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The Alchemist Chapter 1 Quiz & Worksheet

Quiz & Worksheet - The Alchemist Chapter 1
1. In section one of The Alchemist, how did Santiago learn to read?
He spent his childhood years in the seminary
He used to travel with someone who taught him
The 'girl' taught him to read the previous year
He grew up in a rich family where he was tutored his entire life
2. In section one of The Alchemist, why does Santiago think of the woman who can
interpret dreams?
He has had the same dream twice
Because she told him to ignore it
He wants to know if he should stay with the girl or continue to see the world
He wants to learn how to interpret dreams
3. In section one of The Alchemist, why is Santiago excited to get to the village?
To see the 'girl'
He has never been there before so it is a new sight to see
To see his family
He knows he can get a good price for his wool
4. In section one of The Alchemist, what is Santiago's profession?
He has none, he simply wanders the world to see the sights
A priest
A merchant
A shepherd
5. In section one of The Alchemist, who is the 'girl'?
The merchant's daughter who Santiago likes
The woman who interprets dreams
The merchant who buys wool at a good price
His little sister