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Contrasting Leadership: Mandela vs. Hitler Essay

Karle Pace
HHP 5210
2 Contrasting Leaders and Styles
Leadership comes in many different sizes, shapes, and forms. You have born
leaders and then you have made leaders. Some people say there are no made leaders,
that it runs in your blood. I am not sure if leaders are born or made however, I do know
that leaders often share some of the same characteristics that make them leaders.
Great leaders have courage, great communication, influence, respect, etc. What a
leader chooses to be their goal or mission is completely up to them. It can be for good
reasons or not so good reasons. A leader is nothing without followers. Getting people to
follow behind them to complete this goal or mission is how they become a leader. I
decided to choose 2 very different leaders to research and inspect. I wanted to dive into
the real-life examples of different types of leaders. I especially wanted to explore a
leader that most people don't think of as a leader. I didn't want to just do the assignment
I wanted to learn as well. The leaders I chose were Nelson Mandela and Adolf Hitler.
These are 2 people that you would never hear their names in the same sentence.
Although these 2 leaders are very different, they share a lot of the same characteristics.
How is that possible one who knows history might ask? Mandela and Hitler were both
strong-willed, well-liked, and eager to advance. They were both great leaders who
united people to fight for a cause. So why did they turn out so different? Purpose.
Mandela and Hitler’s purposes were different.
Lawyer, Activist, Anti-apartheid revolutionary Rolihlahla Mandela was born in
Eastern Cape, in 1918. It wasn't until he went to primary school, he was given the name
“Nelson” It was a norm to give all school children a “Christian” name once they were old
enough. Nelson was a very smart boy; at a young age he knew he wanted to be a
lawyer. Mandela went to college but got expelled at the end of his first year. His
expulsion came from him protesting against the quality of food the university was
providing. As a consequence, he was forced to pursue his studies elsewhere. He
eventually got his Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of South Africa. From here,
Mandela got into politics. The government in South Africa, also known as apartheid,
was systematically racist. Segregation was legal all over South and Southwest Africa.
The apartheid saw the white class as the highest class. They made sure that whites
controlled political, social, and economic landscapes. The government even passed an
Act that classified all South Africans into 4 racial groups. You could either be Black,
White, Colored, or Indian.
To try and fight for equality Nelson Mandela joined the African National Congress and
then formed the African Nation Congress Youth League. After a few years, he was
elected as president of the organization. Mandela was arrested for inciting workers to
strike while being out of the country without permission. He served about 6 months and
when freed he opened up the first black-owned law firm in South Africa. As a free man,
Mandela still decided to fight the government. He wouldn't stop until there was no racial
divide. In reaction to police brutality at a protest, he and the ANC lead an armed attack
on the apartheid. This eventually led to Mandela serving 27 years in prison. He was
finally released in 1990. South Africa was eccentric. Citizens gathered in excitement to
celebrate Mandela’s freedom. The Apartheid system came to an end and Mandela was
elected President. The first democratic president! He only served one year but didn't
stop helping others while out of presidency. He created the Nelson Mandela Foundation
which focused on developing rural areas, funding schools, and fighting the HIV/AIDS
pandemic. Even though Mandela has passed, his legacy lives on.
Mandela was a democratic leader. He cared what others around him thought.
Mandela’s followers were not scared to give their input. Discussion is something that is
encouraged in Mandela’s leadership style. Mandela's vision was to fight for what he
thought was right. His passion was too strong to be denied. His law firm was created to
take on clients who were wrongfully accused by the apartheid. This just shows how
dedicated he was. Mandela wasn't afraid to do what was necessary, but he also led with
empathy. Mandela allowed people to be dreamers. He was truly a leader for the people.
The best types of people that would fit this leadership style would be those who want to
make a change in the world. People who are persistent and aren’t afraid to be told no.
Mandela and his followers were motivated by what was going on around them. There
was a need for change. It just took someone brave enough to start the journey. Mandela
was the perfect person for the job. When he spoke, people listened. His communication
was off the charts. He spoke from the heart and others respected it.
Adolf Hitler was born in Austria, in 1889. His childhood wasn't very desirable, he
suffered abuse from his father. He was frightened by his father all through his years
growing up. His father's dad changed forcing them to move. Young Hitler had excelled
in his schoolwork before the move, but after it plummeted. He didn't care too much
about that though, he was more of an artistic kid. He applied to The Vienna Academy of
Fine arts and even though he was rejected he moved to Vienna anyways. Being in the
city, alone, he had plenty of time to think. He formed his own opinions on society and
ethnicity. Hitler did not enjoy the diversity of Vienna, so he moved to Germany. In
Germany, Hitler thrived. He joined the army and then joined the German Workers Party
because of their anti-Semitic views. Hitler quickly climbed the ranks because of his
great communication and public speaking skills. As he started to become popular
around Germany, he decided to take his party and run for election. His first year was
unsuccessful but he didn't quit. 4 years later Hitler and his Nazi party won the election.
He promised the German people a revolution. In his eyes, the white Aryan race was
superior, and he was going to dominate the world with just that one race. Now as
chancellor and commander in chief of the army he had full control. Hitler decided to go
against The Treaty of Versailles by expanding his army. His vision and actions
ultimately lead to World War II. Which then lead to his suicide and the end of the Nazi
Hitler was confident, brave, and determined. By the way he climbed to the commander
in chief you can tell he was a great military leader. He had all the skills to be successful.
Hitler was an autocratic leader. He would choose power over friendship any day. He
made choices solely based on his own thoughts and opinions. Even with his flaws, he
got thousands to follow him. These people were easily swayed/controlled. These people
were followers looking for a purpose. People who have hate in their hearts are people
who would fit into this leadership style. Hitler's motivation was power and control. He did
a lot based on hate. Hitler thought he knew what perfect looked like and took lives in
order to achieve it. Hitler's downfall was that he did not trust anyone. He wouldn't let
anyone give him any advice. He overestimated his power and when in difficult situations
he often procrastinates. Once in charge, Hitler's communication went downhill. He made
all the decisions, and it was scary to voice your opinion so followers stayed quiet and
followed orders. In the end, Hitler’s hardheadedness kept him from being a better
leader. He didn't take any advice from anyone. A good leader knows one person can’t
do it all alone.
The Covey book explained the habits of leaders. Nelson Mandela showed that he
1. Proactive - Mandela was always thinking of ways he can benefit others. After
he was released from prison, he created a foundation that will help others for lifetimes.
2. Think win/win - Mandela was a giver. He had a service mentality. He helped
people clients fight injustice through his law firm.
3. Synergize - Mandela was part of a revolutionary organization. He had to work
with others to think of ways to fight the government. He and his partners organized
protests, rallies, and strikes.
Hitler showed that he;
1. Begin with the end in mind - Hitler knew exactly what he envisioned for
Germany when he first ran for election. His vision was set in stone.
2. Put first things first - Hitler focused on rebuilding Germany after losing World
War I. He decided a lot of time into the reconstruction.
3. sharpen the saw - Hitler couldn’t take no for an answer. One of his rules was
to never retreat. He could never admit defeat and that is why when he realized he was
going to lose the war he committed suicide.
I would love to be a leader like Mandela. The bravery that this man showed is
incredible. He could have easily given up and let everyone deal with their own
problems. Thankful leaders like Mandela have made it easier for me. Even though there
are still struggles in my life, the major problems that Mandela had to deal with are gone.
We are lucky to be living in this generation.