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5th Grade Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs)

Communication and Multimodal Literacies
5.1 The student will use effective oral communication skills in a variety of settings.
Listen actively and speak using appropriate discussion rules with awareness of verbal and nonverbal cues.
Participate in and contribute to discussions across content areas.
Summarize information gathered in group activities.
Orally express ideas clearly in pairs, diverse groups, and whole class settings.
Use evidence to support opinions and conclusions.
Summarize the main points a speaker makes, and connect comments to the remarks of others.
Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse teams, while sharing responsibility for the work.
Work respectfully with others and show value for individual contributions.
5.2 The student will create multimodal presentations that effectively communicate ideas.
Effectively use verbal and nonverbal communication skills to plan and deliver collaborative and individual, formal and informal interactive
Maintain eye contact with listeners.
Organize content sequentially around major ideas.
Use language and style appropriate to the audience, topic, and purpose.
Ask and answer questions to gather or clarify information presented orally.
5.3 The student will learn how media messages are constructed and for what purposes.
Identify the purpose and audience of auditory, visual, and written media messages.
Identify the characteristics and effectiveness of a variety of media messages.
Compare and contrast techniques used in a variety of media messages.
SOL 5.4 The student will expand vocabulary when reading.
Use context to clarify meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases.
Use context and sentence structure to determine meanings and differentiate among multiple meanings of words.
Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones to determine the meaning of new words.
Identify an author’s use of figurative language.
Use word-reference materials.
Develop and use general and specialized content area vocabulary through speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
SOL 5.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts, literary nonfiction, and poetry.
Summarize plot events using details from text.
Discuss the impact of setting on plot development.
Describe character development.
Identify theme(s).
Explain the resolution of conflict(s).
Identify genres.
Differentiate between first and third person point-of-view.
Differentiate between free verse and rhymed poetry.
Explain how an author’s choice of vocabulary contributes to the author’s style.
Draw conclusions and make inferences with support from the text.
Identify cause and effect relationships.
Compare/contrast details in literary and informational nonfiction texts.
m) Use reading strategies throughout the reading process to monitor comprehension.
SOL 5.6 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts.
Use text features such as type, headings, and graphics, to predict and categorize information.
Skim materials to develop a general overview of content and to locate specific information.
Identify the main idea.
Summarize supporting details.
Identify organizational pattern(s).
Identify transitional words and phrases that signal an author’s organizational pattern.
Locate information from the text to support opinions, inferences, and conclusions.
Identify cause and effect relationships.
Differentiate between fact and opinion.
Compare and contrast details and ideas within and between texts.
Use reading strategies throughout the reading process to monitor comprehension.
SOL 5.7 The student will write in a variety of forms to include narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive.
Engage in writing as a process.
Select audience and purpose.
Use a variety of prewriting strategies.
Introduce and develop a topic, incorporating evidence and supporting details.
Organize information to convey a central idea.
Recognize different forms of writing have different patterns of organization including story structure for narrative writing.
Write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea.
Clearly state a position including supporting reasons and evidence to persuade the intended audience.
Write multiparagraph compositions.
Use precise and descriptive vocabulary to create tone and voice.
Vary sentence structure by using transition words and prepositional phrases.
Revise writing for clarity of content using specific vocabulary and information.
SOL 5.8 The student will self- and peer-edit writing for capitalization, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraphing, and Standard English.
Use plural possessives.
Use adjective and adverb comparisons.
Use interjections.
Use prepositional phrases.
Use quotation marks with dialogue.
Use commas to indicate interrupters, items in a series, and to indicate direct address.
Use a hyphen to divide words at the end of a line.
Edit for fragments and run-on sentences.
Eliminate double negatives.
Use correct spelling of commonly used words.
Use coordinating conjunctions.
SOL 5.9 The student will find, evaluate, and select appropriate resources to create a research product.
Construct questions about a topic.
Collect and organize information from multiple resources.
Evaluate the relevance, reliability, and credibility of information.
Give credit to sources used in research.
Avoid plagiarism and use own words.
Demonstrate ethical use of the Internet.
Number and Number Sense
SOL 5.1
The student, given a decimal through thousandths, will round to the nearest whole number, tenth, or hundredth.
SOL 5.2
The student will
SOL 5.3
represent and identify equivalencies among fractions and decimals, with and without models; and
compare and order fractions, mixed numbers, and/or decimals in a given set, from least to greatest and greatest to least.
The student will
identify and describe the characteristics of prime and composite numbers; and
identify and describe the characteristics of even and odd numbers.
Computation and Estimation
SOL 5.4
The student will create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division of whole numbers.
SOL 5.5
The student will
SOL 5.6
estimate and determine the product and quotient of two numbers involving decimals; and
create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition, subtraction, and multiplication of decimals,
and create and solve single-step practical problems involving division of decimals.
The student will
solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition and subtraction with fractions and mixed numbers; and
SOL 5.7
solve single-step practical problems involving multiplication of a whole number, limited to 12 or less, and a proper fraction,
with models.
The student will simplify whole number numerical expressions using the order of operations.
Measurement and Geometry
SOL 5.8
The student will
SOL 5.9
solve practical problems that involve perimeter, area, and volume in standard units of measure; and
differentiate among perimeter, area, and volume and identify whether the application of the concept of perimeter, area, or
volume is appropriate for a given situation.
The student will
given the equivalent measure of one unit, identify equivalent measurements within the metric system; and
solve practical problems involving length, mass, and liquid volume using metric units.
SOL 5.10
The student will identify and describe the diameter, radius, chord, and circumference of a circle.
SOL 5. 11
The student will solve practical problems related to elapsed time in hours and minutes within a 24-hour period.
SOL 5. 12
The student will classify and measure right, acute, obtuse, and straight angles.
SOL 5. 13
The student will
SOL 5.14
a) classify triangles as right, acute, or obtuse and equilateral, scalene, or isosceles; and
b) investigate the sum of the interior angles in a triangle and determine an unknown angle measure.
The student will
a) recognize and apply transformations, such as translation, reflection, and rotation; and
b) investigate and describe the results of combining and subdividing polygons.
Probability and Statistics
SOL 5.15
SOL 5. 16
The student will determine the probability of an outcome by constructing a sample space or using the Fundamental (Basic) Counting
The student, given a practical problem, will
SOL 5.17
a) represent data in line plots and stem-and-leaf plots;
b) interpret data represented in line plots and stem-and-leaf plots; and
c) compare data represented in a line plot with the same data represented in a stem-and-leaf plot.
The student, given a practical context, will
describe mean, median, and mode as measures of center;
describe mean as fair share;
describe the range of a set of data as a measure of spread; and
determine the mean, median, mode, and range of a set of data.
Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
SOL 5.18
The student will identify, describe, create, express, and extend number patterns found in objects, pictures, numbers and tables.
SOL 5.19
The student will
investigate and describe the concept of variable;
write an equation to represent a given mathematical relationship, using a variable;
use an expression with a variable to represent a given verbal expression involving one operation; and
create a problem situation based on a given equation, using a single variable and one operation.
Scientific Investigation, Reasoning, and Logic
SOL 5.1
The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting
investigations in which
a) items such as rocks, minerals, and organisms are identified using various classification keys;
b) estimates are made and accurate measurements of length, mass, volume, and temperature are made in metric units using proper
c) estimates are made and accurate measurements of elapsed time are made using proper tools;
d) hypotheses are formed from testable questions;
e) independent and dependent variables are identified;
f) constants in an experimental situation are identified;
g) data are collected, recorded, analyzed, and communicated using proper graphical representations and metric measurements;
h) predictions are made using patterns from data collected, and simple graphical data are generated;
i) inferences are made and conclusions are drawn;
j) models are constructed to clarify explanations, demonstrate relationships, and solve needs; and
k) current applications are used to reinforce science concepts.
Force, Motion, and Energy
SOL 5.2
The student will investigate and understand how sound is created and transmitted, and how it is used. Key concepts include
a) compression waves;
b) vibration, compression, wavelength, frequency, amplitude;
c) the ability of different media (solids, liquids, and gases) to transmit sound; and
d) uses and applications of sound waves.
SOL 5.3
The student will investigate and understand basic characteristics of visible light and how it behaves. Key concepts include
a) transverse waves;
b) the visible spectrum;
c) opaque, transparent, and translucent;
d) reflection of light from reflective surfaces; and
e) refraction of light through water and prisms.
SOL 5.4
The student will investigate and understand that matter is anything that has mass and takes up space; and occurs as a solid, liquid, or
gas. Key concepts include
a) distinguishing properties of each phase of matter;
b) the effect of temperature on the phases of matter;
c) atoms and elements;
d) molecules and compounds; and
e) mixtures including solutions.
Living Systems
SOL 5.5
The student will investigate and understand that organisms are made of one or more cells and have distinguishing characteristics that
play a vital role in the organism’s ability to survive and thrive in its environment. Key concepts include
a) basic cell structures and functions;
b) classification of organisms using physical characteristics, body structures, and behavior of the organism; and
c) traits of organisms that allow them to survive in their environment.
Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems
SOL 5.6
The student will investigate and understand characteristics of the ocean environment. Key concepts include
a) geological characteristics;
b) physical characteristics; and
c) ecological characteristics.
Earth Patterns, Cycles, and Change
SOL 5.7
The student will investigate and understand how Earth’s surface is constantly changing. Key concepts include
a) identification of rock types;
b) the rock cycle and how transformations between rocks occur;
c) Earth history and fossil evidence;
d) the basic structure of Earth’s interior;
e) changes in Earth’s crust due to plate tectonics;
f) weathering, erosion, and deposition; and
human impact.
SOL 5.1
The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by
asking questions and defining problems
planning and carrying out investigations
interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating data
constructing and critiquing conclusions and explanations
developing and using models
obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
SOL 5.1
The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by
g) asking questions and defining problems
 ask testable questions based on observations and predict reasonable outcomes based on patterns
 develop hypotheses as cause-and-effect relationship
 define design problems that can be solved through the development of an object, tool, process, or
h) planning and carrying out investigations
 collaboratively plan and conduct investigations to produce data
 identify independent variable, dependent variables, and constants
 determine data that should be collected to answer a testable question
 take metric measurements using appropriate tools
 use tools and/or materials to design and/or build a device that solves a specific problem
i) interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating data
 represent and analyze data using tables and graphs
 organize simple data sets to reveal patterns that suggest relationships
 compare and contrast data collected by different groups and discuss similarities and differences
in their findings
 use data to evaluate and refine design solutions
j) constructing and critiquing conclusions and explanations
 construct and/or support arguments with evidence, data, and/or a model
 describe how scientific ideas apply to design solutions
 generate and compare multiple solutions to problems based on how well they meet the criteria
and constraints
k) developing and using models
 develop models using an analogy, example, or abstract representation to describe a scientific
principle or design solution
 identify limitations of models
l) obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
 read and comprehend reading-level-appropriate texts and/or other reliable media
 communicate scientific information, design ideas, and/or solutions with others
Force, Motion, and Energy
SOL 5.2
The student will investigate and understand that energy can take many forms. Key ideas include
a) energy is the ability to do work or to cause change;
b) there are many different forms of energy;
c) energy can be transformed; and
d) energy is conserved.
SOL 5.3
The student will investigate and understand that there is a relationship between force and energy
of moving objects. Key ideas include
a) moving objects have kinetic energy;
b) motion is described by an object’s direction and speed;
c) changes in motion are related to net force and mass;
d) when objects collide, the contact forces transfer energy and can change objects’ motion; and
e) friction is a force that opposes motion.
SOL 5.4
The student will investigate and understand that electricity is transmitted and used in daily life. Key ideas
electricity flows easily through conductors but not insulators;
electricity flows through closed circuits;
static electricity can be generated by rubbing certain materials together;
electrical energy can be transformed into radiant, mechanical, and thermal energy; and
a current flowing through a wire creates a magnetic field.
SOL 5.5
The student will investigate and understand that sound can be produced and transmitted. Key ideas
sound is produced when an object or substance vibrates;
sound is the transfer of energy;
different media transmit sound differently; and
sound waves have many uses and applications.
SOL 5.6
The student will investigate and understand that visible light has certain characteristics and behaves in
predictable ways. Key ideas include
visible light is radiant energy that moves in transverse waves;
the visible spectrum includes light with different wavelengths;
matter influences the path of light; and
radiant energy can be transformed into thermal, mechanical, and electrical energy.
SOL 5.7
The student will investigate and understand that matter has properties and interactions. Key ideas
a) matter is composed of atoms;
b) substances can be mixed together without changes in their physical properties; and
c) energy has an effect on the phases of matter.
Earth and Space Systems
SOL 5.8
The student will investigate and understand that Earth constantly changes. Key ideas include
a) Earth’s internal energy causes movement of material within the Earth;
plate tectonics describe movement of the crust;
the rock cycle models the transformation of rocks;
processes such as weathering, erosion, and deposition change the surface of the Earth; and
fossils and geologic patterns provide evidence of Earth’s change.
Earth Resources
SOL 5.9
The student will investigate and understand that the conservation of energy resources is important. Key
ideas include
a) some sources of energy are considered renewable and others are not;
b) individuals and communities have means of conserving both energy and matter; and
c) advances in technology improve the ability to transfer and transform energy.
North American Geography
Map and Globe Skills
NAG 5.1
The student will use maps, globes, photographs, charts, graphs, and tables to:
identify different types and uses of maps
understand information on a map, including legends, scale, and compass rose
position and label the seven continents and five oceans to create a world map
use the equator and prime meridian to identify the hemispheres
use parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude to locate specific places
develop an awareness of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and how people use them
Geographic Concepts
NAG 5.2
The student will demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of geography by:
defining geography
identifying and explaining the five themes of geography: Place, Region, Location, Movement, and Human/Environment Interaction
locating physical geographic information on a map of the continents: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, South America
NAG 5.3-5.9
The student will explore regions of the United States and countries of North America by:
a. locating the region on a map and identifying key political features;
b. explaining the physical and climate characteristics
c. analyzing the natural resources and economic activity of the region
d. describing the population of the region including: early settlements, historically significant events and places, and cultural
e. examining life in the region today by focusing on significant features and representative landmarks
5.3 The American Northeast
5.4 The American Southeast
5.5 The American Midwest
5.6 : The American Southwest
5.7 The American West
5.8 Neighboring Countries: Canada
5.9 Neighboring Countries: Mexico
5.10 Neighboring Countries: Central America
5.11 Neighboring Countries: The Caribbean Islands