8th Grade Country Project Presentation Rubric 2021/2022 Name ____________________________ Criteria Exceptional Proficient Adequate Weak Geographic information (13 total points) -Explains how the geography impacts and shapes how the people live -3 physical features -Detailed map depicting location of country -complete description of climate (11-13 points) -2 Physical features -Map depicting location of country -Description of climate (7-11 points) -2 Physical features -poor map depicting location of country -brief description of climate (4-7 points) -1 or no physical feature - no map depicting country -little or no description of climate (0-4 points) People Information (15 total points) -Robust Demographic information provided, including: -ethnic/racial composition -religious affiliation -Explanation of the national government. -Languages spoken in the country mentioned -Population of country listed -Largest city by population mentioned -Synopsis of 1 current event. (11-13 points) -Some Demographic information including ethnic/racial composition - Languages spoken mentioned -Population mentioned -Largest city by population mentioned (7-11 points) -Very little demographic information - Languages spoken not mentioned -Population not mentioned -Largest city by population not mentioned (4-7 points) -No demographic information - Languages spoken not mentioned -Population not mentioned -Largest city by population not mentioned (0-4 points) Culture/Ecology Information (12 total points) -Topic is relevant and interesting -Class learned new information from presentation (12-14 points) -Topic is relevant and interesting -Class learned some information, but much was “common knowledge” (11-8 points) -Topic is cliche or not interesting -Class learned no new information (4-8 points) -Little to no culture/Ecology information given (0-4 points) Format and Skills (20 total points) -Compete and clear visual aid -at least 5 pictures with captions -includes a graph comparing data -includes a list of sources (MLA Format) -Presentation submitted by due date (17-20 points) -Compete and clear visual aid -at least 3 picture with captions -includes a graph comparing data -includes a list of sources (MLA Format) -Presentation submitted near the due date (13-17 points) -Visual aid completed, but difficult to understand -at least 1 picture with captions -Graph not included -list of sources not included -presentation submitted late (8-13 points) -Visual aid not completed -No picture with captions -Graph not included -list of sources not included -presentation not submitted, or submitted extremely late (0-8 points) Oral Presentation (20 total points) -Presentation completed in front of class (can be a video) -Presentation completed in front of class (can be a -Presentation completed in front of class (can be a -Presentation not completed in front of class Points 8th Grade Country Project Presentation Rubric 2021/2022 -Presentation 5 minutes in length -Maintain good posture and eye contact throughout presentation -Presentation is given at an appropriate volume (17-20 points) video) -Presentation at least 4 minutes in length -Maintain decent posture and eye contact throughout presentation -Presentation is given at an appropriate volume most of the time (13-17 points) video) -Presentation at least 3 minutes in length - posture and eye contact not maintained throughout presentation -Presentation is not given at an appropriate volume most of the time (8-13 points) -Presentation at least 2 minutes in length -Poor posture and no eye contact -Scholar can not be heard throughout the entire presentation. (0-8 points) Total Grade (__/80)