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The Alchemist Test: Comprehension Questions & Answers

The Alchemist
Final Test
Directions: Read and answer the following questions.
1. Who is Santiago?
A. the narrator
B. the main character
C. the author
D. the antagonist
2. What skill does the boy possess that is
unique for a shepherd?
A. He can speak the language of the sheep.
B. He can read.
C. He can predict the future
3. What is the setting of the story in the
A. Egypt
B. Syria
C. Spain
D. Morocco
4. What profession does Santiago’s parents
want him to pursue?
A. carpentry
B. Priesthood
C. teacher
D. philosopher
5. Why does Santiago go to Tarifa?
A. to visit the King of Salem
B. to learn about Islam
C. to go to seminary
D. to meet with a dream interpreter
6. How much does the old man charge the boy
in exchange for telling him how to find his
A. 2 gold coins
B. one tenth of his flock
C. one tenth of his treasure
D. $10
7. What does the old man give the boy to help
him along his journey?
A. Urim and Thummim
B. Personal Legend
C. gold coins
D. a breastplate of jewels
8. What distracts the boy in Tangier when his
money is stolen?
A. a beautiful sword
B. a camel
C. a beautiful girl
D. a rock
9. What happened between Santiago and the
Crystal Merchant in their first interaction?
A. the Crystal Merchant tried to sell crystal to
the boy.
B. the boy offered to clean the dirty crystal in
the window.
C. the boy ask the Crystal Merchant how to
get to Mecca.
D. the Crystal Merchant was praying.
10. Why is the crystal merchant afraid to sell
tea in his shop?
A. He fears that it will make his shop expand
and then he will have to change his way of
B. He doesn't know how to brew tea.
C. He is afraid that too many of the crystal
glasses will break.
11. What does Santiago suggest to the
crystal merchant as a strategy to make
more money?
A. Sell tea in crystal glasses
B. Discount crystal on weekends
C. Open a stall in the marketplace
D. Export crystal to Spain
12. What religion does the Crystal
Merchant practice?
A. Christianity
B. Judaism
C. Islam
13. What does the boy possess that
causes the Englishman to speak to him?
A. The Elixir of Life
B. The Philosopher's Stone
C. Urim and Thummim
17. Where does Santiago meet Fatima?
A. Inside the chieftain’s tent
B. Next to a well in the oasis
C. on the caravan in the desert
D. in Egypt
18. What is the omen that Santiago sees in
the oasis?
A. A pair of hawks fighting
B. A dying scarab
C. A fast-moving black cloud
D. A fierce and sudden windstorm
19. Women who wear all black at the oasis
wear black as a symbol that they
A. single
B. married
C. pregnant
D. hungry
14. According to the Englishmen, what is
the name of the discovery that is the result 20. Why does Santiago have to leave
of refining metal until all that is left is the
Fatima at the oasis?
Soul of the World?
A. in order to return to Spain to get his
A. The Universal Legend
B. The Master Work
B. to continue on his journey to find his
C. The Voice of the Wind
Personal Legend
D. The Hand of God
C. to go to university to learn alchemy
D. to lead a caravan
15. What does the Englishman let
Santiago borrow while they traveled with
21. Who was the stranger on the horse
the caravan?
that tested the boy's courage?
A. a book about astronomy
A. the leader of the army
B. a book about alchemy
B. a prophet
C. a book about God
C. The Alchemist
D. a book about philosophy
D. Mr. McLaughlin
16. Upon what item is the core secret of
alchemy written?
A. The Holy Grail
B. The Emerald Tablet
C. The Book of Kings
D. The One Ring
22. The Alchemist tells Santiago that “life
attracts life”. What does Santiago find
when the Alchemist ask him to find life in
the desert?
A. a camel
B. a horse
C. an anaconda
D. a cobra
23. What does "maktub" mean?
A. blessing
B. it is written
C. good luck
D. peace
24. Which part of nature didn’t Santiago
speak to when he was trying to turn
himself into the wind?
A. The Sun
B. The Wind
C. The Desert
D. The Trees
28. Why did the Alchemist tell the boy the
story about the good man in Rome and his
son's words always being remember in the
A. to tell a story
B. to teach the boy a rule about Islam
C. Because everyone on earth is
important and we all change history in
some way or another.
D. to pass time
29. Where was the boy's treasure and what
was it?
A. In Egypt behind a pyramid. Old
25. Why did the Alchemist tell the
Egyptian coins, precious stones, gold
tribesmen/Arabs the truth that the small
masks, and stone statues embedded
crystal flask and yellow glass egg were
with jewels.
the Philosopher's Stone and the Elixir of
B. In Spain under the sycamore tree. His
treasure was a chest of Spanish coins
A. because if they lied they would be
along with precious stones, gold
masks, and stone statues embedded
B. because Santiago’s mother taught him
with jewels.
never to lie.
C. In Tangier under the floor of a
C. Because when you possess a great
sacristy. Old coins, jewels, a gold
mask, and stone statues with jewels
treasures within you and try telling
on them.
others of them, they seldom believe
D. In Hawaii in a volcano. Old golden
shark teeth, Rolex watches, dinosaur
26. What do the alchemist and the monk
bones, and a golden farting machine.
talk about while the alchemist is
transforming the lead?
30. Who is the author of The Alchemist
A. The loneliness of the desert
A. Gisele Bunchen
B. The tenants of Coptic faith
B. Paul Coelo
C. The persistent tribal wars
C. Gabriel Minstral
D. Their favorite African celebrities
D. Paulo Coelho
27. The Alchemist says,”There is only one
thing that makes a dream impossible to
achieve”. What makes a dream
impossible to achieve?
A. love
B. fear
C. hate
D. obstacles
Open Response:
At the end of the story Santiago finds his treasure. What do you think happened to
Santiago after he found his treasure? Where did he go? Who did he see?
Extra Credit:
What are the 5 Pillars of Islam?