class * 1 point Mark only one oval. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree 4. I am asked to use my planner in this class * Mark only one oval. Each time we meet Once in a while Never 1 point 5. Did you successfully log-in to Student Vue and look at your Gradebook and current grades for this term? * Mark only one oval. Yes No Other: 6. I re-read my goal sheet from mid-semester. * 1 point Mark only one oval. Yes No Other: 7. What is a class or activity that you are proud or satisfied with your effort and / or work currently? Explain what made it a good experience or accomplishment. (This can be an on-site class for ACA OR a class, or an activity that you do independently or outside of ACA.) * 1 point 8. What is a class or activity that you are NOT as proud or satisfied with your effort and / or work? Explain why you were not satisfied or what was needed to make it be a better experience or accomplishment. (This can be an on-site class for ACA OR a class or activity that you do independently or outside of ACA.) * 9. How did you usually use our "Quiet Productive Work Time" in STUDENT SUCCESS/Study Skills during this last term? * Check all that apply. ELA, Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Digital Skills/Applications class An elective class or club such as Art, Music, OBOB... Reading a book Some other activity using paper - doodling, drawing, puzzles, coloring page etc. Some other activity on a device-- LIST WHAT THE ACTIVITY IS IN SPOT BELOW TITLED "Other" Other: 10. What subjects do you plan to use our "Quiet Productive Work Time" in STUDENT SUCCESS/Study Skills for during this last month of school? * Check all that apply. ELA, Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Digital Skills/Applications class An elective class or club such as Art, Music, OBOB etc. Reading a book Some other activity using paper- Doodling, drawing, puzzles, coloring pages etc. Some other activity on a device-- LIST THIS IN THE BLANK BELOW TITLED "Other" Other: 11. What student goal(s) do you have for the rest of this year and/or next year? Click as many as you want. * 1 point Check all that apply. Improve at paying attention during class Improve at having a "growth mindset" and an attitude that is open and sees setbacks/struggles as part of the learning process. Improve at completing homework overall Improve at completing homework on time for a certain class (list the class below in "OTHER:) I want to continue at something I am doing well as a student (list the area of strength below in "OTHER") Other: