Lesson Plan Pure Math 1 Wang Peipei Chapter 11 Arithmetic sequences Grade: G10 Lesson Objectives: Materials: Date: Duration: 60mins Coursebook pages: P166 1. Able to proof formulae by direct proof and proof by induction. 2. Use the formulae for the sum of the first n terms to solve problems involving arithmetic sequence. PPT, Coursebook, Game cards Teaching Process Time Activities Descriptions Method 30mins Prove that Students are sorted into small groups; Groups of 2 to Inquiry the sum of 3 students of matching ability should do. learning the first n odd integers is n2 Each group should come up with both a proof based on Gauss's and a proof by induction. In case of major issues, one will do. (This can be preceded by examples prompting the groups to form a conjecture, thereby reproducing the typical mathematical discovery process. But the focus of the activity is proving, not discovering.) Two people are randomly selected to show and explain the proof to the class. The proofs are critiqued regarding logic and presentation. The aim is to have a decent version of each proof available for discussion in about half an hour. 1 Lesson Plan Wang Peipei 10mins Compare the Lead a discussion around the following questions. proofs This can be done in a number of ways. One is: five technically minutes of discussion within each group, five minutes of sharing. Inquiry learning 1. What are the logical differences between the two proofs? 2. What are the mathematical differences? 3. What are the mathematical similarities? 10mins Compare the Lead a discussion around the following questions. This can be done in a number of ways. One is: five proofs minutes of discussion within each group, five cognitively minutes of sharing. Inquiry learning 1. Which proof do you find more appealing? 2. Why do you think that is? 3. What is the role of notation, if any, in making the proof more appealing? 4. What is the role of logic, if any? 10mins Compare the proofs in terms of their explanatory value 5. What would questions involving each kind of proof look like in an exam paper? Lead a discussion around the following questions. This can be done in a number of ways. One is: five minutes of discussion within each group, five minutes of sharing. 1. Is there a difference between proving and explaining? 2. If there is a difference, does a proof have to explain in addition to proving? 3. If it does, should we always prefer a proof that does explain to one that doesn't? 4. Do proofs by induction ever have an explanatory role? Assignment Each student should write up a 250-word presentation including both proofs and their view after the discussion. 2 Inquiry learning