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Northeast Immigration: Weekly Summary for Social Studies

18th March- 22nd April
VAP 4- Quarter 4- Week 3
★ Learning Objective (s)
No Subject Focus
Unit 3: Chapter 2 - The
Focus area:
Lesson 3: What attracted
people to the Northeast in
early US history?
-Immigration and immigrant
Preparation Due
summary is
uploaded in
SchoologyQuarter 4Week 3
18th March- 22nd April
VAP 4- Quarter 4- Week 3
Review: What attracted people to the Northeast? (Lesson 2)
Many of those immigrants came to live in the Northeast.
Most immigrants at this time came from Northern and Western
American factories needed workers. These workers (from Northern and
Western Europe) had skills that were needed.
Later, many immigrants would come from Eastern and Southern
Europe. Many left their home countries because of war, hunger, and
However, these people that came from Eastern and Southern Europe
DID NOT have the skills needed for good jobs.  People that came
from Eastern and Southern Europe would need to work for less
18th March- 22nd April
VAP 4- Quarter 4- Week 3
discrimination: the practice of treating somebody or a particular group in
society less fairly than others.
hunger: the state of not having enough food to eat, especially when this causes
illness or death.
What attracted people to the Northeast? (Lesson 3)
Some Americans who had lived in America for a long time
thought that the new immigrants would take their jobs.
Many immigrant groups were discriminated against and treated
Some places would not hire immigrants from certain countries.
(Eastern and Southern Europe)
18th March- 22nd April
VAP 4- Quarter 4- Week 3
Large numbers of immigrants also meant there was not enough
Many immigrants were crowded into areas of the cities.
Many immigrants would all live together in the same
neighborhoods: Italian neighborhood, Russian neighborhood,
Polish neighborhood
The poor crowded into tenement houses, apartment buildings with
tiny rooms, no ventilation, and poor sanitation.
18th March- 22nd April
VAP 4- Quarter 4- Week 3
Mulberry Street in New York City, c. 1900
An Italian immigrant family in the kitchen of their East Side apartment, c.1910
18th March- 22nd April
VAP 4- Quarter 4- Week 3
Sometimes immigrants could not find good jobs so they would
work in a sweatshop.
A sweatshop was a factory where people worked long hours in
terrible conditions for really low pay.
 Many sweatshops were in the clothing industry.
18th March- 22nd April
VAP 4- Quarter 4- Week 3
Ellis Island
The Main Building on Ellis Island,
Immigrants arrived at Ellis island.
18th March- 22nd April
VAP 4- Quarter 4- Week 3
From 1892 to 1954, there are more than 12 million immigrant
came into the United States through Ellis Island. Ellis Island is a
small island in New York harbor.
Immigrants would be greeted by the sight of the Statue of Liberty
Ellis Island closed as an immigration center in 1954
Today it is an immigration museum. People can learn about
the history of Ellis Island and immigration.
Ellis island was served
as a gateway to the
United States for
generations of
Ellis island is served as
a museum today.