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Summer Academy Proposal: Tech & Literacy Program

Summer Academy Proposal
Presented to:
Derrick Brown
KnowledgeBase Executive Director
(Insert Date)
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
Table Of Contents
Executive Summary ............................................................................................................. 3
The Approach .......................................................................................................................... 4
Program Operations ................................................................................................................................ 4
Program Content And Outcomes ............................................................................................................ 5
HISTORhYmes .................................................................................................................................. 5
HISTORhYmes Goals And Outcomes............................................................................................ 6
How To Build A Web Site.................................................................................................................. 8
How To Build A Web Site Goals And Outcomes ........................................................................... 9
How To Build A Computer .............................................................................................................. 10
How To Build A Computer Goals And Outcomes........................................................................ 11
Internet Scavenger Hunt ................................................................................................................... 11
Internet Scavenger Hunt Goals And Outcomes ............................................................................ 12
Back-To-School Auction .................................................................................................................. 14
Back-To-School Auction Goals And Outcomes ........................................................................... 14
Target Participants ................................................................................................................................ 16
Schedule ............................................................................................................................................... 16
Budget ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Our Experience .................................................................................................................... 18
Our Programs........................................................................................................................................ 18
The Real Divide Is Not "Digital" .......................................................................................................... 19
Biography of Derrick Brown, Executive Director ................................................................................ 20
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
Executive Summary
KnowledgeBase will present its five-day Summer Academy to a group of 20 <Snip>
rising tenth-grade students1 during July 2003 in <Snip>. In 2002, 50% of our Summer
Academy students resided in Lithonia, GA, and attended DeKalb County Public
This year's Summer Academy students will again have the opportunity to refurbish and
to take home a used computer (including monitor).
The Academy will be comprised of the following KnowledgeBase program modules:
How To Build A Web Site
How To Build A Computer
Internet Scavenger Hunt
Back-To-School Auction
The Summer Academy will enhance participants' reading, writing, math, leadership,
entrepreneurship, and critical thinking skills. These ends will be accomplished through
interactive problem-solving, skill-enhancing classes; applicable technology
demonstrations, and concept-reinforcing games.
This proposal is organized in the following manner:
Presentation of our approach to the project (program operations, program
content and outcomes, our target participants, a tentative schedule, and
program logistics (dates, times, space, equipment, supplies, etc.)
Our $6,825 ($341.25 per student) program budget (which covers staff
salaries, activity preparation, supplies, and computer equipment).
Background information about KnowledgeBase and Derrick Brown
These students participate in <Snip> - a collaborative effort of the City Schools of <Snip> and <Snip>, and is partially funded by a
grant from <Snip>.
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
Students Completing Internet Scavenger Hunt at 2001 KnowledgeBase
Summer Academy (<Snip>)
The Approach
This section of our proposal will present program operations, program content, our target
participants, a tentative schedule, and program logistics (dates, times, space, equipment,
supplies, etc.).
Program Operations
The KnowledgeBase Summer Academy will operate according to a halfday school schedule. Students will report to classes each morning that
will be held both in conventional classrooms and computer labs.
Students will be given brief (ten to fifteen minutes) morning and
afternoon breaks, and will also be given a one-hour lunch break.
Each participant will be expected to keep a project notebook to assemble
handouts, as well as the daily reading, writing, and math homework that
will be assigned. These notebooks will be checked daily.
The Summer Academy works best with small groups of no more than ten
students. If there are more than 10 students, they will be separated into
groups of no more than 10 students according to their current math level
and their computer experience.
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
2001 KnowledgeBase Summer Academy students refurbish
their own computers
Program Content And Outcomes
This section presents the program content as well as intangible and
tangible outcomes of each KnowledgeBase Summer Academy
instructional module:
How To Build A Web Site
How To Build A Computer
Internet Scavenger Hunt
Back-To-School Auction
HISTORhYmes is a literacy activity that enhances reading
comprehension, grammar, and writing skills by using the
creative imaginations of young people to present stories about
historical and contemporary figures. The activity also
incorporates supporting elements of the performing arts,
entrepreneurship, and computer & Internet literacy.
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
Students are surveyed about their personal interests, and are then
provided biographies of people whose life stories can
simultaneously mentor and inspire the students.
The students are then asked to retell the biography using various
forms of creative expression (poems, monologues, skits, rhymes,
etc.). For example, during the Fall 2002 <Snip>, we explored the
differing views and philosophies of W.E.B. DuBois and Booker
T. Washington. We also explored how their experiences shaped
their clashing views on African-American advancement and
empowerment after the abolishment of slavery.
The creative works are then set to music (created from a library
of digital soundtracks, or from computer-based drum machines),
recorded digitally, and burned to compact discs (CDs).
Students also perform their HISTORhYmes for a studio
audience of their peers, teachers, and parents.
2002 Summer Academy HISTORhYmes Presentation
HISTORhYmes Goals And Outcomes
"Intangible" Outcomes
Students will develop entrepreneurship and
computer skills by learning the rudiments of
music production and publishing using a
computer-based recording studio.
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
Students will explore their life's purpose,
and will increase their self-expression, selfawareness, and self-confidence through
writing and performing their works.
Measurable Outcomes (Per Georgia Department of
Education Quality Core Curriculum (QCC)
Grade 8 Language Arts
Grammar and Usage
 Students will spell frequently
used words correctly, and will
apply common spelling rules
(Standard 12)
 Students will expand their
listening vocabulary (Standard
 Students will record,
summarize, organize, interpret,
compare, and contrast
information presented orally
(Standard 18)
 Students will analyze literal,
inferential, and critical
questions (Standard 20)
 Students will expand their
reading vocabulary (Standard
 Students will use context clues
to determine meanings of
unknown words (Standard 35)
 Students will analyze fact and
opinion, persuasion techniques,
bias, and stereotyping (Standard
 Students will apply reading
strategies (literal
comprehension, context clues,
and main ideas) to specific
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
content material and subject
matter (Standard 44)
 Students will expand their
speaking vocabulary (Standard
 Students will communicate
effectively through oral
expression (Standard 57)
 Students will demonstrate a
sense of audience in preparing
and delivering oral
presentations (Standard 59)
 Students will use standards of
American English in
appropriate settings (Standard
 Students will use descriptive
words and phrases (Standard
 Students will apply grammatical
and mechanical conventions to
writing (Standard 73)
 Students will correctly spell
frequently used words and
commonly confused words in
paragraphs and compositions
(Standard 74)
 Students will write legibly
(Standard 76)
How To Build A Web Site
How To Build A Web Site works in concert with HISTORhYmes
as a literacy activity that enhances reading comprehension,
grammar, and writing skills by allowing students to visually
present their study of contemporary historical figures by
creating and publishing Internet Web Sites. The activity also
incorporates supporting elements of entrepreneurship and
computer & Internet literacy.
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
How To Build A Web Site Goals And Outcomes
"Intangible" Outcomes
Students will develop entrepreneurship and
computer skills by learning to properly
design and publish Internet Web sites.
Students will explore their life's purpose,
and will increase their self-expression, selfawareness, and self-confidence through
writing and publishing their works.
Measurable Outcomes (Per Georgia Department of
Education Quality Core Curriculum (QCC)
Grade 9-12 Business & Information
Information Technology: Web Page
 Students will demonstrate the
fundamentals of Web site
layout/design and site
preparation (Standard 39)
 Students will manipulate
graphics and multimedia in
Web site design (Standard 43)
Information Technology: Computer
 Students will demonstrate
mastery of basic desktop
publishing functions (Standard
 Students will demonstrate
mastery of basic presentation
software functions (Standard
Information Technology:
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
Students will identify career
opportunities in information
systems (Standard 39)
Information Technology: Core
 Communicate thoughts, ideas,
information, and messages in
writing and technologically
create documents (such as
letters, directions, manuals,
reports, graphs, and flowcharts)
(Standard 2)
 Students will participate and
interact as a team member and
leader (Standard 15)
How To Build A Computer
Using computer assembly kits built from old donated computers,
How To Build A Computer allows students to learn what each
computer component does by relating it to a part of the human
The students then become skilled in actual computer assembly,
software installation, and troubleshooting by participating in
timed team competitions.
2002 Summer Academy Students Rebuild A Computer
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
How To Build A Computer Goals And Outcomes
"Intangible" Outcomes
Students will learn to identify the parts of a
Students will learn to describe the function
of each part of a computer
Students will learn to troubleshoot computer
problems by using a basic problem solving
Students will become knowledgeable
consumers of computers and other
technology products
Measurable Outcomes (Per Georgia Department of
Education Quality Core Curriculum (QCC)
Grade 9-12 Business & Information
Information Technology: Operating
Systems and Management
 Students will demonstrate
knowledge of computer
architecture and processor types
(Standard 37)
 Students will demonstrate
knowledge of CPU components
(Standard 38)
 Students will demonstrate
knowledge of connectivity
devices (Standard 39)
 Students will describe student
components (Standard 41)
Internet Scavenger Hunt
The Internet Scavenger Hunt activity is a computer-based
competition that demonstrates the Internet's power and utility as
a research tool by having students use it to find answers to a
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
series of questions. It also stresses the importance of carefully
reading to successfully navigate a Web site.
This activity can be done according to themes (Black History
Month, Books of the Bible, Sports Heroes, Career Choices, etc.),
which allows it to be integrated into almost any instructional
unit as a tool of exploratory reinforcement.
An example of Internet Scavenger hunt questions appears below:
Your Answer
Biography: African- Where is Super Soaker
Super Soaker Inventor American
inventor Lonnie
Lonnie Johnson
Johnson from?
Biography: African- What is Dr. Mark Dean
currently trying to
Dr. Mark Dean
Dr. Tasha Inniss
Monopoly Inventor
Clarence Darrow
How many AfricanAmerican females
besides Dr. Tasha
Biography: African- Inniss received PhDs in
math from the
University of Maryland?
Where did Charles
Darrow get the idea to
use playing pieces like
Charles Darrow, the man on the horse,
Inventor of the
the shoe, the hat, etc.
game Monopoly in Monopoly ?
Figure 1. Internet Scavenger Hunt Example
Internet Scavenger Hunt Goals And Outcomes
"Intangible" Outcomes
Students will learn to use the Internet as a
research tool
Students will be able to learn to make
decisions with the support of evidence
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
Measurable Outcomes (Per Georgia Department of
Education Quality Core Curriculum (QCC)
Grade 8 Language Arts
 Students will read a variety of
material for information
(Standard 31)
 Students will read a variety of
materials for pleasure (Standard
 Students will expand their
reading vocabulary (Standard
 Students will use context clues
to determine meanings of
unknown words (Standard 35)
 Students will interpret written
instructions (Standard 39)
 Students will analyze relevance
of data (Standard 42)
 Students will analyze fact and
opinion, persuasion techniques,
bias, and stereotyping (Standard
 Students will apply reading
strategies (literal
comprehension, context clues,
and main ideas) to specific
content material and subject
matter (Standard 44)
Reference And Study Skills
 Students will select relevant
information about a topic from
various sources (Standard 49)
 Students will present
information without
plagiarizing (Standard 50)
 Students will use the Internet as
a source of information and
pleasure (Standard 55)
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
Back-To-School Auction
The Back-To-School auction is an activity that can be done
during the last week of camp, where students can bid
competitively (using Monopoly money) on supplies and other
surprise goodies garnered from "wish lists" that students will
have completed earlier during the camp.
2002 Summer Academy Back-To-School Auction
Back-To-School Auction Goals And Outcomes
"Intangible" Outcomes
Students will learn basic budgeting and
financial decision making
Students will the financial wisdom of
balancing wants and needs
Measurable Outcomes (Per Georgia Department of
Education Quality Core Curriculum (QCC)
Grade 9-12 Mathematics: Pre-Algebra
Mental Computation and Estimation
 Students select and use appropriate
estimation strategies, such as
rounding, truncating, front-end,
adjusting, compensation,
compatible numbers, clustering, and
reference point, and recognizes
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
situations in which estimates are
more appropriate than exact
numbers (Standard 2)
Grade 9-12 Mathematics: Mathematical
Money Management
 Students prepare a budget for a
given income on a weekly, monthly,
and annual basis (Standard 4)
 Students demonstrate an awareness
of how income and personal goals
affect financial planning and
decisions (Standard 7)
 Students compute sales tax, total
purchase price, and change received
in a cash purchase (Standard 28)
 Compares unit-price to do
comparison-shopping and determine
the better buy (Standard 31)
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
Target Participants
Ideal candidates for the KnowledgeBase Summer Academy are students
who …
Are rising eighth, ninth, and tenth graders
Have completed a pre-algebra course
Have had some exposure to computers and the Internet
(extensive experience is not necessary)
Will complete a brief (one-page) application that requires a
written essay
Attend and complete a thirty-minute interview with
KnowledgeBase's Derrick Brown
The KnowledgeBase will be hosted during <Snip> in <Snip>. Final
daily schedules will be determined during our planning week.
Computer Networking Demonstration At KnowledgeBase Summer
Academy (June 20-24, 2000) (<Snip>)
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
2003 KnowledgeBase
Summer Academy
Projected Cost
Academy Director
Project Director
Student Assistants
Summer Academy Supplies
Computer Supplies
Office Supplies
Auction Prizes
Summer Academy Computer
Refurbished Computers
Computer Monitors
Windows98 Licenses
Mouse Pads
Academy Director will
manage camp planning and
execution; will also develop
curriculum and instruct during
$1,200 camp
Project Director will develop
curriculum and instruct during
$500 camp
4 student assistants will assist
Academy and Project
$800 Directors as needed
Copies will be made at Office
$100 Depot
Inkjet Printer Cartridges,
Laser Printer Toner, Blank
CDs, CD Labels, CD
$235 Envelopes, CD Mailers
Parking Passes, Parking
Validation Cards, Incidental
$365 Supply Purchases
Computers that students will
refurbish and will take home
at the end of camp
Pentium II 350 MHz
computers with 64 MB RAM,
4 GB hard drive, CD-ROM,
diskette drive, built-in
network, video, and sound
$1,200 cards (Dell OptiPlex Gxa)
Used 15" SVGA monitors
$900 (Dell Trinitron)
Must purchase operating
system software license for
$700 each computer
New keyboard for each
$160 computer
New mouses for each
$100 computer
New mouse pads for each
$100 computer
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
Our Experience
Founded as an informal community outreach project in 1995, KnowledgeBase is
currently a Georgia corporation (incorporated April 24, 1998). KnowledgeBase's mission
is to educate and empower people using media like the Internet as tools to enhance their
reading, writing, math, entrepreneurial, leadership, and critical thinking skills.
Our Programs
HISTORhYmes is a literacy activity that enhances reading comprehension,
grammar, and writing skills by using the creative imaginations of young people
to study historical and contemporary people and events.
The Summer Academy enhances participants' reading, writing, math, leadership,
entrepreneurship, and critical thinking skills. These ends are accomplished
through interactive problem solving, skill enhancing classes, applicable
technology demonstrations, and concept reinforcing games.
Project CHIP refurbishes and distributes quality, low-cost computers to missiondriven organizations and families.
Writing Your First Business Plan is an interactive seminar (soon to be
published as a book) that uses the Bible to teach aspiring entrepreneurs an
inside-out approach that allows them to transform their vision into missiondriven actions.
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
Students Constructing Computer Network At KnowledgeBase Summer
Academy (June 12-16, 2000) (<Snip>)
The Real Divide Is Not "Digital"
During the last several years, our work has received more attention due to the
emergence of the Digital Divide (a disparity in computer and Internet access and
use among people of color) as a national issue. We believe that the mainstream's
recognition of this "digital" divide gives us the opportunity to resolve the
knowledge, experience, and economic resource divides that created it by
employing the following four strategies:
1. Collaboration. Our initial investment must be to organize leaders
and communities to see and to work to achieve the same end - the
collective education and empowerment of people through improving
their reading, writing, math, entrepreneurship, leadership, and
critical thinking skills.
2. Each One Reach One, Then Teach One. Our next investment must
focus on first creating awareness of the need to develop skills, then
building technology centers in churches, schools, and community
centers that grant access to those who do not have it, and providing
training that makes this access meaningful.
3. Access To Capital. The success of each of these efforts depends on
having money available to finance them.
4. Edutainment. We must build companies that produce compelling
content that enlightens and entertains.
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
KnowledgeBase Executive Director Derrick Brown Delivering
Resolving The Digital Divide At Sandia National Laboratories
(February 17, 2000) (Livermore, CA)
Biography of Derrick Brown, Executive Director
Derrick Brown founded, and currently leads KnowledgeBase. KnowledgeBase's mission
is to educate and empower people using media like the Internet as tools to enhance their
reading, writing, math, entrepreneurial, leadership, and critical thinking skills.
He was formerly the Vice-President of Strategic Planning and Marketing for BGS
Infosystems, Inc. (BGSI), an Internet startup firm who produces an Internet directory of
African-related WWW resources called "The Universal Black Pages" (www.ubp.com).
While with BGSI, Derrick authored the company's business and marketing plans, and
also wrote strategic plans for BGSI's advertising, consulting, and electronic commerce
Derrick earned his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering with honors from Clemson
University in December 1991. He then worked for The MITRE Corporation's (Reston,
VA) Signal Processing and Advanced Technology Department for one year before
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
beginning graduate studies at Georgia Tech, where he received his M.S. degree in
Electrical Engineering in March 1994.
During his time at Georgia Tech, Derrick was an active member of the Black Graduate
Student Association (BGSA). He created the Information Resources and Technology
committee in September 1993 to encourage students to use electronic mail and other
emerging Internet resources like the World Wide Web. He served as BGSA president
from May 1994 - May 1996, during which the organization became a leading advocate of
information technology utilization.
Derrick also consulted at Georgia Tech’s Advanced Technology Development Center
(ATDC), Georgia’s premier high-tech business incubator. While at ATDC, Derrick
served as a reviewer for ATDC’s Faculty Research and Commercialization Program
(FRCP), which provided startup capital to Georgia professors with promising intellectual
property who wished to start companies. He also served as Webmaster for Netcelerate
(http://www.netcelerate.org), ATDC’s online entrepreneurial community.
Derrick served as a 1999 Technology Fellow with the Enterprise Foundation
(http://www.enterprisefoundation.org). As a technology fellow, his duties were to use
information technology tools and training methods to improve day-to-day operations in
Enterprise’s constituent community development corporations (CDCs). Establishing
these relationships has allowed KnowledgeBase to continue working with several of
these organizations after the conclusion of Derrick’s fellowship tenure to help these
CDCs establish community technology centers.
His work received special recognition in September 1999, when Derrick was invited to a
two-day White House briefing of the African-American Internet Constituency. Organized
in the midst of growing public concern over the Digital Divide, the group invited to the
briefing represents the vanguard that has already been working for several years to
conquer this problem by creating compelling Internet content and by organizing
substantive infrastructure-building and training efforts targeted at African-Americans.
Derrick is originally from Elloree, SC, a rural community in central South Carolina. His
personal mission is to promote the end of education and empowerment for people
through the means of fundamental, innovative uses of computer and information
technology to enhance their skills. KnowledgeBase is his vehicle to make God's will for
His people manifest on earth by
Loving Him and each other (1 Corinthians 13:4-7) with all our hearts, and
keeping His commandments (Exodus 20:1-20)
Being good stewards of what He has given us (time, relationships, talents,
possessions, body, and conscience)
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db
KnowledgeBase, Inc.
Summer Academy Proposal (DRAFT)
April 10, 2003
Ministering (serving people) in ways that allow us to discover, then to help to
resolve the issues that hinder us all from discovering and walking the path to our
Practicing REAL success by building Relationships, Equipping others (which
equips us), having a Kingdom-minded Attitude, and being a Leader
Building Godly enterprises that build increase in people first, which will
necessarily bring an accompanying increase in resources (Matthew 6:33)
Copyright © 2003, 2013 Derrick Brown and KnowledgeBase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Derrick Brown
Principal Consultant
BLOG: http://reachthenteach.blogspot.com
LINKED IN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbrowndbrown
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/derrick.s.brown
SCRIBD: http://scr.bi/db_kb
TpT: http://bitly.com/tpt_db