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Introduction to Ethers in Organic Chemistry

What is Ether?
these compounds are used in dyes, perfumes, oils,
waxes and other industrial uses.
Vapours of certain ethers are used as insecticides,
miticides, and fumigants for soil.
Ethers are a class of organic compounds that
contain an sp3 hybridized oxygen between two alkyl
groups and have the formula R-O-R'
General formula
n : the number of carbon atoms in an ether molecule
Naming Ether
When no other functional group is present, simple ethers are often
given common functional class names. Both alkyl groups
attached to the oxygen atom are named as substituents (in
alphabetical order) and then the word ether is added.
IUPAC nomenclature for ethers should be used for complicated
ethers, compounds with more than one ether linkage, and
compounds where other functional groups are present with an
ether. In these cases, an RO group of the ether is named as an
alkoxy substituent.
2-methoxy-2-methylpropane (IUPAC name)
Methyl tert-butyl ether
MTBE is blended into gasoline to
increase knock resistance and
reduce unwanted emissions.
Ethoxyethane(IUPAC name)
Diethyl ether
Give the name
Write the structure of dipropyl ether
Write the structure of 1,2-dimethoxyethane
Physical properties of ether