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Eastern Kenpo Karate System Manual

American Kenpo System Manual
backfist, straight thrust, straight punch, ridgehand, whip, rake, slice
slice, crescent(inside/outside), scoop, knee(front, round, inverted, obscure)
front, side, rear, inward overhead, outward overhead, upper, obscure, round
Moving Set 2, Kicking Set, COORDINATION SET 1
Universal Pattern
Angle Of Entry
Angle Of Incidence Vs. Angle Of Deflection
Back Up Mass, Marriage Of Gravity, Borrowed Force
Torque And Rotation
Continuity Of Motion, Momentum
Outer Rim Principle
Zones: Height, Width, Depth
Angle Of Obscurity
Zone Of Sanctuary
Conceptual Box
2. TRIGGERED SALUTE: direct frontal push
3. LOCKING HORNS: front head lock
4. FIVE SWORDS: right punch
5. SCRAPING HOOF: full Nelson
6. SHIELDING HAMMER: left punch
7. STRIKING SERPENT’S HEAD: front bear hug, arms free
8. ATTACKING MACE: right thrust punch, high
9. CHECKING THE STORM: overhead and round club
10. AGGRESSIVE TWINS: push/tackle--low line
11. WATERFALL: right punch
12. FLASHING WINGS: right punch
13. SNAPPING TWIG: left front lapel grab
14. TRAPPING HOOF: right front kick
15. ALTERNATING MACES: right punch
16. CAPTURING TWIGS: rear bear hug, arms pinned
17. GRASP OF DEATH: headlock at 9:00
Define Salutation, Reverse Motion, Return Motion, Line Of Entry, Contouring, Tracking, Floating,
Body Alignment, Rounding The Corners
Lt hand traps opp hand(s) pressing down, anchoring your elbows. Step back in a rnb, firing a rt
center knuckle strike to opp armpit. Rotate cw in a rtfb, executing a lt palm heel to opp face as a rt
extended outward cancels opp arms.
2. TRIGGERED SALUTE: direct front push
Step forward into a rnb, trapping opp pushing hand w/ lt hand at your lt shoulder while firing a rt
palm heel to opp jaw as your rt knee pins opp rt knee. Circle rt hand ccw downward, breaking opp
rt elbow f/ outside-in. Continue this motion and execute a rt front elbow strike to opp chest,
following through ccw. Using reverse motion, fire a rt outward elbow strike to opp rt side ribs
followed w/ a rt rake to opp ribs as rt elbow settles at your rt hip, launching a rt uppercut to opp
3. LOCKING HORNS: front headlock
Turn your neck onto opp crook of elbow to get air--step forward w/ rt foot firing a rt ridgehand to
opp groin, then turning your palm outward as a rt upper elbow strike contours the opp chest. Step
drag forward w/ rt leg, then drop a rt downward elbow onto opp face or chest.
4. FIVE SWORDS: rt punch
Step forward in a rnb w/ a rt vert inward, tracking up opp striking arm w/ a rt handsword to opp rt
side neck, following through w/ a lt palm to opp rt side jaw while settling in a rtfb. The strikes should
rotate cw, settling in a rnb w/ a rt uppercut to opp chest. Lt foot steps to 5:00 as a lt, then rt
handsword are fired to the opp lt side neck, settling in a rnb. Follow through and execute a lt lifting
palm strike to opp chin as you shift into a rtfb, then settle into a rnb w/ a rt handsword to opp throat.
Finish w/ a rt thrusting side kick to opp midsection.
5. SCRAPING HOOF: full Nelson from 6:00
Execute a double eye poke to opp eyes behind you, contouring your ears, then step deep rt,
elbowing down on both radial nerves. Rt foot slides back to the lt foot, pinning opp arms tightly to
your sides. Turn your body 45* to the rt in a cat stance, firing a rt diagonal rear heel kick to the
inside of opp lt knee, followed w/ a rt rear side kick to the inside of opp rt knee, opening him up,
finishing w/ a rt scrape kick to opp rt leg and foot. Repeat for the lt leg.
RNB. Rt extended outward. Track down inside of opp lt arm, settling w/ a rt rake to opp face ,
finishing w/ a rt side elbow to opp sternum, settling deep in a rnb.
7. STRIKING SERPENT’S HEAD: front bear hug, arms free
Step back sharply into a lnb w/ a lt hooking knuckle to opp lt side base of skull. Your lt hand will
circle around opp lt side head, resting on the forehead. Pull down on opp head, using marriage of
gravity into a rt wide kneel, anchoring opp body to your lt side while firing a serpent’s head strike to
opp throat.
8. ATTACKING MACE: rt step through punch
LNB. Lt vert inward, ricocheting into a lt straight punch to opp rt temple, followed w/ a rt front
straight punch to opp ribs, settling in a rt close kneel. Countergrab opp punch w/ rt hand at opp
wrist, pulling opp down as a rt front kick is fired to opp groin, settling in a rtfb firing a lt uppercut to
opp kidney.
9. CHECKING THE STORM: overhead and backhand club attack
RNB. Lt foot steps to 4:30 as a rt inward parry is used to deflect the club. As opp fires the
backhand club, use a lt jam at opp rt shoulder and fire a rt side kick to opp rt inside knee, landing
w/ a rt backnuckle to opp face. Track down opp rt arm and grasp wrist w/ your lt hand while
executing a rt front crossover, dropping a rt hammer to opp radial nerve to release the club.
10. AGGRESSIVE TWINS: low line push or tackle
Lt foot steps to 4:30 as a lt vert downward is used to cancel opp lt arm, indirectly canceling opp rt
arm as well. Rotate ccw, firing a rt side thrust kick to opp ribs, planting rt foot at 45* in a twist.
Rotate cw, launching a lt round kick to opp ribs, chest, or face.
11. WATERFALL: rt punch
RNB. Lt inward, rt outward parry, guiding opp strike diagonally downward cw.Lt hand sweeps opp
rt strike away, following through w/ a rt, lt knifehand to opp rt side neck, then reversing into a rt
lifting palm heel strike to opp chin, w/ the lt hand checking.
12. FLASHING WINGS: rt punch
LNB. Lt vert inward, then step drag forward into a rt forward elbow to opp ribs while checking opp
rt knee w/ rt knee. Follow through w/ reverse motion to land a rt outward elbow smash to opp
kidney. Fire a rt, then lt handsword to opp base of skull while rotating into a rt close kneel ,
checking w/ lt knee. Check w/ lt hand, rotating ccw in a lnb firing a rt palm smash to opp face.
13. SNAPPING TWIG: lt front shoulder grab
Pin opp hand w/ lt hand, stepping back in a rnb settling w/ a rt palm smash to opp elbow f/ the
bottom. Step drag forward, using a rt vert inward to cancel opp arm. Continue motion ccw
horizontally using a rt single knuckle rake to opp temple, continuing motion as you step drag again
forward, settling w/ a rt elbow sandwich to opp head.
14. TRAPPING HOOF: rt front kick
Step forward in a rnb while executing a lt vert downward parry to ride the kick, then trapping it by
bending the crook of your lt elbow and allowing the lt palm to raise to shoulder level tightly.
Execute a rt front kick to opp groin, then hook opp lt leg while launching a rt punch to opp sternum,
taking opp to the ground.
RNB. Rt vert inward w/ a lt straight punch to opp sternum as you settle in a rtfb. Rotate ccw in a
rnb, firing a rt backnuckle to opp temple.
16. CAPTURING TWIGS: rear bear hug, arms pinned, f/ 6:00
Step deeply lt, pinning opp arms w/ lt hand, firing a rt hammer to opp groin. Rotate 45* cw into a rt
cat stance w/ a rear rt elbow strike to part opp arms, stepping forward into a rnb, landing a rt cross
body rake to opp ribs, pushing him slightly backwards. Finish w/ a rt side elbow strike to opp
sternum while executing a rear step drag w/ rt foot to 6:00.
17. GRASP OF DEATH: head lock at 9:00
Step forward w/ rt leg while pinching the nerve on the inside of opp rt thigh w/ lr thumb and
firstfinger, as you trap opp rt arm w/ rt hand at your rt shoulder. C-step w/ lt leg as you buckle opp,
checking w/ lt hand and punching opp rt temple w/ rt thrusting pu